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MEMOIRS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE VOL XXXIII CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM 1906 i H University Press : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U S A CONTENTS REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U S Fish Commission Steamer " Alljatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut Commauder Expedition the text L M Garrett, U By Alexander 190G S N., Agassiz Comuianding pp i-xiii, V 1-75 Gekeral Report ok the 90 Pkites, and figures in Umoirs of tljj Museum of Comparatibt ^oiilogg AT HARVARD COLLEGE Vol XXXIII REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THP: U S FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," FROM OCTOBER, 1904, TO MARCH, 1905, LIEUT COMMANDER L M GARRETT, U S N., COMMANDING V GENERAL REPORT OF THE EXPEDITION By ALEXANDER AGASSIZ WITH NINETY-SIX PLATES, AND EIGHT FIGURES [Published by permission of IN Gkorqe M Bowers, U THE TEXT S Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries.] CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A.: ^rtntcH for tije January, fluseum 190G / I; V CONTENTS iNTRonrcTiON ix Page Hydrograph}', Plates 1-12 Character of the Bottom of the Eastern Tropical I'acifie, Bottom Fauna Plate of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Plate S" Pelagic Fauna ami Fauna of Intermetliate Depths, Plate ;V Distribution of Fauna Plate tjie 12 Pelagic auil Bottom 3'' 18 4-12 Serial Temperatures, Plates 3", Record of Serial 19 Temperatures Surface Temperatures, Plate 3" Specific Gravities, Plate 3'' 24 31 34 35 37 39 51 2.5 26 Sala y Gomez, Plate 15 Easter Island, Plates 13, 16-49" 52 28 Manga Reva, 62 Kecord of Speciflc Gravities of the Eastern Pacific Eecord of Specific Gravities of the Panamic Region Record of Air Temperatures Winds, Plate 3'' Record of PeLagic Stations between San Francisco and Panama Record of Trawling, Dredging, and Pelagic Stations occupied by the "Albatross" in tlie Eastern Tropical Pacific from November, 1904, to March, 1905 The Gal.apagos, Plates 50-56 Plates axi> Explanation of the Plates Plates 14, 57-91 53 INTRODUCTION The U of S Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross " was_, with the consent President, placed the Bureau at my Commerce and Labor, of by Secretary Cortelyou of the disposal at the suggestion of the Hon Geo M Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries The area selected for this crui.se of the " Albatross " included the vast tract of the Eastern Pacific south of the in region, explored by her This area was crossed by lines from the Galapagos to Aguja 1891 Point (PL thence in a southwesterly direction, then to Callao 1), we ran Callao Panamic Reva, and the Galapagos, next to Easter Island, then to to finally to Acapulco, From Manga where our exploration ended, after having steamed from Panama over a distance of more than 13,000 miles From Acapulco the " Albatross " ran were shipped to the lections Fisli San Diego, where the col- Commission, to be distributed to the who have kindly undertaken specialists to to work up the material collected during her cruise The rial for collections made during the present expedition will give ample mate- extensive monographs on the holothurians, the siliceous sponges, the cephalopods, the jelly-fishes, the pelagic crustaceans, worms, and fishes of the Eastern Pacific, as well as on the bottom deposits and on the larians and dinoflagellates, diatoms, radio- and other protozoans collected by the Small collections of plants were made at Easter Island and tow-nets Manga Reva which may throw some light on the origin and distribution of the flora of the Eastern Pacific.^ With one exception, the lines we ran were all well within the steaming range of the " Albatross," so that the work laid out was satisfactorily carried on Our last line, however, from Manga Reva to Acapulco, while practicable under ordinary circumstances, proved beyond ' A No 4, capacity of was sent to the Hon Geo M Bowers from and from Acapulco These letters were published in the American Fournal February, April, and May, 190."), and were reprinted in the Bull M C Z., Vol XLVI, brief account of the progress of the expedition Callao, from the Galapagos, of Science for the April, 1905 INTRODUCTION X the " Albatross." Our which was excellent during the progress, days first Manga Reva, soon became greatly impeded by where we ought to have been in the full swing of our journey after leaving head winds in the region This led us to abandon with great reluctance of the southeasterly trades all idea of further up our proposed supply, to make work when for Acapulco, merely sounding every morning we had every to give This was a reason to expect to be able to spend and settle the question of their in the western region of the equatorial currents belt, more conclusively than we have been able influence ; to Clipperton, and, on account of our limited coal visit great disappointment, as some time in the equatorial belt of currents upon the richness to of the fauna living on the bottom in their track, far from continental shores or insular areas We were most fortunate in our arrangements for our coal supply was a somewhat risky undertaking Manga Reva Easter Island, and Burns, Philp & or Galapagos, the at But, thanks to the interest of Messrs coal Their failure to meet us either at Easter Manga Reva would have been islands are visited We coal Co in our behalf, their contracts to supply us with were carried out most punctually Island provide to It more than once a disastrous, as neither of these year hoped to be docked at Callao, but, owing to the prolonged occupa- by a disabled steamer and the uncertainty tion of the dock free within reasonable time, we of its becoming decided to proceed without further delay to Easter Island and continue the expedition without docking But little is known of the hydrography of the area we explored, but few soundings are recorded from that area of the Eastern Pacific before the ; present expedition of the " Albatross " one to the N W of Callao by the " Italian S " Vittor Pisani in 1882, three by the Cable S " Silverton " in ' 1893,^ and four by the U S S " Alaska." ward of the H M S Paumotus, to the meridian "Alert" in 1878-80 I A ^ of few deep-sea soundings east- 91° 31' W., are all not include the long list taken by of soundings taken by the steamers of the Central and South American Telegraph Com- pany along the west coast of South America They are all within very moderate distance of the coast, and bear mainly upon the configuration of the submarine western slope of South America 111° 4' S 10° 14' S 80°33'W 2729 W 1267 79° 29' I I 10° 47' 79° 3' J 11° 16' 78° 4' 1109 J J ^5 » ^ j fathoms 11° 52' 78° 59' W 78° 39' 2017 11° 51' 78° 54' 3368'""*"°™®' 11° 53' 76° 3164 11° M' S 2107 , 9' j Plate 88 Plate 88 The summit of the coral rubble dam formed from ward aud iu places covered by vegetation the eroded reef flat, slightly sloping west- K Plate 89 Plate 89 Islet covered with vegetation, thrown np on a spur between two gaps across the eastern encircling reef line, seen from the sea face Lagoon beach of eastern encircling reef line looking north, showing beach rock formation *'• Plate 90 Plate 90 Gap in ing eastern encircling reef line, extending from the sea face to the sand it Showing dam separat- from the lagoon, also showing beach sand outcrop line of demarcation between the reef rock the old land line flat and eroded blocks of the face of :*-»'•