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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 62

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; CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, COMPRISING THE plants of t\)t £opai Garfcenss of &?&> AMD OF OTHER BOTANICAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN WITH SUITABLE DESCRIPTIONS; BY SIR WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, LL.D., F.R.S.A AND L.8., K.H., D.C.L Oxon., DIRECTOR OF THE ROYAL GARDENS OF KEW VOL XII OF THE THIRD SERIES; {Or VoLLXXXII of the Whole Work.) " Not a flower But shows some touch, in freckle, Of His unrivalled pencil." streak, or stain LONDON: -7 LOVELL REEVE, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1856 JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR, PRINTER, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS THE LADY DOROTHY NEVILL, HANTS, DANGSTEIN AT PLANTS OF COLLECTION WHOSE CHOICE PLACES HER LADYSHIP AMONG THE MOST EMINENT OF THE PATRONESSES OF HORTICULTURE AND BOTANY, E\}t present Uolume is Enscrtfcetf BY HER LADYSHIP'S FAITHFUL AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE ATTTHOE Royal Gardens, Kew, December 1, 1856 Tab 4891 /ESCHYNANTHUS fulgens Flame-coloured JEschgnanthus Nat Ord Cyrtandrace.*: —Didynamia Gymnospermia Gen Char {Vide supra, Tab 4236.) J^schynanthus oblongo-lanceolatis acutninatis carnosis integer- fulgent terminalem umbellam in unifloris pedicellis crassissimo, brcvi petiolo rimis, plurifloram dispositis, calyois ampli laxi tubidoso-infuridibuliformis limbo extriplo calycem corolla? erecto-patentibus, acutis scqualibus lobis B-lobo, styloque staminibus obliquo, limbo gracili tubo (coccinese) clavatse cedentis ; foliis exsertis vEschynanthus fulgens Wall Cat n 797 Be Cand Prodr v p 261 beauless not jEschynantlms of species Our volumes are rich in grandiflorus, JE Tab 3845, our witness present: tiful than the jE.pulclicr, 4264, Tab Nob ; Lobbianus, JE Don Tab 4261, our these, all Of Javanicus jE De Cand and Tab 4503, present species is the most closely allied to the first-mentioned, ; ; viz of form clavate singularly the in especially J3 grandiflorus, of the arrangement the species that in the corolla but : comparatively is corolla the tube of the flowers is very different that and calyx, entire the were it as short and broad, filling up to say nothing of the has long acuminated appressed lobes, figured here species The serrated and narrow leaves, which are ; — Wallich, Dr from specimens have we whence is a native of Tavoy, For our specimens here figured we are gathered by M Gomez indebted to the Messrs Veitch, of the Exeter and Chelsea Exotic been having October, 1855), in flowered Nurseries (with whom it blosto seems It Lobb Thomas Mr collected at Moulmein by som freely, and few plants can exceed it in beauty, especially if suspended in a wire or small trellis basket branched slightly straggling, terete, Descr Stems thick, Leaves opposite, large, bright and deep green, thick, fleshy, oblong-lanceolate, approaching to ovate, acuminate, entire, a little older the in visible only or obsolete, carinated at the back nerves ; JANUAKY 1ST, 1856 leaves, edge where the parenchyma is ti a little Bhrivelled, and where the somewhat sinnated with only a collected into a terminal pair of small leaves at ti red i Calyx longer than the pedio cylindrical and infundibuliform, lax (much wider than the tube of the corolla), its I erecto-patent, of five equal acute rat hi thrice as long as the calyx, club-shaped r smail lob that is, with tube long and slender, gradually enlarged and widened upwards, laterally compressed, contracted at the five-lobed and somewhat two-lipped limb, lower lobe longer and reflexed colour of the : tlu- : corolla bright crimson, the lobes each Stamens did) namous, much exsertcd: Style also much exserted Calyx and Erratum.— It pistil, \a i Pistil marked with black joined in pai tlu much li, dilated and bypogynotu cup - should have been said under Tab 4886, Demhohiu, Larthia, that the figure and description were communicated by Mr Thwaites who has recently sent living plants to Kew, which have not Jyet had time to flower 49S2 vVTitch del ( TSaoeni : Tab 4892 LAPAGERIA rosea Rose-coloured Lapayeria Nat Ord Smilacb/E Gen Char Lapageria : : var albiflora white-flowered var —Hexandbia Monogynia {Fide supra, Tab 4447.) rosea Pav Fl Perm, et CHI Lapagekia Kunth, Emm Plant, Syst Veyet v p 99 Bot Syst v p 646 rosea Ruiz Var albiflora; et v 2>.p v floribus albis basi subroseis immaculatis 65 t 297 Spreny Walp Ann p 284 (Tab 4892.) Botanical the in rosea Lapageria the Ill our anxiety to figure gardens our to introduced was species the as Magazine as soon and Exeter the of Veitch, Messrs the and by Mr Wheelwright acknowledged, then as use, made we Chelsea Exotic Nurseries, Chili in executed Lobb, William Mr by drawing of a coloured to satisfaction small no was it and natali loco ; from the plant in abundo as they us, with flowered plants us to find, when the Fernery), temperate (the greenhouse moist and cool dantly in a ' ' regards is, as that accurate extremely was that the colouring ^had obhowever, Pavon, and Ruiz plant the usual state of the " rose to rose-crimson." from vary served that the flowers sent by plant healthy fine a Paris, at Plantes, des Jardin In the approachflowers, white large produced has M Abadi from Chili, ; base the rose at of tinge a with cream-colour, ing indeed to in being artist Our three-flowered to the flowerstalks each twopermisgranted obligingly Decaisne Paris at the time, Professor Magazine this in publication for it of taken sion for a figure to be we Tab our 4447, under described fully The species being and size greater the besides that than need not here say more greener and larger are bracts the flowers, different colour of the upon the peduncles, covering Fig Pistil :—nat JANUARY 1ST, 1856 size them for their entire length Transverse section of ovary :— magnified 'tS93 ; Tab 4893 WEIGELA // Vit Ord 'rinkle-leaved Weigela CaPBIFOLIACEjE (li'ii AMABILIS — PeNTAMHUA Char (Pick supra, T.us MoNOGYNIA 4:}'.)»'>.) Weigbla amabilis; ramulia petiolis foliorum costis pubescent i-hirtis, folii< oraobovatiave acuminatia reticulatim rugoaia inferne in petioliuu longiuacu- lis lum attenuatia, floribua axill&ribua aolitariia vel plurimia terminalibua latis aubaesailibua vel umbel- pedicellatis, pedicellia bibracteolatia, laciniia calycinia Linearibua erectia appreaaia ovariiaque biapidis, corolla tubo elongato limbi lobis sinunto-crcnatis W kigelia amabilia "Plattck 27 des Serret, v 8.;; 855." At 'our Tub 4396, under Weigela rosea, we expressed our doubts as to the propriety of separating Weigela, Lindley (Calysphyrum, Bunge), from DierviUa, with which Siebold and Zuccarini, and, following them, Walpers, unite it; and doubting, too, as to //' rosea being distinct from D florida, Sieb et Xucc and, in reply to the query of a correspondent in the Gardeners' Chronicle (vol for 1S53, p 530), it is answered: "We are un' how many species of Weigela are known to botanists In garden we have W rosea (just alluded to), //' Minderdorfiana, certain the and W lutea ; but the last n alias of Dierand we not know how far the others are distinct In books also occur //' pauciflora and florida but the latter is " We have now to connearly if not quite the same sider the question of the disi of the one under consideration from the last mentioned Certainly, with flowering species ot each in our hand, the readily distinguish betwi them but with the exception of the stronger reticulation of the If amabilis, i - < •; ; of the ot present plant, and the corolla, there placed : such as they is no character on which are, and we regret reliance can be we have included them in the specific we have not the opportunity of consult- the' Flore drs £ M Planchon It is, we presume, JAMWi the undulately ennate lobes is like by rosea, a native of China speci //" ibtished — — — : Europe, of which very few indeed appear to have germinated Our solitary plant was reared from a seed gathered by Burke and, although now only about five feet high, it has for several years produced spikes of flowers, and these, in one instance, were succeeded the following year (1856) by several fruits of the size here represented, but which fell off before they were mature The tree bears our severest winters perfectly unharmed Descr This is said by Douglas to form a beautiful tree in its native country, varying in height from twenty to seventy feet make our description from our own small plant above mentioned, which is branched almost to the base, the young branches tawny or golden -colour Leaves, the smallest of the Chestnut- We kind, two and a half to three inches long, shortly petiolate, ovato- oblong, acuminate, coriaceous, entire, glabrous, very dark green and somewhat glossy above beneath clothed with dense, minute, farinaceous scales of a golden-yellow colour Spikes of flowers from the axils of the upper or terminal leaves, as long as, or shorter than, the leaves, on short peduncles Male flowers occupying the upper half, numerous, crowded female flowers one to ; ; three or flowers five, : distant, scattered at the base, all sessile Perianth cup-shaped, small, lobes external; three inner less villous Stamens ten much longer to twelve or thirteen than the perianth : villous, Male six-cleft, three than the outer ones filaments long, flexuous, Female flowers, accom- panied by some imperfect stamens Perianth as in the male Ovary having its base incorporated with the perianth, very hispid, dividing above into three glabrous styles These ovaries remained the whole winter on the plant and during the following summer became a three-lobed frui t of the size represented at fig 5, and then fell off immature before the autumn It is three-lobed, and very prickly, as in Castanea vesca ; removed from the perianth Male flower :— Stamen and inner lobe of the perianth: fruit Immature magnified nat size Scale, and portion of another scale, constituting the golden farinaceous substance on the under side of the leaves magnified Fig Female flower Pistil : WRTdi (U.eOith "VEbcent 3to3a Tab 4954 SINNINGIA Youngiana Dr Young's Sinningia Nat Ord Gesneriace;E —Didynamia — Gen Angiospermia plecampanulatus, Calyx emend Sinningia, Nees ah Esenb inflatus vel gibbus varie dorsoque subtus ruraque 5-alatus Corolla tubus pertuberoso, rhizomate tropicae, Americae Stigma storaatomorphum Suffrutices C/iar — ennes Hanstein in Linnaa, v 26 p 204 tubus Corolla exalatus patulus, Calyx emend Ligeria, Bene.— Gen Char, oblique ventricoso-carapanulatus (ex basi angustata sursum paullatim ampliatus) pertuberoso, rhizomate tropicae, Stigma stomatomorphum Herbae Americae — ennes Hanstein in Linnaa, v 26 p 204 herbaceo caule tuberoso, rhizomate Sinningia (bybrida) Youngiana; pubescens, ovato-oblongis vel oblongis petiolatis erecto purpurascente, foliis oppositis flonbus pallidionbus, subtus viridibus acutis margine crenatis supra nitidis triduplo petiolo pedunculis axillaribus vel terminalibus solitariis amplis, corollae acuminata, ovatis plove superantibus, calyce 5-alato, laciniis ampliato, paullatim sursum (purpureae vel violacefe) tubo ex basi angustato inclusis, stammibus patentibus, limbo 5-fido, lobis subsequalibus rotundatis stomatostigmate cingente, subulatas antheris cormexis, ovario glandulas morpho Botany, Magazine of Paxtons in Sinningia Youngiana Marnock cum v.l.p.H- icon Sinningia Gloxinia violacea Hortor violacea Pope Steudel, Nomencl Bot ed p 690 ? pronomenclature If we were to adopt the strictly scientific Continental various by of posed by Dr Klotzsch, and approved this upon confer to obliged be should we eminence, botanists of as to so speciosa, velulina Ligeria Sinningia of plant the name ab Wees velutma, Sinningia between hybrid a show that it is Lodd.) speciosa, (Gloxinia Esenb., ? , and Ligeria speciosa, Dene of purposes the answering well however name,

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:30


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