TRANSLATORS NOTE. Tm:: following pa.ges contain tbo oomplete text of ET DUKKEU1Y.lf. A few passages omiUed, for the BILka of compressioll , from tbe version produc:A DOLL' S HOUSE 11' the child ron in their turn been my dolls T thougM it run when you pla.yed with me, just as tho children did wh on I played with them Tha.t been our marriage, Torvu.ld HELliER There is some truth in what you 8&y, exaggora.ted and overliltrained tbougb it be But hencerorth it lihall be different Playtime ia over; now cornea the time for education NollA Whose educatiou? Mine, or the ohildren'.? HELlIER Doth, my dear NOI'a NORA Ob, Tonald , you oan't tefLCh me to be a fit wHe (or you HELM&B And you say that.? NonA And I-am I fit to educate tbe obildren ? HELliEn Nora I Non Did you not lay Y0llrIleU a few miuute &f:o you dared not tru.t them to me HKLlIIm In the eIcilement of tbe momout I Wby should you dwell upon that? NonA No-you are porfoctly right That problem is beyond me There's o.nothor to be solved fitllt must try to educate myseU Yon are not tbe man to help me in t.hat must set about it alone And that is why I o.m now leaving you! fuLMan UUlllpirlg tip) Wbat.-