hướng đẫn sử dụng lò nướng hấp đa năng, thông số kỹ thuật . đây là catalog nguyên gốc của nhà máy . được sử dụng cho kỹ thuật viên . dựa vào thông số thiết bị có thể đưa vào bản vẽ theo tiêu chuẩn của nhà máy . hệ thông thiết bị được đánh má số kỹ thuật viên có thể dựa theo thông số mày để mua vật tư sửa chữa cũng như việc chuẩn bị vật tư nắp đặt
CONVOTHERM OES OEB OGS OGB EN - User Manual 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 19 22 21 20 18 19 22 20 K D 23 23 6019003_02 6019002_03 24 24 OES START STOP START STOP 21 OEB EN English EN Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us by choosing a CONVOTHERM Your new CONVOTHERM combi steamer perfectly combines ease of use with first-class, reproducible quality for prepared dishes You will be struck by the satisfaction of your guests, because with CONVOTHERM, the best possible quality is assured for your menu Time and time again To ensure your success from the outset, we would like to provide you with all the necessary instructions and helpful hints for perfect dishes in this handbook CONVOTHERM is responsible for the smooth functioning of your appliance We offer: • Our customer helpline on +49 (0) 8847 67 899 for questions relating to your CONVOTHERM or by email at chefshotline@convotherm.de • You can find constantly updated information and a discussion forum for all questions related to CONVOTHERM, as well as a selection of international recipes to download, on our website at www.convotherm.com • The CONVOTHERM customer service line (technical emergencies) is open 24 hours a day; find out the current number on +49 (0)8847 67 • Rapid spare parts service, available by express delivery on request • The warranty conditions of your Convotherm distributor shall apply The warranty does not include damage to glass, electric light bulbs and sealant material nor damage caused by improper installation, usage, cleaning, maintenance, repair or de-scaling We hope you enjoy using your CONVOTHERM oven and that you will have many satisfied guests! CONVOTHERM Elektrogeräte GmbH This handbook describes the features and facilities of our combination steamer planned at the time of printing as comprehensively as possible Not all of these features will be available as standard Some functions mentioned are only available for particular models as optional extras This handbook may contain errors and is subject to technical modifications EN To help you find what you are looking for more quickly, we have used various orientation symbols You will find the following symbols in the text: Warning symbol for special caution Risk of explosion Warning: high voltage current Warning: hot steam Pay attention to loading height Usage tips EN Summary Safety instructions Description of functions, usage in accordance with conditions, risk of accident, risk prevention CONVOTHERM Combi Steamer 12 Functional parts, operating elements and their function Practical hints for cooking 15 Steaming, superheated steam, convection, regenerating, measuring core temperature, CONVOTHERM Cookbook cooking charts: Vegetables and side orders Fish and crustaceans Meat and sausage products Game and poultry Baked items and desserts Cooking with CONVOTHERM 36 Steaming, superheated steam, convection, regeneration, measuring core temperature, Delta-T cooking, Cook&Hold, extra functions CONVOTHERM cookbook 50 Working with cooking plans, working with the cookbook, editing cooking recipes, working with Press&Go (symbol) Daily servicing and maintenance 58 rinsing steam generators, semi-automatic cleaning, automatic cleaning Setup 63 Signal tone, volume, time, date, order of Cookbook, default settings, memory settings, temperature display, network address, language ? What to if 67 Troubleshooting, emergency operation Product information 71 Overview of appliance, technical data, accessories Index 74 Operation, cooking of foodstuffs Front/rear 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 panel Reverse side 17 21 18 START STOP 19 22 20 D 23 6019002_00 24 OEB EN Safety instructions Improper installation, maintenance or cleaning or modifications to the appliance could lead to injury or death of the operator and damage to the appliance The appliance should never Read the operating handbook carefully before using the appliance This is how the combi steamer works You can cook various foodstuffs in your combi steamer To this, steam, convection (hot air with distribution) and hot steam (superheated steam) are used This means that your combi steamer can provide virtually all methods of cooking foodstuffs The steamer allows you to steam, blanch, poach, stew, boil, roast, braise, bake, grill, gratinate, regenerate and defrost food stuffs, as well as cook sousvide and at low temperatures This makes your combi steamer a universal appliance • be operated in a toxic atmosphere or one at risk of explosion • be initially started up or operated at a temperature