Integrated Navigation and Guidance Systems Daniel J Biezad QED Educational Services &A1AA EDUCATION SERIES J S Przemieniecki Series Editor-in-Chief Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191 MATLAB™ is a registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., Reston, Virginia Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Biezad, Daniel J., 1944Integrated navigation and guidance systems / Daniel J Biezad p cm.—(AIAA education series) Includes bibliographical references and index Aids to air navigation Guidance systems (Flight) I Title II Series TL695.B54 1999 629.132'51-dc21 98-54413 ISBN 1-56347-291-0 (alk paper) Copyright © 1999 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher Data and information appearing in this book are for informational purposes only AIAA is not responsible for any injury or damage resulting from use or reliance, nor does AIAA warrant that use or reliance will be free from privately owned rights AIAA Education Series Editor-in-Chief John S Przemieniecki Air Force Institute of Technology (retired) Editorial Board Earl H Dowell Duke University Michael L Smith U.S Air Force Academy Eric J Jumper University of Not re Dame Peter J Turchi Ohio State University Robert G Loewy Georgia Institute of Technology David M Van Wie Johns Hopkins University Michael N Mohaghegh The Boeing Company Anthony J Vizzini University of Maryland Conrad F Newberry Naval Postgraduate School Jerry Wallick Institute for Defense Analysis Terrence A Weisshaar Purdue University This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank Foreword Integrated Navigation and Guidance Systems textbook by Daniel J Biezad is a comprehensive exposition of the modern navigation and guidance sysems for flight vehicles It represents a novel approach to teaching an aeronautical engineering course as a comprehensive and integrated exposure to several interrelated disciplines combined with laboratory computer exercises for the students The text reflects years of teaching experience of the author, while with the Air Force Institute of Technology and California Polytechnic State University, and his pioneering work on the Global Positioning System while on active duty with the U.S Air Force Chapter presents the basic principles of navigation and the concept of an integrated navigation system Chapter discusses Newton's laws applied to navigation, including the concept of geodesies, basic reference frames, simplified aerospace vehicle equations, and the two types of navigation: Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) Chapter introduces the concept of uncertainty in navigation, INS error propagation, probabilities, autocorrelation, and the method of least squares Chapter discusses practical Kalman filters and their key role in the integration of aircraft avionics systems Chapters and provide a complete description of the underlying theory for the global positioning system and its application to navigation, including a discussion of the system accuracy Chapter deals with GPS applications to precision approach and landing, attitude control, and air traffic control Chapter describes flight testing of navigation systems Finally, Chapter 10 provides computer exercises for error analysis and Kalman filter simulation using the software provided with this text The software is provided as single, self-extracting file executable from either the Windows or DOS modes The Education Series of textbooks and monographs published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics embraces a broad spectrum of theory and application of different disciplines in aeronautics and astronautics, including aerospace design practice The series also includes texts on defense science, engineering, and management The complete list of textbooks published in the series (over sixty titles) can be found on the end pages of this volume The series serves as teaching texts as well as reference materials for practicing engineers, scientists, and managers J S Przemieniecki Editor-in-Chief AIAA Education Series This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank Table of Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii Nomenclature xv Chapter Navigation over Earth's Surface 1.1 Basic Principles of Navigation and Position Fixing 1.2 Air Navigation Radio Aids 1.3 Flight Management for Situational Awareness 10 1.4 C l o s u r e 13 Chapter Newton's Laws Applied to Navigation 2.1 Math Tools 2.2 Geodetics and Basic Reference Frames 2.3 Simplified Aerospace Vehicle Equations 2.4 Fundamental Navigation Equation 2.5 Inertial Navigation System Solution—A Preview 2.6 Global Positioning System Solution—A Preview 2.7 C l o s u r e 15 16 20 25 29 32 35 38 Chapter Inertial Navigation Sensors and Systems 3.1 Aircraft Gyroscopic Flight Instruments 3.2 Inertial Instrumentation 3.3 Inertial Platform Mechanizations 3.4 Attitude-Heading Reference Systems 3.5 C l o s u r e 39 40 45 53 70 71 Chapter Concept of Uncertainty in N a v i g a t i o n 4.1 Inertial Navigation System Error Propagation Equations 4.2 Probability Concepts in Navigation 4.3 Least Squares 4.4 C l o s u r e 73 74 82 91 93 Chapter Kalman Filter Inertial Navigation System Flight Applications 95 5.1 Preliminaries 96 5.2 Kalman Filter: Discrete Case Derivation 97 5.3 Kalman Filter Divergence 101 IX APPENDIX B: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 217 18 The purpose of every INS is to use sensors, a platform mechanization, and a computer to a) produce acceleration and velocity with respect to the Earth's surface, which may be integrated for position, and to provide attitude with respect to the vehicle-carried-vertical frame b) maintain a stable platform for the sensors, especially the gyros, especially if ring laser gyros are employed c) solve the frequently used equation of navigation (FUEN) and display results to the pilot d) generate direct-computer matrices (DCM) so that attitude with respect to the Earth-centered, Earth-fixed reference frame is available for display to the cockpit e) implement a Kalman filter so that measurement updates can be made from the GPS and ADF 19 It is important to remember the following about Kalman filters while you are flying and navigating an aircraft with an INS: a) Their performance is trajectory dependent b) They may diverge (lock-up) by refusing to accept any measurement updates from any source, or they may diverge if forced to accept too big an update, no matter how accurate c) They generate estimates of position and velocity accuracy used in the update process d) When working properly, the error time plots follow a sawtooth shape with discontinuities at the measurement update time e) All of the above 20 If competing INS systems are being flight tested, it is important that a) the flight tests have a repeatable trajectory b) an EKF and GPS be operating on the test vehicle c) only nonmaneuvering profiles be flown d) the flight test legs be multiples of 8.4 h e) None of the above c Web Sites by Chapter URL Sites Related to Chapter gopher:// URL Sites Related to Chapter http://l {NIMA} URL Sites Related to Chapter URL Sites Related to Chapter URL Sites Related to Chapter URL Sites Related to Chapter 219 220 INTEGRATED NAVIGATION AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS URL Sites Related to Chapter http://www.csr URL Sites Related to Chapter http ://w w w.gps world, com/ URL Sites Related to Chapter URL Sites Related to Chapter 10 References "ASCC Air Standard 53/1 IB," U.S Air Force, August 15, 1968 "6521 Range Capabilities Handbook," Air 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simulation, 193 Attitude control, 160 ADI, 10-11 AHRS, 70 Applied specific acceleration, 45 Artificial horizon, See ADI Attitude, See Euler angles Angular momentum, 29 Autocorrelation function, See Stochastic process Average See expected value Avionics, 13 D Datum conversions, 36-37 Dead reckoning, 3-4 Differential GPS, 143-144 carrier-phase tracking See Kinematic GPS LADGPS, 144, 161 landing aircraft, 159, 161 national satellite test bed, 148 nationwide differential system, 146 WAAS, 141-147 Direction cosine matrix, 17 Direction cosine matrix, rate of change, 33 Display partial flight, 12 primary flight, 11 Distance radial mean-square, 84 Dithering, 53 DME, Doolittle, Jimmy, 13, 178 Double-differencing technique, 152-155 Draper, Charles, 71, 178-179 B Baro altitude See Inertial platform vertical channel Basis vector, 16-17 BATH alignment, See Inertial platform alignment Bayes Theorem, 86 Bearing, beacon (NDB, ADF), 6,8 Boeing, 125, 160 Britting K., 79 227 228 EADI, 10-11 Earth equatorial radius, 21 flattening, 21 meridional radius, 23, 55 polar radius, 21 prime radius, 23, 55 WGS84, 21 EFIS, 12 EGNOS, 136-137 EHSI, 11-12 Ellipticity See earth, flattening Equinox, 17 Error budget, 74-75, 106 ESG, 50 Euler angles, 25-27 Expected value, 85 Extended Kalman filter See Kalman filter, EKF F FAA, Fiber-optic gyros, 53 Flight management system, 13 Flight technical error, 158 Force local, 29-30, 54 specific, 43, 45 Fundamental equation of navigation, 29 G Galilean See inertial frame Galileo, 206 Gauss, C F., 206 Gaussian normal distribution, 85-86 GDOP,93, 112, 122, 134 Geodesy See Earth Geoid, 23-25 Geometric mean, 171 Gimbal lock, 27, 58-59 GLONASS, 125, 135-136 g-meter, 44-45 GM/RMS method See statistics INDEX GNSS, 135, 138 GPS accuracy, 112, 146 aiding INS, 107, 141-143 availability, 110, 146, 159 background, 110 C/A coarse acquisition code, 117, 123 control segment, 126 differential, see Differential GPS embedded GPS/INS, 143 errors, 134-135 hand-off word (HOW), 124 high dynamic instrumentation set, 162 instrument approach, 128-129, 139 integrity, 101, 141, 158 jammer-to-signal ratio, 128 jamming susceptibility, 131, 176 linearization, 116, 119-121 L5 signal, 125 navigation message, 125 navigation pay load, 123, 126 P code: precise positioning service, 112, 123-124 pseudorange measurements, 35-36, 117-118 satellite geometry, 122 satellites Block IIR, IIP, 122-123 space segment, 122-123 spread spectrum, 123-124 standard positioning service, 112 time bias, 113, 117-118 transmitted signals LI and L2, 123124 user equipment error, 114, 134 user segment, 126-128 Y-encrypted code, 123 Gravity anomaly, 20 plumb-bob, deflection of vertical, 20, 23,82 deviation of normal, 21-23 local, 20-21, 23 Gravitation, mass, 20, 23-24 Great circle, Ground proximity warning systems, 148 Guidance, INDEX Gyro apparent precession, 42,50 directional, 42-43 drift, 42, 51, 78, 90, 189,192-193 dynamic equation for, 49 errors, 50-51 ESG, 50 Fiber-optic gyro, 53, 177-178 HIG, 48 Multi-oscillator RLG, 53 principles, 40 ring laser, 51-53 single DOF, 42, 48-49 two DOF, 42, 44, 49-50 Gyrocompass 44, 65 H HDOP, 111, 122 Honeywell, 52 HSI, 11-12 HUD, 12 I ILS, 7-8 localizer, glide-slope, Inertial navigation aided INS, 105 analytic strapdown, 39, 65-67, 183186 error equations, 76-82 flight testing, 167-168, 193 geometric space-stabilized, 39, 55-56 local-level, semi-analytic, 56-59 measurement updates, 140 Inertial platform alignment, 63-65 mechanizations, 53-54 miniature, 177 vertical channel, 68-70 Information matrix, 93 Integrity See GPS integrity Integrity beacon, 129, 152, 159 near-far problem, 129 229 K Kalman, Rudolf E., 107 Kalman, filter intro, 93, 96-97 computer needs, 102, 105, 142, 146 divergence, 101, 195-199 EKF, 102, 206 erratic ramp/reset, 104 loose coupling, 143 measurement rejection, 104-105, 202 initializing, 97, 104 gain matrix, 99 modeling, 104 observability, 206 ramp/reset discontinuity, 199 simulations, 193 tight coupling, 143 tuning, 98, 143 Kinematic GPS, 151-152 L Latitude astronomic, 22 geodetic, 21-22 Least-squares problem, 91-93, 98, 121, 155 Longitude, 22-23 LORAN-C, M Matrix, meaning of, 16 Mean See expected value; see also geometric mean MIL-STD-1553B, 13, 142 MIT, xii, 93, 178-179 Monte Carlo simulation, 87, 106, 199 Most probable position, 73, 97 Multipath, 118, 135 N Nl ambiguity, 152, 156 Navigation AHRS, 70 definition, 230 errors, flight displays, 11-12 flight instruments, 42-45 flight testing, 106, 165-169 integrated, 3, 13, 132, 141, 168 outputs (PVAT), 25 slant range, Navigation message See GPS navigation message NAVSTAR, See GPS o OMEGA, P code, See GPS P-Code Parkinson, Brad, 110, 138 Percentile error curves, 172-173 PDOP, 122 Pinson error model, 68, 77 Precession See Gyro apparent precession Precise Positioning Service, 112 Probabilistic event, 84 Probability Density Function, 85-86 Probability Distribution Function, 84-85 Pseudolite See integrity beacon mobile pseudolite, 163 Pseudorandom noise, 110 Pseudorange See GPS pseudorange measurements Psi equations See Inertial navigation error equations PVAT, xi, Quaternions, 28, 66 R RADAR, 10 RAIM, 158 Rate sensors, see gyro Reference frames body, 2,16 computed, 63 ECEF, 19, 115 INDEX Euler, 27 geocentric, 20, 23 inertial, 18 geodetic (tangent), 1-2 navigation, 20 platform, 57-58, 63 vehicle-carried vertical (geographic), Regression analysis, 80 Relative bearing, Residual, 116 Ring laser See gyro ring laser Root-mean-square (rms), 171 Root-sum-squared, 75, 158 Rotation matrix, 18 See also Vector cross-product Sagnac effect, 51, 53 Satellites See GPS satellites Schmidt, Stanley, xii-xiii, 93, 101,104, 207 Schuler frequency, 63, 168 Schuler tuning, 59-63 Selective availability, 132-134 Sensitivity analysis, 75 Sequential tracking receivers, 127 Sideslip, 44 Situational awareness, 2, 11-13, 101 Space integrator, see inertial navigation (geometric) Spread spectrum See GPS spread spectrum Spectral density See Stochastic process Sperry, Lawrence, 14 Spilker, James, 125 Spoofing, 131 Sputnik, 137 Standard deviation, 85-86 Standard INS, 74 Standard rate turn, 44 Stanford University, 138, 159 State-space system, 78, 99, 104 State-vector, 79, 97-98 Statistics, 82 circular error probable, 83-84, 173-174 geometric mean data reduction, 171173 INDEX Stochastic process, 87 autocorrelation, 88 bandwidth, statistical, 88 covariance matrix, 89 spectral density, 88 stationary, 87 Strapdown INS See inertial navigation, analytic strapdown System 62IB, 110 TACAN, TDOP, 122 Time common view for GPS, 113 MSL correction for GPS, 112 GPS time, 112 IRIG, 162-164 Naval Observatory USNO, 19 relativity correction for GPS, 112 real time, 163-164 TAI, UTO, UT1,UT2, 19 ZULU, UTC, GMT 20 Time of arrival See GPS pseudorange measurements Trace of covariance matrix, 100 Transit program, 138 231 Translators, 162 Tropospheric delay, 118, 135, 145 Tunnel concept, 159 Turn-and-slip indicator, 44, 53 u UERE See GPS user equipment error V Variance, 86 VDOP, 111, 122, 143 Vector cross-product, 18 Vector differentiation See Coriolis Theorem Vertical Channel, 68-70 VOR, 6-7 w Wander Angle, 63 Waypoints, Wide-laning, 145, 156 Wiener, Norbert, 107 Y code See GPS Y-encrypted Code ... of flight navigation systems The types of navigation systems and their properties are cataloged, and the concept of an integrated navigation system is defined Dead reckoning navigation is discussed... satellites (SV) Integrated navigation systems combine the best features of both autonomous and stand-alone systems and are not only capable of good short-term performance in the autonomous or stand-alone... North and East are difficult to define and measure with practical accuracy 1.1.1 Concept of Integrated Navigation Systems Three types of navigation come to us from tradition: celestial navigation,