Part 1: 1 Listen to Nuala talking to Sean about a recent travel experience For questions 1-5, tick A, B or C.
S: Hi, Nuala how was Madrid?
N: Great! It's a very beautiful city! But my trip was quite adventurous! Especially the end!S: Really? What happened?
N: On Thursday, I checked the times of the airport bus, but I didn’t notice that they were
different at weekends and I was leaving on Sunday
S: Oh no!
N: I wanted to get the half past twelve bus to the airport my flight was at seven o’clock in the
morning so I arrived at the bus stop at twelve o’clock
S: But you were too late
N: Exactly! the last bus was gone and I didn’t have money for a taxi and the metro wasn’t
running either
S: What did you do?
N: I thought of going back to my friend’s, since I had no money for a hotel but I decided to
spend the night in a cafe in the city
S: Oh dear!
N: I didn’t get any sleep, of course and they didn’t have a TV set, but thank goodness, there
were quite a lot of magazines and newspapers
S: So, what time did you get to the airport?
N: Oh, I was there at five but you’ll never believe what happened! I was there for four hours!
We finally took off at 9!
S: Oh, no! You must be exhausted N: You bet
Part 2: Look at the brochure of a house for rent Listen and fill in the gaps.
A: Good morning, sir.B: Good morning.A: How can I help you?
B: Well, I want to rent a house in or near the city centre.A: OK, let me see what we've got Ah, this is a very nicehouse And it’s right in the city centre.
B: Oh, where exactly?
A: The address is 342 Camford Lane.
B: Camford Ah yes, I know where that is How many bedrooms has it got?
A: As you can see, there are three spacious bedrooms and there is also a bathroom anda study upstairs.
B: Hmm, yes … and downstairs I can see there is a modern kitchen, a comfortableliving room, a dining room and a small bathroom Has it got a garage?
A: Yes, at the back of the house there’s a large garden and a double garage.B: It sounds perfect How much is it?
A: Well, they are asking for £500, but maybe you can get it for less I have the phonenumber of the owner here We can phone him now and arrange for you to see it thisafternoon
B: So, what’s the phone number?
A: Oh, it’s 01345 789 798.
B: 798 Right Yes, let’s try him now