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Memoirs MCZ 0903

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3 Jtmorrs of tht- glascum of Comparattfat ^oiilogw AT HARVARD COLLEGE Vol IX No SELECTIONS FROM EMBRTOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS COMPILED BY ALEXANDER WALTER FAXON, AGASSIZ, and E L MARK III ACALEPHS, By J POLYPS, AND WALTER FEWIvES By ; WITH THIRTEEN PLATES CAMBRIDGE: PrtnteD for tlje jIHuBetim, September, 1884 E L mark IfiiToirs of tijc IITttscum of Comparatibf ^oiilocju AT HARVARD COLLEGE Vol IX No SELECTIONS FROM EMBRYOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS COMPILED BY ALEXANDER WALTER FAXON, AGASSIZ, and MARK E L III ACALEPHS, By J POLYPS, AND WALTER FEWKES Br ; WITH THIRTEEN PLATES CAMBRIDGE: |3n'ntctr for tfje fHuscutn September, 1884 E L MARK NOTICE The present iuiinl)er of Plates accompanying Part " of the Museum Walter Faxo>j forms The Bibliography thus I Crustacea, by Walter Faxon Ecliinodermata, Acalephs, by far jiublished consists of: J by Alexander AcAsaiz Walter Fewkes Mauk L ; II third Part of the if C Z., IX No « "2 " " " — M Bull " ." C Z., IX No " X " " XL " Other Parts of the Bibliography and of the Plates are in preparation ALEXANDER MlT.SECM OF COMPAR.VTIVE ZoiJLOGY, Cambridge, Mass., U S A June, 188-t « "III tlie Mem Ecliinodermata, by Alexander Agassiz Acalephs, by J Walter Fewkes Polyp,s, by E II III Memoirs Selections from Embryological Monographs tlie Crustacea, by I tlie AGASSIZ 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Development of the 'i{'YT)T.r:zr\j\ Figures from Alexander AoAssrz, Louis Agassiz, Geo Allmax, Cap.l Chun, J Walteii Fewkes, H Ful, E ILeckel, Nicolaus Kleixexbekg, G von Koch, A Kowalevvsky, John McCuadv, E Metschxikoff, and P E Mui.leu Plates I- VI II J Plates Plate I., II., III., IV., and V Dcvclop-nunt of (]ic'i\\x>TMix>A TABLE OF CO:XTEXTS i-E VII — 1, TABLE OF CONTENTS REFERENCES TO THE PRINCIPAL PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT IN HYDROZOA AND CTENOPHORA For a comparison of Egg on tlie earKest stages of development froni tlie ovum to the morula, see the Segmentation of the Plate 1-6, Plate II I figs fig Plate 111 1, figs 13', 13', 15, 19-21, for the Ilydroida (Hydra, Coryiie, Laomedea, and Eucope) Plate IV figs 1-4, 21-30, for the Trachymeduste (Polyxenia and Geryonia) figs 1-8, for the Acraspeda (Aurelia) Plate IX figs 1-7, 9-13, 14-19, for the Ctenophora (Beroe Plate VIII For the formation of the Blnstula and Gaslrula, Plate I figs 7-11, Plate III figs Plate VI figs 10, 20, Pleiirobraehia) see 145-14', 20-25, for the Hydroiila (Hydra, Eucope, 5-7, 31-34, for the Traehymedusoe (Polyxenia Plate IV Plate VIII ligs and and Laomedea) and Geryonia) figs 1-5, for the Siiihonopliora (Kpibulia, Physophora, and Agalma) 11-23, for the Acraspeda (Aurelia) Plate Vll figs 9, 10, For the development of the Larva iclien Sessile, see the hydroid formed from a free frustule (Schizocladium) Plate III figs 6-11, 12''-12'', 17, 18, for the development of the hydranth (Clytia and Laomedea) Plate V figs 25''-25°, for the development of the Corbula (Aglaoplienia) Plate V for figs 24''-24'', Plate VIII figs 24-39, Plate V For the development of the fig 23 (Aurelia and Lucernaria) Bad which becomes a Gonophorc, see (Hydra and Myriothela) Plate II figs 2-11, 14-21 (Coryne and Hyliooodon) Plate III figs 1-4, 15, 16, 26 (Obelia, Laomedea, and Tubularia) Plate III figs 7-19, Plate V figs 20-22 (Cunina and Lizzia) Plate I figs 1-6, 12-14 For the Free swimming Larva developed from the Bud, see 20-22, Actinula (Myriothela) figs 12, 13, 22, 23 (Sarsia) Plate I figs Plate II Plate HI figs 27-30, Plate V 5" (Obelia) 16-20, 35, 36 (Cunina and Geryonia) Plate III figs 5, Plate IV figs fig 10, Actinula (Tubnlaria) medusa (Clavatella); figs 8, 9, Sporosac (Dicoryne); fig 11, Ambulatory (Perigonimus, Bougainvillia, Oceania, Zygodaetyla, and Willia) Plate VI figs 8, (Porpita, Velella) Plate V Plate VIII figs 40-49, Plate V lig 26, for the For the development of the External Plate IV figs figs 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Ephyra (Aurelia) Outline'^ of Larvec 7-10, 16, 20, 34-36 (Polyxenia, Cunina, which arc never and Geryonia) Cyanea) Plate VI figs 2-7, for the Discoidea (Velella and Porpita), Plate VII sessile, see Plate V figs figs 1-7, 26 (Glossocodon 1-29, Plate VI figs 1, and 10-31, for the Siphonophora (Physalia, Epibulia, Gleba, Halistemma, Agalniopsis, Agalma, Physophora, Praya, Di])lophysa, Diphyes, and Muggisa) Plato IX figs 24-50, for the Ctenophora (Beroe, Chiaja, Callianira, Hormiphora, Pleurobrachia), Plate X 20 (Beroe, Cestus, Chiaja, Lampetia, Ocyroe) figs 1- TABLE OF CONTENTS REFERENCES TO THE PRINCIPAL PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT IN ANTHOZOA Segmeulalion Plate XIII " XIII 58, 59, and Plate XII 37, 38, for Alcyouium Uigitatum Gorgonia vcrnu'osa 43, for Blastosphcrc (in section) Plate " XI XII 26, for Actinia mesembranthcmum " Ceriauthus nienibranaceus 1, Gastrula Plate XI " XII 27, 28, for Actinia " mesembrantheninm Ceriantlms raembranaceus 2, 3, Free-sunmming larva Plate XI XII 5-23, for Aclinia mesembrantlicnium " Ceiianthus nienibranaceus 3-15, 16-20, 26, 34-36, for Edwardsia 39, for Alcyoninni digitatuin XIII 1-6, 12, 16, 29-31, 45, 47, " Astroides " XI Balanophyllia regia Gorgonia verrucosa " Corallium nibrum " Astraea sp ? " Renilla reniformis Mesenteries Plate and mesenterial filaments, mesembranthemum " Actinia sp ? " Actinia equina " Adanisia 5-25, for Ai-tinia 29-31, 33, 35, 36, diaphana 37, H' J' K' XII calycularis " 5, 8, 9, Aiptasia lacerata for C'erianthns 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27-36, for XIII (New meinbranaceus Edwardsia 41-43, for Alcyonium digitatum 2-5, 19, 20, for Astroides calycularis 15, for Balanopbyllia regia 17, 47-52, " Astraea " Renilla sp ? reniformis Tcntachs Pl.\te XI " XII " XIII " 20-25, for Actinia niesenibrantlieniuni 5, 6, 12—15, for Ceriantlms nienibranaceus 16-23, 26, 33, for Edwardsia 4, 10, for Astroides calycularis The rnraUum Plate XIII 8, 10, 11, 18-28, for Astroides calycularis 38, 41, for Corallium rubrnni 46, " Gorgonia verrucosa Scissiparity Pl.\te XI 37, for Aiptasia lacerata mesenteries in the oftshoot.) Embryological Memoirs, Mem M.aziX.Noa ACALEPIIS AND POIVPS PL py^- VI Embryological Memoirs, Mem MC.Z.lX.No.a ACALEPHS AND POLYPS }'L\ Embryological Memoirs Mem M r Z IX No.3, ACALEPHS AND PonTS.PL,^ -mi \^jr^-y^'^ Priiaed bvA-Mcisei Embryological Memoirs Mem, MXZ lX.No,3, AC/XEPHS AH) POIYTS, PL-K Tinted bvAMe;sei Embryological Memoirs Mem MC Z.IX.N0.3 ACALEPH.S AND POIYPS PL X P KoeUer.lilh Printed bvAMeisel Embkyological Memoirs Mem ACALEPHS AND POQTS m.c.z,ix.no,3 PL.XI j'^yj^-ik^^/i^^i /32 ^^^'V-'-V ? .'> j''''\ ? h«euer,lu> Pnnled iyAMeJSei Embryologicai Memoirs, Mem MC Z.lX No,: Agalephs and Polyps pl; 'rtnted byAMciscl EMBRYOLOGICAL MEMOIFvi Mem M.c.z.ix P RoeU«r,lith NO ACALEPH.S AND POLYPS Pi, °rmled bvA.Mcisei ... tlie Mem Ecliinodermata, by Alexander Agassiz Acalephs, by J Walter Fewkes Polyp,s, by E II III Memoirs Selections from Embryological Monographs tlie Crustacea, by I tlie AGASSIZ 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 21:20


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