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Realtime systems archtecture scheduling application

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Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com REAL-TIME SYSTEMS, ARCHITECTURE, SCHEDULING, AND APPLICATION Edited by Seyed Morteza Babamir www.Ebook777.com Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Edited by Seyed Morteza Babamir Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications After this work has been published by authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book First published April, 2012 Second Edition 2016 ISBN-10: 953-51-0510-8 ISBN-13: 978-953-51-0510-7 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Contents Preface IX Part Architectures Chapter Networking Applications for Embedded Systems Sorin Zoican Chapter Dynamics of System Evolution 23 Ashirul Mubin, Rezwanur Rahman and Daniel Ray Chapter Schedulability Analysis of Mode Changes with Arbitrary Deadlines 47 Paulo Martins, I G Hidalgo, M A Carvalho, A de Angelis, V.Timóteo, R Moraes, E Ursini and Udo Fritzke Jr Chapter An Efficient Hierarchical Scheduling Framework for the Automotive Domain 67 Mike Holenderski, Reinder J Bril and Johan J Lukkien Part Chapter Chapter Part Chapter Specification and Verification 95 Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems Using UML Sequence Diagrams Zbigniew Huzar and Anita Walkowiak 97 Construction of Real-Time Oracle Using Timed Automata 129 Seyed Morteza Babamir and Mehdi Borhani Dehkordi Scheduling 147 Handling Overload Conditions in Real-Time Systems Giorgio C Buttazzo www.Ebook777.com 149 VI Contents Chapter Real-Time Concurrency Control Protocol Based on Accessing Temporal Data 173 Qilong Han Chapter Quality of Service Scheduling in the Firm Real-Time Systems 191 Audrey Queudet-Marchand and Maryline Chetto Part Real World Applications 211 Chapter 10 Linearly Time Efficiency in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks 213 Faezeh Sadat Babamir and Fattaneh Bayat Babolghani Chapter 11 Real-Time Algorithms of Object Detection Using Classifiers 227 Roman Juránek, Pavel Zemˇcík and Michal Hradiš Chapter 12 Energy Consumption Analysis of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Ali Norouzi and A Halim Zaim Chapter 13 Real-Time Motion Processing Estimation Methods in Embedded Systems Guillermo Botella and Diego González 249 265 Chapter 14 Real Time Radio Frequency Exposure for Bio-Physical Data Acquisition 293 Alessandra Paffi, Francesca Apollonio, Guglielmo d’Inzeo, Giorgio A Lovisolo and Micaela Liberti Chapter 15 Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals 313 Robert Krupi´nski and Przemysław Mazurek Preface Real-Time Systems are computing systems that must meet their temporal specification In computer science, real-time or reactive computing is the study of hardware and software systems that are subject to a real-time constraint called deadline, which the system should respect it in its response to events Real-time systems, in fact, must guarantee response within strict time constraints Real-time systems often appear as critical systems such as mission critical ones The anti-lock brakes system on a car, for instance, is a real-time computing system where the real-time constraint is the brakes release time to prevent the wheel from locking Real-time software may use synchronous programming languages, real-time operating systems and real-time networks providing essential frameworks for constructing real-time software applications Since correctness of a real-time operation depends not only on its logical correctness but also on the time in which the operation is carried out, real-time systems are classified by three types of deadlines: (1) Hard where missing a deadline leads to total system failure, (2) Firm where missing a deadline is tolerable, but it may degrade quality of system services and (3) Soft where deadlines are tolerable to be half extended Therefore, the goal of a hard real-time system is to ensure that all deadlines are met; however, that of a soft real-time system is to ensure that a deadline is nearly met or a subset of deadlines is met Maximizing the number of met deadlines or maximizing the number of met deadlines for high priority tasks and minimizing the lateness of tasks are the concerned goals in the soft real-time systems Embedded systems like car engine control system, medical systems (such as heart pacemakers), industrial process controllers, video game systems and vector graphics are hard realtime systems having hard requirements A car engine control system, for instance, is a hard real-time system where a delayed signal may cause engine failure or damage Multitasking systems are another type of real-time systems where the scheduling policies are a matter of concern Typical policies are Priority driven or Preemptive scheduling, Earliest Deadline First and Overlay scheduling, such as Adaptive Partition Scheduling This book stresses architecture, scheduling, specification and verification and real world applications of real-time systems It includes a cross-fertilization of ideas and concepts between the academic and industrial worlds The book starts with a section X Preface (Chapters to 4) on real-time architectures and continues with a section (Chapters and 6) on specification and verification of real-time systems, a section on real-time scheduling algorithms (Chapters to 9) and ends with a section (Chapters 10 to 15) on some real world application of real-time systems Section consisting of Chapters to deals with architectures of real-time systems Chapter presents realizing the networking applications by means of DSP microcomputer architecture (Blackfin microcomputer) supported by an operating system kernel (Visual DSP Kernel) and lightweight IP protocol stack (LWIP suite) Moreover, the chapter provides the frameworks for telecommunications applications development and for performance evaluation A VoIP (Voice over IP) system, as a complex networking application example, is illustrated based on adaptive multi-rate codec Chapter discusses some development efforts to identify general terms and metrics that are necessary to track a system’s upcoming evolutionary phases It presents higher-level analyses of these metrics by examples of several years of systems development track history and in multiple projects Based on observations, it tries to derive a preliminary methodology to formulate system dynamics towards their evolution Chapter elaborates concept of mode and includes a number of current views of modes and addresses previous work on modes in real-time systems It extends the current schedulability analysis associated with mode changes in static priority preemptive based scheduling It derives analysis that includes tasks executing across a mode change with deadlines larger than their period Chapter addresses the problem of providing temporal isolation to components in an integrated system Temporal isolation allows to develop and verify the components independently and concurrently and then to integrate them into a system To provide true temporal isolation when components execute on a shared processor, this chapter tries to address this problem by means of a hierarchical scheduling framework (HSF) HSF provides the means for the integration of independently developed and analyzed components into a predictable real-time system A component is defined by a set of tasks, a local scheduler and a server defining the component’s time budget (i.e its share of the processing time) and its replenishment policy Section consisting of Chapters and discusses specification and verification issues in real-time systems Chapter deals with specification and verification in UML known as a semiformal language The chapter presents a formal interpretation of a set of sequence diagrams with time constraints The formal interpretation is used to constructing programming tools for supporting validation of systems behavior specification and prototyping of the systems The chapter demonstrates how the set of scenarios specifying system behavior may be derived from the set of sequence diagrams and how this set may be analyzed against its consistency and completeness Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Preface Also, this chapter proposes an approach to specify real-time systems having some features To this end, it extends the UML sequence diagrams with new kinds of stereotypes and the notion of monitoring scenarios is introduced Monitoring scenarios are also specified by sequence diagrams used to define liveness and safety properties Chapter provides a method for specifying and stating real-time software using Timed Automata and Real-time Logic respectively Then, the chapter deals with obtaining the safety constraints from reachability graph of Timed Automata extracted from the problem specification and then the constraints are stated in Real-time Logic propositions These propositions showing safety constraints are used for verification of the system behavior To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, the chapter sets it forth for a real-time system called Rail Road Crossing Control This chapter also includes a brief explanation of Timed Automata and Real-time Logic and a method is presented to simulate Timed Automata in Real-time logic Section consisting of Chapters to deals with scheduling discussion in real-time systems Chapter addresses the problem of handling overload conditions in real-time systems The conditions are critical situations in which the computational demand requested by some application exceeds the processor capacity If not properly handled, an overload can cause sudden performance degradation or a system crash The chapter, in fact, aims to claim that a real-time system should be designed to anticipate and tolerate unexpected overload situations Chapter discusses concurrency control method where transactions access real-time data The chapter first reviews concurrency control protocols proposed in real-time database systems and describes some concurrency control algorithms for accessing temporal data Then, it deals with analysing validity of active real-time systems and effects real-time data on the concurrency control Based on characteristics of temporal data, a concurrency control algorithm called “real-time concurrency control algorithm based on Data-deadline” is put forward Chapters discusses hard real-time paradigm Most scheduling algorithms developed for soft and firm real-time systems and they lack the ability to enforce constraints on the upper limit of deadline misses However, without such enforcement, violation of time constraint may occur If consecutive instances of a task fail to complete before their deadlines, the system will eventually fail Although firm deadlines can occasionally be missed, there is normally an upper limit on the number of misses within a defined interval The hard real-time paradigm is well established and it has received considerable attention by researchers and practitioners within academia and industry Section consisting of chapters 10 to 15 proposes applications of real-time systems Chapter 10 proposes the security issue in Unmanned Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) as an application of real-time systems Such networks should collect small www.Ebook777.com XI 320 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH input signal blinking signal synthesis blinking signal EOG signal synthesis EOG signal parameters error Optimization algorithm Fig Analysis by synthesis technique the set of discreet events and the corresponding values like the height of a blink and an EOG level value The disadvantage of this technique is computation power requirements [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010c)] Real–time processing is very difficult and additional latency occurs Some applications does not need the detection of saccades and the EOG signal is a signal that is used directly (e.g in the motion capture applications or the analysis of point–of–interest) In [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2011)] such a technique for the EOG and blinking signals is introduced This algorithm uses evolutionary search with the mutation of a single child [Michalewicz (1996)] The additional gradient optimization is used for the computation time reduction by the local improving of convergence for a blink position and height, a saccade position and the value of the EOG signal level between two saccades Waveletes separation technique 5.1 Singularity processing Another method of the event detection (a saccade, a blink) is the wavelets transform [Ghandeharion & Ahmadi–Noubari (2009); Reddy et al (2010)] The saccade and blink are well defined in time domain and they have a limited length in time In [Bukhari et al (2010a;b; 2011)] the signal analysis and filtering of eye movements using scalogram and ’db4’ wavelets up to details level 10 are considered In [Reddy et al (2010)] a few wavelets are compared (’sym8’,’haar’,’db4’,’db10’,’coif3’) for the blink detection, and the best is ’sym8’ The threshold based technique is applied for the blink detection In [Bhandari et al (2006)] the signal enhancement techniques using wavelets are proposed The ’coiflet3’ wavelet for denoising is applied Blinks and saccades are enhanced using the ’haar’ wavelet Discussed wavelets techniques by the authors are not sufficient for HCI systems Moreover, 3219 Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals there is a lack of the analysis of the more complex scenarios, like a saccade near to a blink, what appears in real measurements The wavelets are useful for the processing of signals and depend on the applied wavelet so the selected properties of a signal are emphasized [Augustyniak (2003); Mallat (1999); Mallat & Zhang (1993)] The selection of a particular wavelet defines the specific response for singularities too The non–isolated singularities need the multifractal analysis The signals with singularities are analyzed using the singularity spectrum The EOG signal with blinking is such a kind of signal that has the isolated singularities for most cases The distance between events of any type is quite large, but both kinds of events may appear in short time and in such a case the limited multifractal properties exist The analysis of the singularities is the basis of the detection and gives the possibility for real–time processing without median filtering (Fig 9) The singularities create the large amplitude values in their cone of influence what is observed in a singularity spectrum The analysis of singularity spectrum is possible using the detection of local maximum for every scale The maximal values of the wavelet transform coefficients |W f (u, s)| are obtained by differentiation and testing the values The zero value is obtained if a maximum point is found ∂|W f (u0, s0 )| =0 (2) ∂u The additional conditions are necessary for the removal of non–strict maximum points that appear for the constant value of |W f (u, s)| for some cases The detected maximum points are connected on the every scale The parameters of a line: a length, an accumulated value over a line, and a slope are used for the detection of the even type and the estimation of parameters input signal Wavelets transfrom ABS Maximum detector Line tracking detected events Fig Singularity analysis scheme The singularity analysis needs the tracking of the lines starting from the small scale to the largest one The line length depends on the fitting of the wavelets to the singularity (event) A small length corresponds to the less important feature The longest lines are taken into account The length of a line is not only one method for the detection of features The accumulation of the values along trajectories of accumulated singularity spectra is a technique used in this work The accumulated value should be higher than a predefined threshold and this value is set by the previous observation of signal behavior The wavelet shape ’gaus2’ (Fig 10) is applied for the signal processing by the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) The following CWT formula is used for the computations: C ( a, b; f (t) , ψ (t)) = ∞ −∞ f ( t) √ ψ∗ a t−b a dt (3) where ∗ denotes the complex conjugate, a is a scale parameter, b is a position, and ψ is the selected wavelet 322 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 10 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −5 (a) Fig 10 Wavelets shape – ’gaus2’ 5.2 Example – two blinks and a single saccade In this example the results of CWT for two blinks and a single saccade are shown First blink is slow and second one is fast (Fig 11a) For the blinks and saccade positions the cones are visible and start from the smallest scale and they extend towards the larger scale (Fig 11b) The local peaks are detected and multiplied by the wavelets coefficients and the results are shown in Fig 11c The accumulated values from the previous step are depicted in (Fig 11d) The obtained positions are used as the starting positions for the tracking algorithm The track–before–detect approach (TBD) is used and the simplified spatio–temporal track–before–detect algorithms are used with recurrent processing [Mazurek (2009; 2010a;b;c; 2011a;b)] There are three motion vectors used due to the high resolution of the scale There is not need for searching more motion vectors The result of tracking is shown in Fig 11e The tracking of values along lines is important and the accumulated value corresponds to the strength of the event (a blinking height and saccade differential height) The motion trajectory vectors are accumulated too (Fig 11f) The motion vector near zero corresponds to the blink signal, because a wavelet function is similar The slope is oriented to the left or right direction depending on the saccade falling or rising edge The slope counter measures the motion vector (Fig 11h) and is used together with accumulated values (Fig 11g) for the threshold–based detection of the event The detection of the event is shown in (Fig 11i) where a peak and the peak marks correspond to the event type 5.3 Example – two blinks and two saccades and smooth pursuit The next example shows the influence of the smooth pursuit on the processing of a signal The smooth pursuit is very low frequency component of a signal and a very large scale should be considered by the CWT algorithm The limited scale range allows reducing the influence of the trend from smooth pursuit The filtering behavior (Fig 12) is similar to Example The verification of the algorithm needs the computation of many examples using the Monte Carlo approach 323 11 Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals 0.4 Scale Amplitude 0.6 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 Scale 0.8 6 0.2 −0.2 −0.4 5 4 3 2 100 200 300 400 500 100 600 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 Time [n] Time [n] (a) Original signal (b) Continuous transform wavelets 400 500 600 400 500 600 (c) Peaks 12 350 300 Time [n] 700 11 300 600 200 150 Accumulated Peaks Scale Summed along Scale 10 250 100 50 500 400 300 200 −50 100 100 200 300 400 500 100 600 200 400 500 0 600 100 200 Time [n] Time [n] (d) Accumulated transform 300 peaks of (e) Lines (f) Accumulated transform lines of 12 300 Time [n] 11 1.5 10 Counted Slopes Scale 0.5 0 −0.5 −2 −1 −4 −1.5 100 200 300 400 Time [n] (g) Accumulated 500 600 −6 100 200 300 400 500 600 −2 Time [n] (h) Slope Counter 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [n] (i) Detected signals Fig 11 Example – two blinks and a single saccade Performance analysis of wavelets separation technique 6.1 Monte Carlo approach and a signal generator The Monte Carlo approach [Metropolis & Ulam (1949)] is applied for the tests of wavelets performance depending on a few conditions The testing of the algorithms using synthetic EOG and blinking signals generator is necessary Such approach is very good for the testing of algorithm The tests based on the analysis of the recorded signal are limited by the number of available samples The representative set of the real samples is necessary with the man–made description of every example The synthetic technique needs a good generator, but the tests are much more reliable The samples obtained by the real measurement process are related to the small set of humans The EOG and blinking signals generator is described in [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010a)] and used in the papers [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010b;d;e; 2011)] with some additional extensions (the smooth pursuit support) There are two possible techniques 324 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 12 0.8 12 11 11 10 10 8 0.2 7 Scale 0.4 Scale Amplitude 0.6 12 6 5 4 3 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 2 100 200 300 400 500 100 600 200 400 500 600 100 (a) Original signal 12 400 11 wavelets Accumulated Peaks Scale 150 100 50 200 300 400 500 100 600 200 peaks of 300 400 500 200 0 600 100 200 300 Time [n] (e) Lines (f) Accumulated transform lines of 12 600 300 Time [n] Time [n] (d) Accumulated transform 500 400 100 400 500 100 600 600 250 200 500 700 300 400 (c) Peaks 10 350 300 Time [n] (b) Continuous transform 450 −50 200 Time [n] Time [n] Summed along Scale 300 11 1.5 10 Counted Slopes Scale 0.5 0 −0.5 −2 −1 −4 −1.5 100 200 300 400 500 600 −6 100 200 Time [n] (g) Accumulated transform 300 400 500 600 Time [n] (h) Slope Counter −2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [n] (i) Detected signals Fig 12 Example – two blinks, two saccades, smooth pursuit for the application of the generator The generator could be used for any possible values of parameters and also for the limited values of parameters Additionally, it allows testing the specific cases more deeply 6.2 Test – three saccades and three blinks This test shows the performance of the algorithm depending on the noise (Fig 13) The signal consists of three blinks, three saccades, and the smooth pursuit is not applied The Gaussian additive noise disturbs the signal There are many sources of the noises in biosignal measurement systems related to the electrical properties of human body, a contact type and the measurement system The external radio frequency interference is also the important factor of noise 325 13 Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals 40 5.5 4000 35 3500 4.5 30 3000 25 2500 3.5 20 2000 15 1500 2.5 10 1000 500 1.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 std 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.02 0.04 (a) Blinks missed (b) Blinks overdetected 280 0.06 0.08 0.1 std std (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected blinks 25 1400 260 1200 20 240 1000 220 15 800 200 180 600 10 160 400 140 200 120 100 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 std (d) Saccades (in the number of samples) missed 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 std (e) Saccades overdetected 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 std (f) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected saccades Fig 13 Monte Carlo performance Test The 1000 tests were processed The maximal number of missing blinks is less than 4% for the higher noised samples (Fig 13a) This figure depicts the reduction of the missed blinks due to the higher probability of assignment the noise peaks to a blink The amount of overdetected blinks is depicted in Fig 13b The estimated position of the blink is disturbed too (Fig 13c) The noise level does not influence significantly the position error for the standard deviation for about 0.08 The saccade position detector is more sensitive (Fig 13d) This is expected behavior, because a single noise value may disturb the position of a saccade The large values of overdetected saccades due to higher standard deviation noise values, creates false saccades (Fig 13e) or shifts existing ones (Fig 13f) The curves for the corresponding quality plots are similar for the blinks and saccades 6.3 Test – three saccades, three blinks and smooth pursuit This is similar test to Test The smooth pursuit signal is added so a trend occurred (Fig 14) It is expected that the results are similar to the case without smooth pursuit The wavelets transform does not support very long time scales so the influence of wavelets processing should not be observed The smooth pursuit is very low frequency signal and should be processed in similar manner like the constant levels of the EOG signals between neighborhood saccades 326 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 14 35 4000 30 3500 25 3000 2500 20 2000 15 1500 10 1000 0 500 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 std 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 (a) Blinks missed (b) Blinks overdetected 280 0.08 0.1 (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected blinks 30 1400 260 0.06 std std 1200 25 1000 20 240 220 800 15 200 600 180 10 400 160 120 200 140 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 std (d) Saccades missed 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 (e) Saccades overdetected 0.06 0.08 0.1 std std (f) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected saccades Fig 14 Monte Carlo performance Test This test confirms that the trend does not affect significantly the results This is very important for the applications, because no additional processing is necessary related to the smooth pursuit removal during estimation 6.4 Test – two blinks only This test shows the influence of blinks (that are available) and saccades (that are absent) (Fig 15) The number of blinks missed is reduced proportionally in comparison to the previous Test There is no influence due to false detected saccades 6.5 Test – two blinks, smooth pursuit This similar test to Test related to the influence of smooth pursuit (Fig 16) The results are similar to the previous test The smooth pursuit does not influence significantly the algorithm 6.6 Test – two saccades This is similar test to Test 3, but here exist only saccades without blinks (Fig 17) As expected there is no significant influence of blink detection on saccades 327 15 Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals 25 4.5 5000 4500 20 4000 3.5 3500 15 3000 2.5 2500 10 2000 1500 1.5 1000 500 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 std 0.06 0.08 0.5 0.1 0.02 0.04 (a) Blinks missed 0.06 0.08 0.1 std std (b) Blinks overdetected (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected blinks Fig 15 Monte Carlo performance Test 25 4.5 5000 4500 20 4000 3.5 3500 15 3000 2.5 2500 10 2000 1500 1.5 1000 500 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 std 0.06 0.08 0.5 0.1 0.02 0.04 (a) Blink missed 0.06 0.08 0.1 std std (b) Blinks overdetected (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected blinks Fig 16 Monte Carlo performance Test 130 25 2500 120 110 20 2000 100 90 15 1500 80 70 1000 10 500 60 50 40 30 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 std (a) Saccades missed 0.04 0.06 0.08 std (b) Saccades overdetected Fig 17 Monte Carlo performance Test 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 std (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected saccades 328 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 16 6.7 Test – two saccades, smooth pursuit In this test the influence of smooth pursuit on the detection of saccades is tested (Fig 18) 160 25 2500 140 20 2000 120 15 1500 100 80 1000 10 500 60 40 20 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 std (a) Saccades missed 0.04 0.06 0.08 std (b) Saccades overdetected 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 std (c) Mean position error (in the number of samples) of detected saccades Fig 18 Monte Carlo performance Test The plots are similar to the previous Test It means that there is no significant influence of smooth pursuit Additionally, in all tests there is no one wrong detection of the saccade slope direction (falling or rising) Latency of wavelets transform technique The real–time processing is possible using CWT and signal events estimator algorithm The most important is the latency of the algorithm for the real–time applications like HCI It is possible to use the alone EOG signal directly to control a computer The blinking pulses are used as the additional control signals The applications of the 3/4 electrode system need the low–latency processing, but the median filters are not suitable The wavelets transform–based approach discussed previously has important advantage over other discussed techniques The latency of the system is limited by two factors The first factor is the blinking pulses width The saccades are immediate signals that are detected using tens of samples, depending on the sampling rate They are well defined in time domain and occupies a very short time periods The long width of blink means that a system is limited only to the typical blinking The typical blinking takes about 300–400 ms It means that the length of the wavelet for the largest scale of CWT should be similar in a value or larger CWT may process data in real–time and update results for every new samples The forbidden region of detection occurs for the latest samples and is well shown in the right part of the CWT result e.g (Fig 11b) The calculation of the correct values in the cone that starts in the boundary samples is not possible The calculation results (false) are available due to zero padding The width of half–cone (Fig 19) is the half of the wavelets width at the largest scale It means that for typical blinking the latency is about 150–200 ms appropriately The tracking algorithm used for the selection of the peak lines is very fast due to the limited number of motion vectors and the high resolution of CWT Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals Real–Time Low–Latency Estimation of the Blinking and EOG Signals 329 17 Fig 19 Latency area and latency time Conclusions and further work The application of the EOG measurements system has been rising The EOG systems are used in different and new application areas The signal processing techniques for real–time processing with high accuracy and low–latency are necessary There are many processing techniques for the detection and separation of blinking and EOG signals Most of them are not suitable for more specific cases and new ones are necessary The recent research shows the importance of the wavelets transform with carefully selected wavelets function In this chapter the new wavelets–based technique for the estimation of blinking and saccade time moments using CWT was proposed The estimation of the blink and EOG signals is important for the real–time HCI systems Previous work related to the optimization approach [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010b;d;e; 2011)], using the blinking and eye movement model, was not well fitted for the real–time processing The computation requirements were high and not defined by the number of processing steps due to the applications of the random number generator in the optimization algorithm The proposed techniques in those papers were based on the evolutionary approach The reduction of computation time was obtained by the selection of more efficient evolutionary operators The computation time was also reduced by the reduction of the number of processed samples The blink and saccade positions were also considered as a starting point for the optimization process near the global minima [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010b)] and the sensitivity of this approach was considered in [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010e)] Additionally, the estimation of the smooth pursuit movements was observed to improve the results [Krupinski ´ & Mazurek (2010d)] 330 18 Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH The proposed in this chapter technique for the EOG measurements was based on the basic idea of CWT analysis introduced in [Mallat (1999)] The application of the spatio–temporal tracking of singularity improved the detection of the time moments and types of singularities like blinks and saccades Wavelet techniques have well defined computation cost that is also constant, what is important advantage of this technique The analysis of the slope of singularity in CWT image at all levels allowed the detection of a specific feature The application of the peak tracking algorithm allowed the detection of such event The computation cost was quite low and nowadays available processing devices allow the processing signal at low cost The EOG signal sampling frequency is usually small (100–400 Hz typically) so modern microcontrollers have enough computation power for signal processing, recommended are DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) In the chapter the signal performance analysis of the algorithm and latency behavior due to wavelets and tracking algorithm were considered The latency was obtained from the analysis of the blinking pulses and it was possible to reach 200 ms latency for a signal processing part, and if there were no additional latencies related to the measurement system it was also the overall system latency Future research will be related to the implementation of the proposed approach using DSP The reduction of latency using the pattern recognition techniques is possible and will be considered in further research The synthetic, generated signals may fill the extended range of possible cases, which is important for the estimation of algorithm performance and finding the incorrectly estimated cases The knowledge about incorrect cases is the source of important information for researches and developers about the estimation algorithm and further improvements are possible by the analysis of such cases Acknowledgments This work is supported by the UE EFRR ZPORR project Z/2.32/I/1.3.1/267/05 "Szczecin University of Technology – Research and Education Center of Modern Multimedia Technologies" (Poland) 10 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