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test unit 9 lớp 10 anh văn

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test anh văn 10 unit 9 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Khóa học TIẾNG ANH 10 – Cơ Phan Điệu www.facebook.com/cophandieu UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD THI ONLINE UNIT (2) VIDEO BÀI GIẢNG LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT CÁC BÀI TẬP có website MOON.VN I Choose the best option that suits the meaning of the underlined word(s) by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D She is crazy about exploring marine life A forest B sea C earth D gulf That organization plays a major part in protecting whales A minor B serious C light D chief In the future, people must think of safer way of disposing of waste A organizing B controlling C getting rid of D keeping The whale is an endangered species A threatened B contaminated C mysterious D dangerous There is growing concern about pollution in our cities A hatred B worry C idea D source How many offspring does a cat often have? A mates B friends C young cats D seasons It was great to see monkeys in their natural habitat A sky B land C forest D home Strong currents are dangerous for swimmers A suits B flows C sea D climates Birds migrate in winter A die B travel C hunt D collapse 10 It is important to maintain a reasonable level of fitness A raise B control C leave D keep II Choose form the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D 11 Far _ being poor, he is a millionaire A away B of C but D from 12 The boy remained _ after being scolded by his mother A silently B silent C silence D being silent 13 I _ the mistake of giving him my phone number A did B make C got D took 14 My sister seems to spend a long time _ ready to go out A getting B to get C for getting D in getting 15 My doctor suggested _ on a diet to lose some weight A me to go B I am going C I should go D me going 16 We’ll go into the semi – finals if we manage _ Friday’s match A winning B in winning C to be won D to win 17 Why don’t you let Hung _ a go on your bike? A have B having C to have D had 18 It takes many years _ a language properly A for you learn B for learning C learning D to learn 19 – Are you thinking about going to Dalat for the next holiday? – No, but if I _ the time, I would definitely go A have B had C have had D would have 20 We need this contract – hundreds of jobs are _ stake A in B at C on D under Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp toàn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định Khóa học TIẾNG ANH 10 – Cơ Phan Điệu www.facebook.com/cophandieu 21 I will never talk to you again _ you apologize me _ your being so rude A if – for B unless – for C or – of D whether – of 22 The case is still under _ A investigated B investigate C investigation D investigating 23 _ of the victims in the tsunami remained unfound A Two third B Two thirds C Third twos D Two of thirds 24 Do you mind _ to work so late? A having B have C to have D you having 25 There is only one species of snake _ poisonous in Michigan – the massasagua rattler A that is B it is C being D is 26 Technology will continue to develop _ we think that is a good thing for our society or not A although B despite C otherwise D whether 27 The river near us is too polluted _ much life A that it can’t support B to be supported C in order to support D to support 28 The more rubbish we dump into the sea, _ A the more faster we destroy it B it would be destroyed faster C the faster we destroy it D we would destroyed it faster 29 If today _ yesterday, I _ never talk to him that way A were – would B was – will C were – will D would be – were 30 There is so much rubbish around here _ it’s beginning to smell A so that B that C because D if Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp tồn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định ...Khóa học TIẾNG ANH 10 – Cơ Phan Điệu www.facebook.com/cophandieu 21 I will never talk to you again _ you apologize... destroy it B it would be destroyed faster C the faster we destroy it D we would destroyed it faster 29 If today _ yesterday, I _ never talk to him that way A were – would B was – will C were

Ngày đăng: 19/01/2019, 21:19

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