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Sample speaking part 2 1 ielts ninja

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SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a person who helps protect the environment I’d like to kick off/ start off by saying that I can name so many people who help protect the environment, but today I’d like to share with you about particular person who really cares about the environment, my mom So now my mom is in her mid-50s but she can easily pass for 40 because she eats healthy and works out on a regular basis to stay in shape Of course I have known her for my whole life now and I would say that she has the greatest influence on me She taught me to respect the environment from being a role-model herself My mom is really environmentally conscious For example she only uses canvas bags for groceries and would insist that everyone in our family the same Instead of trashing our old items like furniture, shoes or clothes, my mom collects them to donate, she told me that that way, we don’t only get to protect the environment but also make an underprivileged individual’s life easier My mom also reminds everyone to use water responsibly, for example our laundry just when we have a full load so we won’t have to use much volume of water every day What she always says is “it may seem like something small, but those little things add up” VOCABULARY Be environmentally conscious: quan tâm đ n môi tr Can pass for: n ng i khác t ng ng nh th (n) Canvas bag: túi v i b (v) Insist that S+V: kh ng kh ng b o làm (n) an underprivileged individual: ng i may m n (v) laundry: gi t đ (v) have a full load: kín đ máy gi t (v) add up: tích ti u thành đ i SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a teenager you know Today I’d like to talk about a young friend of mine, A She is only 17 years old but she must be one of the most intriguing individuals I know I came to know A when I was doing some volunteer work with an NGO in an orphanage in the suburb of Hanoi a few weeks ago Right when I 1st saw A, I felt an instant connection with her and I couldn’t quite explain it When my group of volunteers came to the orphanage, we brought quite a lot of books and toys for the kids there, unlike other kids who were really excited when given the presents, A kinda shied away, I guess this piqued my curiosity and prompted me to go talk to her I was at a loss for words to learn that A was a deaf-mute child I stayed at the orphanage for merely weeks but it was enough for A and me to strike up a friendship She is a have-not but she was so generous to share her books and toys with all the others I don’t have a lot of memories about A but one that I will never forget is when I asked A what her dream was, she gave me a bright smile and signed with her hands “to have parents” This teaches me to never take my family and what I have in life for granted VOCABULARY (adj) intriguing: thú v / g i tò mò Feel an instant connection with smb: l p t c c m th y thân thi t v i (v) pique smb’s interest: kh i lên s h ng thú (v) prompt smb to V: n làm Be at a loss for words: khơng bi t ph i nói gì/ kh u/ vơ ng c nhiên Strike up a friendship: b t đ u tình b n (n) have-not: ng i thi u th n Take smb/smt for granted: không bi t trân tr ng ai/ SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe an old person who is interesting Off the top of my head, I can name so many old people who can pique my interest but now I’d like to talk about one particular person, who is my grandmother So now my grandma is in her 80s but she is still very sharp and she has many great traits I would say that she has the greatest influence on me What sets her apart from other elderlies that I know is how she is a mine of information and how much she enjoys reading to keep herself up to date She never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge about history, arts and so on My grandmother is the person who instills the love of reading in me as she bought me a lot of books and told me bedtime stories when I was a little girl My grandma is a pleasure to be around because of her outgoing personality She has also taught me many life lessons but one that resonates with me is to always be kind to others by being an example herself I have seen it many times how she bends over backwards to help her friends and relatives in need VOCABULARY (v) pique smb’s interest: kh i lên s h ng thú (v) have a great influence on smb: có nh h ng l n lên (v) set smb apart from: n khác bi t (n) a mine of information: ng i r t am hi u (v) never cease to V: ch a bao gi ng ng làm (v) instill smt in smb: truy n vào (n) a pleasure to be around: ng i có kh n ng n ng bên (v) resonate with smb: n nh (idiom) bend over backwards to V: c g ng h t s c làm i khác c m th y vui v d ch u SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up Right off the bat, I have to say that there are certainly many people whom I hold in high regard and now I’d like to talk about one particular person I have not only looked up to my whole life but also wanted to be similar to when I was growing up, my grandma Now my grandma is in her 80s but she is still very sharp and she has many great traits I would say that she has the greatest influence on me She is a mine of information and that’s why she never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge about history, arts and so on My grandmother is the person who instills the love of reading in me as she bought me a lot of books and told me bedtime stories when I was a little girl My grandma is also a resilient person who has overcome tremendous difficulties in her life and still managed to keep a kind heart She has taught me many life lessons but one that resonates with me is to always be kind to others by being an example herself I have seen it many times how she bends over backwards to help her friends and relatives in need VOCABULARY (v) hold smb in high regard: tôn tr ng (v) have a great influence on smb: có nh h (n) a mine of information: ng ng l n lên i r t am hi u (v) never cease to V: ch a bao gi ng ng làm (v) instill smt in smb: truy n vào (adj) resilient: kiên c ng (v) manage to V: có th xoay s làm (v) resonate with smb: n nh (idiom) bend over backwards to V: c g ng h t s c làm SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe an intelligent person you know I’d like to start off by saying that I can name so many people I know who are really smart but now I’m gonna talk about particular person whom I hold in high regard because of his intelligence and vast knowledge, my dad My dad is in his late 60s now but he can easily pass for 50 because he eats healthy and works out on a regular basis to stay in shape He was granted a scholarship to study engineering in Poland in the 70s and achieved remarkable academic results Upon graduation, he came back to Vietnam and has been working as an electrical engineer ever since so I’d say that he has considerable expertise in engineering He likes to read a lot to keep himself up to date A mine of information as he is, he never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge about history, arts and so on My dad is the person who instills the love of reading in me as he bought me a lot of books and told me bedtime stories when I was a little girl VOCABULARY (v) hold smb in high regard: tôn tr ng (n) a mine of information: ng i r t am hi u (v) never cease to V: ch a bao gi ng ng làm (v) instill smt in smb: truy n vào On a regular basis: th ng xuyên Have considerable expertise in: hi u bi t sâu s c v SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome Right off the bat, I have to say that I’m not easily impressed by someone’s appearance, but now I’m gonna talk about particular person who I think is endowed with both brain and attractiveness, H H and I met in Bangkok when I was on a weekend get-away by myself summers ago I was hanging out in a pagoda when H stole a glanced at me but I saw him doing such so he gave me an endearing smile I still remember vividly how attractive he was He has a muscular physique and a perfectly chiseled jawline with some stubble on his face H wasn’t exactly drop-dead gorgeous but there was something irresistible about him As I smiled back at H, he came over to say hi and we immediately clicked He was a very funny and quick-witted man which made our exchange so much more interesting I realized that a man with just good looks is not completely desirable but a man who knows how to keep the conversation is irresistibly attractive VOCABULARY be endowed with: đ c phú cho (v) steal a glance at smb: nhìn r t nhanh (nhìn tr m) (n) muscular physique: thân hình v m v (n) chiseled jawline: m t góc c nh nam tính (adj) drop-dead gorgeous: đ p vơ làm ch t ng (v) click: h p vô (adj) quick-witted: ng đ i nhanh SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a person you haven’t seen before but you would like to know more Off the top of my head, I can name so many people who can pique my interest and curiosity but now I’d like to talk about one particular person who I would like to get to know better, Ellen, a highly-regarded comedian from the US So now she is in her late 60s and has been famous for many years A few months ago when I had a lot on my plate, I surfed the Internet a lot to unwind because I thought it would help me produce better results at work One time, I came across this article about Ellen and immediately became a fan As far as I know, she made a professional debut as a stand-up comedian in the early 1980s and quickly rose to fame a few years later when she starred in a show named “Ellen” In 1997, when the show reached its height of popularity, Ellen came out as a lesbian, which led to the falling ratings of the show because at the time, homosexuality was still a sensitive subject Despite all the hardship, Ellen later re-established herself as a successful talk show host and has won numerous accolades VOCABULARY (v) rise to fame from: tr nên n i ti ng t đâu (v) make a professional debut as a + N: m t v i vai trò (idiom) have a lot on my plate: có r t nhi u vi c (v) came across: tình c xem/ g p đ (v) reach smb’s height of popularity: Copy protected with Online-PDF-No-Copy.com c th i kì đ nh cao c a s n i ti ng/ danh v ng .. .SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a teenager you know Today I’d like to talk about a... ng i thi u th n Take smb/smt for granted: không bi t trân tr ng ai/ SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe an old person who is interesting Off the top of my... over backwards to V: c g ng h t s c làm i khác c m th y vui v d ch u SAMPLE ANSWERS 8.0+ By Ielts Ninja- Ms Qu nh Mai, 9.0 speaking Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2019, 07:13

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