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BAỉI TAP ON TAP HK 1 LễP 12 NAấM 2008/2009 I. Pronunciation : A . Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the group. 1. a. caring b. career c. careful d. carriage 2. a. beaten b. weather c. leader d. feeding 3. a. blood b. tooth c. root d. mood 4. a. blue b. few c. view d. queue 5. a. those b. there c. think d. than 6. a. cakes b. chefs c. pages d. types 7. a. parks b. stamps c. cars d. shirts 8. a. coughs b. drops c. takes d. stays 9. a. fans b. shops c. packs d. chefs 10. a. which b. what c. where d. whole 11. a. improve b. chose c. lose d. loose 12. a. talked b. typed c. arrived d. crossed 13. a. slammed b. cooked c. fetched d. coped 14. a. managed b. pushed c. pressed d. disliked 15. a. typed b. coughed c. judged d. risked B . Choose the word whose main stress is put on a different syllable from that of the others in the group . 16. a. confidence b. mischievous c. obedient d. reference 17. a. pressure b. attempt c. result d. secure 18. a. idea b. attract c. precede d. value 19. a. equal b. discuss c. supposed d. response 20. a. develop b. determine c. attitude d. romantic 21. a. instance b. install c. instant d. instinct 22. a. decent b. recent c. resent d. absent 23. a. polite b.pollen c. police d. pollute 24. a. purpose b. incredible c. reaction d. employment 25. a. physical b. regional c. wonderful d. researcher 26. a. immedicate b. environment c. accident d. percentage 27. a. focus b. remind c. circus d. patient 28. a. chemistry b. physics c. geography d. literature 29. a. despite b. dislike c. despair d. distance 30. a. inform b. message c. regard d. advance II. Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A,B,C or D ) that needs correcting . 1. After Mrs Wang had retured to her house from work , she was cooking dinner . A B C D 2. Linda has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it . A B C D 3.They are going to have to leave soon and so do we . A B C D 4. Debbie , whose father is an excellent tennis player , has been playing tennis since ten years . A B C D 5. While Im shopping in the supermarket , I ran into an old friend who I hadnt met for five years . 1 BAỉI TAP ON TAP HK 1 LễP 12 NAấM 2008/2009 A B C D 6. Although the driver slamming on his brakers , he couldnt avoid hitting the small dog . A B C D 7. She didnt know how to get to the station , so she stopped asking the way . A B C D 8. Not only did he forget to turn off the lights, but also failed locking the door. A B C D 9. The first person reached the South Pole was Amundsen , a Swedish exporer . A B C D 10.Your hotel rooms should be book well in advance . A B C D 11. Theres nothing original in the film being make in the studio. A B C D 12.When their mother is away from home ,the children are look after by their grandmother . A B C D 13. What do you do if you won the first prize of the lottery ? A B C D 14. I would do it if I could , but I cant so I wouldnt even try . A B C D 15. If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water , it would float to the top. A B C D 16.If Peter had been more careful , he wouldnt break the camera I lent him . A B C D 17. If she had send a telegram , we would have received it by now . A B C D 18. Had I known you were in hospital , I had come to visit you . A B C D 19. If were to win one million dolars , Ill quit my job at once . A B C D 20. I finnal asked the ower how long had her bookstore been in busuness . A B C D 21. Please take a seat and let me know what is your name . A B C D 22. Id rather to cook the meal than do the washing up . A B C D 23. You dont know where the meeting is , isnt it ? A B C D 24. Im sure I would receice a bonus from the company soon . A B C D 25. I am a student , am not I ? A B C D 26.There wasnt any directory in the telephone box in that I was phoning . A B C D 2 BAỉI TAP ON TAP HK 1 LễP 12 NAấM 2008/2009 27. Mrs .Thatcher is a wonderful woman for who I have a great deal of respect . A B C D 28. New Zealand , that is located in the southern hemisphere , was the first country to give women the vote . A B C D 29. Both cattle or railroads helped build the city of Chicago . A B C D 30. Scientists believe that even although pain is a very real thing to some extent , it seems to be learned . A B C D III. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER . 1. I dont have my own room . I have to ----- the bedroom with my elder brother . a. divide b. share c. separate d. live 2. Most of the students are strongly ----- of the schools approach . a. support b. supportive c. supported d. supporter 3. Ever since she arrived , she ---- quietly in the corner . a. sat b. has been sitting c. sits d. is sitting 4. She ---- finished the monthly financial reports yet , but says she should have them by the end of the day . a. isnt b. wasnt c. hadnt d. hasnt 5. By the timeyou come back here next year , work on the new subway -------. a. will complete b. has completed c. will have been completed d. will be completed 6. Be the time they arrived at the theater , the movie ------- . a. is ending b. would end c. has ended d. had ended 7.By the end of next year , Mr Park ----- for this company for 35 years . a. will work b. will have work worked c. will be working d. has worked 8. Scarely ------ finished her song when the audience started to cheer . a. Had the singer b. the singer had c. has the singer d. the singer has 9. You wont know if the shoes ----- you until you ----- them on . a. will fit / try b. will fit / will try c. fit / have tried d. fit / tried 10. Caroline has been really busy ---- the new products ready for the exhibition . a. getting b. to get c. get d. to getting 11. ---- a doctor , Alan rushed over to help the sick child . a. Be b. To be c. Being d. He is 12. Two of the printers in our office need ------- . a. to fix b. fixing c. fixed d. to be fixing 13. The children enjoyed playing in the sand and ------ in the ocean . a. swim b. swimming c. to swim d. to be swimming 14. Does she remember ---- the report to the secretary last week ? a. to give b. give c. gave d. giving 15. More information about the accident ----- collected . a. are being b. is been c. are been d. is being 16. He was the only writer ---- first prize . a. be awarding b. be awarded c. to be awarded d. who being awarded 17. Children ----- to show respect to their teachers . a. teach b. are teaching c. are taught d. taught 3 BAỉI TAP ON TAP HK 1 LễP 12 NAấM 2008/2009 18. When I asked for dinner ,all the food ------ a. has eaten b. had eaten c. has been eaten d. had been eaten 19. The festival was a failure . It was ---- . a. bad organized b. badly organized c. bad organization d. badly organizing 20. She can hardly get used --- told what to do . a. to be b. to being c. for being d. to have been 21. Kevin never seems to get tired . I wish I ---- his energy . a. can have b. have had c. had d. would have 22. If I --- him yesterday , I would have to come back tomorrow . a. didnt meet b. have met c. met d. hadnt met 23. Dont worry ----home late tonight . a. when Ill b. if Ill be c. unless Ill be d. if I am 24. I wish I --- him , but I dont . a. like b. can like c. liked d. would like 25. Im sorry I missed seeing my old friends at your party . I wish I ------- a. had been there b. was there c. could have been there d. should have been there 26. Cindy ---- that I could keep her book for another two days . a. said me b. told c. told me d. spoke me 27. James ---- him up when the bus reached the aquare . a. told me wake b. asked me to wake c. said me to wake d. requested me waking 28. I asked him -----, but he said nothing . a. what the matter was b. what was the matter c. the matter was what d. whats the matter was 29. Do you agree ---playing chess is a good way of relaxation ? a. that b. whether c. why d. if 30. I have no double ------ they will succeed . a. that b. what c. whether d. why 31.The new computer system ---- for the post office will allow accounts to be managed over the Internet . a. design b. designing c. designed d. which designing 32. Many forest fires are caused by cigarettes ---- out of cars . a. are throwing b. have thrown c. throw d. thrown 33. Pamela gave up her job at the publishing house , ------- surprised everyone. a. what b. which c. that d. who 34. The missing mans family is desperately seeking anyone ---- information about his activities or whereabouts . a. has b. having c. who have d. have 35.Ricardo ,-------- three sisters , has no interest in getting married . a. has b. that has c. to have d. who has 36. Nothing can travel faster than ----light . a. a b. the c. ---- d. an 37. The ship hit ----- huge iceberg during its first voyage across ----- Atlantic . a. the / --- b. a/the c.the /an d. --- /the 38. The company made very good profit in ------. a. the 1990 b. 1990s c. the 1990s d. 1990s 39. ----- is complicated ; especially when we study ----of Marilyn Monroe,the famous actress . 4 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 a. Life/life b. The life /the life c. Life /the life d. The life /life 40. Do you prefer ----town or ---country ? a. the/the b. a/a c. the /a d. ---/---- Đọ c k ỹ đođ ạ n v ă n sau ch ọ n ph ươ ng án đúng ( ứ ng v ớ i A ho ặ c B, C, D) cho m ỗ i ch ỗ tr ố ng A .Years ago there were many social rules and etiquette procedures (1)_______ introductions. Some formal introductions between two people were (2)__________ by letter by third party. A person had to be very careful to weigh the importance of social class or status, age, and gender when deciding (3)_________ person should be presented or introduced to the other person first. (4)________, times have changed, and most of the social rules about introducing older people to younger ones, women to men, and those in higher positions to those in lower positions have changed, too. Many people now feel much more (5)________ about making introductions. 1. A. involving B. including C. relating D. mentioning 2. A. done B. made C. taken D. served 3. A. that B. who C. whose D. which 4. A. Therefore B. In addition C. However D. Furthermore 5. A. anxious B. relaxed C. nervous D. comfortable B . If you want to do your best in an exam, you should be relaxed and so one of the best things to do is to take regular (6)___________ even if they are only for a few minutes. During revision time, you should take some time off to go for a walk or play your (7) ____________ sport. It is a mistake to take up all physical activity. Exercise can (8) ______________ you to relax. You should spend twenty minutes doing something different every day. Parents don’t like it when their teenage children spend (9) _____________ on the phone, but, in fact, chatting ti a friend is very good for you; parents think that children are (10) ____________ Time and money; but research says talking to friends gives you a chance to relax, and this will make the time you spend studying more effective 6: A. breaks B. holidays C. trips D. pauses 7: A. best B. nicest C. popular D. favorite 8: A. get B. make C. give D. help 9: A. days B. minutes C. hours D. times 10: A. wasting B. losing C. spending D. missing C . The world is divided (11) ______ two main parts: one part is poor and the other is rich. The poor countries (12) ______ "the developing countries". The big problem that they have to encounter is lack of food and medical care. A lot of people do not have (13) _______ food to eat and medicine to cure illnesses. In some parts, children are even starving. The land of those countries is too poor to cultivate anything on. They do not know (14) ________ new farming methods as well as inventions and discoveries of science and technology. Moreover, they do not have enough money to do it. They certainly need help from (15) _______ rich countries. 11: A. into B. onto C. in D. from 12: A. call B. have called C. called D. are called 13: A. too B. enough C. very D. many 14: A. to apply B. applying C. how to apply D. how applying 15: A. a B. an C. the D. no article 5 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 D. Michael has just graduated from a Technical College. As many other graduated students, he is looking for a job. He likes to work at a place (16) ___________ he can meet many interesting people and has a chance to travel. He got his driving licence three years (17) _______, he can drive a van and a truck, too. At school, he did mostly technical subjects. Technical drawing and mathematics (18) ________ his best subjects. He is very (19) _______ in transport of all kinds – motorcycles, cars, airplanes…He loves engines and can do all his own car repairs. He had a job interview yesterday. The interviewer promised to offer him a position of a car (20) ___________. 16. A. that B. where C. whom D. which 17. A. ago B. before C. since D. during 18. A. are B. had been C. were D. would be 19. A. interest B. interested C. interests D. interesting 20. A. sale B. sold C. sell D. salesman E . Another side effect of the human population explosion will be the conversion of more land to food production or cities. This habitat (1)________ will cause progessive extinction of many more species. Globally, 45 species of birds and 40 species of mammals went (2)________ between 1650 and 1969, more have disappeared since then, and many more are in endangered species list. It has been estimated that half of all the species on Earth reside in the Amazon rain forest, (3)_______ most of them in Brazil. Brazil’s plans to colonize and cut down the rain forests and similar changes in Congo and Indonesia may very well (4)__________ a major episode of extinction. Recent efforts to estimate the projected rate of extinction suggest (5)________ half of all the species of mammals and birds will become extinct within the next 200 to 300 years. 21. A. variety B. extinction C. endanger D. destruction 22. A. exhausted B. exhaust C. extinction D. extinct 23. A. as with B. with C. as to D. as for 24. A. influence B. result from C. lead to D. cause to 25. A. that B. this C. those D. these Đọc kỹ bài khóa và chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hay D để trả lời các câu hỏi sau A. When I was a student, I had a summer job in an expensive restaurant in Glasgow. One day we were expecting forty members of a football team for lunch. I was given the job of peeling potatoes. I thought I was managing quite well with my small knife until the owner appeared to see how I was getting on. She was amazed that I was using a knife and asked why I wasn’t using the potato peeler. I had no idea what a potato was so she led me into a small room behind the main kitchen. There, on the table, was a small machine like the rubbish bins some people have in their bathrooms. She explains as if to a small child that I had to put the potatoes in, close the lid and press the button. When she came back ten minutes later, I told her I thought it was quicker to do it by hand. She asked what I mean. “Well, they are not ready yet,” I replied. You can imagine how I felt when she lifted the lid and took out the potatoes the size of peas. The potato peeler was not automatic. Câu 1. When did the story happen? A. in winter B. in summer C. in spring D. in autumn Câu 2. What job was the writer given when a football team came for lunch? A. cooking potatoes B. frying potatoes C. cutting potatoes D. peeling potatoes Câu 3. How did she peel the potatoes? 6 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 A. by a small knife B. by a pair of scissors C. by a potato peeler D. all are not correct Câu 4. Did she know how to use the machine? A. No, she did B. No, she didn’t C. Yes, she did D. Yes, she does Câu 5. What do you think about the writer’s feeling when the owner checked the result? A. happy B. funny C. embarrassing D. normal B. About a hundred years ago, Zamenhof invented a new language called Esperanto to improve understanding between people of different countries. He showed Esperanto to his friends to find out what they thought about it. Later in the same year he went to study at a university in Moscow. He wanted to improve Esperanto. Zamenhof’s friends then worked hard to spread the new language. They tried to persuade schools throughout the world to teach it. However, only a few people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use English as a foreign language. Câu 6. When was the language called Esperanto invented? A. About 10 years ago B. About a century ago C. About 1000 years ago D. In 100 years’ time Câu 7. Esperanto was intended for _________. A. people speaking different language B. understanding counties C. people from the same country D. English speakers only Câu 8. What did he show Esperanto to his friends for? A. To ask them to think about it. C. To improve it. B. To spread the language. D. To know their opinions about it. Câu 9. Zamenhof and his friends worked hard ______________. A. to invent the language B. to teach it C. to make it an international language D. to speak it Câu 10. It can be concluded from the text that _____________. A. Esperanto is more popular than English C. English is more popular than Esperanto B. Schools throughout the world to teach Esperanto D. A lot of people still speak Esperanto today. C . Every year, 100 million sharks are killed by people in commercial and recreational fishing. In the past they were killed simply for the sport of landing a good fighting fish. Sharkskin was used for making sandpaper. Other sharks are hunted for food, and some species for other products. Sharks are a common seafood in many places around the world, including Japan and Australia. In Australia shark is the most commonly used fish. Sharks are often killed for shark fin soup, in which many sharks are hunted for their fins, which are cut off with a hot metal blade before the live animal is tossed back into the water. There have been cases where hundreds of de-finned animals were swept up on local beaches without any way to convey themselves back into the sea. Conservationists have campaigned for changes in the law to make fining illegal in the USA. Câu 11. Who kills sharks every year? A. conservationist B. people in commercial fishin C. people in recreational fishing D .B and C are correct Câu 12. What was sharkskin used for? A. to kill sharks B. to cut off sharks’ fins C. for a sport D. to make sandpaper Câu 13. Do the Japanese and the Australian eat sharks? A. Yes, they do B. No, they do not C. Yes, it does D. No, it doesn’t Câu 14. How can people cut off the fins of sharks? A. with a hot metal blade B. by using sou C. by tossing sharks back into the water D. with sandpaper Câu 15. What do conservationists in the USA do to protect sharks? A. They hunt for their fins. B. They eat sharks. 7 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 C. They campaigned for changes in the law to make fining illegal D. They kill them for food. D . Books which give instructions on how to do things are very popular in the United States today. Thousands of these How-to books are useful: in fact, there are about four thousand books with titles that begin with the words “ How to”. One book, may tell you how to earn more money, another may tell you how to save or spend it, and another may explain how to give your money away. May How-to books give advice on careers. They tell you how to choose a career and how to succeed in it. If you fail, however, you can buy the book “ How to Turn Failure into Success”. If you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book “ How to Make a Millionaire”. If you never make any money at all, you may need a book called “ How to Live on Nothing”. One of the most popular types of books is one that helps you with personal problems. If you want to have a better love of life, you can read “ How to Succeed in Love every Minute of Your Life”. If you tired of books on happiness, you may prefer books which give step-by-step instructions on how to redecorate or enlarge a house. Why have How-to books become so popular? Probably because life has become so complex. Today people have far more free time to use, more choices to make, and more problems to solve. How-to books help people deal with modern life. Câu 16: From the first paragraph, we know How-to books are ____________. A. only about four thousand copies B. on money C. very helpful in life D. needed a lot Câu 17: The passage tells us that How-to books sell well on how ___________________. A. to succeed in career B. to solve personal problems C. to deal with business D. to make money Câu 18: If you often read How-to books, you ____________________. A. will be sure to get something you need B. will not know how to help yourself in life C. will become a man in life D. needn’t think any more in the world Câu 19:How-to books appears only because ________________. A. people have more free time to spend than before B. people meet more problems than their parents C. people may have more choices from How-to books than any other books D. modern life is more difficult to deal with Câu 20: The word “ step-by-step” would probably mean _______________. A. little by little B. gradually C. slower and slower D. A and B E . During the 19 th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant, Indian Tiger, and the American Eagle. Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds. This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining in many parts of the world, and the problem cannot be ignored. We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever. Câu 21: According to the author, what was the attitude in the 19 th century toward resources of the sea? 8 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 A. Declined. B. Depleted. C. Limited. D. Unlimited. Câu 22: What is the range of the decline in fish supply? A. Europe and Asia. B. The whole world. C. Asia and America. D. America. Câu 23: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for? A. Environment protection. B. The protection of African Elephant. C. The protection of Indian Tigers. D. The protection of fish. Câu 24: What does the author believe about sea resources? A. Sea resources can last forever.B. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted. C. Fish supply has no effects on people. D. Sea resources are important to people. Câu 25: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture? A. Unlimited Sea Resources B. Threats to Animals and Birds C. Sea Resources on the Decline D. Protection of Fish 9 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 KEYS I. PRONUCIATION : A . Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the group. 1. B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6. C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.C B . Choose the word whose main stress is put on a different syllable from that of the others in the group. 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.B KEYS II. Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A,B,C or D ) that needs correcting . 1. D. cooked 2. D. bought 3. C. so are 4. D. for 5. A. I was shopping 6. B. slammed 7. D.to ask 8. D. to lock 9. A to reach 10. C. booked 11. D. being made 12.B.are looked 13. A. would 14.D.won’t 15.C.will 16.C. wouldn’t have broken 17. A. had sent 18. C. would have 19. B. I would 20. C . her bookstore had 21. D. your name is 22. A. cook 23. D. do you 24. A. will 25. C .aren’t 26. C. in which 27. B. for whom 28. A . which 29.B . and 30. A even though KEYS III. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER . 1. B 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8. A 9.C 10. A 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.B 21. C 22.D 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.A 30.A 31. C 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.D 36.C 37.B 38.C 39.C 40.A KEYS READING 1 A. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B B. 6 A 7 D 8 D 9 C 10 B C. 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.C D. 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D E. 21. D 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A READING 2 A. Câu 1:B Câu 2: D Câu3:A Câu 4:B Câu 5: C B. Câu 6. A Câu 7.B Câu 8.D Câu 9.C Câu 10.C C. Câu 11.D Câu 12. D Câu 13. A Câu 14.A Câu 15.C D. Câu 16.C Câu 17. B Câu 18 .C Câu 19. D Câu 20.D E. Câu 21.D Câu 22.B Câu 23. A Câu 24. D Câu 25. C 10 . especially when we study ----of Marilyn Monroe,the famous actress . 4 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 a. Life/life b. The life /the life c C. how to apply D. how applying 15: A. a B. an C. the D. no article 5 BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP HK 1 LỚP 12 – NĂM 2008/2009 D. Michael has just graduated from a Technical

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2013, 18:10


