free ebooks ==> free ebooks ==> NX 9.0 FOR DESIGNERS CADCIM Technologies 525 St Andrews Drive Schererville, IN 46375, USA ( Contributing Author Sham Tickoo Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology Purdue University Calumet Hammond, Indiana USA free ebooks ==> NX 9.0 for Designers Sham Tickoo Published by CADCIM Technologies, 525 St Andrews Drive, Schererville, IN 46375 USA © Copyright 2014 CADCIM Technologies All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in the database or retrieval system without the prior permission of CADCIM Technologies ISBN 978-1-936646-84-5 NOTICE TO THE READER Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in the text or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained in the text Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions The Publisher makes no representation or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, this material free ebooks ==> CADCIM Technologies DEDICATION To teachers, who make it possible to disseminate knowledge to enlighten the young and curious minds of our future generations To students, who are dedicated to learning new technologies and making the world a better place to live in free ebooks ==> THANKS To the faculty and students of the MET department of Purdue University Calumet for their cooperation To employees at CADCIM Technologies for their valuable help Online Training Technologies Program Offered by CADCIM CADCIM Technologies provides effective and affordable virtual online training on various software packages including Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), computer programming languages, animation, architecture, and GIS The training is delivered ‘live’ via Internet at any time, any place, and at any pace to individuals, as well as the students of colleges, universities, and CAD/CAM training centers The main features of this program are: Training for Students and Companies in a Classroom Setting Highly experienced instructors and qualified Engineers at CADCIM Technologies conduct the classes under the guidance of Prof Sham Tickoo of Purdue University Calumet, USA This team has authored several textbooks that are rated “one of the best” in their categories and are used in various colleges, universities, and training centers in North America, Europe, and in other parts of the world free ebooks ==> Training for Individuals CADCIM Technologies with its cost effective and time initiative strives to deliver the training in the comfort of your home or work place, thereby relieving you from the hassles of traveling to training centers Training Offered on Software Packages CADCIM provides basic and advanced training on the following software packages: CAD/CAM/CAE: CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, Creo Parametric, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, NX, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Customizing AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, EdgeCAM, and ANSYS Computer Programming: C++, VB.NET, Oracle, AJAX, and Java Animation and Styling: Autodesk 3ds Max, 3ds Max Design, Maya, and Alias Design Architecture and GIS: Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Autodesk Revit Structures, AutoCAD Map 3D, STADD.Pro and Revit MEP For more information, please visit the following link: Note If you are a faculty member, you can register by clicking on the following link to access the teaching resources: The student resources are available at We also provide Live Virtual Online Training on various software packages For more information, write us at TABLE OF CONTENTS free ebooks ==> Dedication Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to NX 9.0 Introduction to NX 9.0 System Requirements Getting Started with NX Important Terms and Definitions Understanding the Functions of the Mouse Buttons Quick Access Toolbar Ribbon Status Bar Hot Keys Color Scheme Dialog Boxes in NX Selecting Objects Deselecting Objects Selecting Objects Using the QuickPick Dialog Box Self-Evaluation Test Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches for Introduction Solid Models Starting NX 9.0 Starting a New Document in NX 9.0 Invoking Different NX Environments Creating Three Fixed Datum Planes (XC-YC, YC-ZC, XC-ZC) Displaying the WCS (Work Coordinate System) Creating Sketches Creating Sketches in the Modeling Environment Creating Sketches in the Sketching Environment Sketching Tools Drawing Sketches Using the Profile Tool free ebooks ==> Using Help Lines to Locate Points Drawing Individual Lines Drawing Arcs Drawing Circles Drawing Rectangles Placing Points Drawing Ellipses or Elliptical Arcs Drawing Conics Drawing Studio Splines Filleting Sketched Entities The Drawing Display Tools Fitting Entities in the Current Display Zooming an Area Dynamic Zooming Panning Drawings Fitting View to Selection Restoring the Original Orientation of the Sketching Plane Setting Selection Filters in the Sketch in Task Environment Selecting Objects Deselecting Objects Using Snap Points Options While Sketching Deleting Sketched Entities Exiting the Sketch Environment Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Self-Evaluation Test Review Questions Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Chapter 3: Adding Geometric free ebooks ==> and Dimensional Constraints to Constraining Sketches Sketches Concept of Constrained Sketches Under-Constrain Fully-Constrain Over-Constrain Degree of Freedom Arrows Dimensioning Sketches Locking the Automatically Applied Dimensions Applying Dimensions by Using the Rapid Dimensions Tool Applying Linear Dimensions Applying Radial Dimensions Applying Angular Dimensions Applying Perimeter Dimensions Editing the Dimension Value and Other Parameters Animating a Fully-Constrained Sketch Measuring the Distance Value between Objects in a Sketch Measuring the Distance between Two Objects in a Sketch Measuring the Projected Distance between Two Objects Measuring the Screen Distance between Two Objects Measuring the Length of an Arc or a Line Measuring the Angle between Entities Measuring the Angle Value Using the By Objects Option Measuring the Angle Value Using the By 3 Points Option Measuring the Angle Value Using the By Screen Points Option Geometric Constraints Applying Additional Constraints Individually Applying Symmetry Constraint Applying Automatic Constraints to a Sketch Controlling Inferred Constraints Settings Showing All Constraints in a Sketch free ebooks ==> Showing/Removing Constraints Converting a Sketch Entity or Dimension into a Reference Entity or Reference Dimension Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Self-Evaluation Test Review Questions Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Chapter 4: Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches Editing Sketches Trimming Sketched Entities Extending Sketched Entities Creating a Corner between Sketched Entities Moving Sketched Entities by Using the Move Curve Tool Offsetting Sketched Entities by Using Offset Move Curve Modifying Entities by Using the Resize Curve Tool Deleting Sketched Entities by Using Delete Curve Tool Offsetting Sketched Entities Mirroring Sketched Entities Creating a Linear Sketch Pattern Creating a Circular Sketch Pattern Creating a General Sketch Pattern Transforming Sketched Entities Editing Sketched Entities by Dragging Exiting the Sketch Environment Changing the View of the Sketch Creating Base Features by Extruding Extrude Dialog Box Options free ebooks ==> Figure 15-124 Sheet metal part for Tutorial 1 Figure 15-125 Flat solid of the part The following steps are required to complete this tutorial: a Start a new sheet metal file and set the sheet metal parameters b Create the base feature of the model by using the Tab tool c Create the flanges on the front face base feature d Close the corners of the flanges e Create the holes f Generate the flat solid of the sheet metal part g Save the model free ebooks ==> Figure 15-126 Dimensions of the sheet metal part Starting a New Sheet Metal File Choose the New tool from the Standard group or choose Menu > File > New from the Top Border Bar; the New dialog box is displayed Select the Sheet Metal template from the Templates rollout Enter c15tut2 as the name of the document in the Name text box of the dialog box Choose the button on the right side of the Folder text box; the Choose Directory dialog box is displayed In this dialog box, browse to NX 9.0/c15 and then choose the OK button twice; the new file is started in the Sheet Metal environment Choose Menu > Preferences > NX Sheet Metal from the Top Border Bar; the Sheet Metal Preferences dialog box is displayed free ebooks ==> Choose the Part Properties tab and set the value of the material thickness, bend radius, relief depth, and relief width to 1mm each and choose the OK button to apply it to the model Creating the Base Feature Choose the Tab tool from the Basic group of the Home tab; the Tab tool is invoked and you are prompted to select a planar face to sketch or select the section geometry Select the XC-ZC plane as the sketching plane and invoke the sketch environment Draw the sketch for the base feature of the part, as shown in Figure 15-127 Exit the sketch environment and specify the thickness of the sheet metal part in the backward direction Exit the Tab tool to create the base of the sheet metal part, as shown in Figure 15-128 Figure 15-127 Sketch for the base feature free ebooks ==> Figure 15-128 Base of the part Creating the Flanges Next, you need to create flanges on the front face of the sheet metal part These flanges will be created using the Flange tool Choose the Flange tool from the Bend group; the Flange dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to select a linear edge Select the horizontal edge to create the flange, refer for Figure 15-129; the preview of the flange is displayed Now, select the At End option from the Width Option dropdown list Then, select the left endpoint of the top edge to locate the flange Specify the width of the flange as 30 mm in the Width edit box; the preview of the flange gets modified Make sure that the flange is created in backward direction Use the Reverse Direction button from the Flange Properties rollout, if the flange is displayed in the forward direction Enter 30 in the Length edit box of the Flange Properties rollout Figure 15-129 shows the preview of the flange after modifying the width Choose the OK button to create the flange Now, you need to create a flange on the left face of the feature Select the left vertical edge and specify the length of the flange as 30 mm free ebooks ==> Select the At End option from the Width Option drop-down list and select the top endpoint of the edge to position the flange Next, click to define the side of flange and modify its width to 20 mm in the preview Select the Bend/Face option from the Corner Relief drop-down list in the Relief rollout and choose OK to exit the dialog box; the second flange is created, as shown in Figure 15-130 Figure 15-129 Preview of the top flange Figure 15-130 Preview of the left flange Next, create the remaining flanges, as shown in Figure 15-131 For dimensions, refer to Figure 15-126 free ebooks ==> Figure 15-131 Model after creating all flanges Closing the Corner between the First Two Flanges The corner between the first two flanges needs to be closed This is done using the Closed Corner tool Choose the Closed Corner tool from the Corner gallery of the Home tab; the Closed Corner dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to select the bend face adjacent to corner Select the bends of the first two flanges created to define the corner to be closed Select the Circular Cutout option from the Treatment drop-down list in the Corner Properties rollout Specify the gap value as 0.25 mm and the diameter as 2 mm Choose the OK button to close the corner The part after closing the corner is shown in Figure 15-132 free ebooks ==> Figure 15-132 Partial view of the part after closing the corner Creating Holes Choose the Hole tool from Menu > Insert > Design Feature in the Top Border Bar; the Hole dialog box is displayed Change the dimensions of the holes and create the holes on the left most flange For dimensions of the holes, refer to Figure 15-126 Similarly, create the other holes The final sheet metal part after creating the holes is shown in Figure 15-133 Figure 15-133 Final sheet metal part after creating the holes Generating the Flat Solid Next, you need to generate the flat pattern of the sheet metal part Select the Flat Solid tool from the Flat Pattern gallery of the Home tab; the Flat Solid dialog box is displayed Also, you are prompted to click on a face that you want to remain stationary in the flat solid Select the front face of the sheet metal part; you are prompted to click on an edge to define the X-axis and the origin Select the top horizontal edge of the front face close to the left endpoint of the edge; the flat solid of the model is created, as shown in Figure 15-134 Next, hide the sheet metal part free ebooks ==> Figure 15-134 Flat solid of the sheet metal part Saving the Model Save the model with the name c15tut2.prt at the location given next and then close the file \NX9.0\c15 free ebooks ==> Self-Evaluation Test Answer the following questions and then compare them to those given at the end of this chapter: The sheet metal files are saved as the *.prt files (T/F) When you invoke a new sheet metal file, the sketch environment is invoked by default (T/F) You can use a spline to create the contour flange (T/F) You can draw a closed or an open sketch for creating the dimple feature (T/F) You can unbend a sheet metal part by using the tool The unbent sheet metal parts can be bent again using the tool In NX, the sheet metal parts are bent using a sketched NX allows you to close the corner between two flanges using the tool To create the flange at the center of the selected edge, you need to choose the option from the Width Option drop-down list in the Flange dialog box 10 To convert a solid model into a sheet metal component, you first need to it free ebooks ==> Review Questions Answer the following questions: After creating a sheet metal part, you can modify its thickness using the Part Properties tab in the Sheet Metal Preferences dialog box (T/F) You need to change the view layout to view the flat pattern (T/F) You can set the material for the sheet metal part using the Sheet Metal Preferences dialog box (T/F) The height and the width of a louver are inter-related (T/F) The Drawn Cutout tool can be invoked from the Punch gallery (T/F) Beads can be created using the open or closed sketches (T/F) Which of the following is the shape of a louver? (a) Lanced (b) Formed (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None Which of the following types is not a type of treatment for a corner? (a) Open (b) Close (c) Circular cutout (d) Rectangular cutout Which of the following tools is used to create a base of the sheet metal component? (a) Flange (b) Contour Flange (c) Tab (d) Louver free ebooks ==> 10 Which of the following tools can be used to fillet all corners of the base feature? (a) Round (b) Break Corner (c) Chamfer (d) Closed Corner free ebooks ==> Exercises Exercise 1 Create the sheet metal part shown in Figure 15-135 The flat solid of the part is shown in Figure 15-136 Its dimensions are shown in Figure 15-137 The value of material thickness, bend radius, relief depth, and relief width is 0.5 mm each Assume the missing dimensions (Expected time: 30 min) Figure 15-135 Sheet metal part for Exercise 1 Figure 15-136 Flat solid of the part free ebooks ==> Figure 15-137 Dimensions of the sheet metal part Exercise 2 Create the Holder Clip part shown in Figure 15-138 The flat solid of the part is shown in Figure 15-139 Its dimensions are shown in Figures 15-140 and 5-141 The value of material thickness, bend radius, relief depth, and relief width is 1 mm Assume the missing dimensions (Expected time: 30 min) free ebooks ==> Figure 15-138 the Holder Clip part Figure 15-139 The flat solid of the Holder Clip part Figure 15-140 Top view of the Holder Clip free ebooks ==> Figure 15-141 Front view of the Holder Clip Answers to Self-Evaluation Test T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 T, 5 Unbend, 6 Rebend, 7 Line, 8 Close Corner, 9 At Center, 10 Shell ... additional information related to various topics in the form of notes Tip The author has provided a lot of useful information to the users about the topic being discussed in the form of tips... The text in this book is heavily illustrated with about 1100 line diagrams and screen capture images Formatting Conventions Used in the Textbook Please refer to the following list for the formatting conventions used in this textbook free ebooks... The item in a dialog box that has a 3D shape like a button is also termed as Button For example, OK button, Cancel button, Apply button, and so on Refer to Figure given next for the terminology used for the components in a dialog box Figure 1 The components in a dialog box