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Coleridge and german philosophy the poet in the land of logic

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  • Title

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Abbreviations and works cited

  • Acknowledgements

  • Chapter 1: Coleridge in the Land of Logic

  • Chapter 2: Coleridge's Philosophical Moment

  • Chapter 3: Drama as the Motor of Romantic Theory

  • Chapter 4: Coleridge's Stamina

  • Chapter 5: Coleridge's 'Coleridge'

  • Chapter 6: Renewing Friendship: Coleridge's 'Rifacciamento' of Philosophy

  • Chapter 7: Reading from the Inside: Coleridge's contemporary philosophical idiom

  • Chapter 8: Spelling the World

  • Notes

  • Bibliography

  • Index

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Coleridge and German Philosophy Coleridge and German Philosophy The Poet in the Land of Logic Paul Hamilton continuum Continuum The Tower Building 11 York Road London SE1 7NX 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704 New York NY 10038 © Paul Hamilton 2007 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers Paul Hamilton has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library EISBN 9780826495433 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Typeset by Fakenham Photosetting Limited Contents Abbreviations and works cited vii Acknowledgements ix Chapter 1: Coleridge in the Land of Logic Chapter 2: Coleridge's Philosophical Moment 13 Chapter 3: Drama as the Motor of Romantic Theory 37 Chapter 4: Coleridge's Stamina 53 Chapter 5: Coleridge's 'Coleridge' 69 Chapter 6: Renewing Friendship: Coleridge's 'Rifacciamento' of Philosophy 89 Chapter 7: Reading from the Inside: Coleridge's contemporary philosophical idiom 103 Chapter 8: Spelling the World 121 Notes 139 Bibliography 161 Index 171 Abbreviations and works cited Coleridge Aids BL CC CL CM CN PhL Logic OM PW SWF TT The Friend Aids to Reflection, edited by John Beer, CC9 (1993) Biographia Literaria, edited by James Engell and W Jackson Bate, 2vols, CC (1985) The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, general editor Kathleen Coburn, Bollingen Series, 16 vols (Princeton University Press, 1971-2001) Individual volumes in the edition are given separate entries The Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Earl Leslie Griggs, vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956-71) Marginalia, edited by Heather Jackson and George Whalley, parts, CC 12 (1980-2001) The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed Kathleen Coburn, vols Vol edited by Kathleen Coburn and Merton Christensen; Vol edited by Kathleen Coburn and Anthony John Harding Each vol is in two parts, text and notes (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957-2002) Lay Sermons, edited by Reginald James White, CC6 (1972) Lectures 1818-1819: On the History of Philosophy, edited by J.R deJ.Jackson, vols, CCS (2000) Logic, edited by James Robert dejager Jackson, CC 13 (1981) Opus Maximum, edited by Thomas McFarland, CC 15 (2002) Poetical Works: Part Plays, edited by J.C.C Mays and Joyce Crick, vols, CC 16 (2001) Shorter Works and Fragments, edited by H.J.Jackson andj R de J.Jackson, vols, CC 11 (1995) Table Talk, edited by Kathleen Coburn and B Winer, vols, CC 14 (1990) The Friend, edited by Barbara E Rooke, vols, CC (1969) viii Coleridge and German Philosophy Hegel Phenomenology G.W.F Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, translated by A.V Miller, with an analysis of the text and foreword by J H Findlay (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977) Werke G.W.F Hegel, Werke, based on the edition of the Werke of 1832-45, newly edited version by Eva Moldenhauer and Karl Markus Michel, 21 vols (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1970) Kant Werke I Kant, Werke, edited by Wilhehn Weischedel, 12 vols (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1977) Schelling System Werke F.WJ Schelling, System of Transcendental Idealism, introduction by Michael Vater, translated by Peter Heath (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978) F.WJ Schelling, Sdmmtliche Werke, edited by K.W.F Scheiling, part I, vols 1-10, part II, vols 11-14 (Stuttgart: Cotta, 1856-61) Acknowledgements I am very grateful to various people for ideas and help important to me that they probably were not aware of giving at the time, among them Andrew Bowie, Howard Caygill, Jim Chandler, Lilla Crisafulli, Michael Kooy, Peter Dews At Queen Mary University of London I have been fortunate in working with a cohort of inspiring graduate students who have never let me stand still Two current ones, Rowan Boyson and Molly Macdonald, kindly read and commented on parts of the draft This book is dedicated to the memory of my father, Patrick Hamilton (19162005), who encouraged me to delight in a shared philosophical passion a long, long time ago Bibliography Adorno Theodor W and Horkheimer, Max, Dialectic of Enlightenment, trans John d i m m i n g (London: Verso, 1979) Aristotle, The Nkomachean Ethics, Books I-X with an English translation by H Rackham, Loeb Classical Library, 73 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: Heinemann, 1975) Ashton, Rosemary, The German Idea (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980) Austin, J.L., Philosophical Papers, ed J.O Urmson and G.J Warnock (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2nd ed., 1970) Baines, Paul and Burns, Edward, eds, Five Romantic Plays 1768-1821 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) Bakhtin, M.M., The Dialogic Imagination, trans Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1981) Baulch, David M., 'The "perpetual Exercise of an Interminable Quest": The Biographia Literaria and the Kantian Revolution', Studies in Romanticism 43 no (Winter 2004), 557-83 Beach, Edward Allen, The Potencies of God(s): Scheilings Philosophy of Mythology (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1994) Behler, Ernst, German Romantic Literary Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993) Beiser, Frederick, ed., The Early Political Writings of the German Romantics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) Belsey, Catherine, 'The Romantic Construction of the Unconscious' in Literature, Politics and Theory, ed Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, Margaret Iversen, Diana Loxley (London: Methuen, 1986) Benjamin, Andrew, The Plural Event: Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger (London: Routledge, 1993) Benjamin, Walter, GesammeUe Schriften, ed Rolf Tiedemann and Hermann 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ofRylstone; or The Fate of the Nortons, ed Kirsten Dugas (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1988) Zizek, Slavoj, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Scheliing and Related Matters (London: Verso 1996) Index Adorno,T.W 11,116 aesthetics 4, 20, 22, 2S-4, 29, 43, 57-63, 74, 80-1, 93,109, 111, 114, 120, 126,131, 133, 138 Alighieri, Dante 23, 58 allegory 59, 63, 108, 110, 120 Allsop, Thomas 101 anti-babel 4, 63-8,104 Aristophanes 86 Aristotle 62, 89, 99,141n 19 Arnold, Matthew 112, 133 Ashton, Rosemary 153n Atheismusstreit 2, 17 Athenaeum Fragments 4, 45, 139n and Austin, J.L 60, 149n 12 Bacon, Francis 42, 66, 114, 119 Baillie, Joanna 41, 48-9 Bakhtin, M M 42, 147n 14 Bataille, Georges 94, 155n 30 Baulch, David M 150n Beach, Edward Allen 156n and 10 Beaumont, Sir George 79 Behler, Ernst 50,148n 30 Beiser, Frederick 97, 145n 46, 154n 21 Belsey, Catherine 3, 139n Benjamin, Andrew 59, 149n 11 Benjamin, Walter 9, 58, 65, 108-9, 138, 156n 12 and 13 Bentham, Jeremy 119 Bergson, Henri 9, 78 Bernstein, Jay 58, 148n Berthold-Bond, Daniel 159n 21 biography 26, 33, 46, 48, 69-^88 Blake, William 48, 97 Jerusalem 97 BookofThel98 Blanchot, Maurice 99, 101-2, 155n 30 Boehme, Jacob 13, 15-16, 97, 110 Boulger, James 154n 17 Bowie, Andrew 19, 23, 143n 26, 144n 35? 145n 55, 153n 10 Brecht, Bertholt 48 Bruno, Giordano 13 Buchner, G 38 Burke, Edmund 31-2, 51, 53, 79 Burke, Kenneth 37, 146n Burwick, Frederick 147n 17 Butler, Marilyn 46 Bygrave, Stephen 142n 20 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 38, 40, 47, 56, 69, 115, 146n 11, 147n 27 Cadell, Robert 157n 20 Calvin, John 77 Carlson, Julie 47, 50, 52, 147n 26 Carlyle, Thomas 111-12 Casey, John 153n Cavell, Stanley 107 Chai, Leon 140n 18 Chandler, James 146n.l, 159n Christensen, Jerome 154n 23 ChuangTzul20 Chumbley, Ann 157n 29 Cicero 99, 102 Cimitile, Anna Maria 6, 140n 13 and 15 Qarkson, Thomas 100 Qerisy 7, 25, 31-2, 46, 51, 78-9, 80, 87,105, 135, 145n 59 Coburn, Kathleen 152n Coleridge's works T h e Aeolian Harp' 30 Aids to Reflection 36, 76, 94-5, 108, 109 Biographia Literaria 3-4, 7, 9, 27, 31, 35, 39, 45, 46_7, 48, 51, 69-88, 95, 97, 98, 99-100,103, 123,134 'Christabel' 5-6, 31, 51, 57 'Dejection: An Ode' 31-5, 53-4, 62-3, 89 'The Destiny of Nations' 30 The Fall of Robespierre - The Friendly 9, 18, 35-6, 64, 66, 86, 89-102 'Frost at midnight' 54 'Kubla Khan' 5-6, 31, 51, 55-6, 64 Lay Sermons 31, 36, 51, 106 'Letter to Sara Hutchinson' 31-5 "This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison' 31 Logic l$7 Marginalia "The Nightingale' 31 'Note on Spinoza' 97 172 Coleridge and German Philosophy On the Constitution of the Church and State 11, 31, 36 Opus Maximum 7, 66, 70, 75,110,121, 124,126,128 Osorio 51-2 Philosophical Lectures 'On the Prometheus of Aeschylus' 105, 109 'Religious Musings' 30 /femora 47, 51-2, 88 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' 5-6, 31,51 Table Talk 67 The Watchman 31, 77 communication 9,17-18,19, 22, 37, 66, 68, 74, 76, 91, 97, 99 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot, Abbe de 91 Constable, John 112-13,157n 19 Cordner, Christopher 148n 37 Cox, Jeffrey N 147n 13 Cox, Philip 147n 12 Crabb Robinson, Henry 13, 15 Creuzer, Georg Friedrich 108, 156n 10 Curran, Stuart 146n de Bolla, Peter 59, 60,148n Deleuze, Gilles 9, 75-6, 77, 78-9, 99,102, 151n 13,15 and 22,152n 26 de Man, Paul 9, 45, 66, 72,126,151n 7, 159n 10 Derrida, Jacques 9, 23, 28, 71, 99,101-2, 151n 6,155n 31 on friendship 9, 101-2 desynonymy 16, 35, 46, 84-7, 103, 106, 124 Dews, Peter 144n 37, 150n drama (discursive as well as staged) 3-4, 5, 8, 9, 35, 37-52, 72, 86, 89-90,111-12 Dryden, John 53 Eco, Umberto 156n 11 Edinburgh Review 85 Edwards, Pamela 145n 59,152n 25 Eldridge, Richard 107, 156n Eliot, T.S 3, 111, 118 Engels, Friedrich 9, 107 Epictetus 75 Erdman, David 146n 11 ethics 10,17-18, 22, 27, 31, 35, 43, 53, 61-2, 70, 75-6, 79-80, 82, 89, 93, 98-9,116, 129,131 Euripides 44-5,147n 19 Fenwick, Isabella 11,137 Fichte, J G 2, 5-6,13-18, 22, 23, 42, 43, 46, 54-5, 65, 75-6, 81-3, 86, 87, 89, 95,119 original duplicity 14, 46, 65, 75 Critique of All Revelation 95 Science of Knowledge 5, 14^15 System of Ethics 43, 147n 16 The Vocation of Man 17 Foot, Philippa 153n Foucault, Michel 107,108 Frank, Manfred 19, 20, 23, 76, 93,143n 26, 151n 14, 153n 13 Freud, Siegmund 20, 94, 109, 136 friendship 9, 76, 87, 89-102, 129,136 Fruman, Norman 16, 90, 153n Fuhrmans, Horst 148n Gadamer, Hans Georg 58 Gage, John 157n 19 genre 3, 24, 26, 41, 65-6, 74, 87,150n 25 Gibbon, Edward 155n 29 Godwin, William 40, 69, 91 Goethe, J.W von 19, 38 Goldsmith, Oliver 77 Goodson, A.C 139n Goya, Francisco de 115 Gramsci, Antonio 78 Gray, Thomas 84 Green, J.H 8, 15 Guattari, Felix 152n 26 Habermas, Jurgen 28, 107,153n 13 Hamacher, Werner 65-6,149-50n 22, 24 and 25 Hamann, J.G 16, 49,121 Hampshire, Stuart 154-5n 26 Harding, Anthony John 152n 1,155n 31 and Hartley, David 30, 91 Hazlitt, William 37, 39-40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47,49,69, 100,113 Hedley, Douglas 110,153n 13, 155n 29, 156n 14 Hegel, G.W F 5, 7,10,11, 14,17,140n 18, 19-21, 23, 25-36, 45, 54, 58, 61-2, 67, 68, 71-2, 74, 78, 87, 89,107,121-2, 128,130-4 and Fichte 14, 17,43,75 and Kant 27, 79 and mediation 19, 30, 33-4, 72, 130-3, 134, 136-7,143n 30 and Schelling 13, 19, 20-2, 25-6, 62, 68, 72,107,122, 128 and Schiller 49-50, 61-2, 64, 74,149n 18 Index The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System 13-14,15, 28, 29 Phenomenology, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 21, 25-36, 58, 62, 74, 78, 79, 89, 121-2,136 Science of Logic 10, 20, 29, 30 Heidegger, Martin 9, 10, 104, 109, 138, 155n 2, 159n Henrich, Dieter 20, 21-2, 65, 143n 32, 151n 12 Herder, J.G 16, 49 Hertz, Neil 149n 16 historicism 6, 30, 36, 83, 84-5, 90, 106, 108-10, 120, 126,130, 135 Hogg, James 7*7 Hogrebe, Wolfram 25-4, 144n 38, 42 and 43 Holderlin, Friedrich 13, 26, 55, 75, 76, 95 Holmes, Richard 71-2 Homer 74,116 Hooker, Richard 66 Houlgate, Stephen 144n 36,145n 55 Hugo, Victor 38, 47,147n 25 Hume, David 37, 91 Hutchinson, Sara 53 ideas 4, 9, 31, 54, 64, 66 Inchbald, Elizabeth 40-1 irony 23, 45 173 Kooy, Michael John 148n 31 Kristeva, Julia 19, 143n 27 Kucich, Greg 40 Lacan, Jacques 20, 73, 93-4, 143n 27, 150n Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe 43 Lamb, Charles 51, 57, 148n 33 Larpent, Anna Margaretta 41 Leask, Nigel 155n Leibniz, G.W 54-5,158n Lenin, V.I 120 Leopardi, Giacomo 114 Lessing, G.E 38, 129 Levinson, Marjorie 64, 149n 20 Lindsay, Jack 157n 20 Iipsius 77 Lloyd, Genevieve 154-5n 26 Locke, John 119 Lockridge, L.S 152n Logos 18, 35, 66-8,104,155n Lorraine, Claude 115 Lovejoy, Arthur O 141n 19 Lucretius 119 McFarland, T 2, 16, 75,121, 151n 17 McGann, J.J 100 Machiavelli, Niccolo 42, 78, 80, 87 Macintyre, Alasdair 153n Mackintosh, Sir James 91 Jacobi, F.H 1-2, 8,15, 23, 24, 32, 93, 123, Mansfield, Katherine 119 129, 143-4n 33,158-9n On the Divine Things and their Revelation 15, Marcel, Gabriel 140n 17 and 19 Marx, Karl 14, 28, 93, 114 22, 123,140n 19 Marx, Werner 148n 7,154n 18 Jager, Colin 156n Maturin, Charles 46 Jaspers, Karl 9, 92, 153n 11 Mellor, Anne K 49 Johnson, Samuel 53, 148n Mendelssohn, Moses 129 Jones, George 113 metacritique 16-17, 49, 121 Jones, Robert 134 Milnes, Tim 11,141n 121 Joyce, James 56, 119 Milton, John 30, 47, 53,134,136 Modiano, Raimonda 8, 140n 18 Kant, Immanuel 2, 4-5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18,19, Montaigne, Michel de 77, 78 22, 37, 45-6, 47, 48, 49, 54, 57-63, 65, 67, 77, 81, 87, 89, 94-5, 99,101, 130 Muirhead, J.H 92, 96, 153n 8, 154n 17 and apperception 14,18,25,45-6,72,154n and 19 Musset, Alfred de 38 16 Critique ofJudgement 4,23,58-63,65, 79,138 mythology 4, 10, 23, 24-5, 56-7,104-6, 107, Critique ofPractical Reason 18, 142-3n 21 109-10, 118 Critique of Pure Reason 4-5, 140n Nancy, Jean-Luc 43 'Dreams of Spirit-Seer' 18 Newman, Barnett 60 Keats, John 38-9, 69,136 Newman, John Henry 112, 117 Kierkegaard, S 14, 57,106, 155-£n Nietzsche, Friedrich 9, 11, 43-5, 108,118 Handier, Jon 40, 45 The Birth of Tragedy 43-4, 147n 18 Knowles, James Sheridan 40 Kqjeve, Alexandre 10, 28, 73 174 Coleridge and German Philosophy Novalis [Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg] 19, 97 Ogden, C.K 158n 36 ontology 2, 3, 8, 9,13,19, 56, 57, 58, 73, 80-1, 83, 87, 95, 104,110-11,113,115, 119-20, 122,128, 136,138 Orsini, G.N.G 140n 18 Owenson, Sydney 115 Paine, Tom 46 pantheism 1-2,11,15, 20, 22, 23, 25, 92, 8,101,110,124,129-132,134-6,137-8 parabasis 45, 117, 149-50n 24 Peacock Thomas Love 38 Perkins, Mary Anne 139n 7,153n Perry, Seamus 39, 146n Pfeu, Thomas 122, 156n 7, 158n and Piggot, Jan 157n 20 Pippin, Robert 28, 145n 46 plagiarism 3-4, 68, 83, 90-1, 105, 114, 122-3, 157n 25 Plato 11, 43-4, 66, 89, 93, 99, 125,137 Poole, Thomas 13 Pope, Alexander 53, 84, 116 post-Kantianism 2, 4-5, 8, 9, 11, 13-14, 25, 30, 37, 4S-9, 65-6, 69, 72, 79, 81, 83, 88, 89-90, 96, 98, 100-1, 111, 138 Priestley, Joseph 91 Proust, Marcel 78 psychoanalysis 3-5, 8, 11, 19-20, 21, 24, 54, 73, 76, 92, 95, 109, 121-2, 136 Rajan, Tilottama 153n repetition 19, 20, 22, 26-7, 35, 39, 52, 56, 57, 59, 62-3, 66-7, 83, 85, 95, 110, 126, 129-30, 136,159n Richards, IA 3,17, 54, 60, 111, 118-20, 158n 36 Richardson, Alan 42, 147n 14 Roethke, Theodore 43 Rogers, Samuel 115 Rooke, Barbara 100 Rose, Gillian 10, 28, 145n 48 Rosen, Michael 29-30, 55, 56, 145n 51 Rosenzweig, Franz 28 Rothko, Mark 60 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 91, 134 Ruskin, John 112-18, 119, 157n 25 Russell, Gillian 146n Russo, John Paul 157-8n 33 and 34 Sartre, Jean-Paul scepticism 6, 31, 33, 74, 76, 79, 87,107, 125 Schelling, F.W J 1, 3, 4, 6-7, 9-10, 15,1825, 35, 43, 58, 59, 66, 68, 76, 80-1, 84, 86, 87-8, 92-3, 95-6,102-11,119-20, 126, 127, 128-32,138 and Fichte 13-18, 42, 43, 76, 81-2, 86, 87, 119 and Hegel 20-2, 25-7,128-9, 131-2,137, 152n 29 and the 'higher' criticism 107, 108, 110, 120 and Jacobi 1, 15 identity philosophy of 15, 18-19, 23, 35, 43, 92 102,123 Naturphilosophie of 15, 18, 92, 104, 155-4n 13 positive philosophy of 23, 92, 96,109,137 and 'potencies' 15, 24, 103-4, 105, 107, 129 Abhandlungen 69, 80, 81, 87, 152n 152n 29 The Ages of the World (Weltalter), 3, 6-7, 10-11, 18, 58, 73-4, 92, 94, 102, 104, 110, 122, 139n 2, 141n 22 'On Dante in Relation to Philosophy' 23-4, 58 DarUgung 16, 82, 142n 14, 152n 34 Denkmal7, 15, 140n 11 Einleitung39, 152n 32 The Deities of Samothrace 7, 105 Lectures on the History of Modern Philosophy 11, 131-2, 140n 11, 145n 55 On the Nature of Human Freedom (Fmheitschrift) 7-S, 15,18, 22, 58, 67, 74, 92, 104,110,122, 153-4n 13 The Philosophy of Art 23 Philosophie der Mythologie 104-6, 109,110 'The Relation of the Plastic Arts to Nature' 25-4 Berlin Lectures on Philosophy of Revelation 9, 106, 107, 110 Stuttgart Seminars 18, 19, 122 System of the Total Philosophy 19, 20 System of Transcendental Idealism 4, 20, 23, 35, 80, 87, 92, 103 Schiller, Friedrich 4, 19, 25, 49-50, 61-2, 64, 120, 148n 31, 149n 14 and 25 Schlegel / Schelling, Caroline 19 Schlegel, August Wilhelm 19, 44, 97 Schlegel, Friedrich 4, 12, 19, 43-4, 45, 4950, 59-60, 65, 97, 115, 119, 133, 147n 19 and 20, 149n 22 Schleiermacher, F.D.E 19, 97 Schulz, Werner 143n 25 Scott, Sir Walter 69, 113, 157n 20 Index Scotus, Duns Seneca 74 Shaffer, Elinor 139n 7, 157n 16 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shakespeare, William 38, 51, 53-4, 76, 78, 84,152n 24 Shelley, Percy B 38, 48 Sibley, F,N 60, 149n 12 Simpson, David 144n 39 and 40, 148n Skinner, Quentin 15In 19 Snow, Dale 140n 11 Solomon, Robert 75, 151n 11 Southey, Robert 50, 52, 85, 91-2 Spinoza, Baruch 16, 93-4, 97, 99, 130, 144n 34,154n 14,154-5n 26 Spirit 13, 14-15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 26-7, 29, 33-5, 43, 74, 82-3, 89, 97,107, 109, 121-2,123,125,134,136-7 Stael, Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Mme de 115 Stamp, Richard 155n 30 Stendhal [Marie Henri Beyle] 38, 48 Stoicism 6, 9, 10, 17-18, 31-2, 43, 61, 65, 74-80, 82, 87, 89, 99,129-31 Strawson, Galen 77-8, 85, 87,151n 21 Surber, Jere Paul 142n 15 Swift, Jonathan 53 symbol 6, 25, 29, 106, 108-9,129,134 Symphilosophie 10, 19, 26-7, 35, 43, 50, 111, 118 tautegory 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 139n 5, 17, 25, 29, 59, 63, 68, 84, 90,103-11,113, 118, 120, 126, 129,135,138 Taylor, Charles 28, 74, 145n 47, 151n 12 theology 2,18,19, 20, 24, 30, 56-7, 66, 73, 82, 92,108, 109-10,121-4,126,135-7 Heck, L 19 Titian 79, 80 Toscano, Alberto 156n Tristram Shandy 96 Tuck, Richard 77,152n 19 175 Turner, J.M.W 112-18, 120 unhappy consciousness 30, 31, 33, 75, 76-7, 79, 89, 122 Unitarianism 30 Veit, Dorothea 19 Vickers, Neil 53,148n Vico, G 156n 15 Voltaire [Francois-Marie ArouetJ 38 Wagner, Richard 115 Wahl, Jean 28, 34, 145n 47 Warrell, Ian 157n 29 Weelen, Guy 157n 18 Wellek, Rene 68,140n 17, 152n 29 Wheeler, Kathleen 139n White, Alan R 153n 10 Williams, Bernard 153n Wittgenstein, Ludwig 9, 93, 104, 107, 130-1, 137, 159n 12 Wollheim, Richard 59, 148n 10 Wood, James 158n 36 Woolf; Virginia 119 Wordsworth, William 2, 3,11-12, 32-3, 42, 56, 85, 86, 90, 99-100, 124-6, 132-8 The Borderers 42 TheExcursumh, 136 'Home at Grasmere' 136 'Immortality Ode' 2, 7, 10-11, 32, 56, 67, 95, 97-8, 124-6, 134, 137 Lyrical BaUads (and Preface) 86, 90, 95, 97 The Prelude 69, 85, 132-3, 134, 137 'Tintern Abbey* 31, 56, 131 'The White Doe of Rylstone' 42, 147n 15 Zizek, Slavoj 93-4, 140n 14, 144n 35,150n 4,153n 13 .. .Coleridge and German Philosophy Coleridge and German Philosophy The Poet in the Land of Logic Paul Hamilton continuum Continuum The Tower Building 11 York Road London... Coleridge and post-Kantianism My Dream - History of Scotus, deranged as a youth / imagining himself in the Land of Logic, lying on the Road & in the Road to the Kingdom of Truth, falls into a criminal... original dynamism in 'Kubla Khan' to the fear of an imposing instrumentalism evident in the other two In T h e Rime', puzzling in its mixture of arbitrariness and moralizing, 'an enigma in the

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