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Kieåm tra 1 tiết Anh văn lớp 6 Baøi viết số 3 (2008-2009 ) ÑEÀ I Marks Teacher’s comment I/ Circle the best word : (2,5M) 1. ………. are the rice and meat ? - Twenty thousand dong . a. How b. What c. How much d. Which 2. Is there …………… in the glass ? a. any soda b. any sodas c. some soda d. some sodas 3. There are ………… on the table . a. much oranges b. many orange c. much orange d. many oranges 4. Hoa is a tall and thin girl with ………… a. long black hairs b. long black hair c. a long black hair d. the long black hair 5. Which food do you like , ………………………. ? a. beef or fish b. cabbages or carrots c. milk or apple juice d. bananas or apples 6. I feel tired so I’d like ………………………… a. some noodles b. a hot drink c. to sit down d. an apple 7. Nam ‘s favorite drinks are ……………………… a. tea and milk b. orange juice c. c.milk d. an orange 8. Mai has an …………… face . a. old b. oval c. egg d. eye 9. How………………. bananas are there on the table? a.much b.many c.long d.about 10.I ‘d like ……………………fish ,please. a.any b.an c.some d.a II / Reading comprehension (2.5 M ) My name is Nam and I am a tall boy with short black hair . I like noodles and hot milk for my breakfast . My favorite foods are fish and beef so my sister , Lan buys them when she goes to the market . Our father and mother ‘s favorite drinks are tea and soda so she buys them , too . Now my sister and I are standing in a fruit store . We are buying some oranges and bananas . Note : To buy : mua 1/ Read the passages carefully and answer the questions : ( 1M) a. What does Nam like for his breakfast ? ->……………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Where are Nam and his sister buying some bananas and oranges ? ->………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 / Read the passages carefully and answer if the statements are “ True “ or “ False “(1 .5 M ) Today is Sunday . Mrs. Brown goes to the market in the morning . She needs many things.First , she wants some meat: one kilo of fish and five hundred grams of beef. Then , she wants some vegetables . She needs three cans of peas and one kilo tomatoes . Finally , she wants two cans of beer and four bottles of mineral water. She goes home by taxi. Page 1 Nguyeãn Ñình Chieåu school Class : 6…. Name :……………………. True False a. She wants some meat some vegetable and some fruit b. She wants one thousand gram of fish. c. She needs five hundred grams of beef. d. She wants three cans of peas and one kilo of potatoes. e. She wants two cans of beer and four bottles of mineral water. f. She goes home by taxi. III/ Write a passage , using the words given ( 2M) Quang / gymnast . He / tall / thin . He / short black hair . His eyes / brown.He / round face / thin lips . He / have dinner now . After dinner , he / eat bananas / drink / orange juice . He / feel full / after dinner Quang…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. IV/ Make questions with the underlined works (0,5M) 1. He wants two bottles of water -.> ……………………………………………………………….? 2. Miss Trang feels tired . ->…………………………………………………………………? V/ Arrange these words to make complete sentences (0,5M)\ 1/ have / eggs / meat / some / any / I / but / have / don’t / I ->………………………………………………………………………………………… 2/ bread / father / how / your / much / does / want ? ->………………………………………………………………………………………. VI . LISTENING (2M) Listen and tick the things Ba’s mother wants . You will hear the conversation twice ( 2M) 1 Cooking oil 6 Chicken 2 Apples 7 Carrots 3 Orange juice 8 Potatoes 4 Rice 9 Eggs 5 fish 10 bananas The end Page 2 Kieåm tra 1 tiết Anh văn lớp 6 Baøi viết số 3 ( 2008-2009 ) ÑEÀ II Marks Teacher’s comment I/ Circle the best word : (2,5M) 1.I ‘d like ……………………fish ,please. a.any b.an c.some d.a 2. Mai has an …………… face . a. old b. oval c. egg d. eye 3. There are ………… on the table . a. much oranges b. many orange c. much orange d. many oranges 4. Which food do you like , ………………………. ? a. beef or fish b. cabbages or carrots c. milk or apple juice d. bananas or apples 5. Hoa is a tall and thin girl with ………… a. long black hairs b. long black hair c. a long black hair d. the long black hair 6. I feel tired so I’d like ………………………… a. some noodles b. a hot drink c. to sit down d. an apple 7. Nam ‘s favorite drinks are ……………………… a. tea and milk b. orange juice c.milk d. an orange 8. Is there …………… in the glass ? a. any soda b. any sodas c. some soda d. some sodas 9. How ……… bananas are there on the table? a.much b.many c.long d.about 10. ………. are the rice and meat ? - Twenty thousand dong . a. How b. What c. How much d. Which II / Reading comprehension (2 .5 M ) My name is Nam and I am a tall boy with short black hair . I like rice meat, vegetables and hot milk for my lunch. My favorite foods are fish and beef so my sister , Lan buys them when she goes to the market . Our father and mother ‘s favorite drinks are tea and soda so she buys them , too . Now my sister and I are standing in a fruit store . We are buying some oranges and bananas . Note : To buy : mua 1 / Read the passages carefully and answer the questions : (1M ) a. What does Nam like for his lunch ? ->……………………………………………………………………………………………… b. What is Nam ‘s parents ‘ favorite drink? >………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 / Read the passages carefully and answer if the statements are “ True “ or “ False “ (1.5 M ) Today is Sunday . Mrs. Brown goes to the market in the morning . She needs many things.First , she wants some meat: one kilo of fish and five hundred grams of beef. Then, she wants some vegetables . She needs three cans of peas and one kilo tomatoes . Finally , she wants two cans of beer and four bottles of mineral water. She goes home by taxi. Page 3 Nguyeãn Ñình Chieåu school Class : 6… Name :……………………. True False a. She doesn’t want any meat b. She wants one thousand gram of fish. c. She needs one kilo of beef. d. She wants three cans of peas and one kilo of tomatoes. e. She wants three cans of beer and four bottles of mineral water. f. She goes home by taxi. III/ Make questions with the underlined works (0,5M) 1. We want two bottles of water -.> ……………………………………………………………….? 2. They feel hungry . ->…………………………………………………………………? IV/ Arrange these words to make complete sentences (0,5M) 1/ have / oranges / lemons / some / any / I / but / have / don’t / I ->………………………………………………………………………………………… 2/ milk / father / how / your / much / does / want ? ->………………………………………………………………………………………. V/ Write a passage , using the words given ( 2M) Vinh / weight lifter . He / tall / heavy . He / short black hair . His eyes / black.He / round face / full lips He / have dinner / now . After dinner , he / eat bananas / drink / milk . He / feel full / after dinner Vinh……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. VI . LISTENIN G (2M) Listen and tick the things Ba’s mother wants . You will hear the conversation twice ( 2M) 1 Cooking oil 6 Chicken 2 Apples 7 Carrots 3 Orange juice 8 Potatoes 4 Rice 9 Eggs 5 fish 10 bananas The end Page 4 ÑEÀ I TAPESCRIPT LISTENING Listen and tick the things Ba’s mother wants . You will hear the conversation twice Mom : Can you go to the store for me ? Ba : Yes , Mom . What do you want ? Mom : Adozen eggs and some rice Ba : How much rice do you want ? Mom : Two kilos .And I need a kilo of potatoes and some fish Ba : How much fish , Mom ? Mom : Half a kilo and some apples Ba : How many apples , Mom ? Mom : half a dozen , please Ba : Let me see ……. A dozen eggs , two kilos of rice , a kilo of potatoes , half a kilo of fish and half a dozen apples . Is it right , Mom ? Mom : Oh , Yes , my dear ! ANSWERS I/ 0.25 M / a sentence 1.c 2. a 3.d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.c II / 1. 0.5M / a sentence a. He likes noodles and hot milk for his breakfast b. They are buying some bananas and oranges in a fruit store 2. 0.25 M/ a sentence 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5.T 6.T III/ 0.5M / a sentence 1. How much water does he want ? 2. How does Miss Trang feel ? IV/ 0.5M / a sentence 1. I don’t have any eggs but I have some meat 2. How much bread does your father want ? V/ 0.25 M / a sentence - is a - Is / and - has - are - has / and - is having - eats / and / drinks - feels VI 0.4M / a word - eggs - rice - potatoes - fish - apple Page 5 ÑEÀ II TAPESCRIPT LISTENING Listen and tick the things Ba’s mother wants . You will hear the conversation twice Mom : Can you go to the store for me ? Ba : Yes , Mom . What do you want ? Mom : Adozen eggs and some rice Ba : How much rice do you want ? Mom : Two kilos .And I need a kilo of potatoes and some fish Ba : How much fish , Mom ? Mom : Half a kilo and some apples Ba : How many apples , Mom ? Mom : half a dozen , please Ba : Let me see ……. A dozen eggs , two kilos of rice , a kilo of potatoes , half a kilo of fish and half a dozen apples . Is it right , Mom ? Mom : Oh , Yes , my dear ! ANSWERS I/ 0.25 M / a sentence 1.c 2. b 3.d 4. a 5. b 6. c 7.a 8.a 9.b 10.c II / 1. 0.5M / a sentence a. He likes meat , vegetables and hot milk for his lunch b. Their favorite drink is tea and soda. 2. 0.25 M/ a sentence 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.F 6.T III/ 0.5M / a sentence 1. How much water do you want ? 2. How does they feel ? IV/ 0.5M / a sentence 1. I don’t have any oranges but I have some lemons 2. How much milk does your father want ? V/ 0.25 M / a sentence - is a - Is / and - has - are - has / and - is having - eats / and / drinks - feels VI / 0.4M / a word - eggs - rice - potatoes - fish - apples Page 6 Page 7 . Cooking oil 6 Chicken 2 Apples 7 Carrots 3 Orange juice 8 Potatoes 4 Rice 9 Eggs 5 fish 10 bananas The end Page 2 Kieåm tra 1 tiết Anh văn lớp 6 Baøi viết. Kieåm tra 1 tiết Anh văn lớp 6 Baøi viết số 3 (2008-2009 ) ÑEÀ I Marks Teacher’s comment I/ Circle

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2013, 22:10

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