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The princely court

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         This page intentionally left blank THE PRINCELY COURT Medieval Courts and Culture in North-West Europe ‒    Great Clarendon Street, Oxford   Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogotá Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris São Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw with associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States By Oxford University Press Inc., New York © Malcolm Vale  The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published  All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Vale, M G A (Malcolm Graham Allan) The princely court: medieval courts and culture in North-West Europe, – / Malcolm Vale p cm Includes bibliographical references  Europe, Western—Court and courtiers  Civilization, Medieval  Europe, Northern—Court and courtiers  Courts and courtiers  Arts, Medieval  Chivalry  Europe, Northern—Kings and rulers  Europe, Western—Kings and rulers  Material culture—Europe, Western  Material culture—Europe, Northern I Title CB V  —dc  ISBN –––           Typeset by Graphicraft Ltd., Hong Kong Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn      In the course of a long-term project, one incurs many debts It is, however, one of the incidental pleasures of scholarship to acknowledge the support, encouragement, constructive criticism and generosity of so many people Without such informal remaining vestiges of the Republic of Letters this book would not have been written or, if it had, it would have been very much the poorer First, I owe a great deal to Godfried Croenen, who acted as research assistant to the project under a generous two-year award from the Leverhulme Trust His knowledge and deployment of computer techniques produced results which it would have been both difficult and timeconsuming to obtain by any other means Secondly, I am indebted to a number of colleagues and friends for their help in many and various ways: Gerard Nijsten, Rees Davies, and Janet van der Meulen, all of whom read and helpfully commented on drafts at various stages; Wim Blockmans, Dick de Boer, Marc Boone, Jean Dunbabin, John Elliott, Steven Gunn, Olga Kotková, Frédérique Lachaud, Werner Paravicini, Walter Prevenier, Gervase Rosser, Iwona Sagan, Arjo Vanderjagt, and Frits van Oostrom, all offered stimulus and support Institutions must be thanked for their enabling roles: above all, the Leverhulme Trust and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) at Wassenaar The year (–) which I spent at NIAS as a Fellow-in-Residence, after election by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, enabled me to draft a substantial part of the book, and subsequent shorter visits helped to complete the process I particularly wish to record my thanks to all members of the NIAS staff, and especially to Saskia Lepelaar, who undertook the task of converting many of the tables into publishable form St John’s College and the Faculty of Modern History in the University of Oxford have been generous in granting me leave and funding for research visits to Belgium, France, and the Netherlands The Wiener-Anspach Foundation offered me a threemonths’ visiting Research Fellowship in , at a relatively early stage in the project, held at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and I owe much to Alain Dierkens of the ULB for helping to make that visit profitable It will be apparent that this book has drawn upon a large volume and wide range of archival and manuscript material, conserved in vi        Great Britain, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands The staff of many libraries and archives have proved unfailingly helpful, and it is a great pleasure to record the assistance received from the Public Record Office, the British Library, the Westminster Abbey Muniments, the Bodleian Library, the Taylor Institution Library, and St John’s College Library, Oxford; the Archives de l’État at Mons, the Rijksarchief at Ghent, the Bibliothèque Royale and Archives Générales du Royaume at Brussels; the Archives Nationales, the Bibliothèque Nationale, the Archives Départementales de Pas-de-Calais at Arras, and the Archives Départementales du Nord at Lille; the Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Algemeen Rijksarchief at The Hague, the NIAS Library at Wassenaar, and the Leiden University Library Among publications which came to my notice too late to be included in this book, mention should especially be made of C Allmand (ed.) War, Government and Power in Late Medieval France (Liverpool, ) and W Blockmans, M Boone, and T de Hemptinne (eds.), Secretum Scriptorium: Liber alumnorum Walter Prevenier (Leuven/Apeldoorn, ) This book has benefited immeasurably from the unfailingly constructive and supportive contributions of my wife, Juliet, and it is dedicated to our two sons, Timothy and Patrick M.V Oxford October     List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices List of Maps List of Plates List of Abbreviations ix xi xii xiv xv xviii  Introduction PA RT O N E The Material Foundations of Court Life  Court and Household   Organization and Structures   The household and its structures  Household ordinances  Hall, chamber, and household  Consumption and Expenditure  Economics and accountancy  Daily needs and expenditure  Liveries: status, function, and expenditure  The Travelling Court  Transport and logistics  Residences and lodgings                 viii PA RT T WO Culture  Court Life and Court Culture   Luxury, display, and the arts  Courtly pursuits  Ritual and ceremony     Art at Court: Investment in Culture?   Court art and court style  The structures of court patronage  A francophone culture?    Conclusion  Tables and figures Appendices Maps Bibliography Index          Bailleul, Baudouin, lord of  Jean, lord of  Sohier de, knight  Baldwin V, count of Hainault  banking houses, Italian  see Bardi; Bellardi; Fini; Frescobaldi; Peruzzi; Riccardi; Scotti banking, rise of  Bannockburn, battle of ,  battle of, German and Netherlandish knights at  Bar, comté of , , ,  Renaud de, bishop of Metz  Barbarossa, Frederick, emperor  Bardi, bankers  Bartlett, Robert  battle-boast (Geis, gab) ,  Bavaria, Albert of, see Albert Lewis of, see Lewis of Bavaria Bavaria, Wittelsbachs of , ,  Bayonne  Beauchamp, Sir Giles  Sir Walter de, seneschal of the king’s household  Beaufort, Gérard de, knight  Beaulieu, abbey of , –  Beaumanoir, Philippe de, knight  Beaumont, Amblard de, proto-notary  lady of  Beauneveu, Master André, painter  Beauvais ,  Pierre de  Vincent de  Beersel, Florent, lord of  behourts, see tournaments Belgium  Bellardi, bankers  Bellenghien, Jean, lord of ,  Benstead, John de, controller of the household  Berg, lord of  Berghes, abbey of St-Winoc at ,  castellan of  Gérard de  Berkhamstead  Berlaimont, Giles de, hereditary butler of Hainault ,  lord of  Berlin  Berners, Lord  Berry, Jean duke of  Berwick , ,  bestiaries – Béthune, Guillaume de, knight, lord of Locres  Pierre, prévôt of the church of ,  Bienvenue, dame  Biere, forest of  Biertaut, chessboard maker  Binche , , , , , ,  Binski, Paul  birds, vows taken on –  bishop, boy –  see also Clere; St Nicholas; Tyeis Bitterle, John de, monk of Westminster  Black Book of the Household , , ,  Black Prince, Edward the ,  Blaundyn, John de, squire  Blois, count of ,  countess of ,  Blyth  Bohemia ,  Wenceslas of  Bohun, Humphrey de ,  Bohun, John de, earl of Hereford  Boinebroke, Salomon, of Douai, clothing entrepreneur  Bois-le-Duc  Boisfort ,  Bologna, Lauda di, Lombard merchant  Boniface VIII, pope  Bonus Socius, collection  books, purchase of , , –, ,  bouche de court , , , ,  Bouchot, lord of  Boulogne  count of  Master Jean de, painter  Michel de, painter  Bourbon, Jacques de  Bourges, Pierre de, tailor  Bouville, Hugues de, chamberlain     Brabant, duchy of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – ,  dukes of , , , , , , ,  Brescia  breviaries , , – Brienne, Raoul de, constable of France  Brisebarre, Jean  Bristol  Britain  Brittany  duke of  Broederlaam, Melchior, painter  Brossielles, Pierre de, painter  Brotherton, Thomas of , , , , , , , , ,  Bruce, Robert  Bruges , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Ours Blanc at  submission of  Brussels , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Bruxelles, Gautier de, bourgeois of Paris , ,  budgets, household  Bullock-Davies, Constance  Bumke, Joachim , ,  bureaucracy, household  –,  Burgersh, Sir Bartholomew de  Burgh, Eleanor de  Burgh-on-Sands  Burgundy, court of , , , , , , , , , ,  duchy of  receiver-general of  Burgundy, Valois dukes of , , , , , , – ,  Caen  calendar, liturgical , ,  Cambrai , ,  bishopric of , , ,  cathedral of  Cambridge  Cambron, abbot of  canons, resident   Canterbury , , ,  archbishops of  Michael of, painter ,  Capetians, later, dynasty of , , , , , ,  Carcassonne, bishop of  cardinals ,  cards, playing  Carlisle  Carmelites, order of  carvers  Cassamus  Castile ,  Catalonia, count-kings of  Cateau-Cambrésis  centralization – , – , , ,  –, , –, ,  ceremonial, court , , , , , , –, –,  see also ritual Cerne, Hugh de, squire  Cessolis, Jacobus de  Chamber, household department of the , , , , , , ,  location of  Chamberlain, Amand the  chamberlains , , , , , , , , , ,  Chambre aux Deniers ,  Chambres des Comptes ,  Champagne ,  fairs of ,  chanceries –, –, ,  Chancery , , , , ,  Chandos, Sir John  Channel, English  chapels, chantry  court , , , , , ,  – , , ,  and court culture , ,  decoration of ,  – ,  see also altars; drama; masses; vestments chaplains, court , , ,  Charlemagne  Charles, count of Valois  Charles I, count of Anjou, king of Naples and Sicily , ,  Charles IV of Luxemburg, emperor ,      Charles IV, king of France  Charles V, emperor  Charlton, Sir John, of Powys ,  Charny, Geoffroi de, knight ,  Chaucer, Geoffrey ,  Chauvency  Chauvigny, Jeanne de, lady of Châteauroux  chess, game of , – Chester  Chin, Gilles de  chivalry  Burgundian  Cistercians, order of  cities, capital, rise of  Claeszoen, Dieric  Clare family, household of  Clare, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester  Claxton, Master John de  Clays, painter, of Valenciennes  Clement VI, pope  Clere, William de, boy bishop  Clermont  Clokettes, Michel as  commemoration, art of  –  commercial revolution, thirteenth-century , – cloth-making, techniques of –, ,  cognizances –, ,  Coignet (Cognetto), Master Renaud  Cologne  Compiègne , ,  Comyn, John  Conflans  conflict, Anglo-French , , , ,  Constitutio Domus Regis , , ,  consumption , , , , ,  consumption, conspicuous , , , , –, – ,  contracts, written  Coquatrix, Geoffroi  Coquelet, huntsman ,  coronations  Couchy, lord of  court, as occasion , , ,  Byzantine , , ,  ceremony at, see ceremonial; ritual imperial , , , , ,  definitions of the , , , , , ,  English ,  Hohenzollern  and literary activity –  material infrastructures of ,  movement out of , , , , – as office of account  papal , , , ,  permanent , – Renaissance  service at  structure of ,  courtiers  courtoisie , , ,  courts, African –,  cosmopolitan nature of , , ,  full, solemn or plenary , , , , , , ,  Italian  non-residential , , –, –,  cranes  Crécy, battle of  Creil  Cremieu  crisis, demographic  Croissilles, Baude de, bourgeois of Arras – crossbow, use of  crown, French , ,  crown-wearings, Anglo-Norman , ,  Cuijk, lord of ,  culture, anthropological work on , ,  –  ,  Burgundian  civic , – ,  court , , , , , , , , , , –  , – ,  definitions of , ,  francophone –  ludic element in  material  – and permanent chanceries –, – see also art; chapel; court cultures     cupbearers (échansons) , , , ,  Curia, see court curialitas , , ,  currency, manipulation of ,  Cysoing, lord of  Czartoryski, Prince Adam Kazimierz  damoiselles , , , , , , , ,  dances, court  Darel, Sir Edmund  D’Auchy, Michel de, knight  Dauphiné  court of , ,  D’Auxonne, Guillaume, chancellor of Flanders , , ,  D’Hérisson, Thierry, bishop of Arras, treasurer of Artois ,  D’Orléans, Master Evrart, painter  Deinze, Jakemon de  De la Halle: Jean, bourgeois of St-Omer  Guillaume, bourgeois of St-Omer  Delft  Jan, goldsmith of  Jan, painter of  Peter of  Denholm-Young, N  Despenser, Sir Hugh the younger  Devizes  Devon, silver mines in  dice, games with , ,  Diest, lord of  Diptych, Wilton  display , , , , , , – , , ,  dogs, hunting ,  –,  Domfront ,  Dominationes, of Hainault ,  Dominicans, order of  dominions, composite – ,  domus, see household Domus magnificencie ,  Domus providencie  Dordrecht , , , , ,  Douai , , ,  Jean de, goldsmith  Pierre of ,   d’Outremeuse, Jean, chronicler – pays ,  Douzy, Henri de, chamberlain  Dover  drama, liturgical –,  secular ,  Driffield, Robert de, confessor of Edward II  Droxford, John de, keeper of the wardrobe ,  Dunes, abbey of ,  Durham, bishops of  Thomas of, painter ,  Walter of, painter ,  Edouard I, count of Bar , ,  Edward the Confessor, king of England , , – , , ,  Edward I, king of England , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, ,  –, , , , , , , , – , , , , – Edward II, king of England , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –,  Edward III, king of England , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , ,  Edward IV, king of England , ,  Einsiedeln  Eine, lady of  Eleanor of Castile, queen of England , ,  Eleanor, countess of Guelders  Elias, Norbert ,  Elizabeth, countess of Holland , ,  Eltham  John of  emperor, German , Empire, Angevin ,  German ,  Enghien      England, kingdom of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , ,  continental possessions of , , , ,  rise of anglo-centric monarchy in ,  England, Norman Conquest of ,  –  Enlightenment, the ,  epidemics, see plague Escaudoeuvres  Escorial, palace of the  Esterhaza (Fertod)  Esterhazy, Count Miklos  Ethiopia, court of – Etienne, Master, treasurer of Mahaut of Artois  Eudes, count of Burgundy  Europe , ,  Europe, north-west , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Evreux, Louis of  Exchequer , ,  expenditure, household , , –, , , , ,  falconers , , – , ,  falconry , , ,  familia , , , , , ,  gaming-pieces described as  Fauquemont and Montjoie, Waléran, lord of , – Fauvel, Roman de  feasts, liturgical , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , –, , , –, – see also swans; vows Fébus, Gaston, of Foix-Béarn  feudalism, bastard  feuds ,  finances, receivers of  Fini  Tommaso, receiver of Flanders  fitz Odo, Edward, goldsmith , , , – Flanders, comté of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – , , ,  Flanders, Dampierre counts of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  échevins of  Guillaume of  Guy of, lord of Riquebourg ,  hereditary chamberlains of , , , , , , ; see also Ghistelles Philip of  religious houses of , –  receiver-general of  Robert of, lord of Cassel  Walloon areas of ,  Flemings  Fleta ,  Flines, abbey of  Florence ,  Florentines  Floris V, count of Holland and Zeeland , , , ,  – ,  Fontainebleau ,  Fontenielles, lady of  Fontevrault, abbey of  fools, court  see also Artois footwear, as livery  Foullet, Guillaume  foundations, collegiate –  , ,  Fourrière (quartermaster’s office) , , , ,  France , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  kingdom of , , , , , , , , , , , Franciscans, order of , Franỗois, messenger     Frederick, the Great, king of Prussia ,  Frederick II, emperor  Frescobaldi, bankers  Frisians  Froissart, Jean  Fueillet, Pierron, chaplain  funerals, court – heraldic – Furnes, abbey of ,  Gaidouche, Nicholas, receiver of Flanders , ,  gambling, at court , –, ,  games, at court ,  sports  see also chess; tables; tennis garỗons, in households , , , , ,  Garstrete, Adam de, painter  Garter, Order of the  Gascony – see also Aquitaine Gaveston, Piers, chamberlain , , ,  Gavre, lord of  Genoa  Genoese  Ghent , , , , , , , , , , – , , , , , , , ,  Abbey of St-Bavo at  Gossuin of, cloth merchant  Gravensteen at ,  hôtel of La Posterne at – hôtel of Ten Walle (Prinsenhof ) at – rebellions of –, –,  Ghistelles, Isabella, lady of  lord of , ,  gift-giving , , ,  Gilbert, Master, sculptor  goldsmiths , , , –, , , –,  Gothic, style , –, , , –  Gower, John  Grail  Gravesend ,  Greenwich, Absalom of, bargemaster   Griffiths, R A  Grosmont, Henry of, earl then duke of Lancaster  Grosseteste, Robert, bishop of Lincoln  Gruuthuse, John II, lord of ,  lords of , ,  Guelders ,  countess of ,  counts of , , ,  Guillot, huntsman  Guissins, painter  Guy, Vane, Lombard, receiver of Flanders  Guy de Dampierre, count of Flanders , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, ,  Haarlem  Habsburg, house of ,  Hagenau ,  Hague, The , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Binnenhof at , , , ,  Hainault, comté of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  counts of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –  ,  Dutch lands of  –,  Jean of, lord of Beaumont ,  Margaret of ,  Hainault-Holland , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –  , ,  Hall, household department of the , , , , , , , , ,  Halluin, Huon de, knight  Hampstead, manor of  Hangest, Rogier, lord of  Harvey, Ruth  Harwich  hastiludes, see tournaments Hastings, Joan, damoiselle  Hatfield, park of      Hauser, Arnold  Hauterive, lord of  Havering-atte-Bower  Hawkeswell, William de, king’s treasurer  Haydn, Josef  Heemstede, Florens de, knight  Hekelsbeke, lord of  Helighem  Hennekin  Henry I, king of England , , , , ,  Henry II, king of England , , ,  Henry III, king of England , , , , , –,  Henry III, duke of Brabant ,  Henry V, king of England  Henry VII, king of England  Henry VII, of Luxemburg, emperor , –,  Herald, Gelre  Chandos  heralds , – , ,  see also Le Borgne; minstrels; Morel Hereford, earl of  Joan of, damoiselle  Heripont, Gossuin de, knight  Heron, vows of the , – Hesdin, castle and park at , , , ,  –, , , , , – historiography ,  Marxist , ,  national  Hoeken (Hooks), faction of ,  Hof, see Court Hohenstaufen , ,  Holland , , –,  court of –, , , ,  Holland and Zeeland, counts of , , ,  counties of , , , , , , , , , , , ,  homage , ,  Hondeschout, lord of  Hooft, Guillaume, cloth merchant  hospitia and gỵte, rights of ,  hospitium, see household hôtel, see household household , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  jurisdiction over the ,  military role of  royal ,  treatises on the , ,  see also Black Book; budgets; Clare family; expenditure households, structural divisions within , , , ,  lower , ,  subsidiary and dependent , , , , , , , ,  upper , , , ,  Houthem, Barthelemy de, knight  Hovescheit, Hoflichkeit, see courtoisie Hughelin, Jakemon, chaplain  Huizinga, Johan –, , , , ,  Hungary ,  hunting , , , , , , , , , ,  –,  Huret, Adam, treasurer of St-Ame at Douai – Hussites  identity, national – ,  ideology, dynastic , , ,  Ile de France , , ,  Ile-de-la-Cité ,  illuminators, book  – India, courts of , ,  army of  indults, papal – Inghel, Woutre, fur dealer  Innocent VI, pope  Innsbruck – instability, political , – , , , – interdict ,  Ipswich , ,  Ireland  Isabella, countess of Flanders , – Isabella of France, queen of England , , , –, ,  Islam , – ,  Italy , , ,     itineraries, princely , –, , , –, , –, , –,  Jacquemart, painter, of Mons  Jacquemin, painter  Jagiellon, dynasty of  Jakemon, clerk  James II, king of Majorca , – Leges palatinae of – Jean, Master, minstrel  Jean I, count of Hainault , , ,  see also John II, count of Holland Jean IV de Montfort, duke of Brittany  Jeanne, countess of Burgundy  Jeanne de Valois, countess of Hainault , , , , , –, , , ,  Jeanne, duchess of Brabant , , – Jeanne of Burgundy, queen of France  Jehanin, minstrel  Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre at  Jews  and anti-Jewish sentiment  Joan of Acre, countess of Gloucester ,  Joan of Navarre, queen of France  Joanna, countess of Flanders  John I, count of Holland and Zeeland , , , ,  John I, duke of Brabant , , , , –,  John II, count of Holland and Zeeland , ,  see also Jean I, count of Hainault John II, duke of Brabant , , , , , ,  John II, king of France ,  John III, duke of Brabant , ,  John, king of England  John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy  John of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia  Josef II, emperor  jousting, see tournaments Kabeljauwen (Codfish), faction of ,  Karlstein, castle of ,  Kaufmann, T da Costa  – Keen, Maurice  Kent, county of   Kingdom, United  kings, Angevin ,  Anglo-Norman ,  Kings’ Langley  knighthood, entry into , , –,  knights, bachelor ,  banneret ,  chamber , ,  household , , , , –,  – , , ,  Knokyn, John de  Kortrijk , , ,  battle of , , , , – Béatrice, lady of ,  church of Our Lady at  comital chapel in ,  Lachaud, Frédérique  Lachaussée, lake of  la Croix, Thierry de, chaplain  la Marche, Olivier de , ,  la Paneterie, William de  la Pont, Jean, master of the works  La Verberie  Lalaing, lords of, hereditary seneschals of Hainault  Jacques de  Lalou, Elisabeth  Lancaster, Edmund of , – Maud of , ,  Thomas, earl of – see also Grosmont Landrenghien, Guillaume de  Langley, Edmund of  Langton, Walter, bishop of Chester  language , , , , , , – Anglo-Norman , –,  French –  , , ,  and multi-lingualism –, ,  languages, vernacular, rise of , – ,  Las Huelgas, monastery of  Latin, clerical ,  Latini, Brunetto  Laye, forest of      le Barbier, Moise, bourgeois of Mons  Le Borgne, minstrel-herald  le Clerc, Baudouin, illuminator  – Simonnet  le Cochon, Robert, purveyor  le Coupere, Fulk, bargemaster ,  le Forestier, Lideric, count of Flanders  le Hanaper, John  Le Hem  le Kiese, Jacques de, goldsmith  le Marissal, Jean, mtre du séjour ,  le menestrel, Gilot le  le Mercier, Lothart  le Mote, Jean de  Le Quesnoy , , ,  castle chapel at , ,  le Roi, Adinet ,  le Ymagenour, Alexander  Lengles, Raoul, painter  Leges Palatinae ,  Leliaarts, Francophile  Lent, abstinence during  Lescussiere, Maroie, painter  Lestanc, Guillaume de, bourgeois of Bruges  Lewis of Bavaria, emperor ,  Leyden (Leiden)  Gerard of, Master  Philip of, Master , , , , , ,  De cura reipublicae ,  Liber de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium, see Cessolis Liedekerke, Rasse de Gavre, lord of  Liège ,  bishopric of ,  Thibaut de Bar, bishop of , –,  Ligne, Watrelos de  Lille , , , , , –, , , , ,  Chambre des Comptes at ,  Jacquemin de, goldsmith  Jousts of the Epinette at ,  Simon de, goldsmith – Limburg ,  liquidity, monetary  literature, anti-court ,  at court , , –,  Dutch , , –  French , –  liveries , , , , , , , –, , , , –  , , –  , , , , –, –, , , , ,  of cloth , , , , , , , , , , , ,  colour-coding of –, ,  of furs , , , –, , , ,  of saddles , –  livery and maintenance  Livisshe, Peter, cloth merchant  Livre de Chasse, see Fébus Livre de Chevalerie, see Charny Loisne, A de  Lombards  London , , , , , , , – , ,  Tower of  Longuyon, Jacques de – Loos, count of  Lorraine ,  Lotard, receiver of Flanders  Louis VI, king of France  Louis IX, king of France , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Louis XIV, king of France  Louis de Male, count of Flanders , , , , , – , –, , , , , , , , , –, , , –  Louis de Nevers, count of Flanders , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Louvain  Jean de, painter, of Mons  Louvre ,  Low Countries , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Lucas, H S  Lucca, Orlandino of, king’s banker ,     Lusignan, Geoffroi de  Luxemburg, count of ,  countess of , ,  house of  luxury, renunciation of – ,  Magi, Adoration of the  magic  magnificence, Aristotelian concept of  Mahaut, countess of Artois , , , , , , , , ,  Mainz , ,  maisnie , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  chess-sets described as , , ,  mtre d’hơtel , , ,  Majorca, kingdom of , , , – court of , –,  Makiel, Jean, receiver of Flanders –,  Male, castle of , , , , , , , , , ,  Male, Louis de, count of Flanders see Louis de Male Malines ,  Henri de  Manceus, Jacquemart, minstrel  Mantes  Map, Walter , , , , , , , , , , ,  De Nugis Curialium  Margaret, duchess of Burgundy  Margaret of Male, duchess of Burgundy  Margaret of Hainault, empress ,  Margaret, countess of Flanders and Hainault  Margaret, countess of Hainault ,  Margaret, duchess of Brabant –, , , , ,  Margaret of Brabant, countess of Flanders  Margaret of France, countess of Artois and Burgundy  Margaret of France, queen of England , , , , , ,  Marigny, Enguerran de, chamberlain , ,   marriages, celebrated at court  – Martini, Simone, painter  masons ,  masses, celebration of –, –  ,  Mathieu, goldsmith, of Arras  Matilda, queen of England  Maubeuge ,  Henri de, hereditary huntsman of Hainault ,  Jakmes de, canon of Cambrai  Thomas de, bookseller ,  mausolea, dynastic – ,  Maximilian I of Habsburg, emperor  –  meals, courses served at , ,  Melinkoff, Ruth – Menin  Jean de, knight  Metz ,  Middelburg  Middle Dutch, at court , ,  – ,  Middle English, at court , , ,  Middle High German, at court ,  Milan  Milemete, Walter de  Ministeriales ,  minstrels , , , , , , , – Mirabello, Simon de, receiver-general of Flanders  missals , , ,  monasteries, residence in  money, use of , –  Mons , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Mons, Gislebert of , , , , , ,  Ministeria Curie Hanonensis  Mons-en-Pévèle, battle of  Montargis  Montfort sus Ruile  Montreuil, Colard de , ,  monuments, sepulchral –,  Morel, Nicholas, king-herald and minstrel      Morgan, D A L  Mormal, forest of  Morris, William  Morslede, Gautier de  Mortagne, Rogier, lord of  lady of  lord of ,  Mortimer, Edmund  Roger ,  Multon, Thomas de, knight  Murrough, Celtic hero  – music ,  –, , , , , – see also dances; minstrels; trumpeters Myreur des Histoires, Le, see d’Outremeuse Najéra, battle of  Namur , ,  comté of ,  countess of  Guillaume de  Guy de ,  Jean de, accounting officer  Louis de  Naples, kingdom of ,  Nappes, Galeran des  nationalism , –  Netherlands , ,  Nevers, comté of  count of –, , ,  Louis de, count of Flanders see Louis de Nevers New Year, celebration of ,  étrennes given at  Newburgh, Ambrose de  Newport chest  Nicholon, chaplain  Nieppe  Nijmegen  Nivelles  Spinon de, goldsmith  nobility, Dutch , – Norman Conquest, see England Norwich  Nottingham  Noyelles, Jean du Tramet de, knight  –  Nuremberg – Odo, the Goldsmith  offices, household , , , , , , , , , , ,  household, hereditary , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  household, purchase of , ,  orders, mendicant  ordinances, civic  household , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  sumptuary , –, ,  Orchies  Orff, Carl  Oste, Master, glass-painter  Ostrevant  count of ,  lady of  see also William Oucret, forest of  Oudenaarde  Ottobeuren, monastery of  Oxford  pageantry, interpretation of  Palatium ,  Palma  Panetiers (pantlers, bread-bearers) , , ,  Papacy , , ,  Avignon  Paris , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Master Etienne of, king’s surgeon  Matthew  parliaments ,  Pas-de-Calais, département of  Passau, bishopric of  Wolfger, bishop of  Pastoureau, Michel  patronage, artistic , , , –, –, – ,  Paucourt, forest of     Pauwelzoon, Ghijsbrecht, fish merchant  pavement, Cosmati, at Westminster  Peacock (Paon), vows of the , –, –,  peasantry, effects of hunting on  Pedro IV, king of Aragon ,  Percy, Henry de  Persia  Peruzzi, bankers ,  Pessagno, Antonio di, king’s banker ,  Pettegem , , , , , ,  Pheasant, vows of the ,  Philip IV (the Fair), king of France , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Philip VI, king of France , , ,  Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy , , , ,  –, , , ,  Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy , , ,  Philippa of Hainault, queen of England , , , , – Philippa of Luxemburg, countess of Hainault , , ,  Philippine, daughter of Guy de Dampierre ,  pilgrimages  pipe rolls, Exchequer  Picquigny, lord of  plague ,  Plantagenets, dynasty of , , , , , , , ,  plate and jewels , , , , , , , , ,  Plessis-lez-Tours  Poissy ,  Poland –, – ,  politics, dynastic  Pont-de-l’Arche  Ponthieu, comté of , , ,  Pontoise  treaty of  Pontrouwart, abbess of  Poperinghe  Porphyry  Potsdam ,   Poul, Felin de, knight  power, representation of , , , , ,  power-broking, political ,  powers, sovereign  Poytevin, painter  Praet, lords of  Prague ,  primogeniture  principalities, Netherlandish ,  relations between  privacy, provision of ,  propaganda, use of , ,  pro-English  psalters ,  purveyance  Pyrewe (Perou), Adinet de, minstrel – Queenshithe  Quincy, Hawise de, countess of Lincoln  Ravenstein, lords of  Reformation  Reigny, Huguenin de  relics, display of – Ribauds, Roi des  Renaissance , , , , ,  Italian , ,  residences, princely , , , – , , , –,  Rethel, comté of , ,  count of  revolts, Flemish , –  , –, –  Rheims, cathedral of , , ,  Hincmar of  De ordine palatii  Rhineland  Ribestiel, Isabella de, damoiselle  Riccardi, bankers ,  Richard, J M  Richard II, king of England , , , , , ,  Rijnsberg  Ristune, Henri de, knight      ritual –, , ,  – , – , ,  see also ceremonial; pageantry Robert of Gloucester, monk of St Peter’s  – Robert of Anjou, king of Naples and Sicily  Robert II, count of Artois , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – , ,  Robert de Béthune, count of Flanders , , , , , , – Rollincourt, Tassins de, painter  romance, Arthurian , ,  romances , ,  Rome , , ,  Rotherhithe  Rotselaar, Gerard, lord of ,  lords of ,  Roulencourt, Baudouin de, knight  Round Tables ,  see also tournaments Roussel, Gillion, huntsman of Flanders  rule, princely, peripatetic nature of , , , , , , , , –, , , –, ,  Royaumont, burial church at ,  Russia  s’Gravenzande  saints, cults of , – ,  St Alban’s, statute of ()  St-Amand  St-Aubert, lord of  St Botolph, fair of  St Catherine  St Clare, order of  St-Denis, abbey of , –, ,  St Donatian, church of, at Bruges  St Edmund ,  St Edward the Confessor, see Edward St George , ,  St-Germain-en-Laye  St John, the Evangelist  St Louis, see Louis IX St Louis of Toulouse  St Margaret  St Mary the Virgin , ,  St Nicholas, bishop of Myra –  St-Omer , , ,  abbey of St-Bertin at  Jean de, sculptor  St-Pierre, abbey of, at Lille ,  St-Pol, comté of  count of  St-Quentin, Adam de, goldsmith  Jean de, knight , – St Ives ,  St Stephen’s chapel, see Westminster Ste-Chapelle, Paris , , , ,  Ste-Mande  Ste-Saulve, Amand de  Ste-Waudru, church of, at Mons  Saisset, Bernard, bishop of Pamiers  Salm, count of  Sandrin, receiver  Savonnières, Baudouin de, knight  Schiedam  Schinkel, Walter, draper of Bruges  Schoonvorst, lord of ,  Scots , , , ,  Scotland ,  –, , , ,  Scotti, bankers  Seclin ,  seneschals , , , , , , ,  Senlis , ,  Severin, Jean, painter  Sheen ,  Siena  Sluys  Soignes, forest of ,  Sombreffe, lord of  sources, survival and nature of , , , –, , , , –,  space, organization of, around ruler ,  Spain ,  Peter of, painter  Sparrowhawk, (Epervier), vows of , –,  Speer, Albert  spices  squires, chamber , , , , , ,  household –  , , ,     state, formation of the ,  Burgundian  modern , , , , ,  state-building , – Steenhuize, Gerard de  Steenhuizen, lord of  Steiermark, Ottokar von  Stirling, castle of  Stoke, Melis  Stokes, Ralph de, clerk of the great wardobe  Stommelin, Jan, goldsmith  Stourton, Walter de, harper  Stroguil, castle of  structures, bureaucratic  Sturmy, Sir John  style, court  – , – , ,  see also art; court; culture; Gothic Swans, Feast of the , , ,  – Symphoniste, John  tables, games of  –  Tancarville, William de  taxation, development of  tennis, game of  Tervuren ,  textiles –, , , , ,  –, , , –, , , , ,  see also cloth-making textiles, heraldic , , ,  see also cognizances Thames, River  Thil, Gaillard de, knight  Torel, William, goldsmith ,  Torhout  Tournai ,  bishopric of  tournaments , , , , , , –, ,  contracts for service at  – mêlée at –, , ,  teams at ,  Tout, T F , , ,  towns, residence of courts in – ,  –, – , –, – ,  transport, water , – Trazègnies, lord of  Troyes, Chrétien de   trumpeters  Trumpington, Patrick de, falconer  Tunis, crusade –,  Turin-Milan Hours  Tyeis, Robert, boy bishop  Tylor, E B  Upton, Robert de, chaplain  Vale, Juliet  Valence, Aymer de, earl of Pembroke , , – William de  Valenciennes , , , , , , , , , , ,  Louis, painter, of  Valois, dynasty of , , ,  Van Arkel, Otto  Van Artevelde, Philip  Van Belle, family of  Van Borselen, Hendrik  Wolfart  Van Brabant, Jan, goldsmith  Van den Hecke, Ghiselbrecht, of Ghent  Van der Wateringhe, Gerard , ,  Willem  Van der Oosteinde, Gerard  Van Eyck, Jan, painter  Van Haren, Claas, goldsmith  Van Hasselt, Jan, painter , ,  Van Heelu, Jan  Van Heemskerke, Gerard ,  Van Maerlant, Jacob  Van Nieuwenrode, Ghijsebrecht  Van Revel, Alwijn  Van Ruddervorde, Jan, goldsmith  Van Tielt, Joris, goldsmith  Van Uytven, Raymond  Van Velthem, Lodewijk –  Vanne, Giovanni  Vasari, Georgio  Veblen, T  Verge, jurisdiction of the , ,  vergeours, in English household  Versailles ,  vestments, liturgical –  Vichte, family of  Vienna      Vienne, Dauphin Humbert de  Viesville – Vilefaut, Jean de  Vilain, Wautier, varlet  Villani, Filippo  Vincennes ,  Vogelweide, Walter von der  Voorne, lady of  lord of ,  vows , ,  –,  collective ,  crusading  – political nature of – see also heron; peacock; sparrowhawk; swans Walcourt, Thierry de, knight  Wales, prince of  Wallingford, chapel of St Nicholas in castle at  Warburg, Aby  Warde, Robert de la  Wardrobe, household department of the , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Warenne, John de ,  Warnke, Martin – , –,  Wavre  Wavrin, Robert de, lord of St-Venant  Weber, Max  Wenceslas, of Brabant , , , –  Werchin, Fastre de, knight  lady of  Westminster , , , , , , , –, , – Abbey , , , – , , , ,  ‘coronation’ chair at  Edward of ,  Hall  Painted Chamber at , ,  Palace of , , , , , , , –,  retable ,  St Stephen’s chapel at , –  , ,  Thomas of, Master  Weston, Sir John de ,  Wijnendaal , , , , , ,  Wilde, Oscar  Wilhelm II, Kaiser , ,  William, count of Ostrevant , ,  William III, count of Hainault-Holland , , , , , , , , , –, ,  William IV, count of Hainault-Holland , , , , , –  , , , ,  William V, count of Hainault-Holland , , , , , , , ,  William VI, count of Hainault-Holland ,  Winchester , ,  Windsor , , ,  Wittelsbach, house of  see also Bavaria Woeringen, battle of  wolf, kept by counts of Artois  Woodstock, Edmund of , , , , , , ,  Woodstock, ordinance of  wool, English  Wynenghem, Giles de  xenophobia  York , , ,  Ypres , , , , , ,  Zeeland, counts of Holland and, see Holland ... neither power-bloc was at that stage able to displace the other As a centre of court culture, the household of the counts of Artois in the thirteenth century was a formative influence upon other... the court of Burgundy, and the artistic efflorescence of the fifteenth-century Netherlands, had apparently overshadowed—if not entirely eclipsed the preceding period, and this was reflected in the. .. Tenure of continental possessions the duchy of Aquitaine and the comté of Ponthieu—by the English crown further strengthened these bonds Diplomatic intercourse between the kingdoms of England and France

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2019, 10:17

