SY^V I Return to LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY J WOODS HOLE, MASS Loaned by American Museum of Natural History a£*r ^ SO fm* rs /v Jh 'hj ^v; " *i\l »? J J !> CENTRAL PARK, v OA NEW YORK, ^v t&^^AL_H^ VOLUME PIERIS XXXIII PROTOPICE EDITED BY Rev C J S Bethune, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.C London, Ontario ASSISTED BY Dr J Fletcher and Montreal W ; H Harrington, J Ottawa D Evans, Trenton ; ; H H Prof Lochhead, Guelph TLonOcm, ©ntatio : The London Printing and Lithographing Company, Limited 1901 Lyman, tL- J'/ LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO VOL ASHMEAD, W H BALL, E D BANKS, NATHAN BARNES, DR WILLIAM BARRETT, O W BETHUNE, REV BIRD, HENRY C J S (The Editor) BUSCK, AUGUST CARY, MERRITT CASEY, MAJOR THOS L CAUDELL, A N COCKERELL, PROF T D A COCKERELL, MRS W P COQUILLETT, D W DE NICEYTLLE, L DOD, F H WOLLEY DODGE, E A DODGE, G M DYAR, DR HARRISON G FALL, H C ARTHUR GOOD, A J GRINNELL, FORDYCE, Jr GROTE, A RADCLIFFE, M A HANHAM, A." W HARRINGTON, W HAGUE HARRIS, EDWARD DOUBLEDAY HEATH, F FIRMSTONE HINDS, W E HINE, JAMES S HOWARD, DR L O KING, GEORGE B KNAUS, WARREN LYMAN, HENRY H., M A MacGILLIVRAY, A D MOFFAT, J ALSTON MORICE, REV F D MORSE, PROF A P NEEDHAM, PROF J G E OSBORN, PROF A PARROTT, POLING, HERBERT P J OTTO C REHN, JAMES A G ROBERTSON, CHARLES SANDERSON, E DWIGHT SCUDDER, DR SAMUEL H SMITH, PROF J B., Sc D STFVENSON, CHARLES TITUS, E S G TURLEY, LOUIS W WALKER, E M WASMANN, DR E., S J WEBSTER, PROF F M WEEKS, A G., Jr WEITH, R London, England Washington, D Neligh, Neb St Louis, Mo Washington, D C East Las Vegas, New Mex East Las Vegas, New Mex Washington, D C Calcutta, India Calgary, Alberta Louisiana, Mo Louisiana, Mo Washington, D C C Pasadena, Calif FLETCHER, DR JAMES FRENCH, PROF G H NORRIS, Washington, D C Fort Collins, Colo East End, Va Decatur, III Clarendon, Vt London, Ont Rye, N Y BRUNETTI, E GIBSON, XXXIII J WICKHAM, PROF WINN, ALBERT F II WOODWORTH, C W F Ottawa Carbondale, Ottawa III Wooster, Ohio Pasadena, Calif Hildesheim, Germany Vancouver, B C Ottawa New York Cartwright, Manitoba Amherst, Mass Ohio State University Washington, D C Lawrence, Mass McPherson, Kansas Montreal Ithaca, N Y London, Ont England Wellesley, Mass Lake Forest, III Montreal Columbus, Ohio Geneva, N Y Quincy, III Philadelphia, Pa Carlinville, III Newark, Del Cambridge, Mass New Brunswick, N Montreal Urbana, III J University of Idaho Toronto Luxembourg Wooster, Ohio Boston, Mass Elkhart, Ind Iowa City, Iowa Montreal University of California 340 THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST SPECIES OF BRACHYCISTIS MYRMOSID^E) FROM (FAM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BY T D A Brachycistis gaudii, n sp black, EAST LAS VEGAS, COCKERELL, brown on prothorax, — at N M Length about 6}4 mm.; shining bases of wings, and at extreme (usually 179 !93- New Coccidae of " some new species, 284 Diseases spread by flies, 84 Dod, F H Wolley, articles by, 40, 333- Mexico, new species, i57» 37- 209 Coccidae, table to separate related to Lecanium, 57 Dodge, E A., articles by, Dodge, G M., articles by, genera 123, 149, 209, 227, 281, 221, 298 221, 298 Dyar, Harrison G., articles by, 30, Coccidcncyrtus flavus, n sp., 139 Coccinella 9-notata, exportation of, 59 " sanguinea, do., 59 Cockerell, T D A., articles by, it,, 57, 101, 343 122, '9J.3I5- Dynamitic albidula, n sp., 266 Dyscophus = Dyscophogryllns, 286, n nom., 272 97* 33 34°Cockerell, \V P., articles by, 227, 336 ' Codling moth, information wanted, 21 new genus in, 256 Ccenonympha inornata, 163 Ccelixinae, Coleoptera of Kansas, collecting notes Edema suavis, n sp., 53 Editorial notes, 240, 280, 316 Eneoptolophus sordidus, 20 Entomological Society oi' Ontario, annual meeting, 337 Entomological Society, election of offi- on, 10 Colias, notes on Alberta species, 168 Colias philodice, curious effect of the attack of an Asilus fly, 330 Epeohis Colorado Epigrimyia Potato Beetle in England, 269 Concerning protests and other things, 276 Coptodisca (Aspidisca) splendoriferella, 52 - Coquillett, D \\\, article by, 258 Correspondence, 263, 288, 315 Cressonia juglandis, 99 Cryptoleon, n gen., 330 Cucullia intermedia, 99 Culex Citrriei, n sp., 259 Culicidae, new species of, 258 Cycnia dubia, 97 Cyphoderris monstrosa, 17, 246 cers, 338 n sp., 231, 263 Illinoensts, n sp., 286 Jectoides, Erebia, notes on Alberta species, 164 Eremobia = Tmethis, n nom., 272 Eriococcus borealis, 180 Eriococcus Tinslevi, var cryptus, n var., 210 Eriogonum fasciculatum, bees attending, 281 polifolium, 281 Eriopeltis festucae, 197, 315 Errata, 92, 184, 336, 348 Eriogonum n gen., 57 pylades, 172 Euhalisidota Ot/10, n sp., 53 Eucalymnatus, Eudamus Eulecanium Guignardi, Lymaiii, n sp., 334 n sp., t,3S- rosce, n sp., 336 Dactylopius, African lady-beetle preying on, 183 Dactylopius Kingii, var Neomexicana, 146 Dactylopius longispinus, 193 Dactylopius roseotinctus, n sp., 336 Neomexicanus, var in- decisus, n var., 209 Dandelion, Arctian larva feeding on, 9- Dasylophia melanopa, " sal u n sp.,54 rata, n sp., 53 Deilephila De gallii, 99 L., articles by, 131, 279 talpinus, 100 Niceville, Dermestes Diadasia rinconis, subsp opuntice, now, 286 Didasys belse, 339 Eulecanium, species found in Canada, '4- 3i5» 333- Eurybia hart, n sp., 26S Eutettix niton, n sp., 49 Ma " " " " " " " Mildredce, n sp., 45 innnda, n sp., 48 oculea, n sp 50 perelegantis, n sp., 46 , pitllata, n sp., 48 sancia, n sp., 46 scitnla, n sp., 47 Euthyatira pudens, 100 " superba, n sp 55 Californica, n sp., 304 n sp 304 unicolor, 304 new E\*aniidae, species, 300 , Eva nia " " Xeomexicana, Exochomus nigromaculatus, , 183 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII 344 Experimental (arms the Dominion, reports for 1900, 211 Exportation o\' beneficial insects, ex- periments ol~ Hecalus bracteatus, Hemaris " n sp., tenuis, 99 thysbe, 99 Hemichionaspis aspidistra?, 200 in, 58 Hesperotettix festivus, 105 Floridensis, H C, articles by, 289 324 Feniseca tarquinius, development Fall, 228 Feral in brillians, n sp., 56 Fidicina, bibliography, 79 Fleas, fiow to get rid of, 172 Fletcher, James, articles by, 84, 15, 140, [2 Flies as transmitters of diseases, 84 French, G H., article by, 12 the world atlantica, s nebris, 31 :opina, 318 nictitans, 318 " var glaucipes, n sp., 89 leprosus, 102 validus, n sp., 90 Hippoclamia parenthesis, exportation P : 59 the of to L 84 Hyalomyia Robertsonii, inqiuesita, Hydrascia " Americana, 318 283 life-history, 61 limpida, life-history, 64 " nelita, 99 new " histories in, 61 See Gortyna, 317 Hymenoptera from South Africa, new Grapta, notes on" Alberta species, "Green Dolphin (Aphis), 36 Grinnell, genus, Fauna: the Study of the Insect O Howard, rig-ida, 317 Greenhouse the : nitela, 317 of Human Excrement, 84 Human Excrement, a Contribution notes on the genus, 317 rutila, discussion 3'^- -'49- Horamia plumosa, 339 Howard, L O., article by, 42 Howard, L O Contribution to study of the Insect Fauna " 130 croceus, n sp., 91 " " " of, Gibson, Arthur, articles by, 140, 325 Good, A I., article by 228 Gooseberry plant-louse, new, 227 Gortyna = Hydraecia, 317 Gortyna cc rata, n sp., 319, " " " sp., Hinds, W E., article by, 185 Hine, James S., article by, 28 Hippiscus eilrinus, n sp., 88 Homce'usa, Genera Insectorum of Wytsman, 240 n speciosus, 131 of, parasitic, 138 162 leaf-tyer, life-history of, 140 jr., article by, 192 Fordyce, Grote, A R., articles by, 116, 177, 242, 339Gryllidse, changes oi~ generic names, -7-Gryllus, the Linnaean genus, 118, 184 Guen^e, some original descriptions by, 177- Hyphantria cunea, 93 Hyphoraia Lapponica, 97 Floridana, n sp., 303 Hyptia " Fuchsi, n sp., 302 Johiisoni, n sp., 303 Triiiidadensis, n sp., 303 Wcillii, n sp., 302 " " Ichthydion — Ichthyotettix, n nom., 271 Index, general, to ^o Annual Reports, ' Gundlachia cruenta, 339 Gutierrezia sarothrae, gall on, 23 Halictus triuualus, n sp., 230, 263 Halisidota Harrisii, notes on genitalia of, 30 (fi.L;- ) Halisidota tesselaris, do., 30 (fig.) Hanham, A \\\, article by, 213 Australomantis,n nom., 271 Harpax Harrington, W Hague, article by, 331 Harris, Edward Heath, E 263 IX, article by, 226 Firmstone, articles by, 98, 28 Insect bites, an antidote to, 248 Insect Book, the: L O Howard, 2^S Jassidae, new, from the Rocky Mountains and Pacific region-, 4, 45 Johnson, Prof W G., resignation of, 60 Kermes Pettiti, 193 King, George B, articles by, 93 3»4» 333\\\, article by, 17')- Knaus, r no 106, 144, INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII 40, Labelling- insects, 207 Larval descriptions, concerning, 315 Lasius Americanos, coccidas from nests, 146, 193, 209 Lasius niger, beetles from nests, Lecanium armeniacum, " " 27, 28 " ' ' cerasifex, 107 Kansasense, 106 species found in Canada, Lecanium, table related to Lecanium Lecanium 107 pint, n sp., 334 ribis, to separate 94 Melanoplus " " " " " " " " 108, 109 Lepidoptera, Descriptions of American, new North 53 Lepidoptera, Descriptions of unfigured: A G Weeks, jr., 287 Lepidoptera (diurnal) of Sioux Co., new diurnal, 265, 293, 322 Lepidoptera from South America, new diurnal, 321 Southern in Lepidoptera notes on, Manitoba, 98 Lepidoptera of Alberta, list of, 40, 157 of Manitoba, list of, 213 Lepidoptera of N America, systematic arrangement of, 116 Lepidopterists' Guide for the young collector H Guard Knaggs, 220 : Leucania insueta, extremus, 21 femoratus, 21 herbaceus, 105 islandicus, 21 punctulatus, 21 Rileyanus, 105 Yarrowi, Melissodes cnici, " coloration celtis, protective and attitude of, 92 Limenitis arthemis, 163 Locusta, the genus, 121, 184 Libythea Locusts in France, 240 Lucanidas, two new species from California, 289 (fig.) Lupinus perennis, larva feeding on, 16 Lycaena amyntula, var Herri i, n var., 192 Lycaena, notes on Alberta species, 166 " Sonorensis, 192 Lycaenida;, larva; attended by ants, 279 Lycaenidae, mode of suspension of pupa?, 280 Lyman, Henry H., articles by, r, 93, 106 n sp., 230 dentiventris, 230 personatella, n sp., 297 " trinodis, n sp., 231 Melitaea anicia, 161 " Whitneyii, 161 Micropteryx pomivorella, 52 n Miomantis = Calidoiuantis, nom., 271 Moffat, J Alston, articles by, 11, 44, 172, 288 Moffat, J Alston, portrait of, Montreal Branch, election of officers, 236 Mordellistena limbalis, 176 " " 177 " unipuncta, 99 Leucarctia acraea, 97 bivittatus, 22 devastator, 105 Nebraska, 305 Lepidoptera from Bolivia, names, 271 106 n sp., 99 Manitoba moths, list of, 213 Mantidae, changes of generic genera measurements, n sp., 284 Mamestra Farnhami, ;>/ Websteri, Websteri^ oi~, 157- Mallota Illinoensis, Mantis, the genus, 119 Maracanda, characters of genus, 329 Mastigoproctus giganteus, 235 Meah'-bug on grass roots, new, 336 Megilla maculata, exportation of, 59 Melampsalta, bibliography, 76 107 Canadensis, 107, 109 " 345 Maegillivray, A D., article by, 74 Macro-lepidoptera of Alberta, list article by, 92 Kusnezow, Nicholas, pustulata, 176 rearings of, 176 Morice, F D., articles by, 123, 149 Morse, A P., articles by, 129, 201, 236 Mosquitoes, how they live, etc.: L O Howard, 210 Musca domestica transmitting diseases, 87 Myrmeleon conspersus, 330 Myrmeleonidas, a new genus of, 329 Myrmobiota, discussion of the genus, 249, 312 Mytilaspis ulmi, 200 n sp., 101 n sp., 227 Perg-aiidii, n sp., 72 (figs.) Myzus fragesfolii, " " Neomexicanus, Nannothemis (ng.) bella, life-history, 252 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII :U6 Nature Biographies CM : Weed, 239- Nectarophora corydalis, " Needham, 52 Peridroma saucia, 99 ypsilon, 99 lactucse, 69 pisi, 31 (figs.) J G., article by, 252 Neolecanium, n subgen., Nepticula (Micropteryx) Claypolei, sp., 281 rhois, n sp., 282 " mut redacta, 283 " " 39 destructor, 31 (fig.) erigeronensis, 39 " " Perdita callicerata, 283 " n Personal notes, 176, 235, 283, ^2 Phantasis = Hesperophasma, n nom., 271 58 pomivorella, Phasmidse, change of generic name, 271 - tihoneta, sp., 323 Norris, A E., article by, 137 Phenacoccus Dearnessi, n sp 180 Phlepsius denudatus, n sp., 11 " extrenuis, n sp., 10 " Van Duzei, n sp North-west Entomological Phlyctsenia of the genus, Phorantha humeralis, Nisoniades icelus, 171 " persius, 172 " n (Canada) Society, 316 Nototaphra, discussion 25 , , ferrugalis, life-history of, 140 - " n sp., 286 occidentis, 285 pritinosa, n sp., 285 purpurascens, 285 Phyciodes ismeria, aber nigra, aber., 307 " Odontoxiphidium, " n gen., 129 apertum, n 129 sensibilis, larva boring, bi sp., Onoclea Orehelimum agile, 201 Ormerod, Miss E A., death Phyciodes, notes on Alberta species, 162 of, 241 PhyUostoma, ' ' (portrait) historian, n sp., 209 Orthoptera, new North American, 129 Orthoptera, some necessary changes in names, 271 Osborn, Herbert, article by, 181 Osmia, notes on the genus, 257 (fig.) Lovei, Pammegischia " " n gen., 290 fimbriata, n sp 290 figs ) to Diphyll, Ormerod, Miss E A., Twenty-fourth Report on Insects, 155 Orthezia Americana, 193 " Weedi, n sp., 301 n sp., 301 xiphydr'uc, n sp., 300 Pampliila argentea, n sp., 296 notes on Alberta species, Pamphila, ostoma, 324 Pieris, notes on Alberta species, 167 Plantain, Arctian larva feeding on, 329 Plant-lice affecting peas, clover and lettuce, 31 (figs.), 69 (figs.) Plant-louse attacking gooseberry, 227 Plant-louse injuring strawberry plants in Arizona, 101 Platarctia parthenos, 97 Platycerus Agassizii, 292 " depressus, 292 " " la tits, n sp., 291 Ore^onensis, 292 Platypedia, bibliography, 76 Platysenta atriciliata, 100 Plusia aeroides, " 192 Papilio cochabaniba, n sp., 265 " notes on Alberta species, 171 Pa ml ictus, n gen., 229, 263 " cephalicus, 229 " platyparius, 229 " simplex, n sp., 230 Parnassius smintheus, 170 Parrott, P J., article by, 57 Parthenos nubilis, var Apache, n var., 129 Pedaliodes primera, n sp., 293 Pentilia misella, exportation of, 59 simplex, 99 Podisma panoquinoides, 192 ( PhyUostoma, name changed panoquin, Pamphila " 11 glacialis, 21 variegata, 21 Poling, Otto C, article by, 125 Practical Entomology, 84 Proarna, bibliography, 78 Prosopis polifolii, n sp., 281 Protests, 263, 276 Prunasis, bibliography, 77 Pseudancistrus = Polyain istroides, nom., 272 Pseudolecanium Californicum, 210 Pseudovates, the generic name, 24 Psorop/iora Howardii, 11 sp., 258 n INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII Spharagemon " Psychoda nitida, n sp., 275 " opposite/, n sp., 274 " n YVyomingianum, 20 Splwgina campanulata, n sp 284 Spilosoma antigone, 93 Spilosoma congrua, notes on Walker's types and a few other types in the sp., 274 signata, table of species, 273 the Eastern species, 273 " , Pulvinaria Ehrhorni, n sp., 145 " Hunteri, n sp., 144 Pulvinaria, species found in Canada, British n sp., 333 Pyrameis atalanta, 163 " " " 93 prima, 93 punctatissima, 96 Virginica, 93 Staphylinida;, on some cardui, 163, 237 Pyrrhopygopsis Rccdii, n sp., 295 Pythonides Museum, Spilosoma mutans, 96 '97 3>4 333- Pulvinaria viburni, 347 collare, 20 scribed by Thos : moth," 288, 316 n sp., 285 Tetrasticluts prospalhe, n sp., 139 Tettigia, bibliography, 83 Tcnniostoma trifasciata, Rhus laurina, bees attending", 283 Robertson, Charles, articles bv, 229, Tettigonia, the genus, 20 Tettigonidae, changes of 284 species names, 272 Thamnotettix grcecula, Theela calanus, 100 oi\ 181 , - " " " " 181 n sp., 182 Slossoni, n sp., 181 cornuta, Salpis s-signata, 228 Sanderson, E Dwight, articles by, 69- Satyrus alope, 164 n sp., " fumidus, n sp., Schizoneura tessellata, larva feeding on, 228 Schcenobates = Anabropsis, strigosa, 100 Theoclytes, the generic name, nom., 272 : pisi, 35 (fig.) Smith, John B., articles by, 146, 2^2, 260, 276 Soliusa, discussion of the genus, 249, Bolli, 20 24 171 Tibicen, bibliography, 77 Tineid, anew Canadian, 14 Titus, E S G., articles by, 133, 256, ^57Triept'o/us, n gen., 231 n Scorpion venom, effects of, 234 Scudder, Samuel H., articles by, 17, 88 Scudderia cuneata, n sp., 130 Sesiidae of America, monograph of the W Beutenmuller, 237 Shistocera Shoshone, 105 vaga, 105 Siphonophora lactucae, 69 (fig.) Spharagemon generic n sp., Francis, n sp., ^22 Harrietta, n sp., 294 notes on Alberta species, 165 Thymelicus garita, Scaphoidcits blandus, to 28 Taeniocampa peredia, 100 Telea polvphemus, late emergence of violas, 228 n y^en nom., T Ohiocnsis, n - , 248, Tabanus pruinosus, name changed 24, 118, 184, 271 Reply to Dr Wasmann, 312 Report of Injurious Insects for 1900 Miss E A Ormerod, 155 lactucse, 70 (rig ) Rhopalosiphum " new genus and by, 316 of, 29 Rehn, James A G., articles by, Saldoida " " genera deCasey, 249, articles Stevenson, Charles, Queen Victoria, death Saldidse, L hirta, n sp., 321 Trimerotropis vinculata, 102 Tropidinotus = Tropinotus, 272 Truman, P C, death of, 340 Turley, Louis W., article by, 246 Tympanoterpes, bibliography, Types and synonymy, 146 Vanessa antiopa, late 79 emergence of, '37- Vanessa, notes on Alberta species, 163 Vates and Theoclytes, the generic names, 24 Vejovis crassimanus, 234 " Mexicanus, 234 Veronica Virginica, larva boring, 65 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII 348 Walker, E M., article by, 20 Wasmann, E., article by, 249 Webster, F M., articles bv, 58, 17b, 183 \\ eeks, A G., jr., articles by, 265, 293, 321 Weith, R J., articles Wickham, H occidentale, n sp., 202 occidentale camurum, var., 202 Xiphidium Xiphidium Xiphidium occidentale " by, 2^2, 263 F., article by, 25 Winthemia Zllinoensis, n sp., 286 Woodworth, C W article by, 173 vicinum, n ->p., 201 n sp., 203 Xiphocera = Xiphicera, 272 Xiphydria Provancheri, parasite 300 , Xylina Bethunei, life-history, Xiphidiini of the Pacific coast, 201 gracillimum, n sp., 236 Xiphidium " new, from Florida, 236 n var., 203 Xiphidium spinosum, Winn, Albert F., article by, 330 caudatum, n Zammara, bibliography, Zodion palpalis, Ht, n sp., 284 Errata 302, line 15, for Fitclii read Fuchsi Pag-e 302, line 27, for "Mr Charles Fucli _ Pag e ' read " Mr Charles Fuchs." oi\ h -5 7$s m M biv i4 W >\4s \D i&A-, U=S 9i -i 7?{ Urn ;< o< &-:- ^C MBL/WHOI LIBRARY UH BJ V c 3m -yf % nJ LS aO £38 • w- fer •• - ^ ... breeding they are proven to be one is me In another species, Stretchii, I found by breeding that there was considerable variation in the colour of the fore wings, but the mesian band THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. .. which there is a broad rounding either side of to a small triangular lobe next the lateral angle ; THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST male valve small, not as long as the ultimate roundingly segment, their... side, these median line THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST with the milk-white nervures margined with fuscous dots Upper half of the face fuscous ultimate ventral segment of the female as long as the Genitalia