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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 17

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: CURT S' S I Magazine; Botanical ^ O R, Difplayed Flower-Garden WHICH* IN in cultivated Plants, Foreign The moft Ornamental Stove, the and Houfe, Greenthe Open Ground, reprefented in accurately the are their natural Colours TO WHICH ARE ADDED, according Characters, Specific and Generic Their Names, Clafs, Order, to the celebrated Linnaeus j their Places of Growth* and Times of Flowering: TOGETHER WITH CULTURE OF METHODS APPROVED THE MOST WORK A Intended for the as Gardeners, and Gentlemen, Ladies, Ufe of fuch cultivate they Plants the with acquainted with to become fcientifically JOHN By SIMS, M D Societies Linnean and Fellow of the Royal VOL The Flowers, which grace XLI their native beds, heads, blufhing their forth put Awhile day, parting of clofe the e'er But, wither, fhrink, and die away : They made, hath fkill mimic which But these, made, by killed nor funs, Nor fcorched by Shall blufh with Which art lefs inconftant hue, at pleafure can renew Lloyd LONDON: Printed by Publiihed And Stephen Couchman, Throgmorton-Strcet Jones, & Neely, Sherwood, by Sold by 20, Pater nofler-Row Ireland and Great-Britain in Bookfellers the principal MDCCCXV J&&2 ,fvdm£J*onirDet Adl tyi/" 0*& Wa/wvn'/i Afov / fj/f^""^^^^ Flfm [ i68 ] Convolvulus purpureus (£.) varius Striped-flowered Bindweed ## fr fr fr* ' Clqfs P $ and Order Pentandria Monocynia Generic Characler Cor campanulata, plicata Stigm Cap/ 2-locularis : loculis- difpermis Specific Characler CONVOLVULUS divifis, PL (0.) (volubilis) ; foliis fruclibus p varius; purpureus and Synonyms 852 cernuis, pedicellis incrafiatis h Bot Mag et N - 113 cordatis in- Willd Sp 1005 corollis albis Cteruleo-jlriatis Philip Miller remarked were three or four permanent varieties of this fpecies, which he had not found to change by cultivation He enumerates one with white, another with red, and a third with pale blue flowers and whit? feeds The variety figured at No 1005 of this work is ftill more remarkable than any of thefe, and has been publifhed by J acquis in his Hortus Schoenbrunenfis, v pi 261, as a diftinct fpecies, under the name of Ipomgea difcolor Weihmann, in his Phytanthozaiconographia, voL tab 414 and 415, has figured four varieties, one of which has a considerable refemblance to our prefent plant, having blue and white flowers with five red bands ; but the colours are not fo neatly definedj being rather in blotches than Itnpes The Honourable William Hkrbert communicated the fpecimen from which our drawing was taken, with a remark that he had raifed it from feeds for five generations, without obferving any difpofition in it to change its characters have however feen fome flowers all white, and in a bed of them that there We at Mr Knight's exotic nurfery, during the prefent fummer, a flower of the ufual purple cplour upon the very fame fl'em at with others like our drawing This obfervation is decifive with refpea to its claim to be confidered as a diftina fpecies Mr Herbert informs greenhoufe, us, that it ripens feeds freely in the the open ground This but not fo readily in gentleman received the feeds from Cadiz Requires the fame treatment as the other varieties Jftfa : i68 L" ] OXALIS VARIABILIS, var ALBIFLORA WhITEFLOWERED VARIABLE WOOD-SORREL $$ $-$ $-$ &% sJHJnf* $• * $* C/rf/i fc $ -M- aôi Order Decandria Pentagynia Generic Charatler Tetala 5, unguibus connexa «S7j;;; insequalia Cap/, angulis dehifcens, exteriora, ball connata Cal 5-phyllus breviora 5-gona Specific Charatler OXALIS variabilis; flaccido, foliis formi, Sp (y.) ftylis PL OXALIS ; unifloro longiorc ternatis fubrotundis, folio intermedio cuneifoliis flaminibus exterioribus brevioribus Willd 777 purpurea Thunb Oxal OXALIS fcapo Jacq Oxal 89 / 52 et 53 fcapis petiolorum longitudine, limbo corolla magno albo p albiflora acaulis, and Synonyms 11 (£.) viridibus, limbo albo p 13 grandifiora In the colour and totis foliis Jacq Oxal fize of its n 68 / 54 ? flowers, our plant correfponds with the grandifiora of Jacquin, which is probably only a variety of variabilis The red colour on the under furface of the leaves, according to Jacquin himfelf, is not conftant We having feen the individual plant from which our drawing was taken, we had no opportunity of examining the proportionate length of the ftyles and ftamens, which Jacquin confiders as a very important and conftant received however two pots of character x a l i s variabilis^ one with red, the other with white and pale flowers, from regret, that not We O Loddiges ; many of the flowers of which we examined care, but were much difappointed to find that the fituation MefTrs with of the fiigmas feemed to vary according to circumftances; fometimes they were placed below the lower feries of anthers, more frequently between the two feries, and now and then in faded flowers above both To us it appeared that, if examined in a very early Mate, the more of anthers were packed clofe together one upon the other, and the ftigmas were feen in the middle, even with the upper ones ; but that in a little time the longer ftamens fhot above them, and the ftigmas paffed out between the filaments, and were then found above the lower and under the upper feries of anthers, and when the days were cold, this feemed to be their permanent fituation ; but when the fun fhone and the day was warm, or from fome unknown circumftance, the fhorter two feries up above the ftigmas, and thefe were found below both feries of anthers It feemed too that the ftyles fometimes began to grow after the filaments had ceafed to fo, and fhot up beyond the longed ftamens; but it was only in faded flowers that we found the ftigmas in this fituation, and not filaments likewife fhot often in thefe We had no reafon whatever to fuppofe that there could be different fpecies in the fame pot ; yet, when we find fo experienced a Botanift as J acq u in, aficrting that he had paid the greateft attention to this fubject for five fucceflive years, and had examined a thoufand individuals without finding the character vary, in the fame fpecies, in a fingle inftance, we hefitate to put the fame confidence in our few experiments, as we fhould otherwife have done, and muft leave it to farther inveftigation Our drawing was made at Mr William Griffin's, SouthLambeth, in July laft JTrfM J'ttk gy >-a—Jcr\v~£- r r ' - 7>f& tynMnm Wf»Mm/4,pir* //* : [ 20 Lawson's Heath Erica Lawsoni Clafs ] and Order OcTANDRIA MONOGYNIA Generic Characleu Cat 4-phyllus Cor perfiftens : limbo connexee lateralia foramina per anthefm — 4-fido Anther* ante Cap/ 4— 8-locularis, 8-valvis Specific Character Seel III Coniflor* grandes and Synonyms Corollse in/erne diktat*femuncia Ion- terminates Flores mutic* Antherae B mores foliolis calycinis proximis, calyci bradeis ERICA Laivfoni; quafloribufque ciliatis foliis exferto, fubulatisj ftigmate ternis fhrub branched pyramidal, upright, Descr Stem a low, ftiff with edge the at ciliated Leaves four together, oblong, as only, leaf the of point the at fhort hairs, which are branched naked the to vifible barely far as we have obferved, and there at the grow colour, rofe bright Flowers, which are of a eye generally more or fingly, extremities of the branches, either growing {hoot the branches, four together ; but on the leading axillary confequence in out beyond them, the flowers become coloured and edge the at ciliated Calyx of four fubulate leaflets, but only calyx, the like and to at the tip j braHes two, clofe very fhort the of bafe the at half the length j there is a third leal, from terminal the as regard peduncle, but this we rather it coloured like is nor grows; the axil of which the peduncle dilong, inch an about tube Corolla urceolate : the other two upwards contraQed bafe, the lated and fomewhat diaphanous at margins the with laciniae of the limb ovate-acute more or lels rolled : Filaments almoit as tine rolled inwards anthers within beardlefs, glands at the bale : the tube as a fpider's thread Germen oblong, without Jiigma dark purple, nearly globular, without the tube This plant has very near affinity with Erica tenuiflora of the Hortus Kewenfis, from which it differs, not only in the colour of its flowers, but in having ciliated leaves and an exferted fligma In many refpects it correfponds alfo with Erica ferntlata, though the form of the corolla removes it into a different fettion Our drawing was made from a plant communicated by Mr R Sweet We have been favoured alfo with a fpecimen of the fame, from Meffrs Lee and Kennedy, under the name that we have adopted, and from which our was taken Native of the Cape of and July descrip- tion Good Hope Flowers in May, June, J,"//i Sytf'fifxrarti'r r"S -**W *f S a~Ar tra/~ 151 (a.) (j3.) crocea AZALEA The Fl Am Bor \ flammea jloribus flammco-calendulaceis ; Michaux Purfb Fl Am Sept 151 floribus croceis calendulacea flowers of this Hort Kew Epit inter addenda variety refemble very much thofe of confiderably are They fcent without are Azalea pontica, but and the nudiflora Azalea of ; varieties the larger than any of which is numerous genus a In fhrub plant itfelf forms a loftier varieties, it is extremely into run to difpofed and io exceedingly calyx hairy and the charaBers; fpecific good difficult to find it from diftinguifh corolla, the of border tube fhorter than the nearly allied is moft it foliage in which coccinea, (No 180.) to The flameclamminefs from free The flower is not entirely coloured variety J is faid by Mr Pursh to be, without exception, the This author refers to 321, where we find a fhrub fpoken of the handfomefl; fhrub in North-America Bartram's Travels, p with flowers like a Rhododendron, but in fruit more reBut this would appear to be very diffembling an Azalea from either of the above varieties, as the corolla is faid Mr William Bartram, to be white with narrow fegments however, and probably with juftice, claims the firft difcovery of this plant, as appears by a fpecimen in pofleflion of Sir Joseph Banks, colle&ed by that traveller, about the year 774, accompanied with remarks ; in which, in his ufual florid ftyle, he obferves, that " it is the mod brilliant, fhewy, and gay flowering fhrub, perhaps, in the world ; it grows four, fix, or eight feet high, increafes greatly by fuckers, and the flowers make a moft fplendid fhow in the vaft plains, and on the fides of the hills, in Weft-Georgia and lower Cherokee country, in the months of April and May The flowers are of all fhades, from a paie cream colour to a fplendid golden yellow, orange, and mod perfe£t fcarlct or flame colour ; and all thefe colours are fometimes feen on different branches of the fame plant, as well as on feparate plants , but a rofe-blufh or purple tint never ocferent curs in the flowers of this fpecies." Our drawing was made in the beginning of June 1812, from a plant brought over by Mr Lyons; we received fpecimens from Meffrs Fraser's American Meffrs Loddiges and Sons alfo Nurfery, and from C »7& ] Hedysarum bupleurifolium Hares- ear-leaved Hedysarum C/tf/} #»i Order DlADELPHIA DECANDRIA Generic Character Cal 5-fidus Cor carina tranfverfe obtufa Lomentum articulis i-1'pennisj compreflis Specific Charatler HEDYSARUM acutis, bupleurifolium; caule inermi, Willd p 1171 Coram p 50 ORNITHOPODIUM Gaz 18 / fimplicibus foliis ftipulis Hort / and Synonyms Kew fcariofis Ianceolatis Sp ed alt p PL 1051 339 Roxb 194 madarafpatanum, bupleurifolio Petiv 11./ 12 HEDYSARUM gramineum Willd Sp PL 1172 ? Obf p 26 IVendl Hort Herrenhus p / Re/z Willdenow Petiver has expreffed a doubt whether the figures of and Pl uk en ft not belong to gramineum rather than to bupleurifolium The was probably intended for neither, but is too bad to be referred with certainty to any thing; but Petiver's is really good, for a mere outline, and undoubtedly reprefents our plant Hedysarum gramineum in Hortus Herrenhufen, does not appear to be different; and Retzius's defcription of the fame accords both with Roxburgh's and our figure of bupleurifolium cannot but conclude therefore that thefe plants in reality make but one fpecies, and that gramineum ought to be expunged from the fyftem A final perennial woody fpecies Native of the Eaft-Indies j where it grows, according to Roxburgh, among long grafs in dry ground; flowering during the wet and cold feafons With latter We I us it requires the heat of the bark ftove Propagated by feeds M/J22 PuSZi',''furKr 'Va/w.'rM^jorf fStS 1723 [ ] Campanula punctata Spotted Bell-flower »$$ *** Clqfs and Order, Pentandria Monogynia Generic CharaBer Cor fundo claufo valvis campanulata, ?.rifidum ftaminiferis Stigma Cap/, infera, poris lateralibus dehifcens Specific Character CAMPANULA fimplici and Synonyms punctata; capfulis trilocularibus obtecYis, caule ere&o foliofo, foliis fubpetiolatis, floribus nutanti- PL l.p 907 punctata; hirfuta, foliis radicalibus petiolatis ovatis acutis ferratis, floribus ccrnuis interne punclatis vil- bus Willd Sp CAMPANULA lous Lamarck Encyc 579 CAMPANULA calycibus e tergo lamellis quinque notatis, pedunculis unifloris Gmel Sib p 155 / 30 well reprefented by Gmelin, never taken was but Sibirica; Flora the of volume third in the in appear any ever it did believe, we nor, LinnvEUs, up by Encyclopedic the in it inferted Lamarck till lyftem, general The Campanula punclata is Botanique infide, fiiews on the being corolla, the of The dried, than in when evidently, more but faintly, rather through fpotting the recent flower We plant, very rare of this fpecimen living a with were favoured Lamfriend B our A by February, of the latter-end from Siberian feeds, bert, Efq who Boyton A hardy perennial Native of Siberia the mountainous open country raifed it at his feat at ; growing in [ SlLENE REGIA, !724 ] SPLENDID CaTCH-FLY $ #»»$»»$$»»$$»$ Oafs and Order Decandria Trigynia Generic Cat Chamber monophyllus, ventricofus Petala 5, unguiculata fupera, femitrilocularis, apice dehifcens, polyfperma Specific Character SILENE regia, (ereBa, and Synonyms vifcofo-pubefcens) cyhndncis, petalis lanceolatis SILENE virginica; Cap/ calycibus floris indivifis, genitalibus exertis var illinoenfis Mkhaux Fl Bor Am 1, p- 272 i MUSCIPULA regia, Bannifterii Tetiv Herb Firg * The Silene regia, though nearly related to virginica, mull, we apprehend, be conlidered as a diftinB fpecies for the latter ; delcribed as being decumbent, and having bifid petals may perhaps be the variety found by Michaux in is It the Illinois country; and poflibly it may have been the fame that Bannister fent a defign of to the Bifhop of London Whether it be fo or not, his name of regia cannot be badly applied to the moit fplendid plant of the genus The to us as rivalling in brilliancy the fcarcely to be imitated by art We flowers are reprefented Lobelia>/W a colour had not the opportunity of feeing this plant whilft living, but upon examining the dried fpecimens in Mr Lambert's herbarium, we find that the petals are fometimes emarginate Native of North-America Found by Mr Nutt a l, growing fpontaneoufly in great abundance, in the environs of St Louis, on the Miffilippi ; from whofe feeds our plant was raifed in the garden of A B Lambert, Efq at Boy ton, where it grew to the height of between two and three feet A J>u& fW Hto/wr'M'tjr*' &*& ttrt/- v-v J{'/?2S J^Ab^.^C /^*r ; 1725 C ] SWAINSONA CORONILLIFOLIA PURPLE^ FLOWERED SWAINSONA #»# »# » »» »»»$ and Order Clafs DlADELPHIA DECANDRIA Generic Character Cat 5-dentatus Vexillum explanatum, majus Carina obtufa Stigma terminale J/jZ/wpofticelongitudinaliter barbatus; antice Swainimberbis Legumen turgidum (non veficarium) Brown fona, Salisb — Loxidium, — Venten Specific Character SWAINSONA dec gen nov and Synonyms vexillo bicallofo,caulefuffruticoro coronillifolia ; ere£lo, pedicello leguminis filamentis perfiftentibus (parum) breviore Broivn in Hort Kew ed alt p 327 SWAINSONA As Salijb coronilUfolia tbis plant is a native of New Farad Lond 28 South-Wales in Auftralafia, circumftance, in itfelf, leads to a fufpicion that it ought to be confidered as a genus diftincl; from Co lute a, otherwile we characters with the fatisfied have been hardly mould we that own diftinguifhed The to be are attempted genera two the which by this only contrafted points given the fti INDEX I N D E X In which the Latin Names of the $ Plants contained in the Forty- Fir/} fy Plants contained in the Forty-Firjl Volumezre alphabetically arranged ^ Volume are alphabetically arranged 721 Azalea calendulacea 708 Bauhinia porre&a (#.) crocea Braffia maculata Campanula punctata 695 Commelina tuberofa 682 Convolvulus purpureus, 723 var (£.) varius 68,5 Cofmea lutea Crotalaria pulchella Delphinium grandiflorum Donia fquarrofa Doryanthes excelfa Erica Lawfoni Eugenia Jambos Hasmanthus tigrinus, Hedyfarum bupleurifolium 720 696 705 722 703 Helonias brafteata 702 Hibifcus Manihot 704 Lachenalia quadricolor, (7 ) lutea 7°9 Liatris fcariofa 692 Lobelia variifolia Myoporum parvifblium 687 Narciffus viridiflorus 6q8 Oxalis rofacca variabilis, v albiflora 683 v rubra 712 718 Pelargonium radicatum 707 Petaloftemum violaceum 684 Pittofporum viridiflorum 714 Polygala mixta ftipulacea l l 694 7*3 7*7 97 710 688 701 of the Protea acuminata formofa 72 Azalea, orange-coloured 723 682 705 691 724 695 689 718 699 706 685 696 720 722 703 702 687 704 Bell-flower, fpotted 694 697 latifolia volutum 724 Silenc regia 7»9 Sprengelia incarnata Swainfona coronillifolia, Bindweed, ftriped-flowered Blood-flower, tiger.fpotted Braflia, fpotted-flowered Catch-fly, fplendid Commelina, tuberous-rooted Cofmea, yellow-flowered Crane's-bill,fleihyfringed-leaved' Crotalaria, large-flowered Donia, fnake-headed Doryanthes, gigantic Eugenia, narrow-leaved Heath, Lawfon's Hedyfarum, hares ear-leaved Helonias, leafy- flowered Hibifcus, palmated-leaved Jonquil, green autumnal Lachenalia, fpotted-leaved yel- 709 Liatri.s, fcarious-cupped 692 Lobelia, various-leaved 714 Milk- wort, heath-leaved ftipuled 715 708 Mountain-Ebony, fmooth-leaved 693 Myoporum, fmall-leaved 688 Oily-grain, or Indian Sefamum 707 Petaloftemon, purple- flowered 684 Pittofporum, green-flowered 713 Protea, crown- flowered 717 Pteronia pauciflora Sarracenia variolaris Sefamum indicum Sefuvium Portulacaftrum 690 Thalia 700 Adam's needle, tall.ftemmed^ low 686 Larkfpur, great-flowered 7ii Matthiola odoratifiima 93 Names PL PI 689 699 686 706 In which the Englifh 701 (/3.) re- rayed-flowered fharp-pointed Pteronia, few.flowered Sefamum, fee Oily-grain Sefuvium, Purflane-leaved Side-faddle-flower, hook-leaved 710 719 Sprengelia, flefh-coloured Stock Perfian, 71 725 Swainfona, purple-flowered 690 Thalia, mealy 716 Verbcftna, wing-ftalked 712 Wood.forrel, red-flowered va698 rofe coloured 083 white -flowered dealbata 7i6 Verbefina alata 700 Yucca aloifolia variable Printed [riable by S Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, London, ... and on Barbary neutral fpontaneoufly on the Coaft Its ground" between Gibraltar and St Roque, in 179 1 natural feafon of flowering, like that of Narcissus Jerotinus, (a fpecies from the fame parts... which, and articulated, is labellum a man Brass, of of Mr commemoration in named was It confiderable botanical knowledge, who went to Africa feveral and Banks Drs Sir plants for Joseph collecl; to

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:25


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