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Evolution journal V01

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Number f A ^ December, 1927 Journal of Nature, Published Monthly bv Evolution "— i«H'NG Corporation 96 Fifth Avenue S.Ok New - York T (/ / 1^ / f \i :aML MAN'S BLOOD COUSIN— THE GORILLA J # / / Articles / / by J JA David Starr Jordan, William K Gregory, Henshaw Ward, Albert G Ingalls, Maynard Shipley, Horace J Bridges, Barrow Lyons, Harry A Overstreet / — EVOLUTION Who December, 1927 Believes in Evolution ? By David Starr Jordan TUST now America organic evolution has come to the front as a popular issue With it is the broader question as to whether scientific teaching and scientific in research shall be subject to official censorship of men of such matters As to the final issue who know nothing there can be no doubt, for science will insist secure upon and own freedom its The word evolution second class called evolutionists, often very baffling workers themselves, are the imperfectly educated accept evolution but are impatient with the slow progress which actual knowledge demands They delight to run ahead of science and to anticipate it by methods of fancy, using fragments of philosophy, bits of poetry or of assumed "logical necessity." as commonly accepted comprises making of the material universe and the development of life and mind on the earth Cosmic evolution deals with the formation of worlds, moons, mountains, crystals, seas, rivers and glaciers matter that in itself has no organic life This bears no two A to who distinct conceptions, the we can know out Science A third It is that true which nothing we can trace is, it But men who of lives to the life and are therefore in full agreement as to the meaning of what men have found to be true No man can have an opinion of his own on all can all to subjects authority He must for trust most the edu- the But the mark of man is that he knows what authority he can trust To enable men to this is a central purpose of educacated in all details, perfectly orderly its nomena authority the escape It is true that all are undergoing change, and that all such change so far as it and much larger class realize they must acaccept most conclusions on study of the science of same universe, the in from find embarrassed by tradition and intuition have given their on the earth of animals and plants is In science we can alike intimate relation to organic evolution, the development are the truth only so fast as unite the pheof life and those of one group of to tion To teach this conclu- inert matter as sion or that, one set of dog- phenomena mas ignore and confuse our knowledge of the essential qualities of organized life Cosmic evolution in these days presumes gle is to rather than another, truth even rather than false- hood, is business no one not a university's rather to It is such training as will enable the student to find give to doubt Its strug- with tradition is virout for himself Only by The facts of orsuch means can any man David Starr Jordan ganic evolution are equally acquire the "courage of his well, though not so exhaustively, settled, but there perconvictions." A working hypothesis becomes science only sists a kind of guerrilla warfare against its main conwhen rival hypotheses have definitely ceased to work clusions When this takes place science moves on, never returning In their relation to organic evolution, several classes to occupy territory once abandoned may be recognized among our people We have first a A fourth class are interested chiefly in evolution in small minority comprising those who know as to the so far as it seems to stand in opposition to current common origin of animals and plants, either through orthodoxy or to religion broad, critical observation of animals and plants the A fifth class, the largest of all, enjoy going with the naturalists or through experiments with living beings crowd, priding themselves on their hundred per cent or organisms the geneticists Among these there is no regularity in all matters of opinion having the backing difference of opinion on the main question All life of some form of tradition The burden carried by is and has always been subject to orderly divergence tradition is essentially one of ignorance It treats as The animals and plants of today are descended from final the conceptions of able men of other ages, who had those of the past All men who have a right to an observation training neither tools of nor by which to opinion or are capable of forming an opinion from the carry on experiments These men, of whose judgment we evidence of nature are now evolutionists The main facts have records, were devoted and sincere but made no are in, and none of them are explainable under any other claim to any form of omniscience, only reporting their supposition The great argument in biology is the own impressions in forms of history and poetry cumulative one But as to the relative value of the factors A sixth class rejoice in being blind leaders of the or forces which brought it about, and as to the probable blind, scorning science and willing to use civil authority geological history of each group, there remains much for its suppression (Dr Jordan's argument will be continued in the difference of opinion Such differences furnish incennext issue of Evolution) tives to future work tually past — — — 24133 JUL 1960 EVOLUTION December, 1927 Pace Three Gorilla Bab\/ The Testimony Man's Teeth of By William K Gregory "THE infant gorilla that is now in the Philadelphia Zoo- Park is a friendly little chap, wanting chiefly to be babied and fussed with So it is not surprising that he let me put my finger in hie mouth to feel his teeth If he lives several years longer he should, if he is like other young gorillas, eventually have a full set of milk teeth numbering twenty in all and arranged as logical And is it not significant that these particular numbers and arrangements of the milk and adult teeth in all the class of mammals are found only in the higher or Is man made Old World monkeys, apes and man? Or literally in the image of God in this respect also? did he inherit his normal "dental formula" from some members of the ancestral stock of the anthropoid Darwin inferred? Let us follow this line further How many principal points or cusps has the reader got on his second right If he is like most people he will or left lower molar? find only four cusps, separated from each other at their bases by two main grooves forming a cross This is a distinctly human arrangement and taken by itself is a far-off apes, as follows: on either side of the upper jaw two incisors, one canine, two "milk molars"; on either side of the lower jaw two incisors, one canine, two "milk molars." Is it a mere coincidence that normal human children also have twenty milk teeth? And that they also have, on either side of the upper jaw two incisors, one canine, two "milk molars"; and on either side of the lower jaw two incisors, one canine, two "milk molars"? And is it a further coincidence that when gorilla and human children grow up they should as a rule have thirty-two teeth in the adult set, arranged as follows: on either side of the upper jaw two incigors, one canine, two premolars, three molars; and on either side of the lower jaw two incisors, one canine, two premolars, three molars? conspicuous point of difference from the corresponding known apes, living and fossil, which have normally five cusps on the second lower molar But about one-fourth of white people have a fifth cusp on the first lower molar and a good many negroes, black Australians and other primitive individuals have five And as there are cusps on all three lower molars hundreds of jaws in which the fifth or hinder cusp has almost disappeared, so there are other jaws in which tooth of all the it is less and less reduced human jaws known, namely Turormlkinchors GorillachUcC kJhitechHU twoffiilXmolars lower In the most ancient fossil the Heidelberg jaw, the EVOLUTION Pace Four Mousterian jaw and the Ehringsdorf jaw, there are five main cusps on all three lower molars Is it another coincidence that each of the three lower molars of all the known anthropoid apes also bears five main cusps? And is it also by chance that in all known apes and many men these cusps are separated at their bases by six main grooves, each of which obviously corresponds in position in apes and men? Thus if the reader wears the sign of the cross on his second lower molar, the chances are that his first lower molar is impressed with the mark of the ape, and certain it is that the oldest December, 1927 known human lower molars are the ones that most closely approach the "Dryopithecus pattern" of the primitive ape molar We not yet know the direct ancestors of man as well as we know the direct ancestors of the horse, but what little we know of fossil men and fossil apes is fully in accord with the vast mass of testimony already gathered by the students of human and comparative anatomy and physiology Their verdict has long been that man is a blood cousin to the ape What scientific evidence is there to the contrary? fossil Bamboo ^0 BABY animal in America today is attracting more attention from men of science than fourteen-months- old Bamboo, the infant gorilla in the Philadel|ihi;i He the most is human animal When Bamboo arrived at Henry Bartel's New York he proved so charming Zciu iiiv of his callers could not be prevailed in- fant in captivity for his ways are decidedly like those of a normal ^B9BD£ paper '^^^^^Bt ^°>i FiiiF M) How He Explain • a teacher I will, without compromise, stand ment fundamental these for actively resist every encroach- and upon things, my them within sphere of liyARFARE enemy evolution convention, which will be held dur- ville Cumberland Christmas week, a number of noted McKemie, Bulletin, The association adapted Tenn attention lution, he and teaches evostinking skunk and a liar." Billy Sunday a is — going to not are stop until we have driven every Modernist out of our pulpits and chairs We seminaries are going to takes our lives to —The Rev N and editorial put them out produce way let's — get together mately 17,000 people in United States Fountain, our ready forefathers monkeys Klux them be- were Ku and getting are really let's chattering quit stop about and it act them from monkeying with such subjects." —Editorial "So God, I am not will concerned, so help mc wink at, be a party to support, or even remain silent when any crowd or machine undertakes to ram down the throats of Southern group, Baptists its this touch with current happenings world of science and promotes co- group in in the operation and good fellowship Through its among scien- meetings large numbers and given an opportunity tact the ofificial journal Science, to organ of the association, tion It is sent free science to Members good standing ports of to all whom you can not copy also receive re- meetings whether it is yourself Send we'll visit to us cost about cents a send out these samples, so if five you can send along a check ever, if your bank account don't let that is Howminus Send us the stop you- names anyway and help to pay for them we'll not object we'll raise the cash otherwise- WHAT'S A HUNTER WITHOUT AMMUNITION? A hunter without ammunition is in the in or full, names and addresses and will It fur- members in mail them sample copies is and educa- made is Of course you'll show this issue of Evolution to your friends and ask them to subscribe But you probably know some who would be interested, under- which nishes an open forum for the discussion of questions relating success same copies fix as an evolutionist without Evolution of don't want The best to Surely YOU remain in such a pickle way you to in appropriate characters on the lowing blank in a hurry out is for fill fol- Expenses of the organization are met by the S5 entrance fee and the yearly dues of from "The Neu' Menace." far as I keeps it a LET US MAIL SAMPLES TO YOUR FRIENDS the Through and abroad meetings and publications, campaign circulation magazine stock to be held until the balance its parts of all DOING now will should be applied on a larger block of us their of of scientists are brought into friendly con- fore their proof gets before the public let's the before because the Evolution but be- profits, WORTH In remitting kindly state whether pay- stand one another's points of view- proof that back public large membership, amounting to approxi- tists J evolutionists the "If particularly is propaganda the of The weekly way, well it." HUlman Cluirles Plcdnfield, to the discuss to bring the problems raised by to anti-evolutionary 'If a minister believes it expected are make help ment subject Presbyterian // the into the subject of Credal State- College quoted from The ment, "We carried when discussed at the next annual is scientists Bethel the be will territory is Checks should be made payable to Evolution Publishing Corporation meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science assembling in At the Nashfundamentalist Tennessee ing service." —From lecturers pay, share-holders are not invited for ON ENEMY TERRITORY Holy Scriptures as the very word of God steadfastly science Additional capital furnished Ji the the immediate Bible record of miracles; As five expected the business cause this work This of Creation as the direct act of and is it on the basis of making teachings are its accept and believe the Bible account '"I natural Although against the word of God." ville With every preferred stock for will back is in hell, —From shares routed, run and kicked out legislated, of existence which Cor- New York $10.00 its shares of preferred one $10.00 share of University of Texas this offers common, voting stock will be given The immediate business is publishing this journal Evolution and selling books Later a Lyceum Bureau the of laws, 6% of verse shall hereafter be employed." adopted Publishing poration, organized under in the University of Texas No person who does not believe in God as the Supreme Being and the Ruler of the Uni- —Rule Evolution The Agnostic or any capacity in clique, that deity-of-Christ hell-bom, denying, ism known as evolution." —The Rev in the are interested in the ob- by addressing Dr Burton E Livingston Permanent Secretary, Smithsonian Institution Building, Washtain further information ington, D C Bible-destroying, German All who work and aims may annual members at $5 each CO-OPERATE BY CLIPPING Readers are invited to (Rate: of publication from five or enclose $ Name - Street and send clippings of news and articles that they consider interesting, being sure to give date and name Send me a bundle of Evolution every month I rational- } Frank N orris San Antonio "News." Evolution Publishing Corp., 96 Fifth Ave., New York City which taken City & State _ copies of for one year more, 50c each per year) EVOLUTION Pace Twelve December, 1927 WHAT Science Notes A CYCLOPIAN HUMAN RACE? OOME *^ fX^HE Science League of our remote ancestors, the pale- ozoic formed Fundamentalists water, had a third eye on top of the head When finally The pineal gland, the human brain, is deeply embedded in thought evolution or cisco while if he person the is is Brazil, left leges Mark Spiral Nebula; the Question Canada, American, Dr Shastid deduces from this that his man's right eye eventually will only eye, and that even now his stereoscopic vision is "The great cyclopean regain being destroyed eye, however, will vision by developing most sensitive spots in stereoscopic two maculae —the — the one eye, just in the fashion in which many birds have stereoscopic vision each eye now," says Dr Shastid It probably be able to perceive as light forms of energy human in dom OURS NOT THE ONLY UNIVERSE rjR ALLAN DOUGLAS and in not, is but with a protest High School and College widewill help some awake student earn his way through school Why not you? Many thousands of students, teachers and Professors will subscribe for Evolution attention their commission engaging in A is brought specially to generous will be allowed to students this work now, with this first faintest thousan sixteen stars, Start complete in The state non-political, both Modernists and nishes the and and and Rational- and approaching the question troscope, fitted on the Crossley reflector o at issue point of view scientific In every state threatened with an antievolution law brief that in representative a League Science the committee the members According to calculations the their ameter of our universe di about 350 quad is miles, or about 60,000 light years rillion year light by the distance traveled is one year's time going light in a speed at the of state, of its and arranges for speak to fur- legislature name the in in right in its behalf the The bill arguments for use posed action newspapers state with supplied also are information and opposing the pro- in Besides this, over a thou- sand newspapers and magazines are kept news of the war against evolution, and from time to time The farthest that measured they This means that the light entering earth the stars 100 quadrillion miles from our are about the star about now supposed that the telescope left It is once to be nebulae, gases incandescent may be beyond our universe, far other universes, in reality clouds of suns away that the separate stars cannot be distinguished In recent many years articles are written by the presi- dent giving the history and present status of the anti-evolution agitation Protest also against believed lying magazine 15,000 years ago so far issue against regularly in touch with of 186,000 miles a second as quickly as this journal church the observatory, they measured about 2.000 times too faint to be seen by the naked eye -or non-sectarian is from a of to man any to believes in protection of free- of including ists, however, confined open is Mount Hamilton, California have taken new measurements of the Milky Way Using a new type of spec servatory on A SCHOOL? Evolution Ob and will WORKING YOUR WAY THROUGH every Hawaii, universities in the United States in science teaching League MAXWELL anc associate astronomers of the Lick many which now produce eyes no sort or kind of perception." In Mexico, the woman who the Sky in Scien- tific become cities, District col- separation November the in and the in scientists, A even when both eyes are open article this 1925, in San Fran- offices in in 47 states does most of the seeing through one eye, an incorporated tax- of practically all important Membership eye as a rule takes up the major portion of the detail This means that the human brain In of England and France; faculties right-handed; left-handed the in colleges Alaska, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, He reports that from pital, Duluth, Minn 95 to 100 per cent, of the detail of any object comes to the brain through the if science branches in several has It Columbia, of develop into a one-eyed, cyclopean race?" we now are asked by Dr Thomas Hall eye, was It and members Shastid, opthalmologist of St Luke's Hos- right teaching and schools country human beings will efforts of the abolish to present the with stop scheme, America was of combat the and maintains national be a vestige to '"Will two-eyed to evolutionary supported and degenerated gradually it disappeared modern of this third eye lost its biological use- fulness, 1924 in under probably living lizards, THE SCIENCE LEAGUE OF AMERICA? IS is made wherever anti-evolution action possible on the part of boards of education and similar bodies; publicity is given to cases of dismissal for the teaching of evolution; and occasional educational lectures on evolution and public meetings are held The League's funds — membership dues 13 a membership $25 Plans include are derived from Evolution, 96 Fifth Ave., thousands of these have been photographed year, life New York City Send me your special offer dents I am earning my way and catalogued an extension of the work outlined above, School or to stu- through It is estimated that very powerful reflector, like that at Wilson, Mount pliotographing capable of is a sev- A Name I'll and City State & test stake Evolution, you to twenty a worth dollar's of be leaflet sell me like right hot away on sent application to 509 Gillette San Francisco, California All Evolution who are in sympathy with the purposes of the League Building, copies, you'll if readers write successful more fully descriptive of the work and aims of the Science League will ARE YOU A STREET SPEAKER? Number for local fundamentalist drive has been College Street capitals possible eral million of them more branches in state autonomous action, and cases in states where the establishment of for I cakes at your know first they'll meeting Address: Katterfeld, c|o Evolution of are cordially invited to co-operate as active members wkh it — EVOLUTION December 1927 THE WAR ON MODERN Maynard SCIENCE By Published by Al- Shipley fred Knopf: $3.00 /"iNLY an ostrich -with his head the in sand could deny, after reading Maynard Shipley's "Short History of Funda- Mod- mentalist Attacks on Evolution and constitute these ernism" that WAR ON MODERN veritable a overwhelming is By way Mr introduction of Shipley gives an adequate analysis of the philoso- phy upon which the conflict is based and explains the aims and purposes of the fundamentalists as opposed to the methods He of science then traces the far-flung battle line between the army of reaction and modern science State by State What Is To Be Done he disposes of the pacifist who believes he solves the problem ty just letting In his final chapter on fundamentalism "go out a clarion "Build gram, to organization" So now it has been told, this full and Endorsed magic life-story of the world- books League human document book In fact it is down lay principle a in ordained that K down the to of level not find it others, his Yale them intelligent for the "plain a moron, not He a Perhaps he too long, or they recognized At capacities any rate his "You suggestion: write it with You have some you are excited about the wonders of modern bi- ence in Why ology tion writing of varied job? don't It will sorts; you tackle this evolukeep you busy for a while." It "Don't try," was the answer "It friend can't be done." his mind After ready to That settled that a manuscript the professors for crit- me life my down a laying of first could not stop I be- by noting how life I more eager fascina- its experience, and with terror, but Species of soon found I finished Origin knowledge for than when I picked it up." What happened to this orthodox Episcopalian Bishop who had become "curious about life" makes a will I am and "eager more for knowledge" Evolution deduct 50c on your friends many a it will life to it read now it just as And 96 Fifth Ave., MY HERESY: New York, N Y to AN OUTLINE OF MAN'S KNOWLEDGE chal- By Clement Wood Published by Lewis Copeland Company, Inc $5.00 Just tech- received Will bo reviewed in our next undersigned: Bishop William Mont$2.00 WAR ON MODERN SCIENCE: May- nard Sliipley THE 3.00 HIGHER FOOLISHNESS: David Starr Jordan 2.50 EVOLUTION FOR JOHN DOE: Hen- shaw Ward 3.50 OF CIRCUS THE INTELLECT: Henshaw Ward 3.50 THE EXPLORING UNIVERSE: Henshaw Ward 3.50 CHARLES DARWIN, THE MAN AND HIS WARFARE: Henshaw Ward 5.00 OF MAN'S KNOWLEDGE: Clement Wood SCIENCE VERSUS DOGMA: Chas OUTLINE T Sprading 5.00 1.50 MICROBE HUNTERS: Paul de Kruif WHY WE BEHAVE LIKE HUMAN BEINGS: George Dorsey 3.50 3.50 PLACE IN NATURE: Thomas Huxley ORIGIN OF SPECIES: Chas Darwin MAN'S DESCENT OF MAN: Summarized by Newell R Tripp RIDDLE OF THE UNIVERSE: Summarized 55 OF CONFLICT TWEEN RELIGION AND ENCE: John Abridged 55 Ernst Vance by Randolph HISTORY 1.15 1.40 Chas Darwin William BESCI- Draper by Charles T Sprading 55 A B C OF EVOLUTION: Vance Randolph 55 A B C OF ASTRONOMY: Jay L B Taylor 55 A B C OF GEOLOGY: Allison Hardy A B C OF BIOLOGY: Vance Randolph VERY (Write One Year • plainly) Amount Name Street & No City & .55 55 Monthly, the K or order, gomery Brown mark the turning point L E book Evolution Publishing Corporation subscription asking you to read one dollar, you may $2.00 Send the items checked EVOLUTION: reading of at a deduct $1.00 on an order of $5.00 or more any interesting kind of story Each individual In combination with a one year subscrip- you the readers its its of price tion for that is has list appeal, and will be sent postpaid on receipt than tale It of believes will interest them it not only enjoy reading yourself, but you'll ask in it two years he had He asked He made it They corrected some things, lenged others They cleared it of icisms filled novel Mr Ward was amused, then interested had possibilities He asked a biologist up it very bring to the attent-ion of the books on this Haeckel instead This was tions extraor- had I law of behavior, surely had of the knowledge of the sciences involved; you have imagination; you have long experi- behaves, it con- to something for come curious about "To learn about native professor a reading, strange had happened to me pestered one day exploded anthropology in dinary did So he kept on asking, among professor friends at nearby University some he had "To me, who had been used troversial literature, this was actual de- people." — and If any way, he would be awfully obliged if corrections were made rect —not something written nature-loving rhapsody, but an things one had noticed something that missed, or if his own notes were incor- the rest of us amateurs at science, scription —living watching how they acted Hen$3.50 Co., He was cerned with making converts just noticing things Henshaw Ward has sought world should the whole thereafter use nothing but his "This Darwin was not seemingly con- EVOLUTION FOR JOHN DOE By account of evolution to people's other extinguish to so lights in the L E shaw Ward Bobbs-Merrill at- man." Also there was no "inner light." and no profound conviction upon the part of the author that he had been front trenches of the battle line T IKE proved be to not did It There was no apologetics here, no tempt to "justify the ways of God a veritable arsenal for the Evolutionist have ever read, I nothing for granted take buttressed by citations from is ammunition of that and quote a few sentences from one chapter headed "My Universe EWsappears" "I began to read Origin of Species." It was a completely new kind of reading matter to me It seemed to of Every statement made by the author authorities for MY HERESY: The Autobiography of An Idea By William Montgomery Brown The John Day Company: $2.00 TNSTEAD of giving you a conventional review of this remarkable book by Bishop William Montgomery Brown, I'll merely say that it is the most sincere and America." this was Evolution result by scientists, prepared by years of study and research, Mr Ward has written a volume of immeasurable value and interest and importance to Mr John Doe A S B pro- his is Science the John Doe and sends "Meet or- seed" action to call with ganization Page Thirteen SOME BOOKS WORTH READING /^NE of the objects of this journal is to The nical errors The SCIENCE- evidence compiled in this volume of over 400 pages : enclosed $ 1.00 EVOLUTION Page Fourteen MAN OR WOMAN: GIRL OR BOY, "Could you use some extra money each month?" "Ask me another," you "tTERE'S feel sure will become a mighty army is next Drop me and line, a you may share will follow this month the trail that they have blazed? All that send in more subscriptions will be acknowledged in this column We'll measure our much by the number of copies of Evolution that we sell as by the number of readers who think well enough of this little journal to ask their friends four or I'll send you how subscribe for 10 it They are the in the dollars that will 20 Henry F Mins, N Y!' Don't wait until somebody gets ahead 16 of you, but let me hear from you right Address: L E K., c|o EvoLU- New York TION, 96 Fifth Avenue, City THE ASCENT OF MAN So here we salute: Sehmucker, Ph D C FRIDAYS, 8:30 NOV 18 to P M DEC 16 any magazi could have Charles Recht, N Y Pyle, S 16 John Kasper, Pa 10 Wm N Y Leslie, Peter Kutt, N Y Frank Doster, Kan Robert Leslie, N Y A Chernay, Chas Musil, N Y Dr N Y J I Elliott, Solon DeLeon, N Y Lena Cannon, Ohio Joseph Brodsky, N Y Ruby D Garrett, Mo Oatman, R J 6 Herman Ledding, Eh- Ore F Kogan, The Labor College of copies tion The orders 100 make sale a Charles Washburn issue Evolu- III M A Rovin, Wm Max W H Westmoreland, Alfred Bosch, Ohio M Sugar, Mich meetings at copy and retails it will for readily sell —or over 150,000 of subscribers spective only one at send in Call attention of we to casting this are ber of extra copies of this first of ples The Evolution, New York For the enclosed No is at me _ 5c each If exhausted, send second issue Bishop Street and Number _ State & Minn to make William Montgomery Dr William K Gregory E E Free, Ernest Unterman, Wisconsin E Backus, California Clara Sckolnik, California- Mrs R E Chambers, Oregon Wesley Lloyd, Washington J F Blakely, Washington Brown, Knute Everts, Washington Dr D M Angus, Washington Luba Adelson, IllinoisM C Winokur, Illinois H T Ahrens, Washington Cora Meyers, Wisconsin Phillips, Illinois T P Cooper, Illinois Wm A Cunnea, Illinois Bohemian Free Thought Federation Fred D Warren, Illinois Dr Leo Blass, California Peter Bulthouse, Illinois Aldyth Ward, North Dakota Samuel Ash, Illinois Samuel Holland, Illinois Anna August R Zicha, J I New York New York Reinstein, Elliott, New York Oscar Ameringer, Wisconsin Phil Gallery, Kansas Victor L Berger, Wisconsin Ferd Chenik, Michigan A Sudetic, Michigan Edgar N -""^ New York Alex Chisholm, Washington Eh- Caroline A Lowe, Kansas City issue first Fund who have helped Ella G Brown, Ohio Dr Organization twenty least at broadcasting over contributors to this Broad- first City send I- Evolution to are this possible are: ^ copies of We So Broad- Evolution an 7,000 sample copies of this casting to To send For every dollar conFund we'll mail sam- Evolution addresses issue pro- available are thousand dollars raising Fund tributed to this blank immedi- printed only a limited num- 96 Fifth Ave., Eitel, E T Melms, Wis copy to each of these will nearly ten cost act yourself we Dr G G VanEssen, BROADCASTING FUND The addresses 10 kinds of edu- all meetings Better Harry Lashkowitz, Pa In only is your organization's literature agent ately, as Mont Albert Keene, Mont 111 cash through the extra forums, debates and this Roy, Ore N D Wm Dr us for mailing out samples cational 111 Floyd N Y Rosner, P Josephine Arnold, J Ga will Evolution M A Spence, Mich also little a Dr 111 Forum Evolution of of Bastin, S Olf; J J Kalina, Wash Thomas Seward, Wash Mark Lifclunan, Wash John Safron, Mich 111 Cantrell, Dr V MacMickle, Ore Calif 111 Brown Kavinoky, Calif S J Bell, S C S Liberty, N Y These organizations Detroit Labor bundles of 20 or more the cost cents E in Seattle orders this Olf, J Lillian A H M Reid, Mich Otto Hauser, Wis 111 Calil, Calif Single admission, 50 cents Course, $2 Alfred Sayers, Nahum Dr Edward den, N Y Ore Halcomb, Calif 111 M Greenberg, N Y Hans Mayer Daxlan- 6 Dr Mary Equi, Ore 111 Dr John A Comstock, Josephine, Conger Harry Winkler, Ore Edith Dr John Dequer, Kossove, N Y J Y Col Frances Pilat, N- Y HaldemanJuUus, E Mrs MAKE MONEY AT MEETINGS Salutsky, N- B Elizabeth Bertram, 10 David Jenkins, Ohio Rand School of Social Science NEW YORK EAST 15TH ST J Alice P Gannett, Ohio 10 Caroline Drew, N Y Kan Author of "The Meaning of Evolution" and of "Man's Life on Earth" that John Dr ' Ohio P B Cowdery, Calif C Zadunaysky N Y Five Lectures by Samuel encouragement greatest be made by SOMEBODY in your community with Evolution this month 100 They success not so the secret by return mail, telling away- what we the advance guard of did not wait until they had a sample copy to show, but started right out barehanded with nothing but the idea of this Evolution journal and garnered some subscribers How many reply "What's your name and address?" my December, 1927 OUR HONOR ROLL FIRST ON Caro L Strobell, Connecticut Yetta Land, Ohio Edward H Kintzer, Ohio May we add your name to this list next month to help Broadcast Evolution? EVOLUTION Decejiber, 1927 Page Fifteen ?? y^nowledge enormous makes a god of me" In the accelerated tempo of modern life intelligent men and women hunger and knowledge They seek, and must have, the answers to the myriad of questions that tease their minds What should they know of Science? What is important in History? Who are the great figures of Literature and Art? How have the philosophers changed religious thought? Now comes a brilliant survey of Man's knowledge told in one vivid volume thirst after — The Outline^ «/Man sKnowledge — — — — — History Science Literature the magnificent roHERE mance of everything huis man beings have earned since first man walked upon the Religion % CLEMENT WOOD I the earth All t/ie outlines in one woven together into one — Henry Fairfield Osborn, Scientist— "The scientific and prehistonT: por- in every field of human knowledge voice their enthusiasm: Dudley Field^Malone, Latvyer— WiUiam McFee, Novelist— "The plan of the book is splendid have read it ftom cover to cover and the recapitulations of general knowledge make a strong appeal to me I wish I had time to go ovet it I panotaiia^of th'e i^a'rc^ c Fremont Older, Editor- overwhelming in its lanpe and detail, and the stirring mind and eloquent speech of Clement Wood grips you with an almost and enlightenmg The Outline of Man's Knowledge is the epic story of man- is sion s and interpretation The developm-'nta in the long with thoughtful and philos- Harry Elmer Barnes, Historian— a high de- Third T'rinting^^^ at LEWIS COPELAND CO., James Harvey Robinson, Historian "Clement Wood has selected the really important points and managed teresting 'The Outline of Man's Knowledge' by Clement Wood is the most thrill- •• "Mr Wood has achieved Philosophy in- spiring, instructive, delighting narrative Eminent authorities The work Art Inc., 'J'ublishers kind told, in all its amazing wonder, in one splendidly complete volume of only 700 — pages a thrilling narrative that excites the mind, exalts the heart, inspires the imagination and holds the attention spellbound Get a copy today all 'booksellers 119 West 57th Street, New York EVOLUTION Pace Sixteen December, 1927 And enlightenment when so many there scientists never was a time were so eagerly search- ing the frontiers of knowledge TODAY, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE explorers are abroad in the wild places of the earth Scientists are digging the story of ancestors out of the record of the rocks our More sweeping the deeps of the heavens scientists are with greater telescopes and delving into the mys- atom with higher powered micro- teries of the scopes than ever before are discovering are And the facts that they more marvelous and enter- taining than any fairy tales of fiction Evolution modern will follow the over his untrodden ways and will scientist tell in every- day language of his adventures, discoveries and From month achievements month Evolu- to tion will report the news of science in a way that HERE'S A PORTRAIT is grandfather Isn't he nice? You see, In this he comes from a race dristingaifehed dveir in' antiq-^^' uity for sense of humor its make up editor can't quite fundamentalists seriously ously, at One any rate, as thing he is his liar notions to take the as seri- serious about — that he believes, ^vill speak for itself is when it Incidentally, an we can depend upon make monkeys that these fundamentalists will of themselves they take themselves FACTS meet opposition from the fundamentaiists who want to suppress conform to their own pecu- mind nearly matter what their will shall of course the facts unless they accurate and fair presentation of facts truth, we Fortunately our — not And no Evolution FRANKLY FACE THE of the editor's great, great, great, great easy to read implications We'll take great delight in The HAVE A LOT OF FUN told reading about them You can expect this to begin with the very next issue To be sure not to miss it fill in the convenient blank at the bot- clearly in a straightforward manner, guided by a sense of proportion which at times becomes a tom sense of the ridiculous There never was a time in the history of the men and women were so eager for world when of this page and pin a dollar bill to it while you are in the notion, or better yet, make it a two spot and add the names of a couple of your friends Evolution Publishing Corporation, 96 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y For the enclosed $ ^Single subscription, $1 Name To re- porting their antics, and you will send Evolution for one year to: three addresses, $2.) Street tear cover, and Number any old slieet of paper City and State will do.) ... body to EVOLUTION December 1927 What Is Evolution ? By Henshaw Ward TT astonishing to see is how often "evolution" is miscon- ceived by educated people, sometimes even by scien- Learned journalists... G I evolutionist and anti-evolutionist, will outrageously misrepresent them- Published monthly by Evolution Publishing Corporation 96 Fifth Ave., New when they get into an argument about evolution. ..— EVOLUTION Who December, 1927 Believes in Evolution ? By David Starr Jordan TUST now America organic evolution has come to the front as a popular issue

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