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cultural differences between western and easten

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Cấu trúc

  • Slide 1

  • Slide 2

  • Slide 3

  • Slide 4

  • Slide 5

  • What means ‘culture’?

  • Slide 7

  • Slide 8

  • Slide 9

  • Slide 10

  • Slide 11

  • Slide 12

  • Visible and invisible cultural aspects

  • Ethics (morals)… what is good and what is wrong..

  • Slide 15

  • Importance of culture in a society..

  • Culture: many definitions..

  • Slide 18

  • Slide 19

  • Slide 20

  • Queue when waiting..

  • Culture

  • Slide 25

  • Slide 26

  • Party

  • Culture

  • Travelling..

  • Culture

  • Slide 31

Nội dung

Cultural diff erences between Eastern and Western peoples Which countries are Eastern countries? Western Western countries countries are: are: Europe Europe The The United United States States Canada Canada Australia Australia and and New New Zealand Zealand Identify Western and Eastern Countries United States of All Americ a Europe an countri Australi es a Southeast Asia Malaysia Vietnam New Zealan d Russia Eastern Asia China South Korea Brunei Cambodia Hong Kong Thailand Laos Japan Philippines Singapore Canada Northern Asia Myanmar East Timor Indonesia And many more Macau Mongolia North Korea W h ic h of economy economy language clothing religion shelter language clothing religion shelter food art t h in g s d o a c u lt u r e p e o p le o f share? life style social values/ values/ laws/ laws/ climate climate communica education communica education entertaining entertaining government government tion tion What means ‘culture’? im imp po orrttaan ntt The customs, traditions, beliefs, and values that a group of people share with each other Customs Something that you often; sometimes without knowing that you are doing it Every culture has it’s typical customs Customs It’s It’s a a Thai Thai custom custom to to smile smile a a lot lot It’s a Thai custom that children show respect to the elder generation such as their parents and teachers It’s a Thai cust om to wai peo ple People People of of other other cultures cultures have have other other customs customs Shaking hands Western customs Possessing or wearing guns; only in USA Arriving at time Eating warm food one time per day Church wedding in a white dress Values: Things that are eally important in your life Security Freedom Health and Fairness happiness Family Aesthetics: What is beautiful and what isn’t Importance of culture in a society Culture Culture teaches teaches it’s it’s children children s it tts c s it te s ro p c te re u ro lt p u C Culture s errs m be mb em me Culture Culture teaches teaches about about other other cultures cultures Culture Culture says says what what we we want want to to be be Culture Culture is is learned learned Culture: many We definitions We are are not not born born with with a a culture, culture, we we are are born born into into a a culture culture Material culture: tools, tools, roads, roads, TV TV programming, programming, architecture architecture and and other other physical physical artifacts artifacts Non material (physic) culture: culture: Norms, Norms, values, values, ideas, ideas, customs customs etc etc in hin ith wit G sw ps up ou Grro re are sa c res ure ltu ult cu s ps up rou s gro iall g cia oc so s res ure ltu ult o -cu b-c ub su orr s military government poor people rich people fully abled people disabled people educated illiterate (noneducated) Islam Catholicism s tt M os Mo tt !! n a t n r a o t p r ii m mpo ‘ Cultural relativism’ is the principle of understanding other cultures on their own terms , rather than judging according to one’s own culture e lif ly d e in lif n e ly se d st in e n W e nd se a st st e W Ea n nd a ee st tw e Ea b s between ces ence eren ifer C dif all d ura ltur ult Cu e r u t l Cu East West QUEUE WHEN WAITING Culture War m meal sa day west East The streets on Sunday e r u t l u C West East r u t l Cu e Appointment 12 o’clock West East West East PARTY Culture Click icon to add picture East C Cu u ll tt u u rr e e Handling Handling problems problems West Culture West East TRAVELLING e r u t l Cu West Selfimage East East East West West Commun al Sharing Individua l Selfish Indirect Direct Accept Control ... countries? Western Western countries countries are: are: Europe Europe The The United United States States Canada Canada Australia Australia and and New New Zealand Zealand Identify Western and Eastern... such as their parents and teachers It’s a Thai cust om to wai peo ple People People of of other other cultures cultures have have other other customs customs Shaking hands Western customs Possessing... Asia China South Korea Brunei Cambodia Hong Kong Thailand Laos Japan Philippines Singapore Canada Northern Asia Myanmar East Timor Indonesia And many more Macau Mongolia North Korea W h ic h of

Ngày đăng: 11/02/2019, 11:26

