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  • Composition Digital Field Guide

    • About the Author

    • Credits

    • Acknowledgments

    • Contents

    • Introduction

    • Chapter 1: Composition Basics

      • Focal Lengths and Lenses

      • Prime Lenses and Zoom Lenses

      • Picking the Focal Length

      • Focus Settings

      • Picking the Focus Point

      • Recomposing Images

      • Sensor Sizes

    • Chapter 2: Light and Exposure

      • Light

      • Exposure Basics

    • Chapter 3: The Rule of Thirds

      • What It Is

      • When to Use

      • When Not to Use

    • Chapter 4: Leading Lines

      • What Are Leading Lines?

      • When to Use

      • What to Look For

    • Chapter 5: Symmetry and Balance

      • What Symmetry and Balance Mean

      • When to Use

      • What to Look For

    • Chapter 6: Color

      • What Color Means

      • How to Use Color

      • Understanding White Balance

      • What to Look For

    • Chapter 7: Event Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Photographing Fireworks

      • Shooting Events

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 8: Landscape Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Panorama Photography

      • Shooting Landscapes

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 9: Portrait Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Working with People

      • Shooting Portraits

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 10: Sports and Action Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Shooting Sports and Action Photographs

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 11: Travel Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Shooting Travel Photographs

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 12: Wedding Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Shooting Weddings

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 13: Wildlife and Animal Photography

      • Composition Considerations

      • Shooting Wildlife and Animal Photographs

      • Composition Tips

    • Chapter 14: Creative Composition

      • Patterns

      • Shapes

      • Black-and-white Images

      • Abstract Images

    • Appendix A: Composition Adjustments in Postproduction

      • Adobe Photoshop

      • Adobe Photoshop Elements

      • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

      • Apple Aperture

      • Apple iPhoto

    • Appendix B: How to Use the Gray Card and Color Checker

      • The Gray Card

      • The Color Checker

    • Glossary

    • Index

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Photography/Techniques/Digital $19.99 US/$23.99 CAN Full Color! Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Free Gray/Color Checker Card Inside! Hess Learn how to put together the perfect photo • Explore lenses, focal length, how to pick the right focus point, and how your camera’s sensor affects composition Composition No amount of subsequent editing can perfect a photo that was poorly composed If you’re frustrated because the pictures you take are merely good, not great, this is the book you’ve been looking for In these pages you’ll find the rules and techniques that help you compose better photos every time you pick up your camera You’ll learn to apply them in a wide variety of situations, and you’ll even learn how and when to break the rules for that unforgettable image Composition • Review the basics of light and exposure • Master the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry and balance, and color • Learn to compose superior landscapes, action shots, travel and wildlife pictures, even wedding photos Alan Hess is a commercial photographer specializing in concert and event photography, but his work has covered everything from portraits to products His concert and backstage images have appeared in numerous online and print publications, and he is the author of three other Digital Field Guides, including the bestselling Exposure Digital Field Guide I Inside – your free gray and color checker card tto help you achieve accurate white balance and color Visit our Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks www.ebook777.com Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide 01_769096-ffirs.indd i01_769096-ffirs.indd i 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com 01_769096-ffirs.indd ii01_769096-ffirs.indd ii 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide Alan Hess 01_769096-ffirs.indd iii01_769096-ffirs.indd iii 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com 01_769096-ffirs.indd iv01_769096-ffirs.indd iv 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-76909-6 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, 201-748-6011, fax 201748-6008, or 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v01_769096-ffirs.indd v 7/22/10 2:13 PM7/22/10 2:13 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com 01_769096-ffirs.indd vi01_769096-ffirs.indd vi 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com About the Author Alan Hess is a San Diego-based commercial photographer specializing in concert and event photography but has photographed everything from portraits to products He is the author of three previous Digital Field Guides, including the best-selling Exposure Digital Field Guide His concert and backstage images have appeared in numerous online and print publications and have been used for promotional purposes and music packaging Alan is a key contributor to the Digital Photo Experience Web site (http://dpexperience com) and has written articles on concert photography and technology for them He has also written for Photoshop User Magazine and teaches concert photography and workflow at Photoshop World He is a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, and Nikon Professional Services You can contact Alan through his Web site, www.alanhess photography.com, where he writes a regular blog, or on Twitter @ShotLivePhoto 01_769096-ffirs.indd vii01_769096-ffirs.indd vii 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com 01_769096-ffirs.indd viii01_769096-ffirs.indd viii 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Credits Acquisitions Editor Courtney Allen Project Coordinator Lynsey Stanford Project Editor Chris Wolfgang Graphics and Production Specialists Andrea Hornberger Jennifer Mayberry Ronald G Terry Technical Editor Haje Jan Kamps Copy Editor Marylouise Wiack Editorial Director Robyn Siesky Quality Control Technician Lindsay Littrell Proofreading and Indexing Jacqui Brownstein Steve Rath Editorial Manager Rosemarie Graham Business Manager Amy Knies Senior Marketing Manager Sandy Smith Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Barry Pruett 01_769096-ffirs.indd ix01_769096-ffirs.indd ix 7/20/10 11:29 PM7/20/10 11:29 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  autofocus See also focus Continuous mode, 11, 229 defined, 228 focus points, 13–14 focus tracking, 14 illuminator, 229 Single mode, 12 switching to manual focus, 12 B back lighting, 21 backgrounds in action travel photography, 160 aperture and, 79 bad, fixing, 79 deep depth of field and, 155 in event photography, 79–80, 90 fading out of focus, 135 landscape photography, 94–95 making/breaking photos, 114 in outdoor sports and action photography, 142 in people travel photography, 160 in portrait photography, 112, 114–115, 128 in sports and action photography, 135 in travel photography, 149 in wedding photography, 170, 182 in wedding preparation photos, 172 in wildlife and animal photography, 188–189, 196 balance defined, 58 dynamic, 58 nature, 62–63 reflections, 61–62 strong design elements and, 64 symmetrical, 58 unexpected opportunities, 66 what to look for, 63–66 when to use, 60–63 baldness, portraits and, 124 ball head, 104 balls, sports involving, 141 batteries, extra, 183 black-and-white images See also creative composition color comparison, 70–71 composition, 204 contrast, 203 converting color images to, 205–206 implied color, 204 patterns in, 204 portraits, 205 quality of, 203 “seeing,” 203 blue, 69 body, in posing, 116 bounce light, 229 brides See also wedding photography befriending, 171 mirror reflection photo, 172 relationship with, 171 shooting, 170–171 trust of, 170 buffers, 229 building photography See also travel photography illustrated, 156 keystoning, 156–157 permission for, 157 reflections, 157 tips for, 156–157 bulbs, 229 burst mode for group photography, 119 for sports and action photography, 140 business cards, in asking strangers, 157 C cages, in wildlife and animal photography, 188 cake cutting, wedding reception, 179 camera bags, 89 camera shake, 229 candid people photography discretion in, 159 focus on the eyes, 159 lenses, 159 permission, 160 CCD (Charge-Coupled Device), 229 centering subjects, wedding photography illustrated, 166 need for, 166 shooting spot, 167 center-weighted metering, 229 Charged-Coupled Device (CCD), 229 children best shots, 118 challenges, 117 portraits, 117–118 readiness in shooting, 118 shooting process, 118 sports photography, 136, 140 circle shapes, 202 clothes, portrait, 122–123, 129 Cloudy white balance setting, 24 CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), 229 color checker, 227 color combinations built-in meanings, 71 commonly used, 74 example, 71–72 illustrated, 72 237 21_769096-bindex.indd 23721_769096-bindex.indd 237 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com color frames, 76 color images, converting to black-and-white images, 205–206 color of light defined, 22 determination of, 22 effects of, 22 temperature, 22–23 white balance, 23–25, 73–74 color spaces Adobe RGB, 228 defined, 229 color temperature defined, 22, 229 Kelvin scale, 23 measurement, 22–23 use of, 22 color vibrance, 75 color wheels, 76 colorcast, 76, 229 colored gel filters, 229 colors black and white, 70–71 blue, 69 bold and bright, 72–73 brightest, 74 brightest area of, 71 clashing, 67 complementary, 67, 74 in composition, 74 emotional resonance, 68, 70, 74 fall, 75 feelings and, 68 as focus of image, 72 focus on, 75 functioning of, 67 green, 68–69 implied, 204 monochromatic look, 72 mood, 74, 76 photographing, 70 red, 68 reflector, 127–128 repetition, 76 single, 75 stand-out, 75 sunset, 76 swatches, 227 using, 70–73, 74–76 what to look for, 74–76 compact zoom lenses, complementary colors, 67, 74 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), 229 composition abstract images, 206–207 asymmetrical, 58, 66 basics, 1–17 black-and-white images, 203–206 creative, 197–207 decisions, defined, event photography, 78–84, 90 fireworks photography, 84 focus point in, 14 group photography, 119–120 landscape photography, 92–97, 105–106 patterns, 197–200 as personal choice, 44 portrait photography, 108–116, 128–129 Rule of Thirds in, 35–46 shapes, 201–203 sports and action photography, 132–135, 145–146 as subjective choice, 61 symmetrical, 58–66 travel photography, 148–156, 161–162 wedding photography, 164–170, 182–183 wildlife and animal photography, 186–191 compression defined, 229 lossless, 232 lossy, 232 constant aperture lenses See also lenses defined, prime, reasons for using, uses, zoom, 5–6 Continuous autofocus mode, 11, 229 continuous lights, 125 contrast black-and-white images, 203 defined, 229 high, 231 cool, 229 creative composition abstract images, 206–207 black-and-white images, 203–206 patterns, 197–200 shapes, 201–203 Crop & Straighten tool (Lightroom), 217–218 Crop tools Adobe Camera Raw, 209–210 Apple Aperture, 222 Apple iPhoto, 223 Lightroom, 217 Photoshop, 212 Photoshop Elements, 215 cropped sensors, 16–17 238 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 23821_769096-bindex.indd 238 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  cropping with Adobe Camera Raw, 210–212 with Apple Aperture, 222–223 with Apple iPhoto, 223–225 in indoor sports and action photography, 144 with Lightroom, 217–221 with Photoshop, 212–213 with Photoshop Elements, 215–217 curving lines See also leading lines defined, 51 illustrated, 51–52 in landscape photography, 95 in nature photography, 51 in people photography, 51–52 women/men, 52 Custom Crop dialog box (Adobe Camera Raw), 210, 212 custom styles, 227 Custom white balance setting, 25 D dances, wedding reception, 178 Daylight white balance setting, 24, 73 dedicated flash, 230 dedicated lens bags, 89 deep depth of field, 155 depth of field aperture and, 30 controlling, 30 deep, 154 defined, 28, 230 importance to composition, 28 shallow, 135–137, 196 in sports and action photography, 135–137 diagonals See also leading lines defined, 48 illustrated, 49 in sports and action photography, 138 diaphragm, 230 diffused lighting, 230 diffusers See also light modifiers defined, 126 in scene caution, 126 softbox, 127 umbrellas, 27 direction of light, 20–21 discretion, in candid people photography, 159 distortion, with wide-angle lenses, distractions leading lines as, 55 in outdoor sports and action photography, 142, 144 in travel photography, 149 dynamic balance, 58 E emotional response color and, 68, 70, 74 in sports and action photography, 133, 145 wedding reception dances, 178 equivalent exposures defined, 32 example, 32–33 illustrated, 33 equivalent focal length, 230 event photography air show example, 82–84 angles, changing, 90 background, 79–80, 90 birthday candle example, 79 birthday party/family gathering, 81 clearance to shoot, 86 composition, 78–84 composition tips, 90 event research, 77 event schedules and, 86 event type, 80–81 filling the frame, 78–79, 90 fireworks, 84–85 flashes and, 86 focus on eyes, 78, 90 gear, 77, 88–90 homework for, 90 lens selection, 80–82 light availability, 81–82 music festivals, 87 opportunities, 86 outdoors, 81 packing for, 88–90 planning for changing light, 90 practicing without flash, 90 press conference/concert, 80 shooting, 86–89 shooting area in, 81 situations, 77 storytelling in, 82–84 subject as stand-out, 77–78 surroundings, 79, 90 exposure aperture and, 28–30 basics, 26–33 bracketing, 230 defined, 1, 26, 230 elements determining, 27 equivalent, 32–33 in fireworks photography, 85 ISO and, 30–31 locking, 15 metering, 230 overexposure, 26 239 21_769096-bindex.indd 23921_769096-bindex.indd 239 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com in photo creation, 19 shutter speed and, 28 stops, 27–28 underexposure, 26 eyes closed, 109 focus on, 78, 90, 108–109, 128, 190–191 high angle and, 113 looking down, 109 looking in camera, 108 looking off-camera, 108 placement in portrait photography, 115 posing tip, 116 whites under iris, 109 F fast, 230 fast glass, 144 feet, in posing, 116–117 fences, in wildlife and animal photography, 188, 189 fill flash defined, 230 for people travel photography, 160 filling the frame in event photography, 78–79, 90 importance, 55 in portrait photography, 111 in sports and action photography, 132–135, 145 in travel photography, 149 in wildlife and animal photography, 189–190 filters, 230 fireworks photography See also event photography aperture, 85 composition, 84 composition review, 85 exposure mode, 85 focus, 85 image review, 85 ISO, 85 shutter speed, 85 steps for, 84–85 tripod, 84 first kiss, wedding ceremony, 178 fisheye lenses, 3, 45–46 fixed-focal-length lenses See prime lenses Flash Exposure Compensation, 230 flash sync, 230 Flash white balance setting, 24 flashes dedicated, 230 defined, 230 event photography and, 86 fill, 160, 230 small, 125 flat, 231 Fluorescent white balance setting, 24, 74 focal lengths choices, 2, 8–11 cropped sensors and, 17 defined, 2, 231 equivalent, 230 illustrated effects on images, 8–10 in landscape photography, 105 longer, 2, 8, 11 normal lenses, outdoor portraits, 121 in portrait photography, 109 prime lenses, shorter, 11 in sports and action photography, 133 in storytelling, 83 telephoto lenses, in travel photography, 153–154 variable aperture lenses, in wedding photography, 168–170, 182 zoom lenses, focal plane, 231 focus color, 75 Continuous autofocus mode, 11, 229 defined, 231 depth of field and, 28, 30 in fireworks photography, 85 frames in, 154 locking, 15, 231 Manual mode, 12 modes, switching between, 12 outside of focus points, 14 settings, 11–12 shallow depth of field and, 137 Single autofocus mode, 12 switches, 12 Focus Lock button/Exposure Lock button, 15 focus on eyes in event photography, 78, 90 in people travel photography, 160 in portrait photography, 108–109, 128 in wildlife and animal photography, 190–191, 196 focus points for abstract images, 206 in composition, 14 defined, 13 illustrated, 13 natural, 54 picking, 13–14 Rule of Thirds and, 35 in sports and action photography, 139 focus tracking defined, 14 in sports and action photography, 145 240 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 24021_769096-bindex.indd 240 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  foregrounds See also backgrounds deep depth of field and, 155 as frame, 155 in landscape photography, 94–95 in wedding photography, 170 frames color, 76 filling, 55, 78–79, 111, 132–135, 189–190 in focus, 154 foreground as, 155 in landscape photography, 96 in portrait photography, 115 shooting through, 154 in travel photography, 154–156 front lighting, 20–21, 231 f-stops as aperture description, 30 defined, 4, 30, 230 numbers, 30 progression, 27 for shallow depth of field, 137 full-frame sensors, 16 G gear event photography, 77, 88–90 protecting when traveling, 162 wildlife and animal photography, 193 glass walls, in wildlife and animal photography, 186–187 glasses, portraits and, 123 gold reflectors, 127 golden hour defined, 100 duration, 102 illustrated, 101 light, 100 times, 100 golden mean, 36, 219 golden ratio, 36 golden rectangle, 36 gray cards defined, 226 shot test with, 226 taking photo of, 226 for white balance, 227 green, 68–69 group photography See also portraits in burst mode, 119 center point, 120 challenges, 118 composition, 119–120 controlling, 119 faces, seeing, 119 group wedding photography illustrated, 175 shooting down, 174 tips for, 174 who to include, 174 H handholding camera, 176 hands posing tip, 117 problems, 123 head, in posing, 116 heads, tripod See also tripods ball, 104 defined, 104 illustrated, 105 smooth panning, 104 three-way pan, 104 high key, 231 histograms, 227, 231 horizon line See also Rule of Thirds illustrated, 41–43 at image bottom, 42 one-third from top, 42–43 placement, 41 placement in landscape photography, 93 placement in reflections, 61 straight, 41 tips, 41–42 hot shoe, 231 I images abstract, 206–207 black-and-white, 203–206 framing, in travel photography, 154–156 recomposing, 14–15, 169 rotation, 231 implied lines, 52 indoor photography portraits, 120–121 sports and action, 144 irregular patterns, 199 ISO deep depth of field and, 155 defined, 30, 231 downside, 31 effect of changing, 27 in equivalent exposures, 33 exposure and, 30–31 in fireworks photography, 85 higher, 31 in outdoor sports and action photography, 142 241 21_769096-bindex.indd 24121_769096-bindex.indd 241 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com sensitivity, 231 standard, 31 for wedding ceremony, 176 J JPEG files, 26, 231 K Kelvin scale color temperature, 23, 232 white balance setting, 25 keystoning, 156–157 L landmarks See also travel photography examples of, 150 illustrated shots, 150–151 shadows and, 150 shooting, 150–151 landscape orientation for sports and action photography, 139, 145 for wedding photography, 182 landscape photography angles, 94, 96 background, 94–95 composition considerations, 92–97 composition tips, 105–106 distractions, checking for, 106 focal length, 105 foreground, 94–95 frames, 96 golden hour, 100–102 ground as focus, 93 horizon line experimentation, 93 horizon line placement, 93 leading lines, 95–96, 106 light, watching, 102–103, 106 light interaction, 96 looking before shooting, 106 panorama, 98–100 patience and, 91, 100, 102–103 portrait orientation, 93 Rule of Thirds in, 92–93, 106 S curves, 95–96 shadows in, 102–103 shooting, 91, 100–105 shutter speed for, 95 sky as focus, 93 subjects, 94–95, 105 tripod use, 95, 103–106 variable aperture lenses, viewpoint, 96–97 LCD display defined, 232 in fireworks photography review, 85 leading lines benefits of using, 47 branch illustration, 53, 54 conflicting, 53 curving, 51–52 defined, 47–48 diagonal, 48 directing attention with, 152 as distraction, 55 in environments, 47 example, 55 finding, 52, 54–55 forcing, 55 implied, 52 in landscape photography, 95–96, 106 main subject and, 53 obvious, 152 parallel, 152 as part of subject, 152 repeating, 63, 65 in sports and action photography, 138, 145 straight, 48–50 in travel photography, 151–152 using, 54 in wedding photography, 167–168 when to use, 52–54 legs, in posing, 116 lens multipliers, 17 lenses for abstract images, 206 for action travel photography, 160 for candid people photography, 159 constant aperture, 5–6 for event photography, 80–82 fast glass, 144 fisheye, 3, 45–46 focal lengths and, normal, 3, 233 for portrait photography, 109–111, 128 prime, 4–5, 133, 233 telephoto, 4, 133, 169, 234 for travel photography, 153 variable aperture, 6–8, 235 for wedding photography, 168–170 for wedding reception dances, 178 for wedding reception toasts, 179 wide-angle, 3, 154, 159, 169, 235 for wildlife and animal photography, 193 zoom, 5–8, 111, 168–169, 179, 235 light ambient, 228 artificial, 228 242 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 24221_769096-bindex.indd 242 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  light (continued) color of, 19, 22–25 deep depth of field and, 154 direction of, 19–21 in event photography, 81–82 in landscape photography, 102–103, 106 in photo creation, 19 source of, 22 light meters, 232 light modifiers defined, 125 diffusers, 126–127 reflectors, 127–128, 233 lighting back, 21 diffused, 230 front, 20–21, 231 overhead, 21 side, 21, 234 top, 234 Lightroom See also postproduction Crop & Straighten tool, 217–218 Crop tool, 217 Crop tool menus, 219 Crop tool overlay, 221 cropped area, 218 cropping with, 217–221 defined, 217 Develop mode, 217 grid, hiding, 221 grid overlay options, 219 interface, 218 Lights Out mode, 217 modules, 217 overlays, 217, 220–221 View menu, 221 lights bounce, 229 continuous, 125 placement in portrait photography, 115 portrait, 124–128 small flashes, 125 studio, 125 Liquid Crystal Display See LCD display locals, asking, 162 logos, portraits and, 123 lossless compression, 232 lossy compression, 232 low key, 232 megapixels, 232 memory cards bringing extra, 183 defined, 232 men, curving lines, 52 metering center-weighted, 229 exposure, 230 scene, 234 spot, 234 metering modes, 232 middle gray, 232 mirrors, in wedding preparation photos, 172 mood, color and, 74, 76 N nature photography curving lines in, 51 symmetry and balance, 62–63 night photography, sports and action, 142 Nik Silver Efex Pro, 206 noise, 232 noise reduction, 232 normal lenses See also lenses defined, 3, 233 focal lengths, uses, O outdoor portraits See also portraits with diffuser, 126 focal length selection, 121 golden hour, 121 illustrated, 122 lighting control, 121 outdoor sports and action photography See also sports and action photography backgrounds, 142 best time and place, 142 composition, 142 distractions in, 142, 144 illustrated, 143 ISO, 142 lights, 144 at night, 142 shutter speed, 142 outdoor wedding ceremonies, 176 overexposure, 26, 233 overhead lighting, 21 M makeup, portrait, 122–123, 129 Manual focus mode defined, 12, 232 for panorama photography, 99 P packing camera bag, 89 for event photography, 88–90 243 21_769096-bindex.indd 24321_769096-bindex.indd 243 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com panning, 233 panorama photography creation methods, 98 illustrated, 100 image identification tip, 99 popularity, 98 shooting, 98 stitching in postproduction, 99 tips, 99 tripod for, 99 white balance for, 99 parallel lines, 152 patience in child photography, 118 in landscape photography, 91, 100, 102–103 in wildlife and animal photography, 195 patterns See also creative composition in abstract images, 206 breaking, 199–200 defined, 198 end point, 200 illustrated, 197, 198–200 irregular, 199 regular, 198 textures, 200 people photography See also travel photography candid, 159–160 for commercial use, 158 posed, 159–160 strangers, asking, 157–158 tip or no tip decision, 158–159 people portraits See also portraits children, 117–118 groups, 118–120 posing, 116–117 tense, 123 working with, 116–120 permission asking strangers for, 157 in building photography, 157 in candid people photography, 160 in people travel photography, 157, 160 in posed people photography, 160 pet photography, 194 photography building, 156–157 event, 77–90 landscape, 91–106 panorama, 98–100 people, 157–160 portrait, 107–129 sports and action, 131–146 travel, 147–162 wedding, 163–183 wildlife and animal, 139, 185–196 Photoshop See also postproduction Crop tool, 212 cropping with, 212–213 Guides, Grid & Slices preferences, 214 opacity, changing, 212–213 rule-of-thirds grid, 214–215 Photoshop Elements See also postproduction Crop tool, 215 cropping with, 215–217 defined, 215 editing power, 216 Recompose tool, 215–217 pixels, 233 planning for changing light, 90 in portrait photography, 128 in sports and action photography, 141 in travel photography, 161 in wedding photography, 180–183 polarizing filters, 69 politeness, in asking strangers, 158 portrait lights continuous, 125 modifiers, 125–128 placement for, 115 small flashes, 125 studio, 125 studio strobes, 125 types of, 124 portrait orientation for landscape photography, 93 for sports and action photography, 145 for wedding photography, 182 portraits angle, 112–113, 128 architectural elements and, 112 backgrounds, 112, 114–115, 128 baldness and, 124 black-and-white, 205 breaking Rule of Thirds for, 45 calmness for, 129 children, 117–118 cloths, 122–123, 129 composition considerations, 108–116 composition tips, 128–129 curving lines in, 51–52 eye level as starting point, 113 eye placement in, 115 filling the frame, 111 focal lengths for, 109 focus on the eyes, 108–109, 128 focusing rule, 78 frame edges, 115 framing the subject, 112 glasses and, 123 goal, 107 groups, 118–120 244 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 24421_769096-bindex.indd 244 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  portraits (continued) hand problems, 123 height, changing, 112–113 high angle, 113 indoor, 120–121 lens selection, 109–111, 128 lenses, buying for, 111 looking through viewfinder and, 114 low angle, 113 makeup, 122–123, 129 outdoors, 121–122 photography, 107–129 planning, 128 posing tips, 116–117 reflectors for, 127 Rule of Thirds, 37–38, 78, 115–116 sharing images when shooting, 129 shoot location, 107 shooting, 114, 120–129 straight lines in, 50 subject comfortableness, 128 subject placement in, 115 subjects, 111 surroundings in, 114 tense subjects, 123 weight issues and, 124 portraits, wedding after ceremony, 174 before ceremony, 172–173 leading lines, 168 locations and setups, 173 portrait photographer role, 174 shooting opportunities, 172 posing See also portraits body, 116 eyes, 116 feet, 116–117 hands, 117 head, 116 legs, 116 in people travel photography, 159, 160 in portrait photography, 116–117 sitting, 117 standing, 117 postproduction with Adobe Camera Raw, 209–212 with Adobe Photoshop, 212–215 with Adobe Photoshop Elements, 215–217 with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, 217–221 with Apple Aperture, 222–223 with Apple iPhoto, 223–225 color correction in, 226 composition adjustments in, 209–225 cropping in, 144, 209–225 stitching photographs in, 99 white balance adjustment in, 74 prime lenses See also lenses aperture, as constant aperture lenses, defined, 4, 233 size, telephoto, 133 Priority mode, aperture, 137 processional, wedding ceremony, 177 Program Auto mode, 233 protecting self/gear, while traveling, 162 R RAW files advantages/disadvantages of, 25 defined, 25, 233 rear-curtain sync, 233 reception See also wedding photography cake cutting, 179 dances, 178 toasts, 179 Recompose tool (Photoshop Elements) defined, 215 use illustration, 217 using, 216 recomposing images defined, 14 key to, 15 process, 15 in wedding photography, 169 rectangle shapes, 202 red, 68 red eye, 233 red-eye reduction, 233 reflections See also balance; symmetrical composition in building photography, 157 glass wall, in wildlife and animal photography, 186–187 horizon line placement, 61 illustrated example, 61–62 space above/below center line, 62 reflectors See also light modifiers colors, 127–128 defined, 127, 233 in portrait photography, 127 size, 127 regular patterns, 198 repeating lines See also symmetrical composition example, 65 illustrated, 65 looking for, 63 repetition, color, 76 research in travel photography, 161 in wildlife and animal photography, 196 245 21_769096-bindex.indd 24521_769096-bindex.indd 245 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com resolution, 233 RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), 68 RGB histogram, 227 ring exchange, wedding ceremony, 177 Rule of Thirds in action shots, 40 Apple iPhoto grid, 224 applying, 36 choosing symmetry and balance over, 57 in composition, 35–46 concepts, 36 defined, 36, 92, 164, 233 examples, 37–39 focus points and, 35 horizon line, 41–43 illustrated, 35–36, 40–41, 43 importance, 35 in landscape photography, 92–93, 106 object placement, 92 Photoshop grid, 214–215 points of intersection, 40 in portrait photography, 37–38, 78, 115–116 surroundings and, 38 symmetrical composition compared to, 66 verticals, 43 viewing world through, 40 in wedding photography, 164–165 when not to use, 44–46 when to use, 40–43 S safety, in wildlife and animal safety, 189, 196 saturation, 233 scene metering, 234 self-timers, 234 sensor sizes defined, 16 determining, 17 example, 17 sensors cropped, 16–17 full-frame, 16 Shade white balance setting, 24 shadows in landscape photography, 102–103 in scene depth, 20 in shooting landmarks, 150 shallow depth of field See also depth of field aperture and, 137 focus and, 137 in sports and action photography, 135–137 in wildlife and animal photography, 196 shapes See also creative composition circles, 202 rectangles, 202 as subjects, 201 triangles, 202–203 sharp, 234 shooting brides, 170–171 children, 118 events, 86–89 landmarks, 150–151 landscapes, 91, 100–105 panoramas, 98 portraits, 114, 120–129 sports and action photographs, 132, 140–144 through frame, 154 travel photographs, 156–160 wedding ceremonies, 175–178 wedding portraits, 172 weddings, 170–182 wildlife and animals, 192–195 shot tests, 226 Shutter Release button, 15, 234 shutter speed deep depth of field and, 155 defined, 28, 234 effect of changing, 27 in equivalent exposures, 33 exposure and, 28 image quality and, 28 in landscape photography, 95 in outdoor sports and action photography, 142 for shallow depth of field, 137 slow, 155–156 in sports and action photography, 136 for wedding ceremony, 176 shutters, 234 side lighting, 21, 234 silhouettes, 234 silver reflectors, 127 simplicity, in travel photography, 148–149, 161 Single autofocus mode, 12 single colors, 75 sitting, posing tip, 117 slow, 234 slow shutter speed See also shutter speed in action travel photography, 160 deep depth of field and, 155 tripods with, 156 small flashes, 125 smooth panning head, 104 softboxes, 127 space to move in sports and action photography, 139–140, 145 in wildlife and animal photography, 139, 190, 196 special moments, wedding ceremony, 178 special readings, wedding ceremony, 177 246 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 24621_769096-bindex.indd 246 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  sports and action photography angles, 135, 146 aperture and, 136–137, 145 backgrounds, 135 ball movement in, 141 composition considerations, 132–135 composition tips, 145–146 depth of field, 135–137 diagonals, 138 downward angle, 136, 146 essence of, 131 face for emotion in, 133, 145 from field height, 146 fill the frame, 132–135, 145 focal lengths, 133 focus point, 139 focus tracking, 145 indoors, 144 kids’ sports, 136, 140 landscape orientation, 139, 145 leading lines, 138, 145 lens selection, 132–133 in low light, 142 outdoors, 142–143 planning for action, 141 portrait orientation, 145 positioning for, 133–135 scene details in, 138 shooting, 132, 140–144 shooting in burst mode, 140 shutter speed, 136 space to move, 139–140, 145 sport knowledge in, 140–141 telephoto prime lenses, 133 thrill of, 140 timing in, 140 tracking movement in, 140 spot metering, 234 standing, posing tip, 117 stand-out colors, 75 static objects, in symmetrical composition, 59–60 stop defined, 27, 234 exposure measurement, 27 progressions, 27 stop up/down, 28 storytelling in event photography, 82–84 without moving, 83 straight lines See also leading lines defined, 48 horizon line as, 48 in landscape photography, 95 in people photography, 50 vertical, 48–49 strangers, asking See also people photography business card for, 157 explanations in, 158 for permission, 157 politeness in, 158 walking away and, 158 strong design elements, in symmetrical compositions, 64 studio lights, 125 studio strobes, 125 subjects centering, 64 centering, in wedding photography, 166–167 as compelling, 53 frames and, 154 framing, in portrait photography, 112 leading lines as part of, 152 panorama photography, 99 placement in landscape photography, 93–94, 105 portraits, 111–112, 115, 123 shapes as, 201 standing-out, in event photography, 77 travel photography, 148 wildlife and animal photography, 192 surroundings in event photography, 79, 90 in portrait photography, 114 swatches, color checker, 227 symmetrical composition See also balance choosing over tension and Rule of Thirds, 57 creating images with, 60 defined, 58 example, 59 in nature, 62–63 precision, 60 reflections, 61–63 repeating lines, 63, 65 Rule of Thirds compared to, 66 strong design elements and, 64 unexpected opportunities, 66 when to use, 60–63 T telephoto lenses See also lenses defined, 4, 234 focal lengths, for sports and action photography, 133 uses, in wedding photography, 169 tense subjects, 123 tension, in choosing symmetry and balance over, 57 three-way pan head, 104 timing, in sports and action photography, 140 247 21_769096-bindex.indd 24721_769096-bindex.indd 247 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> Index www.ebook777.com tipping decision, 158–159 local customs and, 159 shows, dinners, cultural events and, 158–159 suggested amount, 158 toasts, wedding reception, 179 tonal range, 234 top lighting, 234 tourists, being, 162 travel photography as a tourist, 162 action, 160 asking locals and, 162 backgrounds, 149 buildings, 156–157 composition considerations, 148–156 composition tips, 161–162 distractions, 149 elements, 148 filling the frame, 149 focal length, 153–154 framing images, 154–156 landmarks, 150–151 leading lines, 151–152 lenses for, 153 main subject, 148 people, 157–160 planning, 161 postcard racks and, 162 practicing, 161 protecting self/gear and, 162 research for, 161 in sharing adventures, 147 shooting, 153, 156–160 simplicity rule, 148–149, 161 wide-angle lenses in, 154 triangle shapes, 202–203 tripods ball head, 104 in fireworks photography, 84 head, 104–105 height, 104 in landscape photography, 95, 103–106 materials, 104 in panorama photography, 99 purchasing, 103–104 size, 103 with slow shutter speed, 156 smooth panning head, 104 stability, 104 three-way pan head, 104 for wedding ceremony, 176 weight, 103–104 tungsten light, 234 Tungsten or Incandescent white balance setting, 24 U umbrellas, 27 underexposure, 26, 234 V variable aperture lenses See also zoom lenses compact zoom, defined, 6, 235 focal length, uses, working with, verticals, Rule of Thirds, 43 viewfinder less than full image in, 190 in portrait photography, 114 in sports and action photography, 140 in wildlife and animal photography, 195 vows, wedding ceremony, 177 W warm, 235 wedding ceremony aperture, 175 first kiss, 178 focal lengths, 169–170 hand-held camera for, 176 ISO, 176 leading lines, 168 outdoor, 176 pace, 169 processional, 177 ring exchange, 177 shooting, 175–178 shutter speed, 176 special moments, 178 special readings, 177 tripod and, 176 vows, 177 wedding order, 180–182 wedding photography backgrounds, 182 bride, 170–171 cameras, multiple, 169 centering subjects, 166–167 ceremony, 168, 175–178 composition considerations, 164–170 composition tips, 182–183 elements of, 163 focal lengths, 168–170, 182 foregrounds/backgrounds, 170 getting ready, 171–172 group shots, 174–175 importance of, 163 leading lines, 167–168 248 www.ebook777.com 21_769096-bindex.indd 24821_769096-bindex.indd 248 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide  wedding photography (continued) lenses, 168–170 memory cards/batteries for, 183 multiple cameras for, 183 orientations, 182 pace of, 163, 169 planning, 180–183 portraits in, 168 reception, 178–179 Rule of Thirds, 164–165 shooting, 167, 170–182 shooting RAW in, 182 wedding order and, 180–182 zoom lenses, 168–169 wedding planners, 180 wedding portraits after ceremony, 174 before ceremony, 172–173 leading lines, 168 opportunities for, 172 portrait photographer role, 174 setups and locations, 173 wedding preparation photos See also wedding photography backgrounds, 172 cleaning room and, 171 mirrors in, 172 weight issues, portraits and, 124 white balance See also color of light adjusting, 23 Auto, 23–24 Cloudy setting, 24 Custom setting, 25 Daylight setting, 24, 73 defined, 23, 235 Flash setting, 24 Fluorescent setting, 24, 74 with gray card, 227 illustrated, 74 importance, 73 Kelvin setting, 25 in panorama photography, 99 in postproduction, 74 settings, 23–25 Tungsten or Incandescent setting, 24 white reflectors, 128 wide-angle lenses See also lenses in candid people photography, 159 defined, 3, 235 features, in travel photography, 154 in wedding photography, 169 Wild Nature tours, 194 wildlife and animal photography animal action, 193 animal behavior, 193 animals in captivity, 185 backgrounds, 188–189, 196 barriers, removing, 186–188 best hours for, 196 composition considerations, 186–191 composition tips, 195–196 fences/cages in, 88 fill the frame, 189–190 focus on eyes, 190–191, 196 gear, 193 glass walls in, 186–187 goal, 194 leaving space in, 190, 196 lenses, 193 opportunities, 185 patience in, 195 pets, 194 research for, 196 rules, following, 196 safety, 189, 196 shallow depth of field, 196 shooting, 192–195 shooting moving animals, 190 space to move, 139 subjects, 192 viewfinder and, 195 workshops, 194 zooming in, 193–194 Wildlife Photographers Base Camp, 194 women, curving lines, 52 workshops, wildlife photography, 194 Z zoom lenses See also lenses constant aperture, 5–6 defined, 5, 235 focal lengths, image quality, for portraits, 111 types of, variable aperture, 6–8 for wedding photography, 168–169 for wedding reception toasts, 179 249 21_769096-bindex.indd 24921_769096-bindex.indd 249 7/20/10 11:48 PM7/20/10 11:48 PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Guides to go Colorful, portable Digital Field Guides are packed with essential tips and techniques about your camera equipment They go where you go; more than books—they’re gear Each $19.99 is J De nn Brian McLernon Free Gray/Color Checker Card Inside! ker Card lor Chec J Dennis Thomas Free Gray/Co Free Gray/Color Checker 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PM Free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Composition Digital Field Guide Focal Lengths and Lenses One of the first choices any photographer makes when it comes to composition is what lens and focal

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