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Revue Suisse de Zoology V111-2 2004

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^J o Kj^ de o O O O N û jnales la SOCIÉTÉ SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE et du MUSÉUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE de la Ville de Genève tome 111 fascicule 2004 o S(/> o M » zLU OC D O 00 JeL GENEVE JUIN 2004 ISSN 0035 - 418 X GO fanH REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE TOME 111—FASCICULE Publication subventionnée par: Académie suisse des Sciences naturelles ASSN Ville de Genève Société suisse de Zoologie VOLKER MAHNERT Directeur du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève CHARLES LIENHARD Chargé de recherche au Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève Comité de lecture Il en outre du président de est constitué Muséum de Genève et la Société suisse de Zoologie, du directeur du de représentants des instituts de zoologie des universités suisses Les manuscrits sont soumis des experts d'institutions suisses ou étrangères selon le sujet étudié La préférence graphie, sera donnée aux travaux concernant les domaines suivants: biogéo- systématique, évolution, écologie, éthologie, morphologie et anatomie comparée, physiologie Administration MUSÉUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE 1211 GENÈVE Internet: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/page/rsz.htm Prix de l'abonnement: SUISSE Fr 225.— UNION POSTALE Fr 230.- (en francs suisses) Les demandes d'abonnement doivent être adressées la rédaction de la Revue suisse de Zoologie, Muséum d'histoire naturelle, C.P 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse LU £ co B S SU ed ON *" CL Os ;C-^ CLr^^-^^r~-r^i^t^i^ ^OO 00 ,3 * g £" ^hO^OOOO w'° *— ' -C o o 3 w c3 „_ ? -lis ' (-H , O o g I E gli ^a â c O o Q S O -=» /-s _ co —M "So 3 ^ a « § S S « o cl 55 a S U a HS -2 ^> -s; ï S âM g ôfeỡỡll Đ a a ^ ^ "S S» "S a è§ s -~ -a It ti u § s -S Oh -o 244 SCHÄTTI B forebody, a first & reduction involving the third and fourth paravertebral or vertebral reduction (rows 66-79%ven (Tbs MONSCH P 6+7 or 7+8) row at 61-68%ven, and a between to 13 dsr situated 2-3) Maxillary with 12-19 teeth, palatinum 8-12, pterygoid 10-12 (spinalis) and 1423, and dentary 14-23 Vertebra ratios are: lc/wn 1.16-1.58, lc/wp 0.68-0.82, 0.88-1.28 (Tb nc/wn 2) Hemipenis with 3-6 rows of spines; enlarged basal hook present distinct Hierophis cypriensis, H gemonensis, and H spinalis everted state (two longitudinal grooves in imally, usually Coluber (sensu situ); Apex in calyculate and bulbous in borders of calyces denticulate prox- smooth towards apex lato) andreanus (Werner, 1917) PL Loreal and preocular single Seven supralabials, third and fourth in contact with eye Anterior subocular single, paired, very small, or absent (Schätti, 2001: Tb Plate Coluber (sensu lato) distinct subocular in andreanus ( ) 1; one MHNG 2626.59 from Khuzestan (Gavilah), Iran MHNG 2626.59) Two postoculars, both (lower only partially) in contact with laterally extended parietal First temporal single, coalesced with sixth supralabial in ZMUC R6044 (Schätti, 2001: Fig I) ond temporal row Eight sublabials (Tb , usually two (one) scales in sec- 3) Erroneously stated to be fused with the parietal (Schätti 2001) M ZAPPAROLI ET AL 448 known to date for this region as a these areas is still whole (Tab incomplete Best known II) However, knowledge of faunistic are the Sicilian (including the small surrounding islands) and Maltese faunas, both of which have been the object of recent studies Just under fifty species have been recorded from these localities whole (Foddai et al., 1995, 1996) In contrast, knowledge of the centipedes of N Africa, and particularly Tunisia, is much less complete and in need of updating Some forty species have been recorded from this region to date, at least five of which are and repeated as a doubtful (Bròlemann, 1921, 1932; Zapparoli, unpublished records) Leaving out L peregrinus, which presence of which on Malta is is probably introduced, and L forficatus, the doubtful, almost 70% of the centipedes of the Maltese Islands are represented by species with a high dispersal the Mediterranean area and are present in land localities in the Central Mediterranean (Tabs Apart from Schendyla n sp., ability They are widespread in most of the aforementioned insular and mainII, III) the remaining Maltese centipede species are more or less widely distributed but absent from N Africa (Lithobius lapidicola, L trinacrius, Scolopendra oraniensis, Clinopodes flavidus) or from southern signata) For Bothriogaster signata, however, the possibility that is Italy {Bothriogaster its presence on Malta a result of anthropic introduction cannot be excluded From a Zoogeographie point of view, an analysis of the chorotypes represented in the study area (Tab Ill) shows the Maltese centipede fauna "Mediterranean" character, with this to have a strong chorological element approaching 67% This agrees well with the results of studies on the centipede fauna of other insular systems of the Sicily Channel (Pantelleria, Linosa, Lampedusa) (Zapparoli, 1995a) Species with a wide distribution in the Holarctic Region and in Europe are poorly represented (22% and 11% respectively) Our studies on the centipede fauna of the Maltese that the composition of the fauna of these islands factors (the availability of suitable habitats) rather than is Islands lead us to conclude affected mainly by ecological and by colonization-extinction events, by paleogeographic and paleoclimatic factors This is in accordance with the conclusions of previous studies on the centipedes of the W-Mediterranean microinsular systems (Foddai et al., 1996) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the many people who over the years collected or donated the material on which this paper is based We are also indebted to Volker Mahnert and Peter Schwendinger, Director and Curator of the careful reading of the manuscript Muséum d'histoire naturelle, Genève, for a PJS was supported by research grants awarded by the University of Malta Research Committee, for which he is grateful REFERENCES Alexander, D 1988 A review of the physical geography of Malta and tectonic geomorphology Quaternary Science Reviews 7: its significance for 41-53 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Arthropoda di Lampedusa, Linosa e Pantelleria (Canale di Sicilia, Mar Mediterraneo) (Chilopoda) Naturalista Siciliano 19 (Suppl): XII + 909 pp 452 M ZAPPAROLI ET AL Zapparoli, M 1995b Geophilomorpha from Israel (pp 41-46) of Israel, Ed Academia Romane, Bucuresti, 155 pp In: Nitzu, E (ed.) Soil Fauna Zapparoli, M 1999 The present knowledge on the centipede fauna of Anatolia (Chilopoda) Biogeographia, Lavori della Società Italiana di Biogeografia 20: 105-177 Zapparoli, M 2002 A catalogue of the centipedes of Greece (Chilopoda) Fragmenta Entomologica 34: 1-146 Tab I - Distribution of the centipedes recorded from the main islands of the Maltese Archipelago Symbols: + = present; - = absent; ? = doubtful record; * = introduced or probably introduced species Only confirmed species are considered in the total Scutigera coleoptrata (Linné, 1758) Eupolybothrus (Allopolybothrus) nudicornis (Gervais, 1837) Lithobius (Lithobius) castaneus Newport, 844 Lithobius (Lithobius) forficatus (Linné, 1758) Lithobius (Lithobius) lapidicola Meinert, 872 Lithobius (Lithobius) peregrinus Latzel, 1880 Lithobius (Lithobius) trinacrius Verhoeff, 1925 Lithobius (Monotarsobius) crassipes L Koch, 862 Scolopendra cingulata Latreille, 1829 Scolopendra oraniensis Lucas, 1846 Cryptops trisulcatus Bròlemann, 1902 Himantarium gabrielis (Linné, 1767) Stigmatogaster gracilis (Meinert, 1870) Bothriogaster signata (Kessler, 1874) Dignathodon microcephalus (Lucas, 1846) Henia (Meinertia) bicarinata (Meinert, 1870) Henia (Chaetechelyne) vesuviana (Newport, 1845) Schendyla sp n Pachymerium ferrugineum (C.L Koch, 1835) Clinopodes flavidus C.L Koch, 1847 Tuoba poseidonis (Verhoeff, 1901) Total Malta Gozo Cornino + + + - - + - - - ? - - + - - + + + + + - * + + + + + + + + - + - - - - * * * + + + + + - - - + - + + + + 20 - • - - - + - 11 CENTIPEDES OF THE MALTESE ARCHIPELAGO \A 453 g II Xoh" C/5 t/3 ' r «3 to S CL + + §§ H Weei S + 11 + o H *o + 1 ! I + + £» gwc i^o I e S es co io 'g '- I I H 2h3 to S s h + i^Z + , , t>- , + , * , + SS>>D xi ỊQ s * 2^ «H 00 + g Ü S g >> 0.5 co *7j SCO oCU I uy -S ^3 :§-§£ w g u + + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.SJ £ < ^ 11 •a * ^f ON NO ON oo -h no 00 -S ^H ao § 'S fc i^ § C05oCo505o5nCoC^toCO "" -3 -3 -3 ôO ôC> -^ -^ 00000 "Ci a a s s a O o o o o -o -o -o -o -a -c -a •« «c -a -a -a -a t-5 a a a a a a CU ' ^^ »j kJ kJ kj kj k) CO — c - CO O sa 000000 « to l| 55 -3 -3 -3 -S -3 -^ «^) -^ -^ -C) CO "1 s c^ "ta ir) ' eu - co -s: CO tN 00 CN 00 on 00 r-H 00 00 rt 2u , z^ S a w M > ằ ôa e O ca CU CU £ > S (N o r- a "* 00 ^h eu t^- "K - 'o Ü co C h J3 + u co bj taj P h o g a s P » c, i>J kJ ^ kj K.) ĐĐĐ co S 00 -Si kJ kJ -3 a co a sä« a a kjkjkjkikqkjKikqksisj ^L^C^&^ù^Ci^&^ti^Ci^^^ o CL, a -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 ^ "O KlKjsJ^l^kjKjkj.jKj U a -~ a h -~ =l a3 a -ỗ> 000 oooooo—ooooooooo -a-a-a-a-a-a-a~a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a sz S s] r3 c O O eu cs,-v-v "Q -o -a -a "S -a H PQ a, c, On 00 00 ^ s ?3 -a a a -à 45 s: üü a ta a, a, o^ è? S o p kJ 0, co co M ZAPPAROLI ET AL 454 * i + + , , , ^-+^- + + + + +^- + + + + + +, ,++, , - ^5< d- es »5 _d ^ SO 00 c*22 Q,£J äo is S M' ^ -s 'S ju u m J3 d c «22z rc IsJ 2 ss S Q S-! « g & r: 5? Ü s cj ss Ss -5 -s; -s; -s; ü o u ci Si c i CENTIPEDES OF THE MALTESE ARCHIPELAGO i i + + + + + o- i i , + + + i o- + i , , + H ir + + y + + + + + + + + o — T oo oo OS °o •C JS oo _ cd en JÜ oo : ""1 oa Ü So § ? >5 ^2 S s %> «=, Jij g Sä 0) w ""3 'S -« ợ C3 O U > ^^>2>2^^l>3^^a , iS s io 03 «S« e I ^ s S °0 ^ ON1 00 " 73 ^ s - e o ° 3J e u a ^J ^ a, a, %) ^) -s: es, ^J •s ^ ft o -2 455 M ZAPPAROLI£TAL 456 b" oc n3 ooooav^o-H^ co ^-s«3 S u e O -S oo oo f >>o oo _J lu to T3 00 M ed •9 o il Us S Z ? s b -S g Oh > ss -S ^ «s, s8 ^ g r- o « c "S s u a ^^ "2 r> ?1 O O c cS D "—' C £ Ë l'a« S cj *= i s S" eu ir a *> S 3û,U a s c CQ;5 1.3 s c s m w o te € 3^:3§ > 2e i S oo s o 1—

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 21:39



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