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OReilly javascript the definitive guide 5th edition aug 2006 ISBN 0596101996

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Chapter 22, Scripted Client-Side Graphics, explains JavaScript's graphics capabilities.. It alsodemonstrates other ways to create dynamic, scripted client-side graphics using SVG, VML, t

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By David Flanagan

Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: August 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10199-6 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610199-2 Pages: 1018

Table of Contents | Index

This Fifth Edition is completely revised and expanded to cover JavaScript as it is used in today's Web 2.0 applications This book is both an example-driven programmer's guide and a keep-on-your-desk reference, with new chapters that explain everything you need

Part II explains the scripting environment provided by web browsers, with a focus on DOM scripting with unobtrusive JavaScript The broad and deep coverage of client-side

JavaScript is illustrated with many sophisticated examples that demonstrate how to:

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Part IV is a reference for client-side JavaScript, covering legacy web browser APIs, the standard Level 2 DOM API, and emerging standards such as the XMLHttpRequest object and the <canvas> tag.

More than 300,000 JavaScript programmers around the world have made

this their indispensable reference book for building JavaScript applications.

"A must-have reference for expert JavaScript programmers well-organized and detailed."

Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript

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By David Flanagan

Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: August 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10199-6 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610199-2 Pages: 1018

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Section 24.175 String.substr( ): extract a substring

Section 24.176 String.substring( ): return a substring of a string

Section 24.177 String.toLocaleLowerCase( ): convert a string to lowercase Section 24.178 String.toLocaleUpperCase( ): convert a string to uppercase

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Section 25.288 Window: a web browser window or frame

Section 25.289 Window.addEventListener( ): see Element.addEventListener( ) Section 25.290 Window.alert( ): display a message in a dialog box

Section 25.291 Window.attachEvent( ): see Element.attachEvent( )

Section 25.292 Window.blur( ): remove keyboard focus from a top-level


Section 25.293 Window.clearInterval( ): stop periodically executing code Section 25.294 Window.clearTimeout( ): cancel deferred execution

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by David Flanagan

Copyright © 2006, 2002, 1998, 1997, 1996 O'Reilly Media, Inc.All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein HighwayNorth, Sebastopol, CA 95472

O'Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, orsales promotional use Online editions are also available for

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Foundation Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registeredtrademarks of America Online, Inc Internet Explorer and theInternet Explorer Logo are trademarks and tradenames of

Microsoft Corporation All other product names and logos aretrademarks of their respective owners

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers todistinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Wherethose designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc.was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have beenprinted in caps or initial caps

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of thisbook, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for

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ISBN-10: 0-596-10199-6

ISBN-13: 978-0-596-10199-2


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This book is dedicated to all who teach peace and resist violence.

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After the fourth edition of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide was

published, the Document Object Modelthe fundamental API forclient-side JavaScript™ programmingbecame widely, if not

completely, implemented in web browsers This meant that webdevelopers had a stable, mature language (JavaScript 1.5) and

a common API for manipulating web pages on the client

Several years of stability followed

But things have started to get interesting again Developers arenow using JavaScript to script HTTP, manipulate XML data, andeven draw dynamic graphics in a web browser Many JavaScriptdevelopers have also started to write longer programs and usemore sophisticated programming techniques, such as closuresand namespaces This fifth edition has been fully revised for thenew world of Ajax and Web 2.0 technologies

In Part II, Client-Side JavaScript, the coverage of the legacy(Level 0) Document Object Model has been merged with thecoverage of the W3C standard DOM Because the DOM is now

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Chapter 21, JavaScript and XML, demonstrates how to useJavaScript to create, load, parse, transform, query,

serialize, and extract information from XML documents Italso introduces the E4X extension to the core JavaScriptlanguage

Chapter 22, Scripted Client-Side Graphics, explains

JavaScript's graphics capabilities It covers simple imagerollovers and animations but also explains advanced

scripted graphics using the cutting-edge <canvas> tag It alsodemonstrates other ways to create dynamic, scripted client-side graphics using SVG, VML, the Flash plug-in, and theJava plug-in

Chapter 23, Scripting Java Applets and Flash Movies, hasadded coverage of the Flash plug-in to its coverage of theJava plug-in It now explains how to script Flash movies aswell as Java applets

Part III, the reference section for the core JavaScript API, islittle changed from the previous edition, because that API hasremained stable If you have used the fourth edition, you'll find

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NodeIterator interface, for example, is simply not available inweb browsers, and it no longer clutters up this book The focushas also been moved away from the awkwardly formal

interfaces defined by the DOM specification and onto the

JavaScript objects that actually implement those interfaces So,

of the Window object, where you'd expect it, rather than as amethod of the AbstractView interface There is no reason thatclient-side JavaScript programmers should care about

AbstractView, and it has simply been removed from the

reference All these changes result in a simpler, easier-to-useclient-side reference section

Chapter 2, Lexical Structure, explains the basic structure ofthe language

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Chapter 4, Variables, covers variables, variable scope, andrelated topics

Chapter 5, Expressions and Operators, explains expressions

in JavaScript and documents each operator supported byJavaScript Because JavaScript syntax is modeled on Java,which is, in turn, modeled on C and C++, experienced C,C++, or Java programmers can skim much of this chapter

Chapter 6, Statements, describes the syntax and usage ofeach of the JavaScript statements Again, experienced C,C++, and Java programmers can skim some, but not all, ofthis chapter

still cover the core of the JavaScript language, but they

document parts of the language that will not be familiar to youeven if you already know C or Java These chapters must bestudied carefully if you want to really understand JavaScript:

Chapter 7, Objects and Arrays, explains objects and arrays

in JavaScript

Chapter 8, Functions, documents how functions are defined,invoked, and manipulated in JavaScript It also includesadvanced material on closures

Chapter 9, Classes, Constructors, and Prototypes, covers

OO programming in JavaScript, explaining how to defineconstructor functions for new classes of objects and howJavaScript's prototype-based inheritance works This

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Chapter 10, Modules and Namespaces, shows how

JavaScript objects define namespaces and explains

programming practices that can protect your modules ofJavaScript code from namespace collisions

Chapter 11, Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions,explains how to use regular expressions in JavaScript toperform pattern-matching and search-and-replace


Chapter 12, Scripting Java, demonstrates how to embed aJavaScript interpreter within a Java application and explainshow JavaScript programs running within such an applicationcan script Java objects This chapter is of interest only toJava programmers

Part II explains JavaScript in web browsers The first six

chapters cover the core features of client-side JavaScript:

Chapter 13, JavaScript in Web Browsers, explains the

integration of JavaScript with web browsers It discussesthe web browser as a programming environment and

explains the various ways in which JavaScript is integratedinto web pages for execution on the client side

Chapter 14, Scripting Browser Windows, documents thecentral object of client-side JavaScriptthe Window objectandexplains how you can use this object to control web browserwindows

Chapter 15, Scripting Documents, covers the Documentobject and explains how JavaScript can script the contentdisplayed within a web browser window This is the most

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Chapter 16, Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML,explains how JavaScript and CSS stylesheets interact Itdemonstrates how JavaScript can manipulate the style,

appearance, and position of elements within an HTML

document to produce visual effects known as DHTML

Chapter 17, Events and Event Handling, covers JavaScriptevents and event handlers, which are central to all

Chapter 20, Scripting HTTP, shows how JavaScript can

script the HTTP protocol, sending requests to and receivingresponses from web servers using the XMLHttpRequest

object This capability is the cornerstone of a web

application architecture known as Ajax

Chapter 21, JavaScript and XML, demonstrates how to useJavaScript to create, load, parse, transform, query,

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Chapter 22, Scripted Client-Side Graphics, explains

JavaScript's graphics capabilities It covers simple imagerollovers and animations, as well as advanced graphics

techniques using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), VectorMarkup Language (VML), the <canvas> tag, the Flash plug-in,and the Java plug-in

Chapter 23, Scripting Java Applets and Flash Movies,

explains how you can use JavaScript to communicate withand control Java applets and Flash movies It also covershow you can do the reverseinvoke JavaScript code fromJava applets and Flash movies

JavaScript and client-side JavaScript, respectively These partsdocument relevant objects, methods, and properties

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Brendan Eich of the Mozilla organization is the originator andchief innovator of JavaScript I, and many JavaScript

developers, owe Brendan a tremendous debt of gratitude fordeveloping JavaScript and for taking the time out of his crazyschedule to answer our questions and even solicit our input.Besides patiently answering my many questions, Brendan alsoread and provided very helpful comments on the first and thirdeditions of this book

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stronger and more accurate book Aristotle Pagaltzis

(http://plasmasturm.org) reviewed the new material on

functions and the new chapters on classes and namespaces inthis edition He gave my code a particularly careful review andhad many useful comments Douglas Crockford

scripted client-side graphics Todd was kind enough to find andisolate a bug for me, and Geoff helped me understand Flashand ActionScript Finally, Sanders Kleinfeld reviewed the entirebook with remarkable attention to detail His suggestions andtechnical corrections have make the book clearer and more

precise My sincere thanks to each of them for their careful

reviews Any errors that remain are, of course, my own

I am also grateful to the reviewers of the fourth edition

Waldemar Horwat at Netscape reviewed the new material onJavaScript 1.5 The new material on the W3C DOM was

reviewed by Philippe Le Hegaret of the W3C and by Peter-PaulKoch, Dylan Schiemann, and Jeff Yates Although he was not areviewer, Joseph Kesselman of IBM Research was very helpful inanswering my questions about the W3C DOM

The third edition of the book was reviewed by Brendan Eich,Waldemar Horwat, and Vidur Apparao at Netscape; Herman

Venter at Microsoft; and two independent JavaScript

developers, Jay Hodges and Angelo Sirigos Dan Shafer did

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material was not used in this edition, his ideas and general

outline were quite helpful Norris Boyd and Scott Furman at

Netscape also provided useful information for this edition, andVidur Apparao of Netscape and Scott Issacs of Microsoft eachtook the time to talk to me about the forthcoming DocumentObject Model standard Finally, Dr Tankred Hirschmann

provided challenging insights into the intricacies of JavaScript1.2

The second edition benefited greatly from the help and

comments of Nick Thompson and Richard Yaker of Netscape; Dr.Shon Katzenberger, Larry Sullivan, and Dave C Mitchell at

Microsoft; and Lynn Rollins of R&B Communications The firstedition was reviewed by Neil Berkman of Bay Networks and byAndrew Schulman and Terry Allen of O'Reilly

This book also gains strength from the diversity of editors it hashad Deb Cameron is the editor of this edition and has given thebook a thorough edit and much-needed freshening, with specialemphasis on removing outdated material Paula Ferguson editedthe third and fourth editions Frank Willison edited the secondedition, and Andrew Schulman edited the first

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oriented (OO) capabilities Syntactically, the core JavaScriptlanguage resembles C, C++, and Java, with programming

JavaScript is an interpreted programming language with object-constructs such as the if statement, the while loop, and the &&

operator The similarity ends with this syntactic resemblance,however JavaScript is a loosely typed language, which meansthat variables do not need to have a type specified Objects inJavaScript map property names to arbitrary property values Inthis way, they are more like hash tables or associative arrays(in Perl) than they are like structs (in C) or objects (in C++ orJava) The OO inheritance mechanism of JavaScript is

prototype-based like that of the little-known language Self This

is quite different from inheritance in C++ and Java Like Perl,JavaScript is an interpreted language, and it draws inspirationfrom Perl in a number of areas, such as its regular-expressionand array-handling features

The core JavaScript language supports numbers, strings, andBoolean values as primitive datatypes It also includes built-insupport for array, date, and regular-expression objects

JavaScript is most commonly used in web browsers, and, in thatcontext, the general-purpose core is extended with objects thatallow scripts to interact with the user, control the web browser,and alter the document content that appears within the webbrowser window This embedded version of JavaScript runs

scripts embedded within HTML web pages It is commonly

called client-side JavaScript to emphasize that scripts are run

by the client computer rather than the web server

The core JavaScript language and its built-in datatypes are thesubject of international standards, and compatibility across

implementations is very good Parts of client-side JavaScript areformally standardized, other parts are de facto standards, and

Ngày đăng: 26/03/2019, 16:29

