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The world of rubens 1577 1640

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Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com The World Rubens lyVV - 1640 www.Ebook777.com of Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com ihc world of Rubens, f^ f 1577-1640 ND673.R9_W4 www.Ebook777.com / 11952 ' M *>*- ,r '''' \ f Wedgwood, ND 673 R9 W4 c V The world of Rub( 1577-1640 ^oi^-C? Wedgwoodt C« V (Cicely Veronica)f 1910The world o± Rubenst 1577-1640 / by C« V Wedgwood and the editors of TimeLi±e Books* New York : Time Inc*f cl967 31 cm* 192 p* : ill* (some col* ) (Time-Life library of art) 187* Bibliography: p* Includes index* #10468 Reclass $ * ; 1* 1640* 19 Kubenst Peter Fault Sirt 1577II* Title I Time-Life Books* NOV 91 J7J240 NEWlxc 67-27679 r86 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Library of Npw The ^^b^ld of Rubens www.Ebook777.com College of California TIME BOOKS LIFF WOULD LIB R/\RY LIFE NAILKF: LIBRARY TIMF RFADTNG PROGRAM THE LIEF HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES JFF SCIENCE LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL BOOK SOCIETY TIME-LIFE LIBRARY OF ART TIME-LIFE LIBRARY OF AMERICA The World of Rubens 15-77-1640 by C V Wedgwood and the Editors of Time-Life Time Incorporated New Books York : About the Author C; \' Wnli-wood one of EnglanJs histon of Silent tiif 7lli a and three historical narratives member of the s|h-ci.iIi/cs in Kur.i|HMn - Tbr Kings Peace The Kings IS hiMon.iin livulicij; Ccnturv Her liooks indudi- Thr Thirty Yvnn War WiUiam tbr on the War and A Institute for I''nglish Coffin for Advanced Sludv Civd King at War and at Br)'n was named Commander Order of the Masvr College for the year Universii\' aftermath 196M964, and was guest lecturer of her scholarship, she She holds honorari' decrees from C;hsgow its Miss Wedgwood New Jersey, Charles Prmceton In recognition British Empire, in and from Hars'ard The Consulting Editor H\\ n IS Professor of Kine Jansonis \rts u New the Department of Kine Arts at The Consultants Michael Jatfe IS First for V,.rk L'niversirs , where he Washington Square College publications are his History of A rt is aisc Amo and The Sculpime of Donalello This Booi< 956 Contents I II An Abundance The Impact of Gifts of Italy 29 III A IV "Prince of Painters" 73 Public Fortune, Private Grief 97 V VI VII VIII In Golden Foundation Quest of Peace 53 121 Youth Renewed 141 A 165 Lasting Vigor Chronology of Anists: 186 Bibliography and Acknowledgments; 187 Credits: 188 Index; 189 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com w„ hile Rubens was occupied with the great royal some 50 outdoor scenes Using commissions of his middle years he painted few had evolved, and probably landscapes, but in the twilight of his satisfy nature In his last decade he is life he returned to thought to have created himself for the free, fluid style that he no other reason than to — 17 of the landscapes were among — Rubens painted the land he had possessions at his death his looked at so long and lovingly Marvels of light and color, these pictures are often than many of the grand more personal, more deeply felt, scenes he had painted before the energy- of those earlier works is Here passionately restated in each sure brush.stroke; the color arc softened, the light I n the sunset picture of his vision of the world is is luminous, outlines seems almost to come from within home shown here, Rubens' that of a pure painter Chah-juJeSteen.c.\6iSA6j; A tew years before liis death elegant selt-portrait below; intelligenee that sparkles as a bridegroom it Rubens painted the reveals the same sensitive from the eyes of his (paii,c I 7) Revitalized by a self-portrait new younij (amily, secure in his profession and his position in society, (right) Rubens continued and in Antwerp to paint at his country until, on May 30, of gout brought about heart failure and he died Self-Portrak 184 home 640, an attack c 1638-1640 / f^^^^ PETER I chriinoliigical order according to country The hands correspond I.ELY 1618 16»0 to the life-spans oj the artists Bibliography -Paperback RUBENS— LIFE AND WORK Brussels 1958 lection of significant letters and R A d'Hulst Ruhem' Draninp Biirchard l.uJwig A selection of drawings, illustrated RuTci^Uarti: )iCoh Recollections of on the \n eisav dmmdxns 9.? .A V.m\\e Phaidon Ruhrns bv a anist's personality late- 1 vols Arcade and described Press Ltd ART HISTORICAL BACKGROUND London 1950 9th Centurv historian Rubens Painter and Diplomat Faberand Fabcr Ltd London concise, general biography World An hncyclnpedia of \'ol McGraw-Hill 1966 XII Includes a compact biogTaph\ and bibliography of Rubens by Michael Jatfc dons Jan-.Mben and Julius S Inc be 1947, Held Julius don I \n en S 959 A in Pantheon Books and drawings known to Rubens Selected Drawings vols Vol A \'l: Rubens et Phaidon drawings and la Petnture Ltd Lon- Press oil sketches R Baroque portfolio of e.vcellent color reproductions of Philip Foundation C.u\works by Rubens Rubens by Latin Life of Peter Paul 4rr Qaarrcr/v \'ol 1946 pp ;7-44 I.X An Nephew his English translation of a near-conIemporar\'s interesting biographical sketch, MacLaren \ Peter An 946 bens appreciation of the Hanard IMichel Fmile artist's late and (translator landscape editor) style, The Lnivcrsitv Press 1955 All of Rubens' Rubens ner's Sons 1899 A llts Life known Work and His Time His letters, A complete edition of the sketchbook kept by van Dvck working closely with Rubens Geneva 1958 .\ and Roben L survey of art Dele\'oy as a very Flemish Painting 1966 A young man Albert Skira from Hieron\ mus Bosch to Rubens, with color illustrations, 1958, An iin.y 4ri-/!'irffrarc in Italy 1600-1 7W Penguin Books important general study covering some of Rubens' Italian contem- vols Paul Ruannotated Charles Scrib- Jegher." The Metro- CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd Translated by Eveline London 1947, An Winkworth interpretive study .\ Bradbury & Evans J London 1859 A col- The Age of the Barocjue' Harper Lorchbooks 1952 economics and culture from 10-1 660, politics, 961 A reliable Ogg David Europe don 948, Wedgwood -A ^ history Geyl Pieter The Sethcrlands in the Seventeenth Century Inc Rubens \-ols I'ranslated b\ Harold Child Duckworth and Co somewhat dated but valu.ihle biography Sainsbur\ \\ N'oel (editor) Ori^nat Unpublished Papers Illustrative of the Ma.\ Paul Rubens Friedrich Carl of European Pu\Tclde Leo van The Sketches of Rubens Life of Sir Peter Books I960 McDonald London good, lengthy survey, Mary L "Rubens and the V\'oodcuts of Christort'el politan Museum of Art Bulletin Summer 956 pp 7-2 ! 1904- -Xntu'erp Sketchbook poraries Letters of Peter M\'ers Rooses Michael, Van D\ck's VVittkower Rudolf, ,4rr Paul Rubens The Chateau de Steen Ciallerv Books London Magurn Ruth Saunders 2* Vintage comprehensive analysis l.assaigne Jacques, "The (translator) JafTe and other Flemish painters, l.md L Dupont Jacques, and Francois Mathey The Seventeenth Century Translated bv S JC Harrison Albert Skira Genc\'a A piaorial survey of artistic developments from Caravaggio to Vermeer, Fromentin Eugene, The Old Atasters of Belgium and Holland' Schocken Books 196 J A personal, critical commentary by the 19th Ontury artist-author Gerson H and E H Ter Kuile Art and Architecture in Belgium: 1600-ISOO Penguin Books 1960 \ useful illustrated study with a good bibliography Hauser Arnold, The Social History of Art Vol 947 well-illustrated analysis of Relgitjue tura Brussels Held Rubens in America illustrated catalogue of the paintings ,-\n American colleaions in and other documents by Rubens' contemporaries Press Barnes and N'oble and complete survey, in the Seventeenth Century '\dam and C^harlcs Black Lon- study of the politics and personalities of the period, C, V, The Thirty Years War.' Double-day and Co Inc thorough history of the European war that lasted 1961 A from 1618 to 1648 Acknowledgments The editors of this book wish to thank the following people Fedja Anzelewski Kupfersiichkabinet Staatliche ria Auer, Direaor Kunsthisiorischcs Museum and institutions: of Berlin; Erwin Museum Vienna; Armand Ma- Berard French Embassy Rome; Luisa Becherucci Soprintendenza alle Gallerie Florence; Frans Baudouin, Consenateur Kunsthisiorischcs Museum Antwerp; Boymans van Beunmgcn Museum Rotterdam; British Museum Prints and Drawings Room London; ische l.iselottc Sammlung um, Vienna; Camp Alte Pmakothek Munich Walter Koschatzky Graph- Mbertina Vienna; Frits Lugt, President de Georg J, I'lnstitut Kugler Kunsthistorisches Muse- Neerlandais Pans; Paul Maison, Chateau de Steen Elewvt Belgium; Minisir\' of Public Building and Works London; Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp; Frans Maes Director Joseph Kadi)k Deputy Direaor Gerda Heinman Librarian, and statf Belgian Informa- New York Rene Pendeiaers .Assistant, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Antwerp; Ugo Procacci Soprintendenie alle Gallerie Florence; Paul Provost Musee Bonnat Bayonne Hans-Heinrich Richter Deutsche Fotothek Dresden; Rubens House Antwerp; Pierre Schneider; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Carlos van Hasselt Conservateur Institut Neerlandais, Paris; Leon Voet, Contion Service servateur Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, 187 — — Picture Credits Tbf sauna for the illustrations in thn hook jppear hfloiv C.reJits for pictures from left to right are separated — John R Heinz ZinraiuEND PAPERS Metropolitan ()ourii.-s\ of the Trustees of the National Gallery, Lomion to bottom by dashes Freeman by courtesy of the Trustees of the S, of Art photos Museum, British 85 89-0 Vaer— Agraci 86— Robert Crandall 87— Dmitri Kessel —Augusto Meneses 92— Paul de Sutter 93— 90, 94.95 — Cmnaissance Arts photo by Guillot 96 — Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace CHAPTER 100 — Courtesy New York Public Library 102 Schaal, Collection ing, Museum by seniuolons from top 88 Scala des J CHAPTER I — tddy Van tier rustees of the British Veen- Museum, —John — 11 eourtesv of the Trustees of the British Public Library, Prints Division (2) Munich Photo by R Freeman hv counesy of the 12 John R, Freeman by 't Felt, Museum, 14 Counesy New York —Jean Erich Lessing from — — Marquis, Magnum, 17— Alte 18 19 — Alte Pinakothek Munich, 20 21 Pinakothek — Dmitri Kessel, Photo by Erich Lessing from Magnum Alte Pinakothek Munich, Photo by Erich Lessing Augusto Meneses except bottom right Lee Boltin Photo Meyer, Vienna (2); from Magnum 22, 23 24 Marzari, 25 Willy Francois, 26, 27 Eddy Van der Veen, CHAPTER J 28 By courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum, 32 Istituto Archeologico Germanico Rome, photo Courtesy of the Art Insti- — (2), — — — — — — 34 — Szepmuveseti Muzeum (Musee des Beaux-Arts) Bu— Devonshire Collection Chatsworth Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement, — Cliche Musees Nationaux, 38 — Jean Marquis, 41 — Lee Boltin, 42,43 — Alte Pinakothek Munich, Photo by Erich Lessing from Magnum, 44, 45 — Dmitri Kessel 46, 47 — Alte Pinakothek, Munich Foto Blauel 48 49 — Yves Debraine 50,51 — Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Photo hv Erich Lessing from Magnum CHAPTER 52 — Eddy Van der Veen 56 58 — Bulioz, 60—John R Free man by courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum, 63 — ruyen 65 — Photo Meyer, Vienna, 66 — Eddy Van der Veen, 67 — John R, Freeman by courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum — Albright-Knox Art Gallery, BufTalo photo, 68— A, de Belder, 69, 70 71 —Eddy Van der Veen, CHAPTER 72 — Philadelphia Museum of Art photo, W Wilstach collec75 — Courtesy New York Public Library Rare Books Collection, 78 — Biblioth^que Nationale Pans — Metropolitan Museum of Art photo, 83 tute of Chicago, dapest, photo, 35 ) I tion, 'it P Fric 104— Giraudon— — 't 108 through Felt, 119— Scale, John R Freeman by courtesy of the Frustees of the British Museum, 124 Map by Rafael D, Palacios, 129 Devonshire Collection Chatsworth, Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth 120 CHAPTERS 132 Frequin, — — 131 Settlement, — Museum — By courtesy — Boymans van Beuningen Rotterdam, photo by of the Trustees of the British — Museum — J, J, 133 J, J, de Goede 134 135 Erich Lessing from Mag136 num, By courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum, 137 Photo Aubert Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, photo, 38 Devonshire Collection Chatsworth, Reproduced bv permission of the Trustees of the Chats139 worth Settlement, photo by Alan Clifton, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, photo Reproduced by permission of the Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, de Goede, — — — — CHAPTER 140 — — — British Crown Copyright courtesy Ministry of Public —Jean Marquis, 148 urhevi Antwerpiam, 1641 photo by Truyen, 153 — Dmitri Kessel, 154 158 — Erich Lessing from Magnum 159 — Augusto Meneses through 160 161 — Erich Lessing from Magnum 162 163 — Augusto Meneses 167 — Eddy Van der Veen CHAPTERS 164 — Erich Lessing from Magnum 170 — Cliche Musees Nationaux, 173 —John R, Freeman by courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum, 177 — Pierre Boulat, 178 179— Paul de Sutter 180 181 — Eric Schaal, 182 183 — Heinz Zinram courtesy of the 184 — Erich Lessing from MagTrustees of the National Gallery London num 185 — Eddy Van der Veen Building and Works, photo by Heinz Zinram, Reproduced from Pompa in introitus Ferdinandi , 146 Austriad Hispaviarum infantis ; ; : : ; Index Numerals in italics indicate a picture of the suhject mentioned Unless otherwise identified, all listed art Dimensions are giien A \.dam and Evt, 9J!4x 72'/i.oilon canvas 2? Adam and Evt on oil x 75%, 94''; (Tiiian), Paradise (Rubens and Brueghel) 78 Adoration of the Kings SS Duke hury (Lady Arundcll io2 x 105 oilon canvas 20-21 80-81 Albert .Archduke; death of 99; pro- Habsburg position 82-8 of Rubens* ponrait of 20 54 wall lOS-l 19: dici series 105 H pen and brown Royal in 120: Snvders ing 47 48 79-80 master of depiaing 57-58 88 as Antiquarian studies; Rubens' interest m.}2 ?8, 78 t04 145 .Antwerp; as 167 Brouwer Adriaen 145-146 180181 70 71 106-107; conditions various periods in at 122 10, 12 Grimmer's drawing of harbor of Brueghel Jan: relations with Rubens 90-91: van 57 78 84 100; Scent, 56 of Kermesse 65 festival paintings bv 80- 1 Massacre of the ; Innocents, 168 and massacres / / reception for ; Cardinal Infant Ferdinand 148 149, 166, 167; Rubens' house in 25 26-27 6} 94-9$ St Charles Borromeo Church (Jesuit church) 94 105-106 121 122 Rubens" paintings St ly 67 65 66 for Jacques Church Rubens' fami- chapel 68 in 69 Apotheosis of Henry IV Tbe 286'* oil on canvas 55 x 14 12'4 oil on panel Artist 179 and His oil on Wife Isabella Brant, Bower, % x on canvas, mounted on Tbe 62'A X (Roman carv- sardonyx, 104 on canvas 109, and Nicolas on canvas 34'/ oil 19 107 on Ru- on bens 58 167 175; influence Utrecht painters 122; Rubens' ad- 122 of 34 Cartouche Supported by Cherubs, A, 14'': X 10'; pen and scpia over black 67 chalk, with white highlights Paille, if x '/; canvas 98-99 142 /** oil slip- I King of England 125126; engagement to French prin- cess Henrietta Maria 104; pa- 123-124 poli- arts bv van Dvck 76 85 don Baroque masterpiece Medici series a of, 20; van Le, of /O*-//?.- Jesuits 64; Rubens" interpretation of \6,40-S0 173, 175 x Birth of Marie de' Medici, Tbe, , oil on canvas, Blessings of Peace, The 10 127 16, Venus, 1 55 x center 165V; x 126; popotamus ; Hum, 47 ; in Rubens' on Mode Drawing from den of Love Tbe Coronation of Marie, Tbe, 155 x 286" oil on canvas 103 114-115 on oil Romano) of 68 oil 7'/ 54-157 bens rius, X tbe Cameo 55 x Pierre Rubens' friendship / • in Chapeau de Rubens por- Paille 98-99 The (Jordaens) Evangelists 52'; X Four 46'/; oil on canvas 9i 64 x 54 Philosophers, Tbe on oil panel 24 60-61 France; Rubens' sojourn in Paris 101Frederick V King of Bohemia 82 8}: Charles 16 101 127 Frederick alliance of nition of independence of struggle between Spanish Nether- landVand 54.81.85 121-122 negotiations I Ru- x 116 5 on canvas Adam 82 x 182 right 55 58 x 70 Ga Vincenzo Duke of Mantua) 50 51 Game Vendor Tbe (Snyders) 107/1 oil 69'i x on canvas 88-89 oil Garden of Love Tbe 78x111 on canvas 145-144 /**; drawings for painting, l}2-l}} Garden of Love, The, drawings for woodciit, each 19 x 28, pen and ',; with mdigo, green and white over black chalk, end papers of of owned bv RuRubens quoted on England: alliance with Dutch Republic 126 role in European power politics 105-106 121 122; Ru- bens' association with 80-81 127 Rubens' diplomatic mission daens 172; Rubens' contacts with 106 121 122 127 150 170; on Rubens' illness and death Gevacns Caspar 98 142 Giulio Romano: influence on Rubens 169 173; work in Mantua, 35 38; death bens 145; to 125-127 128 ; Gerbier Balthasar: quoted on Jor- 182x59; of England and, 126 [alien' of Beauties (of France's policy toward 105 in I Henry of Orange 06 Eng- land with 126; European recog- in- Vorsterman's en- gravings of Rubens' work 102 Etchings, van Dyck's Iconograpbia 56.57 56 102 per 36 :f7 59 oil in Rubens' wed- 5; Tif (Elsheimer) Fourment Susanna, Four 104 highlights and correspondence with 154'/.; left as typical of 142 I88.slipcase of Tibe- and wash with black chalk on pa- Dupuy of 55.60 trait pen and brown 10'/; wash with white Ru- 70 Fourment Helene See Rubens Duke ofLerma preliminary study for 12 X S'/: pen and brown ink terest in 61 See Gar- 16% Helene Fourment Destiny of Marie de' Medici, oil on canvas 108 Engraving; reasons for Rubens' 59 Flight into Egypt, left 165'/; X 59: right 165'^ x 59 oil 60; paintings Constable John 166 Conversation a la Descent from tbe Cross, (Deposi- Elsheimcr Rubens' Feast of 54- 55 in Rubens' Hip- work ding ponrait Elevation of tbe Cross, center in Wh x Feast of Venus Tbe, 85'* x Golden Age 14 15 18; 185 Color Rubens' treatment of 40 on Fayd'herbe Lucas 170 171; marble ink, studies on oil Flemish an 8-9; Rubens' role panel 42-4.i on canvas, 151 165 171 182- Three Graces Binh of Louis XIII Tie, 55 oil on canvas, 103, / / / on oak Dvck on x 88 oil panel 179 Delacroix Eugene 40 79 175 168; Rubens' role oil x oak 50-5/ Fall of the Titans Del Monte Deodatus 73 54 x 92, 1 149 166; relationship with Tbe, 58 x 48 lltducation of Marie The oilon canvas Composition; x 116 Ferdinand Cardinal Infant 126 148- Del 'efeat of Sennacherib, bens' visit to 122 Rubens' ponrait Damned on canvas queting House and, 141, 150-151; as court painter to 84 Vail of Phaeton Tbe panel / 79 a possible 5'''., 85 106 128-129 146-148; 58.63.173 style 8; Cupid and Psyche (Raphael ) 5 Cupid Riding on a Dolphin 5'/ x oil on panel 178 between Spanish Netherlands and Classical antiquities See Antiquarian queting House, Whitehall Lon- 55 tabernacle of Rubens family chapel, 129; Rubens paintings for Ban- 31.63 Clark, Sir Kenneth 78-79 Ban- Ru- Reni's and relationship with Rubens 80 126, Cigoli, Ludovico Ba Janqucting House See Roval Guido bens' representation of 59 Dutch Republic: case Charles canvas mounted on wood, /* 107 in 1658.172 16 / 52 Crucifixion (Tintoretto) 30 , Caravaggio 38-39 influence on Ru- Chapeau de canvas Fall of the Titans (Giulio See Coup de Lance Le canvas, 65, 71 175 16 Child's Head, A, 14!4 x lO'A oil Auction of Rubens' drawings Icts tion), Carleton Sir Dudley 80 81 122 Chateau de Steen, oak 17 56 142 Artist's Sons Albert 10'/; Carracci .Annibale influence portrait x 29 oil in tbe Honeysuckle 54% janieo of Tiberius cy toward Spain 106 123 128; canvas 20, 54 Coup de Lance Le 168'.- x 123 oil on panel 52 74 Church of the Recol- oil Capture of Juliers Tbe, 155 x 116, tronage of the Apotheosis of Hercules Tbe 11 x Archduke Albert 42 c ing), 12 X on oil Fall of tbe of; art collection Rubens' personal contact with on !4 105 106; assassination of, 124; of Exchange of Princesses An, heightening I V '^ Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com t www.Ebook777.com ... Isabella tom From Antwerp of the new at Archduke Alben and the Archduchess the davs of the Dukes of Burgundy it had been the cus- for the chief cities of the Netherlands to give their rulers a splendid... progress at the Plantin by then under the direction of Balthasar's father, the son-inlaw and successor of the founder There Rubens would have seen many press, The two woodcuts above, by the Swiss... prosperity returned life of the city revived The and esthetic intellectual Plantin printing press recovered from the The setback of the lean years, and the studios of the more had commissions

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