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Healthy sleep habits, happy child marc weissbluth m d

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ALSO BY MARC WEISSBLUTH Crybabies Sweet Baby: How to Soothe Your Newborn Your Fussy Baby This book is dedicated to Linda Weissbluth Contents FOREWORD HOW TO USE THIS BOOK INTRODUCTION NEW INTRODUCTION TO FIRST HARDCOVER EDITION Part I How Children Sleep Chapter Why Healthy Sleep Is So Important Chapter Healthy Sleep and Sleep Strategies Healthy Sleep Sleep Duration: Night and Day Naps Sleep Consolidation Sleep Schedule, Timing of Sleep Sleep Regularity Sleep Positions, SIDS The Benefits of Healthy Sleep: Sleep Patterns, Intelligence, Learning, and School Performance Sleep Strategies Drowsy Signs Soothing to Sleep Resources for Soothing Bedtime Routines Breast-feeding versus Bottle-feeding and Family Bed versus Crib Breast-feeding the Fussy Baby by Nancy Nelson, RN, IBCLC) Solid Foods and Feeding Habits Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Better: “No Cry,” “Maybe Cry,” or “Let Cry” Prevention versus Treatment of Sleep Problems Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Sleep Problems and Solutions Disturbed Sleep Sleep Log Morning Wake-up Time Is Too Early Morning Nap Is Absent, Too Short, Too Long, or at the Wrong Time Afternoon Nap Is Absent, Too Short, Too Long, or at the Wrong Time Third Nap Is Absent, Too Short, Too Long, or at the Wrong Time Needs Two but Can Get Only One Needs a Nap but Refuses to Nap Bedtime Is Too Late: Sometimes or Always a Battle Night Waking, Difficulty Staying Asleep More Than One Child Creates Bedtime Problems Unable to Fall Asleep Afraid of the Dark or Being Alone Will Not Stay in His Crib or Bed Will Not Sleep Anywhere Else Only One Bedroom Transition from Family Bed to Crib Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Sleep, Extreme Fussiness/Colic, and Temperament How to Use This Chapter Introduction Sleep and Extreme Fussiness/Colic Temperament at Four Months Connecting Sleep, Extreme Fussiness/Colic, and Temperament Postcolic: Preventing Sleep Problems After Four Months of Age Summary and Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Part II How Parents Can Help Their Children Establish Healthy Sleep Habits: You Can Prevent Sleep Disturbances from Infancy to Adolescence Chapter Months One to Four Newborn: The First Week Weeks Two to Four: More Fussiness Weeks Five to Six: Fussiness/Crying Peaks Weeks Seven to Eight: Earlier Bedtimes and Longer Night Sleep Periods Develop Months Three to Four: Extreme Fussiness/ Colic Ends Morning Nap Develops at 9:00 to 10:00 A.M Preventing and Solving Sleep Problems Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Months Five to Twelve Months Five to Eight: Early Afternoon Nap Develops at 12:00 to 2:00 P.M Variable Late Afternoon Nap at 3:00 to 5:00 P.M Month Nine: Late Afternoon Nap Disappears No More Bottle-feeding at Night Months Ten to Twelve: Morning Nap Starts to Disappear but Mostly Two Naps Preventing and Solving Sleep Problems: Months Five to Twelve Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Months Thirteen to Thirty-six Months Thirteen to Fifteen: One or Two Naps Months Sixteen to Twenty-one: Morning Nap Disappears Months Twenty-two to Thirty-six: Only a Single Afternoon Nap Preventing and Solving Sleep Problems Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Preschool Children Years Three to Six: Naps Disappear Preventing and Solving Sleep Problems Action Plan for Exhausted Parents Chapter Schoolchildren and Adolescence Years Seven to Twelve: Bedtime Becomes Later Adolescence: Not Enough Time to Sleep, Especially in the Morning Preventing and Solving Sleep Problems Part III Other Sleep Disturbances and Concerns Chapter 10 Special Sleep Problems Sleepwalking Sleep Talking Night Terrors Klackenberg, G (1982) Somnambulism in childhood —Prevalence, course, and behavioral correlations Acta Paediatrica Scandinavia, 71, 495-499 Sleep Talking Reimao, R., and Lefevre, A B (1980) Prevalence of sleep-talking in childhood Brain Development, 2, 353-357 Night Terrors DiMario, F J., Jr., and Emery, E S 3d (1987) The natural history of night terrors Clinical Pediatrics, 26, 505-511 Kales, J D., Kales, A., Soldatos, C R., Chamberlain, K., and Martin, E D (1979) Sleep walking and night terrors related to febrile illness American Journal of Psychiatry, 136, 1214-1215 Weissbluth, M (1984) Is drug treatment of night terrors warranted? 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Illinois: La Leche Siegel, D J (1999) The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience New York: The Guilford Press Stern, D N (1990) Diary of a Baby New York: Basic Books Chapter 13 The Pros and Cons of Other Approaches to Sleep Problems Sears, W (1995) Nighttime Parenting: How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep New York: New American Library About the Author A pediatrician with thirty-two years of experience, MARC WEISSBLUTH, M.D., is also a leading researcher on sleep and children He founded the original Sleep Disorders Center at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital and is a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Northwestern University School of Medicine Dr Weissbluth discovered that sleep is linked to temperament and that sleeping problems are related to infant colic His landmark seven-year study on the development and disappearance of naps highlighted the importance of daytime sleep In addition to his own research, he has written about sleep problems in manuals of pediatrics, lectured extensively to parent groups, and appeared on Oprah Dr Weissbluth has four sons, three grandsons, and, thankfully, one granddaughter—and they are all good sleepers Linda, his wife of more than forty years, has provided both inspiration and original ideas for this book Copyright © 1987, 1999, 2003 by Marc Weissbluth Foreword copyright © 2003 by Cindy Crawford New Introduction copyright © 2005 by Marc Weissbluth All rights reserved Pulished in the United States by Ballantine Books, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York Originally published in trade paperback in the United States by Ballantine Books, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., in 1987, and revised in 1999 and 2003 BALLANTINE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc eISBN: 978-0-345-51840-8 www.ballantinebooks.com v3.0 ... Part I How Children Sleep Chapter Why Healthy Sleep Is So Important Chapter Healthy Sleep and Sleep Strategies Healthy Sleep Sleep Duration: Night and Day Naps Sleep Consolidation Sleep Schedule,... own child toward healthy sleep habits SLEEP DEPRIVATION HARMS CHILDREN Sleep deprivation can be prevented and treated What I mean by healthy sleep? Do you know how to get a good night's sleep. .. some kids have much shorter fuses than others? Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child will explain how fatigue caused by poor-quality sleep makes some children pop off more often or explode with more

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2019, 21:38

