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Photographing yosemit digital field guide

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  • Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide

    • About the Author

    • Credits

    • Acknowledgments

    • Contents

    • Introduction

    • Chapter 1: Ahwahnee Hotel

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 2: Bridalveil Fall

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 3: Cathedral Peak

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 4: Cathedral Rocks

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 5: Dog Lake

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get The Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 6: El Capitan

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 7: Fern Springs

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 8: Half Dome

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 9: Happy Isles

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 10: Horsetail Fall

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 11: Indian Village

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 12: Lembert Dome

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 13: Mariposa Grove

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 14: Merced Grove

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 15: Merced River

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 16: Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 17: Nevada Fall

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 18: Pioneer Yosemite History Center

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 19: Sentinel Rock

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 20: Siesta Lake

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 21: Tenaya Lake

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 22: Three Brothers

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 23: Tuolumne Grove

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 24: Tuolumne Meadows and River

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 25: Unicorn Peak

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 26: Vernal Fall

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 27: Wawona Hotel

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 28: Yosemite Chapel

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Chapter 29: Yosemite Falls

      • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

      • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

      • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • Index

Why It’s Worth a Photograph

  • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 21: Tenaya Lake

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 22: Three Brothers

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 23: Tuolumne Grove

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 24: Tuolumne Meadows and River

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 25: Unicorn Peak

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 26: Vernal Fall

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 27: Wawona Hotel

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 28: Yosemite Chapel

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Chapter 29: Yosemite Falls

    • Why It’s Worth a Photograph

    • Where Can I Get the Best Shot?

    • How Can I Get the Best Shot?

  • Index

  • Nội dung

    Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Capture Postcard-Quality Photos Lewis Kemper Photographing Yosemite www.Ebook777.com Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide Lewis Kemper Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-58686-0 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood 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or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Wiley Publishing, Inc is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com About the Author Lewis Kemper has been photographing the natural beauty of North America and its parklands for more than 30 years During his extensive travels, he has been to 47 states from Alaska to Florida His photographs are in many private collections as well as in the permanent collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art and Kaiser Permanente His work has been shown nationally in galleries and museums, including the Frederick S Wight Gallery, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Cornell Museum, the Princeton Gallery of Fine Art, the Popular Photography Gallery, the Ansel Adams Gallery, Photographer’s Gallery, and the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center His work has been published in numerous books including publications by The Sierra Club, The National Geographic Society, Little and Brown, APA Insight Guides, Prentice Hall, and Hyperion Books His pictures have appeared in calendars published by Audubon, The Sierra Club, The Mono Lake Coalition, Self Realization Foundation, Golden Turtle Press, The Sierra Press, Day Dream Calendars, Avalanche Publishing, Browntrout, The Nature Conservancy, Tide-Mark Press, and others His work has appeared in magazines that include Backpacker, Women’s Sports and Fitness, The Walking Magazine, Sierra, Motorland, Terre Sauvage, Environmental Protection Magazine, National Wildlife, National Geographic Traveler, American Photographer, View Camera, PC Photo, Camera Arts, Shutterbug, and Outdoor Photographer He is the author of The Yosemite Photographer’s Handbook and The Yellowstone Photographer’s Handbook, and he was the photographer for Ancient Ancestors of the Southwest, published by Graphic Arts Center Publishing He teaches photography for many organizations including Palm Beach Photographic Centre, Santa Fe Workshops, Light Photographic Workshops, Aspen Workshops and Betterphoto.com He produces the acclaimed Photoshop training DVDs “The Photographer’s Toolbox for Photoshop®”, and he is a contributing editor to Outdoor Photographer and PC Photo magazines His Web site is www.LewisKemper.com www.Ebook777.com Credits Senior Acquisitions Editor Stephanie McComb Project Coordinator Patrick Redmond Project Editor Jama Carter Graphics and Production Specialists Andrea Hornberger Jennifer Mayberry Ronald G Terry Technical Editor Mike Hagen Copy Editor Beth Taylor Editorial Director Robyn Siesky Editorial Manager Cricket Krengel Business Manager Amy Knies Senior Marketing Manager Sandy Smith Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Barry Pruett Quality Control Technician Lindsay Littrell Proofreading and Indexing Valerie Haynes Perry Penny L Stuart Light… I know not a singular word fine enough for Light Holy, beamless, bodiless inaudible floods of Light —John Muir For all the Yosemite photographers before me, with me and after me Ride the Light! Acknowledgments Yosemite has always held a special place in my heart I became a photographer in Yosemite and made some great friends in my years spent living there I want to thank all of those people that were part of my experience in Yosemite, because I cannot separate my experiences from the place itself Together they are the spirit of Yosemite that has been so fulfilling in my life I would not have been a part of this project if it wasn’t for my friends Deborah Sandidge and Josh Anon for recommending me to the staff at Wiley to write this book Thank you both A special thank you goes to Stephanie McComb, senior acquisitions editor, and Jama Carter, project editor, for being so helpful and supportive during the project A heartfelt thanks goes to my family, my wife Heidi, and my son Logan, for putting up with me and my constant trips and my late hours in the office If it wasn't for their patience and understanding, I would never be able to have my career as a photographer I also want to thank my parents Sydney and Isobel for all the support and encouragement they have given me over the years I would like to thank all my friends at Canon, past and present, who have supported my photography for the past six years including Dave Metz, Steve Inglima, Peter Tvarkunas, Erik Allin, Barbara Ellison, and Jim Rose It has been an honor to be associated with such a wonderful organization And last I would also like to thank all those that make the Yosemite experience so wonderful including all the employees of the National Park Service, the two concessionaires that have been part of the park during my time in Yosemite, The Yosemite Park and Curry Company, and Delaware North Companies, and special thanks to the folks at The Ansel Adams Gallery Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Contents Ahwahnee Hotel Why It’s Worth a Photograph Where Can I Get the Best Shot? Hotel interior Hotel exterior How Can I Get the Best Shot? Equipment Camera settings Exposure Ahwahnee Hotel Bridalveil Fall 13 Why It’s Worth a Photograph 14 Where Can I Get the Best Shot? 14 Bridalveil Fall parking lot 14 Bridalveil Fall viewpoint 15 Southside Drive 16 Northside Drive 17 Gates of the Valley 17 Tunnel View 18 How Can I Get the Best Shot? 18 Bridalveil Fall Equipment 18 Camera settings 20 Exposure 21 Cathedral Peak 25 Why It’s Worth a Photograph 26 Where Can I Get the Best Shot? 26 How Can I Get the Best Shot? 27 Equipment 27 Camera settings 28 Exposure 29 Cathedral Peak www.Ebook777.com Index A Ahwahnee Hotel ideal time to shoot, 8–9 interior lighting sources, interior shots, 5–8, 10–11 lenses, location on map, low-light options, 10 night options, 10–11 opening of, 4, 48 other photo ops, Solarium, 8–9 south side of, 9–10 suggested shooting locations, weather conditions, 10 Ahwahnee Meadow, shooting Half Dome from, 67, 73 B Bachelor and Three Graces, shooting Mariposa Grove from, 110–111 Big Oak Flat Road, shooting Half Dome from, 71, 74 Bridalveil Fall bubble level, 20 cable release, 20 creative shots, 22 exposure compensation setting, 20 exposure mode setting, 20 features, 14 filters, 19 ideal time to shoot, 21 ISO setting, 20 lenses, 18 location of parking lot, 14 location on map, 15 low-light options, 21 moon cycles, 21 night options, 21 Northside Drive, 19 other photo ops, 15 polarizing filter, 19 rainbows, 21 shooting El Capitan from, 49, 54 shooting vertical panoramic image of, 22 skylight filter, 19 suggested shooting locations, 15 tripod, 20 UV filter, 19 Viewpoint, 15–16 weather conditions, 21 white balance setting, 20 Bridalveil Fall vantage points Gates of the Valley, 17, 19 Northside Drive, 17, 19 parking lot, 14, 18 Southside Drive, 16, 19 Tunnel View, 19 viewpoint, 15–16, 19 brightness, balancing, 191 bubble level, using with tripod, 82 C California Tunnel Tree location of, 110 shooting Mariposa Grove from, 112 Cathedral Peak Aperture Priority mode, 28–29 bubble level, 28 cable release, 28 creative shots, 30 exposure compensation setting, 29 exposure mode setting, 29 features, 26 filters, 28 graduated neutral density filter, 28 ideal time to shoot, 29, 56 ISO setting, 28–29 lenses, 27 location on map, 27 low-light options, 29, 57 night options, 29, 57 other photo ops, 27 polarizing filter, 28 tripod, 28 weather conditions, 29, 56 white balance setting, 29 wide-angle lens, 29 Cathedral Peak vantage points banks of Tuolumne River, 26 Milky Way above, 29 moon cycles, 29 vertical panoramic image of, 57 Cathedral Rocks Aperture Priority mode, 37 bubble level, 37 cable release, 37 camera settings, 37–38 creative shots, 39 equipment, 37 exposure, 38 features, 34 filters, 37 graduated filter, 37 ideal time to shoot, 38 lenses, 37 location on map, 34 low-light options, 38 moon cycles, 38–39 night options, 38 other photo ops, 34 summits, 34 tripod, 37 weather conditions, 38 Cathedral Rocks vantage points El Capital Meadow, 35 Merced River at marker V17, 35–36 clouds, overexposing, 140 Cloudy white balance setting Dog Lake, 44 Fern Springs waterfall, 62 Happy Isles, 83 Indian Village, 98 Lembert Dome, 106 Merced River, 131 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 140 Nevada Fall, 148 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 208 Unicorn Peak, 216 Vernal Fall, 225 color temperatures, measurement of, 199 Columbia Point, shooting Half Dome from, 69, 73 Cook’s Meadow vantage point Half Dome, 69, 73 Sentinel Rock from, 163 D Dana Fork at marker T36, shooting Mount Dana/ Mount Gibbs from, 137 Daylight white balance Dog Lake, 44 Fern Springs waterfall, 62 Happy Isles, 83 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 140 Nevada Fall, 148 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 157 Siesta Lake, 173 Three Brothers, 192 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 208 Unicorn Peak, 216 Vernal Fall, 225 Daylight/Sunny preset Horesetail Fall, 92 Indian Village, 98 Lembert Dome, 106 Mariposa Grove, 114 Merced Grove, 121 Dog Lake Aperture Priority mode, 44 exposure compensation setting, 44 exposure mode setting, 44 features, 42 filters, 43 ideal time to shoot, 44 ISO setting, 44 lenses, 43 location on map, 42 low-light options, 45 night options, 45 other photo ops, 42 polarizing filter, 43 tripod, 43 weather conditions, 44–45 white balance setting, 44 wide-angle lens, 45 E El Capitan Aperture Priority mode, 56 creative shots, 57 elevation, 48 exposure compensation setting, 56 exposure mode setting, 56 features, 48 filters, 55 graduated neutral density filter, 55 ISO setting, 55 lenses, 53–54 location on map, 48 other photo ops, 48 261 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com El Capitan (continued) polarizing filter, 55 vantage points, 48–49 white balance setting, 56 El Capitan Meadow dawn in, 39 shooting Cathedral Rocks from, 35 shooting Sentinel Rock from, 163 vantage point, 51 El Capitan vantage points El Capitan Meadow, 54, 56 Gates of the Valley, 52, 54 Merced River across from Bridalveil Fall, 49–50, 54 Southside Drive across from Bridalveil Fall, 49, 53 Southside Drive across from El Capitan Meadow, 50–51, 54 Tunnel View, 18, 53–54 turnout at valley marker V17, 51–52, 54, 56 exposure, creating long exposure, 209 F Fallen Monarch tree, location of, 110 Fern Springs waterfall bubble level, 62 cable release, 62 creative shots, 63 exposure mode setting, 62 features, 60 filters, 61, 63 ideal time to shoot, 62 ISO setting, 62 lenses, 61 location on map, 60 low-light options, 63 neutral density filter, 61 night options, 63 other photo ops, 60 polarizing filter, 61 tripod, 62 weather conditions, 63 white balance setting, 62 wide-angle lens, 61 fill flash See also flash Indian Village, 99 minus setting, 99 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 154, 157 filters Ahwahnee Hotel, Bridalveil Fall, 19 Cathedral Peak, 28 Dog Lake, 43 Fern Springs waterfall, 63 Half Dome, 74–75 262 Index Happy Isles, 84 Mariposa Grove, 113 Merced Grove, 120 Merced River, 130–131 Nevada Fall, 147 Siesta Lake, 172, 174 Tenaya Lake, 183 Wawona Hotel, 233 Yosemite Falls vantage points, 253–254 fisheye lens, using with Mariposa Grove, 115 See also lenses flash See also fill flash Ahwahnee Hotel, Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 157 Wawona Hotel, 234 G Gates of the Valley graduated neutral density filter, 19 shooting El Capitan from, 52 shooting Merced River from, 128, 132 vantage point, 17, 19 Giant Sequoias See Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias; Tuolumne Grove graduated neutral density filters Bridalveil Fall, 19 Cathedral Peak, 28 Cathedral Rocks, 37 El Capitan, 55 Fern Springs waterfall, 61 Half Dome, 74–75 Happy Isles, 82 Lembert Dome, 105 Merced River, 130–131 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 139 Nevada Fall, 147 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 153–154 Sentinel Rock, 165 Siesta Lake, 172 Tenaya Lake, 183 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 207 Unicorn Peak, 215 Vernal Fall, 224 Yosemite Falls, 254 Grizzly Giant tree location of, 110 shooting Mariposa Grove from, 111–112 H Half Dome creative shots, 76 elevation, 66 www.Ebook777.com features, 66 filters, 74–75 graduated neutral density filter, 74–75 ideal time to shoot, 76 ISO setting, 75 lenses, 72–74 location on map, 66 low-light options, 76 night options, 76 other photo ops, 66 polarizing filter, 74 weather conditions, 76 white balance setting, 75 Half Dome vantage points Ahwahnee Meadow, 67, 73 Big Oak Flat Road, 71, 74, 76 Columbia Point, 69, 73 Cook’s Meadow, 69, 73 Mirror Lake, 67–68, 73 Old Big Oak Flat Road, 76 Olmsted Point, 71–72, 74 Sentinel Bridge, 67–68, 73 Tunnel View, 18, 70, 73 Washburn and Glacier Points, 74 Happy Isles cable release, 82 creative shots, 84 exposure mode setting, 83 features, 80 filters, 82 ideal time to shoot, 84 ISO setting, 82 lenses, 81 location on map, 80 low-light options, 84 neutral density filter, 82 night options, 84 other photo ops, 80 polarizing filter, 82, 84 skylight filter, 82 tripod, 82 UV filter, 82 weather conditions, 84 white balance setting, 83 HDR (High Dynamic Range) images explained, 156 Mariposa Grove, 114 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 155–156 Horsetail Fall creative shots, 93 Daylight/Sunny preset, 92 exposure compensation setting, 92 exposure mode setting, 92 features, 88 filters, 91 ideal time to shoot, 92 ISO setting, 92 lenses, 91 location on map, 89 low-light options, 92 “natural firefall” at, 88 night options, 92 other photo ops, 89 Shutter Priority mode, 92 shutter speeds, 91 tripod, 91 weather conditions, 92 white balance setting, 92 Horsetail Fall vantage points Merced River near Four Mile Trailhead, 89–91 Northside Drive picnic area, 88–91 south side of Merced River, 93 I Indian Village Aperture Priority mode, 98 bubble level, 98 cable release, 98 creative shots, 99 exposure mode setting, 98 features, 96 fill flash, 99 filters, 97 ideal time to shoot, 98 ISO setting, 98 lenses, 97 location on map, 96 other photo ops, 96 polarizing filter, 97 tripod, 98 weather conditions, 99 white balance setting, 98 K Kelvin measurement, explained, 199 L lakes See Dog Lake; Mirror Lake; Siesta Lake; Tenaya Lake Lembert Dome Aperture Priority mode, 105 creative shots, 107 elevation, 102 exposure mode setting, 105 features, 102 filters, 105 full-moon shots, 106 263 Lembert Dome (continued) graduated neutral density filter, 105 ideal time to shoot, 106 ISO setting, 105 lenses, 104 location on map, 103 low-light options, 106–107 night options, 106–107 other photo ops, 103 polarizing filter, 105 shooting Tuolumne Meadows and River from, 209 weather conditions, 106 white balance setting, 106 Lembert Dome vantage points South side of Tioga Pass Road, 103–104 Tuolumne Meadows, 102–103 lenses See also fisheye lens; telephoto lens; tiltshift lens; wide-angle lens Ahwahnee Hotel, Bridalveil Fall, 18–19 Cathedral Peak, 27 Dog Lake, 43 El Capitan, 53–54 Giant Sequoia trees, 119–120 Half Dome, 72–74 Merced River, 130 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 138–140 Nevada Fall, 146–147 Siesta Lake, 171 stopping down for Ahwahnee Hotel, Wawona Hotel, 232–233 Yosemite Falls vantage points, 253 long exposures, creating, 209 M Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias See also Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias; Tuolumne Grove Aperture Priority mode, 114 California Tunnel Tree, 110 creative shots, 115 exposure compensation setting, 114 exposure mode setting, 114 Fallen Monarch, 110 features, 110 filters, 113 fisheye lens, 115 Grizzly Giant, 110 HDR (High Dynamic Range) technique, 114 ideal time to shoot, 114 ISO setting, 114 lenses, 113 location on map, 111 low-light options, 115 264 Index night options, 115 other photo ops, 111 photographing on sunny days, 114 shooting from different angles, 115 weather conditions, 114 white balance setting, 114 wide-angle lens, 112, 115 Mariposa Grove vantage points Bachelor and Three Graces, 110–111 California Tunnel Tree, 112 Grizzly Giant tree, 111–112 Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias See also Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Tuolumne Grove Aperture Priority mode, 120 bubble level, 120 cable release, 120 creative shots, 122 exposure compensation setting, 121 exposure mode setting, 120 features, 118 filters, 120 ideal time to shoot, 121 ISO setting, 120 lenses, 119–120 location on map, 119 other photo ops, 119 shooting from different angles, 122 tripod, 120 weather conditions, 121 white balance setting, 121 Merced River creative shots, 133 exposure compensation setting, 131 exposure mode setting, 131 features, 126 filters, 130–131 full-moon shots, 133 graduated neutral density filter, 130 ideal time to shoot, 132 ISO setting, 131 lenses, 130 location on map, 126 low-light options, 133 neutral density filter, 131 night options, 133 other photo ops, 126 polarizing filter, 130, 133 reflection of El Capitan in, 51 shooting on full-moon nights, 133 Shutter Priority mode, 131 varying shutter speeds, 133 weather conditions, 132 white balance setting, 131 Merced River vantage points footbridge in Cook’s Meadow, 127, 132 Gates of the Valley, 128, 132 Pohono Bridge to Big Oak Flat Road, 128–129, 132 Swinging Bridge, 127–128, 132 Merced Rivers, shooting in foreground, 17 Milky Way shooting above Cathedral Peak, 29 shooting above Tuolumne Meadows and River, 209 minus setting, using with fill flash, 98 Mirror Lake, shooting Half Dome from, 67–68, 73 Mist Trail vantage point Nevada Fall, 145, 147 Vernal Fall, 221, 223, 226 moonbow, seeing at Vernal Fall, 226–227 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs Aperture Priority mode, 139 bubble level, 139 cable release, 139 creative shots, 140 elevations of, 136 exposure compensation setting, 140 exposure mode setting, 139 features, 136 filters, 139 graduated neutral density filter, 139 ideal time to shoot, 140 ISO setting, 139 lenses, 138–139 location on map, 136 polarizing filter, 139 reflecting peaks in pond, 140 tripod, 139 weather conditions, 140 white balance setting, 140 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs vantage points Dana Fork at marker T36, 137 reflecting pond, 138 Muir, John, 26 N “natural firefall,” occurrence at Horesetail Fall, 88 neutral density filters Bridalveil Fall, 19 Cathedral Peak, 28 Cathedral Rocks, 37 El Capitan, 55 Fern Springs waterfall, 61 Half Dome, 74–75 Happy Isles, 82 Lembert Dome, 105 Merced River, 130–131 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 139 Nevada Fall, 147 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 153–154 Sentinel Rock, 165 Siesta Lake, 172 Tenaya Lake, 183 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 207 Unicorn Peak, 215 Vernal Fall, 224 Yosemite Falls, 254 Nevada Fall See also waterfalls bubble level, 147 cable release, 147 creative shots, 149 exposure mode setting, 148 features, 144 filters, 147, 149 graduated neutral density filter, 147 ideal time to shoot, 148 ISO setting, 148 lenses, 146–147 location on map, 144 low-light options, 149 night options, 149 other photo ops, 144 polarizing filter, 147 shutter speeds, 148 skylight filter, 147 tripod, 147 UV filter, 147 varying shutter speeds, 149 weather conditions, 148 white balance setting, 148 Nevada Fall vantage points Mist Trail, 145, 147 Washburn Point, 145, 147 O Olmsted Point, shooting Half Dome from, 74 Olmsted Point vantage point Half Dome, 71–72 Tenaya Lake, 180–181 P panoramic image, shooting of Cathedral Peak, 30 Panoramic mode, Bridalveil Fall, 22 Pioneer Yosemite History Center Aperture Priority mode, 154 creative shots, 158 exposure compensation setting, 157 265 Pioneer Yosemite History Center (continued) exposure mode setting, 154 features, 152 filters, 153–154 flash, 157 graduated neutral density filter, 153–154 HDR (High Dynamic Range) images, 155–156 ideal time to shoot, 157 ISO setting, 154 lenses, 153 location on map, 152 low-light options, 158 night options, 158 other photo ops, 152 polarizing filter, 153 shooting from unusual angles, 158 varying shutter speeds, 158 weather conditions, 158 white balance setting, 157 “Pohono Wind,” 14 polarizing filter Ahwahnee Hotel, Bridalveil Fall, 19 Cathedral Peak, 28 Dog Lake, 43 El Capitan, 55 Fern Springs waterfall, 61 graduated neutral density filter, 139 Half Dome, 74 Happy Isles, 82 Lembert Dome, 105 Mariposa Grove, 113 Merced River, 130 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 139 Nevada Fall, 147, 149 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 153 Sentinel Rock, 165 Siesta Lake, 172 Tenaya Lake, 183 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 207 Unicorn Peak, 215 Vernal Fall, 223–224 Wawona Hotel, 233 Yosemite Chapel, 240 Yosemite Falls vantage points, 253 S Sentinel Bridge, shooting Half Dome from, 67–68, 73 Sentinel Rock Aperture Priority mode, 165–166 bubble level, 165 cable release, 165 266 Index creative shots, 167 exposure compensation setting, 166 exposure mode setting, 165–166 features, 162 filters, 164–165 framing, 167 graduated neutral density filter, 165 ideal time to shoot, 166 ISO setting, 165 lenses, 164 location on map, 162 low-light options, 166 night options, 166 other photo ops, 162 polarizing filter, 165 tilt-shift lens, 165 tripod, 165 weather conditions, 166 Sentinel Rock vantage points Cook’s Meadow, 163 El Capitan Meadow, 163 sequoia trees See Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias; Tuolumne Grove Shade white balance setting Dog Lake, 44 Fern Springs waterfall, 62 Happy Isles, 83 Indian Village, 98 Lembert Dome, 106 Merced River, 131 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 140 Nevada Fall, 148 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 208 Unicorn Peak, 216 Vernal Fall, 225 Shutter Priority mode Fern Springs waterfall, 62 Happy Isles, 83 Horsetail Fall, 92 Merced River, 131 Nevada Fall, 148 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 154 Shutter Priority mode, using with Happy Isles, 83 shutter speed, adjusting for waterfalls, 20 Siesta Lake Aperture Priority mode, 173 bubble level, 173 cable release, 173 creative shots, 174 exposure compensation setting, 173 features, 170 filters, 174 graduated neutral density filter, 172 ideal time to shoot, 173 ISO setting, 173 lenses, 171 location on map, 170 low-light options, 174 night options, 174 polarizing filter, 172 specialty filters, 174 tripod, 173 weather conditions, 174 white balance setting, 173 sky, overexposing, 140 skylight filter Bridalveil Fall, 19 Happy Isles, 82 Nevada Fall, 147 Vernal Fall, 223 star filter, using for Ahwahnee Hotel, stars, exposing as pinpoints, 209 stopping down lens for Ahwahnee Hotel, for Cathedral Peak, 28 T telephoto lens See also lenses El Capitan, 54 Happy Isles, 81 Merced River, 126, 133 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 139 Siesta Lake, 171 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Grove, 197 Vernal Fall, 222 Vernal Fall vantage point, 222 Washburn Point, 233 Tenaya Lake Aperture Priority mode, 183 bubble level, 183 cable release, 183 creative shots, 184 exposure compensation setting, 184 exposure mode setting, 183 features, 178 graduated neutral density filter, 183 ideal time to shoot, 184 ISO setting, 183 lenses, 181–182 location on map, 178 low-light options, 184 night options, 184 other photo ops, 178 polarizing filter, 183 tripod, 183 varying angles, 184 weather conditions, 184 Tenaya Lake vantage points eastern shore, 180, 182 Olmsted Point, 180–181 western shore, 179, 182 Three Brothers Aperture Priority mode, 192 bubble level, 191 cable release, 191 creative shots, 193 exposure compensation setting, 192 exposure mode setting, 192 features, 188 filters, 191 graduated neutral density filter, 191 ideal time to shoot, 192 ISO setting, 192 lenses, 191 location on map, 188 other photo ops, 188 polarizing filter, 191 tripod, 191–192 weather conditions, 192 white balance setting, 192 Three Brothers vantage points Cathedral Beach Picnic Area, 189 Merced River near valley marker V17, 189–190 Tiffen 812 warming filter, using with Mariposa Grove, 113 tilt-shift lens See also lenses Mariposa Grove, 113 Merced Grove, 120 Sentinel Rock, 165 trees See Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias; Tuolumne Grove tripod Bridalveil Fall, 20 Cathedral Peak, 28 Cathedral Rocks, 37 Dog Lake, 43 Fern Springs waterfall, 62 Half Dome, 75 Happy Isles, 82 Horsetail Fall, 91 Indian Village, 98 Mariposa Grove, 113 Merced Grove, 120 Merced River, 131 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 139 Nevada Fall, 147 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 154 Sentinel Rock, 165 Siesta Lake, 173 267 tripod (continued) Tenaya Lake, 183 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Grove, 198 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 207–208 Unicorn Peak, 215 using bubble level with, 82 Vernal Fall, 224–225 Wawona Hotel, 233 Yosemite Chapel, 240 Yosemite Falls, 254 tunnel trees, locating in Mariposa Grove, 112 Tunnel View graduated neutral density filter, 19 Half Dome, 73 shooting Bridalveil Fall from, 18 shooting Half Dome from, 70 vantage point, 18 Tuolumne Grove See also Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias Aperture Priority mode, 199 bubble level, 198 cable release, 198 creative shots, 200 exposure compensation setting, 199 exposure mode setting, 199 features, 196 filters, 198 ideal time to shoot, 199 ISO setting, 198–199 lenses, 197–198 location on map, 196 low-light options, 200 night options, 200 other photo ops, 196 tripod, 198 varying vantage points, 200 weather conditions, 200 white balance setting, 199 Tuolumne Meadows and River Aperture Priority mode, 208 bubble level, 207 cable release, 207 creative shots, 209 elevation, 204 exposure compensation setting, 208 exposure mode setting, 208 features, 204 filters, 207 graduated neutral density filter, 207 ideal time to shoot, 208 ISO setting, 208 lenses, 207 location on map, 205 268 Index low-light options, 209 Milky Way above, 209 night options, 209 other photo ops, 205 polarizing filter, 207 tripod, 207–208 vantage points, 205–206 weather conditions, 208 white balance setting, 208 Tuolumne Meadows, shooting Cathedral Peak from, 27 Tuolumne River, shooting Cathedral Peak from, 26 U Unicorn Peak Aperture Priority mode, 215 bubble level, 215 cable release, 215 creative shots, 217 exposure compensation setting, 216 exposure mode setting, 215 features, 212 filters, 215 graduated neutral density filter, 215 ideal time to shoot, 216 ISO setting, 215 lenses, 213–214 location on map, 213 low-light options, 216 night options, 216 other photo ops, 213 polarizing filter, 215 tripod, 215 weather conditions, 216 white balance setting, 216 zoom lens, 213–214 UV filter Bridalveil Fall, 19 Happy Isles, 82 Nevada Fall, 147 Vernal Fall, 223 V Vernal Fall Aperture Priority mode, 225 bubble level, 224 cable release, 224 creative shots, 227 exposure compensation setting, 225 exposure mode setting, 225 features, 220 filters, 223–224 graduated neutral density filter, 224 ideal time to shoot, 225 ISO setting, 225 lenses, 223 location on map, 220 low-light options, 226 moonbow, 226–227 neutral density filter, 224 night options, 226–227 other photo ops, 220 polarizing filter, 223–224 skylight filter, 223 telephoto lens, 222 tripod, 224–225 UV filter, 223 weather conditions, 226 white balance setting, 225 Vernal Fall vantage points Mist Trail, 221, 223, 226 Washburn Point, 222–223, 226 W warming filter, using with Mariposa Grove, 113 Washburn and Glacier Points, shooting Half Dome from, 70, 74 Washburn Point vantage point Nevada Fall, 145, 147 Vernal Fall, 222–223 Vernal Fall vantage point, 226 water slowing down at Happy Isles, 82 slowing down with filters, 82 underexposing, 83, 131 waterfalls See also Bridalveil Fall; Nevada Fall; Vernal Fall; Yosemite Falls photographing, 20 setting shutter speeds for, 20 Wawona Hotel Aperture Priority mode, 233 bubble level, 233 cable release, 233 creative shots, 235 exposure compensation setting, 234 exposure mode setting, 233 exterior shots, 231 features, 230–231 filters, 233 flash, 234 ideal time to shoot, 234 interior shots, 231–232 ISO setting, 233 lenses, 232–233 location on map, 230 low-light options, 235 night options, 235 other photo ops, 230 polarizing filter, 233 telephoto lens, 233 tripod, 233 weather conditions, 234 white balance setting, 234 wide-angle lens, 235 wide-angle lens See also lenses Ahwahnee Hotel, Cathedral Peak, 29 Cathedral Rocks, 37 Dog Lake, 43–45 El Capitan, 53–54 Fern Springs waterfall, 61 Giant Sequoia trees, 119 Indian Village, 97 Lembert Dome, 104 Mariposa Grove, 113, 115 Merced Grove, 119 Merced River, 126 Mount Dana/Mount Gibbs, 138 Pioneer Yosemite History Center, 153 Siesta Lake, 171 Tenaya Lake, 181–182 Three Brothers, 191 Tuolumne Grove, 197 Tuolumne Meadows and River, 207 Unicorn Peak, 213 Wawona Hotel, 232–233, 235 Yosemite Chapel, 239–240 Y yellow/blue polarizing filter, using with Happy Isles, 84 Yosemite Chapel Aperture Priority mode, 241 cable release, 240 creative shots, 242 exposure mode setting, 241 features, 238 filters, 240 ideal time to shoot, 241 ISO setting, 240 lenses, 239–240 location on map, 238 low-light options, 241 night options, 241 other photo ops, 238 polarizing filter, 240 tripod, 240 weather conditions, 241 white balance setting, 241 wide-angle lens, 239–240 zoom lens, 240 269 Yosemite Falls bubble level, 254 cable release, 254 creative shots, 256 exposure compensation setting, 255 exposure mode setting, 254 features, 246 filters, 253–254 graduated neutral density filter, 254 ideal time to shoot, 255 ISO setting, 254 lenses, 253 location on map, 246 low-light options, 255 neutral density filter, 254 night options, 255–256 other photo ops, 246 polarizing filter, 253 270 Index tripod, 254 weather conditions, 255 white balance setting, 255 Yosemite Falls vantage points Cook’s Meadow, 248–249 Glacier Point, 251 Lower Yosemite Fall Trail, 247–248 Southside Drive near Yosemite Chapel, 249–250 Swinging Bridge, 249 Upper Yosemite Fall Trail, 251–252 Z zoom lens Unicorn Peak, 213–214 Yosemite Chapel, 240 Get the iPhone app for postcard-perfect pictures! 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CCool Co ol apps help you choose sites to photograph, tell you how to get spectacular ssho and even help you get there There’s one for this book—go to shots, ht ht http://lp.wileypub.com/DestinationDFGiPhoneApp and follow the iTunes SSt link! Store Visit our Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks www.Ebook777.com ...Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide Lewis Kemper Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint... interested in architecture and history, you could spend hours photographing here (see A and B on map) Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide Ahwahnee Hotel The best locations from which to photograph... sunset on a summer evening Taken at 100 ISO, f/11, 0.6 second with a 17mm lens Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide The Ahwahnee Hotel is photographer friendly; just be sure not to make a

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