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Memoirs MCZ 0005

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AUG 15 ImoxxB of fy ^*J S^it^nim o( €ompxxuixbt ^oiikgn i^t AT HAKVARD COLLEGE YoL XXX No REPORTS ON AN EXPLORATION OFF THE WEST COASTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND OFF THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS^ IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U S FISH COJ\lMISSION Sri^lAMlCR "ALBATROSS," DURING 1891, LIEUT COMMANDER Z L TANNER, U S N., COMMANDING rHE RADIATING ORGANS OF THE DEEP SEA FISHES By EOBKIIT VON LENDENPELD WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE BUD-LIKE ORGANS OF MALTHOi^SLS SPINIILOSA GARMAN By EMANUEL TROJAN i WITH ELEVEN PLATES, AND A \ CllAKT [rubUshod by rermission of Maksiiall OF McDonald of Fiah and THE llOUTE and Gkokge M Rowkrs, iMsUorlca.] CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A.: Printeii for tijc ittttscum, August, 1905 U S Commissioiiorg Si p i u *^ S CONTENTS OF TABLE Page (2) ^^''^ INrKODUCTlOiN The Fishes with Radiating DllSCRlFnON OF THE RADIATING OIIGANS (1) The Bassozetas nasas (PI 4, Figs 4-1 7) Leacicorus hischsus (PI 3, Figs 170 10-13) Fishes with Ockllak Kaui- 24,25) • ohscura (PI- 0, ^^** • Figri 31-37) (PL G, 7, 17G 1,2; 1^^ * 28-30) 5, 1^'^ Figs 21-23) W ChauUodus barhatus 38-40; PI Idiacanllms 1), (1*1 (PI 183 • 1*^1 203 (Pi 1, Figs 203 CONCLUSIONS LITERATURE ^'^*'' ^07 Bud-lhve the of Stuuctuke The Ok 4ii ('Iiimlfcdns biivhaUis (hmniUL I y^ ^ h I I L Plate 10 ll I'll :, t- ;: I 'I Id n III l4 [• r I I '41 'Nr ll I In ^'1 iki 'Hx L4r ' In In L I |-> , II ^ ' I |1 i; II n 1^1 Plate 10 n I I Stomias hexagonatuB Garman Figs 47-51 Fig 47 The fish Drawing; natural seen from the aide radiating organs J compound anterior lateral al, size, i venlrocaudal compound a, radiating organs ; guttural g, I It, \, M> compound radiating organs; L, radiating organ of th(^ barbel; ml, medial lateral compound radiating organs; so, suborbital radiating organ; vc, ventromedial compound radiating organs; ventrotlioracic vt, compound i[ h H ' ^^ II radiating organs Fig 48 Drawing; natural size, a, ventrooaudal compound radiating organs; al, anterior lateral compound radiating organs; g, guttural componnd radiating organs; ml, medial lateral compound radiating organs; \^e, ventromedial compound radiating organs; vt, ventrothoracic compound radiating The fish seen from below ^^ I , organs Fig 49 I Transverse section through tlie Drawing; picric aeid-fuchsin pc, ; onter distal part of the cyiindroconic piug-slniped componnd part of a ventrothoracuc conic plug I r i radiating organ TruLgnificd 280 : transverse sections of cells in tlie ce, Sl-ained: , ih haematoxylin- central facet of c^dindro- outer facets of the (;jlin I h4 I L hi 4h h n ll -II ;: r I I "*l '¥' r I III 'Hi Fishes -Radiating organ s ^^Albatro3s"Ex, 1891 Plats 10 \ ^: h h| L L I I h I I I^> 'X^>~*^."^i»Vta al ^^^- k^^^i T—-W- if«, ^ V 7A( I *-^ I v^^^A^TB^- '^n^-^ \\ - i 'I ye vi a -^h-' I ;i /.'? > : !;; Kr ^ rv^ -' .4 j -^ ' 'iiii Ij^ ^cr ^1 L s ?j- ^i; „ ^^.- A w^ lJ>*-^~ r/> 7' 'u^ ^J-^ J r^'viiV^N-ziiii^^ ^/.9 ' -v-^\ ^ l^- /'"'I r A r I pt -^^x^iui h 'fi/ {^-^^ J \ " 'I B \ I& '-, fl.MeiselJlthiaston STOMIAS HEXAGOWATUS Garm ph jy-'^ " t1 ^- -h: Plate 11 .'>.l-n.r-^>^-" I I IPI J ill:; M I % Mfcl ; II I pi|!, '« ^ I El h> I r H|h tri lii: Pit " t F :^' 'ih^ PM I !!l ' h n 'P^ \'Y Til ' ^ I ' ^ I 'hi h h ' ^L h ih h h I Ihl I I ih I If I tk :," ii:: iii 'A ;:' -.: Plate U r^pt •I' !!? ii;; iiii Fig 52 Fig 53 Tiie fish seen from KndiatiDg HalosauruB nidiatuH 52-57 Fi'S (jlarnian :;: iih 'Ll tlic side Drawing; riataral size ::; ;; cepiialic disc in traiisoiitted riiolograph; magtiincd ilglit : 17 ^h| W, t'^ 1d !! large blood veBScl leading to the disc; main disc nerve; n, n', smaller ac- l I L Fig 54 cessory disc nerves Radiating cephalic disc in transmitted h I h n , ^ I Photograph; magnilied light main disc nerve; large blood vessels leading to the disc; n, n', : 11 b', smaller ac- V cessory disc nerves Fig 55 17 b', Radiating cephalic disc in transmitted light Photograpli; magnified nerve; n^ smaller acmain disc n, disc; the leading to vessel blood large : Ml I a Li Fig 56 cessory disc nerves Transverse section throngh a cephalic radiating disc along its longer axis Stained haematoxylin-picric acid-fnchsin Drawing magnified 42 b, close capillary i h : W h : ; ii; network of blood vessels underlying leading to the disc; c, tlie cylinder thickened connective cell layer tisstie of the ; b', hirge blood vessel inner wall oi" !; the slime canal on which the cylinder cell layer rests; cv, cavity of slime canal; d, cylindrical cells of the radiating disc; m, marginal zone of tiie radiating disc; n, main disc nerve; s, r- onter wall of slime canal :' Fig 57 Ih Part of a transverse section through the cylinder cell layer of a cephalic radiaXing Drawing; magnified 200 Stained: haemotoxylin-picric acid-fnchsin disc Jh ' ' : 1^ b, c, h network of blood vessels underlying the cylinder cell layer: thickened connective tissue of the inner wall of the slitne canal on which the I close capillary > J cylinder cell layer rests; d, cylindrical cells of the radiating discs h Pi ^1 ]l [ r [^ FL fh b \^ ]^ !^' I ^ h L I I ^n I ^ I w 1P t r •i\r 11- Jit ' Hi ^M^ g l^rn h h h| cri r ' M i 1\i:i hkh kit h '*it ^ ^ I ' ^ ^ I r '* L hM I hih ^p^ '^1 h h "Albatross ^Ex , hL ^ ORGAN s :^7SHES-RADiArJNG Plate 52 If lb • m h H I -f «-r«^ ^y\ ry^ rr \ ,4-r:J.:^ \V' ^A^.; r-; ; ^ Ht- / ' y 'c J~ ^J I \^ -^^h^;^;^?^^' \' 'Ml K^y^y^' h '^^ !^' h ' I 1P ^^ ;^- Y V ^_.-p#'TTff^^J^^l^^ ;:^ ^v K i/ b ' > ; ^\/\J ) f.j- ;:;: W iih he ^/ 'lb "'I -' r ^A >y '>/ *t^ \v l^ -h: ii L'k Ml i k h , ffcl hi ifc !! Ll Lh I lb '1 i; i I*' I 4h Hf i H If, ^; ^: Plh h I L I , b ii :; !: n: I Agassiz Albatross cruise 1891 Lendenfeld Platb, Xil ? V II 'Ml The following Fub Heat ions of Aluseum contain Reports on the & charge of Alexander Agassi-z, of the IL 1891^ Lieut, Commander Z L, Tanner^ Three Letters from Alexander Fish Oommission Steamer ''Albatross^' during Z7 Agassi?: to the Hon & iV., Commanding XVIIL C McDonald, U S Couuni8aioncr of Fish and Fisheries, on the Dredging Marsliall Operations of M Bull XXI No C Z., Vol in 1801 Calamocrinus Diomed^e, a new Stalked Crinold from the Galapa- Mem M gos XVII No C Z., Vol 95 pp 32 Plates General Sketch of the Expe- M May, XXIIL Bulk M 1801 No Vol Z., C February, 1892 XX A XXI IV LunwiG II XXII IL Vorkiufiger Bericht iiber die C Z., V (^Ko June, 1893 No VI Vll W Faxoh Descriptions No September, 25 pp 1893 of ber, 1893 IX McM W 17 Xk Tii s XII H XXV No' Decem- Z., C XXV Vok C Z., Plate No ll No.O 109 pp XIV XXV No Jhdk M C XXX ^V W Faxon The Vok XVIIL Bulk M Mem M (hustaeea XXXL W 12 ^VIL C Die Pelagischcn Bulk M C April, 1895 Z., Vok 20 pp XXV XXXIII The Sponges Bulk March, No Mem M 190L July, 26 Plates 48 pp The Radiating 11 Plates, Chart The Panamic Deep Sea Mem M C Z., Vol XXXL A Agassiz 1904 E 10, 243 pp VON Makknzki.leu llydro-Korallen Vok XLllL No 10 pp E 112 No C Z., August, 1904 ^ nov,, ein Hydro- Vok xi.lll lUilk XXXIL 35 Plates, Jjagiscaliritaus, Synibiont von M C Z., No August, 1904 IL LuinviG Asteroidea Vok M Plates korallen XXXV Siein-und Bull VON Makknzklleu sp., Plates V Plate Plates Cope- IL 'kowNSEND The Birds of Coeos Island Bulk M C Z., Vok XXVll No July, 1895 pp Plates pp No VON Lkni)KNfku> IL XXXVL 12 Plates 71 pp Echini XXXIV (JiKsituECiiT poden XXXIL 07 Plates XV^l Li/ards of the Organs of the Deep Sea Fishes Mom M.'c Z., Vol XXX No, August ^ C Z., 292 pp April, 1895 Plate Two new C.Z.,VokXXX Plate XXXV No Vok XLTII November, 13 pp Preliminary The Cephalopoda IL V, AViLSON\ 1905 The Pelagic Schizopoda Z., Vok XXV, No Sep- tember, 1894 C Z., 1904 12 Plates A Ou'j'MANN C Z ' Vok pp E IIovi-K M October, 1894 10 22 420pp 1899 Novend)er, 1900 161 pp 183 pp 19 Plates Bkugh Die Opisthobraiu^hieu C Z., Vol Mem M Fishes Bulk M C Z., Vok Islands February, 114 pp WoomvouTir L SrK,iNEGKU XXIX W The Holothurlans Mem Vok XVIL No October Z., XXVIII 1804 XIIL Tii and Chart July, 1899 Plates pp LciDWiG M Plates Account of Planktonemertes Agassizii Planari- Vok XXV No August, genus Anolis, from Cocos and Malpelo The pp No XXIV November, XXVIL W McM Plates Note prdliminaire sur les Alcyonairea Bulk M C Z., Vok XXV^ No February, 1891 17 pp F Ct.arkk The llydroids Bulk 1894 XXXIL 97 Plates SruDEK iM June, 1808 Vol Pygnogonida; Wwoi:rH January, 1894 X The t)p Bulk M C ans Prehminary Beport on the Bulk M C Z., Vol XXXII Bnlk M C Z., ScHiMKi^wiTscn Bulk M V Z., Vok 5, Bulk M December, Plates, Gauman The S Plates Vni W No November, 1890 Plates and Chart XXVL 1897 Moktknskn Tlie Ophiurida^ Mem M C Z., A'ok XXIIk C No new Species of (Jrustacea Bulk M C Z., Vok XXIV No August, 1893 72 pp H SciioDEK The Orthoptera of the Galapagos Bulk M C Z., Vol XXV S 38 pp Spp F Li'TKKN and XVI Vol Z., C Z., 18 pp 14 Plates E L Mauk Preliminary Keport on Branchiocerianthus urceolus Bulk J\L pp Preliminary The Isopoda XXXL Vok C Z., Vol XXV February, 1.^ 15 Plates Echini XXIV ]\L Plates 1898 Hocks of the 'khe July, 1893 13 Octo- A Agassiz Vok XXIV Z., Bulk M C (Jalapagos L III 10 pp Mkuuill P XX No Zeit Anz., Bulk M C 189.x No 103 pp Hanskn J No erbeuteten llolothurien 420 Vok XXIX No, 92 pp Plate Goi^-s 1897 , pp Bulk Maas Die Medusen JVIem M Vok XXIIl No Sei>ten)ber, O 89 pp Neusiua Agassizi Bulk M C / XXin No December, 1892 Vol Plates 10 pp Plates The Foraminifora Bulk 1890 22 Plates IIL A Got:s August, Die Ostracoden Vok XXVIL No Z., C Z., from February dition of the "Albatross," to 26 pp Mi=LLER XIX G W January, 1892 IL A Agassiz Vok XXVir No C Z., Bulk ber, 1895 On A, Agassiz Die Comatuliden 1895 June, IIartlaub M 16 pp 1891 I "Albatross" tlio Dredging Operations in the pp Mem M duly, 1905 Chart Plate 12, C Z., 292 pp ^^ PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE Tliere have been pnblislied of the Bulletin Vols and also Vols XLIV., XLV., and XI.VJI Vols to I XXIV., and also Vols ; of I the to XLIL, Memoirs, XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI., and XXXII Vols XLIII., Vols XLVI., and XLVIII on the Bulletin, and XXV., XXVI., XXYIL, XXX., and XXXIIl Memoirs, are now hi course A of price list ippllmtion ( Zoology J of to the the of the of pubhcation Museum will be sent Mnsemn of Comparative publimtions of (he Librarian of the Cambridge, Mass .J / /

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 21:34



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