THE VIRGILIAN TRADITION This page intentionally left blank THE VIRGILIAN TRADITION THE FIRST FIFTEEN HUNDRED YEARS JAN M ZIOLKOWSKI AND MICHAEL C J PUTNAM, EDITORS Ya l e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s / N ew H a v e n & L o n d o n Disclaimer: Some images in the printed version of this book are not available for inclusion in the eBook Published with assistance from the Loeb Classical Library Fund, Brown University, and the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Copyright ∫ 2008 by Yale University All rights reserved This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers Designed by Mary Valencia and set in Galliard Oldstyle and Meridien types by Keystone Typesetting, Inc Printed in the United States of America by Sheridan Books Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Virgilian tradition : the first fifteen hundred years / Jan M Ziolkowski and Michael C J Putnam, editors p cm Includes bibliographical references and index isbn 978-0-300-10822-4 (cloth : alk paper) Virgil—Criticism and interpretation—History Latin poetry—History and criticism— Theory, etc Rome—In literature I Ziolkowski, Jan M., 1956– II Putnam, Michael C J., 1933– pa6825.v57 2007 873%.01—dc2 2006037753 Frontispiece: figure Miniature to illustrate Aeneid (Dido and Aeneas; Aeneas and Dido’s outing; Aeneas’s departure; suicide of Dido); figure Miniature to illustrate Aeneid (Aeneas and the Cumaean Sibyl with burial of Misenus; twin doves reveal the golden bough; Aeneas in the underworld) A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources 10 To our students, past, present, and future This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS List of Illustrations Preface xxi Rules of the Edition Acknowledgments Introduction xxvii xxix xxxiii List of Abbreviations I xx xxxvii VIRGIL THE POET A Virgil on Himself Georgics 2 Letter to Augustus B Contemporary Response Lucius Varius Rufus Horace Agrippa 12 Propertius 12 Domitius Marsus 13 C Later Influence and Importance 14 Ovid 14 ‘‘Ille ego qui quondam gracili modulatus avena’’ Appendix Vergiliana 25 Seneca the Elder 27 Velleius Paterculus 29 Quintus Remmius Palaemon 29 Seneca the Younger 30 Pliny the Elder 33 Lucan 34 10 Calpurnius Siculus 35 11 First Einsiedeln Eclogue 35 12 Laus Pisonis 36 13 Petronius 37 14 Columella 40 15 Pompeian Gra≈ti 42 16 Masada Papyrus 44 17 Vindolanda Writing-Tablets 44 18 Silius Italicus 45 19 Quintilian 46 20 Martial 48 21 Statius 56 22 Tacitus 59 23 Florus 60 24 Pliny the Younger 62 25 Juvenal 63 26 Apuleius 65 27 Aulus Gellius 65 28 Avienus 71 29 Ammianus Marcellinus 71 30 Jerome 72 31 Augustine 73 32 Claudian 86 33 Sidonius Apollinaris 87 34 Ennodius 88 35 Cassiodorus 89 36 Gregory of Tours 90 37 Isidore of Seville 91 38 Aldhelm 92 39 Alcuin 96 viii CONTENTS 22 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Ermoldus Nigellus 100 Welsh Battle of the Trees 101 Ermenrich of Ellwangen 102 Modus Ottinc 105 Fulbert of Chartres 106 Donizo 107 Peter Abelard 111 Otto of Freising 111 ‘‘Archpoet’’ 113 Walter of Châtillon 114 Alan of Lille 115 Chrétien de Troyes 128 Jacob van Maerlant 129 Dante 130 Petrarch 132 Chaucer 145 Christine de Pizan 146 Ma√eo Vegio 147 D Virgil as Performed or Declaimed Tacitus 162 Suetonius 162 Probus 163 Lucian 164 Macrobius 164 Performances of the Eclogues 164 Servius 165 Augustine 165 Fulgentius 166 10 Venantius Fortunatus 166 11 Virgil and Musical Notation 167 162 II BIOGRAPHY: IMAGES OF VIRGIL A Vitae 179 Vita Suetonii vulgo Donatiana (VSD ) Jerome 199 Vita Servii 202 Vita Focae 205 Vita Philargyrii I 212 179 181 CONTENTS ix Macer, Aemilius (continued ) 262(261), 280(279), 292(290), 400(397), 710(708) Macrobius, 4, 12, 23, 61, 63, 66, 82, 88, 111, 164, 167, 304, 313(305), 332(321), 385(372), 396(382), 425, 463, 465, 467–68, 524, 544, 623, 628– 29, 636–37, 738(737), 780(776), 814, 859 See also Avienus Maeander, 517(511) Maecenas, 8, 9, 26, 37, 49, 52–53(51– 52), 105(103), 191–93(183–85), 194(186), 205(203), 211(208), 218(214), 223–24(221–22), 227(226), 234(232), 240(238), 242(240), 243, 252(251), 255– 56(253–54), 262(261), 280(279), 282, 287(284), 289(286), 292(290), 316(307), 317(308), 319(310), 337(325), 339–40(327–28), 343– 44(331), 358–60(347–48), 361(350), 363–65(351–53), 368(355), 388(375), 391(377–78), 394– 95(381), 486, 716–17(713–14), 720(719), 993–94 Maerlant, Jacob van, 129–30 Maevius, 237, 242(240), 262(261), 292(290), 487, 698, 742(740) Magia, 204(203), 225, 226, 312(304) See also Aynata; Maia; Polla Magius (Virgil’s father-in-law), 210(207) Magnentius, 475 magnetic mountain, 988–90 Magus, 190(182), 356(345) Maia, 229, 234(231), 254(253), 266(263), 271–72(269–70), 279(278), 291(290), 298–99(293– 94), 334(323), 356(345), 384(371), 400(397), 721(719), 991 See also Aynata; Magia; Polla Mainz, 958 Majour, 939 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 470 Malmesbury, 92 Malterer Tapestry, 459 1068 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX Manasseh (king of Judaea), 764(753) Mandello, Giovannolo da, 415 Mandeville, 955 Mansel, Jean, 871 Manto, 332(321), 385(372) Mantua, 15, 36, 46, 49, 54, 56–57, 107, 110–11(108–9), 133, 135(133–34), 190(182), 196(188), 199, 201, 204(203), 211(208), 216(212), 217(214), 223(221), 225(222), 229, 234(231–32), 237, 241(239), 243, 254(253), 258(256–57), 266– 68(263–65), 271(269), 273(271), 277(276), 279(278), 281–82(280– 81), 291–92(290), 298(293), 312– 13(304–5), 317–18(308–9), 332(322), 334(323), 336–37(325), 339(327), 356(345), 367–68(355), 385(372), 400(397), 402(399), 407, 446–48, 716(713), 839(832), 848(847), 950, 991–92, 994 Marcellus (duke of Naples), 826, 830– 31, 946–47 Marcellus, Marcus, 319–20(311), 341(329), 392(379), 687(677), 689(679), 916(914) Marcianus, 498 Marcus (consul), 918(917) Margaret of Bavaria, 446 Mariamme, 983 Marie of Champagne, 128–29 Maro, 206, 209–10(207), 229 See also Figulus; Istimicon; Publius; Stimichon; Vergilius (Virgil’s father); Virgilius (Virgil’s father) Mars, 157(149), 521(516), 725(724) Marsus, Domitius, 13, 16, 50, 53, 627 Martial, xxxv, xxxvi, 23, 26, 48–51, 55, 382–83(370), 403–4, 506 Martianus Capella, 383(371), 430, 727, 732, 734, 737, 739(738), 739 Martini, Simone, 451–52, 461 Mary (empress), 966–67 See also Enye Mary, Saint (Blessed Virgin), 95, 393(380), 449, 455, 457, 687(677), 689(678), 879, 963–64, 985–86, 989 Masada papyrus, 44 Massacano, 946 masses, legend of three simultaneous, 946, 953 ‘‘Master Anselm,’’ 203, 230, 717–18, 721–22 mathematics, 90–91, 191(184), 318(310), 335(324), 357–59(346– 47), 386(373), 736, 855, 953 Mathilda, Marquess, 107 Matthew, 770(758) Maurus, Saint, 404–7 Mavius, 267(265) Mavortius, 471, 480–81 Maxentius, 491 Maximus of Madura, 79 Maya See Maia McCormick, Michael, 705 meat preservation, 273(271), 320(311), 826, 850–52, 856(855), 910(908), 915(913), 920(919), 948 Mebeus, 267(265) Medea, 56, 631(630) Medici, Cosimo de’, 444 medicine, Virgil’s study of, 335(324), 359(347), 386(373), 991 Megara, 193(185), 302(297), 317(309), 343(330), 361(349), 393(379) Meliadans (king of Thrace), 969 Meliboeus, 35, 174, 236(233), 258– 59(257), 277(276), 292(290), 436– 37, 480, 750; Cornelius Gallus as, 225(222), 642 Melinus, 990, 998–99 Melissus, 359(347) Melpomene, 431 Memmius, 224(221) Memnon, 612 memory systems, 744, 747–50(746–47) Menalcas, 30, 47, 437, 485; Antony as, 709(708); Cornificius Gallus as, 710(708); Virgil as, 3, 47, 710(708) Menander, 430 Menelaus, 558–60, 577, 581, 584, 605, 670(664) Menippean satire, 507 Mercato Vecchio, Naples, 948 Mercogliano, 948 Mercury, 143(141), 196(187), 219(215), 367(354), 404, 511, 541(540), 614, 648(647), 668(662), 710(708), 720(719), 732–33(731) Merlin See Melinus Messala Corvinus, Marcus Valerius, 28, 60, 287(284) Messalina, Valeria, 538 Metapontum, 205(204) meter, classical, 76–77, 93–94, 198– 99(189), 369(356), 401(398), 650, 655(651), 674(673), 716(713), 718 Methymna, 506(505) Mettus (king of Albans), 800(799) Mezentius, 672(666) Michael (archangel), 940 Middle High German, 460, 577, 871, 926 Migir, 1000 Mignano, 417 Milan, 73, 190(182), 200, 204(203), 216(213), 229, 234(231), 255(253), 266(264), 272(270), 291(290), 299(294), 313(305), 335(324), 357(346), 386(373), 716(713), 920(919), 991 Milan school, 675 Milotin, 974 Minerva, 697–98(686–87), 724(723), 773(761) Minerva, La, 951 Minos, 26, 302(297), 607 mirror(s), magic, 859, 906, 932–33, 943, 960 See also palace of air; Salvation of Rome Miseno, 946 Misenus, 546(545), 668(663), 780(776), 792–93(788–89), 821 Mnasyllos, 711(709) Modena (Mutina), 46, 227(226), 300(295), 336(325), 338–39(327), 389–90(376–77), 992 Moeris, 711(709) Mohammad, 941–42 Moniachis, 266(264) NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1069 Monnus (mosaicist), 430 ‘‘Monnus Mosaic,’’ 430–31 Montanus, Iulius, 28(27), 29, 192(184), 360(349) Montepulciano, 293 Mopsus, 3, 235(233), 437; Aemilius Macer as, 710(708) mosaics, 430–33 Moses, 798(796), 942 Munatius, Lucius, 642–43 Muri, 916 Mursa, 475 Musa, Octavius, 25 Musaeus, 670(664) music, medieval, 172–73 Musical, 939 Namphamo, 79 Naples, xxxv, 3, 62, 135(134), 190(183), 193(185), 201(200), 204–5(203–4), 218(214), 223(221), 229, 234(231), 240(237), 247(246), 255(253), 260(259), 263(262), 268(265), 269, 272–73(270–71), 279(278), 286(283), 291(290), 299(294), 302– 3(297), 318(309), 320–21(311–12), 343(330), 357–58(346–47), 361(349), 386(373), 395(381), 406, 409, 411(410), 415, 417, 419, 470, 716(713), 743(741), 825–28, 830–31, 848–57, 859–61, 910(908), 915– 16(913–14), 918, 920(919), 922–24, 933, 946–54, 976–77, 979–80, 982– 83, 986–87, 997–99, 1018–20, 1023 Naples, University of, 861, 952–53 Narcissus (gra≈tist), 42 Naucellius, Julius, 522 Neapolitan Crypt, 416–17, 854–55, 951 Nebuchadnezzar, 764(753) Necapolis, 268(265) See also Naples Neckam, Alexander, 269, 275(274), 466, 816, 826, 830, 869(868), 915(913), 920–21(919–20), 947, 983 necromancy, books of, 102, 318(310), 409, 411(410), 826, 905, 952–53, 988–89, 1007 1070 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX Nectarius, 496 Negro, Pescennio Francesco, 167 Nemesis, 54 Neoplatonism, 626, 636, 671(665), 737, 794 Neoptolemus See Pyrrhus Nepos, Cornelius, 63(62) Neptune, 689(678), 724(723), 725– 26(725) Nequam, Alexander See Neckam, Alexander Nereus, 534(532) Neri Morando da Forlì, 413 Nero (emperor of Rome), 35(34), 35– 37, 45, 163, 553, 877–78(876–77), 937 Neron the Arab, 937–42 Nerva, 71 Nestor, 609–10 new age, 687–89(677–79) New Man, 116 Nicaea, 491 Nicene Creed, 491 Nicomedia, 488 Nido, Piazza di, 947 Niger, Antonius, 292(290) Ninus, 112 Nisius the grammarian, 6, 22, 194(185), 319(310), 362(350) Nisus (friend of Euryalus), 31, 58–59 Nisus (king of Megara), 26, 302(297) Nola, 72, 344(331), 395(381), 852 Nonius Marcellus, 386(373) Notker of St Gall, 704 Numa Pompilius, 764(753) Numicius, 22 Numitorius, 194(186), 485 See also Paro obscenity, 811–15 Octavia, 192(184), 252(251), 262(260), 266(264), 317(309), 341(329), 361(349), 392(379), 687(677) Octavian (fictional emperor), 831, 840(832), 841(834), 845(838), 968– 69, 971–74, 976, 984, 997, 999 Octavius, 26–27 Octavius, Gaius See Augustus (emperor of Rome) Odo of Cluny, 894 Oeagrus, 696(685) Oenus, 385(372) Old French romances, 128–29, 146, 412, 439, 461, 465, 502, 528, 550–51, 571, 831, 857–58, 923, 932, 937, 942–43 Old High German translations, 704 Old Icelandic, 881 Old Spanish, 878 Olybrius, Olympiads, 199–201 Olympus, 37, 161(154–55) Onulf (of Ghent), 896 Optatus, Fidus, 426–27 oratory, 39, 59–61, 90, 166, 335(324), 386(373), 637, 673, 785(783) orchard, marvelous, 875, 876, 976–78, 1015–16, 1017 See also garden, marvelous Orcus, 17 Orestes, 195–96(187), 235–36(233), 258(257), 366–67(354), 545, 715(712), 789(786), 899(898) Orléans, 550 Orosius, Paulus, 609 Orpheus, xxxiv, 7, 87(86), 135(133), 445, 451, 470, 495, 503–7, 509(508), 510, 573, 696(685), 738(737), 772(761), 784–86(782–84), 901, 903(902) Orvieto, 451 Otford Villa, 433 Otto I–III (Holy Roman emperors), 106 Otto IV, 851 Otto of Freising, 111–12 Outremeuse, Jean d’ See Jean d’Outremeuse Ovid, xxxv, 2, 12, 14–15, 20, 22–23, 26, 29(28), 29, 46, 49, 54, 60, 62, 65, 100– 101, 131, 167, 287(283–84), 314– 15(306–7), 317(308), 382–83(370), 394(380), 420(419), 420, 432, 438, 470, 482, 484(483), 504, 511, 550, 576, 766(755), 861, 889–90, 922, 956, 975–76, 1000 Ovid, pseudo-, 22, 765(755) Oxford, 744, 750, 912, 919 Oxyrhynchus papyri, 44 Pacuvius, Marcus, 60 Padua, 113(112), 419 palace of air, 905 palace without secrets, 1013 Palaemon, 30, 437; Augustus as, 710(708) Palatine library, 627 Palermo, 848(847) Pales, 41, 829 Palinurus, 531(528), 668(663), 735, 779(776), 781(777) Palladium, 561 Pallas, 132, 143(141), 157(149), 170, 177, 561, 586, 739(738), 773(761) Pamphilus, 236(233), 813, 1000 Pamphilus of Alexandria, 1000 Pan, 196(187), 437, 495, 696(686), 715(712), 773(761) Pansa, 300(295), 976 Pansophios, Saint, 901, 903(902) Paphlagonia, 333(322), 385(372) Papias, 914–15(913) paradise, 940–42 Paris, 115, 168, 558, 577–79, 584, 588, 605, 707(706), 744, 750, 802(800), 912, 919 Paris, University of, 396 Parma, 992 Paro, 363(350) See also Numitorius parody, xxxv, 26–27, 37–39, 194(186), 363(350), 469, 482, 485–87 Partenites See Parthenias, Virgil as Parthenias, Virgil as, 145, 190(183), 204(203), 234(231), 248(247), 254(253), 272(270), 299(294), 315(307), 344(331), 358(347), 395(382), 403(399), 474, 716(713) Parthenopaeus, 605 Parthenope, 3, 94(93), 134, 179, 193(185), 201, 205(204), 218(214), NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1071 Parthenope (continued ) 223(221), 227(226), 230(229), 240(237), 241(239), 251, 260(259), 260, 263(262), 268(265), 272(270), 279(278), 291(290), 302–3(297), 318(309), 362(349), 393(380), 404– 507, 743(741), 910(908), 912(910), 916(914), 917, 946, 950 Pasiphae, 703(702) Passau, 102 pastiche, 194, 482, 485 Patavia (Passau), 113(112) Patavium, 112–13(112) Paul, Saint, 65, 412–13, 414, 524, 769– 70(758), 770(758), 811(809), 903(902), 925–26, 981, 987 Pauli, Johannes, 871 Paulinus, 314(306) Paulinus of Nola, 7, 72, 499 Paulus, 474 Pavia, 88, 992 Pavia, University of, 147 Pedianus, Asconius, 345, 358(347), 363(351), 488, 627 Peewee, 485(483) Pegasus, 433 Penates, 161(154) Penthesilea, 618, 621 Pepin I (king of Aquitaine), 100–101 Pergemias See Parthenias, Virgil as periochae, 181, 227, 236–37, 242–43, 246, 254(253), 256(254), 278, 290 Peripatetics, 527 Perses, 224(221), 241(239) Persius, 23, 546(545), 627, 793, 801(800), 861 Pertinax, Publius Helvius (emperor), 422 Peter, Bishop of Ravenna, 896(895) Petit, Aimé, 551 Petrarch, Francesco, xxxvi, 63, 132–33, 139, 144–45, 269, 272(270), 318– 19(309–10), 412, 414, 419, 451–53, 859, 861 Petronius, xxxv, 37, 991 Petrus d’Alvernia, 396 1072 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX Petrus de Palude, 903 Pettacula See Pietola (Mantua) Phaer, Thomas, 147 Phascillis, 236(233) See also Diana Phebilhe, 958–59, 961, 965–67, 969, 974–75, 978 Phemonoe, 763–64(753) Pherecydes the Assyrian, 497 Philargyrius, Iunius, 164, 180–81, 212, 220, 396, 625–26, 641–42, 674–75, 698 Philip (count Palatine), 446 Philip Herod, 984 Philip of Flanders, 128 Philippi, 191(184), 211(208), 338– 39(326–27), 359(348), 389–90(376– 77), 642, 975 Philistus, 365(352) Philodemus, Philomen, 333(322) Philomena, 236(233) philosopher’s spirit See spirit(s), imprisoned philosophy, 122(117), 290, 640, 714(712), 728, 734, 736, 738(737), 739, 743(741), 774, 780, 805(803), 822–23 Phocas, 180–81, 206 Phoebus, 35, 135(133), 506(505), 689(679) Phyllis, 16, 458–59, 874, 882 See also Campaspe Piacenza, 46, 992 Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius, 888–89 Pietola (Mantua), 271(269), 298(293), 312(304), 334(323), 385(372), 861, 950 See also Andes Pindar, 52, 112 Pirithous, 575, 779(775) Pisa, 869 Pius II (pope), 888–89 plants, medicinal, 320(311), 768(757), 852–53, 948–49 Plato, 33, 105(104), 108(107), 142(140), 210(207), 358(347), 366(353), 428, 438, 465, 733, 794, 797(794–95), 810(808), 839(832), 1000 Plautus, 12 Pletulae See Pietola (Mantua) Pliny the Elder, xxxvi, 33, 62, 318(309), 332(322), 334(323), 414, 415, 422, 425, 751 Pliny the Younger, 33, 46, 62, 162, 638 Pluto, 104, 105(104), 546(545), 574, 602, 724(723), 725, 779(775), 903(902) Poitiers (Pictavia), 113(112) Polenton, Sicco, 91, 293, 321, 345, 369– 70 Polidegmon, 669(663) Politian, 470 Poliziano, Angelo, 470 Polla, 210(207), 225, 226 See also Aynata; Magia; Maia Pollio, Asinius, 51, 60, 65, 105(103), 190– 91(183), 197(188), 205(203), 211(208–9), 217–18(213–14), 224– 25(222), 227(226), 234(232), 236(233), 242(240), 243, 252(251), 255–56(253–524), 262(261), 267– 68(264–65), 280(279), 282, 292(290), 300(295), 316–17(307–9), 336– 37(325–26), 359–60(347–48), 368(355), 388–89(375), 395(382), 400(397), 469, 488, 641, 676, 687– 91(676–80), 693(682), 710(708), 716–17(713–14), 720(719), 761(751), 766(755), 773(761), 993–94 Pollux, 975 Polybius, 31 Polydamus, 621 Polydorus, 382(370) Polynices, 556, 605 Pompeii, 42–43, 45, 946 Pompeius, Sextus, 299–300(294), 975 Pompeius Magnus, Gnaeus, 35(34), 93, 190(182), 199, 210, 211(208), 216(212), 223(221), 250, 258(256), 266(263), 271(269), 273(271), 279(278), 281(280), 282(281), 291(290), 298(293), 299(294), 312(304), 334–35(323–24), 356(345), 384(371), 386(373), 400(396–97), 484(483), 918(917), 956, 970 Pompey (brother-in-law of King Gorgile), 956–57 Pomponius (centoist), 480, 912(909) Pomponius Secundus, 425 pontifical law, 641 Pontius (abbot of Cluny), 897 Pontus, 14 Pope, Alexander, 469 poplar tree, 190(186), 206, 210(207), 245(244), 254(253), 272(270), 298– 99(293), 313(305), 335(324), 357(345), 385(372) Poppo, Saint, 896 Porphyrio, 11 Poytain, 971–72 Pozzuoli, 227(226), 286(283), 318(309), 343(330), 393(380), 412, 416, 419, 859, 933, 946, 951, 982, 999 Pozzuoli, baths at, 854 Praeneste, 829 Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius, 637, 639–41 Prague, 988 Pratovecchio, 793 Preta de lo Pesce, 949 Priam, 42, 333(322), 559, 561, 577, 585, 605, 609, 611–12, 618–21, 622 Priamo della Quercia, 449 Priapus, 37, 39 Priscian, 23–24, 206, 248, 625, 649–50, 700, 718, 894, 953 Proba, Faltonia Betitia, 94, 146–47, 341– 42(329), 468–69, 475–77, 479, 480, 499, 912(909) Probus, (pseudo-)Marcus Valerius, 163, 180–81, 225, 260, 628, 815 Proculus, Valerius, 193(185), 227(226), 319(310), 343(331), 394(381) pronuntiatio, 167 Propertius, Sextus, xxxv, 5, 9, 12, 26, 54, 63, 192(184), 313(305), 334(323), 340(328), 360(349), 363(351), 385(372), 392(378) NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1073 prophecy of Virgil, 101–2 Proserpina, 545–46(545), 549(548), 574, 602, 670(664), 779(775), 782(778), 789–91(786–87), 809– 10(808), 903(902) prosody, medieval, 550 Protesilaus, 605 Prudence (personified), 116 Prudentius, 475, 705 Psamathe, 696(685–86) Ptolemy, King, 223(221), 241(239), 266(263), 953, 981 Publius, 334(323) See also Figulus; Istimicon; Maro; Stimichon; Vergilius (Virgil’s father); Virgilius (Virgil’s father) Pucci, Antonio, 409, 953 Purgatory, 941 Pygmalion, 511, 520–21(516) Pylades, 367(354), 715(712), 789(786), 899(898) Pymalatin, 968–69, 974 Pymatin, 968 Pyrrhus, 132, 610, 617–18, 621–22, 694(683) Pythagoras, 497(496), 546(545), 790(786–87), 860, 953, 1000 Pythagorean letter, 116, 122–23(117– 18), 127(121), 546(545), 546, 547(546), 548(547), 718, 790(786– 87) quadrivium, 735 Quinctius, 132 Quintilian, xxxv, xxxvi, 1, 3, 6, 8, 46–48, 63, 811 Quintilian, pseudo-, 726 Quintilius, 7, 10 Quirinus, Augustus as, 632 Rabelais, Franỗois, 82930 Rabirius, 29 Rainald of Dassel, 113–14 Rand, E K., 289 Ravenna, 130, 260(259), 267(264), 766(755), 896(895) 1074 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya, 1000 Reason, personification of, 116 recusatio, 106, 113 Rehoboam, 763(753) Reichenau, 102–3, 278 Reims, 174, 674, 1004 religious ritual, 635–36 Remigius of Auxerre, 650 Remmius Palaemon, Quintus, 29–30 Remus, 1004–6; Agrippa as, 632 representation or recitation, three styles of, 216(212), 230(229), 236(233), 263(261), 453, 709–10(707–8), 715– 16(713), 721(720) revolving castle, 858 Rhadamanthus of Cnossus, 606–7, 670(664) Rhazes See Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya rhetoric, 46, 95–96, 103, 116, 164, 171– 72, 488, 623, 644, 661, 726–27, 736(735), 793, 840(833) See also representation or recitation, three styles of rhetorical figures and devices, 630, 637 Ricbod, Bishop of Trier, 96 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 470 rímnaflokkar, 881 rímur, 881 roads, miraculously constructed, 417, 852, 950, 988, 990, 998–99 Roberto, 998 Robert of Anjou (king of Naples), 133, 135(134), 415, 416 Rodulfus Glaber, 895 Rodulfus Tortarius, 407–8 Roger II (king of Sicily), 318(310), 410, 921–23, 952 roman antique, 465 Romances of Antiquity, 550 Rome, 14–15, 27, 29, 43, 60, 71, 85, 97– 98, 110(109), 113(112), 130, 136(134), 139(138), 167(166), 190– 92(182–84), 200, 205(203), 210– 11(207–8), 216–17(213), 229, 234(232), 237, 247(246), 262– 63(261–62), 266–67(264), 273(271), 275(274), 280–82(279–81), 291(290), 299–300(294–95), 303(297), 320(312), 358–59(347– 48), 361(349), 386(373), 393(379), 400(397), 412, 418, 433–34, 542(540), 580, 637, 673(672), 705, 789(786), 827–28, 839(832), 856, 860, 862, 870, 872, 877–78(876–77), 879, 915(913), 918, 920(919), 925, 927, 929–31, 937, 946, 953, 954–55, 956–65, 968–76, 979–80, 992, 994– 95, 997–99, 1003(1002), 1004–6, 1008–9, 1011–15, 1019–20, 1024 Rome without fire, 874, 876, 878(877), 879, 881, 886, 924, 929–30, 933, 944– 45, 954, 968–69, 974–75, 995–96, 1012 Romulus, 476, 608, 632, 673(672), 1004–6 rota Vergilii, 452, 624fig, 744, 748fig, 749fig, 750fig Roth, K L., 826 Royaumont, 907 Rufus, Caninus, 62 Ruggiero II See Roger II (king of Sicily) Ruiz, Juan, 878 Sacerdos, Marius Plotius, 813 saints’ lives, 95, 481, 577 Salerno, 894, 951, 982 Sallust, 29, 84, 630, 638, 658(654), 805(802), 980 Salmoneus, 670(664) Saloninus, 488, 676, 687(676), 689– 91(679–81), 694(683), 696–98(685– 87), 710(708), 761–62(751), 767(756), 773(761) Salvation of Rome, 275(274), 293, 826– 27, 856–57(856), 867–68, 869(868– 69), 870, 911(909), 915(913), 921(920), 932, 960, 1004, 1013–14 See also mirror(s), magic Samson, 453, 459 San Brizio Chapel, Cathedral of Orvieto, 451 Sánchez Calavera, Ferrant, 1001 San Pietro a Cancellaria, 946 San Salvatore, 921 Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome, 828, 871 Santiponce (Itálica), 45 Sanvito, Bartolomeo, 444–45 Sardinia, 896(895) Sartagonus (count of Flanders), 960 Satania, 940 Saturn, 113(112), 160(153), 634–35, 689(678–79) Saturnalia, 48, 55, 636 Saturninus, Gnaeus Sextus, 343(330), 393(380) Saturninus, Sentius, 201(200), 218(214), 223(221), 241(239), 279(278), 406, 910(908) Scipio, 50 Scylla, 17(16), 530–31(528), 534(532) Scythia, 196(187), 219(215), 258(257), 367(354) secrets revealed by ladies of Rome, 969 Sedros (king of Tongre), 971 Sedulius, 481 Seneca the Elder, 27, 29, 192(184), 314(306), 360(348), 727, 750, 912(910) Seneca the Younger, xxxv, 1, 23, 30–34, 56, 70, 416, 427, 463, 750, 915– 16(914), 922, 951, 1000 Sentius, Gnaeus, 193(185), 361(349) Septuagint, 81 Sercambi, Giovanni, 879 Serestus, 611 serpentine simile, 621 Servius, xxxv, 7, 22, 66, 71, 79, 88, 165, 167–68, 170, 175, 180–81, 202, 206, 225, 229, 233(231), 237(236–37), 245(244), 246, 247(246), 248, 287(283), 304, 312(304), 316(307), 326, 332(321–22), 334(323), 338– 39(326–27), 385(372), 389(376), 396(382), 396, 397, 423, 452, 464, NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1075 Servius (continued ) 468–69, 487, 488, 527, 542, 543, 576, 623, 625–26, 628–30, 632, 636, 641– 42, 644, 650, 660, 705, 711, 718, 722, 774, 780(776), 793(789), 800, 816, 817 Servius Varus, 227(226), 423 Seth, 942 Seven Sages of Rome, 827, 831, 859, 932 Severus, Septimius, 435 Seville, 91, 1000 Sextus (addressee of Martial), 54 Sherborne, 92 Sibyl, Cumaean, 17, 18(17), 116–17, 446, 453, 454–57, 487, 488–89, 490– 91(489–90), 492, 498(497), 498, 499(498), 499, 501, 502(501), 502, 543fig, 549(548), 572–75, 599–608, 615–16, 687–89(677–78), 735, 736, 751, 761–66(751–55), 769(757–58), 772–73(760–61), 779–82(776–78), 789(786), 792–93(788–89), 809– 10(808–9), 858, 911(909) Sibyl, Erythraean, 492, 499, 762– 64(752–53) Sibyls, 763–64(753), 825 Sidon, 613 Sidonius Apollinaris, 87–88, 407 Siege of the Castle of Love, 458 Siena Cathedral, 456 Signorelli, Luca, 451 Silenus, 196(187), 367(354), 703(702), 711(709) Silius Italicus, xxxv–xxxvi, 45–46, 49– 50, 62, 403, 405, 467, 627 Silo (Virgil’s brother), 191(183), 217(213), 343(331), 359(347), 394(381) Silvanus, 196(187), 367(354) silver age, 688–89(678–79), 764(753) Silvinus, 41–42 Silvius Aeneas, 607 Simplicius (friend of Augustine), 76(75) Sinon, 105(104), 169, 560–61, 585, 619–20 1076 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX sins, seven deadly, 905 Sinuessa, Siro, 211(208), 345, 365(353) sirventes, 875 Sisamus, 130 six periods of life, 819–20(818–19) skopos/scopon See intention, compositional Smyrna, 58 snakes or serpents, 621, 826, 850, 852 Socrates, 358(347), 365(352) Solinus, Julius, 481 Solomon, 65, 98, 409, 454–55, 457, 763(753), 799(796), 874, 1003(1002) Solon, 764(753) Sordello of Mantua, 314(306), 875 sortes biblicae, 830 sortes Vergilianae (Virgilian lots), xxxiv, 829–30 Sousse (Hadrumentum), 431 speeches, neumation of, 169–73 speech or speaking, three styles of, 196(187), 216(212), 220(251), 235(232), 243, 263(261), 367(354), 401(398), 452 Speyer, 958 Spinola, Lucano, 448 spirit(s), imprisoned, 321(312), 978, 980, 984–85 See also demon(s) in a bottle Squillace (Scylacium), 89 St Augustine’s, Canterbury, 105 St Gall, 102, 170 St Martin, Tours, 439, 644 St Paul’s, Carinthia, 103 St Peter’s, Rome, 147, 1002 St Pierre, Caen, 458 St Salvatore, Cathedral of, 456 St Servatius, Maastricht, 577 St Trond, Limbourg, 481 St.-Vaast d’Arras, 176, 177 Statius, 22–23, 26, 56–59, 96, 131, 405, 451, 470, 503, 550, 630, 707 statues and sculptures, marvelous, 827– 28; archer of bronze, copper, or metal, 850–51, 926, 933, 961, 1015, 1024; au- tomated, 275(274), 820(811–12), 826–28, 856, 865–66(862–63), 868, 869(868), 871, 872–74, 911(909), 915(913), 921(920), 926, 931–32, 934, 959–60, 962–63, 978–80, 986– 87, 1004, 1013, 1015–16, 1021–22, 1024; bocca della verità, 828, 871, 872– 74, 978–79, 980, 1024; crimerevealing, 865–66(862–63); dogs of copper, 961; equestrian, armed, 856, 869(868), 915(913), 978–80, 1014– 15; equestrian of copper, with balance, 856; fly of brass, bronze, copper, or gold, 273(271), 319–20(311), 826–27, 831(830), 849, 851, 860–61, 910(908), 916(914), 920(919), 924, 933, 943, 947, 954, 965; guardians, armed, of copper, metal, or wood, 926, 981, 986–87, 1016, 1021–23; horse, flying, of ebony, 932; horse of brass, bronze, copper, or metal, 826, 849, 856, 860, 869(868), 915(913), 924, 933, 943, 947–48, 954, 980, 1014; light-radiating, 1024; lust-inhibiting, 1016, 1024; man [of bronze], pointing, 911(909), 931–32; men of bronze, with millstone, 959; peasant of copper, 961; Roman goddess, 869(868), 870, 915(913); seasonmonitoring, 934, 963; serpent, adultery-revealing, 1020–21; soldier of brass or bronze, 275(274), 868, 915(913); talking head of brass or bronze, 321(312), 925, 954, 978, 980, 984–85 (see also demon(s) in a bottle; spirit(s), imprisoned); trumpeter of bronze or copper, 320(311–12), 853, 948; twelve doors of Rome, 962–63; virgin of copper, 963–64, 985; woman of stone, 927–28 Stilicho, 86 Stimichon, 279(278) See also Figulus; Istimicon; Maro; Publius; Vergilius (Virgil’s father); Virgilius (Virgil’s father) Stoicism, 527, 671(665) Stok, Fabio, 293 stone of invisibility, 969 Strasbourg, 100, 455, 958 studium generale, 750 Styria, 988 Sualo, 102 Suetonius, 13, 34, 162–63, 179–80, 333(322), 428, 623, 626–28, 632, 642, 905 Sugambi, 960 Sulla Felix, Lucius Cornelius, 334(323), 384(371), 690–91(680) Sulmo, 14 Sulpicius, 11(10) Sulpicius, Gaius Apollinaris, 67, 193(185), 319(310), 362(350), 394(380), 422–23 Sultan’s daughter, Virgil with, 1016–18 Sychaeus, 511, 519(515), 521(517), 535, 537–38(536), 552, 563, 579, 589, 647 Symmachus (translator), 81 Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius, 4, 425, 522, 636–37, 638 Symplegas, 694(683) Syracuse, 218–20(214–15), 368(355), 401(398) Tacitus, 5, 59–60, 61, 467 Taliesin, 101 Tantalus, 509(508), 607, 670(664) Taranto, 205(204), 302(297), 318(309) Tarquin, 764(753), 781(777) Tarraco, 60 Tauris, 789(786) Teano, 417 Terence, 72, 201, 422, 630, 642, 649, 656(652), 659(654) Terentianus Maurus, 401(398) Terentius, Priscus, 55 Terra, 613–14 Terra di Lavoro, 417, 857 Tertullian, 471–72, 475, 522 Thagaste, 73 Thalia, 54(53) Thebes, 605 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1077 Theocritus, 34, 69, 105(103), 195– 97(187–88), 216(212), 218–20(214– 16), 223(221), 227(226), 235(233), 241–42(239), 243, 252, 255(253), 262(261), 268(265), 292(291), 316(308), 337(326), 366–69(353– 56), 389(375), 401–2(398), 687– 88(677), 709(708), 711(709), 721(719), 763(752) Theodoric (king of the Ostrogoths), 507 Theodorich See Thierry of St Trond Theodosian code, 91 Theology (personified), 116 Theseus, 230(229), 451, 573, 575, 779(775) Thestius, 421 Thestylis, 53 Thestylus (lover of Voconius Victor), 51 Thierry of Chartres, 726 Thierry of St Trond, 481, 484(483) Thoas, 545, 789(786) Thomas of Cantimpré, 129 Thor, 621–22 Thrace, 401(398) threefold course of life (Fulgentius), 666–67(661) threefold division of society (John of Garland), 744–45, 747(746) threefold state of man (Alan of Lille), 127(121) three natural lives, 794, 817, 823–24 Thyrsis, 13 Tiberianus (poet), 546 Tiberius (emperor of Rome), 16, 28(27), 29 Tibullus, 12, 14, 16, 29, 54 Tilbury, Essex, 851 Tiphys, 495, 694(683), 699, 770(759) Tisiphone, 105, 606 Titus (emperor of Rome), 865–66(862– 63) Tityrus, 13, 15, 87, 136(134), 194– 95(186), 198(189), 219(215), 236(233), 240(238), 363(350), 366(353), 369(355–56), 402(399), 436–37, 480, 485, 750; Virgil as, xxxv, 1078 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 3, 35, 53(52), 87, 110(108–9), 225(222), 256, 258–59(257), 275, 277(276), 292(290), 314(306), 632, 709(707) Tityus, 509(508), 606, 634 Toledo, 1007–8, 1020 Tomis, 14 Torquatus, 132 Toulouse, 672, 744, 919 Tournus, 436 Tours, 96, 726, 897 Trajan (emperor of Rome), 62, 162, 167(166) tree of knowledge, 477–78, 549(548–49) tree of Virgil, 190, 272(270), 299(293), 313(305), 357(345), 385(372) Trevet, Nicholas, 750–51 trial by silence, 844–47(837–39, 846) Trier, 96, 430, 958 Trimalchio, 38 Triptolemus, 750 Tristan and Isolt, 871 Tritola, 950 Triton, 518(514), 668–69(663), 792(788) Triumph of Mars, 445 Trivia, groves of, 735–36(735), 782(777) trivium, 103, 735–36(735) Trogus, Pompeius, 536(535) Troilus, 605 Trojan horse, 169, 559, 586–87, 617–21 Troy, 15–16, 28, 105(104), 113, 129, 130, 131, 145, 157, 565, 573, 612, 673(672), 694(683), 801–2(799– 800) Troy, fall of, 36, 59, 112, 160–61(154), 169, 173, 237, 241(239), 245(244), 267(264), 269(266), 333(322), 385(372), 527, 530(528), 535, 558– 62, 577–79, 581, 584–87, 609, 617, 618–21, 718, 720(719), 729, 743(741), 762(752), 955 Troyes, 943 Tubalcain, 953 Tucca, Plotius, 5–9, 25, 193(185), 201, 205(203), 218(214), 227(226), 240(238), 255(253), 280(279), 302– 3(297), 319(310), 343(330–31), 361–63(349–51), 394(380–81), 423, 424(423), 425(424), 717(714), 720(719), 743(741) tunnel, magic, between Naples and Rome, 826, 943, 979–80 Turmia, 940 Turnus, 18–19, 64(63), 113, 143(141), 156–59(148–52), 178, 224(222), 267(264), 302(297), 441, 477, 649(648), 672(666), 707(706), 720(719), 743(741), 896 Twyne, Thomas, 147 Tydeus, 605 Tyre, 564, 579, 612, 613 Ulysses, 58(57), 541(539), 559–61, 585–86, 618–20, 668(662) underworld, 17, 26, 83–84, 143, 166, 448, 451, 464, 466, 467, 470, 503–4, 543fig, 544, 572–76, 598–608, 615– 16, 634, 669(663), 726(725), 774, 778–82(774–78), 784–86(782–84) upsilon See Pythagorean letter Upson, Hollis Ritchie, 249 urbana altercatio, 107 Vabeus, 267(265) Valencia, Diego de, 1000–1001 Valentianus of Milan, 675 Valentinian (emperor of Rome), 472 Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, 56, 105(103) Valerius Maximus, 407 Valgius, Varius Rufus, Lucius, 5–9, 7, 10–12, 22, 25, 53, 55, 60, 106, 193–94(185), 195(186), 201, 205(203), 218(214), 240(238), 255(253), 280(279), 302– 3(297), 341(329), 343(331), 361– 62(349–50), 363(351), 366(353), 394(380–81), 420, 423, 424(423), 424–25, 717(714), 720(719), 743(741) Varnucci, Bartolomeo, 444 Varro, 227(226), 317(308) Varro of Atax, 28(27) Varus, Publius Alfenus, 10, 191(183), 197(188), 211(208), 218(214), 224– 25(222), 227(226), 252(251), 267(264), 300(295), 319(310), 358(347), 359(347), 388–89(375– 76), 400(397), 437, 642 Varus, Quintilius, 10, 105(103), 200, 227(226), 242(240), 262(261), 267(264), 280(279), 292(290), 337(325), 711(709), 717(714) Vasari, Giorgio, 441 Vegetius, 502, 1000 Vegio, Ma√eo, 1, 147 Veldeke, 577 Velleius Paterculus, 29 Venetia, 332–34(322–23), 385(372) Venice, 450, 851, 989–90 Ventoise, 984 Venulus, 18 Venus, 19–20, 37, 142(140), 157(149), 161(154–55), 431, 473–74, 511, 518(513), 531(530), 534(532), 556– 57, 562, 577–78, 583–84, 588, 592, 597, 611–12, 615, 647, 698(687), 720(719), 724(723), 732(731), 739(738), 802(800), 806(804), 812 Veranius Ipseus, 42 ‘‘Vergiliomastix,’’ 487 Vergilius (subject of Ennodius epigrams), 88–89 Vergilius (Virgil’s father), 227 See also Figulus; Istimicon; Maro; Publius; Stimichon; Virgilius (Virgil’s father) Verginius (consul), 922 Verona, 15, 56, 710(708) Vespasian (emperor of Rome), 937 Vespasiano da Bisticci, 444 Vesta, 82, 822 Vesuvius, controlled by Virgil, 56, 826, 850–51 Vesuvius, eruption of, 33, 42, 56 Vetulus, Sigulfus, 99 Vibius Maximus, 58 Victorius, Claudius Marius, 64 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1079 Vienna, 926, 988 Vilgard, 895, 896(895) Vincent of Beauvais, 129, 293, 311, 827, 831, 912 Vindolanda writing tablets, 44–45 Vipranius, Marcus See Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Vipsanius, Marcus See Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Virgil: assuming the toga, 190(182), 200, 260(259), 266(264), 279(278), 291(290), 313(305), 335(324), 357(346), 386(373), 400(397); astrological sources of power, 859, 947–49; autobiographical remarks, 2– 3; autograph manuscripts, xxxvi, 425– 27; baptism, 986; birth, 190(182), 206, 210(207), 271–72(269–70), 335(323–24), 356–57(345), 384– 85(372), 903, 957, 1006; birth, place of, 57–58, 190(182), 199, 223(221), 241, 950; birthday, xxxvi, 62, 190(182), 199, 210(207), 216(212), 226, 250, 260(259), 266(263), 273(271), 281(280), 282(281), 334(323), 356(345), 384(371), 403– 4, 918(917); brothers, 10, 191(183), 193(185), 217(213), 227(226), 319(310), 343(331), 359(347), 394(381); correspondence with Augustus, 4–5, 341(329), 361(349), 392(378); death, 193(185), 201(200), 205(204), 212(209), 218(214), 223(221), 229, 241(239), 260(259), 279(278), 302(297), 318(309), 343(330), 393(380), 406, 910(908), 952, 954, 987–88, 999, 1022–23; derivation of name, 241(238–39), 254(253), 266(263), 273(271), 277(276), 279(278), 291(290), 299(294), 315(307), 402– 3(399), 716(713), 721(719), 870, 915(913), 918, 991, 1006; detractors and enemies, 66–67(66), 68, 92, 114– 15(114), 194(186), 218(214), 262(261), 267(265), 292(290), 1080 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 342(330), 363(350–51), 384(371), 396(382), 485–87, 911(909) (see also club of Hercules); divinity of, 467– 68; epitaph, 94(93), 179, 191(183), 193(185), 201, 205(204), 218(214), 223(221), 227(226), 230(229), 241(239), 260, 279(278), 291(290), 302(297), 318(309), 361–62(349), 393(380), 404, 406–8, 910(908), 912(910), 917, 950, 1002; eques (knightly class), 249–50, 282(281), 400(396); estate, 343–44(331), 394(381); father, 189–91(182–83), 204(203), 206, 209–10(207), 216– 17(212–13), 226, 229, 234(231), 254(253), 266(263), 271–72(269– 70), 279(278), 282(281), 291(290), 298(293), 312(304), 334(323), 356(345), 358(347), 384(371), 394(381), 400(396–97), 716(713), 956, 991, 1006; foreknowledge of Christ, xxxiv, 101, 342(329), 437, 453, 470, 487–88, 492–95, 825, 911(909), 926, 938–39, 963–64, 981–82 (see also Sibyl, Cumaean); founding and patronage of Naples, 976, 1018–20; as grammarian, xxxv, 396(382), 623; Hebrew tale of, 828; interpreter of signs, 935(934), 936–37(935–36); literary play on name, 107; magician/necromancer, xxxiv–xxxv, 101– 2, 144, 269, 275(274), 299(294), 319– 21(311–12), 321, 416–17, 457, 470, 488, 780(776), 829, 859, 874, 875, 876, 877–78(876–77), 880, 905, 920(919), 927–32, 933–34, 959, 967, 972–73, 976–80, 983–85, 987, 996– 1000, 1003(1002), 1004, 1008, 1009– 12, 1017–22, 1024; Mantuan estate restored, 53(52), 111(109), 196– 97(188), 205(203), 211(208–9), 217(213–14), 225(222), 255(253), 258(257), 273(271), 277(276), 282, 292(290), 301(296), 314(306), 317(308), 336–38(325–27), 367– 68(355), 388(375), 402(399), 716(713), 992, 994; miraculous contrivances, 273(271), 275(274), 319– 21(311–12), 409, 825–29, 830–31, 848–61, 865(862), 867–69, 905–7, 910–11(908–9), 915–16(913–14), 918, 920–21(919–20), 924–25, 926, 931–34, 943, 959–60, 962–63, 965, 970, 976–82, 999, 1003(1002), 1013– 16, 1021–23; mother, 204(203), 210(207), 226, 229, 234(231), 241(238), 254(253), 266(263), 271– 72(269–70), 279(278), 282(281), 291(290), 298–99(293–94), 312(304), 334(323), 356(345), 384(371), 394(381), 400(397), 721(719), 956–57, 991, 1006; as performer of own works, 29, 167, 192– 93(184), 339–40(328), 341(329), 360–61(348–49), 391(377); personality and temperament, 7–8, 190(183), 217(213), 248(247), 254(253), 315(307), 358(346–47), 395(381), 403(399); as philosopher, 33, 241(238), 273(271), 463–67, 623, 639–40, 728(727), 958; physical characteristics, 7–8, 190(183), 277(276), 291(290), 299(294), 315(307), 344(332), 358–59(346–47), 395(381–82), 400(397), 842(835), 925, 991; portraits, busts, and statues of, 427–30, 435, 438, 447–50, 452–56; post mortem preservation, 987; power of foresight, 660, 843(836), 963–64, 970; proto-apostle of Christ, 470, 488, 501(500–501), 503, 937–39, 963–64, 981–82, 985–86; sexuality, 51, 190(183), 204(203), 234(231), 254(253), 315–16(307), 358(347), 395(382), 716(713); studies, 191(183), 204(203), 210–11(208), 217(213), 255(253), 266(263–64), 269, 272(270), 281(280), 299(294), 313(305), 335(324), 357(356), 359(347), 386(373), 716(713), 918(917), 957, 991–92; as symbol of Holy Spirit, 859, 862, 866–67(864); tomb, xxxv–xxxvi, 62, 131, 136(134), 193(185), 205(204), 227(226), 230(229), 260(259), 302(297), 404– 7, 411(410), 412–13, 414–17, 419, 420(419), 470, 743(741); wife, 1013, 1016; will, nullification of, 286– 87(283), 287–88(283–84), 303(298), 422; working method, 193(184–85), 339(328), 359–60(348), 391(377) Virgilianus, -a, -um, 870 Virgil in a barrel, 1022–23 Virgil in hell, 900(898–99), 901–2 Virgil in the basket, 457–59, 461, 462, 874–76, 877–78(876–77), 879–80, 882–84, 889, 928–29, 944, 953, 955, 965–67, 978, 994–95, 1001–2, 1011– 12, 1024 Virgil in the underworld, 858 Virgilius (pupil of Donatus), 673– 74(673) Virgilius (Virgil’s father), 334(323), 384(371) See also Figulus; Istimicon; Maro; Publius; Stimichon; Vergilius (Virgil’s father) Virgilius of Asia, 674(673) Virgilius Maro Grammaticus, 672, 674(673) Virgil’s bones, 193(185), 201(200), 218(214), 223(221), 229(229), 279(278), 302(297), 304, 318– 19(309–10), 361(349), 406–9, 411(410), 412, 415, 826, 859, 925, 952–53, 954–55, 987 Virgil’s castle, 981, 1006, 1009–11, 1021–23 See also Agensi; Cassedrue; Ventoise Virgil’s chair, 985–87 Virgil’s demonic double, 967 Virgil’s revenge, 874, 875, 878(877), 879, 881, 882, 886–88, 930–31, 944– 45, 954, 968–69, 974–75, 995–96, 1012, 1024 Virgil’s Wheel See rota Vergilii Virgil’s works: chronology of and duration of writing, 191–92(184), 211– 12(209), 218–20(214–15), 224(222), NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX 1081 Virgil’s works (continued ) 234(232), 240(238), 248, 252(251), 255(253); declaimed, recited, or sung, 64–65, 75–77, 163–73, 192–93(184), 338(326), 339–40(328), 389(375); four styles embodied within, 638– 39(638); Greek models, 12, 105(103), 191(184), 196–97(187– 88), 201–2, 216(212), 218(214), 223(221), 241–42(239), 243, 252, 255–56(253–54), 267–69(264–66), 292(291), 316(308), 337(326), 339(327), 359(348), 363(351), 391(377–78), 639, 640, 706–7, 721(719); metrical transformations of, 71; morality within, 141–44(139– 41), 223(221), 263(261), 269(266), 272(270), 292(291), 633–34, 716(713); musical notation of, 167– 78, 704; principal parts of knowledge, three, 223(221), 263(261), 269(266), 280(279), 292(291); Roman models, 639; sequence of, corresponding to human social evolution, 196(187), 219–20(215), 224(222), 235(232), 247–48, 276–77(275–76), 292(291), 316(308), 367(354), 393(380), 400(397), 744, 816; theatrical performance, 163–67, 338(326), 389(375); threefold styles of, 196(187), 216(212), 220(215), 223–24(221– 22), 235(232), 243, 255–56(254), 292(291), 316(308), 367(354), 401(398), 452, 715(713), 741– 43(740), 744–45, 746(745), 750fig (see also rota Vergilii) Virgil transformed into a horse, 885 virgin gives birth, palace or image falling after, 857(856), 915(913), 937–38, 963 virgula, 870 Viscus brothers, 9, 287(284) vitae formulares, 227–28 Voconius Victor, 51 1082 NAMES AND SUBJECTS INDEX Volumnius, 711(709) Volusianus, Rufius Antonius, 496 Vorstermann, Willem, 1003 Vrelant, Guillaume, 445–46 Vulcan, 475, 671–72(665–66), 697– 98(686–87), 725(724), 773(761), 812 Vulcan (of Africa, Arabia, and India), 674(673) Vulgate, 7, 72 wall, invisible or of air, 905, 976, 977–78, 1010 Walloon, 962 Walter of Aquitaine, 704 Walter of Châtillon, 114, 115, 129 waterworks, 826, 946 William of Conches, 721 William of Stuttgart, 739 wind reduction, 826, 853, 948 witchcraft, xxxiv Wolfram von Eschenbach, 576, 830, 857 woods, allegorical interpretation, 544(543) Worms, 958 writing, metaphors for, 70, 192(184), 202, 329(328), 359–60(348), 391(377), 911(909) Würzburg, 848 Xerxes (king of Persia), 219(215), 258(257), 401(397), 714(712) York, 96 Yunck, John, 551 Zabulon, 988 Zamora, 456 zodiac, signs of the, 962–63 Zono de’ Magnalis, 292–93, 304 Zoppo, Marco, 444 Zoroaster, 761(751) Zosimus (gra≈tist), 42 Zurich, 917 .. .THE VIRGILIAN TRADITION This page intentionally left blank THE VIRGILIAN TRADITION THE FIRST FIFTEEN HUNDRED YEARS JAN M ZIOLKOWSKI AND MICHAEL C J PUTNAM,... explore outward from their own areas of concern into aspects of the Virgilian tradition that they have not yet made their own The coeditors are Latinists, but although tendrils of their interests... Typesetting, Inc Printed in the United States of America by Sheridan Books Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Virgilian tradition : the first fifteen hundred years / Jan M Ziolkowski