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Đề sử dụng đề xuất chọn HSG tỉnh-2

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Đề THi Đề XUấT CHO Kỳ THi CHọN HọC SiNH GIỏi tỉNH MÔN TiếNG ANH Môn thi : Tiếng Anh Lớp 9- Bảng A Năm học : 2008-2009 Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút ( không kể thời gian giao nhận đề ) SECTION A : PHONETICS I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three : 1.A. sunbathe B. northern C. breathe D. bath 2.A. leisure B.pressure C.measure D. television 3. A.ancient B.commercial C.sure D. champagne 4.A. island B.resident C.wisdom D.decompose 5. A.giant B.hygiene C.tragedy D. magnificent 1 2 3 4 5 II.Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 6. A.dictionary B. practise C.expression D. foreign 7. A.between B.resource C.coffee D. machine 8.A luxury B.ordinary C.energy D.appliance 9.A limitation B.communicate C.documentary D.interactive 10.A.grammar B.music C.suggest D.picnic 6 7 8 9 10 SECTION B : VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I.Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D . 11.I am happy to your invitation. A.take B.agree C.accept D.grant 12. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight. A.care B.prevent C.ensure D.protect 13.The Internet helps make our world . like a small village. A. seem B.seeming C.being D.tobe 14.Im going to tell you the reason my decision. A. for B.with C.to D. on 15.He earns a reasonable as a builder. A. pay B.money C. living D.wages 16.Everything is so expensive these days , its hardly . to save a penny . A. sure B. possible C. likely D.probable 17.I ve already had one holiday in Africa and Im not . on going there again. A. willing B.ready C.eager D. keen 18.I hear Emmars been offered a place at university . She . be really pleased . A.must B.might C.may D.can 19.That dog is trained to . out hidden drugs. A. catch B.smoke C.breathe D. smell 20.There is always . traffic in the city center at rush hour . A.strong B. full C.heavy D. many 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 II. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the words in the brackets STAMP COLLECTING The average British stamp collector is a curious creature . He takes up the hobby as a child , gives it up as a ( 21- teens ) and returns to it in his middle age . It may be the chance (22- discover ) of one of his old albums or the (23- keen ) of his children that renews his interest. However it happens , the pattern keeps being repeated. Although the exact figure is (24- certain ) , it is thought that about 3 million British people buy at least one stamp a year with no (25- intend ) . of using it for the post . What’s more, stamp (26- exhibit ) can attract more than 10,000 visitors and there are about 600 clubs. But club (27- member ) . is falling and children are (28- increase ) . turning to computers in their leisure time .These days (29- young) have far more hobbies to choose from and it is thought that stamp collecting may fall (30- drama ) . in the not very distant future. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 III. The following passage has ten mistakes . Find and correct them Sending cards is a widely custom in Btitain today. The Bristish have send cards since Victorian time when wealthy families started to send Christmas greetings .In the 1980s the card industry rapidly expanded as celebrations became more and more commercialised . There have cards for every occasion from buying a house to have a baby and more recently , cares of getting a new job , getting a divorce or just saying “ sorry “ . Much than 100 million Christmas cards are selling in Britain every year. However, cards are no longer confined to special celebrations such like birthdays, because there are many less importance occasions when people send cards with each other. Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 31 36 32 37 33 38 34 39 35 40 SECTION C : READING AND SPEAKING I.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): The plan to join the British Isles to the European continent by boring a tunnel under the sea between Dover , England , and Cailas, France, was originally proposed in the second half of the nineteenth century. The bill authorizing the work was rejected in 1883. The plan was again proposed in 1930 by many enthusiastic supporters . The tunnel was to be the longest ever made and an engineering wonder. However, the estimated cost, the military risks, and the doubt as to the feasibility of construction lead to the rejection of the proposal in June 1930 . Finally , in the 1980s , the proposal was accepted and tunneling began. 41. The plan to unite tte British Isles with the European continent has been proposed three times. 42.The plan to unite the British Isles with the European continent has been rejected three times. 43. It was believed by some that the tunnel posed a threat to national security . 44. Some people did not believe that the tunnel was a viable idea in the 1930s. 45. Tunneling originally began in Cailas, France. 46. The plan was rejected in 1883 because the people were bored . 47. The construction of the tunnel led to the rejection of the propossal in 1930. 48. The tunnel made in 1930 was the longest ever made. 49. The supporters of the tunnel wanted to hire a wonderful engineer. 50. The estimated cost of the tunnel was prohibitive in 1930. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 II. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful dialogue. A. Furniture , madam? Second floor . B. A complaint . Oh , I see. Well, I’ll just see if he’s free. C. Well, I’m afraid he’s very busy just now . Have you got an appointment ? D. Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you ? E. No, I haven’t . I want to make a complaint. F. Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you said furniture. G. Yes, I’d like to see the manager , please. H. No, the manager, ma-na-ger. I. That’s all right. But can I see the manager, please? 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 III. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word . He was away from his flat all the afternoon. When he returned, about five o’clock, he (60) he did not have his key. He had left the whole (61) of keys in a pocket of the trousers he had worn before going out . He went downstairs to the caretaker’s flat and explained exactly (62) had happened. The caretaker was sympathetic “ I’m sorry. I have no spare (63) to your flat”. He said “ I used to have (64) , but someone borrowed it once and that never (65) it to me . But never mind : I have a friend ( 66) . understands these things . I’ll phone him and he’ll come . He is a specialist (67) opening locked doors (68) . keys. I’m sure he’ll be able to help you “ He did, too. Later, I (69) . out he was a well- known house breaker. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 SECTION D : WRITING I.Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one : 70. Nobody helped us to decorate this room. We . 71.My village no longer has any cottages. There 72.This is his first visit to France. He is 73 .Mary was impressed by Hanoi people. Hanoi people made . 74.My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview . I must 75.Henry’s career as a television presenter began five years ago. Henry has . II. Write a composition (about 150 to 200 words ) about one of your most memorable celebrations in your life. đáP áN Đề THI Đề XUấT CHO Kỳ THI CHọN HọC SINH GIỏI TỉNH Môn: Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 ( Bảng A)_ Năm học : 2008-2009 HƯớNG DẫN CHấM Và BIểU ĐIểM SECTION A : PHONETICS I.Choose ( 0.5 p for 1 correct answer x 5 = 2.5 points ) 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D II. Identify ( 0.5 p for 1 correct answer x 5 = 2.5 points ) 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C SECTION B : VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I.Choose ( 1p for 1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points) 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.C II.Complete . ( 1 p for 1 correct answer x 10 =10 points ) 21.teenager 22.discovery 23.keenness 24.uncertain 25. intention 26.exhibitions 27.membership 28.increasingly 29.youngsters 30.dramatically III.The following ( 1 p for 1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points ) Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 31 widely widespread 36 Much More 32 send sent 37 selling sold 33 have are 38 like as 34 have having 39 importance important 35 of for 40 with to SECTION C : READING AND SPEAKING I.Read the following . (1 p for 1 correct answer x 10 = 10 pionts ) 41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F 46.F 47.F 48.F 49.F 50.T II.Rearrange the . ( 1 p for 1 correct answer x 9 = 9 points ) 51.D 52.G 53.A 54.H 55.F 56.I 57.C 58.E 59.B III.Fill the ( 1 p for 1 correct answer x 10 = 10 pionts ) 60. discovered 61. set/ bunch 62.what 63. key 64.one 65. returned 66. who 67. in 68.without 69.found SECTION D : WRITING I.Finish the . (1 p for 1 correct answer x 6 = 6 pionts ) 70. We decorated this room by ourselves. 71. There used to be some cottages in our village. 72. He is visiting France for the first time . 73 Hanoi people made an impression on Mary. 74. I must get / have my suit cleaned before the interview. 75. Henry has been a television presenter for five years ago. II. Write a composition . (10 points ) TOTAL : 80 / 4 = 20 POINTS . Đề THi Đề XUấT CHO Kỳ THi CHọN HọC SiNH GIỏi tỉNH MÔN TiếNG ANH Môn thi : Tiếng Anh Lớp 9-. one of your most memorable celebrations in your life. đáP áN Đề THI Đề XUấT CHO Kỳ THI CHọN HọC SINH GIỏI TỉNH Môn: Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 ( Bảng A)_ Năm học

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2013, 12:10

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Môn: Tiếng Anh –Lớp 9( Bảng A)_ Năm học : 2008-2009 - Đề sử dụng đề xuất chọn HSG tỉnh-2
n Tiếng Anh –Lớp 9( Bảng A)_ Năm học : 2008-2009 (Trang 4)

