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An Internet addict is...70Many American believe that the death penalty is effective in deterring people fromcommitting murder...74Over the last few decades, the drug problem in the Unite

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M c L cụ ụMedical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker, 3

If you watch more than 30 hours of television a week, some psychologists would consideryou to be a television addict 4Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam Millions of people todayare travelling by lots of kinds of public transport 7Famous people of various kinds, including movie stars and royalty, are often closely followed

by the press 8Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in England, accounting for more than80,000 deaths each year 11While compulsory education in some countries such as England begins at the age of five 13Young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime 16While most of us make use of some form of the media on a daily basis, we may not thinkabout the functions or purposes the media serves in our society 19Compulsory attendance in university has always been a highly debated subject 21

It is evident that the Internet has increasingly brought about significant changes to our life .24Some people think that young people should be required to work for a year before they go touniversity 26

In modern society, fashion is becoming more highly valued in people’s choice of clothes 29Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outerspace 31Being able to speak a foreign language is an advantage these days Some people think 33Thanks to the ever-increasing use of technology, computers are being used more and more ineducation 36The Internet is an amazing information resource Students, teachers, and researchers use it as

an investigating tool 39Over the last twenty years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people whoremain single 41The media has become one of the most important means of social interactions Television, 43

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As children grow older, they become increasingly involved with their peer group, a groupwhose members are about the same age and have similar interests 45Advertizing is a very common feature of all our daily media In fact, in most dailynewspapers, 48Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure Pressure becomesstress when you feel unable to cope 51Success is the most aspired by everyone Success comes in all shapes and colors 58

In some countries, people are increasingly doing their shopping on the Internet instead ofgoing to stores 60Access to computers has increased significantly over the past decades and the number ofchildren playing games on computers has been correspondingly on the rise 63The Internet is the source of many rumors, or unverified stories Rumors are generally spreadfrom one person to another by word of mouth 66One of the growing areas of concern is that of Internet addiction An Internet addict is 70Many American believe that the death penalty is effective in deterring people fromcommitting murder 74Over the last few decades, the drug problem in the United States and in many otherindustrialized countries has become considerably worse 77Obesity is a serious global problem in today's society, especially among young people 79Some people argue that male and female brains are different and that this causes differences

in behavior 82


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an article about smoking

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for thesmoker, but also for people close by For this reason, smoking should not be allowed in public places Opponents argue that the forbiddance of smoking would possibly affect the freedom of choice or lead to the closure of many bars

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and pubs However, supporters of this ban place people’s health problems at the top of the scale

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about whether publicsmoking should be banned or not Include reasons and any relevant examples to support youranswer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker,but also for people close by As a result of this, many believe that smoking should not beallowed in public places Although there are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that aban is the most appropriate course of action

Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons Firstly, they say that passivesmokers make the choice to breathe in other people’s smoke by going to places where it isallowed If they would prefer not to smoke passively, then they do not need to visit placeswhere smoking is permitted In addition, they believe a ban would possibly drive many barsand pubs out of business as smokers would not go there anymore They also argue it is amatter of freedom of choice Smoking is not against the law, so individuals should have thefreedom to smoke where they wish

However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban First and foremost, it hasbeen proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to aperson’s health, not only the smoker Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs,mouth and throat, and other sites in the body It is simply not fair to impose this upon anotherperson It is also the case that people’s health is more important than businesses In any case,pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for example, allowing smoking areas

In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places This wouldimprove the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a positive development.WRTING TEST 23

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an article about television addiction

If you watch more than 30 hours of television a week, some psychologists wouldconsider you to be a television addict. Television addict may show some of the

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following symptoms They may not be selective in what they watch; in other words, they will watch anything They may feel a loss of control when viewing They may feel angry with themselves for watching so much, but are not able to stop watching, and they may feel miserable when they are stopped from watching

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about consequences

of television addiction Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer

The first and the most dangerous effect of watching too much of television is mass physicaldegradation in society People, who spend hours and hours in front of the television, are undervery high risk of diabetes and obesity While watching television, people usually consume alot of fast food and fizzy drinks with high calorie and out of doing exercise A recent researchstudy conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that watching too muchtelevision can significantly increase the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes

In addition, another adverse effect, which can be caused by television addiction, is related topossible mental disorders or depression After hours of watching television, most people fall

in constant feeling of tiresome and weariness Some researches show that through bringingthe effects of relaxation into their minds, television actually disturbs human brain and makes

it tired even within the first minutes of television watching session Moreover, watchingtelevision for long time has been linked to depression This depression may prevent peoplefrom being able to stop watching television as they may feel miserable when they are stoppedfrom watching Thus, a cycle of depression and television addiction is developed

Other problem of those people, who addict television, is lack of concentration, insomnia,restlessness, negative thoughts, etc Watching television steals a lot of free time for activitiesthey might find more usefulness, namely talking to friends and family, traveling, playingsports, or joining a political or community group Besides, television addiction may affectchildren by the negative sides of watching television such as violence or sexual abuse whichlead to failures in schools, slow-down in intellectual development, lack of social skills, etc.Many people are out of controlling their direction since they watch all programs and channelsthat they see.It can result in wrong perception of the life and its realities

To conclude, the problem with television addiction is that it might not appear as dangerous asnicotine or drug addiction but when taking a deeper look, people will find out numerousdamaging impacts on their life namely health problem, cognitive ability and emotional

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Bài làm 2:


Television plays a major part in the majority of people’s lives; soap operas, sports programs,music programs, everyone has their favorites.Television addict may show some of thefollowing symptoms They may not be selective in what they watch; in other words, they willwatch anything They may feel a loss of control when viewing They may feel angry withthemselves for watching so much, but are not able to stop watching, and they may feelmiserable when they are stopped from watching In my opinion, if we limit the amount oftelevision we watch, we can also enjoy our free time

Television in some ways is a device that allows the viewer to relate to what is happening onthe screen We choose our favorite music from videos, get news, watch our preferred footballteams, connect to the characters in the family drama and watch educational documentaries

We discuss our preferences with friends and co-workers when we talk to them so it can besaid that TV enriches our emotional and cultural selves

On the other hand, television has negative effects on the body, as well as social interaction.Doctors tell us that too much time sat down can lead to weight gain and heart disease and if

we are sitting in front of the TV all the time it means we are not going out to meet our friends

I believe, if we watch television in moderation, we can enjoy our favorite programs as well ashave an active social life

In conclusion, watching television can take up a lot of spare time which could be used forsocial or leisure activities As a child, my parents insisted that I only watched one or twoprograms a night Today I captain my local football team and enjoy talking about the previousweek’s programming after a match on Saturday It is my opinion that, if we sit at home all thetime watching television and do not go out, then it will have an unhealthy effect on ourbodies, minds and friendships However, if we regulate how much we watch and get on withother things, then TV can be an important part of our social lives

Bài làm 3:

Television addicts exist everywhere Those people watch television on daily basisfor three hours or more and sometimes have to drop important activities just to beable to watch television for few more hours The dangers of television addiction arereally bigger than what you could imagine and the following few examples willshow you what television addiction can do to your life

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Firstly, it Programs your mind Just as watching Jackie Chan’s movie programmed mymind the movies that you watch will program your mind too whether you want or not.Watch a lot of drama and you will become a cry boy, watch a lot of action movies andyou might become violent or watch a lot of horror movies and you might start tobelieve in ghosts.

Secondly, it Changes your beliefs about life: Why do so many people want to get rich

in two weeks? Why are keywords such as “How to become a billionaire over night”are among the popular search keywords? Why do people feel really bad when theyget rejected for the first time?? Movies have taught us that good guys fail, faceproblems but usually solve them before the end of the movie It never takes the Goodguy more than few days to move from poverty to wealth, from being unknown tobeing famous and from being sad to being absolutely happy When your beliefs aboutlife change you start to assume that life events should be similar to the events you saw

in the movies but unfortunately this only results in disappointment The most famousexample out of them all is not being able to get over someone just because of thinkingthat he was the one

In conclusion, Television addiction is really bad and can result in dramatic changes

in your mood and life style The problem with television addiction is that it mightnot appear as dangerous as nicotine or drug addiction but when taking a deeper lookyou will find that it could have a damaging impact on your life Break this habitbefore it breaks you

ĐỀ SỐ 28

You should spend 40 minutes on this task

Read the following extract from an article

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam Millions of peopletoday are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think that using public transport brings a lot of advantages to the society in general and to themselves

in particular; others argue that they have to face disadvantages when using public transport

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using public transport Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

Transportation is playing an important role in every nation's development process and this is

an important aspect in our life for mobility In my opinion, there are more advantages than

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statement These reasons are environmental effects of using public transportation, cost ofpublic transportation, and accessibility of public transportation.

Firstly, we can save our environment more by using the public transportation We could take trains, buses, airplanes to travel most parts in the world Therefore, we should use the public transportation than private transportation, such as private cars, motorbikes, private jets, and

so on We need to reduce the gas that is emitted by the private transportations If we do not make effort for the environment issue, the earth could be dirty and we might not feel

comfortable to live on it Therefore, we should use public transportation, such as trains and buses to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide It could be a small step for us, but it would make a big difference in the future

Secondly, we should focus on the cost of using the public transportation It is much cheaper than the cost of private transportation It would cost a lot to buy gasoline if we want to drive own cars Also, there are other expenses, such as parking license, registration fee, inspection fee, and so on to own cars Therefore, if you want to save money, it is wise not to own privatecars and use the public transportation instead By saving the cost of transportation, we could enjoy better meal, accommodation, or other services If we have a choice between public transportation and private transportation, we should choose public transportation, because thecost is very different We should spend least money for transportation

Thirdly, accessibility of public transportation is good in large cities so that we would not worry about waiting for long hours It could save time by using public transportation, becauseprivate transportation, such as cars need time to find a parking space Comparing with the cars, trains, buses, and airplanes usually have the better accessibility in major cities in the world Therefore, we should use the public transportation if we want to have good

It is undeniable, that public transportations have some weaknesses Some people stillchoose to use their own private vehicles, though the government has encouraged them to usepublic transports It is because public transportations are not as safe as private cars and somecriminal activities in public buses or trains such as pocket thieves are still being reported And

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then public transportations are not reliable in terms of preciseness and accuracy Many peoplehave complained about the preciseness and the consistency of these public transportationsschedules, which impacted to their work or study time.

Despite of its weakness points, public transportations brings a lot of benefits forindividuals and societies Firstly, it is clear that the existence of public transportations willautomatically reduced traffic problems Secondly, if the utilization of public transportationsincreased, it means that there will be a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels.Consequently, it will reduce air pollution and global warming issues Therefore, thegovernments should encourage their residents to use public transportations

In conclusion, people have different opinions about public transportations Some peopleenjoy using them, while others choose to use their own personal vehicles Although publictransportations have some weaknesses, I do believe that the benefits outweighed thedrawbacks I also suggest that the government should improve the public transportationservices, therefore more and more people are attracted to use this kind of transportation

Writing Test 21

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an article about famous people

Famous people of various kinds, including movie stars and royalty, are often closelyfollowed by the press. There have been stories of journalists digging through garbage bins to find little bits of information on the private lives of the rich and famous Some press photographers try to take photographs of famous people in their most private moments to sell to the world’s media

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about challenges of being famous Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

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We could not negate the fact that famous people could earn ton of money through theircareers such as: business, advertisement and so on They spend their life in luxurious villas,expensive cars, travelling around the world… They always appear in well-known brandclothes or jewelry It can be said that, celebrities have easier life than many other people.However, being recognized by everyone causes many problems First, famous people have noprivacy for real Every minute they step outside would be captured on the cover of somenewspaper which could ruin their image immediately Take Miss Vietnam- Ky Duyen for anexample A picture of her sleeping in the airplane with a strange posture was posted on theInternet For that reason, many people criticized her that she did not know what she should do

in public; or that she did not keep the image of a Miss Vietnam The fact turned out that shewas so tired during her promotion as a Miss Vietnamese, so she tried to take a break on theairplane How poor she was! Problems does not only come from the paparazzi but also comefrom the fan They follow them to everywhere, asking them for a picture or autograph… Thissomehow must be really annoying

Second, fame also brings a serious problem that celebrities have to worry about their ownsafety and the safety of their family Last month, properties in a private house of a well-known singer in Vietnam were stolen She was so stressful and took a long time to recoverafter that This is the reason why some famous people have to equip modern system orsecurity to protect their life Moreover, some fans have negative behavior that they eventhreaten their idol if he or she does not accept their proposal

In conclusion, being famous would be nice but not an easy way to live If you are interested

in being recognized by everyone, you should accept its negative sides and find the way todeal with it

Bài làm 2:

People often believe that brightness and success provide them with advantages anddrawbacks as well I strongly Support the idea that the positive part outweigh the negativeones

On the one hand, being film star or a bright sportsman lead people to be well known, lovedand have a lot of people attracted to them They also find themselves to be admired andrespected from a numerous groups of their societies and sometimes from around the world.For instance, a film star would be successful and be well-paid besides being internationallyfamous and revered Another example is about sports people who are always appreciated for

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their fulfillment, since they lead their team to be well known and win many prizes fromdifferent competitive games.

On the other hand, celebrities find themselves under the microscope as they are alwaysfollowed by the press and paparazzi that make them feel insecure and under stress Thecelebrities have to sacrifices their personal life and people and media often intrude in theirpersonal life They are often the target of scandals and that can ruin their personal life andrelationship To a certain extent their freedom is limited They can’t go every place and dowhatever they like an ordinary people as media and mass people would follow them whereverthey go Celebrities often face harsh behaviors and whimsical attitudes from their fans Theirlife is not as easy as we think They have competitors and they have to work hard to maintaintheir fame It is not uncommon that many celebrities lead extravagant life that often leads tobad condition in the old ages when the earnings are limited A poor performance can oftenlead to public wrath and that is pretty tough to hand for them The luxury, fame andpopularity often allure then to go astray and become drug addicted

To sum up, being famous and successful is like a sword having two sharp edges that wecannot escape of However, celebrities should get the most of their position and alwaysconsider the disadvantages

Bài làm 3:

Celebrity works hard to get the attention of the public and once she or he becomes famous, she or he constantly tries to avoid the attention Being a celebrity is certainly not a piece of cake They get all the attention of the world in the price of personal space Being a famous personality is sometimes very challenges

Let us look at the negative side of being a celebrity As majority of the world follows the film starts or the sports persons, few of them are crazy about the celebrity For instance, in the headlines of few newspapers, we keep reading about the fans who write letter by their blood I am certain that no one would like to receive such letters, constant annoying calls or being stoked by strangers These all scary things come withthe tag celebrity Moreover being a celebrity is not an easy job Film starts and

sportsman have to continuously perform well otherwise same fans would harm them For example, when the Indian cricket team did not perform well in one of the matches,their fans broke the cricketers’ houses

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What’s more, celebrities might get worried about misleading media which sometimes could be harmful for their successful history A typical example, when wrong news or

a misunderstanding for a conversation to the press is published, rumors spread like wind Hence, they sometimes would rather stay away from the media in order to keep them secured and not to worry about being bothered by people even though they feel admired by some fans

To sum up, being famous and successful is like a sword having two sharp edges that

we cannot escape of However, celebrities should get the most of their position and always consider the disadvantages


You should spend 40 minutes on this task

Read the following extract from an article:

Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in England, accounting for morethan 80,000 deaths each year. One in two smokers will die from a smoking-related disease It can also cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer It causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease, including bronchitis As a result, some people agree that world governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking

Write an essay to an educated reader to show you opinion about the consequences of smoking and possible solutions Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

Smoking remains as a recurring topic on the list of the main issues around theworld.The causes and effects of smoking are being discussed frequently among our society,and more and more solutions to resolve this issue are being brought up worldwide This essaywill discuss the consequences of smoking and possible solutions

Firstly, smoking is harmful to one’s health over a long-term period Smoking causesmany different types of cancer including lung, oral, and kidney as well as esophagus cancers.Smoking also results in chronic bronchitis, and many types of breathing disorders InEngland, smoking accounts for more than 80,000 deaths each year

Secondly, there are more harms in smoking then just the long-term effects There arefacts about the harm it does to others that breaths secondhand smoke, along with thechemicals that make up a cigarette The chemicals alone are enough to make anyone want to

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quit These chemicals are in small amounts, but still are hazardous to the health of bothsmokers and non-smokers.

We need to stop this problem with some particular solutions One way people can stopdying from cigarettes is to stop selling them People will get a benefit because they can savemoney and their own life It will be really helpful It also gets and saves stamina for work orplaying with their kids Saving money can go to your kids for college or for clothes So stopsmoking can help your whole family

Also, cigarettes should be switched to electric ones This will also be a cheaper solutionbecause smokers just have to buy them once and charge them So it will save lots of money.Smokers can also smoke wherever they want because it will not affect the people around Itwill save the body because they will just get pleasure without the harsh chemicals

In short, smoking is very harmful to smokers themselves and to all people around Inorder to stop people dying from cigarettes, we need to stop selling them, or switch to theelectric version

Bài làm 2:

Smoking is an issue with growing concern and several actions are expected to work in place

It has now been prohibited by some governing bodies to smoke in public and manyorganizations have restricted its use in offices I am in favor of the changes implemented bythe authorities however this essay intends to view both sides of the issue

It is generally agreed and even proven with scientific studies, that smoking is injurious tohealth Health problems that smoking can induce are numerous Cancer is among the majordetrimental effects of smoking on one’s health As it is rightly displayed on the cigar packets,smoking is one of the primary factors leading to cancer Furthermore, effect of smoking onthe systemic and peripheral circulation in human body is appalling, as put forward by medicalexperts The havoc of this insane habit is so horrifying, that research points towards itspossible harmful effects on unborn child, even Smoking is considered as a culprit among themany, behind the congenital birth defects and anomalies

Another factor significant to this context would be the financial constraints imposed bysmoking In many developing countries, where people work on daily wages, habit of smokinghas an atrocious impact on their quality of life In majority of the mediocre families, aroundthe world, smoking drains the significant part of their family budgets For example, I

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witnessed many problems with reference to my father being a chronic smoker and thefinancial crisis it caused.

The amount of carbon and other toxic elements exhaled to atmosphere by active smokers hasreached such dizzy heights that its effect on passive smokers is more or less a reality now Infact, the effect of first hand smoke is seen permeable to even the second and third handsmokers in the spectrum The significance of the public ban on smoking is not just justifyingbut a necessity as it calls for As a result, it is widely banned in some offices and institutions.Awareness programs are being conducted all around the world against this habit

Though the public ban on smoking is an individual constraint to one’s freedom, consideringthe passive effects of smoking I would strongly accord win the ban In my view, this would

be a punitive measure to safeguard the health and wealth of the public or the society


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an education magazine

While compulsory education in some countries such as England begins at the

age of five (with many children actually starting at four), in countries such

as Sweden, Denmark and Finland, school does not begin until the age of


There are two different points of view regarding this Some people think

that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and

should spend most of their time on school studies Others believe that

young children should spend most of their time playing

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with Include specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm 1:

Education is an integral partin a modem society Some people think formal education is of primary importance to children at early age, while others prefer to let them spend most of time in playing I am in favor of the point that let children have

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most of their own time playing Since I believe that playing is another form of education to children, and it’s crucial in shaping of children

Firstly, playing provide a chance to let children know the world, and develop some essential personalities At the early age, children are very curious about everything surrounding them, because their understanding of the world is still remains

in a very initial grade Though playing, children can learn some very basic but essential concepts, logic and characters about the world For example, when children

go on barefoot on the grass, they can themselves feel the softness of grass, which no one can teach them about, except for themselves

Secondly, children can explore some very unique talents of themselves Generally, a formal education is to teach some standard course and grating in a very formula way If children received a formal education at their early age, they were deprived a chance to discover and develop their own special talents Children should own this chance to search what their potential advantages and advance in fun, since this chance might lead to success in their future adult world.

In conclusion, parents should let their children spend most of the time playing.

It is a good way for children to learn about the world surrounding them as well as to themselves explore their talents

Bài làm 2:

Many parents want their children to acquire better scholastic achievements in future Hence, they compel them to attend classes and use their free time at home to study from very early age However, I believe that most of their time should be spent playing

By playing, children are able to study many things around them Children by nature want to discover all things surrounding their houses and their playgrounds When we force them to spend their time on formal education, we accidentally build the walls that separate them from the beautiful world outside Moreover, children often find knowledge in books boring In contrast, when playing, they can observe the natural phenomena which attract their attention During this process children gain the knowledge

Furthermore, playing helps them in developing physical conditions When they play in the gardens, or parks, they can breathe fresh air and be provided vitamin D obtained from

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will have better immune systems that can protect them from many diseases On the other hand, if they stay at home and study too much, they may have the risk of getting obese

Finally, when playing, children are able to gain many skills They can learn how tocooperate with their team-mates to beat the opponents in games Sometimes, there arearguments between the children These are chances for them to practice problem-solving,negotiation skills In reverse, when children study for most of their time, they becomepassive In addition, they find difficult to communicate with other people

In short, young children should spend most of their time playing rather than just studying Byplaying, they are able not only to learn many useful things, but also to developcomprehensively

Bài làm 3:

Education is fundamental for both youth and older persons and it the most potent mechanismfor the advancement of human beings In today's society, many persons believe that a childshould commence to focus on his study since an early age, others instead feel that thechildren need to invest their time by playing From my view, I honestly agree with the latestfor several reasons

Primarily, forcing children to begin study will lead negative outcomes in attitude as well asbehavior, as in such age they are more concentrates in enjoyable activities To be specific,their brain is programmed to have fun with others their peers for a certain age, thus imposingthem to undertake a formal education would be neither attractive nor productive Hence,instead of putting pressure on children to learning, parents should change their own methodsand provide some educational games which undoubtedly can prove to be a potentialopportunity to prepare the young persons for a scholastic career To illustrate, a toddlergenerally tend to lose any sort of information as his mind has not the strength to accumulatesuch material, yet involving education with enjoying activities can help the youngsters toapprehend more easily certain arguments Thus, it must be acknowledged that trying toeducate early a child has a negative impact besides of loss of time

In addition, the childhood is the most enjoyable period in a human life, and so the childrenshould not be deprived of this life blessing by encouraging them to start learning in infancy.Kids commonly in this term, seems to be contented by spending some time with their peers inpleasant activities rather than allocate their attention on education itself Moreover, the desire

of learning can be compromised in a near future by beginning an educational journey early as

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in a later age they could realize they have wasted their childhood on the books For instance,

my cousin has recounted me that he feels repentant to have loose the infancy on books alone,instead of investing valuable time with his friends Therefore, starting to learn beforehand canlead to adverse consequences in a long term

To conclude, as an overall judgment, youth should use their infancy in amusing exercises, andunlike spending time on subjects, having some entertainment moments can leave themmarvelous memories


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following extract from a book chapter

Young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime. Almost half of all people arrested are under the age of 25 Young people are more likely to be involved in crime because they have fewer relationships that encourage them to follow conventional behavior.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the reasons for violent crime among youngsters Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

It has been indicated by the latest researches that there is a significant increase innumber of violence crimes in the youngsters under 25 years old The reasons for thisphenomenon are believed to be lack of good encouraging to behave conventionallyfrom their parents and teachers and not able to find the best ways of educating theirown children in this age group

The biggest mistake of educating people in this age is their parents and teachers treatthem in serious ways during the learning process First of all, they observe that thisage group of children do not need emotion and softness as younger children, and theyreally pay attention just to their academic study and how to pass successfully from theschool As a result, the relationships between parents, teachers and students becomeextremely hard without any love Secondly, once the circumstance at the school orhome is getting worse and under pressure for students, they start to hate everyone and

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act negatively and violently against innocent Consequently, teachers and parentscause people at age of 25 to be dangerous criminals in the society

Additionally, parents and teachers feel embarrassed in finding their own method ofteaching people in this group Although there are several of resources that teachpeople the intelligent approaches of emotional and social learning for adult, it doesn’tseem really effective to these teachers and parents In Canada for instance, inChapter- the famous library there are a lot of the newest and easiest books of dealingwith secondary schools students, yet criminal behaviors have reached the peak atschools, on streets and in public places

In Conclusion, to reduce the number of crime violence among 25 years oldindividuals, parents and teachers should teach them in inspirational and friendlymethods because strict communication and narrow education are the influential factorsfor making these youth criminals

Bài làm 2:


Nowadays, an alarming problem is that violent crime rates have increased considerably,particularly among young people fewer than 18 To me, I strongly agree that lack ofeducating from parents is the main reason of this situation This below essay will analyzeclearly my view

The first reason that can be easily seen is that in modern life, parents almost spend their time

on working to earn money Obviously, there is less time to take care of and supervise theirchildren carefully In addition, gap between parents and children have been expanded; sothese children have rarely had chances to share their feelings to their parents as well aslearned from family side Moreover, there are plenty of negative items such as violent films,bad things from Internet of crime that survive around us; without parents' control, childrenhave been influenced on those things easily

Another factor that needs to be mentioned is that unstable marriage life has led to a surge indivorce rates Having a broken family and shortage of love from both mother and father havecaused distraction of those youngsters in their study and some significant negative impacts oftheir psychology As a result, children with immature character have become more

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aggressive, behave rudely and particularly imitated violent film or plunged headlong intosocial evils.

However, it is undeniable that parents are not the only factor that leads to increase youngviolent crime percentage Since it depends on conceit of these youngsters about protectingthemselves from harmful impacts In spite of dealing with the above situation, some of thosechildren have lived positively Nevertheless, from what has been considered above, parentshave played a vital role to prevent growth in crime rates

In conclusion, personality development of children is unable to be perfect without supportingfrom family side Furthermore, appropriate nurture of parents not only has helped to dropcrime in youngsters but also produced good citizens for our future

Bài làm 3:

Some experts attribute the recent upsurge of violent crime rate among juveniles under 25to the lack of social and emotional knowledge as well as relationship received from their families and schools From my perspectives, however, those immature violent criminals not only get insufficient learning but also are negatively affected by

computer games

Apparently, the fact that adults leave children get away with themselves is one of the factors that causes youngsters get involved in violent crime In practice, many couples

of parents often shift their responsibility of teaching their children on teachers'

shoulders though a large fraction of time children spend at home Such parents'

irresponsibility is likely to get children exposed to social evils including violence In addition, at schools, not a few lecturers emphasize on students' academic performance but their morality As a result, students appear to encounter no barrier to involve fightings

Similarly, the indulgence in computer games poses untold hidden mental hazards in children's mentality in various aspects In fact, nowadays numerous computer games contain brutal shots Such violent elements seem to get teenagers accustomed to disturbances, thereby excite their uncontrollable behaviors Besides, violent games areprone to create both actual and potential rivals among players Consequently, young players who are hungry for success will fall out and even fight to each other


In sum, violence crime among youngster seems to become an increasingly annoying

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problem by paying more attention to nurture their children and hindering them from getting access to violent computer games.


Task 2:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an article about mass media

While most of us make use of some form of the media on a daily basis, we may notthink about the functions or purposes the media serves in our society One important function is entertainment On television, in particular, the variety of entertainment programs is extensive, ranging from soap operas, to comedy, to talk shows, to sports

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the purposes

of mass media Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm

Mass media come in many forms, such as television, radio, the internet, newspaper or publicevents As it encompasses a significant part of our life, it also have a powerful influence inshaping our lives As such, we should be aware of the capabilities of such powerful tools, andfrom my perspective, mass media have four main purposes: To entertain, to educate, toinform and to influence

Most people watch television for the entertainment and news If we think about the time whenthere is to TV or radio, a good singer could never easily distribute their songs to the audience.Only aristocrats and powerful businessmen could afford going to soap operas or musicalevents People got news largely through words of mouth, which also made it inaccurate.Nowadays, a song can be easily downloaded with one click, and there are always somehundreds of movies to choose from on cable TV

Because entertainment and information are available everywhere and often more noticeablethan other types of contents, we tend to misunderstood that these are the only purposes ofmass media However, with the ability to reach millions of people, they can also be used toeducate and influence Take advertising for example: we see ads everywhere in our life, and

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all they are trying to do is to persuade us to buy something Likewise, if the message of an ad

is to educate people about an important social issue, it immediately carries a differentpurpose

To conclude, mass media have various purposes that can greatly benefit the community.Governments, businesses and individuals should embrace the power of such communicationchannels, while aiming at making positive impacts in order to improve life quality, bothspiritually and educationally

The media are also influential in the way they facilitate the spread of culture and lifestyle.The so-called 'global youth culture', in which one finds young people around the worlddisplaying a common interest in music, clothing styles and films, is an example of the media'senormous sway in this regard A popular figure such as Michael Jackson would never be sowell known were it not for the media's extensive reach into every society on the globe

Thus I would argue that the mass media's influence is certainly great Indeed, withtechnological advancements such as the Internet bringing even more forms of electronicmedia to our homes and workplaces, it is likely the media's influence will grow even stronger

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an educational magazine

Compulsory attendance in university has always been a highly debated subject

Professors view class attendance as an individual student responsibility However, many students want to be given the freedom to decide which classes

to attend Due to the difficulty of regulating a school-wide attendance policy, most colleges and universities give professors the authority to set their own attendance rules Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with Include specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

Class attendance is, unarguably, a necessary part in any level of studying, let alone inuniversity However, either it must be strictly controlled or not should not be appliedtotally, but to some appropriate extent with each method

In my opinion, we must see that not every university in the world is as good as others.Therefore, the academic and perhaps even ethical levels of the students are not thesame In a highly-rated university for example, which is famous for its teachingquality and mostly accepts nearly perfect students only, they must have everymotivation to fully attend the classes But on the contrary, a local, remote and low-quality one which may astonishingly have fewer students than the number of lecturers,they could even be pleasingly invited to the class!

So, what is the best solution? Maybe we shouldn’t find the “best” one for application

to all cases in general, but the most suitable and harmonious one This obligatoryattendance policy should only be used in laboratory work due to mostly in-classperformance with very little work to do at home In ordinary lectures, the policy maycause a negative effect as students could possibly get more bored and stressed; insteadlecturers should implement it in other more practical ways to earn participation points

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like quizzes and discussions, which may encourage learners to get more involved andexcited in the lectures, and as a result keep them sitting in class to the end.

To conclude, personally I would suggest the universities focusing on improving theirmain factors such as quality, accommodation, even competitiveness and successfully-employed-after-graduation rate; instead of minor things like the compulsion of classattendance

Students who do not like to go to campus have their own reasons The main reason is theirself-study ability With the material available on internet and library, they can search andlearn by themselves without attending class In addition, if they do not go to campus, theywill have more spare time Accordingly, they can spend it on other activities like getting apart-time job, joining clubs in their university or sleeping

In spite of some reasons above, I insist that the benefit of attending to class may be notattending Firstly, students can learn plenty of valuable knowledge that probably is not found

on books or on the Internet, the information is very helpful for their studies because they areformed by their teacher’s research and experience Therefore, students can understandlectures easier in class than learn by themselves at home In addition, students who attendclass can be directly given useful advices from professors This may help their methodologies

to surpass quickly during their studies Students cannot do it unless they attend university.Furthermore, group discussion in class can help student improve their social skills In classdiscussion, they must converse each other about a topic with their classmate or team-mate,then they protect idea of their groups against their teacher and other groups As a result,teamwork skill, presentation skills and communication skill could be developed accordingly

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Bài làm 3:

Now in many universities, attendance to classes is so poor that the regulation of classattendance is issued to solve that problem That means the students are obliged to attend theclass if they do not want to get bad grades or even get expelled In my opinion, universitystudents are all adults, so they are mature enough to make their own decision and they should

be given the right to choose to attend the class or not However, I think that it would be morebeneficial for them to perform a regular attendance

To begin with, when students choose to attend classes, they will have better connection withprofessors and their classmates It is a high possibility that the friends they have now at theuniversity can help them a lot in their future life And it is undeniable that having a goodrelationship with the teachers can be beneficial For example, the professors can help thestudents to find a job by introducing them or writing a letter of recommendation Or at least,they can give their students proper advice about their future career

What is more, the students can learn numerous lessons they can not learn from text books.When attending classes, they can be shared experience or advice from the professors I knowsometimes the lectures can be boring because some teachers just base the presentationcompletely on the textbooks, but generally, the lectures at universities are informativebecause the professors are very experienced

In clusion, I think the students should try to attend their classes regularly to gain knowledge.Nonetheless, as they are old enough, they can have their own decision about this matter

Bài làm 4:

For each student, perhaps nobody is strange with attendance policy in their university.Because most schools expect students to attend all of their classes, they may give teachersand professors power to set their specific attendance rules While some people hold theopinion that students should attend classes, others believe that students have right to decide to

go to shool or not As far as from my view points, I totally agree with the opinion thatstudents should required to attend classes due to the following reasons

First, attending classes fully help stundents get comprehensive knowledge As sciencebecomes increasing develop, students can study while they are staying at home via internet orlearn by themselves However, knowledge in text books is only the fundamental knowledgeand self-study require student to learn hard and strictly Nevertheless, in the class, teachers

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and professors with their deep knowledge and experience can answer questions that thestudents are confuse and teach them to develop more skills based on basic knowledge.

Second, attending classes is a good way for stundents to improve their responsibility Inattendance policy, students are permitted to be absent for a few classes because of appropriatereasons like illness or emergency situation For example, students cannot claim for sleepinglate to skip class If students can not to attend a certain class, they have to notify their teacherbefore class about situation and try to find out what they missed and to complete all homework assignmentscarefully By complying with rules in class, Students are raising theirresponsibility and discipline in order to prepare for their future

Finally, as students attend classes, they have opportunities to interact with other students andpeople They can exchange their opinions and knowledge By participating the grooupactivities, they can get more soft-skills such as problem solving, team work, and groupmanagement, those are necessary for their career in the future

To conclude, students should attend classes because of above positive aspects, namelyknowledge, responsibility and interaction opportunity That will help students gain successful

in their craeer and their life


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Read the following text from an article about the Internet

It is evident that the Internet has increasingly brought about significant changes toour life According to a recent study, the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings Some people say that instead of seeing the Internet as a way of opening up new communication possibilities worldwide, we should be concerned about the effect it is having on social interactions

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the effects of the Internet on human interactions Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words

Bài làm:

From last century to these present days, Internet comes up with the one of the greatestinnovations of human interactions It makes significant changes in the waythat people

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communicate with each other However, everything has two sides, and the effects of theInternet on people’s relationship is not an exception.

Initially, technology enhances quicker and simpler communication among people There are

so many different means of communication to help contact between one person with others,even for those who are separated by long distance It not only gives easier chance ofconnection but also saves time and money of communication For example, people don’tneed to visit their colleagues and their families in different regions or cities to talk to themanymore Instead, they could just open the phones or computers and call their friends

On the other hand, it also causes negative impacts on social interaction By using electronicdevice in daily life of communication, it is hard for people to involve in social environment

It will decrease their self-confidence to speak in public because they usually interact throughdevices not face to face communication If people spend most of their time communicatingonline and not mixing in their neighborhoods, it possibly leads to feelings of isolation forthose individuals who do not have a ‘real’ person to connect

In conclusion, Internet easily helps people keep in touch with others who are in differentplaces and brings some beneficial developments on communication Nevertheless, it is veryimportant to maintain a balance between our online life and our contact with real humanbeings

Bài làm 2:

It is evident that, at present, people are spending a considerable amount of time

on the Internet, and thus spending less time with real people I strongly agree thatalthough this use of the Internet has greatly increased the level of communicationavailable, it has also had detrimental effects on the amount and type of socialinteraction that takes place

The benefits of the Internet in terms of increased communication are clear, withpeople connected across the globe In the past, communication was only possible byphone or mail, which entailed time and expense It also usually meant just keeping incontact with those people already known to you With the internet, this has changeddramatically Email and social networking sites such as Facebook and MSN havecreated online communities that are global in scale, and they have fosteredcommunication between people and countries that we would not have thoughtpossible in the past

On the other hand, there is no doubt in my mind that this has had negativeimpacts on social interaction People, especially the younger generation, spend hours

of their time online, chatting and on forums Although this can be beneficial, it is

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certainly not the same as real interaction with human beings and does not involve thesame skills It is important that children have and maintain real friendships in order todevelop their own interpersonal skills Not only this, it can also have negative effects

on local communities if people are spending most of their time communicating onlineand not mixing in their neighborhoods, and possibly lead to feelings of isolation forthose individuals who do not have a ‘real’ person to turn to in times of need

To conclude, I believe that the internet has undoubtedly been beneficial, butthere are good reasons to be concerned about social interaction in our societies It istherefore important that we maintain a balance between our online life and our contactwith real human beings


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about university education.

Now, write an essay to discuss what choice in your opinion is better for young people in preparing them for the future career Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Bài làm:

For the duration of entrance to university, some people think that young people should berequired to work for a year before they enter the university Such works give them valuableknowledge about the world, which in turns help them to appreciate studies and decide whatthey want in their life However, other people do not agree with that In my opinion, I partlyagree with the statement

At first, I think that the working time before coming to university will provide preciousknowledge and experience about the daily life for the students who have spent their 18 years

Some people think that young people should be required to work for a year before they go to

university Such work gives young people valuable knowledge of the world, which in turns helps them to appreciate their studies and decide what they want to do in life However, there are those who argue that going to university immediately after school is a much better option

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before in the arm of parents Those works will let them know how the money is generatedand how difficult the living earning is They will have much real material about life to servethemselves in studying and understand more about the situation of their parents

In spite of the advantage of working before university, it seems that the results of trial do notlead to all good response It can be seen that there is some student will stop the studying and

do not come back to continue the university The thing is they no longer have interest instudying and decide to give up without any success at work Some others come back touniversity but cannot concentrate their mind on studying Furthermore, at the age of 18, theyalmost cannot have a work with nice environment and condition, which may lead to badeffect like joining bad group of friend or feel that it is 1 year for trial so they do not need totry their best to achieve any goal

That is my point of view about the working time before entering the university It both haspros and cons and it will reach the best effect only in suitable situation and condition

Bài làm 2:

Some people think that young people should be required to work for a year before they go touniversity Such work gives young people valuable knowledge of the world, which in turnshelps them to appreciate their studies and decide what they want to do in life However, thereare those who argue that going to university immediately after school is a much better option

In my opinion it is very important for student to develop communication, attain maturity anddevelop professional attitude and the later approach is better way of achieving it

First of all, this will prepare the students for higher education In the school student are notfully matured Even some remain childish in thinking and behavior In the university astudent will meet with different types of peoples so there require a good understanding andmental maturity stage for that The university campus provides special and deep knowledge

of particular field which require hard working and learning capability Because universityeducation and teachers prepare the students to survive in real world on his basis any place,some prior travel and work experience would even accelerate it more

Moreover, it will make one to understand the professional life This will provide importantexperience to a student to manage theirs studies with work, because in higher studies studentshave to finance their studies or to work in research laboratories Working at shop or smalloffice will teach the students to understand the working pressure, cooperation with coworkersand complete the task in schedule In my school days I worked in a drug selling shop from

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where I learned how to convince and cool down the angry customer during selling This later

on proved to be valuable experience in my university level

Finally, it gives the chance to improve communication skill Communication skill isimportant part not only at working area but also in learning center With excellent speakingand respecting attitude one can win the favor of opposing persons Traveling makes theperson to share views and learn various cultures, languages from other peoples Exchangingopinion enriches one’s speaking ability

In summation, it is clear that pre-university jobs and travelling are vital experiences Thesenot only prepare one for civil life and toward maturity but also make one to improvecommunication skill

Bài làm 3:

Some people think that young people should be required to work for a year before they go touniversity Such work gives young people valuable knowledge of the world, which in turnshelps them to appreciate their studies and decide what they want to do in life However, thereare those who argue that going to university immediately after school is a much better option

In my opinion it is very important for student to develop communication, attain maturity anddevelop professional attitude and the later approach is better way of achieving it

First of all, this will prepare the students for higher education In the school student are notfully matured Even some remain childish in thinking and behavior In the university astudent will meet with different types of peoples so there require a good understanding andmental maturity stage for that The university campus provides special and deep knowledge

of particular field which require hard working and learning capability Because universityeducation and teachers prepare the students to survive in real world on his basis any place,some prior travel and work experience would even accelerate it more

Moreover, it will make one to understand the professional life This will provide importantexperience to a student to manage theirs studies with work, because in higher studies studentshave to finance their studies or to work in research laboratories Working at shop or smalloffice will teach the students to understand the working pressure, cooperation with coworkersand complete the task in schedule In my school days I worked in a drug selling shop fromwhere I learned how to convince and cool down the angry customer during selling This later

on proved to be valuable experience in my university level

Trang 29

Finally, it gives the chance to improve communication skill Communication skill isimportant part not only at working area but also in learning center With excellent speakingand respecting attitude one can win the favor of opposing persons Traveling makes theperson to share views and learn various cultures, languages from other peoples Exchangingopinion enriches one’s speaking ability.

In summation, it is clear that pre-university jobs and travelling are vital experiences Thesenot only prepare one for civil life and toward maturity but also make one to improvecommunication skill


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a book about fashion.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about fashion consciousness Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Bài làm:

As people can see in our modern daily life, it is not uncommon to see people walking around

in brand-name clothes, which indicated that fashion is becoming more highly valued inpeople choices of clothes There are people said that it is a positive development and I totallyagree with that, in both social and economic aspect

In terms of economics, it is clearly shown in the success and development of fashionCompany and corporation Beside the quantity of customer from brand loyalty, the changeand update in design each season of those companies also attract many new purchasers toinvolve in People spend a large amount of money on clothes leading to the increase inrevenue and profit of this field and it contributes to the rise of the worldwide economygenerally

In modern society, fashion is becoming more highly valued in people’s choice of clothes

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people walking around in brand-name clothes and sunglasses like celebrities While some people think it is a positive development, others blame for negative aspects of fashion obsession.

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On the other hands, in the social aspect, fashion is the same as some work of arts which canrepresent for the people point of view through each period of time The fashion trend is theunique feature of some exact point that when it is mentioned, it will remind people to thedays in past Therefore, it is understood that the design of fashion will change and improvewhen the society develop

The detail above is my opinion of the about fashion consciousness, which explained that thedevelopment of fashion industry is such a positive issue to the world

Bài làm 2:

Nowadays, more and more people are dressing stylishly However whether thistrend will have positive or negative impact on the society remains acontroversial issue Personally, I think the fashion consciousness is primarilydue to the basic human needs, and will definitely have some influences to ourcommunities

First, it is obvious that pursuing fashionable trend is derived from human nature

in all stages of human development This is mainly because dressing has been playing

an essential role in human’s self-expression, reflecting characters, tastes and likes, andmore importantly, it can be associated with the people’s social status and wealth Therefore, the obsession about vogue can be found since the ancient time all over the world

Moreover, being fashionable can be healthy to individuals It is natural for us tolook good due to the fact that if we feel good we will feel comfortable and self-confident This is critically important in the current competitive world where one canwin only with respect and self-esteem

That is not to say that we could blindly follow fashion without limitation becauseleading a much fashionable life will bring detrimental impact on the environment If

we buy many luxurious clothes that we do not actually need, or wear once anddiscard, we will indeed live in a throw-away society in which we will waste a sheer

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volume of natural resources and put great pressure on surroundings This is terriblybad for a sustainable economic growth.

In short, it is not wrong to dress decently in the street; meanwhile, people shouldachieve a balance regarding how fashionable to be Only by doing so can we ensurethat we will live in a beautiful and healthy world


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a book about space exploration.

Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outerspace (for example travelling to the Moon and to other planets) Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on the Earth

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss what extent you agree with space exploration Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Bài làm:

Governments have an important role in our lives It is responsible of many things in thecountry such as education, defense, discoveries and even transportation It spends a lot ofmoney for things that may be not essential for our existence such as exploring outer space.Some people would agree that governments should spend as much money as possibleexploring other planets Other would disagree Even though we should understand andexpand our knowledge about outer space, I think it is better for governments to spend thismoney for our basic needs on Earth for several imperative reasons

First of all, governments should develop our health As we see every day, there are a lot ofdiseases new and many people died because infections, cancer, and other sicknesses whichthe government should pay attention about them since it may be epidemic to our society Forexample, when I was in pharmacy school, our professor in the pathology class explained thatresearchers should develop most of medicines to eradicate diseases in current days In fact, he

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stated that the government should spend money and research to improve our life since manychildren is suffering from cancer and may be these diseases threaten our life and our healthSecond, governments should prevent the contamination of our environment Nowadays, there

a lot of pollutants that affects our life and our existence In addition, these pollutants havenegative impact in our physical life For instance, I read an article about the destruction offorests in our planet and how it has bad consequences, since it will decrease the oxygenproduction and it may contribute to increase endangered animals

By the way of conclusion, based on the argument discussed above, I strongly concur thatgovernments should spend money for our needs and not for exploring space Our earth isworthwhile and precious for our dominance

The first point to make is that politicians have a responsibility to spend publicmoney on projects that bring a benefit to the general public This has not been the casewith space research as most developments have been limited to helping astronauts inspace or have been much specialized For example, it is not of great value to thegeneral public that we now have pens and biros that can write upside down This doesnot merit the huge amount of money spent

The second point to make is that there are many much more urgent projects onEarth that require investment If governments spent less money on space research,then they would be able to help solve some of these problems such as populationcontrol, elimination of diseases like cholera, global warming and food shortages Itseems to me that all of these issues are more important because they affect the lives ofmillions of ordinary people An illustration of this is that the US government couldprovide food for all the starving people in the world if they did not spend so much onNASA

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My conclusion is that politicians should not fund space research because it isvery costly and provides few real benefits Furthermore, there are several more urgentissues that need to be funded.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following extract from a book about education.

Being able to speak a foreign language is an advantage these days Some people think that children should start learning a foreign language at primary school while others think children should begin at secondary school.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss what ages in your opinion are more suitable to begin learning a foreign language Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Bài làm:

Due to advances in communication systems the relation among nations has been increasedmarkedly As result of this, learning foreign language has become a controversial issue inglobal village Some experts claim that primary school is the best place for learning anotherlanguage instead of secondary school I firmly believe that there is a defensible basis for thisargument

The proponents of this view discuss that there are many reasons behind of their claims Themost important one is about recent research The studies have shown that the childrenbetween 4-9 ages have great opportunity to learn new languages Also they clarify theirclaims by an example: a survey among 200 pupils has shown that the above mention ages has

a crucial role in children building character and developing their personality Moreover, givethe special care and settle down proper curriculum could be much profitable for them in thisway Consequently, because of carefree mind children can catch more points in this level

In parallel, I am personally side with this idea The key point to justify this attitude could beillustrated by a personal tangible example Couple of years ago, I met a German family withinteresting story To cut a long story short, Lucas the first child of the family has startedlearning English language at secondary school and now the level of his English skills is

Trang 34

almost intermediate Conversely, his sister has started English and France together at primaryschool Now, she can speck very fluently both of them On balance, beyond a shadow of adoubt, primary school can pave the way for learning foreign language easily Although, itshould be considered that the method and atmosphere of the school play a key role in childrenlearning.

All in all, we should own up to the fact that learning foreign languages has become a keyfactor in our lifelong It goes without saying; having a strong basis in new language canuplifted us toward prosperity Primary schools are best place to enhance our childrenlanguage abilities Also, in this special span the pupil’s mind are dead ready to catch an awfullot of new things and what is better than learning new language

Bài làm 2

Due to advances in communication systems the relation among nations has been increased markedly As result of this, learning foreign language has become a controversial issue in global village Some experts claim that

primary school is the best place for learning another language instead of

secondary school I firmly believe that there is a defensible basis for this argument

The proponents of this view discuss that there are many reasons behind

of their claims The most important one is about recent research The studies have shown that the children between 4-9 ages have great opportunity to learn new languages Also they clarify their claims by an example: a survey among

200 pupils has shown that the above mention ages has a crucial role in childrenbuilding character and developing their personality Moreover, give the specialcare and settle down proper curriculum could be much profitable for them in this way Consequently, because of carefree mind children can catch more points in this level

In parallel, I am personally side with this idea The key point to justify this attitude could be illustrated by a personal tangible example Couple of years ago, I met a German family with interesting story To cut a long story short, Lucas the first child of the family has started learning English language

Trang 35

at secondary school and now the level of his English skills is almost

intermediate Conversely, his sister has started English and France together at primary school Now, she can speck very fluently both of them On balance, beyond a shadow of a doubt, primary school can pave the way for learning foreign language easily Although, it should be considered that the method and atmosphere of the school play a key role in children learning

In conclusion, we should own up to the fact that learning foreign

languages has become a key factor in our lifelong It goes without saying; having a strong basis in new language can uplifted us toward prosperity

Primary schools are best place to enhance our children language abilities Also,

in this special span the pupil’s mind are dead ready to catch an awful lot of new things and what is better than learning new language

Bài làm 3:

It is widely believed that studying a foreign language in the first year of school is more effective than in secondary school for children Drawbacks and benefits of this topic will

be covered in this essay

On the one hand, pupils studying only three or four years in the school even at that moment do not properly concentrate on the lessons It could be difficult to compel children to learn something else besides curriculum subjects For instance, my little sisteralways wants to play, even if there are loose ends In addition, students of primary schoolfirstly should learn fundamentals of exact sciences such as mathematics and physics, otherwise they might not understand them later Furthermore, if student does not know his native language perfectly, it is useless to learn foreign dialect

On the other hand, there is a fact that little kids approximately between five and nine years have a capacity to remember things twice as fast and effectively than another aged people For example, when I was in the third class I used to keep in mind words very quick and for a long period of time However, now I cannot even learn some phrases Secondly, studying foreign language is very helpful Students can feel themselves freely

in another country English is an international language on which over than one billion ofpeople are communicating Hence, there is always a possibility to find one person in unfamiliar to you country who speaks studied by you language

To sum up, the minor disadvantages will never prevent us from concluding that knowing foreign phrases will be never excessive In future knowing one more language might be very prestigious

Trang 36


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about technology in education.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of technology in the classroom Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Bài làm:

There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability Though experts systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction

in the learning process In my opinion what can be expected is a change of the teachers’ role, but not their disappearance from the classroom.

Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with

computers The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a child This, accompanied by the relaxing attitude and software interactivity,

usually contributes to a better grasping of new knowledge At a higher educational level the availability of digital books, simulators and other academic materials provide the

student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand.

But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need for human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future There is the

Thanks to the ever-increasing use of technology, computers are being used more and more ineducation Some people say that this is a positive trend because technology can benefit

both teachers and students at the touch of a button There are others, however, who argue that it may deprive people of real human interaction.

Trang 37

individual are The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to

different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its

software is

As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of

their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts They

have to be open minded to the changes that are taking places, keep updated and serve as

problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the fact for


To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will continue to play an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary level No matter how complex computers become, there will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way how this

interaction takes place

Bài làm 2:

In the modern life, it is argued that technology is playing an important role inschools and universities and becomes a controversial issue because of their positiveand negative effects on student This essay will firstly, discuss student freedom as one

of the main advantages of this and secondly, outline decreasing levels of face to facecontact as one of the main disadvantages, followed by a reasoned conclusion

One of the principle advantages of an increase of using electronic devices ineducation is the autonomy that it provides students Students have the freedom tofocus on whatever topic or subject they want and study it in depth through the internet

A prime example of this is the amount of online university courses available tostudents, covering a myriad of subjects, that up until recently were unavailable to mostlearners This has resulted in more people studying third level degrees than everbefore, at a pace and schedule that suits them

The main disadvantage associated with increasing use of technology in education

is the decrease in face to face interaction between students Students spend more timelooking at computer screens by themselves than interacting with each other Forinstance, the recent explosion in smart phone use has been at the expense of genuine

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human interaction This results in soft skills, such as verbal communication andempathy, being affected.

In conclusion, the benefits technology brings to education, such as studentautonomy, must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as negative effects on humaninteraction Overall, the educational benefits outweigh the disadvantages becausehuman beings will always want human contact and most people will not solely use ITfor education

Bài làm 3

Thanks to the ever-increasing use of technology, computers are being used more and more ineducation Some people say that this is a positive trend because technology can benefit bothteachers and students at the touch of a button There are others, however, who argue that itmay deprive people of real human interaction

It is argued that technology is playing an ever increasing role in schools and universities andone day teachers will be obsolete It is disagreed that technology will one day replaceeducators This essay will discuss, firstly the limitations of technology in education andsecondly, the essential role teachers play in maintaining discipline in the classroom, followed

by a reasoned conclusion

Technology may be able to help students with some things but it has many limitations I.T.can not educate people as effectively as real human beings because computers can not detectthings such as context, emotions and how an individual learns A prime example is languagelearning, in which teachers need to explain not only individual words but how these wordswork in different situations However, there may come a time in the very distant future whencomputers are able to carry out these tasks

Computers are also unable to ensure good classroom management A computer may be able

to provide a student with lots of information, but it will not be able to motivate or disciplinestudents when they display unacceptable behaviour For instance, unruly students couldsimply switch the device off and do nothing for the rest of the class Nevertheless, this maynot be a problem for highly motivated adult students

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In conclusion, it is not likely that electronic devices will replace teachers in the future because

of current limitations in technology and the requirement for teachers to maintain goodbehaviour in the the classroom It is predicted that computers will play an ever increasing role

in the classroom but will never fully replace humans


Part II:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a book about the Internet.

The Internet is an amazing information resource Students, teachers, and researchers use it as

an investigating tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical developments Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns (Academic Encounters- Life in Society, chapter 6, page 129)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the negative effects of the Internet Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer

You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar

Bài làm:

The Internet is an amazing information resource Students, teachers, and researchers use it as

an investigative tool Journalists use it to find information for stories Doctors use it to learnmore about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical developments Ordinary people use itfor shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends People allover the world use it to connect with individuals from other countries and cultures However,while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are alsocertain fears and concerns

Firstly, one concern relates to a lack of censorship or control over what appears on theInternet Anyone can put information on the Internet that can then be read by anyone else, atany time This makes it very different from television or radio With television and radio thereare editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with

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television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can be broadcast and at what times

of the day With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what issuitable for their children to see While softwarecan be used to block access to certain

websites, such as those displaying pornography, this can never be completely effective.

Sencondly, there are also concerns about privacy and control of communication on theInternet For example, when you use e-mail communication or participate in chat groups, it ispossible that your private messages may be read by others without your knowing If you buythings on-lineor simply browsethe Internet, it is possible to trace all the websites that youvisit One potential danger is that the information could be used by others to yourdisadvantage For example, an employer could use such information to decide that you arenot a suitable applicant for a job

A further issue relates to the misuse of the Internet in the workplace Many companies arenow finding that they need to establish policies to control when employees use the Internetand for what purposes Many companies block the popular social network like Facebook,Instagram, Twitter, etc… to ensure their employees will not waste time on the internet duringworking hours

Bài làm 2:

1 Internet is one of the best inventions for us and its importance is huge inour lives It has become the best source to get knowledge about any aspect Withinternet, we also can stay updated with the latest happenings in the world, can stayconnected with our friends and families all the time, and can do lot of other things.But as you know, nothing comes with ‘only’ benefits Everything has got its negativepoints as well, and so the Internet has

Firstly, the biggest negative impact of Internet is the ‘Internet AddictionDisorder’ Since the researches about this Internet disease are still going on, so it ishard to define it at this time The person suffering from this disease behaves in theway as they are always on the Internet, even when there is no Internet This Internetdisease has been found mostly among the young adults As an illustration, a recentsurvey conducted in America estimated that around 10-15 million people are therewho are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder The count is indeed very big and

is increasing every year

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2018, 13:50

