exam-Using the Online Practice The Online Practice can be: * teacher managed via a free Learning Management System follow the instructions for Option 1 or Option 2 on the card at the bac
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Trang 4Sample Cambridge English: First answer sheets 126
DVD information and Speaking criteria 131
Trang 5Student's Book Contents
Extra material p153
Part 7 - Multiple matching p22 Part 2 - Open cloze p25 Part 3 - Word formation p30 Phrasal verbs: tum p22 Pf!rt e -.: <sani:>ea ie~tp38
Part 6 - Gapped text piOO
so and such p100
Part 2 - Sentence completion p31
Adjective prefixes: extra,
hyper, over, under p31
· Part 4 - Multiple
J?art2 - sentence
· · c!;)rtjptetion p70 l?e.r.sonal qpalities p70
Part 2 - Individual long turn p27 Pronunciation: Sentence stress p27
Part 3'; Collaborative task p41
Parts 3 & 4 - Collaborative task (Part 3) &
Discussion on topics of collaborative task (Part 4) p65
Pronunciation: Opinion language p65 Parts 3 & 4 - Collaborative task (Part 3) & Discussion on topics of collaborative task (Part4) p73
Pronuncic;ltion: Linking words p7$
Part 5 - Multiple choice p106 Wora building p107
Part 4 - Multiple Part! 1 ~ 9~nversation with interlocutorp112 choice.p.:;t.1$ P~onuncia't:ion:(ntonation in sentences p112 TravelcoJ109ations P+.is
Part 7 - Multiple, mat~hing p.:;L4Z Pat"t 3 - [yluttlple Crime vocabulal"){p142 matchif1g.p146
Grammar reference p158 Overview of exam tips p175
Parts 3 & 4 - Collaborative task (Part 3) &
Discussion on topics of collaborative task (Part 4) p134
Collocations with say, speak, talk and tell p134 Confusing verbs: hope, wait, expect, look
forward to p134 Showing you are listening p134 Question tags p135
Pronunciation: Sentence intonation p135 Parts 1; 2, 3 & 4 - Convi:frsattcm with interlocutor: {!fart 1), lridhtidu.al long turn (Part 2), Collab9rative ta.$k (f>art 3) and Discussion
on topics ofc,oUahoratlve task (Part 4) p147 Writing guide p178 Audioscript p185
Trang 6Comparatives and superlatives p26
Habits and typical behaviour p35
used to and would p35
Part 2 - Open cloze p36 Countable/ uncountable nouns p36
Gerunds p71 Gerunds and infinitives p71 Part 4 - Key word transformation p72
Reporting statements p95 Reporting questions p95 Time references p95 Other references p95 Reporting functions p96 Part 4 - Key word transformation p96 Relative clauses p108
Part 2 - Open cloze p109
Conditionals 0, 1 and 2 p132 Conditional 3 p132
Mixed conditionals p133
unless, as long as, provided that p133
Part 4 - Key word transformation p133
Probability and Articles
Phrasal verbs p37
Phrasal verbs with give p37
Pronunciation: Phrasal verbs p37 Adverbs p40
Travel phrasal verbs p61 Part 4 - l{ey word transformation p61 Words often confused p64
Extrerne adjectives p64
Collocations p76 p80 Part 1 - Multiple-choice cloze p77
Compound nouns p98 Pronunciation: Stress in compound nouns p99
Word formation p99
Dependent prepositions p110 Part 4 - Key word transformation p111
Part i - cioze
Trang 7Course Overview
About First Ma$terdass
This fully updated and revised edition of First Masterclass
provides materials which give prospective candidates
appropriate preparation and practice for the 2015 Cambridge
English: First (FCE) exam In addition to offering students
extensive guidance and exam training, it also contains
interesting, lively and challenging materials for the classroom
About the exam
The Cambridge English: First exam consists of four papers:
Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, and Speaking
The Reading and Use of English paper carries 40% of the total
marks, with the remaining three papers each carrying 20% The
examination is Level B2 on the CEFR scale An overview of the
examination appears in the Student's Book on pages 4-8
Course components
The course comprises:
'" Student's Book with access to Online Practice and an on line
Cambridge English: First practice test
& Workbook (with I without key) with Multi ROM, including
Workbook audio and access to an additional Cambridge
English: First on line practice test
0 Teacher's Book with Speaking DVD and photocopiable Unit
and Progress Tests
The Student's Book contains:
"' Overview of the exam
12 topic-based units
@ A Review page at the end of each unit
~ Tip boxes alongside exam-practice tasks
0 Grammar reference section
~ Overview of exam tips
0 Writing guide with sample answers
® Audioscripts
Each unit includes an introduction and review, practice for all
parts in each of the four Cambridge of English: First papers, and
additional grammar and vocabulary building activities
This section presents the overall theme of the unit by
engaging students' interest in the new topic, activating general
knowledge, introducing related vocabulary and providing
opportunities for both general fluency practice and specific
exam practice for Speaking
Reading and Use of English Each Reading and Use of English section provides practice for one or several exam-type tasks from the Reading and Use
of English paper Through the course, students develop the vocabulary and grammar needed for the Reading and Use of English paper Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the reading skills needed for Parts 5, 6 and 7 Reading and Use of English sections start with a lead-in that prepares students for exam practice either
by activating existing knowledge or developing language and skills The exam practice task is clearly labelled and is accompanied by a tip box with advice on how to approach the task These sections finish with vocabulary extension or discussion activities (Over to You) that enable students to react
to the reading texts and activate the language covered in that section
All the reading passages are authentic texts, with only minimum modifications within the guidelines for the exam They have been selected from a variety of sources - magazines, journals, popular and serious newspapers - and reflect a variety of registers and styles, ranging from formal to informal and serious
to humorous, to prepare students for the range of texts they may encounter in the exam
listening Each Listening section focuses on one examination task type from the Listening paper Throughout the course, students listen to a wide range of texts and learn to identify the function and purpose of each text, recognize feelings, attitudes, opinions and agreement between speakers and identify gist, details and main ideas All recordings in the Student's Book fully replicate the actual exam First, students hear the examiner's instructions Then, there is a timed pause during which students read the listening task A 'bleep' marks the end of the pause and the beginning of the recording As in the exam, the recordings include a variety of accents Full audioscripts including the examiner's instructions are located at the back of the Student's Book and in the Teacher's Book within the unit notes
Speaking Each Speaking section includes practice of one or several Part
1, 2, 3 and 4 tasks from the Speaking paper Through the course, students gain experience in organizing individual and pair responses and in handling different types of discourse, such
as expressing an opinion, describing, comparing and reaching agreement Relevant pronunciation exercises are included Several speaking sections include opportunities for students to listen to examples of candidates doing a speaking task and to compare their own ideas with those of the candidates These recordings replicate the exam situation, enabling students to hear the examiner's instructions as they would be given in an
Trang 8actual exam Audioscripts of these recordings are located at the
back of the Student's Book and in the Teacher's Book within the
unit notes
These sections prepare students for the Part 1 essay and the
Part 2 questions They follow a similar procedure throughout
First, students consider an aspect of writing such as purpose,
register, organization or content Next, students analyse a
writing sample to inform their own work Finally, students
complete an exam-type task using the accompanying notes to
help them Further support can be found in the Writing guide at
the back of the Student's Book
Each grammar section focuses on at least one major area of
language In order to exploit what students already know, an
inductive approach to grammar is taken, meaning the target
language is shown in context rather than presented explicitly
This context might be a preceding reading or listening text or
a set of sentences Students answer questions or do a variety of
tasks to show what they know or what they can work out about
the meaning and form of the target language This introduction
is followed by several practice activities Each grammar section
ends with either an opportunity for students to use the target
language in an exam-practice task or in a less controlled
speaking or writing task The exam-practice tasks provide
students with further practice in completing Part 2 and Part 4 of
the Reading and Use of English Paper
Vocabulary plays a prominent role in every unit As well as
regular contextualized vocabulary work in the Reading and
Use of English and Listening sections, most units include two
vocabulary pages, which focus on specific topics or lexical
systems Wherever possible, students are encouraged to use
vocabulary in both controlled and free-practice activities
Each unit ends with a Review page that enables students to
revisit key grammar and vocabulary from the unit The Review
also includes an exam-style practice task from Part 1, 2, 3 or 4 of
the Reading and Use of English paper
Feat mes
Grammar reference: A link at the beginning of the grammar
section in each unit guides students to the appropriate sections
of the Grammar reference on pages 158-174 of the Student's
Book Organized on a unit-by-unit basis, this reference provides
concise explanations and further examples of the grammar
points covered in each unit This section should be regarded
as a first point of reference for students to check their answers
to introductory questions and tasks or when working through
practice exercises It can also be used for general revision
Overview of exam tips: This section (pages 175-177)
amalgamates the tips that accompany the exam practice tasks
in each unit These tips provide guidance on how to approach each of the task types on the Cambridge English: First exam
Writing guide: This guide (pages 178-184) provides a model answer for each of the tasks in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Writing paper with accompanying notes on how to approach each task type and how to structure a response Useful phrases and expressions that students can use in their own writing are also given
Audioscripts: Complete audioscripts (pages 185-191) enable students to follow the recordings or to note how specific language items are used in context in follow-up work in class or
at home
Online practice
A unique unlock code on the card at the back of the Student's Book gives access to Cambridge English: First Online Practice
and an on line Cambridge English: First practice test There are
over 50 exercises which allow students to continue to develop the language, skills and sub-skills they need for the Cambridge English: First exam outside class time For each part of each
paper, there are two skills-training exercises and an practice task
exam-Using the Online Practice
The Online Practice can be:
* teacher managed via a free Learning Management System (follow the instructions for Option 1 or Option 2 on the card
at the back of the Student's Book)
" used by individual students for self-study (refer your students
to the instructions for Option 3 on the card at the back of the Student's Book)
Teacher-managed Online Practice
If using the Student's Book in class, we recommend choosing this option so you can assign exercises and tasks from the Online Practice and the on line practice test via the free Learning Management System (LMS), where it is easy to:
" manage what exercises and tasks your students do and when they do them
® see your students' results in an on line markbook so you can identify areas of class or individual weakness, allowing you to focus on what students really need to work on
" read, comment on and mark your students' extended writing tasks on line with an option to return work to students for them to improve and resubmit A marking guide and sample answers are provided
@ listen to, comment on and mark your students' recorded responses to speaking tasks online
You can choose whether to assign the exercises and tasks in the
On line Practice with 'no help' (for assessment) or 'with help' (for supported learning) For exercises and tasks you set'with help', students are allowed to:
o mark their answers, try anything they got wrong again, see the correct answers with explanatory feedback
Trang 9" look up the meaning of words in questions and texts in the
integrated on line Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th
Edition (this saves time and helps students improve their
" read tips and strategies to help them prepare for the exam
e see sample answers for the writing tasks and useful language
for the speaking tasks
0 If you assign exercises with 'no help', these support features
will be disabled
You could choose the sections or exercises of the Online
Practice you wish students to do, and assign them first with
'no help' i.e with all support features disabled This will allow
you to assess how well prepared your students are at any stage
of the course You can then assign any problematic exercises
again 'with help' i.e with all support features enabled, so that
individual students can benefit from the learning support
features You can assign the whole Online Practice in one go, or
a unit, or a selection of sections or exercises
If you choose to use the LMS, we recommend following
instructions for Option 1 on the card in the Student's Book If
you would prefer to register students yourself, you will need to
collect their cards with unlock codes and follow the instructions
for Option 2
Self-study Online Practice
You may prefer your students to work through the material in
the Online Practice and Cambridge English First practice test
at their own pace, using the 'self-study' option Students will
need an email address to register They will need to follow the
instructions for Option 3 on the card in their books
For this option, students will have access to all the learning
support features (see table below), but you will not be able to
track their progress, see their results or do any marking on line
Note! It is very important that you tell your students which
access option you want to use For more information about
on line practice and on line practice tests and the LMS go to
Students have 18 months to complete the Online Practice and
Cambridge English: First practice test from the time they register
Online Practice content
There are four sections:
Reading and Use of English: This section contains an exam
practice tasks for each of the seven parts of this paper preceded
by two skills training exercises for each part There are 21
exercises in total in this section
listening: this section contains skills-training exercises and an
exam practice task for each of the four parts of this pa per There
are 12 exercises in total in this section
Writing: This section contains two skills-training exercises and
an exam practice task for Part 1 and two skills-training exercises
for Part 2 plus an exam practice task for each of the five text
types that may come up in Part 2 questions: letter, email, report,
review and article
Speaking: This section contains two skills-training exercises for each part of this paper and an accompanying speak-and-record exam practice task for each of the parts
Students can simply work through the material at their own pace, or you may wish to assign specific exercises for homework For example, if you have focused on Reading and Use of English Part 2 in a lesson, you might like to get students
to do the Reading and Use of English Part 2 skills-training tasks and exam practice task for homework to further familiarise and prepare them for that particular task type
learning support features
These learning support features are available to students for assignments set 'with help' or if students are using the self-study option
Feedback Students get answers and explanatory
feedback on automatically marked questions If they can understand why they answered a question incorrectly,
it will help them to think more clearly about a similar question next time Dictionary look-up: Allows students to look up the
Oxford Advanced meaning of words in exercises and
Learner's Dictionary, texts They just type the word in the
8th Edition search box and get a definition from
the OALD in a pop-up window
Tips Tips are available on how to answer
exam questions and other general language learning topics Students can look at the tips before they attempt an exercise or if they get stuck Students need to click 'Show Tip' on the left of their Online Practice screen
Audioscripts Students can read audioscripts in
the Listening and Speaking sections
to help them understand any areas they didn't understand when they just listened They can view these by clicking the 'Audioscript' link at the bottom of their screen
Sample answers Students can see sample answers in
the Writing sections They can analyse the sample answer and then read comments on the sample answer
to give them a good idea of what is expected in the exam Students can then improve their own answer Useful language Lists of useful language are provided
in the Speaking sections Students just need to click the 'Useful language' link
at the bottom of their screen for lists
of useful expressions for the Speaking exam
Trang 10Change your
answers and try
Students can click the 'Change' button
to try to do an exercise again or to answer a question again If students are using the self-study option or you have set them the assignment'with help'
they can change their answers as many times as they want before they submit their assignment
The unlock code that students get for the Online Practice
also includes access to a complete rn<fordenglishtesting.com
Cambridge English First practice test If you are using the LMS
option you can assign this test to your students as a whole
test, or by paper or part using Test mode(= 'no help'/ no key)
so that you can assess how well-prepared your students are,
or in Practice mode(= 'with help' I with key) for practice and
familiarisation with the exam task types There is access to an
additional on line Cambridge English: First practice test with the
Workbook Packs (see below)
Teacher'§ Book
This Teacher's Book contains procedural notes and a full answer
key, including suggested answers for the activities in the
Student's Book It also includes the audioscripts for the Listening
sections with answers in bold, as well as optional activities for
classroom use There are twelve Unit Tests and three Progress
Tests, covering vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student's
Book, with answer keys, which can be photocopied for
classroom use
Speaking DVD
Included in the Teacher's Pack is the Speaking DVD which
contains the following:
@ overview of the Speaking test and explanation of the format
of the four parts of the test
" an example of Cambridge English: First candidates carrying out
each of the four parts of the exam under exam conditions
'" commentary and analysis of the candidates' performance by
experienced oral examiners
@ two students carrying out a complete test followed by a
general assessment of their performance according to the
Cambridge English: First assessment criteria
Workbook Pack
The First Masterc!ass Workbook Pack consists of a Workbook of
twelve six-page units, each of which covers the following areas:
Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, Grammar and
Vocabulary It is available with or without an answer key
Each unit of the Workbook relates to the corresponding unit
in the Student's Book in both topic and content In this way
the Workbook reinforces the grammar and vocabulary from
the Student's Book In addition, each unit in the Workbook
includes exercises to further extend students' vocabulary for the
Cambridge English: First exam
There is a Multi ROM at the back of the Workbook which contains audio material linked to the Listening sections in the Workbook Students can play the audio in a CD player or
on a computer There is also a link which takes students to www.oxfordenglishtesting.com where they can get access to a complete, interactive Online Practice Test The test offers:
" authentic test practice
~ automatic marking for instant results
9 online dictionary look-up
Information about the Cambridge English:
first exam
There is an overview of the exam on pages 4-8 of the Student's Book
Please go to http://teachingsupport.cambridgeenglish.org/ for up-to-date information about the exam including full exam specifications with sample question papers, assessment criteria for the Writing and Speaking papers and samples of graded writing tasks
Trang 11~ntroduction page9
1 Give students a couple of minutes to look at the photos in
task 1 in pairs and match them with the statements You
might need to explain the meaning of cheeky (disrespectful
or rude but in an amusing or playful way, e.g a cheeky little
boy, to make cheeky comments about someone); moody
(having moods that change quickly and often, e.g teenagers
are often moody); and easy-going (relaxed and happy to
accept things as they happen, e.g an easy-going personality)
Before students do tasks 3 and 4, check they understand the
meaning of all the adjectives and adverbs Ask them to rank
the modifiers in order of intensity- i.e not at all, a bit, fairly I
quite I rather; very really I extremely
Underline: cheeky, confident, easy-going, moody, shy
Circle: rather, very, quite, really, fairly
3 & 4 Students' own answers
listening Parfl: 1 page10
Get feedback on the gap-fill from the class and ask random
pairs to justify their opinions as to why they agree or disagree
with the statements
in 11 of I about of about; to to
Multiple dioke
2 Draw students' attention to the Tip in the box You might
want to check that students understand the meaning of
these words and expressions: to exchange pleasantries (to talk
to each other politely about unimportant things, especially
when meeting for the first time or before getting down
to business); scam (a dishonest way of making money by
tricking or deceiving people); dress down (to wear clothes that
are more informal than you usually wear)
he has received
So tell me exactly what happened
Well, I got one of those emails that looked as if it came
· from my bank It said I was at risk of identity theft and told me ·
I had to log on and verify my account information I was really , worried
So what did you do?
Well, I was about to reply to give them the information they wanted, but then I thought I ought to check with my , bank first So I rang my branch and they said they never sent
· emails like this But it looked so realistic - it had my bank logo
on it and it had links to real websites
I've heard of that before Apparently, it's a very common scam which everyone needs to be aware of
Question 2 You hear someone talking about her first : impressions of someone
The first time I met Ben was at a party We were introduced to each other by Charlie, a mutual friend, and we chatted for a few minutes -you know, we exchanged the usual pleasantries: 'Where do you live?'; 'What do you do?'; 'How do you know Charlie?' - that sort of thing Then he started talking about his job - he seemed very self-centred and that put me off a bit, but I didn't think much about it A couple of weeks later, he phoned me and asked if I'd like to meet for a drink I ummed and ahhed a bit and then I said, 'Yeah, why not?' So we met and he was really nice He even said he was sorry if he'd come over as a bit arrogant at the party
Question 3 You hear a conversation between a , young man and an older relative
I wonder if I could ask your advice
Sure How can I help?
Well, I'm going for a job interview next week and I'm thinking about how to do my best They've already got
my CV, so they know about my qualifications, and obviously
I must look my smartest at the interview and sound as intelligent as I can
Do you know all about the company?
Not yet, but I'll be doing a bit of research at the weekend so that I can ask sensible questions about the kind
of work I'd be doing if I got the job
Good idea So what are you worried about?
I want them to see what I'm really like -you know,
· I don't want to have to pretend to be someone I'm not
That's fine Just be yourself I'm sure they appreciate ' that
Trang 12Question 4 You hear someone describing how he
heard about winning a competition for a mobile phone
Last year, I got an email telling me I'd won a mobile
phone in a competition I couldn't remember going in for a
competition, but that didn't matter I had to email my debit
card details so they could charge me for the cost of shipping
the phone to me Like an idiot, I made a basic mistake by
giving them my card details and the address for the phone
to be delivered to Needless to say the phone never arrived,
but my bank statement showed that money was being taken
out of my account
Question 5 You hear two friends talking about
·1 Hello, Anna! Where are you going?
To play tennis, believe it or not Can't you tell from
what I'm wearing?
Well, you do look as though you're going to play
something, but I didn't know you played tennis
I've only just started - I don't have my own racket
Well, you look very smart We must have a game
some time
Do you play tennis, then?
Yes, I do In fact, I've been playing since I was eleven
or twelve
2 Really? Are you a good player?
I used to be very good, but I haven't played much
Great - I'll give you a ring to arrange a time
Question 6 You hear someone talking about a bad
experience on a social networking site
I had a pretty nasty experience on a social networking
site It started when I got a series of offensive messages,
then whoever it was said they were going to pass on private
information about me if I didn't give them money At first I
thought it might be someone in my group at college, but
I didn't recognize the information on the person's profile
It was obviously a fake identity I did think about going to
the police, but in the end I decided to ignore the whole
thing and not make a fuss And fortunately, after a week or
two it stopped So, if you want my advice, you shouldn't
put confidential information about yourself on social
networking sites
Question 7 You hear a message on a telephone
answering machine
Hi, Maryl It's Alice I'm just ringing to say sorry for
something that happened yesterday I was in town doing
some last-minute shopping and someone on the other side
of the road called my name When I looked round, I didn't
see anyone I recognized - just a police officer and hundreds
of shoppers Anyway, I didn't think any more about it Then,
about half an hour later, I was on the bus coming home,
when I suddenly remembered -your brother Jeremy joined
the police last year, didn't he? It must have been him who
; called to me, but I just didn't recognize him in his uniform
Please apologize to him for me when you see him Thanks
if I'm on official business - especially if I'm in a meeting, being interviewed on television, or talking to members of the public I know there are politicians - especially the younger ones - who think it's cool to dress down -you know, jeans, open-necked shirt and trainers, but for me that's just too : informal Of course, at home with my family, I dress informally, too, but never when I'm at work It projects the wrong image
Over to you
3 Students' own answers
Modai verbs of obligation
1 Before students do these tasks, encourage them to look at the section on modal verbs of obligation in the Grammar reference on page 159 to revise and refresh their memories
In both sentences there is no necessity to hurry because there
is plenty of time; but in sentence a the speaker knew there was plenty of time so did not hurry, whereas in sentence b the speaker hurried but later found it had not been necessary to hurry because there had been plenty of time
There was plenty of time so I didn't need to hurry (and I didn't)
There was plenty of time so we needn't have hurried (but
OJ ::J Q_ Q_
::J rt-
Trang 13Reading and Use of English
Think ahead
1 Check students understand the meaning of identity theft
(using someone else's name and personal details in order
to gain access to resources or to obtain credit and other
benefits in that person's name)
Ask students how they think criminals can steal other
people's identities (for example, over the internet)
2 Check students understand what a fraudster is and, if
necessary, explain that it comes from fraud, the crime of
cheating somebody in order to obtain money or goods
illegally; a fraudster is a person who pretends to be somebody
he or she is not in order to trick or cheat people
Mr Bond wasn't a fraudster; he was the victim of identity
Identity crime is increasing
Exam practke: Multiple choke
3 Before students do the task, draw their attention to the Tip in
the box
Before students read the text, you may like to check that
they understand the meaning of these words: crook (a
dishonest person or criminal); prey on (to take advantage of
or hurt someone, particularly when that person is smaller or
weaker than yourself); booming (successful and fast growing);
foolproof (it's impossible for this not to work): unscrupulous
(having no scruples (principles), prepared to behave in a
dishonest or unfair way to get what you want); snippet (a
small piece of something); impeccable (without mistakes or
faults); benefit fraud (when someone tries to get additional
financial support from the government that they are not
entitled to); bin diving (looking through someone's rubbish
bin to find information about them)
C: they are fraudsters who prey on people's good nature
D: Away from people who knew him, Mr Bond's reputation
was based solely on the contents of a police file
D: all an unscrupulous thief needs to start using a person's
name is a few snippets of information
C: It has been claimed that 'bin diving' is a common way for thieves to get information In an extensive survey, a credit checking agency examined the contents of 400 rubbish bins
B: All it takes is one dishonest employee and people can say goodbye to their hard-earned cash
Word building
unqualified finance fraudulent
e impersonator f thief immigrants
1 Before students do these tasks, you can encourage them
to look at the section on present tenses in the Grammar reference on page 159 to revise and refresh their memories Alternatively, you could ask them to try to complete exercise
1 and 2 first and then to refer to the Grammar reference to check any points they are unsure about
are shopping contain
emphasizes that this is a current action
2 'These days I'm watching a lot of documentaries.'This refers
to an ongoing, temporary action happening 'around now'
1 'They always forget my name.' Th is is a statement of fact relating to a routine occurrence
2 'They're always forgetting my name.'The use of the continuous form shows that the routine occurrence happens too often It may imply that the speaker is annoyed
Trang 14Present simple: every day; every so often; most weekends;
never; occasionally; often; rarely; sometimes; twice a week;
usually; today
Present continuous: at present; at the moment; currently; now;
this week; today
,; Every day I Every so often I Most weekends I Occasionally I
Sometimes /Twice a week I Usually, I wear bright clothes
I never I occasionally I often I rarely I sometimes I usually
wear bright clothes
I wear bright clothes every day I every so often I most
weekends I occasionally I sometimes I twice a week
At present I At the moment I Currently I Now I This week I
Today, I'm wearing bright clothes
I'm wearing bright clothes at present I at the moment I
currently I now I this week I today
Over to you
7 Students' own answers
Reading and Use of English
Exam skms
1 Explain to students that becoming familiar with common
word combinations or collocations is an important aspect of
becoming more proficient in English and will contribute to
their success in different exam tasks Tell them that extensive
reading is the best way to develop familiarity with common
collocations and to expand vocabulary in general As you go
through the answers to task 1 with the class, try to elicit other
common collocations with the words in the examples, e.g
other collocations with friend - an old friend a close friend, a
best friend, a loyal friend; other collocations with mutual-a
mutual benefit, a mutual advantage, a mutual acquaintance, a
mutual feeling; collocations with fake - a fake smile, a fake tan,
a fake passport; collocations with identity-a sense of identity,
mistaken identity, etc
noun+ noun verb+ noun verb + preposition adverb +verb
Act suspiciously; conceal your true identity; confidential information; judge somebody by their appearance; peer pressure
The words close, cover, friend, perform and rank from list A do not combine with any words in list B
3 Before they start the task, draw students' attention to the tip
in the box to remind them that it is best practice to read the text first to get the general idea before they start looking at the questions
1 B A D
Over to you
A B D 'C c
4 Suggest that the students approach the discussion questions
by first considering which groups in society often have to wear uniforms - e.g school children, soldiers and other members of the armed forces, nurses, flight attendants, servers in some fast food restaurants, etc - and what purpose the uniform might serve in each case
Vocabuiary page16
Let students use a dic.tionary as necessary and check their answers in pairs or groups as they work through these vocabulary exercises When feeding back on the answers with the class, check students are aware of the correct pronunciation of all the body parts: of note are the silent'w'
in wrist and the pronunciation of thigh
A forehead eye cheek mouth chin neck knee shin ankle toes K shoulder t elbow
M chest fingers wrist palm stomach
Fi waist S hip thigh calf
2 You may need to explain that the verb to stub is usually only
found in the expression to stub one's toe, meaning to hurt
your toe by accidentally hitting it against a hard object, and
in the phrasal verb to stub out a cigarette I cigar, meaning to
stop a cigarette from burning by pressing the burning end against a hard surface
shoulders elbows, head
toe palms wrist knees
Trang 15Seeing verbs
3 If students are confused about the difference between
gaze and stare, you can explain that whilst both mean to
look at someone I something for a long time, when you
stare at someone I something you are likely to have a hard,
fixed expression and be either very curious, trying to look
threatening or in the grip of some strong emotion - e.g
Don't stare at people, it's rude, the two boxers tried to stare each
other down; she stared at the advancing tiger in horror; whereas
when you gaze at someone I something, your expression is
usually softer and you are often either admiring someone I
something or absent-minded and thinking about something
else - e.g She gazed admiringly into his handsome face; I was
gazing out of the window instead of listening to the teacher
looks, staring
watching Look d notice gazed
4 Tell students to discuss the question and then compare their
ideas with the explanation on page 153 in the Student's Book
Think ahead
Remind students that Part 1 of the Speaking test is an interview
with the examiner, during which candidates have to give
personal information about themselves and talk about past
experiences, present circumstances and future plans
Clothes: Do you like to dress up for special occasions? What kind
of clothes do you feel most comfortable in? /-/ow important are
clothes to you?
Education: What are you studying? Where do you study? What
was your favourite subject at school?
Family and friends: Do you have brothers and sisters? What do
you enjoy doing with your family? When do you spend time with
Free time: How often do you go to the cinema? What was the
last film you saw? What sort of music do you enjoy listening to?
Work: What do you do? Where do you work? What do you enjoy
about your job?
2 & 3 Students' own answers
Audioscript l 002
Good morningl My name is Gail Evans and this is
my colleague John White And your names are?
My name is George Pappas
My name is Adriana Calligaris
Can I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you
• Where are you from, George?
I'm from Patras - it's a fairly large town in the south west of Greece
And you?
I'm from Granada
First, we'd like to know something about you What
do you enjoy doing in your spare time, George?
I read quite a lot, but I'm also very keen on all kinds
of sport I play football, basketball and tennis, so sport takes most of my spare time
And Adriana?
I like sport, too
Do you play any sports?
I used to play tennis
George, who do you spend your spare time with?
My team mates if there's a match or a practice I spend the rest of my spare time with college friends or my family I have two brothers and a sister and we all get on very well
Tell us something about one of your close friends
OK My best friend is called Anatol We're in the same
· class at college, but we've been close friends since we were about 12 Actually, we have completely different characters I'm sociable whereas Anatol's rather shy- especially with people he doesn't know well When I first met him, he
· seemed very unfriendly, but now we get on extremely well
Adriana, I'd like to ask you about your clothes What
• kind of clothes do you feel most comfortable in?
T-shirt, jeans and trainers
Are there occasions when you wear smart clothes? Yes, there are
When was the last time you wore smart clothes? Last weekend
, ,,,'"''""·~" George, do you ever wear smart clothes?
Yes, sometimes, for example for special family occasions like weddings, and for interviews But I prefer T-shirts and jeans like Adriana
Thank you
4 Direct the students' attention to the Tip in the box to help them answer this question They should hopefully have no problem in recognizing that George gives better answers than Adriana This is because he replies in full sentences each time and extends his answers to give the examiners additional useful information; for example, after he's told the examiners that he's from Patras, he adds that this is a fairly large town in the south west of Greece Adriana, on the other hand, restricts herself to brief answers with minimum information and therefore doesn't help to develop the conversation in any way
Trang 16fiW#©!1<.i$ !j ~Jt31MtimnlJ
The first candidate, George, gave better answers He gave
fuller, more detailed answers than the second candidate,
Adriana, who gave very short answers For example, compare
the following answer to the examiner's question: Where are
6 Make sure the students understand that 'giving fuller answers'
involves both speaking in full sentences and giving additional
information beyond the bare minimum
I feel most comfortable in a T-shirt, jeans and trainers for
most of the things I like doing, but I prefer to wear smart
clothes for special occasions
Yes, there are, for example if I go to parties or if it's a special
family occasion
Last weekend - we had a big family celebration for my
father's fiftieth birthday
Sentence stress
7 Students whose native language is not stress-timed (for
example, speakers of French, Spanish, Italian, Cantonese
and Mandarin) may find it challenging to identify sentence
stress If they are struggling, you can stop the recording after
each question and answer and repeat the answer yourself,
stressing the appropriate word (in bold in the audioscript) in
a slightly exaggerated manner to help them identify it
Audioscript 1 ·03
''"'""'"'''"'' What did you do last weekend?
I went to the cinema
How long have you been studying English?
I've been studying English for four years
How do you spend your spare time?
I swim quite a lot
Who do you spend most of your spare time with?
I spend most of my spare time with my friends
I'd have to say casual clothes
Tell us something about one of your close friends
My best friend is called Antonio
-Exam practice: Sh{llrt ex(hanges
9 Remind the students to adhere to best practice when asking and answering the questions with their partner and to answer in full sentences, giving additional relevant information beyond the bare minimum where possible
Audioscript 1°04
Where are you from?
Describe the area where you live
Tell me some of the things you enjoy doing with your family
Do you have any holiday plans for next year?
What did you do on your last birthday?
What is your favourite way of travelling?
Writing Part 1 - Es§ay page1a Think ahead
1 Remind students that in Writing Part 1, there is only one possible question which they have to answer, whereas in Part
2 they can choose between five different questions
When feeding back on the pairwork, elicit the different reasons why each of the people in the photographs wears a uniform for work
Airline pilot: to instil confidence in passengers Traffic warden: to justify him I her looking at vehicles Fast food worker: for protection and so that customers know who to talk to if they need something
Postman: so that people recognize who the person is when they open their door
A uniform gives people status and ensures that their function is recognized by the public and their peers
Some people may enjoy wearing a uniform because they feel it makes them look good I smart and invests them with a certain authority People may show more respect
to somebody wearing a uniform Wearing a uniform can also give people a sense of belonging and of pride in being
Trang 17This piece of writing is an essay, so the students are writing
for a general audience and should employ a relatively
formal and neutral tone
In this type of essay question - sometimes known as a 'for'
and 'against' essay, it's important that students address
both sides of the argument, not just the side they agree
with The essay should include an introduction, followed
by the arguments for and against the wearing of uniforms
in different jobs, giving reasons in each case It should end
with a conclusion in which the writer can give their own
A Quite interesting, but not appropriate as an introduction
-an introduction introduces the key ideas to be discussed in
the body of the essay and does not go straight into details
on a particular point, as this answer does This would be
better as a paragraph in the body of the essay
Opening with a question makes this paragraph quite
interesting, but as it continues it becomes too descriptive
and specific for an introduction It then rambles and
becomes unfocused
Inappropriate because it is too personal and informal
D Interesting and appropriate It introduces the subject
economically and makes two or three interesting points:
uniforms are everywhere I worn for work I no choice for
the wearer
The most suitable is paragraph D
Yes The writer has:
·agreed with the statement
• referred to uniforms as helping us to identify people
• referred to uniforms as means of protection
• included ideas of their own: the disadvantages of uniforms I
uniforms conferring respect
The most common reason for (1) this I which is that uniforms
allow wearers to be seen and identified by the public
(2) For example I Like, if you are visiting someone in hospital,
you need to know who is a nurse or doctor and who is an
ordinary member of the public Another I Other reasons
include protecting wearers from danger or disease, for
example fire fighters at a blaze, or nurses working in a
However, uniforms have disadvantages for some people They make everyone look the same (4) because I so that
people cannot express their individuality in the same way as
if they were wearing clothes they had chosen themselves A more serious problem may be for soldiers who are fighting Their uniform gives the enemy a clear target and may
(5) actually I probably cost soldiers their lives
In my experience, I have found that people in uniform are often given more respect than people in ordinary clothes (6) For instance I An example, it would be difficult for someone in ordinary clothes to arrest another person
(1) In conclusion !To end with, I would say that there are certain jobs for which wearing a uniform is necessary
this For example Other
so that
actually For instance
In conclusion
7 Encourage students to refer to the Writing guide on page
178 before they begin to plan and write their essay Stress the importance of planning the essay properly in advance Having a clear idea of what points you want to cover in each paragraph is the main key to success in essay writing Before they start writing, ask students to check that their essay plan contains an introduction, a 'for' paragraph with the most important reasons in favour of wearing smart clothes and an 'against' paragraph with the reasons why this could not be a good thing The final paragraph should conclude
by giving their own opinion supported by their reasons for
it Normally, writers present the opposing argument, the one they don't agree with, in the first part of the essay
I did not need to send her an email
Trang 183
I'm expecting
!:i normally works, he is visiting
( Do you have, I'm trying
I don't usually like, I'm reading, I'm enjoying
DJ '
Trang 19(/)
1 Make sure students are clear what jobs or activities the
people in the photos are doing (see below) before they
discuss their ideas in pairs or small groups
Top left to bottom right:
a Photo 1: gymnast - flexibility, athleticism, competitiveness
Photo 2: surgeon - excellent hand-eye co-ordination,
knowledge about anatomy, precise focus
Photo 3: model - good looks, tall and slim, poise
Photo 4: singer - good voice, ability to perform for others,
memory for words in songs
Photo 5: teacher - presentation skills, knowledge of
subject, empathy for students
Photo 6: museum tour guide - presentation skills,
knowledge of art, enthusiastic personality
b Students' own answers
Reading and Use of English
Exam skills
1 This section helps students prepare for Part 7 of the Reading
and Use of English paper, which involves locating specific
information in a text These activities develop students' ability
to identify and match synonyms and paraphrases, which will
help them to complete Part 7 task types more quickly and
a accidentally: by chance, unintentionally
b ability: skill, talent
c currently: presently, these days
d cover (sth) up: conceal, hide
e participate: be involved, take part
f pressure: demands, stress
left school; was expelled from school; didn't finish school;
dropped out of school (do not provide this unless students
come up with it)
7 had classes I lessons; was taught by somebody (do not
provide this unless students come up with it)
Exam practice: Multiple matching
3 Direct students' attention to the Tip before they start reading the text Ask them to locate the key words in 1 to start with (complete and education) and then refer back to the previous exercise for the synonyms You may like to check that students understand the meaning of get away with in 2 (to manage to make a mistake or do something bad without being criticized for it or suffering any negative consequences)
Encourage students to read the whole text through once quickly to get the general idea You can perhaps ask them to tell you what is extraordinary about each of the four people Remind students to use the synonyms and paraphrases of the key words they have underlined to help them do the exercise
Words in the text that you might want to check students understand are: autism (a social disability, when a person doesn't develop the communication skills necessary to be able to interact normally with other people); painstakingly
(very carefully, taking a lot of time and effort); improvise
(when actors or musicians perform without fixed text or music but make it up as they perform it); recall (remember); and jaw-dropping (very surprising and impressive - literally making a person's mouth drop open in amazement)
C: A high-school dropout
2 A: He does occasionally play the wrong note, but because he
is able to improvise, he can cover it up without anyone even noticing
3 D: Eskil is well aware of the risks involved in what he does
4 B: He acquired these skills after years of practice
5 A: Derek Paravicini was born blind, with severe learning difficulties and autism He has limited verbal skills, poor short- term memory and cannot read even Braille at nine, Derek gave his first of many major public performances
6 C: Ron says the key to his training is to be distracted while memorizing things; this gives his brain incredible focus For example, to become the USA Memory Champion he memorized cards while snorkelling
7 A: Adam painstakingly taught Derek how to play properly
8 D: He performs all his feats without a safety net or harness
9 B: His ambition was to become a professional bee-keeper but instead he ended up becoming an academic
10 C: Ron currently teaches memory techniques to people all over the United States
Trang 20Ptu·a$al verbs: turn
1 Encourage students to refer to the appropriate section of the
Grammar reference on page 160 for help with these tasks
<> Derek Paravicini is not able to read even Braille, but he has
an amazing talent; he is able to play any piece of music
after only one hearing
He was able to play a toy organ when he was two
'" There is no infinitive form of can
tr There is no present perfect form of can to talk about ability
a He can run 100 metres in just over twelve seconds
When I was younger, I could run up a hill without getting
out of breath
c They had eaten such a big breakfast that they couldn't
finish their lunch
He could probably touch his toes if he lost weight
;;: Even if I'd been stronger, I couldn't have lifted those heavy
It is not possible to use could in sentence c, because could
refers to a general ability in the past, whereas were able to
refers to a specific event in the past In sentence c we are
talking about a specific event in the past, not a general ability
We cannot use managed to or succeeded in in sentence
a because this sentence refers to a past, ongoing habit
(smoking) Managed to or succeeded in refer to a specific
event in the past, when something became possible
li We can use managed to or succeeded in in sentence b because the sentence refers to a specific event in the past, although the verb following succeeded in would need to take the -ing form:
The doctors managed to save the woman's life
The doctors succeeded in saving the woman's life
We can use managed to or succeeded in in sentence c because the sentence refers to a specific event in the past, although the verb following succeeded in would need to
take the -ing form:
After five hours, the firefighters managed to put out the fire After five hours, the firefighters succeeded in putting out the fire
" didn't succeed in finding wasn't able to complete I do I finish succeeded in passing
ill managed to break in I enter was(n't) able to swim
f managed I has managed to get
~i wasn't able to fall
ll succeeded in opening I uncorking Have I Haven't (you) managed to lose
It is not possible to use could or couldn't in sentences c, d, f and i
couldn't find
ii couldn't finish could swim
You might want to check that students understand the meaning of determines (decides or influences)
How different learners learn best
2 Students' knowledge of grammar and syntax should help them choose the correct answers from the alternatives For example, for question 1 the syntax of the sentence indicates that a verb is needed in the gap This - and the knowledge that everyone takes the singular rather than the plural form of
Trang 21the verb - will guide students to the correct answer, which is
has 2 there 3 an 4 Because to need
1 order however 9 what ·rn many
3 Read the Tip with the class before students start the exercise
It reminds them to look at the words before and after the
gap to help them decide what part of speech - verb, noun,
adjective or article - is needed You might also want to
check that students understand the meaning of visual stimuli
(things which 'stimulate' the vision - i.e cause it to react)
1 Ask the students to read the text quickly the first time and
tell you the three main changes in classrooms between now
and a hundred years ago (answer: the average class size is
smaller, teachers are less strict and there are more subjects on
the curriculum) Then give them more time to read the text in
detail and discuss other changes mentioned
2 Encourage students to refer to the appropriate section of the
Grammar reference on page 161 for a review of comparative
and superlative structures
as big as; higher; stricter; more severe; less extensive; as
effective as; the most interesting
longer, the longest I shorter, the shortest
larger, the largest I later, the latest
' flatter, the flattest I thinner, the thinnest
heavier, the heaviest I funnier, the funniest
more important, the most important I more independent,
the most independent
cleverer, the cleverest I narrower, the narrowest
better, the best I worse, the worst
ll better, the best I worse, the worst
more quickly, the most quickly I more carefully, the most
The adjective or adverb takes its basic form - e.g as quick as,
as quickly as I as beautiful as, as beautifully as
good II cheaper younger; cleverer d the unluckiest
e better ·~ hotter g more difficult less I more legibly
i easier i faster; sooner
6 To help students sort out this list of modifiers, you could present the key below as a table under three headings -'no difference', 'a small difference' and 'a big difference'
no difference: just (as as); no
a small difference: a bit; a little; slightly
a big difference: far I by far; much; a lot; not nearly (as as); considerably
at university I think I am kinder than my brother, and he is a little bit moodier than I am, but he is more sociable
Speaking Part 2 pag"n
Exam skms
1 The tasks in this section prepare students for Part 2 of the Speaking paper of the exam Candidates are put in pairs, and each candidate is given two photographs to talk about (making a comparison between the two) for one minute The candidates also have to answer a question from the examiner about their partner's photographs
The purpose of this first exercise is to remind students of what they have to do for Speaking Part 2, so tell them they need to listen carefully
a Each candidate is given two photographs
Each candidate has to talk about his I her own photos for about one minute
Next, each candidate answers a question about the other candidate's photo
1 Audioscript 1 ·05 El!ami11e1· In this part of the test, I'm going to give each
of you two photographs I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also
to answer a question about your partner's photographs George, it's your turn first Here are your photographs They
·· show people studying in different places I'd like you to compare the photographs and say how you think the people feel about studying in these different places All right?
Trang 222 Before students start the speaking task with their partner,
remind them that this activity is all about making
comparisons, so it is a good idea to begin by making a
mental list of all the obvious similarities and differences
between the two photographs to serve as a basis for
Monitor students as they do the task without interrupting,
and give feedback to the class at the end
3 Before you play the recording, elicit a few examples of each
type of word expression from the class - e.g contrasting
words: but, however, while; words which give more
information: and, also; and words which express preference:
I'd prefer to, I'd rather
Contrasting words but, The main difference between ,
unless, whereas, while
Words which give and, also, because
more information
Words which I'd prefer to do than , I find ,
express preference I imagine that , I'd much rather ,
George In this picture the students are studying in a lecture
hall - probably in a university or college In the other picture
the students are studying in a classroom The lecture hall
is much bigger than the classroom and there are many
more students in the hall than the classroom Some of the
students have to sit a long way away from the lecturer
whereas in the classroom they are a lot nearer The main
difference between the two places is that you can ask the
teacher questions in the classroom, but you can't interrupt
a lecturer if there is something you don't understand I
imagine that the students who are in the lecture hall feel
less involved than the ones in the classroom because they
are just listening and taking notes while in the classroom
the students would feel more involved because they can
participate in the lesson and do more active activities, like
speaking for example
Examiner Thank you Adriana, which of these places would
you prefer to study in?
Adriana I'd much rather study in a classroom than in a lecture
hall Personally, I find it hard to hear and see if I'm in a big
room, so unless I'm sitting right at the front I find it difficult
to follow what the lecturer is saying and I switch off And
of course if you switch off you could miss something really
important I also find sitting still for an hour very difficult, and
just listening and taking notes is boring In the classroom you
can move about and there is the opportunity to work with
other people
Examiner Thank you
The words and expressions in bold are in the audioscript
Contrasting words but, however, The main difference
between ,unless, whereas, while
Words which give and, also, because, in addition
more information Words which I'd prefer to do than, I'd much
express a rather , I prefer to do than
preference I I prefer doing to , /find ,
I imagine that , Personally
5 Before they listen, remind students that the most heavily stressed word in each sentence will be the one which is important for the message the speaker wants to get across For example, the point that the first speaker wants to make
is not just that the lecture hall is bigger than the classroom, but that it is much bigger: much is therefore likely to be the stressed word
The lecture hall is much bigger than the classroom
Teachers aren't nearly as strict as they used to be
It's just as hard to spell a word in English as to pronounce it Class sizes are considerably smaller these days
6 If students seem very unsure about which words should
be stressed here, remind them that the objective of these sentences is to compare two things The most important (and therefore most heavily stressed) words will relate to the comparison Here the important thing for the speakers is not the quality itself (the adjective) but the extent of the quality (the modifier) Get students to compare answers
7 Students should listen and compare their answers, then listen again and repeat
This lecture is just as hard to follow as yesterday's Physics is
by far the most difficult subject I've studied It's much harder than chemistry
Italian is no more difficult to learn than Spanish
Long turn
8 Students' own answers
Trang 23Writing Part 2 ~ letter I emaU pagew 6
Think ahead
Give students a short time to discuss the questions in pairs
before getting some feedback from the class Most students
will probably say that the majority of their correspondence
is via email, so ask them how much of this is informal
correspondence with friends and how much of it is formal I
official Say that the language of formal correspondence by
email is similar to formal letter writing; however, the language
of informal correspondence with friends will be more like
spoken language
Exam sldUs
In the reply, you need to:
·say what happened to you last night
·provide an excuse for not showing up (and apologize)
·say when you would like to meet up I reschedule the meeting
Although both emails give a full response to Charlie's
message and answer all his questions, the first reply (on the
left-hand side of the page) is more appropriate because it is
written in an appropriate style for an email between friends
The other answer is far too formal for an email to a friend, and
the format I layout is more appropriate for a formal letter
formal and informal language
INF cl F e; F INF INF rt INF
The informal features included in the first email are:
•short sentences, e.g No, nothing's wrong! (Note: exclamation
marks are more likely to be used in informal writing.),
instead of: In your email you enquire whether anything is
wrong and in response I must assure you that no, nothing is
• contractions, e.g nothing's wrong instead of nothing is wrong
·phrasal verbs, e.g held up
·omitted words (e.g pronouns), e.g Sorry about last night
instead of I am sorry about last night
•the use of very simple words or slang, e.g 'cos instead of
F: Best wishes; Dear Sam; Dear Sir; I'm (I am) writing to ; Regards; Thank you for your email of 7 517 2; Yours sincerely; Yours faithfully; Jo Hunter (Ms)
a snack attempted
Ii I do apologize
The second email uses delayed instead of held up and arrive
instead of get in because held up and get in are phrasal verbs and therefore preferably not used in formal writing
·r My grandparents brought up five children on a very low income
Meanmngs of get
Underline in the first email: get in, got changed, get you on, get
it, got there
Formal equivalents in second email: get in= arrive home,
got changed= changed, get you on =contact you on, get it=
receive, got there = arrived
Exam pradke: EmaH
Talk about your classes+ say whether your classes are interesting+ describe the things you do in your classes+ say whether you are learning a lot from your classes
b Sam is the target reader, and because he I she is your friend the style would be informal
d Students' own answers
Trang 24Reading and Use of English
Exam ski~I$
1 The ability to recognize and form different parts of speech
from root forms is an important aspect of students' language
development and a skill that is tested in Part 3 of the Reading
and Use of English paper
a noun because it follows an article
b a verb because it follows a pronoun and is followed by a
relative clause
~ an adverb because it is describing the action of the verb in
the phrase'pass the ball'
an adjective because it describes the type of person you
need to be to get to the top in a sport
-er employer, performer, worker
-or predictor, protector
-ion prediction, rejection, protection, completion
-ation expectation, information
-ity prosperity
-ment employment, improvement
4 Draw students' attention to the Tip and say that a good title
for the text would be one that summarizes the main idea
or topic This text deals with the material rewards of being
a sports star, where these rewards come from and also the
pressures, so a good title might include these ideas
Exam practice: Word formation
6 Students' own answers
person is someone who is overactive and can never sit still or relax From this, they can deduce what hyper-parenting might mean: parenting taken to excess in some way
2 Tell students that for Listening Part 2 tasks, they should also try, as this question asks, to predict what kind of information might go in the gaps
a few neglecting I failing the independence I the responsibilities
'!O fun I relaxation
Exam practice: Sentence completion
3 Direct students' attention to the Tip before you play the audio and tell them to look through the gaps in the text one more time to decide what kind of information they need to listen for Their predicted answers to 2 will help them to have a clear idea about this
ma basketball stress middle-class the right foods
;; (frequent) headaches
6 clubs I private-sector extra-curricular activities
1 four (4)
letting down the freedom (free) play
Audioscript 1 ·09
You will hear a man talking about'hyper-parenting'
For questions 1 - 10, complete the sentences with a word
or short phrase You now have forty-five seconds to look at Part 2
Prese!'llte~ Life for Cathy Hagner and her three young children
is set to permanent fast-forward Their full school day and her
9 a.m.-2 p.m job are busy enough But it's at 4 p.m., when , school is out for the day, that the pace really quickens
· Cathy frantically drives Brendan, twelve, and Matthew, ten, : from soccer field to basketball court while dropping off
• eight-year-old Julie at piano lessons Often, the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 p.m - just in time for a quick : supper before the children have to do their homework
r t Q)
r t
Trang 25' Cathy, who lives in a small town outside Buffalo in New York
State, acknowledges the stress such a way of life causes the
whole family and has wondered whether it is worth it But
she defends herself by saying that she knows lots of families
, whose children do even more than hers do
This is the world of hyper-parenting A world in which
middle-class American - and, increasingly, British - parents
treat their children as if they are competitors eternally racing
towards some unidentified finishing line A world in which
i children are rushed from activity to activity in order to make
i their future CVs as impressive as possible A world in which
' raising the next top sportsperson, musician, artist, whatever,
has apparently become a more important goal than raising a
happy, well-balanced child
US child psychiatrist Or Alvin Rosenfeld, co-author of
Hyper-Parenting Are You Hurting Your Child by Trying Too Hard?,
explains why hyper-parenting has become such an issue He
' says, 'Parents have been led to believe that they can somehow
: programme their children for success if only they do all the
right things It starts even before they are born, when pregnant
women are warned of dire consequences if they don't eat the
right foods Then, they are told that playing a baby Mozart
could speed its development, so they play Mozart and it just
goes on from there It's a very winner-takes-all view of society
• and it's making a lot of parents - and children - very unhappy
Childhood expert, William Doherty of the University of
Minnesota, informs us that doctors across the country are
reporting a growing trend in children suffering frequent
headaches due to exhaustion and stress
In the UK, too, GPs and child experts are reporting similar
symptoms of stress With two working parents now the
norm, many children have to go to clubs at the end of the
school day through necessity But competitive pressures are
also fuelling an explosion of private-sector extracurricular
activities, including sports, language, music and maths
classes for children as young as four
' PyschiatristTerri Apter admits that there is definitely a new
· parenting trend under way which says that parents have
to uncork all their child's potential at a young age They
are concerned that they are letting down their children if
they don't She goes on to say that it isn't an entirely new
phenomenon, that there have always been pushy parents,
but that what was previously seen as eccentric behaviour was
now much more the norm Mothers see their children's friends
doing lots of extra-curricular activities and they believe they
have to follow suit It all becomes very competitive
Terri Apter has seen at first hand the harmful effects of
hyper-parenting She is currently studying a group of British
: and American eighteen-year-aids, many of whom are having
enormous difficulty adjusting to the freedom of college life
She explains that a lot of them are so used to having their
time completely filled up by their parents that when they
leave home they lack the most basic self-management skills
and simply don't know what to do with themselves
The answer, she says, is for parents to lighten up and take a
' sensible middle road - allowing time for free play as well as
structured activity She sums up: 'Everyone wants their child
to shine, but going to art or jazz classes is not necessarily
· any more beneficial than giving young children time and ' freedom to play by themselves Or just to sit and think:
4 Ask students which prefixes indicate 'more than' or 'in excess' (extra, hyper, over) and which indicate 'less than' or insufficiency (under)
You can also tell them that the prefixes hyper and over usually have negative connotations They indicate that the excess
is negative in some way- for example, to be hypersensitive
is to be too sensitive and touchy, and to overdo something
is to do it too much Extra, however, means 'beyond' in the sense of'outside' and has neutral or positive associations - for example, extraordinary means out of the ordinary and has positive connotations
OD hyperactive; extracurricular; overindulgent; overoptimistic; overpopulated, underpopulated; overpriced, underpriced; hypersensitive, oversensitive; overstaffed; understaffed; extraterrestrial; overused, underused; overvalued, undervalued
<i hyperactive understaffed
overindulgent £ hypersensitive extraterrestrial
Unit 2 Review page 32
magicians 5 athletic
:.! known performance
!:I didn't manage succeeded haven't managed Can I Can't
variety throughout dangerous celebrity
didn't manage to I couldn't I weren't able to could
I'm out back down to e into up You may like to give students the Unit Test on pages 89-90 for this unit
Trang 26Introduction page33
1 Before students start discussing the questions in pairs or
small groups, make sure they recognize the central action of
each photo (Top left to bottom right: photo 1, using a games
console; photo 2, sending text messages; photo 3, working
late; photo 4, surfing the internet; photo 5, buying shoes I
shopping; photo 6, making coffee.)
a The unit title Compulsion refers to activities that people
can't stop doing The photographs show activities which
people can get addicted to
All of these activities are potentially addictive Addictive
behaviour has a range of consequences for the person
whom it affects - for example on their health and, in the
case of an addiction to shopping, their finances Addiction
often leads to a breakdown in the addicts' relationships
with family and friends
Some people are thrill-seekers - they want to try out
new things Such people may do something once for the
thrill, but may find they continue doing it until it becomes
a dominant part of their lives because they become
addicted, first to the thrill and then to the habit or drug
Even though they may not continue to enjoy doing it,
they may be unable to stop Certain people are genetically
more inclined to develop addictive behaviour Others may
seek to use drugs to escape problems in their lives
1:i Education can play a big part in helping young people
avoid addiction by making them aware of the dangers of
certain activities and explaining why they should avoid
doing things to excess They should be made aware that
there are alternative ways to deal with problems and I
or better ways to experience thrills Counselling services
should be offered to those who are genetically inclined
to develop addictive behaviour, and addicts should
be helped to recognize that they have a problem and
provided with guidance on how to change their habits or
Think ahead
1 You could either get the students to discuss the questions
about their own use of digital technology in pairs or small
groups, or you could address them as a class For example,
you could ask students to raise their hands if they spend
more than half an hour a day talking to friends on their
mobile phone, more than an hour, more than two hours, etc., and write the number of students in each category on the board The students could then decide as a group if they think the class as a whole has a 'digital addiction' problem or if
a percentage of the class does
Exam practice: Multiple choke
c A 4 B '.J A c B
Audioscript 1·10
You will hear part of a radio phone-in programme
on the subject of people's use of digital technology For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).You now have one minute to look at Part 4
In this evening's programme, we're starting with a subject which has got many of you worried We'll
be discussing young people and digital technology It's something that worries not only parents but young people themselves On our studio panel, we have Evan Matthews, a child psychologist, Joanne Carter, a secondary school head teacher, and Liz Winslett, who has three teenage children and
is a student counsellor Our first caller this morning is James Benson What is your question, James7
Thank you I'd like to ask you what you think about my parents' recent behaviour They're getting more and more obsessed about the amount of time I spend with what they call my'virtual friends'
Hi, James Can you tell me who these friends are?
They're mainly people I've met on social networking sites
Ewm And how much contact do you have with them7 Well, on a normal day, I'll update my status as soon
as I wake up Then I'll check to see if anyone's sent me any messages on my mobile
And how long does that usually take?
About five minutes if I have to reply to any messages
What about later in the day?
Well, if I don't have to go to college, I'll spend a couple of hours chatting to friends in the morning and
· maybe another two in the evening
Hmm, that does seem rather excessive
I suppose so, but it's what I'm used to But actually, what Mum and Dad really object to is seeing me texting my friends - especially at mealtimes They say it's rude and anti-social
And what do you think?
I just think it's completely normal for people of my age How many texts do you send a day7
Trang 27James About fifty or sixty
fomme OK - and do you understand why your parents are
getting so annoyed?
-'~1m!> Not really It's just a bit of fun I think adults take these
things too seriously
Can I ask you, James, do you have any other interests
outside your virtual world?
J;imes No, not now I used to play tennis with my dad most
weekends But he always seems too busy these days
Pifesente1· OK, James, I think we get the idea of what your
life is like I'd now like to ask our panel to comment on what
they've heard Can I start with you, Evan?
Evan OK, James I have to say I have great sympathy with
your parents and completely understand their point of
view They feel they're losing you to your virtual friends My
advice to you would be to spend less time on your phone
and try to spend at least a couple of hours a day when you're
not at college doing things with real people
Presenter Thank you Joanne?
Jo@n11e Here's what I suggest, James First, I think you should
accept that you have an addiction, then I suggest you try to
cut back your contact with digital friends by a few minutes
every day, so that by this time next year your life is more in
balance Try to get back to playing tennis with your dad like
you used to And try to spend more time with real people
-you'll soon get used to it You won't lose any genuine friends
and you won't have your parents nagging you all the time
Preseii~!!r Thanks And lastly, Liz Winslett
Uz Right, James I imagine your addiction is probably a very
temporary one I would guess that in a month or two you'll
get bored with your virtual life and just slip back into your old
life- that's if my own son's experience is anything to go by
In other words, I think you're going through a phase
Prese!ll:er Thank you all very much - and thank you, James,
for your intriguing question
J;i1m~$ Thanks
Over to you
3 Students' own answers
Habits and typical behaviour
1 Encourage students to attempt the exercise and try and work
out the answers to anything they don't know before they
look at the Grammar reference on page 162
any time any time
any time !\i past
past past e future
a Sentence 1 refers to a past habit, which is now over (I don't
do this any n1ore) Sentence 2 refers to an ongoing habit
(I'm accustomed to doing this)
t1 Sentence 1 refers to an ongoing habit Sentence 2 refers to
a past habit that is no longer relevant
Sentence 1 refers to an ongoing habit (I'm accustomed to doing this) Sentence 2 refers to a developing habit
used to and would
We can use used to to talk about habitual I regular actions or states in the past that are now finished
We can use would to talk about habitual action:;; in the past, but not to talk about past states
Sentences a and c could take would as well as used to
because they refer to habitual actions rather than permanent states (Note: for sentence c would smoke means they smoked sometimes, e.g at parties or after dinner - not all the time.)
5 Students' own answers
6 For a, encourage students to talk about what used to happen
in the past (but doesn't now) and what they are used to (as in 'accustomed to') doing, comparing these with the ongoing changes they are getting used to
For b, students should talk about the changes they would and wouldn't find it easy to get used to
Grammar (2) Ccnmtab~e and uncountable nouns
Countable: adults, things, parents, point of view, phone
Uncountable: fun, sympathy, advice, time
Only used with countable nouns: many, a few, few, several
Only used with uncountable nouns: not much, a little, little
Used with both: all the, some, most of the, enough, a lot of, plenty of, no, none of the
a bit of: advice, clothing, equipment, fruit, furniture, information, music, news, paper, research, luck
a box of: clothing, equipment, fruit, matches, paper
a glass of: milk
a piece of: advice, clothing, equipment, fruit, furniture, information, music, news, paper, research
a sheet of: music, paper
Trang 28a stroke of: luck
a word of: advice
an item of: clothing, equipment, information, news
chicken: Each of the chickens has laid an egg I Shall we have
chicken or fish for dinner?
chocolate: Chocolate is too sweet for me I She bought herself a
box of chocolates
exercise: I try to do exercise every day I Swimming is an
excellent form of exercise
experience: People learn best from experience I I had a
frightening experience last night
language: I'm very interested in everyday language I My
father speaks six lcmguages
light: You can see light through the trees /The car hasn't got its
noise: There is a lot of noise in the city I There are many
different kinds of noises
room: Is there enough room for us all? I The hotel hos over a
hundred rooms
time: I never hove enough time I How many times have we
done this before?
Cupcakes are something mothers make for their children and
are a reminder of childhood for many people
Exam practice: Open doze
6 Students will encounter this type of open cloze task in Part
2 of the Reading and Use of English paper Encourage them
to look at the words on either side of each gap to help them
determine what part of speech the missing word is likely to
You might want to check that students understand the
meaning of get hooked on (a more informal expression which
means 'to get addicted to') and buttercream (a kind of icing
for cake made from butter and icing sugar)
used back would
Check students understand the meaning of the title: confession
(something wrong that people admit to doing), chocoholic
(somebody who is obsessed with eating chocolate)
The writer feels a bit defensive about the fact that the reader might laugh at him I her, proud that he I she has the addiction under control at the moment and also a bit smug that he I she doesn't put on any weight even when he I she eats a lot of chocolate He I she is also determined to keep up the addiction
2 Students' own answers
4 ll3D
The main stress is on the particle in phrasal verbs In part phrasal verbs the main stress is on the first of the two particles
three-7 O])
give in give out give away give back
When a pronoun is inserted between the phrasal verb and the particle, the main stress is on the particle
When a noun is inserted between the phrasal verb and the particle, the main stress is on the noun
(Note: three-part phrasal verbs are not separable.)
Trang 29J
Audioscript 1·12
I really ought to give it back
I really ought to give the DVD back
One of the supermarkets is giving them away
One of the supermarkets is giving free samples away
Over to you
8 Students' own answers
Reading and Use of EngUsh
Part 6 pa<Je3s
Exam skills
1 This section develops the skills students need to tackle the
long gapped text task found in Part 6 of the Reading and Use
of English paper To be successful in dealing with this type of
task, students need to understand how texts are constructed
and recognize the ways in which different elements cohere
to create meaning This first exercise works at sentence level
and involves students finding corresponding elements in
order to match pairs of sentences Tell students that the
matching elements could be the content - the sentences are
obviously talking about the same thing - or it could be the
grammar and syntax, but it is more likely to be both
i.i 5 b 3 6 !! 2 f 4
Exam pradke: Gapped text
2 Before students begin the task, you may like to check that
they understand the meaning of these words: override (to
take control of something); to coin (to invent a new word or
expression); distress (feelings of great worry or unhappiness);
endorphins (chemicals produced in the brain which stop the
feeling of pain); tolerance (the ability to be affected by a drug
or by difficult conditions without being harmed); get a kick
outofsomething (to get feelings of pleasure from something)
G: With a negative addiction, on the other hand contrasts
with the previous section, which describes the effects of a
positive addiction
Z E: Steve, a personal trainer, used his work to mask his
secondary addiction This links with Whatever workout my
client was doing,
3 F: The thrill from the exercise is the thing, links back to
body image isn't so central in the previous sentence
A: five times the amount (of endorphins) links back to the
body produces endorphins in the previous sentence
5 C: the thrill con never quite compare with that achieved by
taking drugs is followed by the example ofTony, who took
drugs doily for almost a decode
6 D: there's on underlying unhappiness links with the sentence
that follows: If they haven't sorted out the reasons for this
an umbrella in the house) What about the narrator's brother?
(he touches wood for luck) How does the narrator feel about people who are superstitious? (it's understandable because it's
a natural human characteristic)
2 Students' own answers
Four adverbs of manner: clearly, accidentally, dramatically, honestly
Two comment adverbs: amazingly, fortunately
Two focusing adverbs: even, only
Two frequency adverbs: never, always
An adverb of degree: really
4 Since the order of adverbs in a sentence is not covered in the Grammar reference, you might like to revise this topic with the class before students attempt the exercise Try to elicit the rules from the students based on the examples in the text Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb (e.g We always made sure ) except ifthe verb is be, in which case they come after it (e.g We were never allowed.)
Comment adverbs usually come right at the end or right at the beginning of a sentence (e.g Fortunately, his predictions never came true I His predictions never came true, fortunately.)
Adverbs of degree come before the adverb or adjective they modify (e.g To make sure they do really well ); but if they modify a verb, they can come either before or after it
(I strongly agree I I agree strongly.)
Adverbs of manner and focusing adverbs can come both before and after the verb in a sentence depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize (e.g clearly remember, which could also be remember clearly; and occidentally broke a
mirror, which could also be broke a mirror accidentally)
a Sadly, my sister failed her driving test last week I My sister failed her driving test last week, sadly
If someone sneezes, people often say, 'Bless you!'
I completely agree with you I I agree with you completely
cl I hurriedly checked my email before I left for work I
I checked my email hurriedly before I left for work
Trang 30e Surprisingly, I found out later that you'd been trying to
phone me I I found out later that you'd been trying to
phone me, surprisingly
f I only know his name and nothing else I I know only his
name and nothing else
a early I on time
b politely I correctly I naturally I normally I responsibly
c quietly I politely I slowly
d remembering people's names
e the Earth is flat
f a famous writer
Speaking Part 3
1 This section practises Part 3 of the Speaking paper This
consists of a two-way conversation between candidates,
during which they have to demonstrate not just their ability
to speak but also manage to keep a conversation going
a Two minutes
b They are on a committee which has been asked to come
up with ideas for stopping young people from smoking
c (Written prompts) Suggestions and a question to answer
d Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the
suggested ways of getting people to stop smoking
Audioscript 1·13
Examiner Now, I'd like you to talk about something together
for about two minutes I'd like you to imagine that you are on
a committee which has been asked to come up with ideas
for stopping young people from smoking Here are some of
the suggestions and a question for you to discuss First you
have some time to look at the task
Now, talk to each other about the advantages and
disadvantages of each suggestion
a Yes, they talk about them all to some extent
b Yes The examples they give are: raising the permitted
age for smoking to 20; banning adverts which show
good-looking people smoking and looking happy; health
campaigns; putting health warnings on cigarette packets;
offering medical alternatives such as patches that you stick
on your arm or special chewing gum; electronic cigarettes
c The examiner ends the discussion by saying 'thank you'
Sophie We don't want them to smoke less We want them not
to smoke at all If it was up to me, I'd raise the smoking age
to twenty
Christian Twenty? I'm not sure about that You might stop young people from buying cigarettes, but if you did that, they would just get their older friends or even their parents
to buy cigarettes for them They do that now, don't they?
Sophie That's true What about banning advertising? Do you think that would make a difference?
Christian Yes, it might Seeing pictures of good-looking people smoking and looking happy must make smoking very attractive to some young people
Sophie Yeah, so if we stopped them from seeing those images, it might help
Christian The other thing I think they should do is have an advertising campaign to show people how smoking can damage their health
Sophie They've tried that before, haven't they, and they found
it didn't make much difference It's like the health warnings
on cigarette packets which say things like 'Smoking kills' They don't seem to stop people smoking
Christian You're right I think they tried it with teenagers - and teenagers do all kinds of things that damage their health -and they don't seem to care What they should do is have a campaign in every primary school
Sophie You're probably right- it's definitely worth a try and we've got to try everything Do you think providing people with alternatives would be a good idea - such as patches that you stick on your arm or special chewing gum?
Christian Anything's worth a try Have you heard about electronic cigarettes?
Sophie Yes, that's a really weird idea, isn't it?
Christian Yes, it is, but I know someone who tried them - and it's worked quite well so far
Examiner Thank you
a The candidates have to decide on two ideas which that
would be most likely to succeed in stopping young people from smoking
b one minute
Audioscript 1·15
Examiner Now you have about a minute to decide which two ideas would be most likely to stop young people from smoking
Trang 314
They decide on a health campaign in primary schools, and a
complete ban on cigarette advertising
Audioscript 1·16
Well, they're all quite good ideas, aren't they?
Yes, but we've already decided that raising the age
when people can buy cigarettes won't work, haven't we?
Yes, they'll just get other people to buy them We
need to think of a way of stopping young people actually
· wanting to smoke in the first place
That's true, but the thing is that all the ideas have
been tried before, haven't they?
Yes, but something needs to be done, doesn't it?
Christian You're right - they've got to do something
So, can we decide on two ideas?
Shall we suggest a health campaign in primary
schools and a complete ban on cigarette advertising?
OK! That sounds sensible
Thank you
5 Elicit an example of each type of communicative structure
from the class before asking students to do the task
Emphasize that being able to use structures like these to
manage a conversation is important for success in this part of
the exam
You may prefer to let students use the audioscript at the back
of the Student's Book to identify the words and expressions
for this activity
Function Example From the recording
Making How about ? Let's take them
suggestions I think we should What about ?
Shall we suggest ? What they should do is
Giving I think they should
opinions I think
The other thing I think they should do is
If it was up to me, I'd
Asking for What do you think? Do you think that would
opinions Do you think ? make a difference?
That's true
You're right
You're probably right
Disagreeing I'm not so sure I'm not sure about that
Expressing I'm absolutely sure it's definitely worth a
certainty that try, and we've got to try
Anything's worth a try
Giving for instance It's like
Now, talk to each other about the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion
I think these are really good ideas, so let's take them one at a time, shall we?
C!uistia11 OK Well, for a start, I think they should raise the price of cigarettes That way young people would probably smoke less
We don't want them to smoke less We want them not smoke at all If it was up to me, I'd raise the smoking age to twenty
Christian Twenty? I'm not sure about that You might stop young people from buying cigarettes, but if you did that, they would just get their older friends or even their parents
to buy cigarettes for them They do that now, don't they7 That's true What about banning advertising? Do you think that would make a difference?
Yes, it might Seeing pictures of good-looking people smoking and looking happy must make smoking very attractive to some young people
Yeah, so if we stopped them from seeing those images, it might help
Chr~5ti;:m The other thing I think they should do is have an advertising campaign to show people how smoking can damage their health
They've tried that before, haven't they, and they found
it didn't make much difference It's like the health warnings
on cigarette packets which say things like 'Smoking kills' They don't seem to stop people smoking
Cluusfozm You're right I think they tried it with teenagers and teenagers do all kinds of things that damage their health
and they don't seem to care What they should do is have
a campaign in every primary school
You're probably right - it's definitely worth a try, and we've got to try everything Do you think providing people with alternatives would be a good idea - such as patches that you stick on your arm or special chewing gum7
Anything's worth a try Have you heard about electronic cigarettes?
Yes, that's a really weird idea, isn't it?
Oiristi;m Yes, it is, but I know someone who tried them - and it's worked quite well so far
re~a:rmmf"r Thank you Now you have about a minute to decide which two ideas would be most likely to stop young people from smoking
Trang 32Well, they're all quite good ideas, aren't they7
Yes, but we've already decided that raising the age
, when people can buy cigarettes won't work, haven't we?
Yes, they'll just get other people to buy them for
them We need to think of a way of stopping young people
' actually wanting to smoke in the first place
That's true, but the thing is that all the ideas have
been tried before, haven't they?
Yes, but something needs to be done, doesn't it?
You're right - they've got to do something
So, can we decide on two ideas?
Shall we suggest a health campaign in primary
, schools and a complete ban on cigarette advertising?
OK! That sounds sensible
Thank you
Exam pradke: Collaborative task
7 Draw students' attention to the Tip before they start the
task and remind them that, for this part of the exam, the
way they interact with their partner is as important as how
they express their own views and opinions It is important
to demonstrate that they are really listening to what their
partner is saying and respond appropriately
Writing Part 2 - Artide JJage42
Think ahead
on the train I bus, in the bath, when they are relaxing, in
doctors' and dentists' waiting rooms
b It may depend on whether they are interested in the
subject, whether the writing style is accessible, or on how
well the article is presented on the page
Your favourite hobby; something you are 'crazy about'
First of all the editor of the magazine inviting articles, but
in the end the readers of the English-language magazine
Quite informal: the article is probably intended for young
people - it is a light-hearted subject and the title 'I'm just
crazy about .'is an informal expression
by talking enthusiastically about the subject from a
personal point of view
b Students' own answers
i: informal; personal; serious; yes
This is a less interesting opening sentence
This sentence immediately engages the reader by asking a dramatic question
This is less inclusive and so might not attract as many readers
This might attract people because of its inclusivity
Exam practice: Artide
7 Before students make their notes, encourage them to refer
to the section of the Writing guide about writing articles on page 182
O:@JS'.Wlltj,\1~, wum!t
Scuba diving - opens up the underwater world; you can see wonderful animals and plants; keeps you fit; great if you love the water; takes you to interesting places; requires a'buddy'
Reader is likely to be a youngish person who is interested
in underwater sports Style is quite informal
Introduction - brief introduction to concept of scuba diving and why I 'always wanted to do it'
Paragraph 1 - nature: underwater world becomes open to the diver and the flora and fauna of the underwater world are fascinating and often new; travel to exciting locations Paragraph 2 - health reasons, e.g keeping fit; good for de-stressing
Paragraph 3 - social: you have to have a 'buddy' to dive with; dive in groups; meet divers in other countries
Conclusion - a reminder of how it all started, i.e refer back
to when I 'always wanted to do it'
Trang 33because after 7 with
no a little None of d plenty a few most of
a bit a piece
You may like to give students the UnitTest on pages 91-92 for this unit
Trang 34Introduction
1 Before you ask students to discuss the photos in pairs or small
groups, make sure they understand what is meant by'role' in
this exercise - i.e you want them to think not just about what
relationship the people in each photo have with each other,
but also the position or purpose of each person within the
relationship What does each person expect of the other? Is
the relationship equal or unequal?
If you think the students might not be able to easily identify
the roles in the photos, elicit from or tell the class what each
pair of people are meant to be Note that the description
given of these roles is from a Western-European cultural
perspective and may differ slightly in other social and cultural
, contexts Just as the roles may differ in different social
contexts, so might the extent to which they have changed in
recent years
Top left to right:
Teacher and student: an unequal relationship based on trust
within an educational setting, in which the teacher has a
duty of care to the student; the teacher has an element of
authority over the student
Parent and child: an unequal relationship based on deep love
and care; the parent has responsibility to care for the child
Husband and wife I partners: an equal relationship with
joint responsibility as spouses I partners and maybe also as
Bottom left to right:
Manager and employee I boss and worker: an unequal
relationship; the boss has some authority over the employee
Friends: an equal relationship
Nurse and patient: an unequal relationship: the nurse has the
knowledge the patient needs; the nurse has a duty of care to
the patient
2 Students' own answers
Reading and Use of English
Think ahead
1 Check students understand the meaning of these words
and phrases: set sail (start a journey); crew (group of people
who work on a ship, aeroplane, spaceship, etc.); artificial (not
natural); interstellar (amongst the stars)
Check students understand the meaning of the extract by
asking these questions: Who will be on board the spaceship?
(women only) Why won't men be required? (because the
women will be able to have children without them) What is Alpha Centauri? (the star system that is closest to Earth)
b A single-sex crew might miss the company of the opposite sex and the distractions they can provide, and a single-sex environment would be very unnatural A single-sex crew may squabble without the balance provided by the other sex There may be times when the women would benefit from masculine thinking patterns, physical strength and so
on It would be boring being in a single-sex environment
Children need both sexes to influence their development
Exam practice: Multiple choice
2 This exercise involves reading for detail so allow plenty of time for it Before they begin, make sure students understand the rubric and the multiple-choice questions You may like
to check that the students understand the meaning of these words: tensions (bad feelings between people); remote
(distant I isolated), accomplish (finish); colonization (when a group of people settle in a new area); constraint (restriction);
adjust to (become accustomed to); sustain (keep going),
monogamy (the practice of having only one wife or husband over a period of time); morals (ethics I socially acceptable ideas), far-fetched (unlikely)
C: The family has the kind of natural organization and motivation to deal with the tensions which are likely to characterize space trips
2 D: spacecraft size is no longer the constraint it was, making it possible to take ordinary people such as midwives, electricians and cleaners
3 A: Whenever colonization is done on Earth, it is always by people looking for a better life
4 C: Starting with a population of childless married couples also works best on board a spaceship because it will give the initial crew a few years to adjust to their new surroundings without the distraction and responsibility of taking care of children
5 A: Designing morals for people on such a fantastic voyage
is problematic because people on Earth would have little influence once the crew was on its own
6 B: Experts predict that such a space mission will take place within the next hundred years
Collocations with have and take
' ml
a have children b take care of children
c take the opportunity to d take place
Trang 35a Suitable people: doctors, nurses, midwifes, teachers,
builders, farmers, scientists, etc
Personal qualities: determination, bravery, sense of
adventure, sense of humour, ability to work as part of a
team, etc
Students' own answers
Grammar P,a9e4{!
The future
1 Encourage students to refer to the appropriate section of the
Grammar reference on page 164 for help with these tasks
2 Encourage students to read through the text quickly,
ignoring any gaps Check that they understand by asking
these questions: Where are Sue and her husband planning to
travel to7 (Paris.) What are they going to do there? (Go to a jazz
I start I I'm starting
2 're having I 're going to have
3 're going to start I 're starting I start
4 'II get up I 're going to get up
.'1J I'm going to check his I her mobile phone messages
I'm sorry, but I'm staying with my aunt and uncle then
( I'll do the decorations if you like
Future contii'U.llOU§ and future perfect
This time next week I'll be sitting on the beach
b By this time next year I'll have finished my exams
This time next year I'll be living in Spain
In five years' time I'll have started up my own company
bound to/ likely to
6 Check students understand the meaning of these structures
by writing these examples on the board: Susie is unlikely to get married and Susie is bound to get married Ask students in
each case if you should buy Susie a wedding present (in the first case, the answer should be 'no' because if something is unlikely it probably won't happen; in the second case, the answer is 'yes' because if something is bound to happen then there is no doubt it will occur)
Exam practk~: Open doze
8 Ask students to read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps Check they understand it by asking these questions: Why is it likely that men will be taking a more active role in looking after the family in the future? (because more women will be going
out to work) Why might the number of women in the workforce soon overtake the number of men? (because many of the jobs
that have disappeared since the last economic recession were traditionally held by male workers)
Students' own answers
or will least such
The traditional thinking is that women are better in the caring professions - perhaps because they are used to acting in a motherly way
Trang 36listening Part 3 pageso
adventurous conservative conventional I
unconventional extraordinary fashionable imaginative
norrmal strange surprrising traditional unusual
2 Students listen and check
Audioscript 1·18
adventurous conservative conventional
unconventional extraordinary fashionable imaginative
normal strange surprising traditional unusual
3 Elicit from the class what the common theme in all the
photos is (parents I adults looking after children) before
asking them to do the task Students should use the
adjectives from 1 to describe the photos and their reactions
to them and compare their ideas with a partner Encourage
them to consider the roles illustrated by the photos, as
discussed at the beginning of this unit
All the photos are of parents and their children I really like
the first photo because everyone looks so relaxed The first
and second photos are of fathers with their children, and
the other two are of mothers with their children They all
show normal situations, rather conventional, although the
man carrying the baby in the second photo may be a little
untraditional for some people
4 Students' own answers
Exam practice: Multiple matching
5 Direct students' attention to the Tip before they start the task
and remind them that it is essential to spend time reading
the instructions and options carefully Check that they know
how many options are not needed (three) The first time
you play the recording, remind students to listen for general
understanding and make a note of key words Encourage
them to make their first choice of answers before you
play the recording a second time At the second listening,
students should be listening out for the key words associated
with the options, especially the ones they are least sure
about After the second listening, students should make their
final choice of answers If they really don't know an answer,
they should make a guess; this is preferable to leaving an
empty space on the answer sheet, which they should take
care never to do
l I'd say that men and women are as good as each other at looking after children and loving them I grew up without my dad around At the time it seemed normal ,
· enough, but now I have kids of my own, I realize that mothers ; and fathers help us in different ways As a dad myself, I know there's a bond between children and their dads that's just as important as having a mum around, and from experience I'd say that only a man can really do that job
If you're thinking about the day-to-day care of : children, I'd say that fathers and mothers can be equally : successful I know several families where the mother is the main breadwinner and the father looks after the kids - and it works perfectly well But I'm sure that the physical relation : between a baby and its mother creates an emotional tie which there's no substitute for, and of course this won't change because men will never be able to have children
Mothers and fathers are different and always will
be, but both are essential It's far too much work for one person to look after a family on their own, so it's important ' for the father to help out right from the start The key thing is
to always put the interests of the children first I know that I have a special relationship with them as a mum, but I can see
that my kids need their dads around, too
The idea that men are worse at looking after children is rubbish Dads can do everything just as well as mums Women are only better at childcare because, at the moment, they spend more time with their kids than men do It's like my mum - she doesn't understand how to use email, but if she worked in an office like me she'd know exactly what to do - it's just a question of familiarity
5 When I was a kid, my father made more effort
to spend time with us than most fathers would have done, which wasn't what real men were supposed to do
Whenever he wasn't at work, he dedicated all his time to
me and my sisters Other than my mum, people didn't really recognize how special he was My father wasn't like everyone else, so people just ignored him Nowadays, most men are involved with their kids like he was
day-to-day care of children - looking after children in every way, every day: feeding them, keeping them safe, getting them up and ready for bed, nurturing them, changing their clothes, nappies, etc
Trang 37, the main breadwinner - the person in the family who earns
the most money
Yes, there can be other breadwinners
feelings for each other
Other ties: family, professional, cultural, economic
his time on I his main priority was the speaker and her
Bringing up b bring her round c brought about
bring up brought in f brought back g bring down
11 brought forward i bringing out
I find it very difficult to bring up
If I had the power, I would bring in
c always brings back
::l I think the hardest thing about bringing up children is
Words w~th several meanings
which are attractive
rates at which money increases
rights I concerns
occasion I event I happening
knowledge I skill gained through doing something for a
period of time in the past
::; practice I doing things
reconcile I make peace I forgive and forget
2 invent I think up I fabricate
comprise I form
4 Students' own answers
Reading and Use of English
Part4 Exam skills
one between two and five
no, I can't
I were you, I 'd been ages since I saw have been reports of flooding
4 that she disagreed with my
yes, it does
Exam practice: Key word transformatk11n
3 Read the Tip as a class before you let students begin the exercise Working out the grammar for the gapped sentence can be the most difficult part of this type of task; however,
if students consider what part of speech the key word is, this can give them a lot clues For example, if the key word
is a past participle of a verb, this points towards a structure involving either the present perfect tense or the passive voice in the answer Collocations are also important Students should make a note of any words that are commonly used with the key word and that they associate with it They are likely to be another clue that will help find the right answer
get used to
;: is believed to have caused
~ more expensive to rent have given up
;; it was I were up to me not bring it up
Speaking Part 2
1 In Part 2 of the Speaking exam, students have to talk for an extended length of time (one minute) and demonstrate their ability to 'organize a larger unit of discourse' Preparation is one of the keys to success here, and this section is designed
to give students practice in preparing and organizing their ideas To give some initial help with assisting students to organize their ideas about these two workplace photographs, you could put a list up on the board of things to consider
in relation to different types of job and workplace - e.g surroundings, routines, colleagues, bosses, breaks and meal times, working hours, stress, job satisfaction, etc
2 Students listen and compare their ideas to the audioscript
Trang 38Audioscript 1 ·20
El(amiWl:!t' In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you
two photographs I'd like you to talk about your photographs
on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a
question about your partner's photographs Claudia, it's your
turn first Here are your photographs They show two offices
I'd like you to compare the photographs and say how you
think the relationships are different in the two offices All
Cim£iliii: In this picture all the employees are sitting at their
own computers, so they almost certainly can't see each
other This probably means that they don't talk to each other
very often except in their breaks It looks like a very big office
maybe with hundreds of employees, so it could be a call
centre of some kind In this picture the manager may work
in a separate office so the chances are he or she is quite
remote from the staff He or she may not even know all the
employees' names, but probably has to check regularly how
hard they are working By contrast, the other picture shows
a small open office with just a few employees I should think
; that these employees have good relationships with each
' other and you can see that they all look quite happy Their
manager may be in this office, but you can't tell who it is I'd
say he or she knows the names of all the staff, and probably
doesn't need to check how hard they're working In offices
, like these I imagine it's possible to have regular meetings so
·· that problems and difficulties can be sorted out before they
get worse
~::amii!i:;r Thank you Kostas, which of these places would you
prefer to work in? Why?
I'd much rather work in the office on the right
, because everyone looks so happy and relaxed I guess the
atmosphere in the other office might be very tense I think
i I'd find this office quite a stressful place to work in I think it's
: probably a call centre and these places have a bad reputation
· as places to work I know from experience that I work better
if I'm relaxed I'm also quite a sociable person, so I'd enjoy the
social side of any job I did I think it would be easier to make
friends with colleagues in this office
?J almost certainly
the chances are
probably looks like could be I'd say I imagine I guess
Exam priildke: long turn
4 Draw students' attention to the Tip before they start the task
Remind them that it should be easier to speak continuously
because they have prepared well and should have a clear list
in their heads of the different things they want to say and
points they have to make Giving examples and supporting
evidence for each point will help to extend their speaking
b Role models have status, personality traits, etc that others aspire to They act as examples to show others what is possible They can inspire people, particularly if they are ordinary people rather than people who were born into a privileged position
Exam skill§
A topic sentence: has a clear topic; interests the reader;
expresses the main idea(s) of the paragraph; is a full sentence
r, Sentence 2 gives an explanation; sentence 3 adds information
Not a clear topic - sensitive to or about what?
An improved version might be: Parents need to be sensitive, especially in situations where they believe their children have chosen unsuitable role models
Not a full sentence
An improved version might be: It has been claimed that the period from the early 7 970s to 2000 is one which witnessed the end of the traditional family
Most people today would agree that parents have the prime responsibility for the bringing up of children
Teachers should have a good knowledge of their subject, as well as having an understanding of the processes by which children learn
Trang 39For instance: for example
However: despite this; in spite of this
The result of this: as a result; because of this
In the end: ultimately
To begin with: firstly; for a start; to start with
In addition: also; as well as this; furthermore what is more,
For example, if they see their role models behaving badly,
they may be tempted to imitate their behaviour What is
more, they may persuade their friends to act in the same
To begin with, they are usually well-educated and take their
subject seriously In addition, they are keen to help other
people In the end, however, they can only be successful if
their students are willing to learn
For instance, a famous person who earns millions but has
no talent is not the best person to be a child's role model
However, there are undoubtedly some celebrities who have
talent, and they may make good role models
Exam pradke: Essay
9 Read the Tip with the class before students attempt the task,
and encourage students to refer to the appropriate section
of the Writing guide on page 178 for an overview of essay
writing Emphasize that good planning and preparation
are essential to produce a good piece of writing and that
students shouldn't worry about taking the necessary time to
do this because it will ensure that they use their writing time
more efficiently Ask whom the students are writing for and
elicit that the audience for an essay is always 'the teacher' so
it needs to be written in an appropriately formal style and
Unit 4 Review
was suggested (that) I look I looked I should look
been reports of clashes between
couldn't get used to
's bound to get
S is believed to be responsible
'm unlikely to be I arrive on
2 (3D
will retire I will be retiring 'm going to cycle I 'II be cycling
'II lend you
d leaves will have worked I will have been working Are you doing
'II have moved; 'II be living
a brought up
b brings back bring round bring about '' brought up You may like to give students the UnitTest on pages 93-94 for this unit
Trang 40Introduction
1 What these photos have in common is that the cultural
references in them are not unique to one particular country
For example, even though the people in the bottom-right
photo are eating sushi, we can't be sure the photo was taken
in Japan because sushi restaurants are found globally As
a result, we can't say with any certainty where each of the
photos was taken
Reading and Use of English
Exam practice: Multiple matching
2 Look at the Tip as a class before getting students to do the
matching activity Remind them that everyone is different
and that they shouldn't hesitate to try different approaches to
the various types of exam task in order to find out which suits
them best
You might also like to check students understand the
meaning of these words and phrases: noxious (unpleasant
and harmful); off the beaten track (away from where most
people normally go); look down on (to think that someone
or something is not as good or important as you are);
mutually exclusive (not possible to exist at the same time);
trailblazer (a person who does something for the first time);
embrace (to accept something with enthusiasm); reluctance
(unwillingness to do something); resent (to feel angry and
bitter about something you are forced to accept or do);
compromise (to lower your standards or principles)
B: There is no conflict between tourism and travelling Just as
one may eat one day at McDonald's and the next at a five-star
Michelin restaurant, so one may both enjoy the beaches of
the Costa de/ Sol and a trek through the Sarawak rainforest
These experiences are not mutually exclusive
2 E: By contrast, tourists bring cash in buckets
3 C: In its heyday, such places throbbed with people and
4 F: They appreciate their genuine experiences so much that
they resent sharing them
S A: Scarcely anyone has had a good word to say before or
6 F: The tourist is me I feel no shame
7 B: Looking down on tourists is snobbery And it infuriates
8 D: with some initial reluctance, villagers embraced the tourism development- going to work in the new hotel, opening guest rooms of their own and running pleasure trips
in their fishing boats
9 C: But if they didn't wander off to unexplored spots, and write and talk about it on their return, the rest of us would be in ignorance Some readers were inspired to follow
10 A: the most noxious is the tourist I sense heads nodding
Over to you
3 Students' own answers
Grammar Past time
a past perfect simple
b present perfect simple
c past continuous
d past perfect simple
c past simple
d past continuous
3 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar reference
on page 165 for help with identifying the verb forms and identifying the differences in meaning between the sentences in each pair
e past simple present perfect The differences in meaning are:
a In the first situation the play started at the time they arrived at the theatre In the second situation the play was already in progress when they arrived - the play started