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Evolution journal V32

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'# )h^ Vol III No FEBRUARY, 1931 20 Cents EUOLUnON A JOURNAL OF NATURE EVOLUTION Page two February 1931 Science Editor Scienttfic Henry E Adri'ory Board EUOLUTION Crampton A Martin Dewev Wm King Gregory Paul B with this issue A number of most eminent scientists have consented to act as members of a Scientific Advisory Editorial Board; Prof Henry E Crampton Iiead of the Zoology Department in Barnard Col- Dr Martin Dewey, Presidenc-tlect of the American DenWm King Gregory, Professor of Verte- lege; Association; Dr tal brate Palaeontology at Columbia University and Curator of Ichthyology at the American Museum of Natural History; Dr Paul B Mann, President of the New York Association of Biology Teachers; Dr Elilm Thomson Consulting Engineer tion THAN TWENTY THOUSAND are expected to receive this issue of EVOLUTION is to new v.'ith As The purpose combat bigotry and superstition by popularizing natural science; to replace dogmatism with the method; scientific champion the to right of schools to teach whatever science discovers, and to maintain the duty of teachers to so no matter how this conflicts with preconceived prejudice; to achieve a larger place develop a general interest and for science in education; to scientists among in natural science encourage the growing sense of to among social the people, responsibility For the attainment of these ends we invite forward policy, makes us more determined the all to PROFESSOR HAS REFUSED subscription because "the name, his The renew to Evolution, very word, evolution, antagonizes harm than good." This same professor has text book without mentioning evolution and It is too does more written a biology actually boasts of approval by fundamentalist school boards its Such a professor, no matter how eminent, his profession For the fundamentalist is a disgrace to who opposes teaching evolution because he honestly believes that the eternal welfare of h'.s children is involved, we have respect and sympathy even while we attack his illusions But for a scientist, who knows evolution to be a fact, yet deliberately bears false witness in order to It sell may more of we have no regard his books, at all be "good business" to please backward school-boards it is not honest To hide the truth because of in this way, but moral cowardice To hide out of re- fear of opposition is gard for profit intellectual dishonesty Instead of feehng proud of it is and pressing us to fessor should feel the blush of No Evolution will to give the solid grain of And we're confident enough of our readers have the necessary moral help us ''carry on" until the pressure of organized should answer, brain that DARWIN'S LIFE HAS MEANT it "He can attain truth by logic." reason, as Darwin But summary to observe nature in work of his it follow his example, the pro- shame upon Darwin's way humorist were standing by my sketch of his theory human mind from matter still remained beyond law, a Darwin, that is in his study, tion theory, set down its he no longer look on an animal Ward, rvill Hrdlicka of Race and Its it might accomplish The Man and His Welfare." OUR NEXT bring several noteworthy articles: Smithsonian the Institution on — the Future King Gregory on Museum of superstition sketch of an evolu- as a savage does at a ship." "Charles Darwin: in IN Human Wm suggests a parable for his hope: March Evolution Ales It welter of super- facts of living matter intelligible "We — Henshatv my better Newton showed a riot first hope of the good his And made for field concluding his might make the it A subject to regular laws But organic nature all / simile the recent expedition of the Ameri- of Natural Hisrory to the gorilla country H McGregor tion regarding the of Columbia University, the latest informa- "Peking" Man H Gideon Wells of the University of Chicago, on the new evidence for evolution from Bio-Chemistry and Immunology his cheeks not resort to such subterfuge first the Evolu- H J Muller concluding "How EVOLUTION Evolution Works." PUBLISHING CORPORATION, February, 1931, Vol Ill No (Whole No 17) Pub'ished month'v hy lists 344 E 16th St.', New York Application for Second Class Entry pending at Post Offire, New York, N Y Subscription ?2.00 a year; in of five or more, ^1.00; Foreign, 10c extra; Single copy 20c; bundles of 12 or more, l/3c EVOLUTION, d are rational only given in a sentence that he wrote in is that can We about personality in inorganic nature stition which "design" or "purpose" and were not quite happy about desk — in tatters feel as if the stern old I human this faith is slowly teaching the world that is our mental in it It beyond our thinking and that we are absurd utterly is we drape vAien we try if has meant, I were answerable to hu- it must be clothed if it or "rectigradation." nature life destroyed the raging faith of the inspires us to interpret nature as if man supersti- L E K were called upon to express what his I integrity which the professor has yielded, disappears from tion, before If But Evolution and that how Newton rescued radical will refuse their support science instead of merely science husks 1842, in the scribbled the active co-operation of every reader A CERTAIN always come out boldly will the facts Naturally, those that prefer mental bootlegging very condition proves the necessity for this II not equivocate, will not compromise, will not trim will to this straight readers EVOLUTION an introduction we therefore state again oar aims: of Horace Elmer Wood and hedge and hide Evolution WHAT MORE Contributing Editors Edwin Tenney Brewster Maynard Shipley

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 22:55


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