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Wiley opensolaris bible feb 2009 ISBN 0470385480 pdf

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The latest version of OpenSolaris is here—and this comprehensive guide is your one-stop gateway to it all You’ll start with a basic crash course in OpenSolaris, including command lines and shells, the GNOME Desktop, systems administration, and other essential topics Later chapters focus on application development, networking, virtualization, DTrace, and other topics that will transform you into a power user Find practical tips, step-by-step tutorials, and exact command lines and screenshots you can use right away • Explore the OpenSolaris operating environment—from GNOME® to the bash shell, vim text editor, and more • Connect printers, USB devices, and other peripherals to your desktop • Master systems administration, including ZFS and NFS file systems, networking, directory services, and security • Observe and debug the system with the innovative Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) facility and other monitoring tools • Share a single physical machine among multiple users and processes with xVM, VirtualBox™, and other virtualization tools is an engineer at Sun Microsystems and core contributor to the OpenSolaris HA Clusters community group He is lead author of Professional C++ Gerald Jelinek is an engineer on the Zones team at Sun and a core contributor to the OpenSolaris Zones community group David Miner is an engineer at Sun, a co-lead for the OpenSolaris distribution, and architect of the Caiman installer Shelving Category: COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / UNIX Reader Level: Beginning to Advanced $49.99 USA $59.99 Canada OpenSolaris ™ Explore the OpenSolaris operating environment Master networking and systems administration • Write and debug applications in C, C++, Java®, Ruby, Python®, and other languages www.wiley.com/compbooks Nicholas A Solter, Gerald Jelinek, and David Miner ™ • Deploy web services using Apache, Apache Tomcat, MySQL®, and other open source web stack applications Nicholas A Solter OpenSolaris Master one of the most innovative new open source operating systems Solter, Jelinek, Miner Deploy web services using open source applications The book you need to succeed! ™ OpenSolaris Bible Nicholas A Solter Gerald Jelinek David Miner Wiley Publishing, Inc OpenSolaris™ Bible Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-38548-7 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Solter, Nicholas, 1977OpenSolaris bible / Nicholas Solter, Gerald Jelinek, David Miner p cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-470-38548-7 (paper/website) OpenSolaris (Electronic resource) Operating systems (Computers) Open source software I Jelinek, Gerald II Miner, David III Title QA76.76.O63S6526 2009 005.3 — dc22 2008049814 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, 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(800) 762-2974, outside the U.S at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the publisher Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books To my children, Kai and Katja — Nicholas Solter To my wife, Sarah, who had no idea we would be moving when I was in the middle of this book, but who was always encouraging and supportive — Jerry Jelinek I dedicate this book to my wife, Kris I hope she doesn’t regret telling me, while I was considering participating, that I won’t regret having written it! — Dave Miner About the Authors Nicholas Solter has worked at Sun Microsystems for more than eight years in the areas of high availability and distributed systems In his work on the Solaris Cluster product, he has implemented clustering support for core Solaris features such as Zones and SMF He was the technical lead in open sourcing the Solaris Cluster product and is currently leading the effort to run Solaris Cluster on the OpenSolaris distribution In addition to his work at Sun, Nicholas has experience in the computer game industry at Digital Media International and Electronic Arts He is also the lead author of Professional C++ (Wrox) and has taught C++ at the college level Nicholas studied computer science at Stanford University, where he earned bachelor of science (with distinction) and master of science degrees, with a concentration in systems When not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing basketball, reading, and playing in the Colorado snow (having been deprived of winters growing up in Southern California) Gerald Jelinek has been an engineer at Sun Microsystems for a total of almost 20 years, although not contiguously He currently works on the Zones virtualization subsystem in OpenSolaris In the past, he has worked on a wide variety of projects, including system installation, JumpStart, printing, a variety of system administration tools, and the Solaris Volume Manager A little-known fact is that he personally assembled the various project bits and burned the Solaris 2.0 golden CD In addition to Sun, Gerald has worked at several other companies Gerald graduated from Washington University in St Louis with a B.S in computer science, and from the University of Colorado with an M.S in computer science He and his wife, Sarah, spend most of their free time fixing up the 85-year-old house they recently moved into David Miner has been an engineer at Sun Microsystems for nearly two decades He is presently the lead for the Caiman installer project and co-lead for the OpenSolaris distribution During his time at Sun he has worked primarily in the areas of system administration and networking and has been a significant contributor to a variety of projects in both fields, including the Solaris admintool and sysidtool, PC-NFS, the Solaris DHCP server and DHCP Manager management tool, and the Service Management Facility (SMF) Prior to Sun, Dave worked at Prime Computer on TCP/IP networking David graduated from Michigan State University with a B.S (with honors) in computer science In his spare time, Dave is an avid golfer and hoopster He and his wife, Kris Corwin, are the adoptive parents of a small pack of retired racing greyhounds Credits Executive Editor Bob Elliott Development Editor Maryann Steinhart Technical Editor Peter Baer Galvin Production Editor Dassi Zeidel Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Barry Pruett Project Coordinator, Cover Lynsey Stanford Proofreader Josh Chase, Word One Copy Editor Luann Rouff Indexer Ted Laux Editorial Manager Mary Beth Wakefield Cover Illustration Joyce Haughey Production Manager Tim Tate Cover Designer Michael E Trent R Index restoring (continued) zones, 731–732 restricted shells, 398 resume command cluster resource groups, 612 power management, 161 xVM domains, 763–764 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), 273 revision history for repositories CVS, 917 Mercurial, 926 Subversion, 921–922 RG_ properties, 613–616 RGs (resource groups), 590, 608 life cycles, 608–612 properties, 612–617 Rhythmbox application, 119–121, 120 rights profiles, 389–392 ring buffers, 239 ring policy in DTrace buffering, 561 Ritchie, Dennis, rlogin service disabling, 380 Kerberos, 436, 439 rm-config command, 818 rm-io command, 809 rm-mau command, 811 rm-memory command, 811 rm-reconf command, 804 rm-var command, 816 rm-vcpu command, 811 rm-vdisk command, 813 rm-vdsdev command, 806 rm-vnet command, 814 rmformat command, 197 rmvolmgr service, 196–197 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), 68, 384–385 authorization, 386–388 profiles, 258, 389–392, 695 roles, 392–394 terminology, 385 working with, 385–386 zones, 695 role-change action scripts, 643 roleadd command, 91, 392 roledel command, 91, 394 rolemod command, 393–394, 398 roles managing, 89–92, 90 RBAC, 392–394 roles command, 70, 393 960 root as role, 394 root file system, 182 root kits, 370 root passwords in MySQL, 852–853 root pools mirroring, 93–95 ZFS, 224–225 root user, 384 route command, 314–315 routeadm command, 314, 317 routers, 313, 317–318 routing, 313 dynamic IP, 316 dynamic routers, 317–318 IP forwarding, 313–314 static IP, 314–316 rpcbind service, 383 /rpool/boot/grub directory, 96 rpools, 92–94, 224–225 RPOs (recovery point objectives), 635–636 RSA algorithm, 407 rsh service, 436 RSS (resident set size), 510 rt_callbacks command, 607 RT (Real Time) class, 683 RT_ properties, 609 rt_properties command, 607 RTI (requests to integrate), 16 RTOs (recovery time objectives), 635–636 RTR (Resource Type Registration) file, 606–607 Ruby language installing, 859 tracing, 572–573 Ruby on Rails language tracing, 572–573 working with, 892–893 rules in BART file, 424 run command dbx and GDB debuggers, 886 guest domains, 750 Java Debugger, 874 Run Main Project command, 896 run queues, 513 running C and C++, 904–905 NetBeans IDE, 899–900, 900 OpenSolaris, 13 Python scripts, 891 running state domains, 758 zones, 726 rw_iswriter function, 553 rw_write_held function, 553 S SAM-QFS (Storage Archive Manager/Quick File System), 217 Samba project, 333 SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) project, 148 sane-find-scanner command, 148 SANs (storage area networks), 198–199 sar (system activity reporter) utility, 523–524 SAs (Security Associations), 413 SATA (Serial ATA) emulation, 838–839 save command guest domains, 750 xVM domains, 763–765 savecore command, 930–931 SBD (Secure by Default) feature, 318, 379–384 /sbin directory, 60, 96 SBP (Script-Based Plug-in), 637 scalable Apache, 600–605 scalable services, 578, 579 scalar arrays, 546 scan-wifi command, 275 scanimage command, 148 Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) project, 148 scanners, 148–149, 384, 513 sccheck command, 588, 631 SCCS (Source Code Control System), 913 sch-add command, 410–411 sch-agent command, 410–411 sched-credit command, 774 schedinfo command, 773–774 scheduling, 682 classes, 87, 680, 682–683, 686–687 CPU caps, 687 FSS, 684–686, 700–702 virtual CPUs, 773–774 scheduling-class property, 713 schema in LDAP, 365–366 Schilling, Jorg, 21 Schillix distribution, 21–22 scinstall command, 584, 588 Index SCM See source code management (SCM) scp command, 410 screen resolution, 107 screenshots, 122 Script-Based Plug-in (SBP), 637 scripting, shell, 893–894 scrubbing ZFS data, 234–235 scsi_vhci driver, 202–203 scstat command, 597 SCX (Solaris Cluster Express), 583, 638 sdt (statically defined tracing) provider, 538, 565–568 seamless windows, 834 search command, 43, 78–80, 171, 175, 583 searching packages, 78–80, 173–176 in vim, 68–69 secondary DNS servers, 299 secondary nodes, 590 secure-by-default configuration, 82 Secure by Default (SBD) feature, 318, 379–384 secure copy, 411–412 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) digests, 405 Secure Shell (SSH), 82–83, 408 manifest files See manifest files method script, 479–481 non-password-based authentication, 408–411 with secure copy, 411–412 tunneling, 412–413 Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 407 security, 369 access control lists, 399–404 attack detection See attack detection communication IPsec, 413–419 overview, 406–407 SSH, 408–413 encrypted files, 404–405 firewalls, 379 Kerberos See Kerberos security message digests, 405 NFS, 346–349 overview, 369–370 PAMs, 372–374 password management See passwords port-scanning tools, 384 privileges, 394–398 RBAC See Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) restricted shells, 398 SBD, 379–384 terminology, 371 Trusted Extensions, 445–446 user stack execution, 406 zones and resource management, 406 Security Associations (SAs), 413 security service logs, 422 seed repositories, 496 segmentation faults, 884 Select Windows When The Mouse Moves Over Them option, 106 self-healing, predictive, 451–453 self variable, 544 semicolons (;) command line, 55 DTrace statements, 549 send command for zones, 731 sending IPS packages, 928 sendmail program, 308–309 Serial ATA (SATA) emulation, 838–839 serial devices, 156–159 serial ports, 156–158 Server Message Block (SMB) See Common Internet File System (CIFS) servers DHCP, 302–305 DNS, 294–299 LDAP, 366 NIS, 359–364 quorum, 581 Subversion, 918–919 VRDP, 829–830, 841 web See web stacks service bundles, 472 service_fmri attribute, 475 service graphs, 491–492 Service Management Facility (SMF), 88 Apache configuration, 849 customizing, 500–501 example service, 468–472 logs, 422 management commands, 481–490 manifest file, 472–479 manifest-import service, 495–496 method scripts, 479–481 milestones, 496–499 print services, 137, 139 profiles, 499–500 Proxy service, 631–633 repositories, 493–495 restarters, 490–493 service management, 466–468 vs UNIX init, 466–468 xVM hypervisor, 768–769 zones, 731 services, 465 clusters for, 589–590 resource groups See resource groups (RGs) resource types, 606–609 resources, 617–622 disabling, 380–382 Internet, 110 e-mail and calendar, 112–115, 113–116 instant messaging, 116–119, 117–118 web browsing, 110–112, 111 Kerberos, 435–436, 438 LDoms, 789–790, 790, 804–808, 810 with local connections only, 383 managing, 88–89 in manifest files, 472–473 naming, 331, 353–355 network See networks and networking print, 138–140 and processes, 465–466 service management vs fault management, 453 sharing, 338–340 SMF See Service Management Facility (SMF) servlet containers, 846 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 150 sessions, desktop, 103–105 Sessions dialog, 132 set action for IPS packages, 168 set command, 59 clusters, 608, 614–616, 621, 628 share groups, 347 sharing services, 339 zones, 695 set-authority command, 80, 177 set-config command, 818 set-linkprop command, 160 961 S S Index set-mau command control domains, 793 guest domains, 796 set-memory command control domains, 793 guest domains, 796 LDOM delayed reconfiguration, 803 set-menu command, 745 set-prop command, 643 Set User ID capability, 394 set-var command guest domains, 797 OBP variables, 816 set-vcc command, 804 set-vcons command, 814–815 set-vcpu command, 793 set-vnet command, 814 set-vsw command, 804 setextradata command, 837 setfacl command, 399–401 setmaxmem command, 761, 776 setmem command, 761, 763, 776–777 setprop command, 489 setrlimit command, 665 Settings control panel, 832–833, 832 setuid root command, 394 setvcpus command, 761, 763, 773 sftp command, 411 SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) digests, 405 sha1sum command, 405 share command Kerberos, 441 limitations, 333 share groups, 334–338 shareall command, 333 sharectl command, 334, 338–340 shared addresses for clusters, 603 shared clipboards, 834 shared-key encryption, 407 shared storage for clusters, 580 sharemgr command, 334–338 sharenfs property, 338 sharing desktop, 108–110, 109 directories, 335–337, 341, 834–835 files, 333–334 CIFS service, 340–341 packages for, 334 services, 338–340 962 share groups and sharemgr, 334–338 home directories, 341 NFS shares, 342–346, 349 ZFS datasets, 337–338 shells, 54–55 commands executing, 55–57 history, 57 paths, 59–61 privileged, 68–71 redirection, 64 customizing, 65–66 environment variables, 58–59 file management, 61–63 job control, 64–65 profile, 386 restricted, 398 scripting, 893–894 text editors, 66–70 shift operators, 550–551 show command clusters, 605, 607–608, 612, 614, 616, 620, 627–628 share groups, 335–347 show-aggr command, 286 show-link command, 272, 286–287, 780 show-linkprop command, 160 show-secobj command, 276 show-vlan command, 287 show-wifi command, 275 showhost version command, 791 showmount command, 342–343 shut off domain state, 758 shutdown command, 96–97 clusters, 606 guest domains, 750 resource groups, 606 xVM domains, 763–764 zones, 699 shutdown.sh script, 861 shutting down, 53, 96–97 clusters, 606 and file systems, 207 zones, 699, 731 shutting down zone state, 726 $sid macro, 547 side pane in Rhythmbox, 120 SIGHUP signal, 86 signals for processes, 86–87 SIGTERM signal, 86 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 526–527 LDom domains, 803 network-attached printers, 137–138 remote systems, 328 Single_instance property, 609 SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 150 size resident set, 510 UFS file system, 221 virtual disks, 44 sizeof operator, 551 Skype service, 151 slab allocator, 887 slashes (/) in DTrace, 540, 550–551 slave servers DNS, 299 NIS, 355, 362–364 slices, 93, 195–196, 203–204 SMA (system management agent), 526 sma_snmp command, 527 SMB (Server Message Block) See Common Internet File System (CIFS) smbadm join command, 340 smbautohome function, 341 smbfs file system, 349–352 smbios command, 505, 508 smbstat command, 341–342 smbutil command, 341, 352 SMF See Service Management Facility (SMF) SMTP protocol, 115 Snap tab in VirtualBox, 831 snapshots datasets, 245–248, 245, 732 file system, 225 SMF, 500 UFS, 212–213 VirtualBox, 831 zones, 723–724 SNDR (StorageTek Network Data Replicator), 637 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 526–527 LDom domains, 803 network-attached printers, 137–138 remote systems, 328 snmp-trapgen module, 454 snmpd command, 328 SNMPv2-MIB.txt file, 527 snoop command IPsec configuration, 417–418 traffic capture, 326–327 Index SOA (Start of Authority) records, 296 social engineering, 372 socket_timeout property, 186 softmodems, 159 software alternative repositories, 80–82 boot environment, 180–185 clusters, 583–584 distribution building, 187–188 finding and installing, 78–80 information on, 83–85 packages See packages updating, 177–179, 178 zones, 732–733 Solaris and OpenSolaris, 11 Solaris Auditing, 425–427 data review, 427–428 features, 430 per-user basis, 428–429 policies, 430 syslogging audit events, 429 turning off, 430 turning on, 425–427 Solaris Cluster Express (SCX), 583, 638 Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE), 20–21 Solaris Express Developer Edition (SXDE), 20 Solaris Hardware Compatibility List, 163 Solaris Internals (McDougall and Mauro), 687 Solaris Systems Programming (Teer), 878 Solaris Volume Manager (SVM), 217–221 cluster support, 578 commands and features, 220–221 metadevice creation, 218–219 overview, 217–218 source code from open source software, Source Code Control System (SCCS), 913 source code management (SCM), 913 CVS, 913–914 conflicts, 916 repositories, 914–916 Mercurial, 922 conflicts, 925 repositories, 923–924 Subversion, 918 conflicts, 920–921 repositories, 918–920 SPARC systems, 24–25 spare devices in ZFS pools, 232–234 spare nodes, 590 sparse root zones, 708–710 sparse volumes, 244 specsize setting, 562 speculate function, 562 speculation function, 553, 562 speculative tracing, 562–563 spell-check program, 871–874 Spell class, 871 SpellChecker class, 872–873 split-brain cluster scenario, 577 ss-dev package, 875, 878 SSH See Secure Shell (SSH) ssh-add program, 104 ssh-agent daemon, 104 ssh/authorized_keys file, 410 ssh command, 83 graphical display virtualization, 657 guest domains, 748 Kerberos, 436, 438 non-password-based authentication, 408–409 tunneling, 412–413 VirtualBox, 836, 842 xVM domains, 754 ssh-keygen command, 409–410 SSIDs with NWAM, 268–269 SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 407 stability element in manifest files, 478–479 stack function, 552 stacks execution prevention, 406 network, 706–708 user-level, 568 web AMP See AMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack Java-based web services, 859–865, 861, 863, 865 overview, 845–846 standard resource properties, 618–620 standards, networking, 264 standby interface groups, 278 star topology, 637, 638 start command clusters, 639 Geographic Edition, 642 guest domains, 798 LDoms, 817 share groups, 336 svcadm, 486 xVM domains, 763–764 start_job function, 566–567 START method, 607 Start of Authority (SOA) records, 296 startd service, 491–494 starting state for LDom domains, 802 starting xVM domains, 763–766 startserv command, 856 startup command, 688 startup.sh script, 860–861 states boot environment, 180 domains, 758 LDom domains, 802 services, 486–487 zones, 726–727 static configuration of pools, 676–677 static IP configuring, 273–275 routing, 314–316 static web pages, 846 statically defined tracing (sdt) provider, 565–568 status, printer, 144–145 status command clusters Apache, 598, 603–604, 610–611, 626 failover storage, 624 GDS, 634 properties, 615–616 resource groups, 593–594, 608 resource life status, 618 SMF, 632–633 quorums, 630 sharing services, 338 Subversion, 921 step command dbx and GDB debuggers, 886 Java Debugger, 874 stop command dbx debugger, 886 DTrace, 554 guest domains, 800 Java Debugger, 874 LDom console, 814 LDoms, 817 share groups, 336 SMF, 486 963 S S Index STOP method, 607 stopping state for LDom domains, 802 stopping xVM domains, 763–766 storage failover, 591–596, 623 file systems See file systems VirtualBox, 837–840, 838 Storage Archive Manager/Quick File System (SAM-QFS), 217 storage area networks (SANs), 198–199 StorageTek Network Data Replicator (SNDR), 637 store service, 768 strcpy command, 881–882 strdup command, 882 string type in DTrace, 543 stringof operator, 551 striping ZFS RAID, 231 strjoin function, 553 strlen function, 553 strong passwords, 376–377 subtraction in DTrace, 550 Subversion SCM, 918 conflicts, 920–921 repositories, 918–920 sudo software, 385 sum function, 554 Sun Device Detection Tool, 28–29 Sun Java System Web Server, 854–856, 857 Sun Message Identifier, 454 Sun Studio, 875–876 Sun Studio Express, 170, 875–876, 904 sun-webserver7 package, 854–855 sunstudioexpress package, 169, 876 SUNWant package, 894 SUNWbinfiles package, 302–303 SUNWcups package, 139 SUNWcvs package, 914 SUNWdhcb package, 302 SUNWdhcm package, 302 SUNWdhcs package, 302 SUNWfiles package, 302 SUNWgmake package, 894 SUNWgnome-img-editor package, 125 SUNWgnome-meeting package, 150 SUNWgnome-time-slider package, 248 SUNWgnu-emacs-gtk package, 66 SUNWgnu-emacs-nox package, 66 SUNWGtk package, 81 964 SUNWhea package, 878 SUNWj6dev package, 82, 870 SUNWj6dvx package, 870 SUNWjass package, 820 SUNWlang package, 75 SUNWldm package, 792 SUNWmercurial package, 922 SUNWnap package, 384 SUNWnfss package, 334 SUNWosdem package, 690 SUNWrdesktop package, 840 SUNWroute package, 316 SUNWruby18 package, 892 SUNWsamba package, 143 SUNWsane package, 148 SUNWsongbird package, 120 SUNWsprot package, 894 SUNWsudo package, 385 SUNWsvn package, 918 SUNWtcat package, 860 SUNWtcsh package, 54 SUNWtmp package, 703 SUNWvncviewer package, 744 SUNWwbsup package, 173 SUNWxchat package, 116 SUNWxvnc package, 109 SUNWzsh package, 54 superusers privileged commands, 68 security issues, 384 Suspend_automatic_recovery property, 614 suspend command cluster resource groups, 612 power management, 161 xVM domains, 763–764 Suspend/Resume project, 161 svcadm command authorizations, 387 DNS, 305 service states, 481, 486–487 svcadm clear ssh command, 487 svcadm clear system/boot-archive command, 98 svcadm disable command, 382 svcadm disable apache22 command, 855, 860 svcadm disable gdm command, 131 svcadm disable network/ftp command, 89 svcadm disable network/login command, 436 svcadm disable network/physical command, 76, 268, 271 svcadm disable network/shell command, 436 svcadm disable nis/client command, 365 svcadm disable nis/server command, 365 svcadm disable ssh command, 486 svcadm disable svc command, 501 svcadm disable telnet command, 388 svcadm enable command, 745 svcadm enable application/pkg/server command, 185 svcadm enable auditd command, 427 svcadm enable dns/server command, 298 svcadm enable ftp command, 306, 380 svcadm enable gdm command, 132 svcadm enable ike command, 415 svcadm enable ipfilter command, 322 svcadm enable mysql command, 851 svcadm enable network/dns/multicast command, 300 svcadm enable network/ftp command, 89 svcadm enable network/http:apache22 command, 848 svcadm enable network/login command, 436 svcadm enable network/ntp command, 307 svcadm enable network/physical command, 76, 268, 271 svcadm enable network/shell command, 436 svcadm enable nfs/client command, 343–344 svcadm enable nis/client command, 358 svcadm enable postgresql_83 command, 859 svcadm enable printers command, 137 svcadm enable ssh command, 486 svcadm enable svc command, 501, 792, 794, 811, 819 svcadm enable system/pools/dynamic command, 680, 703 svcadm enable xvnc-inetd command, 110 svcadm milestone command, 498 svcadm refresh command, 308, 490 svcadm refresh application/pkg/server command, 186 Index svcadm refresh dns/server command, 298 svcadm refresh ike command, 415–416 svcadm refresh ipfilter command, 322 svcadm refresh ldoms/vntsd command, 808 svcadm refresh printers command, 138 svcadm refresh ssh command, 501 svcadm refresh svc command, 768, 770 svcadm refresh system-log command, 89, 383, 421 svcadm refresh xvm/xend command, 768 svcadm restart command, 308 svcadm restart apache22 command, 849, 851 svcadm restart application/pkg/server command, 186 svcadm restart application/print/server command, 146 svcadm restart auditd command, 429 svcadm restart autofs command, 345 svcadm restart ftp command, 435 svcadm restart gdm command, 110 svcadm restart ike command, 415–416 svcadm restart ipsec/policy command, 417–418 svcadm restart ldoms/vntsd command, 808 svcadm restart name-service cache command, 354 svcadm restart network/security/kadmin command, 443 svcadm restart network/telnet command, 436 svcadm restart nwam command, 77, 270 svcadm restart ppd-cache-update command, 148 svcadm restart printers command, 138 svcadm restart ssh command, 409 svcadm restart svc command, 768, 770 svcadm restart system-log command, 89, 383, 429 svccfg command HVM domains, 768 key management, 416 live migration, 770 memory, 776 milestones, 497–498 network-attached printers, 138 network services, 383 repositories, 186 services, 89, 472, 481, 487–490 SMF services, 500–501, 768 VCC service, 808 svccfg apply command, 500 svccfg export command, 490 svccfg import command, 490, 495, 501 svcprop command inet services, 310 milestones, 497 network services, 383 services, 88–89, 481, 490 SMF, 492, 494, 500 svcs command, 349 milestones, 496–498 services, 88–89, 481–486 SMF, 492, 631–633, 727 svcs apache22 command, 849 svcs auditd command, 427 svcs ftp command, 89, 380 svcs ike command, 415 svcs mysql command, 851 svcs name-service-cache command, 354 svcs network/nis command, 362 svcs nfs command, 349 svcs nis/server command, 359, 364 svcs nwam command, 267, 270 svcs postgresql_83 command, 859 svcs restart ssh command, 409 svcs ssh command, 408, 484–487 svcs system-log command, 88 svcs telnet, 388 SVM See Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) svn command, 918–922 SVN_EDITOR environment variable, 920 svnadmin command, 918 svnserve command, 918 svnserver daemon, 918 SVR4 packaging, 26, 176–177 swap command, 214–215 swap space, 214–215 Swing applications, 902 switch command, 610, 617, 626, 633 switch policy in DTrace, 560–561 switching between active windows, 105 switchovers for protection group roles, 642 switchrate setting, 561 SXCE (Solaris Express Community Edition), 20–21 SXDE (Solaris Express Developer Edition), 20 symbolic debuggers, 879 symmetric encryption, 407 synchronization clock, 431–433 VirtualBox guests, 834 SYS (System) class, 683 SYS_MOUNT privilege, 351 sys-unconfig command, 271, 356, 365, 757 syscall provider, 537–538, 552 sysconfig milestone, 499 sysdef command, 504 sysidcfg file, 724–725 syslog command, 524–525 local connections, 383 Solaris Auditing, 429 syslog.conf file, 525 syslog-msgs module, 454 syslogd daemon, 420, 525 sysrq command, 783 system activity reporter (sar) utility, 523–524 system administration, 83 boot environment, 97 booting and shutting down, 96–97 Disk Usage Analyzer, 127–128, 128 GRUB and boot archive, 97–98 Keyring Manager, 127 Log File Viewer, 128 log files, 96 Performance Monitor, 129, 129 power management and statistics, 129–130 processes, 85–87 services, 88–89 storage and file systems, 92–96 system information, 83–85 users, groups, and roles, 89–92, 90, 125, 126 System (SYS) class, 683 system controller for LDoms, 818 system directories, 95–96 system dumps, 215 965 S S Index system/filesystem/rmvolmgr services, 196–197 system function, 554 system identity preconfiguration, 724–725 system information configuration, 504–508 hardware and software, 83–85 system load average, 509 system-log service, 525 system logs attack detection, 420 syslog, 524–525 system management agent (SMA), 526 System menu, 48 System Monitor, 129, 129 system tracing See DTrace facility T \t macro, 66 Tab key in command line, 56 tagging virtual LANs, 287 takeover command, 643 takeovers of protection groups, 642–643 $target macro, 547–549 target process IDs for macros, 548–549 targets in iSCSI, 199–200 task.max-lwps rctl, 668 $taskid macro, 547 tasks changing, 663 resource management, 660–665, 661 system administration, 125–129, 128–129 TCP protocol, 143 TCP Wrappers, 322–324 tcpd command, 322 Teer, Rich, 878 telnet service disabling, 380 guest domains, 798 Kerberos, 436, 439 status, 388 VCC service, 807 templates manifest files, 478–479 zones, 710 TERM environment variable, 67 TERM signal, 86 terminal sessions, 73 966 test addresses in IPMP, 280 Text Editor tool, 130 text editors, 66–70 themes, desktop, 108 this variable, 544 Thompson, Ken, thread-local variables, 544–545 threadlist command, 932 threads property, 186 Thunderbird e-mail client, 52, 112–113 ticket-granting tickets (TGTs), 431 tickets, Kerberos, 431, 437 tid variable, 544 tilde characters (∼) CPU utilization, 681 home directory, 61 vim, 67 time macros, 66 settings, 36–39 Time Share (TS) class, 683, 701 time synchronization for VirtualBox guests, 834 time-to-live (TTL) setting, 296 Time Zone, Date and Time screen, 36, 37 time zone settings, 36–39, 37 timeout_minutes property, 808 timeout_seconds attribute, 477 timestamps DTrace, 544 packages, 170 tip command, 157–158 TLS (Transport Layer Security), 407 /tmp directory, 96, 216 tmpfs file system, 198, 216–217 Tomcat, 859–860 Apache Roller application, 862–863, 863 stand-alone mode, 860–862, 861 web application development, 907–908 Tools menu in Ekiga, 152 top command, 511 topology in data recovery, 637–638, 637–638 Torvalds, Linus, 11 Totem Movie Player application, 122 trace function, 552 tracemem function, 552 traceroute command, 326 tracing See DTrace facility tracks, disk, 192 Trademark and Branding project, 188 Trademark Policy, 17 Transport Layer Security (TLS), 407 traps, monitoring, 522 trapstat command, 522 trash can, 49 Trojan horses, 725 troubleshooting desktop, 131–132 DNS, 293–294 installation, 39–41 name service lookups, 355 network connections, 77–78 networking, 324–328 NFS, 349 NWAM, 270–271 xVM hypervisor, 782–784 truss command, 396, 520–521, 530, 884 trust between clusters, 639–640 Trusted Extensions (TX), 445–446 TS (Time Share) class, 683, 701 TTL (time-to-live) setting, 296 tunefs command, 208 tunneling IP, 288–289 SSH, 412–413 TX (Trusted Extensions), 445–446 type hypervisors, 652–655, 654 type hypervisors, 652–653, 654, 655 type attribute for dependencies, 475–476 types DTrace actions, 543–547 resources, 590, 606–609 Typical option for virtual machines, 44 U \u macro, 66 uberblocks, 245 UFS See Unix File System (UFS) ufsdump program, 212–213 ufsrestore command, 13 $uid macro, 547 umask command, 63 umasks, 63 umasktest command, 63 umount command CIFS, 350 file systems, 205 NFS shares, 344 Index umountall command, 344 uname command, 83, 504, 742 unbind command LDom console, 814 LDom domains, 817 unbinding state in LDom domains, 802 undefine command, 757 unicast addresses, 299 unified error-handling channels, 452 uninstall command packages, 79, 169, 171, 176 zones, 724 uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), 162–163 United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), 370 Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs), 452 Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, 149 digital cameras, 153–156, 155 keyboards and mice, 149 MP3 music players, 150 webcams, 150–153, 151–152 USB-to-serial converters, 157–158 Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), 454, 458 Unix File System (UFS), 207 access control lists, 399–401 backups, 212–213 checking and repairing, 209–211 creating, 208 logging, 208 mount options, 208 quotas, 211–212 restoring, 213–214 size, 221 UNIX operating system, 9–10 unmanage command, 611 unmount command, 185 unmounting boot environment, 185 file systems, 205–206 NFS shares, 344 SMB, 350 unplumb command, 286 unregisterimage command, 838, 840 unset-authority command, 81 up command dbx and GDB debuggers, 886 logical interfaces, 277, 282 update command CVS, 916 Subversion, 920 Update Manager, 177–178, 178 updating plug-ins, 907 software, 177–179, 178 upgrading ZFS pools, 260–261 UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies), 162–163 UPTIME column for LDom domains, 803 uptime command, 509 URI protocol, 143 URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers), 452 US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team), 370 USB See Universal Serial Bus (USB) USB Mass Storage protocol, 150, 153–154 usbvc driver, 150 Use Localhost For Printer Server option, 140 Use PPD Files option, 140 Use the whole disk option, 35 user action in IPS packages, 168 user_attr database, 662 user education for security, 372 user file creation mode masks (umasks), 63 user groups, 14–15 user images in IPS packages, 169 user-level tracing, 564–568 user logs, 525 user.root project, 662 user stack execution, 406 user ZFS dataset properties, 252 useradd command, 91 userdel command, 91 usermod command delegated administration, 258 privileges, 388, 398 profiles, 390, 392 roles, 393 root, 91, 394 usernames in booting, 41 macros, 66 users dataset properties, 257 GUI, 90, 90 managing, 89–92, 90, 125, 126 passwords See passwords settings, 36–39, 37–40 Users and Groups dialog, 90, 90, 125 Users screen, 36, 39 /usr directory, 96 /usr/apache/tomcat/common/lib directory, 860 /usr/bin directory, 60 /usr/ccs/bin directory, 60 /usr/cluster/bin directory, 606 /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rtreg directory, 606 /usr/demo/libexacct directory, 690 /usr/gnu/bin directory, 60 /usr/lib/locale file, 73 /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server file, 468 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd file, 468 /usr/openwin/bin directory, 60 /usr/sbin directory, 60 /usr/sfw/bin directory, 60 /usr/share/doc/openldap file, 366 /usr/ucb directory, 60 /usr/X/bin directory, 60 /usr/X11/bin directory, 60 /usr/X11/bin/scanpci command, 507 /usr/X11/xorg.conf file, 131–132, 149 /usr/X11R6/bin directory, 60 /usr/xpg4/bin directory, 60 ustack function, 552, 569 UTIL column for LDom domains, 802–803 IDs (Universal Unique Identifiers),D 454, 458 V /var directory, 96 /var/adm/auditlog file, 429 /var/adm/authlog file, 421 /var/adm/messages file audio, 156 contents, 524 digital cameras, 153–154 fault management, 461 printer faults, 141 suspended system, 161 USB-to-serial converters, 157 /var/adm/pacct file, 688 /var/adm/sulog file, 421, 525 /var/adm/utmpx file, 525 /var/adm/wtmpx file, 420 /var/apache/tomcat/conf directory, 860 /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs file, 850 /var/cluster/geo/avs directory, 641 /var/core directory, 930 967 V V Index /var/crash/opensolaris99 directory, 931 /var/krb5/kdc.log file, 444 /var/krb5/krb5.log file, 422 /var/ldap directory, 367 /var/log/in.iked.log file, 422 /var/log/pool/poold file, 681 /var/log/snmpd.log file, 526 /var/log/xen directory, 782 /var/opt/webserver7/https-localhost file, 855–856 /var/pkg directory, 169 /var/smb/smbpassword file, 341 /var/svc/log file, 89, 422 /var/svc/manifest directory, 495–496 /var/svc/profile file, 499–500 /var/svc/profile/generic_limited_net.xml file, 384 /var/yp/Makefile file, 365 variables DTrace actions, 543–547 environment, 58–59 LDoms, 816 VBD (virtual block device) data, 760 vboxdrv device, 841–842 VBoxHeadless commands, 840–841 VBoxManage commands, 835–840 VC (Virtual Console), 54 VCC (Virtual Console Concentrator Service), 790 creating, 793 guest domains, 814–815 removing, 804 working with, 807–808 vcc_device property, 808 VCONS (Virtual Console), 790 vcpu-list command, 773, 775–776 vcpuinfo command, 773 vcpupin command, 775 VCPUs (Virtual CPUs), 772–773, 790 affinity, 775–776 LDoms, 811 monitoring, 773 scheduling, 773–775 xVM domains, 747 VDI (Virtual Disk Image) files, 837 vdiskadm command, 779 VDISKs (Virtual Disks), 789 VDS (Virtual Disk Service), 789, 804–806 VDSDEV (Virtual Disk Service Device), 789, 796 verify command, 175 verify-trust command, 640 968 verifying packages, 173–176 version command, 791 version control See source code management (SCM) versioning, ZFS, 259–261 versions, packages, 169–171 vertical bars (|) DTrace, 540, 550–551 piping, 64 vi text editor, 66–67 video player, 122 video support in VirtualBox, 834 view command, 341 View menu Ekiga, 152–153 guest domains, 749–750 viewing boot environments, 180–182 images, 122–123 packages, 173–176 privileges, 395–397 vim text editor, 66–70 viral licenses, virsh command line interface, 751 core dumps, 783 CPUs, 772–776 disks, 778–780 domain console, 767–768 domains cloning, 756–757 monitoring, 757–761 reconfiguration, 761–763 starting and stopping, 763–766 memory, 776–778 networking devices, 780–781 virt-install command line interface CPUs, 772 domain installation, 751–753 memory, 776 migration, 770 virt-manager GUI, 746–750, 746, 748 virtd service, 768 virtual block device (VBD) data, 760 Virtual Console (VC), 54 Virtual Console (VCONS), 790 Virtual Console Concentrator Service (VCC), 790 creating, 793 guest domains, 814–815 removing, 804 working with, 807–808 virtual devices CPUs, 772–773, 790 affinity, 775–776 LDoms, 811 monitoring, 773 scheduling, 773–775 xVM domains, 747 disks, 778–780, 812–813 formatting, 800 LDoms, 812–813 VDS, 804–806 HVM domains, 782 memory, 776–778 for processes, 510 statistics about, 512–514 networking, 780–781, 789 Virtual Disk Image (VDI) files, 837 Virtual Disk Manager, 837–838, 838 Virtual Disk Service (VDS), 789, 804–806 Virtual Disk Service Device (VDSDEV), 789, 796 Virtual Disks (VDISKs), 789 virtual I/O services, 804–808 virtual interfaces, 266 Virtual LAN (VLAN) interfaces, 287 Virtual Machine DisK (VMDK) files, 840 Virtual Machine Manager window, 746, 746 Virtual Machine menu for guest domains, 750 virtual machines (VMs), 570, 652 OpenSolaris installation on, 43–44, 45 VirtualBox See VirtualBox hypervisor Virtual Network Computing (VNC) protocol, 109, 657 Virtual Networks (VNETs), 789 virtual NICs (VNICs), 288, 780 virtual private networks (VPNs), 288–289 Virtual Switch Service (VSW), 789, 793, 804, 806–807 Virtual Terminal (VT), 54 VirtualBox hypervisor, 28, 656–657, 823–824 command line interface, 835–836 downloading, 824 guest OS for, 826–829, 827–828, 833–835 GUI, 830–833, 832 networking, 833, 836–837 programmatic interfaces, 841 remote access, 840–841 Index storage, 837–840, 838 VM setup for, 824–826, 825–826 VM windows for, 829–830, 829–830 zones, 841–842 virtualization, 649–650 administration, 658 benefits, 650 full, 652–654 graphical display, 657–658 hypervisors, 652–655, 654 See also VirtualBox hypervisor; xVM hypervisor layers, 654–655, 654 LDoms See LDoms (Logical Domains) operating-system-level, 651–652 resource management, 651 solution comparison, 655–656 virtuallm driver, 149 virus scanning, 342 VLAN (Virtual LAN) interfaces, 287 VMDK (Virtual Machine DisK) files, 840 VMs (virtual machines), 570, 652 OpenSolaris installation on, 43–44, 45 VirtualBox See VirtualBox hypervisor vmstat command, 129, 512–514 VMware technology, 28, 43–44, 45, 655 VNC (Virtual Network Computing) protocol, 109, 657 vncdisplay command, 767 vncviewer client desktop sharing, 109–110 domain consoles, 767 remote display, 657 VNETs (Virtual Networks), 789 VNICs (virtual NICs), 288, 780 vntsd daemon, 807–808, 819 volcheck command, 196 volume manager, 217–221 Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) slices, 93, 195–196, 203–204 volumes datasets, 224, 243–245 managing, 622 properties, 254–255 voting machine program, 879–883 VPNs (virtual private networks), 288–289 VRDP servers, 829–830, 841 vscanadm command, 342, 430 vscand command, 342, 430 VSW (Virtual Switch Service), 789, 793, 804, 806–807 VT (Virtual Terminal), 54 VTOC (Volume Table of Contents) slices, 93, 195–196, 203–204 W w command, 91, 525 \w macro, 66 wait service, 492 waitpid service, 492 walkers, 887–888 WAR (Web Archive) files, 909 watchpoints, 900 weak membership cluster mode, 581 web applications AMP stack, 853–854, 855–856 NetBeans, 907–913, 910–912 Web Archive (WAR) files, 909 web browsing with Firefox, 110–112, 111 web servers, 845 web services in zones, 848 web stacks AMP See AMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack Java-based web services, 859–865, 861, 863, 865 overview, 845–846 webcams, 150–153, 151–152 webmin project tool, 733 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 269 whatis command, 886 where command, 881, 886 which command, 59 who command, 91, 525 whole root zones, 708–710 Wi-Fi interface, 275–276 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 269 wildcards devices, 714 probes, 539 project membership, 663 window managers, 106 windows managing, 49–50, 49, 106 VM, 829–830, 829–830 Winmodems, 159 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 269 Wireless Wide Area Network project, 159 WordPress application, 846, 853–854, 855–856 workgroup mode for CIFS, 340–341 working directories, 59, 66 workspaces, 50 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 269 wracct command, 691 wrapped encryption keys, 258 wrappers, TCP, 322–324 write access, 347 write execute permissions, 62–63 write system calls, 539 write-through images, 837–838 Writer component, 52 WU-FTP daemon, 305 X X.500 Directory Access Protocol, 365 X server local connections, 383 screen resolution, 107 startup troubleshooting, 131–132 X11 forwarding, 412–413 xenconsoled command, 768 xend-relocation-address property, 770 xend-relocation-hosts-allow property, 770 xend-relocation-server property, 770 xend service, 768–769 xend vnc-listen property, 767 xentop command, 760–761 xlate operator, 551 xm command line interface, 751 core dumps, 783 definition files, 753–754 domains, 755, 759, 765 logs, 782 migration, 771 networking devices, 781 scheduling, 774 virtual CPUs, 773, 775–776 virtual disks, 779 xmms command, 81 xnb device instances, 780 xntpd command, 307 XOR operator in DTrace, 550–551 xpv module, 784 xrandr command, 107 xscreensaver command, 104–105 xsession-errors file, 132 969 X X Index xVM hypervisor, 741–742 boot arguments, 766 booting, 745 command line interfaces, 751 concepts, 742–744, 744 domains cloning, 755–757 console, 767–768 guest, 746–750, 746, 748, 750 installation, 751–757 live migration, 769–772 monitoring, 757–761 reconfiguration, 761–763 starting and stopping, 763–766 installing, 744 SMF services, 768–769 troubleshooting, 782–784 virtual devices See virtual devices xVM OpsCenter project, 733 Xvnc server, 109 Y ypcat command, 362 ypinit command, 357–358, 361–363 ypservers file, 362 ypwhich command, 358, 362 Z Z Shell (zsh), 54 zfs allow command, 258–259 ZFS Best Practices Guide, 232 zfs clone command, 248–249, 723, 757 zfs create azp/htdocs command, 594 zfs create azpng/htdocs command, 625 zfs create ldomspace/mydomain command, 806 zfs create pl/mldom command, 796 zfs create pl/sp/myzone command, 716 zfs create rpool command, 295, 303, 306, 359, 778 zfs create tank/fish command, 242 zfs create tank/test command, 252 zfs create tank/testvol command, 244 zfs destroy command, 242, 244, 247–249 zfs enabled command, 335–336 ZFS file system, 23–24, 223–224 970 access control lists, 401–404 basics, 224–225 boot support, 32 datasets See datasets, zone delegated administration, 258–259 Disk Usage Analyzer with, 128 disks in, 92–93 NIS maps, 359 partitions, 36 pools See pools snapshots, 723 versioning, 259–261 zones, 723, 731 zfs get command, 251 zfs get origin command, 182, 248 zfs get sharenfs command, 338 zfs get sharesmb command, 337 zfs get tank/fish command, 252 zfs get tank/prospects command, 257 zfs group command, 334 zfs inherit command, 251–252 zfs list command, 238, 723 zfs list backup/pkg command, 251 zfs list filesystem command, 181 zfs list rpool command, 92, 225, 243 zfs list tank command, 242–244, 246, 248 zfs promote command, 248 zfs receive command, 249–251, 258 zfs rename command, 243–244, 246 ZFS Retire Agent, 454 zfs-retire module, 454 zfs rollback command, 246–247, 251 zfs send command, 249–251, 258, 732 zfs set command, 251, 337 zfs set mountpoint-legacy command, 716 zfs set quota command, 714 zfs set sharesmb command, 337 zfs set tank/fish command, 252, 255 zfs set tank/prospects command, 257 zfs share command, 334 zfs show command, 337 zfs snapshot command, 245–246, 249–250 zfs unallow command, 258–259 zfs unshare command, 334 zfs upgrade command, 258, 260–261 zlogin command, 694, 698, 726–727 Zone Management profile, 390–391 Zone Manager project, 733 zone.max-locked-memory resource, 705 zone.max-swap resource, 705 zoneadm command, 694 booting zones, 697–698 branded zones, 735–738 halting zones, 699 installing zones, 696–697 logging into zones, 698 moving zones, 719–722 networks, 706 zoneadmd process, 725 zonecfg command branded zones, 735–736 capped resources, 704–705 miscellaneous subcommands, 717–719 networks, 707–709 pools, 702 profiles, 390–391 properties and resources, 710–717 roles, 392–394 zone configuration, 694–695, 699–700 zoned property, 714 zonename property, 713 zonepath property, 695, 699 zones, 693 accessing, 725–726 backup and restore, 731–732 booting, 697–698 branded, 734–739 capped CPU usage, 703–704 capped memory, 704–705 cloning, 723–724 configuring, 694–696, 699 DNS, 295–297 dynamic reconfiguration, 729–731 failover configuration, 626–627 fair share scheduler, 700–702 halting, 699 installing, 696–697 introduction, 693–694 limitations, 733–734 logging in to, 698 logical hostname networking, 626 as logical nodes, 622–627 managing, 406 monitoring, 726–729 moving, 719–722 networking Index miscellaneous commands, 717–719 overview, 705–708 properties and resources, 710–717 sparse root vs whole root, 708–710 pools, 702–703 preconfiguring system identity, 724–725 processes, 725 rctls for, 665 resource controls, 700 resource management, 660, 699–705 SMF service, 731 software management, 732–733 uninstalling, 724 uses, 694 VirtualBox, 841–842 virtualization, 651–652, 654–657, 654 web services in, 848 zpool add command, 226, 232 zpool attach command, 93, 228, 232 zpool create azp command, 592 zpool create azpng command, 623 zpool create oldtank command, 261 zpool create tank command, 226, 228, 231–233 zpool create tank/fish command, 242 zpool destroy command, 227 zpool detach command, 228, 232–233 zpool export command, 235, 237 zpool get command, 237 zpool history command, 239 zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool zpool import command, 236–237 iostat command, 240–241 list command, 224 list rpool command, 92 offline command, 230 replace command, 229 scrub command, 234–235 set command, 237 status command, 259, 594, 623 status rpool command, 93–94, 224 zpool status tank command, 226–236 zpool upgrade command, 260–261 zpools, 92 Apache failover storage, 591–596 zones failover storage, 623 zsched process, 725 zvols, 778 971 Z The books you read to succeed Get the most out of the latest software and leading-edge technologies with a Wiley Bible—your one-stop reference 0-471-78886-4 978-0-471-78886-7 0-470-04030-0 978-0-470-04030-0 0-7645-4256-7 978-0-7645-4256-5 0-470-10089-3 978-0-470-10089-9 Available wherever books are sold 26854_standard_bible_bob.indd Wiley and the Wiley logo are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners 1/31/08 4:27:49 PM The books you read to succeed Get the most out of the latest software and leading-edge technologies with a Wiley Bible—your 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Connect printers, USB devices, and other peripherals to your desktop • Master systems administration, including ZFS and NFS file systems, networking, directory services, and security • Observe and debug the system with the innovative Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) facility and other monitoring tools • Share a single physical machine among multiple users and processes with xVM, VirtualBox™, and other virtualization tools is an engineer at Sun Microsystems and core contributor to the OpenSolaris HA Clusters community group He is lead author of Professional C++ Gerald Jelinek is an engineer on the Zones team at Sun and a core contributor to the OpenSolaris Zones community group David Miner is an engineer at Sun, a co-lead for the OpenSolaris distribution, and architect of the Caiman installer Shelving Category: COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / UNIX Reader Level: Beginning to Advanced $49.99 USA $59.99 Canada OpenSolaris ™ Explore the OpenSolaris operating environment Master networking and 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Introduction to OpenSolaris OpenSolaris code OpenSolaris distributions OpenSolaris community OpenSolaris Features .5 The ‘‘Open’’ in OpenSolaris. .. Systems 11 OpenSolaris and Solaris 11 OpenSolaris and Linux 11 OpenSolaris and BSD 13 Getting Involved in OpenSolaris 13 Running OpenSolaris

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    Contents at a Glance

    Who Should Read This Book

    How This Book Is Organized

    Conventions Used in This Book

    What’s on the Companion Website

    Where to Go fromHere

    Part I: Introduction to OpenSolaris

    Chapter 1: What Is OpenSolaris?

    The ‘‘Open’’ in OpenSolaris

    The History of OpenSolaris


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