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QL- BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY; ^f_X ]-^ «T7 I BEING , ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS THE GENERA OF INSECTS FOUND IX GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: CONTAINING COLOURED FIGURES FROM NATURE OF THE MOST RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES, AND IN MANY INSTANCES OF THE PLANTS UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUND BY JOHN CURTIS, F.L.S ); HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY OF OXFORD, OF THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL ACADEMY OF FLORENCE, OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC VOL II COLEOPTERA, Part II LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY K ELLIS AND CO., 92 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, STATIONERS* COURT; AND J B BAILHERE, 219 REGENT STREET 1823—1840 PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET V TO WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, LL.D F.R.S &c PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, TO WHOSE KINDNESS AND EARLY ENCOURAGEMENT THE AUTHOR IS GREATLY INDEBTED FOR HIS LOVE OF THE SCIENCE TO WHICH HE IS SO STRONGLY ATTACHED, AND FROM THE INVESTIGATION OF WHICH HE DERIVES SO MUCH PLEASURE, THIS VOLUME, ILLUSTRATING MANY OF THE LOCAL INSECTS AND PLANTS OF SCOTLAND, IS AS A SMALL DEDICATED, BUT SINCERE TRIBUTE OF HIS REGARD AND RESPECT London, Jan 1, 1826 6i/4 — / 15- ^^3^ 614 HOLOPARAMECUS DEPRESSUS Order Fam Coleoptera Corticaridae Curt Type of the Genus, H depressus Curt HoLOPARAMECUS Curt Antenna nearly as long as the head and thorax, inserted before the eyes, clavate, slightly pubescent and 9-jointed, basal joint subglobose, 2nd and 3rd long, of equal length, following ovate, the 7th being a little the stoutest, 8th and 9th forming a compressed club, the former ovate-truncate, the latter orbicular, acuminated at the inner angle Labrum (6) semiorbicular, but slightly bristly (1) Mandibles elongate-trigonate, bifid at the apex, with a broad membranous internal margin (2) Maxill(B subrhomboidal, terminated by a small bristly internal lobe and a larger external incurved one hairy at the apex Palpi short, triarticulate, basal joint obovate, truncated obliquely, 2nd somewhat cup-shaped, 3rd long elliptical, a little attenu- ated (3) Labium, &c undiscovered Head broad trigonate eyes small, lateral, placed at the base of the : Thorax depressed somewhat obcor date-quadrate, concave head be- fore, straight behind, with a channel on each side, near to the basal angles a scutellum none or concealed Elytra subelliptical, narrowed : at the base little chanters slender : elongated, slender anterior ; 2nd the and apex Wings thighs inflated, and tibiae ample Legs short simply clavate : : tro- tarsi rather triarticulate, basal joint short, stoutest in the Brd the longest and slenderest : claws smallest, small (5, afore leg) Depressus Curt Ent Mag Elliptical, v \ p depressed but a eyes black, granulated : 186 little Guide, Gen 239 convex, shining testaceous : thorax broader than the head, indi- stinctly punctured, a transverse impressed line near the base, which side, is narrowed, with a sharp longitudinal channel on each terminating in a fovea towards the disc, the basal angles acute and the margins slightly elevated : elytra broadest a little below the base, obscurely and sparingly punctured, with a channel on each side the suture length ^ a line : In the Author's Cabinet This very minute from the typical groups of insect recedes Coleoptera, having only nine-jointed antennae and triarticulate tarsi it ; is, however, undoubtedly allied to Corticaria as well as to Latridius (pi 311.), with which it accords in the shape of the antennae and in the numerical structure of the On tarsi a former occasion I stated an opinion that Holo- paramecus might be the means of connecting the Corticaridae with the Scydmaeni, an affinity which appears to be further strengthened by the discovery of the genus Eutheia I took a single specimen of Holoparamecus depressus many years since running up the outside of a flour-mill in Norfolk, which led me to believe that it fed upon grain ; but I have amongst small pieces of decayed came from Mexico I believe, and this ren- since found several specimens wood and bark ders it that probable that bark of trees, and it may live also that it in the crevices is, like many and under the other insects, an imported species The Plant appears to be Thlaspi arvense (IxeviclQ Mustard) 6o6 I c^ 4c^,c,4^ c^, /./^g_^ k 208 COCCINELLA OCELLATA Order Coleoptera Fam Coccinellidae Lat., Leach Type of the Genus Coccinella septem-punctata Linn CocciNELLA Linn., Fab., &c Jntenncc inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, not so long as the thorax, membranous, clavate, compressed, pubescent, 1 -jointed, basal joint short, robust, cup-shaped, 2d ovate, 3d slender, not longer than the 2d, the following short and filiform, the 9th broader obtrigonate, lOth transverse, 11th a little larger than the basal joint, subquadrate (6) Labrum large, pilose, transverse-oval (1) Mandibles subtrigonate, very much rounded externally, acute bifid at the apex ; membranous and ciliated internally, notched towards the base, one producing an elongated tooth (2) Maxillce large, terminated by very pubescent lobes, the external one being articulated and extending beyond the other Palpi nearly as long as the antennae and very robust, 4-jointed, basal joint small, truncated obliquely, 2d large, subovate-truncate, 3d subquadrate, 4th very large, subsecuriform (3) Mentum coriaceous, subquadrate, narrowed at the base, sinuated anteriorly, the angles lobed Lip elongated and membranous, except in the centre, dilated and pubescent anteriorly Palpi arising beyond the middle, neither remote nor long, triarticulate, basal joint small, 2d and 3d of equal length, the former the most and robust, the latter ovate (4) eyes small Thorax transverse, broadest at the base, ante- Head and riorly emarginate, rounded behind Scutellum very minute Elytra hemispherical, broader than the thorax Wings very ample, sometimes twice as long as the elytra Legs short Tibiae spurred, ex- Tarsi all 4-jointed, \st and 2d joints and cushioned beneath, the former long, the latter shorter, depressed obovate, dd small, slender, arising from the back of the 2d near the base, 4th as long as the 1st clavate Claws dilated at the base and notched internally Pulvilli none (5, afore leg) cepting the anterior pair dilated OcELLATA Linn Faun Suec p 156 n 484 Subhemispherical, thickly and minutely punctured, shining, rufous Head and thorax black, with pale ochreous spots at their base, the anterior and lateral margins of the thorax of the same colour, with a black spot on each side near the posterior angles Elytra with black spots on each, ocellated with ochre, viz 2, 3, and a streak near the apex Thighs and under side black ; tibiae piceous at their base, the apex, tarsi and antennae dull castaneous Li the Author's and other Cabinets, This genus is at once a remarkable example of the value of structure in the combination of groups, and of the little importance of the distribution of colour when employed to distinguish species As a genus, Coccinella is so natural that its appellation has never been disturbed; whereas the species comit are so variable, that many of them have been described under a great variety of names posing In our dissertation upon Hemerobius, we remarked that the Coccinellse were amongst the numerous insects that attack the Aphides and keep them within the limits prescribed by Providence: and we regret that our space will not allow of our entering upon so interesting a subject but this want will be supplied by referring to the 1st vol of Kirby and Spence, pages 258 or 262, to vol 2, pages and 230; to the Entomological Transactions ; and descriptions and ample synonyms to the following British species will be found in the 4th part of Gyllenhal, and the 2nd volume of Schonherr ; I Panz 24 9.— C lateralis Fab impustulata /// culata Fab globosa/// Gyll Gyll Oliv 17 — — — pi 4./ 50 20-punctata Fab Don pi 4./ 51 16 -guttata Linn oblongo-guttata Lin7i 11 362 ocellata Lirm Nob 7-punctata Lirm Don —Panz 10, 5-punctata 11 572 dispar //;, 79 — Do7u 19 39 —Don 16 and annulata Linn Don 243 bipunctata and 6-pustulata Linn Don 39 unifascia and 4-pustulata Fab — 20 21 22 23 Don 243 3.— perforata and 7-pustulata Mar 412, 13 variabilis 111 Linn — 24 4-punctata, 610-punctata 25 and I2-punctata Linn 4./ 53 conglobata Linn- — Oliv pi III Panz —margine-punctata,8- 1-punctata, tripunctata, — and 9-punctata Linn 4-maculata, and 10-punctata Fab collaris Payk hieroglyphica Linn flexuosa Fab lineolata,sinuosa, and sinuata Marsh 18-guttata Linn Marsh niutabilis /// Payk IcBta, limbata, 5-niaculata, 6-punctata and 7-notata Fab Don 11 362 3.— Panz 79 13 -punctata Linn Don 16 572 and 11 362 2.— 14punctata Don 39 9-punctata Linn — — — — — — punctata i)o7t 16 542 humeralis Schon Gyll lunaris Marsh punctata, —22-punctata 39 106 — Pantherina Linn 1-notata Mar 11 362 & impunctata Payk Marsh Lhin.—Don — Do7i -I6-ma- — 24-punctata 14-guttata Linn 243 bis-sex-guttata Fab punctata, and 13-maculata Don 12 428 14 C instabilis III ? ] 0-guttata Fab Linn ? A variety probably of the last conglomerataii«« 14-macu15 lata Linn 4-pustulata 16 Linn Oliv frontalis P(iyk The rare and beautiful species figured was first observed by Professor Hooker in Sept 1813, upon the Wild Liquorice, Astragalus glycyphyllos, in a garden at Norwich It was afterwards taken in other parts of Norfolk, and at Windsor in June and Mr John Phillips, to whom I am indebted for specimens, informed me that he captured several the end of March and beginning of April, at Stockton Common, Yorkshire, by shaking the Beech-trees and that they were found upon the old and dead leaves : ;