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Ostrup 1910

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DANMARK-EKSPEDITIONEN TIL GRØNLANDS NORDØSTKYST UNDER LEDELSE AF L MYLIUS-ERICHSEN BIND III 1906 — 1908 — INDHOLD Side I from North-East Greenland (N of 76° N lat.\ collected by the Danmark-Expedition 1906 1908, by C H Ostenfeld and Andr Lundager (Hertil Tavle I VI) The Insects of the Danmark-Expedition by Fritz Johansen and J List of Vascular Plants Nielsen III IV (Hertil Tavle VII— VIII) 33 Freshwater Algæ from the Danmark-Expedition to North-East Greenland by Borgesen (N of 76° N lat On the Marine Algæ from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark- ) Expedition, by L F 69 Kolderup Rosenvinge 91 Fungi Terrestres from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark135 Expedition, determined by C Ferdinandsen (Hertil Tavle IX) VI Systematic List of Fungi (Micromycetes) from North-East Greenland, col1908, determined by J Lind lected bj' the Danmark Expedition 1906 V 147 (Hertil Tavle Xl VII Hepaticea and Sphagnaceae from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark-Expedition 1906 1908, determined by C Jensen Mosses from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark-Expedition 1906—1908, determined by Aug Hesselbo (Hertil Tavle XI -XII) IX Lichens from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark-Expedition 1906 1908, determined by Olaf Galloe X Diatoms from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark-Expedition, determined bj' Ernst Østrup (Hertil Tavle XIII XIV) XI Marine Plankton from the East-Greenland Sea (W of 6° W long, and N of 73°3Ü' N lat.), collected during the Danmark-Expedition 1906—1908: I List of Diatoms and Flagellates by H Ostenfeld II Protozoa by H Ostenfeld III Peridinales by Ove Paulsen IV General remarks on the Microplankton by H Ostenfeld and Ove Paulsen XII Contributions to the Carboniferous Flora of North-Eastern Greenland by (Hertil Tavle XV- XVI) A G Nathorst XIII Some notes concerning the Vegetation of Germania Land, North-East Greenland, by Andr Lundager (Hertil Tavle XVII) XIV Acari by Ivar Tragårdh XV A Marine Dorylaimus from Greenland waters by Hjalmar Ditlevsen 163 VIII — 181 193 257 287 301 319 337 347 415 427 (Hertil Tavle XVIII) Bryozoa by G M R Levinsen (Hertil Tavle XIX-XXIV) XVII Report on the Porifera, collected by the Danmark-Expedition to NorthEast Greenland, by H V Bronsted (Hertil Tavle XXV -XXVI) XVIII The Alcyonaria of East-Greenland by Hegtor F E Jungersen XIX Actinaria and Zoantharia of the Danmark-Expedition by Oskar Carlgren XX The Marine Carboniferous of North-East Greenland and its Brachiopod Fauna by Karl A Grönwall (Hertil Tavle XXVII- XXX) XXI Quarternary Fossils, collected by the Danmark-Expedition, by Ad S Jensen XVI 169 431 473 485 505 509 619 38347 X DIATOMS FROM NORTH-EAST GREENLAND (N OF 76° N LAT.) COLLECTED BY THE "DANMARK-EXPEDITION" DETERMINED BY ERNST ØSTRUP 910 XLIII 16 Ihe material on which me for investigation by to work Commission the present the is for based was given the "Dan mark- Expedition." The saltwater material as follows: — consisted of (1) 13 samples of Algæ, Off Cape Amelie, samples, preserved in glass vessels The "Off Cape Amelie." Danmarks Havn, samples, of which two are herbarium-material, and one in a glass vessel The locality given in the text as "Danlocality given in the text as marks Havn." Along the peninsula, Cape Bismarck, sample in a glass vessel locality in the text given as "Off Cape Bismarck." Koldewey 0, samples, of which three are herbarium-material, and one in a glass vessel The locality given in the text as "Kolde- The wey Isl." and (2) in A all, series of samples as follows: — 76°20N.lat., 18°20 Given in the 75°14N lat., 4^34 sample W from long., ice, all preserved in glass vessels, land -ice off Germania Land, text as "Land-Ice." W long The outer edge of the pack-ice, Given in the text as "Margin of the Pack-ice." 75°14 N Lat., 11°15W long., pack-ice, sample Given in the samples text as "Pack-ice." The F fresh-water samples are the same as those given BÖRGESEN for investigation of the freshwater algæ to Dr There are in all 30 samples, partly preserved in glass vessels, and partly dried, in paper bags,_ but several of them contained such small quantities it proved impossible to obtain serviceable prepara- of material that tions from the uncleansed material, let alone to submit it to a cheThe freshwater samples are distributed among the mical cleansing! different localities text) as follows: (the names of which are given unaltered — 1(5* in the Ernst Østrup 196 sample: some pebbles MallemukÇeld Hvalrosodde samples, of which in glass vessels, dried material Dove Bugt Lille Snenæs Snenæs sample, dried powder samples, of sample Stormtougt Stormkap Danmarks Havn Yderbugten Tester Elv Basiskæret Tlierraometerfjeld which in glass vessels, sample: two bones sample, dried material sample, dried material samples, sample all in glass vessels in a glass vessel samples, of which dried material, 1: stone sample Nostoc sample, dried material sample in a glass locality As regards the "Danmark in a glass vessel distribution Expedition," I have, of the in vessel Diatoms collected by the the present work, considered the distribution within the Arctic region, have used the following method: In regard to the W stone samples in glass vessels Cape Bismarck Without 1: in a glass vessel — marine forms: exclusively and then I — Greenl denotes a form found along the coasts of West Greenland Greenl — — a form found along the coasts of both East and E of Greenl — a East Arct — E Greenl a form found along the coasts of East Greenland West Greenland form found by Ryder's Expedition on the ice or in plankton, and included in my Mar D f Østg S a form found in one of the other eastern Arctic Seas as far as the Strait of Behring In regard to the W Greenl denotes freshwater forms: West Greenland Greenl — East Greenland Fz Js Ld — — Franz-Josef Land — — Beeren Eiland F] Spb El J M Spitzbergen Jan Mayen — MARINE DIATOMS PENNATỈ Diraphid Amphiprora Ehr., 1843 Amphiprora gigantea Grun I, 18; Cl.&Gruii A.D., Tab V, var septentrionalis Grun Cl Syn., 87 (A decussata sept.) fig Lo c Danmarks Havn (Algæ), Marg A re Di st Greenl., East Arct S of the Pack-ice t Kjellmanii Tab XXXV, fig Cl var glacialis Cl., Cl Syn., I, 16; Cl Vega Exp., 12 (A glac) L o c Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Di st E Greenl., East Arct S Auricula Auricula minuta Cl., Cl Castr., 1875 Syn., 21, I, Tab I, figs 7-8 Lo Off Cape Amelie (Algæ) Hitherto recorded only from "Sweden, Gullmarsfjord on Zostera and among Amphipleura (Berkeleya) Dillwynii" (CI c) Tropidoneis Tropidoneis longa Cl., CI., Cl Syn., Lo Off Cape Amélie (Algæ) Arct Distr Greenl., East Arct I, 1891 25, Pleurosigma elongatum W Sm., fig Lo c Koldewey Isl Cl 1852 Syn., I, 38; W Sm Syn (Algæ) S Caloneis Caloneis 58; Cl fig 199 Arct Distr Greenl., East Arct I, III, S Pleurosigma W Sm., Tab XX, Tab amphisbæna & Grun A.D., Tab Cl., 1894 (Bory) Cl var fuscata Schum., Cl Syn., I, fig 27 Ernst Østrup 200 fig Lo Dove Bugt A ret Distr East Arct S Caloneis brevis (Greg.) CI., CI Syn., 61 I, V H Tit., Tab IV, ; (Nav brev.) 180 Lo Off Cape Amélie (Algæ, sampl.) Arct Distr W Greenl., East Arct S Caloneis kryophila Exp., Tab XXXVII, fig Cl var? gelida Cl Syn., Cl., kryoph.? 42 (Nav 1,64; Cl Vega gel.) Lo c Marg of the Pack-ice (2 sampl.) Arct Distr Greenl., East Arct S Diploneis Ehr., 1840 Diploneis borealis (Grun.) Tab I, fig Lo c 40 (Nav Smithii Cl., Cl Syn., 96; I, Koldewey Arct Distr W Greenl., E of Greenl., East Arct N S D., Tab fig I, Lo c Koldewey Diploneis Ill, fig (A Sch.) Cl., Cl Isl (Algæ) S Syn., 81; I, A Sch 22 Isl (Algæ) Not before recorded from Tab Js L., bor.) Off Cape Amélie Algæ, sampl.), Diploneis coffæiformis Grun Fz Entomon Arct Ehr., Several other records S Cl Syn., I, 87; & Grun Cl A D., 54 (Nav bomboides A Sch var media Grun.) Lo c Danmarks Havn (x\lgæ), Koldewey Isl., (Algæ, sampl.), Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr E Greenl., East Arct S Diploneis interrupta (Kütz.) Tab III, Lo c fig Cl., Off Cai)e Amélie (Algæ, sampl.), Arct Distr E of Greenl., East Arct Diploneis littoralis (Donk.), Tab I, Cl Syn., I, Koldewey Isl 84; V H TrL, 145 (Algæ, sampl.) S Cl var ardica CI., Cl Baff ., 18, fig Lo c Marg of the Pack-ice (3 sampl.) Arct Distr Davis Strait, E of Greenl., East Arct S In one of these samples a specimen of the present species has the following dimensions: Long 66 /z, Lat 25 / Diploneis littoralis (Donk.), Tab I, fig CI var hyperborea Loc Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr W Greenl., E of Greenl., East Arct I, c, CI., CI CI., CI Syn., S Diploneis muscaeformis (Grun.) CI var genuina 83; A S Atl., Tab XIII, fig 47 (Navic muscæf.) Loc Off Cape Amelie (Algæ) Hitherto recorded only from Baku, Java and Camp Bay Diatoms from North-East Greenland 201 Diploneis Smithii (Bréb.) Cl Cl Syn., I, 96; W Sm Syn., fig 152 a (Nav elliptic); Grim Fz Js L., Tab I, fig 41 Lo c Off Cape Amélie (Algæ, sampl.), Danmarks Havn (Algæ, sampl.) A ret Distr Greenl., East Arct S Diploneis splendida (Greg.) Cl., Cl Syn., I, 87; A Sch N S D., Tab XVII, Tab I, fig Lo c Danmarks Havn (Algæ), Koldewey Arct Distr Greenl., East Arct Diploneis subcincta Tab I, figs Lo c Isl Isl (x\lgæ) S (A Sch.i Cl., Cl Syn., I, 86; Grun Fz Js Ld., 38— 39 Off Cape Amélie (Algæ, sampl.), Danmarks Havn (Algæ), Koldewej' (Algæ, sampl.) Arct Distr E Greenl., East Arct S Diploneis vacillans A Sch forma Tab VIII, fig ß, Cl Syn., I, A 95; S Atl., 34 Lo Off Cape Amélie (Algæ) Not before recorded from Arct S Several other records Nayiculæ fusiform es CL, 1894 V Navicula fusiformis, Grun H Trt., Tab XXVII, fig 769 var ostrearia Gaillon, CI Syn., Loc Koldewey Isl (Algæ) Not before recorded from Arct S Cl fig sp Mar D Østg., 426, Tab VI, fig Long 22 /i Lat 10/^ Str 1894 , Cl Syn., I, 109; cf Øst 46 Loc Marg of the Pack-ice (3 sampl.) Arct Distr E of Greenl., East Arct Navicula rostelloides Cl., var subprotracta Cl 106; Several other records Naviculæ orthostichæ Navicula kryokonites Vega Exp., Tab XXXVII, I, nova S Tab nost XIII 73 (Nav Rostellum minime 22 W fig Sm.) in 10 /i Valva lanceolata-elliptica, apicibus brevissime subrostratis Raphe area hyalina angustissima, distincla autem, cincta apices versus subradiantibus et, qvoad perspicere Striis parallelis, potui, altera in parte media valvæ deficientibus ibiqve fasciam unilateralem male definitam relinqventibus Loc Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr E of Greenl I had previously given this species as Nav Rostellum W Sm., which Cleve (Syn., II, 4) refers to Nav Placenta Ehr If, however Nav Rostellum should prove to be identical with Nav Placenta then the present species cannot be Nav, Rostell because it has not got the characteristic decussate striation of Nav Placenta As I have not been able to see any punctation of the striæ I place it, but with hesitation, under Naviculæ orthostichæ and as perhaps most nearly allied to Nav kryokonites CI , Ernst Østrup 202 Navicula Spicula (Hickie) Tab fig I, Syn., Gl Gl., 110; I, V H Trt, 53 (Stauroii Spie) Loc Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr E of Greenl., East Arct S Navicula Wankaremae Gl., Gl Syn., I, XXXVII, fig 47 (Nav kryokonites? Wank.) 109; Gl Vega Exp., Tab Loc Pack-ice, Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr East Arct S Navicula vitrea fig Gl Syn., Gl., 111; Gl I, & Grun., A.D., Tab IV, 78 (Pleurosigma vitreum) Loc Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr Davis Strait, E of Greenl., East Arct S Cryrosigraa Hass., 1845 Gyrosigma arcticum 16 figs — 17 (Rhoicosigma Gl., Gl Syn., I, 119; Perag Pleuros., Loc Off Cape Amélie (Algæ, sampl.), Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr W Greenl., East Arct S Amphipleura fig (2 sampl.) Kütz., 1844 Amphipleura rutilans Trentepohl, Tab V, Tab.X, arct.) Gl Syn., I, 126; V H Trt., 255 (Berkeleya Dilhvynii) Loc Koldewey (Algæ, sampl.) Isl Arct Distr Greenl Amphipleura rutilans Trentepohl V H Syn., Tab XVI, fig Loc Koldewey Isl (Algæ) Not before recorded from Arct Isis., Friendh^ Isis (Cl var antarctica (Harvey) Grun., 20 (Berkeleya antarct.) S Other records, North Sea, Falkland ) Naviculæ deciplentes Grun., 1880 Navicula subinflata Grun., GI Syn., I, XXXVII, fig 50) V H Trt., Tab XXVII, fig 141 ; (GI Vega Exp., Tab 760 Loc Off Cape Amélie (Algæ, sampl.), Marg of the Pack-ice Arct Distr W Greenl., E of Greenl., East Arct S Naviculæ microstigmaticæ Stauroneis perpusilla Grun., Tab I, GI Syn., GI., I, 1894 146; Grun., Fz.Js L., fig 50 Loc Marg of the Pack-ice (3 sampl.) Arct Distr E of Greenl., East x\rct S Stauroneis pellucida, 440, Tab V, fig GI var 62 Loc Marg of the Pack Ice Arct Distr E of Greenl contracta Øst., Øst Mar D Østg., Diatoms from North-East Greenland Pinnularia Brébissonii Mull., Riesengeb., 25, Tab var linearis Ill, 243 Müll, forma carta, fig Loc Vester Elv Not before recorded from Arctic Pinnularia divergens XIV, fig 11 Other record, Riesengebirge regions W Sm var linearis var nova Tab nost Long 52// Lai 11« Str in 10 / Valva linear! apicibus rotundatis Raphe area hyalina satis lata, media in valva in fasciam transapicalem dilatata, cincta Incrassationibus marginalibus fasciæ evidentibus Striis radiantibus sub convergentibus apices terminalibus Fissuris figuram "commatis" præbentibus Loc Vester Elv, Thermometerfjeld have placed tliis form under Finn, divergens because of the marginal I incrassations of the fascia Pinnularia divergentissima Grun., Tab VI, fig CI Syn., II 77; V H Syn., 32 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.), Vester Elv, Thermometerfjeld A ret Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Js Ld., Spb., B El., J M Pinnularia Legumen Ehr., Cl Syn., II, 78; V H Trt., Tab fig II, 98 (Nav Legum.) Loc Vester Elv Not before recorded from Arctic regions Several other records The present form is a forma parva; long 54 /z Distantes Pinnularia borealis Ehr., fig 77 (Nav bor.) Elv (2 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.) Cl., 1895 Cl Syn., II, Pinnularia lata Bréb., II, Dove Bugt, Stormbugt, Stormkap, Vester Js Ld., Cl Syn., II, 81 ; Spb., B El., J V H Trt., Tab M II, fig 76 lata) Loc Stormkap, Thermometerfjeld Arct Distr E Greenl Fz Js Ld., Tabellarieæ I, J Cl., Pinnularia mesogongyla Ehr., Tab Tab V H Trt., sampl.), Thermometerfjeld Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz (Nav 80; M 1895 Cl Syn., II, 84; Cl., Diat Fini., fig 11 Loc Hvalrosodde, Vester Elv Arct Distr E Greenl (3 sampl.) Pinnularia stauroptera Grun var interrupta Cl forma parva, II, 83; V H Trt., Tab II, fig 86 (Nav staur parva) Cl Syn., Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.) Lille Snenæs Arct Distr E Greenl., Fz Js Ld 19* Ernst Østrup 244 Brevistriaiæ Cl., 1895 Pinnularia parva (Ehr.) Greg Tab 87, Lgst.; Spb., II, flg var Lagerstedtii CL, Cl Syn., II, (Nav parvuia) Lo Dove Bugt, Lille Snenæs Ar et Distr Spb., B El Amphora Ehr., 1840 Subgen Amphora Amphora Trt., Tab I, 1895 Cl., ovalis Kütz var libyca Ehr., flg 17 (Amph Loc Off Cape Amélie Arct Distr W Cl Syn., II, V H 104; oval, affinis) (Algæ), Koldewev Isl (Algæ) Greenl., E of Greenl., Spb Mono raphideæ Coccoueis (Ehr., 1835) Grün., 1868 Subg Cocconeis Cl., 1895 pro gen Cocconeis Pediculus Ehr., Cl.Syn., flg II, 169; A.S All., Tab CXCII, 61 Loc Koldewej' Isl (Algæ) Not before recorded from Arctic regions Cocconeis Placentula Ehr XXX, figs 33—34 Loc Danmarks Havn (Algæ) Several other records var euglypta, Cl Syn., II, 170; V H Syn., Tab Arct Distr Fz Js Ld Subg Eucocconeis fig Loc Hvalrosodde, Lille Snenæs Arct Distr E Greenl., Spb., B Cocconeis flexella Kütz fig Cl., Cocconeis flexella Kütz Cl.Syn., 322 (Achnantidium flexell.) 1895 pro gen 179; V H Trt., Tab VIII, II, El var intermedia var nova Tab nost XIV, 12 Long 38 Lat 14,« fi Str media in valva 22 in 10 ju, apices versus densioribus Epitheca Area centrali subqvadrata, magna Hypotheca Raphe sigmoidea, area angusta hyalina, media parte valvæ in aream centralem acuminatam dilatata, cincta : : satis in Loc Hvalrosodde Especially on account of the subquadrate area of the epitheca I think this form may be intermediate between Coccon flex, and Coccon maxima forma minor As I have not seen the epitheca and the hypotheca separated, but only in situ I have indicated in my figure of the hypotheca the extent of the central area of the epitheca Diatoms from North-East Greenland 245 Cocconeis maxima (A CI.) Øst forma minor, cf A CI., Lul Lappm., 24, Tab I, figs 22—23 (Achnanlhid maxim A CI.) Loc Hvalrosodde mm Cleve states that the length of Achnanthidinm maximum is 0.065 and 0.075 (a hypotheca) and she says (1 c.) "Though not seen together, the two valves described above, found in the same sample, certainly belong to the same species." On an average mj^ specimens are somewhat smaller (Length 48—56/.«, only one specimen measures 60 /), but otherwise they agree well wàth A A mm (an epitheca) Cleve's figures As I have seen both valves ponding valves Cocconeis fig maxima in situ I can affirm that they are corres- Tab nost XIV, var nova var lanceolata 14 Long 74« Lat 22 /^ versus densioribus media Str., 16—17 in valva, in \0 , apices Valva rhombice-lanceolata, apicibus rotundatis Epitheca: Area magna Hypotheca: Raphe sigmoidea, area hyalina angustissima, media in parte valvæ in aream parvam subcircularem dilatata, cincta Striis radiantibus Nodulis terminalibus, paululum a margine remotis, in spatio laterali nudo situatis centrali qvadrata Loc Hvalrosodde As in the figure of Cocc flex, interm., so also here, the extent of the central area of the epitheca as I have I have indicated only seen both A'alves in situ Cocconeis minuta fig Cl Syn., II, Cl., 16 (Cocc Thwaitesii var ß 179; Lgst., Spb., Tab XIV., arctica) Loc Hvalrosodde, Nostoc Arct Distr E Greenl.; Spb Achnanthes Bory, Subg Microneis Achnanthes VIII, fig linearis W Cl Sm., 1822 1995 pro gen 188; Cl Syn., II, V H Trt., Tab 335 Loc Hvalrosodde Not before recorded from Arctic regions Several other records Achnanthes microcephala Syn., Tab VIII, fig Kütz., Cl II, 188; V H Trt., 332 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.) Arct Distr E Greenl Subg Achnanthidinm Achnanthes coarctata Tab I, fig Bréb., Cl., 1895 pro gen Cl Syn., 16 (Achnanthid coarct elineata) Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr E (2 sampl.) Dove (ireenl., Spb., J M Bugt II, 192; Lgst., Spb., Ernst Østrup 246 Brachyraphideæ Euuotia Ehr., 1837 Eunotia Arcus Ehr.; V H Tit., 299, Tab IX, Loc Hvah'osodde, Vester A ret Bist W fig 362 Elv Greenl., E Greenl., Spb Eunotia Arcus var bidens Grün.; V H Trt., , fig 365 Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr E Greenl Eunotia Arcus var hybrida- V H Syn., Tab XXXIV, fig Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr E Greenl Eunotia Arcus var minor Grün.; V H Loc Hvalrosodde Not before recorded from Arctic regions Toni "Cum , fig 363 specie hinc inde" (De Sylt., p 791) Eunotia Arcus fig Trt., var uncinata Grün.; V H Trt., 299, Tab IX, figs 829— 830 364 Loc Vester Elv, Basiskæret, Nostoc Arct Distr W Greenl Eunotia Diodon Ehr.; V H Trt., 303, Tab XXX, Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr \V Greenl., E Greenl., Eunotia divisa Hérib fig 13, cf var arctica Hérib., Diat foss d'Auv., Long 44 /^ Lat /i Spb Str 15 III, — 17 var nova Tab nost XIV, 1908, 35, Tab XIV, in 10// sub apices, fig ceterum irregulariter distributis, Valva margine dorsali curvata margine ventrali recta, apicibus marginem ventralem versus leniter incurvatis rotundatis, Loc Off Cape Amélie (Algæ) Only a single specimen found The present variet}^ differs from the main species especially by its irregularly arranged striæ Otherwise it agrees well with the figure by Héribaud referred to above, but is somewhat smaller It maj' perhaps be considered as only an abnormal specimen of the main species, which is a fossil recorded from "Depot de Fraisse-Bas" (France) Eunotia Faba Dial., Tab V, fig (Ehr.) Grun.? \ar densestriata Øst., Øst., Danske 107 Loc Vester Elv Not before recorded from Arctic regions Other record, Denmark The present form is somewhat larger (18 /) than the Danish specimens (14^1) and — as far as can see — is also somewhat more coarsely striated as compared with 20 in 10//.); but as the striæ can be seen (16 striæ in 10 /jt, only wdth great difficult}-, the}- may after all be identical 247 Diatoms from North-East Greenland (Ehr.) Rabh.; V H Tit., 300, Tab IX, Eunotia gracilis 368 fig Loc Hvalrosodde Arc t Dis tr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Js Ld., Spb., B EL, (Ehr.) Grim.; V H Trt., 303, Tab IX, Eunotia lunaris Snenæs Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Loc Ar J M 384 fig Lille t fig Loc Vester A ret M (Ehr.) var subarcuata (Næg.) Grün Eunotia lunaris 304, Tab IX, Js Ld., J V H Trt., ; 385 Elv Distr J M Eunotia major (W Sm.) Rabh.; V H Trt., 300, Tab IX, fig 366 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.), Vester Elv (3 sampl.) Not before recorded from Arctic regions Several other records Eunotia paludosa Grun., Grun., XXXIV, fig Østerr Diat (1862), 336; V H Syn., Tab Loc Vester Elv A ret Distr W Greenl., Spb Eunotia parallela Ehr., A Cl., LuL Lappm., Tab XXXIV, fig 16 (Eun par forma angustior) Loc Vester H Syn., Elv A ret Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Js Ld Si)b Eunotia parallela Ehr fig V 28; var arcuata var nova Tab nost XIV, 15 Long, 10 /z Str chordæ arcus) (sc: 40/^ Lat /i Long, sagittæ arcus 14 in 10 /^, transverse lineatis Valva arcuata, margine dorsali sub apices paululum déclinante Loc Lille Snenæs Eunotia pectinalis (Kütz) Rabh forma Tab IX, fig elongata; V H Trt., 301, 371 Loc Lille Snenæs Not before recorded from Arctic regions mark Other record, Lule Lapp- Eunotia pectinalis (Kütz.) var minor (Kütz.) Rabh., Lappm., 31; V H Syn., Tab XXXIII, figs 20— 21 Loc Vester Elv Arct Distr Fz Js A Cl., Lul Ld Eunotia prærupta Ehr V H Trt., 302, Tab IX, fig 376 Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr E Greenl Eunotia prærupta var bidens Grun.; V H, Trt Loc Hvalrosotlde Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Js Ld., J M c fig 379 Ernst Østrup 248 Eunotia prærupta var bigibba Kütz V H Lo Hvalrosodde, Lille Snenæs, Vester Elv Arct Distr E Greenl., Fz Js , fig 380 Ld Eunotia prærupta var curta Grim V H Lo c Hvalrosodde, Danmarks Havn, Vester Elv Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Js Ld Eunotia prærupta Lo c Hvalrosodde Tit var inflata Grun Trt c, V H Trt fig c, \ 377 fig 378 Not before recorded from Arctic regions Other records unknown Eunotia prærupta V H Syn., Tab var laticeps Grim., XXXIV, Loc Hvalrosodde fig fig Lul Lappm., 34; Cl., sampl) (2 Eunotia prærupta I, me 25 (forma curta) Arct Distr E Greenl., Fz 273, Tab A to var Js Ld., J Monodon M Øst., Øst., Ferskv D f Østg., V H Syn., Tab 11 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.) Arct Distr E Greenl Eunotia robusta XXXIII, Ralfs var Papilio Grun fig Loc Hvalrosodde (3 sampl.), Stormkap, Vester Elv sampl.), (3 Thermo- meterfjeld Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Eunotia septentrionalis Tab I, Øst., Js Ld., Øst., Spb Ferskv D f Østg., 274, fig 10 Loc Hvalrosodde, Dove Bugt, Lille Snenæs, Vester Elv Arct Distr E Greenl., Fz Js Ld Eunotia Triodon Ehr V H Trt, 303, Tab IX, fig 387 Loc Stormkap Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Spb Eschato raphid eæ Surirella Turp., 1827 Surirella Tab XIII, fig ovalis Bréb var minula Bréb V H Trt., 588 Loc Otf Cape Amelie (Algæ) Arct Distr E Greenl., B El Surirella ovalis var ovata Kütz Loc Ofr Cape Amelie (Algæ) Arct Distr E Greenl V H Trt c, fig 587 373, Diatoms from Xorth-East Greenland 249' Tropidoraphideæ Hantzschia Grim., 1877 Hantzschia amphioxys fig 483 (Ehr.) Grim., V H Trt., 381, Tab Snenæs (2 sampl.), Thermometerfjeld Di Str W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz J.s Ld., Spb., Loc A re Lille t Hantzschia amphioxys Ferskv d Østg., 276, Tab f Loc Hvalrosodde A ret Dis tr (3 (Ehr.) I, XIV, fig B El., M Øst., leptocephala var J Øst., fig sampl.), Lille Snenæs, Vester Elv, Thermometerfjeld E Greenl Hantzschia amphioxys nost XV, b (Ehr.) var robusta var nova Tab Str 15 in 17 Long 176 / Lat Pimct carina] 15/^ —5 in 10 fi 10//, pimctatis Valva paululum apicibus hantzsclioidea, in Pimctis rostratis valvam prolongatis Nodulo carinalibus centrali eximie conspicuo Loc Hvalrosodde Nitzschia (Hass., 1845, W Sm.), Grün., 1880 Dubiœ Nitzschia Nathorstii Brun, Brun, fig J M & E GreenL, 9, Tab II, Loc Hvalrosodde, Lille Snenæs Arct Distr Fz .Is Ld., J M Nitzschia thermalis (Kütz.) Grun var intermedia Grün Tab XV, fig 510 V H Trt., 389, Loc Oïï Cape Amélie (Algæ) Not before recorded from Arctic (V H Trt regions Other record Ard Lieg ) Grunowia Nitzschia Denticula Grun., V H Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr W Greenl., Trt., 390, Tab 15, fig 514 E Greenl., Spb Obtusœ Nitzschia subcapitata Long 94/^ Valva fere nuala Nodulo Lat lineari, /u sp nova Punct carinal in 10/j fig 18 Sir delicatissimis apices subcapitatos versus unilateraliter atte- centrali obscuro, Loc Vester Elv Tab nost XIV, an præsente? Ernst Østrup 250 Lanceolatœ Gru Nitzschia fonticola Grün, var.? Tab nost XIV, fig 16 Long 13 Lat 4/^ Punclis carinalibns 11 12 in 10// inconspicuis Valva lanceolata, carena valde excentrica — Loc Hvalrosodde This small form mav be allied figs to Nit:, fontic, Tab LXIX, 16—17 Nitzschia Hantzschiana Rabh Tab LXIX, figs 1—2 Loc Vester A ct & Grun A D., 99; V H Syn., Spb Js Ld., Nitzschia Palea W Sm var minuta LXIX, fig 23 (Kiitz) Loc Danmarks Havn A ret CI Elv Distr Fz A D., 96; V H Syn., Tab 556 (the second Bleisch., Cl & Grun (Algæ) Distr E Greenl., Fz Nitzschia Palea fig V H Syn., Striis Js Ld., J M var teimirostris Grun.; V H Trt., 402, Tab XVII, figure) Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr El., J M Arraphideæ Ceratoueis Ehr., 1840 Ceratoneis Arcus Kütz.; V H Tri., 306, Loc Lille Snenæs Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Fz Syuedra Ebr, Synedra radians fig 401 Js Ld., Spb., B El 1831 (Kütz.) Grun.; V H Trt., 312, Tab X, Loc Hvalrosodde Not before recorded from Arctic Synedra Ulna Tab X, (Nitsch.) regions fig 423 Several other records Ebr.? Loc Hvalrosodde, Koldewey Isl (Algæ) I have only seen a few fragments, so that an exact determination is impossible Synedra Vaucheriae nost XIV, fig Long 23 Valva Kiitz var sept entr ionalis var — 30/^ Lat 3,6 /^ Sir 16 in 10 /^, Tab an punctatis? lineari apicibus capitatis subcapitatisve altera in parte nova 19 Striis parallelis, media valva deficientibus ibiqve areolam unilateralem relinqventibus Loc Vester Elv (4 sampl.), Lille Snenæs As this small species occurs in the samples both free and also attached to the narrow branches of algæ, but never in the form of long bands, I Diatoms from North-East Greenland 251 may be a Synedra, not a Fragilavia A Cleve (Beitr z Fl d Bär describes and figures a Synedra Vaiicheria Kütz var perminiita Grun., which may be a smaller and non-capitate form of the present think Ins., it 17, fig 10) species Fragilaria Lyngb Fragilaria construens (Ehr.) Grun.; V H fig 325, Tab XI, Trt., 450 Loc Hvalrosodde Arct Distr W (ireenl., B El Fragilaria (nmiabilis (W Sm.) Grun var.?) elliptica Schumann de Toni Syll., 687 (Frag, ellipt.); V H Syn., Tab XLV, fig 15 Loc Hvalrosodde Not before recorded from Arctic regions Diatoma De Cand., Diatoma hiemale Trt., 350, Tab XI, fig Loc Off Cape Amélie (Lyngb.) Kütz 1805 mesodon Kütz var V H 471 fAlgæ), Danmarks Havn (Algæ), Koldewey (Algæ) Isl Arct Distr W Greenl Tabellaria Ehr., 1839 Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth.) Kütz fig V H Trt , 357 , Tab XI, 478 Loc Hvalrosodde, Dove Bugt, Vester Elv (7 sampl.) Arct Distr \Y Greenl., E Greenl., Spb., B EL, J M Centri cæ Melosira Ag Melosira varians Ag Loc Danmarks Havn V H Trt., Tab XVIII, Not before recorded from Arctic regions fig 611 Several other records Cyclotella Kütz., 1833 Cyclotella antiqva W Sm V H Trt., 446, Tab XXII, fig 652 Loc Hvalrosodde (2 sampl.) Arct Distr W Greenl., E Greenl., Spb Stephanodiscus (Ehr., 1845) Grun., 1880 Stephanodiscus Astræa Grun., Fz Js Ld., 49, Tab V., (Ehr.) fig Loc Danmarks Havn (Algæ) Arct Distr E Greenl., Fz .Ts Ld Grun var spiimlosus Grun., 252 Ernst Østrup Distribution of the Freshwater Diatoms Diatoms from North-East Greenland 253 Ernst Østrup 254 from Spitzbergen Beeren Eiland Jan Mayen 46 (35.7 "/) not recorded 28 (21.7 Wo), — — 16 (12.4 ^/o) 28 (21.7 «/o) hence previously known from the Arctic regions From W 101 (78.3 4o) Greenl only, and from no other Arctic locality From 11 (8.5 ^lo) the localities east of E Greenl., taken as a whole 76 (58.9 This proves that the freshwater-Diatom-flora from East Greenwe are here considering obviously originates from the land which and as regards the eastern east, localities, more particularly from Spitzbergen To found, this may be added that five of the forms which have been viz Cymbella affinis — tumida Botellus — ventricosa semicircalaris Navicula gibbula capitata and — Lagerstedtii, — — been found only in Spitzoutside Greenland have hitherto bergen; and a similar origin is indicated for some of the Desmidiaceæ found by Dr F Borgesen (cf F Borgesen: Freshw Algæ, p 73) Fig — — — — Stauroneis dilata ta Ehr forma minor Cymbella septentrionalis Gomphonema Anomoeoneis Navicula anglica Ralfs forma elongata 11 — 12 — — — — — var capitata Lgst Navicula gibbula — — — — — — Page 233 236 23ö 238 Caloneis septentrionalis sp nova — — — Cl., sp nova boréale sp nova zellensis Grün var linearis var gracilis Ehr var obesa var nova nova sp 15 pusilla W Sni var capitata var nova Pinnularia divergens var linearis var nova Cocconeis flexella Kütz var intermedia vai- nova Eunotia divisa Hérib var arctica var nova Cocconeis maxima A Cl var lanceolata var nova Eunotia parellela Ehr var arcuata var nova 16 Nitzschia fonticola Grun var.? 10 13 14 17 Hantzschia amphio.xys (Ehr.) Grun var robiista var nova — 18 Nitzschia subcapitata sp nova — 19 Synedra Vaucheriæ Kütz var septentrionalis var nova — — — — 239 — 239 — 240 — 240 — 241 — 241 — 243 — 244 — — 246 245 — 247 — — 250 249 — 249 — 250 Diatoms from North-East Greenland List of the Literature Brightwell, On 255- which has been consuhed the genus Triceratium Q J M S., I, London, 1853 Jan Mayen & d côte Est du Groenl Bih t 21, III, Nr 2, Stockholm 19Ü1 K Sv Vet.-Ak Handl., Cleve, Astrid, On recent Freshwater Diatoms from Lule-Lappmark in Sweden Bih t K Sv Vet.-Akad Handl., 21, III Nr 2, Stockholm, 1890 Clkve, Astrid, Beiträge zur Flora der Bären Insel, I, Diatoméen — Bih t K Sv Vet.Akad Handl., 26, III, Nr 10, Stockholm, 1900 Cleve, P T., Diatomaceer från Spetsbergen Ofvers af K Sv Vet.-Akad Forhandl., 1867, Nr 10, Stockholm, 1868 Cleve, P T., On Diatoms from the Arctic Sea Bih t K Sv Vet.-Akad Handl., 1, Nr 13, Stockholm, 1873 Cleve, P T., Diatoms, collected during the Expedition of the Vega, Vega Exp Vet Arb., III, Stockholm, 1883 Cleve, P T., The Diatoms of Finland, Acta Soc p Flora et Fauna Fennica, VIII, Brun, J., t., douce de Diat d'eau — l'ỵle — — — Nr 2, Cleve, P Helsingfors, 1891 T., S3'nopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms, I — II — and 27, Nr 3, Stockholm, 1894-95 Diatoms from Baffin Bay and Davis Strait K Sv Vet Akad Handl., 26, Nr Cleve, P T., Handl., Cleve, 22, P T., & Grunov, A., Sv Vet.-Akad Handl., De Toni, J., — Bih t K Sv Vet.-Akad Nr 4, Stockholm, 1896 III, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Arctischen Diatomeen 17, Nr 2, — K Stockholm, 1880 Bapt Sylloge Bacillariearum omnium husque cognitarum, I — III, Patavir MDCCCXLI - MDCCCXCI V H., Diatomaceæ from the Ice-floes and Plankton of the Arctic Ocean Gran, H H., Nordisches Plankton Diatomeen Kiel und Leipzig, 1905 Gregory, W., On the Post-Testiary lacustrine Sand from Glenshira — Trans Micr Soc, III -IV, London, 1855, 1857 Gran, H Gregory, W., New forms of marine Diatomaceæ found in the Firth of Clyde and in Loch Fine — Trans Roy Soc of Edinb., XXI, IV, Edinburgh, MDCCCLVII Verb Zool.-Bot Ges Wien, Grunow, a., Die österreichischen Diatomaceen XII, Wien, 1862 Grunow, , Algen und Diatomeen aus dem Kaspischen Meere Schneider, O., Natur- — wissensch Beitr Grunow, z Kenntn d Kaukasusländer, Dresden, 1878 Diatomeen Oesterreich-Ungarns Wien, 1882 Grunow, A., Die Diatomeen von Franz Josephs Land Denksch Akad Wissen Wien, XL VIII, Wien, 1884 HÉRIBAUD, Joseph, Les Diatomées d'Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand & Paris, 1893 HÉRIBAUD, Joseph, Les Diatomées fossiles d'Auvergne, I — III, Paris, 1902, 1903, 1908 Lagerstedt, N G W., Sötvattens-Diatomaceer från Spetsbergen och Beeren-Eiland — Bih t K Sv Vet.-Akad Handl., III, Nr 15, Stockholm, 1873 Müller, Otto, Baccillariales aus den Hochseen des Riesengebirges Forsch, her a d Beitr A., z Beiträge zur Kenntniss Palæont Oest.-Ung u d der fossilen Orient, II, Biol Stat z Plön, Teil Peragallo, H., Monographie du genre Pleurosigma et des genres alliés, Le Diatomiste, L 1890—93 Peragallo, H & M., Diatomées marines de France et des districts voisins Grez-zurLoing, 1897-1908 Schmidt, Adolph, Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde Aschersleben, 1874, later Leipzig, continued as yet Ernst Østrup Diatoms from North-East Greenland 256 Schmidt, Adolph, Die in den Grundproben der Nordseefahrt enthaltenen Diatomaceen II, Jahresber d Komm z Unters, d deut Meere in Kiel, Berlin, 1874 Van Heurck, Henri, Synopsis des Diatomées de Belgique, I IV, Anvers, 1880 85 Van Heurck, Henri, Traité des Diatomées, Anvers, 1899 Medd om Grønl., XVIII, KobenØSTRUP, Marine Diatoméer fra Østgrønland — — — havn, 1895 — Ferskvands Diatoméer fra Østgrønland Ibid XV, København, 1897 Kyst-Diatoméer fra Grønland — Ibid XV, København, 1897 E., Danske Diatoméjord Aflejringer af N Hartz og E Østrup, B, Diatoméerne af E Østrup, Daum geol Unders., Il, R 9, København, 1899 ØSTRUP, E., Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Diatomeenflora des Kossogolbeckens in der XLVIII, 1908 nordwestlichen Mongolei, Hedvigia, ØSTRUP, ØSTRUP, ØSTRUP, E., E., 26—9—1910 Medd om Gronl XLIII Nr 10 [Østrup] r A ,l\ PI /?^^ XIII Êê '.' /f i.F:~;"- - øaw 13 bf 10 1^, l;' If // vir' : '^ ï,i U: •^^'^^ \ å II '^Mmsi ^/ /G I Sk :/ 18 il 20 4% 21 ^^'' 22 >C\' /•^;:.; ij 23 25 26

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