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ATLAS AND ESSENTIALS OF BACTERIOLOGY BY Prof K B LEHMANN CHIEF OP THE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE IN WUrZBURG AND Dr EUDOLF NEUMANN ASSISTANT IN THE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE IN wtJRZBURG WITH 63 CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, COMPRISING AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS 558 FIGURES, NEW YORK WILLIAM WOOD AND COMPANY • • • • ) ) ) 97 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1.-— Micrococcus pyogenes a aureus (Ros.) Lehm and Neura (Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus Plate Rosenbach.) —Micrococcus pyogenes y albus (Ros (Staphylococcus pyogenes albus Rosenbach.) Micrococcus pyogenes /3 citreus (Ros.) (Stai:^ylococcus pyogenes citreus Rosenbach Micrococcus candicans Plate —Micrococcus Flilgge Ali Cohen Micrococcus gonorrhoeae Neisser, Bumm Streptococcus meningitidis cerebrospinalis agilis (Weichs Lehm and Neum Plate — Micrococcus roseus (Bumm.) Lehm and Neum Plate 5.— Streptococcus lanceolatus Gamaleia (Diplococcus pneumoniae A Fraenkel.) Plate — Streptococcus pyogenes Rosenbach Plate — Micrococcus tetragenus Koch, Gaffky Plate 8.— Micrococcus luteus Cohn em Lehm and Neum Sarcina pulmonum Plate — Sarcina flava Virchow, Hauser De Bary em Lehm and Stuben- rath Plate Plate 10 —Sarcina aurantiaca 11 — Sarcina cervina Sarcina pulmonum Virchow Sarcina erythromyxa Sarcina lutea Krai Fliigge Sarcina aurantiaca Sarcina rosea Flligge Stubenrath Flugge Schroeter em Zimmermann Micrococcus badius Sarcina canescens Lehm and Neum Stubenrath 13566 ) ) )) ) LIST OF PLATES IV Plate Plate 12 —Bacterium pneumonias Friedlander 13 — Bacterium acidi Hiippe lactici (Lactic acid bacillus Plate 14.— Bacterium Plate 15 — Bacterium Plate 16.— Bacterium coli coli commune commune typhi Escherich Escherich Eberth, Gaffky (Typhoid bacillus.) 17 Bacterium typhi Eberth, Gaffky 18 Bacterium septicsemise hsemorrhagicae — — Plate Plate (Chicken cholera, rabbit septicaemia, Plate 19 — Bacterium mallei Hiippe etc Loffler (Glanders bacillus.) — Plate 20 Corynebacterium diphtherise and Neum (Loffler.) Lehm (Diphtheria bacillus.) — Plate 21 Bacterium latericium Adametz (Kolb.) Lehm and Neum Bacterium hsemorrhagicum (Morbus Werlhofii Lehm and (Flugge.) Plate 22 Bacterium putidum Neum Plate 23.— Bacterium syncyaneum Neum (Bacillus cyanogenes Flugge Lehm and Blue milk Plate 24 — Bacterium syncyaneum Neum (Bacillus cyanogenes Flugge (Ehrenb.) (Ehrenb.) Lehm and Blue milk.) (Ehrenb.) Lehm and Plate 25 —Bacterium prodigiosum Neum (Breunig and Fischer.) Plate 26 —Bacterium kiliense Lehm and Neum (Kiel water bacillus — Plate 27 Bacterium janthinum Plate 28 — Bacterium fluorescens Neum Zopf Lehm (Flugge.) and (Bacillus fluorescens liquefacieus Flugge, Plate 29 — Bacterium pyocyaneum Neum (Green pus.) Plate 30 — Bacterium Zopfii Kurth (Flilgge ) Lehm and ) ) )) ) ) ) LIST OF PLATES Plate Plate 31 — Bacterium Zopfii 32 —Bacterium vulgare ^ mirabilis V Kurth (Hauser ) Lehm and Neum (Proteus mirabilis Hauser.) Plate 33 — Bacterium Lehm and (Loffler.) Mi- (Hauser.) vulgare Neum (Proteus vulgaris Hauser Plate 34 — Bacterium suum erysipelatus gula (Hog erysipelas Bacterium murisepticum (Flligge.) Migula, (Mouse septicaemia Plate 35 Bacillus megatherium De Bary Plate 36.— Bacillus subtilis F Cohn (Hay bacillus, Plate 37.— Bacillus subtilis F Cohn — (Hay Plate 38 bacillus.) —Bacillus anthracis F Cohn and R Koch, F Cohn and R Koch F Cohn and R Koch (Anthrax bacillus Plate 39 — Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax bacillus Plate 40 — Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax bacillus Plate 41 — Bacillus mycoides Fliigge (Root bacillus.) Plate 42 Bacillus mycoides Flugge (Root bacillus.) Bacillus butyricus Hlippe (Butyric acid bacillus.) Plate 43.— Bacillus vulgatus (Flugge.) Migula Potato bacillus (B mesentericus vulgatus Flugge Plate 44.— Bacillus Neum mesentericus (Flugge.) (B mesentericus fuscus Fliigge.) Plate 45.— Bacillus tetani Nicolaier (Tetanus bacillus.) Plate 46.— Bacillus Chauvoei of French writers (Rauschbrand.) Plate 47.— Bacillus oedematis maligni Koch Lehm and ) )) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) LIST OF PLATES VI Plate 48 — Mycobacterium Neum iberculosiis (Koch.) Lehm, and (Tubercle bacillus Plate 49 — Vibrio cholera) (Comma bacillus Plate 50 — Vibrio cholera3 (Comma bacillus Plate 51 — Vibrio choleras (Comma Buchner, (Koch Buchner (Koch.) Buchner (Koch.) Buchner (Koch.) Buchner bacillus.) — Plate 52 Vibrio cholerse (Comma bacillus.) Plate 53 — Vibrio choleraB (Comma (Koch bacillus.) Vibrio Metschnikovii Gamaleia Vibrio proteus Buchner Author (Vibrio Finkler Plate 54 Vibrio albensis Lehm and Neum (Fluorescent Elbe vibrio Plate 55 Vibrio danubicus Heider Vibrio berolinensis Rubner — — Vibrio aquatilis Gunther — Plate 56 Vibrio proteus Buchner Author.) (Vibrio Finkler Plate 57 Spirillum rubrum v Esmarch — Spirillum concentricum Plate 58 — Spirillum Kitasato serpens (E O Mijller Lehm and Neum Spirilla from nasal mucus Ehrenberg Vibrio spermatozoides Loffler Spirochsetes of the mucus from the gums Spirillum Obermeieri Virchow (Recurrens spirilla Plate 59.— Leptothrix epidermidis Biz Plate 60.— Oospora farcinica Sauv and Rad Spirillum undula (Farcin de boeuf Plate 61 — Oospora chromogenes (Gasparini.) Neum (Cladothrix dichotoma Autorum non Cohn Lehm and ) ) ) LIST OF PLATES Plate 62.— Oospora (Harz bovis 711 Sauv and Rad ) (Actinomyces Plate — 63 Mycobacterium and Neum leprae (Arm Hansen.) Lehm (Leprosy bacillus.) Bacterium influenzae R Pfeiffer (Influenza bacillus Bacterium pestis (Kitasato, Yersin) (Plague bacillus Bacteria in soft chancre Lehm and Neum : LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS = A H Archiv flir Hygiene, Munich Oldenbourg since 1883 A G A Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt, = Berlin, Springer, since 1885 A K = Arbeiten aus dem bakteriologischen Institut der tech- Edited by Klein and Migula, since 1894 A P — Annalcs de 1' Institut Pasteur, Paris, Masson, since 1887 C B = CentralblattfiirBakteriologieuudParasitenkunde, Jena, Fischer Since 1894 this publication has been divided into nishen Ilochschule zu Karlsruhe two parts C B., Part devoted to medico-hygienic questions devoted to zymotechnical, agricultural, and phytopathological studies Z H = Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, Leipsic, Veit, since 1886 Fltigge = Fliigge Die Mikroorganismen, second edition, LeipI., C B., Part II., : sic, 1886 Kitt, B, K tion, = Kitt : Bakterienkunde fiir Tieraerzte, second edi- Vienna, 1893 Zimmermann and = E R Zimmermann : Die Bakterien unserer Trink- und Nutzwasser, Chemnitz, Part Part II 1894 I., 1890; Tab 1, ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY 190 metres are to be injected, the following simple method may be adopted: A short piece of rubber tube provided with an injection needle is fastened to a graduated pipette, the entire apparatus sterilized, the pipette filled, and the mouth or a rubber fluid blown' in by the aid of the bulb Peritoneal injection is made by perforating with a sterilized hollow canula, at one puncture, the ab- dominal wall, then cautiously advancing the needle and injecting the fluid B Observation Mice may be kept in sterilized glass vessels closed with cotton and wire netting larger animals must be kept in sterilized cages or stalls ; G Autopsy and Disposal of the Cadaver Autopsies must be made immediately after death, the animal placed on ice The animal, lying on the back, is tied or nailed through the legs to a board, the abdomen and chest are throughly moistened with corrosive sublimate, and then the abdominal cavity is opened with a previously sterilized The abdominal walls are separated and from knife the spleen, liver, and kidneys some blood (or tissue juice) is removed with a sterilized platinum loop This is smeared at once upon prepared agar plates The organs are carefully cut out, avoiding contact or, at least, with the intestines, and are placed in absolute alcohol Then the thorax is opened for further examination with a pair of scissors, blood taken from the heart and Belungs, and these organs are placed in alcohol fore each operation the instruments must be carefully TECHNICAL APPENDIX 191 It is better to have on hand numerous instruments which have been sterilized at 130° The hands must be kept perfectly clean brought to a glow After the autopsy it is best to cremate the cadaver body is wrapped in cloths dipped in a solution of corrosive sublimate and buried in a hole in the ground at least one-half metre deep, which is filled in with quicklime If this is not feasible, the ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS Actinomyces, Anthrax 63 pi mycoldes, Bacillus bacillus, pi 38-40 oedematis maligni, Arthrospores, pp 67, 76 Bacillus acidi lactici, pi 13 pneumonia;, anthracis, pi 38-40 butyricus, pi 42, Chauvoei, pi pi 41-42, I.-IV pi pi 47 12 prodigiosus, pi 25 V.-VI 46 putidus, 22 pi pyocyaneus, pi coli, pi 14, 15 septicacmiae haemorrhagi- cyanogencs, pi 23, 24 diplitheriae, pi 20 subtilis pi 36, 37 erysipelatos suum,pl.34,I syncyaneus, liquefaciens, fluorescens pi cae, non - liquefacipi 21, VIL, VIII pi 16, 17 violaceus, pi 27 Zopfii, pi 30, 31 Bacterium acidi 26 coli latericius, pi 21, leprae, pi 63, I I -VI -III lactici, pi commune, pi 14, 13 15 erysipelatos suum, pi 34, haemorrhagicum, pi 21, VIL, VIII mallei, pi 19 megatherium, pi mesentericus fuscus, 42, 43, VIII., 35 influenzae, pi 63, V pi IX mesentericus vulgatus, pi 44 13 24 in soft chancre, pi 63, IV V janthinus, pi 27 murisepticus, pi 45 Bacteria, forms of, p 66 influenzae, pi 63, kiliensis, pi 18 vulgatus, pi 43 ens, pi 22 haemorrhagicus, X tetani, pi typhi, 28 fluorescens pi 29 janthinum, pi 27 kiliense, pi 26 latericium, pi 21, I -VI mallei, pi 19 pi 34, II.- murisepticum, IX pi 34, II.- ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY 194 Bacterium pediculatum, p pi prodigiosum, pi putidum, 33 pi 13 35 pi septicaemiae hsemorrbagi- 39 34 pi typhi, pi 16, 17 vulgare pi /5 mirabilis, pi 33 pi 43, V.-VII Capsule bacillus, Friedlander's, 13 formation of, p 73 Chain coccus, pi Chicken cholera, pi 18 Cholera bacillus, pi 49-53 54, Fowl pi 33, cholera, pi 18 pneumonia Friedlander's ba- 13 cillus, pi Germination of spores, p 73 Glanders bacillus, pi 19 Gonococcus, pi VI., VI «, 3, Green pus, 11 Hanging Comma Hay Hog dichotoma Autorum non Cohn, pi 61 bacillus of cholera, pi 49-53 bacillus of Finkler, pi 53, VI., 56 3, VI., VI a, pi 39 drop, p 167 Hauser's bacterium, pi 33 33, bacillus, pi 36, 37 erysipelas, pi 34, I Indol reaction in cholera, 54 Metsclmikoff, pi VI Cladothrix pi Influenza bacillus, pi 63, V Involution forms of anthrax, pi 53, pi bacteria, 38 33 Fraenkel's pneumonia coccus, Gonorrhoea, sarcinae, pi 9- V Corynebacterium pi pi VL6 IV vibrio, pi 49-53 bacillus of pi 38, 39 pi coccus, Fraenkel's, pi Chromogenous non-liquefaciens, Fluorescent Zopfii, pi 30, 31 reaction, pi VI Flagella types, p 73 Fluorescens liquefaciens, 33 Butyric acid bacillus, pi Farcin de boeuf, pi 60 Fermentation tubes, p 155 Finkler 's comma bacillus, 56, 53, violaceum, pi 37 vulgare, spores, p 79 Erysipelas streptococcus, 18 pi cae, pi roseus, pi Endogenous pyocyaneum, syncyaneum, pi 3, Vl.a, Yl.b Diplococcus lanceolatus, pneumoniae, pi pestis, pi 63, VI., VII pneumoniae, pi Diplococcus gonorrhoeae, VL, 73 diphtherise, 30 Diphtheria bacillus, pi 30 pi 40, V forms of cholera, pi 53, IV Kiel water bacillus, pi 36 a ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS Lactic acid bacillus, Lepra Pneumonia 13 pi L-IIL bacillus, pi 63 Leptothrix epidermidis, 59 pi Loffler's bacillus, pi 20 Malignant oedema, Malleus, pi Membrane, pi 47 vulgatus, pi in of, 53, IV.-VIII pi 2, 3, VI pyogenes a aureus, pyogenes y albus, pi 2, citreus, pi 2, roseus, pi pulmonum, pi 21, VIL, VIII pi 11, III pi 17, Mycobacterium L-IIL XL leprae, pi Spirilli VL from the gums, from the nasal membrane, pi Oospora bo vis, pi 62 chromogenes, pi 61 IV Spirillum farcinlca, pi 60 pi pi 58, VII 63, tuberculosis, pi 48 mucous 58, III., concentricum, VI , VIIL Spirillum Obermeieri, pi 57, Pediococcus tetragenus, pi Plague bacillus, pi 63, VL, VIL according pi rosea, pi 11, Septicaemia haemorrhagica, 18 septicaemia, pi 34 Fischer, 70 erythromyxa, VIIL I lutea, pi 11, IV Werlhofii, Plasmolysis, canescens, pi 11, flava, pi tetragenus, pi typhoid, pi 29 Pyocyaneus, pi 29 Rabbit septicaemia, pi 18 Rauschbrand, pi, 46 Recurrens spirilli, pi 58, VIIL, IX Root bacillus, pi 41, 42, L-IV cervina, pi 11, III Mouse Pus, green, blue, Sarcina aurantiaca, pi 10 pi I.-IL (3 bacilli, in streptococci, 69 pi luteus pi I.-V Morbus in 69 43 gonorrhoeae, pi 42, VIII vulgaris, pi 33 44 pi agilis, pi 3, I.-V pyogenes pi pi 25 Proteus mirabilis, pi 32 badius, pi 11, VII candicans, Potato bacillus, Pseudodichotomy Metschnikoff's vibrio, V Micrococcus bacillus, pi 12 coccus, pi Prodigiosus, bacteria, p 73 Mesentericus fuscus, 196 IX., 43, 44 19 thickening , to pi VIIL, IX rubrum, pi 47, I.-V serpens, pi 58, I undula, V pi 58, 58, ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY 196 Spirocbtete Obermeieri, pi, 58, VIII., IX cell, of the gums, pi 58, VII types of, Staphylococcus bus, pi of, Typhoid pyogenes al- L,IL 2, pi 6, 2, nal is, pi X XI pi 6, 6, IX meningitidis Vibrio albensis, VIL, VIII 54 Streptococcus pyogenes, VIL, danubicus, Finkler, pi pi 49-53 pi 55, I -III 53, VI., 56 from the Elbe, 54 Metschnikoff, pi 53, V proteus, pi 53, VI., 56 of erysipelas, pi Streptothrix, pi 60 pi berolinensis,pl 55, V., VI fluorescent, cerebrospi3, 48 pi bacillus, pi 16, 17 cholerse, pi conglomerates, pi pi 45 pi VIII., IX III Streptococcus brevis, bacterium aquatilis, pi 55, II., pyogenes aureus, pi pyogenes citreus, pi longus, Tetanus bacillus, Tuberculosis, 78 77 the 70 Tetragenus, Spores, development of, 77 germiDation of Structure pi spermatozoides, pi 58, VI pi 37 Violet bacillus, IWDEX Abbe's illuminating apparatus, 166 Abrin, 135, 163 Absolute immunity, 157 Acclimatization of anthrax, 99 Aceton, 150 Acid, acetic, 150 agar, 89 Alkaline agar, 89 Alkaloids, putrefaction, 132 Alternating fission in different planes, 75 Alum carmine, 169 Amidoacids, 133 Amines 130, 133 Ammonia, demonstration formic, 150 media, use of, 90 propionic, 150 Active immunization, 157 Adenin, 81 Al^robic races of anaerobic varieties, 97 production Ammonium ^thyl alcohol, 149 Agar* cultures, 189 Albuminoids in bacteria, 80 labile, 135 Alcohol, 150 production of acids from, 156 Aldehyde, 150 Agitation cultures, 101 Alexin, 163 Alkali, production of, by bacteria, 130 of, 130, 141 bases, 133 carbonate in water as a nutrient, 85 Amygdalin, 123 Anaerobic cultures, 188 Anaerobics, conversion Aerobics, facultative, 96 strict, 95 Aerotaxic figures, 112 of, 141 butyric, 150 of, into aerobics, 97 facultative, 96 strict, 96 Aniline fuchsin, 168 gentian, 169 oil, 169 water, 169 Animals, experiments on, 189 Antagonistic action in the animal body, 157 bacteria, 104 Anthrax spores, viability 108 Antisepsis, 90 Antisubstances, 164 of, INDEX 198 Antitoxic effects, 164 Bacillus sessilis, Antitoxin, 164 Solmsii, 77 Aromatic metabolic products subtilis, of bacteria, 142 80 80, 101, 111, 113, 120, 141 Arthrospores, 67 76 tetani, 87, 96, 106 Ascitic fluid, 159 thermophilus, 99 Asepsis, 90 Ash, amount tuberculosis, bacteria, in of, urese, 131 viscosus sacchari, 81 80 Assimilation of nitrogen, 147 Attenuation of spores, 159, of virulence, 90, 159 Bacillus ^thaceticus, 157 vulgatus, 98 Bacteria, antagonism between, 104 chemiccl composition amylobar^ter, 153 80 chemical anthracis, 79, 97, 99, 102, definition, 65 122, 141, 145, 159 aquatilis, 85 butyrious Hilppe, 81, 152 Cliauvoei, 96 De Baryanus, denitrificans 77 115 effects, growth in groups, 67 mechanical and electrical effects of, 100 mechanical effects, 111 optical effects, 111 147 I., resistance of, to deficiency denitrificans II,, 147 of food and water, 93 diplitheriae, 157 solitary growth of, crythrosporus, 85 thermic effects, 115 liquefaciens, fluorescens 122, 132, 140 67 vital conditions of, 84 Bacterial proteins, 135 kiliense 122 Bacterio-fluorescin, 128 leptosporus, 79 Bacterio-trypsin, 117 limosus, 77 Bacteroids, 148 macrosporus, 77 megatherium, Bacterium 111, 122 aceti, , 156 acidi lactici, 86, 97 mesentericus, 99, 113 Bischleri, raycoides, 101, 145 cholerse gallinarum, 94 oedematis maligni, 161 96, coli, 110, 152 141, 145, 147 cuniculicida, 87 oxalaticus, 71 erysipelatos suum, 87 perlibratus 113 indigonaceum, 128 janthinum, 128 radicicola, 147 of, IKDEX Bacterium kiliense, 127, 130 199 Carbohydrates, production of acids from, 148 mallei, 122 Carbolized fuchsin, 168 murisepticum, 87 pediculatum, 73 Carbonic acid, action on bacteria, 97 Carolin, 127 PflUgeri, 98, 105 phosphorescens, 114 pneumonice, 82, 122 Cedar, prodigiosum, 82, 102, 121, oil of, 167 Cell structure of bacteria, 68 Cellulose, 81 145 putidum, 102, 104 pyocyaneum, 121 pyogenes fatidum, 122 syncyaneum, 129 synxanthium, 122 typhi, 145, 147 decomposition teria, by bac- Central body of bacteria, 71 fluid of bacteria, 70 Chemical composition of bacteria, violaceum, 122, 127 vulgare, 119, 160 vulgare /9 Zenkeri, 144 of, 153 80 effects of bacteria, 115 ferments, 116 Beozaldehyde, 123 Chemotaxis, 112 Cholera as a nitrite poisoning, 158 diblastic theory of, 106 Bilineurin, 133 Cholesterin, 80 Bismarck brown, 169 Blood serum, 183 Blue milk, 128 Cholinbilineurin, 133 Bouillon culture, 141 Chromogenous Brieger's method of isolating Cinnamic Beer wort, 180 Beggiatoa, 81 ptomains, 134 molecular Brownian Chromogenic functions of bacteria, Bunge's granules, 71 mordant, 170 bacteria, 110 acid, 163 Clostridium butyricum, 152 move- Club-shaped bacteria, 67 Comma ments, 112 129 bacteria, 67 Congenital immunity, 162 Counting bacteria, 105 Butter, rancidity of, 143 Creolin, 92 Butyl alcohol, 152 Butyric acid, 152 Cultures, 179 manipulation of, 186 anaerobic, 188 Cadaverin, 133 Decomposition of Capsule bacteria, 72 preparation of, 172 bacteria, 153 cellulose by INDEX 200 Decomposition of Extractive matters in bacteria, 143 fats, 80 Definition of bacteria, 65 Degeneration teria, forms of bac- Facultative 80 Demonstration of indol, 142 aerobics, 96 anaerobics, 96 of nitrites, 141 Fats, decomposition of, 143 of phenol, 143 Fermentation, definition Deuteroalbumose, 135 flask, Diastatic ferments, 121 lactic acid, 151 Dichotomy, 68 Ferments, 116 diastatic, 121 inverting, 122 rennet, 123 Ferric oxide, 81 Fibrin, liquefaction of, 117 90, 93 Distilled water, action on bac- Dry 155 oxidative, 125 Diethylamin, 133 Dimethylamin, 133 Dimethylethylendiamin, 133 Diphtheria antitoxin, 164 Disinfectants, combination of, teria, of, 124 Desiccation experiments, 94 Filamentous bacteria, 67 Fission of bacteria, 75 93 viability bacteria, of, Flagella, 73 mordants, 169 94 Drying nutrient media, 93 staining of 172 Dulcite, 156 Flagellates, 65 Flesh-water Ehrlicii's solution, 169 Electric arc action on peptone gelatin, 87 bac- Fluorescent pigments, 126 Enantobiosis, 104 Formic acid, 156 Frog -spawn disease, 73 Endospores, 76 Fuchsin, 168 teria, 102 staining of, 174 Enzymes, 116 proteolytic, 117 Ernst's granules, 71 Ethyl, 150 Ethylamin, 133 Ethylendiamin, 133 Ethylidlactic acid, 151 Eubacillus multisporus, 66 Experiments on animals, 189 Gas, formation of, from carbo- hydrates, 153 Gelatin, liquefaction of, 117, 119 neutral, 88 nutrient media, 181 various kinds of, 181, 182 Germination of spores, 78 Globulin in bacteria, 80 INDEX Gly cerate of lime, 157 Iodoform, 150 diaphragm, 166 Glycerin, 156 Iris agar, 87, 183 Gram's 201 Isatin sulphate, 140 stain, 171 Isolation of ptomains, 134 Granules, Bunge's, 71 Ernst's, 71 Knob metachromatic, 71 Koch's tuberculin, 135 Koly sepsis, 90 sporogenous, 71 Granulobacter polymyxa Bey- Labile albuminoids, 135 erinck, 152 Growth of bacteria, 147 bacteria, 67 Lactate of lime, 157 Guanidin, 133 Lactic-acid fermentation, 151 Guanin, 81 Lecithin, 80 Leptothrix, 81 HALF-scREW-shaped bacteria, Leucin, 133 Leuconostoc mesenterioides, 81 67 Hanging drop, 167 Leuko Hay Lieber's decoction, 180 Heat, production by bacteria, iodoform structure of bac- 69 teria, Hydrocarbons Hydrogen in bacteria, 81 peroxide, produc- on illuminated cultures, 103 Immune of, 157 lactate of, 157 Herring gelatin, 182 Honeycomb reaction, 150 Lime, glycerate 115 Hemicellulose, 81 tion substances, 140 proteidins, 164 Lipochromata, 127 Liquefaction of gelatin, 119 Litmus, reduction of, 140 whey, 180 LOffler's methyl blue, 169 mordant, 169 Longitudinal fission, 75 Long rod-shaped bacteria, 67 screw-shaped bacteria, 67 Immunity, 157 Increase of virulence, 160 Indicator, 88 viability of spores, 108 Indol, 133 demonstration Malignant oedema, of, 142 Mallein, 135 Mannite, 156 Inverting ferments, 122 Marsh Involution forms of bacteria, 80 Membrane Iodine -potassium Mercaptan, 139 Mesophilic bacteria, 99 tion, 169 iodide solu- gas, 145, 153 of bacteria, 68 INDEX 202 Metachromatic granules, 71 Metaphenylendiamin, 141 Methylamin, 133 Methyl blue, 168 guanidin poisoning, 158 Micrococcus acidi paralactici, Nitrogen, assimilation of, 147 Nitrosobacter, 146 Nitrosomonas, 146 Non-albuminous nutrient media, 179 Normal 153 agilis, Nitrites, demonstration of, 141 soda, 88 Nuclein, 81 112 cereus flavus, 126 Nucleus of bacteria, 69 gonorrhoeae, 85 Nutrient agar, 182 mastitidis, 122 bouillon, 180 pyogenes, 104, 119, 157 tenuis, 123 tetragenus, 122, 161 urese Leube, 131 Nutrient media, 84, 179 acid, 89 albuminous, 117, 180 alkaline, 87 Microscopical technique, 166 employment Milk, 180 gelatin, 181 ferment, 116 Mitigation of virulence, 90 Mordant, Bunge's, 170 neutral, 87 of, 184 non-albuminous, 121, 179 saccharine, 122 Loffler's, 169 Motile of, sporulation bacteria, 77 lens, 166 of cedar, 167 Motion of bacteria, character of Oil immersion Optical effects of bacteria 111 Oval bacteria, 67 111 Muscarin, 133 Oxidative fermentation, 125 Oxyfatty Naphthylamin, acids, 144 141 Negative chemotaxis, 112 Papayotin, 163 Neuridin, 133 Parvolin, 133 Neutral agar, 89 bacteria, 148 gelatin, 88 Pasteuria, 75 Nicolle's stain, 177 Pentamethylendiamin, 133 Peptone water, 180 Pathogenic bacteria, 110 Pathogenesis, 157 Nitrates, reduction of, 140 Nitric acid, conversion free acid, 147 into Peptones, 118 Phagocytosis, 163 Nitrification, 145 Phenolphthalein, 88 Nitrite poisoning, 158 Phlogogenic albuminoids, 135 INDEX Phosphorescent bacteria, 113 203 Resistance of bacteria to ficiency of food Photobacteriura, 114 Phycochromacea, 65 Pigment, formation of, 126 Plasma of er, de- and wat- 93 of spores, 108 Ricin 135 bacteria, 69 Rinderpest, 161 Plasmolysis, 70 Polar flagella, 73 Positive chemotaxis, 112 Saline solutions as nutrients, 86 thermotropism, 113 Predisposition, 157 Saprogenous bacteria, 110 Processes of reduction, 140 Saprophytes, 85 Production of acids from alco- Sarcina of from acids carbohy- Section preparations, 176 Separation of acids produced drates, 148 Proteidins, pulmonum, 106 Schizomycetes, 65 hols, 156 immune, 164 by bacteria, 150 Proteolytic ferments, 117 Sepsm, 133 Pseudodichotomy, 68 Short rod -shaped bacteria, 67 Pseudopodia, 73 Psychrophilic bacteria, 99 Silicic Ptomains, 133 screw -shaped bacteria, 67 acid nutrient medium, 184 Simple nutrient media, 85 Putrefaction, 144 Skatol, 133 alkaloids, 133 Putrescin, 133 Pyogenic albuminoids, 135 Smear preparations, 170 Solitary growth of bacteria, 67 Spermin, 163 Pyridin, 133 Spherical bacteria, 67 Rabbit septicaemia, 158 Rancidity of butter, 143 Ranges of temperature for bacteria, 98 Reaction Spindle-shaped bacteria, 67 Spirillum desulphuricans, 139 endoparagocicum, 107 Spores, attenuation of, 159 of nutrient media, 87 biological characters of, 106 Red pigments, 136 germination Reduction of power of nitrates, 140 processes, 140 of, 78 resistance of, 107 tests for, 109 Relative immunity, 161 Sporogenous granules, 71 Rennet ferments, 133 Sporulation, 77 Resistance, 157 influences favoring, 107 204 INDEX Sporule, preliminary stage, 71 Staining solutions, 168 Triolein, 80 Stellate fission, 75 Tripalmitin, 80 Trimethylamin, 133 Sterilization, 90 Tristearin, 80 Strict ae^robics, 95 Tubercle anaerobics, 96 Succinic acid, 156 of, staining of, Tuberculin, Koch's, 135 Tyrosin, 133 Sugar, chalk agar, 183 fermentation bacilli, 175 125 Tyrothrix tenuis, 171 Sulphanilic acid, 141 Sulphates, 139 Universal Sulphmethsemoglobin, 158 Sulphur granules, 81 Sulphuretted hydrogen, Urea fermentation, 131 Uschinsky solution, 86 98, 138 Sunlight, nutrient, 89 Vegetative action on bacteria, proliferation, 66, 75 101 Viability of dry bacteria, 94 Susceptibility, 161 of spores, 108 Symbiosis, 104 Vinylcholin, 133 Syncyanin, 128 Synergetic bacteria, 104 Violet pigments, 127 Virulence oi bacteria, attenuation of, 159 Tests of disinfectants, 91 Tetanus antitoxin, 164 increase of, 160 Vital poison, 136 conditions of bacteria, 84 spores, viability of, 108 virulence of, 137 Water Tetrads, 68 Thermophilic bacteria, 99 Thermotropism, 113 bacteria, 85 Xanthin, 81 Xylol, 168 Thiosulphite, 139 Titration, 88 Yellow Torula, 68 Toxalbumins, Toxins, 132, 134 Transverse fission of bacteria, Ziehl's solution, 168 j | 75 pigments, 126 134, 136 I ZoSglcea 73 Zymogenous spores, 110 ... Hiippe etc Loffler (Glanders bacillus.) — Plate 20 Corynebacterium diphtherise and Neum (Loffler.) Lehm (Diphtheria bacillus.) — Plate 21 Bacterium latericium Adametz (Kolb.) Lehm and Neum Bacterium... Chauvoei of French writers (Rauschbrand.) Plate 47.— Bacillus oedematis maligni Koch Lehm and ) )) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) LIST OF PLATES VI Plate 48 — Mycobacterium Neum iberculosiis (Koch.) Lehm, and (Tubercle... culture, formation of tetrads Aboutx 1,200 (Copied from Jaeger: Zschr f Hyg., Vol XIX., PI VII., Fig 6.) VI a Yl b Explanation of Plate Micrococcus roseus (Bumm) Lehmann and Neumann I Gelatin

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 23:37