HOC TIENG ANH CUNG TRIEU CÁCIDIOMSQUANTRỌNGTHƯỜNG GẶP (P2) 11.BREAK A LEG = good luck 12 HIT THE BOOKS =to study 13 LET THE CAT OUTOF THE BAG: to reveal a secret or a surprise by accident ( để lộ bí mật) > It's asecret Try not to let the cat out of the bag 14 WHEN PIGS FLY =something will never happen (chuyện viễn vông, không tưởng) 15 SCRATCH SOMEONE'S BACK: helpsomeone out with the assumption that they will return the favor in the future(giúp với mong muốn sau người ta giúp lại mình) > "You scratch my back and I will scratchyours," the customer said when we talked about the new sales contact 16.HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD: or say something exactly right (đốn, nói trúngphóc) > Mike hit thenail on the head when he said most people can use a computer without knowinghow it works 17 TAKESOMEONE/SOMETHING FOR GRANTED: coi nhẹ > One of theproblems with relationships is that after a while you begin to take each otherfor granted 18 TAKE SOMETHINGINTO ACCOUNT/CONSIDERATION: toremember to consider something (tính đến gì) > We will take your long years of service intoaccount when we make our final decision 19 KEEP AN EYE ON SB/STH: để ý, để tâm đến > Please keep an eye on my baby while I amout 20 PUT SOMEONE/SOMETHING AT SOMEONE'S DISPOSAL: tomake someone or something available to someone (có sẵn cho sử dụng theo ýmuốn) > I'd be glad to help you if you need me Iput myself at your disposal