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Animal Kingdoma V14

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THE ANIMAL KINGDOM ARRANGED IN CONFORMITY WITH ITS ORGANIZATION, BY THE BARON CUVIER, MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, &c &c &c SUPPLEMENTARY ADDITIONS TO EACH ORDER, EDWARD GRIFFITH, F.L.S., A.S., CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, &C AND OTHERS VOLUME THE FO LONDON: PRINTED FOR WHITTAKER, TREACHER, AND AVE-MARIA-LANE MDCCCXXXII CO LONDON GILBERT & St : RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, John's-square : THE CLASS INSECTA ARRANGED BY THE BARON CUVIER, SUPPLEMENTARY ADDITIONS TO EACH ORDER EDWARD GRIFFITH, F.L.S., A.S., $c AND EDWARD PIDGEON, Esq AND NOTICES OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES BY GEORGE GRAY, VOLUME THE Esq FIRST, LONDON PRINTED FOR WHITTAKER, TREACHER, AND AVE-MARIA-LANE MDCCCXXXII CO feW( C OF PLATES OF INSECTS To PLATE VOL I xiv 129 II XV 587 Ill xiv 583 IV xiv 515 V xiv VI xv VII xiv VTII xiv 198 IX xiv 311 X xiv XI xiv XII 534 115 , 246 42 230 , 274 xiv XIII xiv XIV xv X\ XVI xiv xiv XVII xiv XVIII xiv XIX xiv XX face page 270 , , 115 276 316 42 ~ 43 271 324 xiv XXI xv XXII xiv 296 XXIII xiv 460 XXIV xiv 468 XXV xiv 210 XXVI xiv 184 XXVII xiv 176 , ', , as^^)^ 588 LIST OF PLATES OF INSECTS PLATE To VOL XXVIII XXIX xiv XXX „.„ XXXI face page 48 , 264 xiv xiv 232 , 258 xiv XXXII XXXIII xiv 284 xiv 470 XXXIV xiv 271 XXXV xiv 493 XXXVI xiv 330 XXXVII XXXVIII xiv 473 xiv 673 XXXIX XL xiv 365 xiv 452 XLI xiv 49 XLII XLIII xiv xv 591 XLIV xiv 483 XLV xiv 452 XLVI xiv 516 XLVII XLVIII 487 xv 590 xiv 375 XLIX L xv xv 91 LI xiv 498 290 65 LII xiv LIII xv 596 LIV xiv 606 477 LV xiv LVI xiv 542 LVII LVIII xiv 544 LIX xv LX xv LXI xiv xv LXII xv LXIII xv LXIV xv LXV xv LXVI xv 592 579 93 365 774 , 191 215 113 ~ ~ 406 LIST OF PLATES OF INSECTS plate vol LXVII xv LXVIII xv vii To face page 126 , 218 LXIX xv 91 LXX xv 116 LXXI xv 516 LXXII LXXIII xv 331 LXXIV xv LXXV xv LXXVI xv 515 LXXVII LXXVIII xv 432 xv 184 LXXIX xv 675 xv ' 113 22 , 93 LXXX xv LXXXI xv 630 LXXII LXXXIII *LXXXIII xv 610 xv xv LXXXIV xv LXXXV xv 99 LXXXVI LXXXVII xv 672 xv 676 LXXXVIII xv LXXXIX xv XC xv 259 xv 243 xv 233 XCI XCII 22 « 598 _.- 631 604 101 , Ill XCIII xv 239 XCIV xv 296 XCV xv 107 XCVI xiv 532 xv 241 XCVH XCVIII xiv 559 XCIX xv 594 104 C xv CI xv 126 CII xv 677 CIII xv 609 CIV xv 171 LIST OF PLATES OF INSECTS nii plate To vol face page CV xv 324 CVI xv 402 CVII CVIII xv 576 xv 261 CIX xv 262 CX xv 173 CXI xv 574 677 CXII xv CXIII xv 174 OXIV xv 696 CXV xv 670 CXVI xv 254 CXVII CXVIII xv 388 xv 674 CXIX xv 117 CXX xv 600 228 CXXI xv CXXII CXXIII xv CXXIV xiv 544 CXXV xv 774 CXXVI CXXVII xv 625 xv 298 CXXVIII xv 779 CXXIX xv CXXX xv xv 721 « 530 603 , 196 CXXXI xv CXXXII CXXXIII xv 679 CXXXIV xv 227 CXXXV xiv 142 xv 196 M 388 CXXXVI CXXXVII xv 680 xv 680 CXXXVIII xv 259 CXL xv 634 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM THIRD CLASS OF ARTICULATED ANIMALS, AND PROVIDED WITH ARTICULATED FEET The INSECTS (INSECTA) have articulated a dorsal vessel, which holds the feet, si- tuation of every vestige of heart, but without any branch for circulation ;* respire * through two principal tracheae, which Anatomists are greatly divided with regard to sider it genuine heart; others (and such as a and one which appears to us to have been of tory researches According to the M Marcel de last secretion of fat, which envelopes it orange colour Lyonet Some is Straus, in says that con- Cuvier, confirmed by the satisfac- deny position Serres), entirely this this vessel is the it encloses a gummy substance of an very recent observations appear to establish the much ; but, besides that this circulation must always as the differ would greatly in this respect from M M de Herold on the subject in the us his own opinion, founded on his own " The dorsal vessel," he says, " is the blood does not return to the heart reviewing a memoir of " Bulletin Universel," has given researches, Many ofM afterwards elaborated in the adipose tissue which partial, the insects the Crustacea, in as fully this organ the opinion mentioned author, the function of existence of a few small vessels be very is on the Melolontha true heart of the insect, being, as in the superior animals, the locomotive organ of the blood, which, instead of being contained in through the general cavity of the body VOL XIV B vessels, is spread This heart occupies the entire CLASS INSECTA extend parallel to each other through the whole length of At the body have centres, from which pro- intervals they length of the back part of the abdomen, and terminates anteriorly by a single artery not ramified, where it pours it the very effects of this the entire thus which transports the blood into the head, out and from whence it returns into the abdomen, from sanguine circulation of the insects reduced, which have is The a single artery without branches, and no veins heart are not muscular, as Herold pretends ments which keep the dorsal vessel abdominal portion of the say, the To accumulation in the head, to re-enter the heart its The in its place vessel, is alee of the they are simple fibrous liga- : heart, that to is divided into eight chambers internally (Melolontha vulgaris), separated from each other by two conver- gent valvules, which permit the blood to proceed from behind, in front of one chamber, into the other as far as the artery which conducts the head, but which opposes vided laterally, in its its Each chamber retrograde motion anterior part, with two apertures, formed it is to pro- like trans- verse clefts, which communicate with the abdominal cavity, and through which the blood contained these apertures semi-circle, systole." is which From in this cavity can enter the heart is attached on the aperture during the this short description it is easy to the posterior chamber dilated, the is tracts, are named the blood which the when blood contained in the abdominal When auriculo-ventricular it movement of conceive, that cavity penetrates thither, by the two apertures of which and which Each of provided internally with a small valvule in the form of a we have spoken, the chamber con- contains, not being able to return into the ab- dominal cavity, pushes the interventricular valvule, passes into the second chamber, which dilates to receive it, and which receives at the same time a certain quantity of blood by the proper auriculo-ventricular apertures During the movement of the passes in the by the same manner lateral apertures; chamber into the other and as systole of this second chamber, the blood into it is far as the third, which equally receives thus that the blood the artery It is tractions of the chambers of the heart, that is some pushed from one these successive con- one discovers through the skin of the caterpillar The heart of the decapode Crustacea, of squillse, limuiae, spiders, also presents, according to the information this profound observer, similar valvules which It is I &c, have received from enclosed in a kind of sac or pericardium, which, according to him, stands in place of the auricle These 558 CLASS INSECTA always terminated posteriorly and insensibly by a pointed and prolonged angle M of le Such are the Pedini, properly so called, Comte Dejean In others the anterior edge of the head The emargination The form equally, or almost equally dilated and that of the is entire, or without four anterior tarsi of the males are of the body, corslet, in particular, is still similar to that of the last pedini Those which the anterior edge of the head in still presents an emargination, form the sub-genus, Blaptinus, Dej (Dej Cat 66 Synon Insect Those which in it is Blaps I 1, tab ii tibidens, Schcen, 8.) entire or without emargination, are, Platyscelis, Latr We are now Their body is arrived to Melasoma, provided with wings usually oval or oblong, depressed, or but little raised, with the corslet square or trapezoid, of the breadth of the abdomen The at its posterior extremity palpi are thicker at their extremity, the last articulation of the maxillaries is in the but is form of a reversed triangle or hatchet The mentum extended in breadth, and leaves the base of the little jaws uncovered.* These melasoma will comprise the third Tenebkionites, formed of a that of the and last tribe, single genus, that of * By reason of their jaws, armed at the internal side with a corneous tooth, the Epitragi ought systematically to belong to this tribe, and be removed from much it larger, all the sub-genera, of which it is composed, by their chin and covering the base of the jaws; but in the natural order appears to me, that these insects should be placed near helops Z (ritpticus jrihbulus Sn Z.Opatncm elongation CartLcus celtzs l.TJi-t7 ' S L iJwosce/is 7'irefiestrata b.ToMami acrviccme: $uer- lam 7-Boros A&raeiieus fvl- frm/i Pitfhh'ents ??u/tza/s I,it Calcar dcvujatus r.,„.?^ p,,h7,

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 23:19

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