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Java in a Nutshell, 5th Edition By David Flanagan Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : March 2002 Table of ISBN : 0-596-00773-6 • Contents Pages : 992 • Index • Reviews • Examples The 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition brings a load of new Reader features - and the potential for frustration Fret not, our new 4th edition has answers The accelerated introduction lets you start • Reviews writing code right away, and because the book's classic quick reference contains all the classes in the essential Java packages, • Errata you can find exactly what you need to make Java's new version • Academic work for you Java in a Nutshell, 5th Edition By David Flanagan Table of • Contents Publisher : O'Reilly • Index Pub Date : March 2002 • Reviews ISBN : 0-596-00773-6 • Examples Pages : 992 Reader • Reviews • Errata • Academic Dedication Copyright Preface Changes in the Fifth Edition Contents of This Book Related Books Examples Online Conventions Used in This Book Request for Comments How the Quick Reference Is Generated Acknowledgments Part I: Introducing Java Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.1 What Is Java? Section 1.2 Key Benefits of Java Section 1.3 An Example Program Chapter 2 Java Syntax from the Ground Up Section 2.1 Java Programs from the Top Down Section 2.2 Lexical Structure Section 2.3 Primitive Data Types Section 2.4 Expressions and Operators Section 2.5 Statements Section 2.6 Methods Section 2.7 Classes and Objects Introduced Section 2.8 Arrays Section 2.9 Reference Types Section 2.10 Packages and the Java Namespace Section 2.11 Java File Structure Section 2.12 Defining and Running Java Programs Section 2.13 Differences Between C and Java Chapter 3 Object-Oriented Programming in Java Section 3.1 Class Definition Syntax Section 3.2 Fields and Methods Section 3.3 Creating and Initializing Objects Section 3.4 Destroying and Finalizing Objects Section 3.5 Subclasses and Inheritance Section 3.6 Data Hiding and Encapsulation Section 3.7 Abstract Classes and Methods Section 3.8 Important Methods of java.lang.Object Section 3.9 Interfaces Section 3.10 Nested Types Section 3.11 Modifier Summary Section 3.12 C++ Features Not Found in Java Chapter 4 Java 5.0 Language Features Section 4.1 Generic Types Section 4.2 Enumerated Types Section 4.3 Annotations Chapter 5 The Java Platform Section 5.1 Java Platform Overview Section 5.2 Text Section 5.3 Numbers and Math Section 5.4 Dates and Times Section 5.5 Arrays Section 5.6 Collections Section 5.7 Threads and Concurrency Section 5.8 Files and Directories Section 5.9 Input/Output with java.io Section 5.10 Networking with java.net Section 5.11 I/O and Networking with java.nio Section 5.12 XML Section 5.13 Types, Reflection, and Dynamic Loading Section 5.14 Object Persistence Section 5.15 Security Section 5.16 Cryptography Section 5.17 Miscellaneous Platform Features Chapter 6 Java Security Section 6.1 Security Risks Section 6.2 Java VM Security and Class File Verification Section 6.3 Authentication and Cryptography Section 6.4 Access Control Section 6.5 Security for Everyone Section 6.6 Permission Classes Chapter 7 Programming and Documentation Conventions Section 7.1 Naming and Capitalization Conventions Section 7.2 Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules Section 7.3 Java Documentation Comments Section 7.4 JavaBeans Conventions Chapter 8 Java Development Tools apt extcheck jarsigner jar java javac javadoc javah javap javaws jconsole jdb jinfo jmap jps jsadebugd jstack jstat jstatd keytool native2ascii pack200 policytool serialver unpack200 Part II: API Quick Reference Chapter 9 java.io Package java.io BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream BufferedReader BufferedWriter ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream CharArrayReader CharArrayWriter CharConversionException Closeable DataInput DataInputStream DataOutput DataOutputStream EOFException Externalizable File FileDescriptor FileFilter FileInputStream FilenameFilter FileNotFoundException FileOutputStream FilePermission FileReader FileWriter FilterInputStream FilterOutputStream FilterReader FilterWriter Flushable InputStream InputStreamReader InterruptedIOException InvalidClassException InvalidObjectException IOException LineNumberInputStream LineNumberReader NotActiveException NotSerializableException ObjectInput ObjectInputStream ObjectInputStream.GetField ObjectInputValidation ObjectOutput ObjectOutputStream ObjectOutputStream.PutField ObjectStreamClass ObjectStreamConstants ObjectStreamException ObjectStreamField OptionalDataException OutputStream OutputStreamWriter PipedInputStream PipedOutputStream PipedReader PipedWriter PrintStream PrintWriter PushbackInputStream PushbackReader RandomAccessFile Reader SequenceInputStream Serializable SerializablePermission StreamCorruptedException StreamTokenizer StringBufferInputStream StringReader StringWriter SyncFailedException UnsupportedEncodingException UTFDataFormatException WriteAbortedException Writer Chapter 10 java.lang and Subpackages Package java.lang AbstractMethodError AbstractStringBuilder Appendable ArithmeticException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayStoreException AssertionError Boolean Byte Character Character.Subset Character.UnicodeBlock CharSequence Class ClassCastException ClassCircularityError ClassFormatError ClassLoader ClassNotFoundException Cloneable CloneNotSupportedException Comparable Compiler Deprecated Double Enum EnumConstantNotPresentException Error Exception ExceptionInInitializerError Float IllegalAccessError IllegalAccessException IllegalArgumentException IllegalMonitorStateException IllegalStateException IllegalThreadStateException IncompatibleClassChangeError IndexOutOfBoundsException InheritableThreadLocal InstantiationError InstantiationException Integer InternalError InterruptedException Iterable LinkageError Long Math NegativeArraySizeException NoClassDefFoundError NoSuchFieldError NoSuchFieldException NoSuchMethodError NoSuchMethodException NullPointerException Number NumberFormatException Object OutOfMemoryError Override Package Process ProcessBuilder Readable Runnable Runtime RuntimeException RuntimePermission SecurityException SecurityManager Short StackOverflowError StackTraceElement StrictMath String StringBuffer StringBuilder StringIndexOutOfBoundsException SuppressWarnings System Thread Thread.State Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ThreadDeath ThreadGroup ThreadLocal Throwable TypeNotPresentException UnknownError UnsatisfiedLinkError UnsupportedClassVersionError UnsupportedOperationException VerifyError VirtualMachineError Void Package java.lang.annotation Annotation AnnotationFormatError AnnotationTypeMismatchException Documented ElementType IncompleteAnnotationException Inherited Retention RetentionPolicy Target Package java.lang.instrument ClassDefinition ClassFileTransformer IllegalClassFormatException Instrumentation UnmodifiableClassException Package java.lang.management ClassLoadingMXBean CompilationMXBean GarbageCollectorMXBean ManagementFactory ManagementPermission MemoryManagerMXBean MemoryMXBean MemoryNotificationInfo MemoryPoolMXBean MemoryType MemoryUsage OperatingSystemMXBean RuntimeMXBean ThreadInfo ThreadMXBean Package java.lang.ref PhantomReference Reference ReferenceQueue SoftReference WeakReference Package java.lang.reflect AccessibleObject AnnotatedElement Array Constructor access control fine-grained levels in Java 1.2 sandbox (Java 1.0) application programming, use in byte-code verification of class files unwrap( ) (SSLEngine) 2nd update( ) Checksum interface Cipher class MessageDigest class 2nd Observable class Observer interface Signature class upper-bounded wildcards URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) URI class URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers) URIResolver interface URISyntaxException XML namespaces URLConnection class caching retrieved network resources URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) https\: HttpsURLConnection HttpURLConnection class JarURLConnection javadoc-generated documents keystore file MalformedURLException URL class 2nd 3rd caching retrieved network resources URLClassLoader class 2nd permissions to loaded code URLConnection class 2nd URLDecoder class URLEncoder class URLStreamHandler class US-ASCII charset useProtocolVersion( ) (ObjectOutputStream) user preferences [See preferences] UserDataHandler interface (DOM) username and password, encapsulating userNodeForPackage( ) (Preferences) users, security for UTC (Universal Time) UTF-8 [See Unicode] UTFDataFormatException utility classes packages UUID class Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] validate( ) CertPathValidator CertPathValidator class 2nd Validator class 2nd validateObject( ) ObjectInputValidation class validation, XML documents 2nd 3rd 4th javax.xml.validation package Schema class SchemaFactory class SchemaFactoryLoader class TypeInfoProvider class Validator class ValidatorHandler class validOps( ) DatagramChannel class Pipe.SourceChannel class SelectableChannel class value( ) (Target) value-specific class bodies (enumerated types) valueBound( ) valueOf( ) Byte class Double class Enum class enumerated types 2nd Integer class Long class QName class Short class values annotation enumerated values( ) Map interface 2nd valueUnbound( ) varargs [See variable-length argument lists] variable-length argument lists 2nd 3rd Constructor class support for Method class Object parameter variables 2nd accessible to local classes assigning values to declaring C compatibility syntax Java vs C language placement of fields vs final modifier IllegalAccessError incrementing as side effect of ++ operator initializing, field declarations vs local naming and capitalization local scope, local classes and loop for/in loops initializing, testing, and updating scope of 2nd storing objects in thread-local type variable type for operands XPath vars keyword Vector class 2nd 3rd verify( ) Certificate class HostnameVerifier class Signature class SignedObject class X509Certificate class X509CRL class VerifyError class verifying byte code for untrusted classes verifying digital signatures jarsigner tool versions class or classes, displaying for Java 2nd [See also Java 5.0] 1.2, security advances in cross-compilation Java interpreter 2nd package specification and implementation specifying in @since doc comment tag VetoableChangeListener class 2nd VetoableChangeSupport class virtual functions (C++) virtual method invocation VirtualMachineError visibility class members local classes members, working with visibility modifiers [See also private modifier; protected modifier; public modifier] nonstatic member classes rules for using Void class void keyword 2nd 3rd volatile fields 2nd volatile modifier Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) DOM (Document Object Model) DOM API [See DOM] W3C XML Schema 2nd 3rd wait( ) 2nd Object class 2nd 3rd 4th waitFor( ) WAITING thread 2nd wakeup( ) (Selector) waking threads warning( ) (Logger) warnings options for javac compiler turning off with @SuppressWarnings 2nd unchecked, raw types and weak references, package for WeakHashMap class 2nd 3rd WeakReference class while loops 2nd continue statement used in continue statement, starting new iteration whitespace for readability in programs whitespaceChars( ) (StreamTokenizer) widening conversions among reference types array type reference types width (format specifier) illegal wildcards bounded in generic methods in parameterized types file permissions in generic types 2nd NetPermission targets on-demand type imports type parameter WildcardType interface Windows platforms classpath, setting file and path separators file permission wildcards Java interpreter 2nd JDK, downloading from Sun Microsystems Notepad and WordPad text editors root directories wordChars( ) (StreamTokenizer) WordPad wrap( ) ByteBuffer class CharBuffer class DoubleBuffer class FloatBuffer class IntBuffer class ShortBuffer class SSLEngine class SSLEngine) class wrapper methods (collection) WritableByteChannel interface 2nd 3rd 4th "Write once, run anywhere" 2nd write permission write( ) CharArrayWriter class DataOutputStream class DigestOutputStream class FileChannel class 2nd FileOutputStream class FilterWriter class GatheringByteChannel GatheringByteChannel class Manifest class OutputStream class 2nd PrintWriter class PutField class SelectableChannel interface SocketChannel class StringWriter class WritableByteChannel 2nd 3rd Writer class WriteAbortedException writeExternal( ) (Externalizable) 2nd WriteLock class writeObject( ) 2nd ObjectOutputStream class 2nd Writer class 2nd 3rd charset encoder/decoder writeReplace( ) (Certificate) writeTo( ) (CharArrayWriter) writeUTF( ) writing byte and character streams [See input/output] Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] X.500 certificates, distinguished name X.500 principals 2nd X500Principal class X500PrivateCredential class X509Certificate class 2nd X509CRL class 2nd X509CRLEntry class 2nd X509CRLSelector class X509EncodedKeySpec interface X509ExtendedKeyManager class X509Extension interface X509KeyManager class X509KeyManager interface X509TrustManager interface XInclude markup XML 2nd 3rd [See also DOM; SAX] data types DatatypeConfigurationException DatatypeConstants DatatypeConstants.Field DatatypeFactory Duration class XMLGregorianCalendar DTD (Document Type Definition) invalid properties exception namespaces NamespaceContext QName class packages 2nd new, in Java 5.0 parsers parsing with DOM parsing with SAX preference names and values as XML file transformations 2nd 3rd 4th DOM SAX streams validation 2nd XMLConstants class XPath expressions 2nd XMLDecoder class XMLEncoder class XMLFilter interface (SAX) XMLFilterImpl class (SAX) XMLFormatter class XMLReader class XMLReader interface (SAX) XMLReaderAdapter class (SAX) XMLReaderFactory class (SAX) XOR operator ^ (bitwise XOR) 2nd ^ (boolean XOR) 2nd ^= (bitwise XOR assignment) 2nd XPath 2nd 3rd javax.xml.xpath package Xpath class XPathConstants class XPathException XPathExpression class XPathExpressionException XPathFactory class XPathFactoryConfigurationException XPathFunction interface XPathFunctionException XPathFunctionResolver interface XPathVariableResolver interface XSLT java.xml.transform package stylesheets applying to XML document obtaining for XML documents Templates transformation engine transforming XML documents Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] yield( ) (Thread) 2nd Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] zero (0) division by negative and positive zero represented by float and double types zero extension technique ZIP files 2nd 3rd 4th JAR files vs reading ... Section 7.4 JavaBeans Conventions Chapter 8 Java Development Tools apt extcheck jarsigner jar java javac javadoc javah javap javaws jconsole jdb jinfo jmap jps jsadebugd jstack jstat jstatd keytool... UndeclaredThrowableException WildcardType Chapter 11 java. math Package java. math BigDecimal BigInteger MathContext RoundingMode Chapter 12 java. net Package java. net Authenticator Authenticator.RequestorType... ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream CharArrayReader CharArrayWriter CharConversionException Closeable DataInput DataInputStream DataOutput DataOutputStream EOFException Externalizable File