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Sidonius poems letters, books 1 2

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=^;o i i»j« THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D EDITED BY fT E PAGE, fE CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D L A POST, L.H.D E H C.H., LITT.D tW H D WARMINGTON, SIDONIUS I ROUSE, litt.d m.a., f.r.hist.soc SIDONIUS POEMS AND LETTERS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION, AND NOTES BY W B ANDERSON nULME PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER IN TWO VOLUMES I POEMS LETTERS, BOOKS I-II CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MOMLXm First printed 1936 Reprinted 1956, 1963 PA Si v; / Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS PAGB PREFACE Vii INTRODUCTION ix USED IN EXPLANATORY NOTES ABBREVIATIONS POEMS THE TEXTUAL AND IxXV LETTERS BOOK I 331 LETTERS BOOK II 413 THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS te moraturum; quo turn praeter ipsam loci tibi cum ferax vinea est, magno non minus praedium domino, quod te tuosque plurifaria frugum man- sionumque dote remoretur ilicet apothecisque seu penu impleta destinas horreis si usque ad adventum hirundineum vel ciconinum lani Numaeque ninguidos menses in otio fuliginoso sive tunicata quiet e transmittere, nobis quoque parum in oppido illic fructuosae protinus amputabuntur causae morarum, ut, dum quibus, ipse nimirum voluptati ager aequalis 482 frueris rure, nos te fruamur, ut recognoscis, non magis cordi cum cum reditibus amplis bonis moribus vale quam est aut vicinus BOOK have not only a II XIV TO MAURUSIUS vineyard but also a farm which great owner, to keep hold of you and your company by its manifold endowment of grain and dwelling-places Well then, if it is your intention, when your barns, storehouses and household stores have been duly replenished, to spend the snowy months of Janus and Numa ^ there in sooty idleness or " ungowned ease," ^ remaining until the coming of the swallow and the stork, I too will at once cut short my unfruitful excuses for lingering in town, so that while you, of course, enjoy the fruits of your land, I at the same time may enjoy the for (as you well know) an fruits of your society estate making large returns is no more attractive and delightful to me than a neighbour of my own age and of high character Farewell is as great as fertile is its ; ^ January and February " Martial X 51 483 Printed in Great Britain by RICHARD OLAY and CO>irANY, LTD., BUNQAY, SUFPOIiK, THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED Latin Authors Ammianus Mabceixinus Translated by J C Rolfe Vols Aptjleius: The Golden Ass (Metamorphoses) W AdlingRevised by S Gaselee Augustine: City of God Vols Vol I G E McCracken Vol VI W C Greene St Augustine, Confessions of W Watts (1631) Vols St Augustine, Select Letters J H Baxter Ausonius H G Evelyn White Vols Bede J E King Vols BoETHius: Tracts and De Consolationb Philosophiae Rev H F Stewart and E K Rand Caesar: Alexandrian, African and Spanish Wars A G ton (1566) St Way Caesar: Civil Wars A G Peskett Caesar: Gallic War H J Edwards Cato: De Re Rustic a; Vabro: De Re Rustica H B Ash and W D Hooper Catullus F W Comish; Tibullus J B Postgate; PervioiLiuM Veneris J W Mackail Celsus De Medicina W G Spencer Vols Cicero: Brutus, and Orator G L Hendrickson and H M : Hubbell [Cicero]: Ad Hebennium H De Oratore, etc Caplan Vol I De Oratorb, Books I and II E W Sutton and H Rftckham Vol II De Oratore, Book III De Fato; Paradoxa Stoicorum; De Partitione Oratoria H Rackham Cicero: De Finibus H Rackham Cicero: De Inventione, etc H M Hubbell Cicero De Natura Deorum and Academica H Rackham Cicero: De Offichs Walter Millei* Cicero: De Republica and De Legibus; Somnium Scipionis Cicero: : Clinton W Keyes Vols De Senectute, De Cicero: Amicitia, De Divinatione VV A Falconer In Catilinam, Pro Flacco, Pro Murena, Pro Sulla Louis E Lord Cicero: Letters to Atticus E O Winstedt Vols Cicero: Letters to His Friends W Glynn Williams Cicero : Vols Cicero: Philippics W C A Ker Cicero: Pro Archia Post Reditum, De Domo, De HaruspicuM Resfonsis, Pro Plancio N H Watts Cicero: Pro Caecina, Pro Lege Manilla., Pro Cluentio, Pro Rabirio H Grose Hodge Cicero: Pro Caelio, De Provinciis Consularibus, Pro Balbo R Gardner Cicero Pro Milone, In Pisonem, Pro Scauro, Pro Fonteio, Pro Rabirio Postumo, Pro Marcello, Pro Lioario, Pro Reoe Deiotaro N H Watts Cicero: Pro Quinctio, Pro Roscio Amerino, Pro Roscio : CoMOEDO, Contra Rullum J H Freese Cicero: Pro Sestio, In Vatinium R Gardner Cicero: Tusculan Disputations J E King Cicero: Verbine Orations L H G Greenwood Vols Claudian M Platnauer Vols Columella: De Re Rustica De Arbobibus H B Ash, E S Forster and E Heffner Vols Cubtius, Q.: Histoby of Alexander J C Rolfe Vols Florus E S Forster; 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Sallust J C Rolfe ScRiPTOREs HisTORiAE AuGUSTAE D Magie Vols Seneca: Apocolocyntosis Cf Petronius Seneca: Epistulae Morales R M Gummere Vols Seneca: Moral Essays J W Basore Vols Seneca: Tragedies F J Miller Vols Sidonius: Poems and Letters W B Anderson Vols SiLius Italicus J D Duff Vols Statius J H Mozley Vols Suetonius J C Rolfe Vols Tacitus: Dialogues Agricola and Sir Wm Peterson Germania Maurice Hutton Tacitus Histories and Annals C H Moore and J Jackson : : : Vols Terence John Sargeaunt Vols Tertullian: Apologia and De Spectacults T R Glover MiNUCius Felix G H Rendall Valerius Flaccus J H Mozley Varro: De Lingua Latina R G Kent Vols Velleius Paterculus and Res Gestae Divi Augusti F W Shipley Virgil H R Fairclough Vols De Architectura F Granger Vitruvius: Vols Greek Authors Achilles Tatitts S Gaselee Aelian: On the Nature of Animals A F Scholfield Vols Aeneas Illinois Tacticcts, Asclepiodotus Greek Club Aeschines Aeschylus and Onasander The D Adams, H Weir Smyth Vols Aix:;iPHRON, Aelian, Philostratus Letters A R Banner and F H Fobes Andocides, Antiphon, Cf Minor Attic Orators Apollodorus Sir James G Frazer Vols Apollonius Rhodius R C Seaton The Apostolic Fathers Kirsopp Lake Vols Appian: Roman History Horace White Vols Aratus Cf Callimachus Aristophanes Benjamin Bickley Rogers Vols Verse C : trans Aristotle: Art of Rhetoric J H Freese Aristotle: Athenian Constitution, Eudemian Ethics, Vices and Virtues H Rackham Aristotle: Generation of Animals A L Peck Aristotle: Metaphysics H Tredennick Vols Aristotle: Meteorolooica H D P Lee Aristotle: Minor Works W S Hett On Colours, On Things Heard, On Physiognomies, On Plants, On Marvellous Things Heard, Mechanical Problems, On Indivisible Lines, On Situations and Names of Winds, On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics H Rackham Aristotle: Oeconomica and Magna Moralia G strong; (with Metaphysics, Vol Aristotle: Aristotle: W S C Arm- II.) On the Heavens W K C Guthrie On the Soul Parva Naturalia On Breath Hett Aristotle: Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics H P Cooke and H Tredennick Aristotle: Posterior Analytics, Topics H Tredennick and E S Forster Aristotle: On Sophistical Refutations On Coming to be and Passing Away, On the Cosmos E S Forster and D J Furley Aristotle: Parts or Animals A L Peck; Motion and Progression of Animals E S Forster Aristoti-e: Phvsrs Rev p Wicksteed and F M Comford Vols Aristotle: Poetics and LoNomus W Hamilton Fyfe; Demetrius on Style VV Rhys Roberts Aristotle: Politics H Rackham Aristotle: Problems W S Hett Vols Aristotle: Rhetorica Ad Alexandrum (with Problems H Rackham Vol II.) Arrian History of Alexandeb and Indica Rev E Iliffe Robson Vols Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae C B Gulick Vols R J Deferrari Vols St Basil: Letters Callimachxjs Fragments C A Trypanis Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams, and Lycophron A W Mair; Aratus G R Mair Clement of Alexandria Rev G W Butterworth COLLUTHUS Cf OpPIAN Daphnis and Chloe, Thornley's Translation revised by J M Edmonds; and Parthenius S Gaselee Demosthenes I.: Olynthiacs, Philippics and Minor Oba> tions I.-XVII and XX J H Vince Demosthenes II.: De Corona and De Falsa Leoatione C A Vince and J H Vince Demosthenes III.: Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates, Timocrates and Aristogeiton, I and II J H Vince Demosthenes IV.-VI.: Private Orations and In Neaeram A T Murray Demosthenes VII Fttneral Speech, Erotic Essay, Exordia and Letters N VV and N J DeWitt Dio Cassitjs: Roman History E Cary Vols Dio Chrysostom J W Cohoon and H Lamar Crosby Vols DiODORUs SiCTTLUS 12 Vols Vols I.- VI C H Oldfather Vol VII Vol VIII C B Welles Vols C L Sherman IX and X R M Geer Vol XI F Walton Diogenes Laerittds R D Hicks Vols DiONYsius OF Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities Spelman's translation revised by E Cary Vols Epictetus W a Oldfather Vols Euripides A S Way Vols Verse trans Kirsopp Lake and EusEBius: Ecclesiastical History : : : : J E L Oulton Vols Galen On the Natural Faculties A J Brock The Greek Anthology W R Paton Vols Greek Elegy and Iambus with the Anacbeontea : Edmonds Vols J M Greek Authors Achilles Tatixjs S Gaselee Aelian: On the Nature of Animals A F Scholfield Vols Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus and Onasander The Greek Club Aeschines C D Adams Aeschylus H Weir Smyth Vols AixiPHRON, Aelian, Philostratus Letters A R Benner and F H Fobes Andocides, Antiphon, Cf Minor Attic Orators Apollodorus Sir James G Frazer Vols Apollgnius Rhodius R C Seaton The Apostolic Fathers Kirsopp Lake Vols Appian: Roman History Horace White Vols Aratus Cf Callimachus Aristophanes Benjamin Bickley Rogers Vols Verse Illinois : trans Aristotle: Art of Rhetoric J H Freese Aristotle: Athenian Constitution, Eudemian Ethics, Vices and Virtues H Rackham Aristotle: Generation of Animals A L Peck Aristotle: Metaphysics H Tredennick Vols Aristotle: Meteorolooica H D P Lee Aristotle: Minor Works W S Hett On Colours, On Things Heard, On Physiognomies, On Plants, On Marvellous Things Heard, Mechanical Problems, On Indivisible Lines, On Situations and Names of Winds, On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics H Rackham Aristotle: Oeconomica and Magna Moralia G strong; (with Metaphysics, Vol Aristotle: Aristotle: W S C Arm- II.) On the Heavens W K C Guthrie On the Soul Parva Naturalia On Breath Hett Aristotle: Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics H P Cooke and H Tredennick Aristotle: Posterior Analytics, Topics H Tredennick and E S Forster Aristotle: On Sophistical Refutations On Coming to be and Passing Away, On the Cosmos E S Forster and D J Furley Aristotle: Parts or Animals A L Peck; Motion and Progression of Animals E S Forster Aristoti-e: Physics Rev P Wicksteed and F M Cornford Vols Aristotle: Poetics and Lonointts W Hamilton Fyfe; Demetrius on Style W Rhys Roberts Aristotle: Politics H Rackham Aristotle: Problems W S Hett Vols Abistotle: Rhetorica Ad Alexandrum (with Problems Vol II.) H Rackham Arrian History of Alexandkb and Indica Rev E Iliffe Robson Vols Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae C B Gulick Vols St Basil: Letters R J Deferrari Vols : Callimachus Fragments C A Trypanis Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams, and Lycophron A W Mair; Aratus G R Mair Clement of Alexandria Rev G W Butterworth COLLUTHUS Cf OpPIAN Daphnis and Chloe Thomley's Translation revised by J M Edmonds; and Parthenius S Gaselee Demosthenes I.: Olynthiacs, Philippics and Minor Orations I.-XVII AND XX J H Vince Demosthenes II.: De Corona and De Falsa Lkqatione C A Vince and J H Vince Demosthenes III.: Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates, TiMOCRATEs and Aristogeiton, I and II J H Vince Demosthenes IV.-VI.: Private Orations and In Neaeram : A T Murray VII Fxtneral Speech, Erotic Essay, Exordia and Letters N W and N J DeWitt Dio Cassitjs: Roman History E Cary Vols Dio Chrysostom J W Cohoon and H Lamar Crosby Vols DiODORUs SicuLus 12 Vols Vols I.-VI C H Oldfather Vol VII Vol VIII C B Welles Vols C L Sherman IX and X R M Geer Vol XI F Walton Diogenes Laerittds R D Hicks Vols DiONYsros OF Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities Spelman's translation revised by E Cary Vols Epictetus W a Oldfather Vols Euripides A S Way Vols Verse trans Demosthenes : : EusEBius: Ecclesiastical J E L Oulton History Kirsopp Lake and Vols Galen: On the Natural Faculties A J Brock The Greek Anthology W R Paton Vols Greek Eleoy and Iambus with the Anacreontea Edmonds Vols J M IN PREPARATION Historia Animalium (Greek) A L Peck Plotinus (Greek) A H Armstrong Babrius (Greek) and Phaedrus (Latin) Ben E Perry Aristotle: DESCRIPTIVE PROSPECTUS London Gambridg^e Mass ON APPLICATION WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS p 100608013068 PLEASE CARDS OR SLIPS UNIVERSITY PA 6694 S7 DO NOT REMOVE FROM THIS OF TORONTO POCKET LIBRARY Sidonius, C Sollius Modestus Apollinaris Poems and letters 1936 v.l cop«2 //allace WAT! ACF ROOM ... MANCHESTER IN TWO VOLUMES I POEMS LETTERS, BOOKS I-II CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MOMLXm First printed 19 36 Reprinted 19 56, 19 63 PA Si v; / Printed... NOTES ABBREVIATIONS POEMS THE TEXTUAL AND IxXV LETTERS BOOK I 3 31 LETTERS BOOK II 413 PREFACE The present volume contains the first English The task of translation of the poems of Sidonius translating... anti-Roman peasant rising and induced his Suevian brother-in-law, Rechiar, to restore the « Sidonius, Carm 21 2 sqq Sidonius, Carm 495-498 INTRODUCTION province of Carthaginiensis to the Empire (454)

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2019, 09:48


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