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5 ^H HALES de la SOCIÉTÉ SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE et du MUSÉUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE de la Ville de Genève tome 1 fascicule 2008 S ULI Se/} o N t/5 D O C/3 C/5 III ël GENEVE DECEMBRE 2008 ISSN 0035 - 41 X Ç/5 > LU REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE TOME 115— FASCICULE Publication subventionnée par: Académie suisse des Sciences naturelles (SCNAT) Ville de Genève Société suisse de Zoologie Comité de rédaction Directrice du DANIELLE DECROUEZ Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève ALICE CIBOIS, PETER SCHUCHERT Muséum d'histoire naturelle Chargés de recherche au de Genève Comité de lecture A B Cibois (oiseaux), G Merz Cuccodoro (insectes, excl coléoptères), (coléoptères), J S Fisch-Muller (poissons), Mariaux (invertébrés M Ruedi (mammifères), A Schmitz (amphibiens, reptiles), excl arthropodes), Schwendinger P (arthropodes excl insectes) Le comité soumet chaque manuscrit pour évaluation des experts suisses ou étrangères selon le sujet étudié La préférence sera donnée aux travaux concernant les d'institutions domaines suivants: taxonomie, systématique, faunistique, phylogénie, évolution, morphologie et anatomie comparée Administration MUSÉUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE 1211 GENÈVE Internet: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/page/rsz.htm Prix de l'abonnement: SUISSE Fr 225.— UNION POSTALE Fr 250.- (en francs suisses) Les demandes d'abonnement doivent être adressées la rédaction de la Revue suisse de Zoologie, Muséum d'histoire naturelle, C.P 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse LU O o o o N LU Q ANNALES de la SOCIÉTÉ SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE et du MUSÉUM de la Ville tome D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE de Genève 1 fascicule 2008 oQ/} S O N O t/5 Jel GENEVE DECEMBRE 2008 ISSN 0035 -418 X en — CD —^ > Hi REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE TOME 115— FASCICULE Publication subventionnée par: Académie suisse des Sciences naturelles (SCNAT) Ville de Genève Société suisse de Zoologie Comité de rédaction DANIELLE DECROUEZ Directrice du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève ALICE CIBOIS, PETER SCHUCHERT Muséum d'histoire naturelle Chargés de recherche au de Genève Comité de lecture A B Cibois Merz (oiseaux), G Cuccodoro (insectes, excl coléoptères), (coléoptères), J S Fisch-Muller (poissons), Mariaux (invertébrés M Ruedi (mammifères), A Schmitz (amphibiens, reptiles), excl arthropodes), Schwendinger P (arthropodes excl insectes) Le comité soumet chaque manuscrit pour évaluation suisses ou étrangères selon La préférence sera des experts d'institutions le sujet étudié donnée aux travaux concernant les domaines suivants: taxonomie, systématique, faunistique, phylogénie, évolution, morphologie et anatomie comparée Administration MUSÉUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE 1211 GENÈVE Internet: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/page/rsz.htm Prix de l'abonnement: SUISSE Fr 225.— UNION POSTALE Fr 250.- (en francs suisses) Les demandes d'abonnement doivent être adressées la rédaction de la Revue suisse de Zoologie, Muséum d'histoire naturelle, C.P 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse Revue suisse de Zoologie 15 (4): 595-615; décembre 2008 Bamanophis, a new genus for the West African colubrid Periops Squamata: Colubrinae) dorri Lataste, 1888 (Reptilia: Beat SCHTTI & Jean-Franỗois TRAPE Apartado postal 383, San Miguel de Allende, Gto 37700, Repüblica Mexicana [beatschaetti@hotmail.com] Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, B.R 1386, Dakar, Senegal [Jean-Franỗois.Trape@ird.sn] Bamanophis, a new genus for the West African colubrid Periops dorri Lataste, 1888 (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubrinae) - Bamanophis gen n is a monotypic colubrine genus from the Sahel to Guinea Savanna It is well defined by external morphology, osteology, and hemipenis features B dorri (Lataste) shows a variety of scale and skull character states unknown in Afrotropical, Palaearctic, and Saharo-Sindian racers and related genera Noteworthy are differences in midbody dorsal scale row number frequencies between males and females and significant sexual dimorphism of ventral counts in Senegal The distribution of Dorr's Racer is reviewed and new locality records from Guinea and Senegal as well as ecological data are presented Keywords: Bamanophis bution - W Africa - gen n ecology - - B dorri (Lataste) systematics - - morphology - distri- relationships INTRODUCTION Lataste (1888) described Dorr's Racer after two specimens collected at Bakel in eastern Senegal For the next 80 years or so, there were only three records from Mali (Angel, 1922; Werner, 1929; Villiers, 1956) Hulselmans new and Roman precise (1969, 1980), & Verheyen (1970), and Hughes (1983) reported the species from Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana, respectively Recent fieldwork revealed the presence of Dorr's Racer Trape in & Benin, Guinea, and southern Mauritania (Chippaux, 1999; Nickel, 2003; Balde, 2006) Coluber (sensu lato) dorri (Lataste) is outstanding racers for various morphological features Palaearctic, and Saharo-Sindian genera et ah, 2004) among western Old World and only distantly related (Schätti, 1988b; Schätti Apart from C scorteceli Lanza, 1963, & this is the to Afrotropical, Utiger, 2001; Nagy only African racer species that has not yet been thoroughly dealt with by the senior author as to its external morphological, osteological, and anatomical (hemipenis) characters and their systematic implications This study addresses these topics as well as the geographic distribution of Dorr's Racer Manuscript accepted 25.07.2008 B 596 SCHÄTTI & J.-F TRAPE MATERIAL AND METHODS Twenty specimens (Appendix A) thoroughly analyzed as to pertinent morphowere loaned by the following institutions: The Natural History logical characters Museum (British Museum [Natural History]), London (BMNH); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge (MCZ); (MNHN); Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MRAC); royal de l' Muséum National Afrique centrale, Tervuren Department of Zoology, Ghana (ULG); and Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK) Further acronyms used in the text are HLMD (Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt), IFAN (Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Dakar), and (Naturhistorisches University of Lagos, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und NMW Museum, Wien [Vienna]) Apart, this paper includes selected data (ventral, and midbody scale row counts, body and tail length) of 96 specimens MNHN 1995.9693) from the herpetological collection of the Centre de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) subcaudal, (including l'Institut de Dakar examined by the junior author at (Appendix B) External morphological terms are defined in Schätti (1988b) and Schätti & McCarthy (2004) Numbers in parenthesis indicate intraspecific variation The dorsal scale row pattern is expressed in terms of ventrals and as a percentage of their total number (%ven) based on the average of the right and left side counts In most cases, maxillary teeth were examined on the right bone Vertebra measurements are explained in Auffenberg (1963) Scientific only at their first names of the taxa discussed appearance (http://earth-info.nima.mil), GPS are usually cited with the author and year Coordinates are from the in the text location GEONET database Dar El Oula, Kalekouré, literature and given in the synonymy (Billaouâr, Massamassa, Niamou, Pont Gambie, Tenkoto), or or the Appendices For the purpose of this paper, the term Saharo-Sindian is considered of equal rank as the Afrotropical and Palaearctic regions RESULTS Bamanophis gen n Derivano nominis The genus to northern Ghana and the is named Greek word ophis after the Bamana people from Senegal (o \ n> rrrr s *>, NF; -r y CT OF ^x 12 - / c I / ; s~ / r^ ) r* S") ' NE / S PE s 29T 29T , 29S S / // ME OG S i S •* p \ p n P V\ 3S L» P P ,, S s / 12 NA 345 67 if 7] km é ^~ U- 11 PA 90123 456 7890 Fig Distribution in Portugal (U.T.M 10x10 pensis, (Q) G quartaui, (P) PB \ ; Ỵ 10x10km s- S ': ' ( UTM r/ / y SCALE ^ éc -TV Ä7»Q^ coordinates): (R) G rodriguesi n sp., (O) G olisi- paulinoi and (L) // lusitanicus A R M 786 Typhlocharis paulinoi Serrano SERRANO & Aguiar, & CARLOS AGUIAR A S 2006 Material examined: Fernäo Vaz (U.T.M coordinates: 29SNB6459), 31.1.2006, 16 8, 9; Altura da Choỗa (U.T.M coordinates: 29SNB4732), 22