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Chapter: Chapter 13: Personality Multiple Choice Freud identified three central forces in personality development Which force controls our moral limits? a) Id b) Superego c) Ego d) Unconscious Ans: b Feedback A: Controls basic drives Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: Controls rational thoughts Feedback D: Thoughts we are not consciously aware of Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy True/False The unconscious or deepest level of the mind contains the greatest amount of content Ans: True Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy Fill-in-the-blank The id and our most instinctual impulses are governed by the principle Ans: pleasure Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Short Answer What type of energy fuels the id? Ans: Libido or sexual energy Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Essay Describe how Freud conceptualized the ego Ans: Ego is the rational, problem-solving force that strives to keep the idbased impulses in check The ego is governed by the reality principle such that it may not always be possible to have all wants and desires satisfied Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Which of the following is/are a stage(s) of Freud’s psychosexual stages of development? a) Oral b) Anal c) Phallic d) All of the above Ans: d Feedback A: There is more than one psychosexual stage listed Feedback B: There is more than one psychosexual stage listed Feedback C:There is more than one psychosexual stage listed Feedback D: Correct! Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy The folktale story of the “Emperor Wears No Clothes” clearly exemplifies the concept of a) projections b) denial c) repression d) assimilation Ans: b Feedback A: The “Emperor Wears No Clothes” exemplifies the concept of denial Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: The “Emperor Wears No Clothes” exemplifies the concept of denial Feedback D: The “Emperor Wears No Clothes” exemplifies the concept of denial Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium True/False An individual who is considered mentally healthy may become fixated at a particular stage and suffer no adverse consequences Ans: False Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Fill-in-the-blank A boy entering the phallic stage may begin to feel sexual attraction towards his mother This is referred to as the complex Ans: Oedipus Section Ref:The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Short Answer According to Freud, what are defense mechanisms? Ans: Unconscious tactics employed by our egos to protect us from anxiety Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Essay 10 Name and describe our most basic defense mechanism according to Freud Ans: Repression is the most basic defense mechanism that allows us to keep unpleasant memories or thoughts buried deep within the unconscious mind to avoid facing them Section Ref:The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice 11 Which of the following statements describes a key weakness of psychoanalytic theory? a) None of Freud’s patients were ever helped b) It generalizes to everyone c) It is derived from Freud’s sexist beliefs d) It lacks predictive power Ans: d Feedback A: Freud’s views did help people Feedback B: Not an accurate statement Feedback C: Not commented on Feedback D: Correct! Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium True/False 12 Freud’s observations were based on a very small and select group of upper-class individuals from Vienna Ans: True Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy Fill-in-the-blank 13 Unlike Freud, Adler was interested in how feelings of , stemming from childhood experiences, motivate behavior Ans: inferiority Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Short Answer 14 What was Adler’s school of psychology called? Ans: Individual psychology Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy Essay 15 Name and describe the parts of the unconscious mind identified by Jung Ans: Personal unconscious is formed by personal experiences, whereas the collective unconscious is a cumulative storehouse of inherited memories shared by all humanity Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice 16 According to Jung, what form shared memories from the collective unconscious take on? a) Free will b) Emotions c) Archetypes d) Personal unconscious Ans: c Feedback A: Choice Feedback B: Affective component Feedback C: Correct! Feedback D: Individual unconscious Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium True/False 17 Jung argued that the unconscious drives our behavior towards joy, creativity, and internal harmony Ans: True Section Ref: The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy Fill-in-the-blank 18 The search for is a central theme of Jung’s theory Ans: harmony Section Ref The Psychodynamic Perspectivey Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Easy Short Answer 19 Describe basic anxiety according to Horney Ans: Develops in children who experience extreme feelings of isolation and helplessness; feelings set the stage for later neuroses Section Ref:The Psychodynamic Perspective Learning Objective: Summarize the main ideas of the psychodynamic view of personality development Difficulty: Medium Essay 20 Describe Maslow’s concept of “self-actualization” Ans: Highest level of need within his hierarchy; need to fulfill our full potential as human beings Section Ref:The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice 21 Unlike Freud, Maslow believed that we could learn a great deal about human behavior by studying which group? a) Depressed individuals b) Well-adjusted people c) Children d) Women Ans: b Feedback A: Would provide biased information about average human behavior Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: Freud observed children Feedback D: Freud observed women Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Athletes who are “in the zone” experience a) a heightened sense of awareness b) increased mental clarity c) a sense of ease and effortlessness d) All of the above Ans: d Feedback A: Athletes who are “in the zone” experience a heightened sense of awareness, increased mental clarity, and a sense of ease and effortlessness Feedback B: Athletes who are “in the zone” experience a heightened sense of awareness, increased mental clarity, and a sense of ease and effortlessness Feedback C: Athletes who are “in the zone” experience a heightened sense of awareness, increased mental clarity, and a sense of ease and effortlessness Feedback D: Correct! Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium True/False 22 Peak experiences describe the sexual stage of orgasm Ans: False Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Fill-in-the-blank 23 Moments when people experience intense clarity of perception, feelings of joy, and a suspended sense of time are known as Ans: peak experiences Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Short Answer 24 What type of therapy did Rogers develop? Ans: Client-centered therapy Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Easy What does it mean when an athlete says he or she is “in the zone”? Ans: It is a time period when mind and body are harmonized The individual experiences a heightened sense of awareness, increased mental clarity, and a sense of ease and effortlessness Section Ref: Historical Perspective on Personality Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Essay 25 Describe the concept Rogers termed as “unconditional positive regard” Ans: Children need acceptance without terms or conditions from parents and other adults to develop healthy self concepts Section Ref: The Humanistic Perspective Learning Objective: Describe the humanistic theories of Abraham Maslow prejudice and discrimination against women d) Denying the existence of some differences may downplay the unique strengths and gifts of each gender Ans: b Feedback A: This is true Feedback B: Correct Feedback C: This is true Feedback D: This is true Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Easy 147 Which of the following is true about individualistic cultures, as compared to collectivist cultures? a) Individualistic cultures have higher rates of stress-related disease b) People in individualistic cultures tend to score higher on measures of agreeableness c) People in individualistic cultures report less happiness than those in collectivist cultures d) People in individualistic cultures score lower on measures of extraversion than those in collectivist cultures Ans: a Feedback A: Correct Feedback B: This is false; people in collectivist cultures score higher on agreeableness Feedback C: This is false; people in individualistic cultures report more happiness Feedback D: This is false; people in individualistic cultures score higher on extraversion Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Medium 148 A person who scores relatively high on agreeableness, relatively low on privacy, and relatively low on extraversion is most likely to live in which country? a) United States b) Great Britain c) Kenya d) Australia Ans: c Feedback A: The characteristics describe someone from a collectivist country Feedback B: The characteristics describe someone from a collectivist country Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: The characteristics describe someone from a collectivist country Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Easy 150 People who come from bicultural backgrounds are likely to a) show some of the characteristics of both individualistic and collectivist cultures b) switch back and forth between cultures, depending on the situation c) adopt the characteristics of the individualistic culture d) adopt the characteristics of the collectivist culture Ans: b Feedback A: People from bi-cultural backgrounds typically engage in “frame switching.” Feedback B: Correct Feedback C: People from bi-cultural backgrounds typically engage in “frame switching.” Feedback D: People from bi-cultural backgrounds typically engage in “frame switching.” Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Medium 151 “Frame switching” refers to the tendency for people a) change back and forth between introversion and extraversion depending on the situation b) change back and forth between traditional and modern gender roles depending on the situation c) change back and forth between collectivist and individualistic norms depending on the situation d) change back and forth between negative emotionality and positive emotionality depending on the situation Ans: c Feedback A: “Frame switching” refers to the display of cultural norms Feedback B: “Frame switching” refers to the display of cultural norms Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: “Frame switching” refers to the display of cultural norms Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Easy 152 Within the United States, which state would likely be the MOST collectivistist? a) Oregon b) Colorado c) Alabama d) Kansas Ans: c Feedback A: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Feedback B: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Easy 153 Josh is from Nebraska and Mark is from Georgia Compared to the U.S population in general, Josh is more likely to be in orientation and Mark is more likely to be in orientation a) individualistic; individualistic b) collectivistic; collectivistic c) collectivistic; individualistic d) individualistic; collectivistic Ans: d Feedback A: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Feedback B: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Feedback C: The Southwest and the “Deep South” are more collectivist than the Plains and the Mountains Feedback D: Correct Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Medium 155 Which of the following is true about the link between delinquency and the trait of impulsivity in 13 year old boys? a) Boys in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods were more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors regardless of whether or not they ranked high in impulsivity b) Boys who ranked high in impulsivity were more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors regardless of whether or not they lived in a high or low socioeconomic neighborhood c) Boys who ranked high in impulsivity were more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors if they also lived in low socioeconomic neighborhoods d) Research has been unable to determine whether a link exists between impulsivity and delinquent behaviors Ans: c Feedback A: Low socioeconomic neighborhoods are likely to provide more triggers for delinquency for lows who are ranked high in impulsivity Feedback B: Low socioeconomic neighborhoods are likely to provide more triggers for delinquency for lows who are ranked high in impulsivity Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: Low socioeconomic neighborhoods are likely to provide more triggers for delinquency for lows who are ranked high in impulsivity Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Medium 156 Which of the following is a likely reason why impulsive teens are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior if they live in low vs high socioeconomic neighborhoods, according to researchers? a) Children from poor neighborhoods are more likely to have lower IQ because of impoverished environmental conditions b) Children in poor neighborhoods are more likely to have delinquent parents as models c) Children from poor neighborhoods are more tempted by peers because they have low self-esteem d) There are fewer triggers in high socioeconomic neighborhoods Ans: d Feedback A: This is not discussed in your textbook as a reason Feedback B: This is not discussed in your textbook as a reason Feedback C: This is not discussed in your textbook as a reason Feedback D: Correct Section Ref: Personality: How We Differ Learning Objective: Explain how gender and cultural influences can affect personality Difficulty: Easy 157 Which of the following is not a personality disorder defined by the American Psychiatric Association? a) Antisocial b) Borderline c) Down’s Syndrome d) Narcissistic Ans: c Feedback A: Personality disorder Feedback B: Personality disorder Feedback C: Correct! Feedback D: Personality disorder Section Ref: Personality Disorders: When Things Go Wrong Learning Objective: Define personality disorder, and describe some of the key features this disorder Difficulty: Easy True/False 158 Personality disorders involve dramatic or emotional behaviors Ans: True Section Ref: Personality Disorders: When Things Go Wrong Learning Objective: Define personality disorder, and describe some of the key features this disorder Difficulty: Medium Fill-in-the-blank 159 _ personality disorder is characterized by the tendency to have a high degree of self interest and self-importance while being calloused towards others Ans: Narcissistic Section Ref: Personality Disorders: When Things Go Wrong Learning Objective: Define personality disorder, and describe some of the key features this disorder Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice 162 Which of the following characteristics is related to antisocial personality disorder? a) Dishonest/deceitful b) Recklessness c) Impulsivity d) All of the above Ans: d Feedback A: All of the characteristics listed describe antisocial personality disorder Feedback B: All of the characteristics listed describe antisocial personality disorder Feedback C: All of the characteristics listed describe antisocial personality disorder Feedback D: Correct! Section Ref: Personality Disorders: When Things Go Wrong Learning Objective: Define personality disorder, and describe some of the key features this disorder Difficulty: Easy The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was initially created by a mother and daughter, neither of whom was a psychologist Ans: True Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Sigmund Freud's theory of personality Ans: False Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy Multiple Choice Which of the following personality tests is used widely in the business field? a) The Rorschach Inkblot Test b) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test c) The Clinical Interview d) The Thematic Apperception Test Ans: b Feedback A: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Feedback D: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on which of the following theories of personality? a) Freud’s psychodynamic theory of personality b) Carl Roger’s humanistic theory of personality c) Carl Jung’s theory of personality d) The behaviorist theory of personality Ans: c Feedback A: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Feedback B: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium Short Answer 185 What type of personality assessment relies on self-report and requires individuals to answer a series of true-false or agree-disagree statements? Ans: Personality inventories Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy Essay 186 How does the MMPI-2 differ from the NEO-PI-R? Ans: MMPI-2 assesses maladaptive personality traits that may lead to psychological disorders; NEO-PI-R does not attempt to assess maladaptive aspects of personality; evaluates 30 traits that comprise of the superfactors Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice 187 Jonathon was invested in making others view him positively So, when he took the MMPI-2, he responded to items in a way that would create a good impression What is this testing phenomenon called? a) Correlation b) Social desirability c) Researcher bias d) Lack of reliability Ans: b Feedback A: Statistical measurement of relationship(s) between/among variables Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: Researcher does not score the MMPI-2 subjectively; uses a scoring guide Feedback D: Jonathon may consistently answer deceptively so score may be reliable Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium True/False 188 Socially desirable responding cannot be controlled during test development Ans: False Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was initially created by a mother and daughter, neither of whom was a psychologist Ans: True Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Ans: True Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium Fill-in-the-blank 189 Items that are built into a personality assessment to control for social desirability responding are referred to as items Ans: validity Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard Short Answer 190 On the Rorschach Inkblot Test, what are examinees asked to with each ambiguous shape of inkblots they are shown? Ans: Project structure and meaning onto the images Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium Essay 191 What is an alternative projective test to the Rorschach Inkblot Test? Describe this particular test Ans: Thematic Apperception Test; people are asked to create stories about drawings they view Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard Which of the following personality tests is used widely in the business field? a) The Rorschach Inkblot Test b) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test c) The Clinical Interview d) The Thematic Apperception Test Ans: b Feedback A: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Feedback B: Correct! Feedback C: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Feedback D: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test is widely in the business field Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Hard The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on which of the following theories of personality? a) Freud’s psychodynamic theory of personality b) Carl Roger’s humanistic theory of personality c) Carl Jung’s theory of personality d) The behaviorist theory of personality Ans: c Feedback A: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Feedback B: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests, and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium 192 Researchers recommend treating pop-culture personality quizzes as entertainment, and not scientifically accurate because a) they may cause people personal distress if not administered with the possibility of debriefing b) the subject matter rarely relates to real life situations c) they are often developed by people who want to gather information about you for illegal purposes d) They not usually undergo any type of testing or research Ans: d Feedback A: This reason is not discussed on your textbook Feedback B: This reason is not discussed on your textbook Feedback C: This reason is not discussed on your textbook Feedback D: Correct Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy 193 Which of the following is NOT a type of personality inventory? a) The TAT b) The NOE c) The MMPI d) The NOE-PI-R Ans: a Feedback A: Correct Feedback B: MMPI stands for Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Feedback C: NOE stands for the Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness Personality Inventory Feedback D: NOE–PI-R stands for the Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness Personality Inventory, Revised Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy 194 Which of the following is true about the MMPI? a) It is a projective test b) The items on the test were empirically derived to determine their ability to predict personality types c) It requires subjective interpretation by the test administrator d) It is not used very often because it is difficult to administer Ans: b Feedback A: The TAT and Rorschach are projective tests Feedback B: Correct Feedback C: Projective tests require interpretation; inventories not Feedback D: It is the most widely used personality test Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium 195 Gail is taking a personality test She is given over 500 questions and is asked to indicate whether she agrees or disagrees with the statements on the test Gail is taking the a) Rorschach b) NEO c) TAT d) MMPI Ans: d Feedback A: The Rorschach used inkblots Feedback B: The NEO evaluates various traits Feedback C: The TAT uses ambiguous pictures Feedback D: Correct Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy 196 The NEO is designed to a) evaluate traits from three superfactors b) assess maladaptive aspects of personality c) tap into the unconscious mind d) force participants to project structure and meaning onto ambiguous images Ans: a Feedback A: Correct Feedback B: This is the purpose of the MMPI Feedback C: This is the purpose of projective tests Feedback D: This is the purpose of projective tests Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium 197 All of the following are characteristics of projective tests EXCEPT a) they rely on clinicians’ judgment for analysis b) they have a validity scale built into them that guards against socially desirable responding c) They include the Rorschach and the TAT d) They have problems with reliability Ans: b Feedback A: This is a characteristic of projective tests Feedback B: Correct Feedback C: This is a characteristic of projective tests Feedback D: This is a characteristic of projective tests Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Medium 198 Charles is shown a series of ambiguous pictures and is asked to tell a story about what is going on between the people in the picture Charles is taking the a) NEO b) Rorschach c) TAT d) MMPI Ans: c Feedback A: The NEO asks the person about traits, and is not a projective test Feedback B: The Rorschach uses inkblots Feedback C: Correct Feedback D: The MMPI asks the person a series of questions and asks them to agree or disagree Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy 199 The Rorschach test measures personality by a) asking the person to explain what they see in a series of ambiguous pictures b) asking the person about the various traits they possess c) asking the person to agree or disagree with a series of questions d) asking the person to explain what they see in a set of inkblots Ans: d Feedback A: This is the TAT Feedback B: This is the NEO Feedback C: This is the MMPI Feedback D: Correct Section Ref: Personality Assessment Learning Objective: Describe the two major types of personality tests and give examples of each Difficulty: Easy ... mechanisms are used to a) protect us from anxiety b) resolve conflicts between the id and the superego c) prevent us from becoming fixated at various stages d) help us resolve our unconscious conflicts... unconscious; it does not result in solutions Feedback C: Defense mechanisms are used by the ego to protect us from anxiety Feedback D: Defense mechanisms are used by the ego to protect us from... Maslow and Carl Rogers Difficulty: Medium Fill-in-the-blank 23 Moments when people experience intense clarity of perception, feelings of joy, and a suspended sense of time are known as Ans:

Ngày đăng: 13/12/2018, 13:25

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