Mi.-".-v- ^^ H-o^o^o^o^o^o*I-o^o^o^o^ ôr ^cwo^o^(Ho-^o^o^o^{: r- ': f~ ^i= < rc % Return to LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE MASS Loaned by American Museum of Natural History • ,/ -f^ ^YX ^C c^v / ^ y/ ?/ y crTj^^i^c .^^ Hht hi Olaiu VOLUMK XXVIII IM IIKICOKNIS I'KUINUS EDITED Rev C J S BY THE Bethune, M.A., D.C.L., PORT Hope, Ontario ASSISTED BY Di James Fletcher and W H Harrington, Ottawa H H Lyman, Montreal, and Rev T W Fyles, South Quebec ILonfton, ©nt.: The London Printing and [lithographing Company, Limited 1896 ; 314 THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST British Butterflies; by Sons, 1896 J Pp 469 ^V Tutt, F E S London George : Gill & (Price, 5?.) we spoke in terms of commendation of now we have before us an and Moths, even better work on the butterflies by the same industrious author About one-fourth of the book is taken up with the general subject, pre- only a few months since It is Mr Tutt's Manual of the British senting a series of chapters on the four life-stages of butterflies, their variation and its causes, hibernation and aestivation, classification, collect- and arranging and preserving specimens, and the inflation of larvae These are written in the author's pleasant, easy style, with which his ing, previous works have made us familiar, and convey much information of We are glad to observe that he insists very strongly upon the importance of labelling specimens with the place and date of capture though the English mode of using short pins interest to butterfly-hunters anywhere ; and setting the specimens low down makes this a matter of difiiculty The descriptive portion of the work is excellent and complete than that of any manual of British butterflies that much more we have met In the case of each species there are given the English and sciennames, reference to the plate where it is figured, synonymy and " variabibliography, a concise description of the imago, a paragraph on with tific tion " in which are mentioned any known aberrations, forms or varieties, as well as sexual distinctions, descriptions of the egg, larva, pupa, notes the time of appearance, habitat, and geographical distribution on Thus it he seen that proper regard is paid to the whole life-history of the insect, and that the author does not confine his attention to the imago will alone The on which each species plates (uncoloured) admirable, and should enable any collector out difficulty ; there are also a to identify his considerable number is depicted are specimens withof wood cuts the text throughout " lowest In the arrangement of species the author begins with the — the " — Hesperidae and proceeds upwards to the Satyridas, " the which he Purple Emperor," Apatura iris strangely places among His classification, a thorny subject which we not propose to discuss Skippers, " may thus be considered fully up to date." To our readers in the British Isles, and to those who have collections We British butterflies, we heartily commend this excellent Manual here, of not be very long before we have of Canada equally good dealing with the butterflies only hope that it may Mailed December loth, 1S96, some handbook C J S B INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIll Acanthosoma cruclata, 266 AcknowledgemeiUs, 102, 109 Acoloides Grote, 86, 109 Apateliden, die Aphilaiilliops Bakeri, n sp., 203 : saitidis, 79 table of species, 206, 166 Aphohetiis, n gen Maskelli, n sp., 166 172, Aellopos titan, 278 Agenia aichitecta, 80 Agraulis vanillic, 102 II I Argyniiis Aphrodite, 143 Cybele, 143 II 11 crassa, 301 islandica, II jaculifera, 4, 17, 299 opipara, 5, subgothica, 4, 17, 295, 301 subgothica of Haworth again, 295 tricosa, 298 tritici, 17, 295, 301 Aidos amanda, 109 Aleurodicus, a Mexican, 302 II Dugesti, n sp 302 Alexicles aspersa, 176 II 11 II , Allograpta fracta, 95 Alloxysla ahdoininalis, n, sp , 135 robitsta, n sp., 133, riijipleura, n sp , 135 ,1 II Amaiiroiici/iadis azaleiE n n Dyari, n sp sii/iilis, n , 255 sp., 255 Amblyderus pallens, 264 American Association for the /Vdvancement of Science, Entomology at the, 286 Andrena bees of genus found Mexico, 179 capricornis, M 1S2, moni/iconiis, n sp., 181 primulifrons, 183, salicinella, 181 II II 11 II in heteromorpha, n sp., 180 maitrula, n, sp., 179 II trifoliata, n sp., I79laticlavia, 151 n, gen 167 Anomoea Anysis, II Aiistraliensis, fusca, a question of identity or variation, 14 Aulacaspis iiwntanns, n, sp., 226 Textnsis, n sp 83 II Babia quadriguttata, 152 Baccha clavata, 96 M notata, 97 tarchetius, 96 Bactrouiaiitis, n gen., 213 virga, n sp., 213 Baker, Carl ¥,, articles by, 35, 85, I3r, 234Banks, Nathan, article by, 62 Bassareus detritus, 154 mammifer, 154 Bees, new species of, 25, 136, 158, 168, 179, 191 Bethune, C J S., articles by, i, 113, 15, 117, 170, 190, 206, 217, 29c, 292, 313 314 Biological Station, pro])osed, 168 ii sp., 254 II Andrena Argynnids of Park City, Utah, 105 Aspidiotus perniciosus and Aonidia II gracilis, n sp., 134 loiigiventris, n sp , 134 magna, n sp , 134, i 106 11 apicalis, n sp., 135 .1 Idalia, 74 tery of their life-history, 143 II ; Eurynome, II II Agrotis aquilina, 18 II II Leto, 105 Argynnis, the larger species and the mys- vestigialis, 6, 239 II 222 , Agrilus bilineatus, 246 macer, 263 Agronoma coiicinnuliis, n sp., 221 II Adoxus obscurus, n, sp., 167, New Biatchley, \V S., article by, 265 Bolter, A., moths from collection of, I75i Bombyces, what are they ? Bombycine moths of North America : Packard, 189 Book Notices, 27, 86, 112, 170, 189, 206, 267, 292, 308 Brainerd, D., article l>y, 305 Brefos infans 274 British Butterflies Tutt, 314, : I moths : Tutt, Bniinieria horealis, Butterflies of Sikhim 1 n sp., 212 : De Niccvil!e, 292, iNbEX TO Volume •Md Butteiflies of De Sumatra: Niccville and Martin, 292 H It it Coli.is cit^oni.i, 190, Colias philodice, two remarkable aberra- Concerning 299 59 Calliinaiitis Jloridaua, and other matters, sp 87 n sp., 210 , Fernald, : \ 170, 310 Cremastochilus Harrisii, 1S6 Calliopsis Boylei, n sp 161 M fraten-uhis n sp., I59It hirsittifrous, n sp , 158 Camponisciis Americaniis, n sp., 251 Crioceris asparagi, 74 i2-punctata, 74 Cryptocephalini, table of genera, 153 Cryptocephalus, table of species, 155 Crysochus auratus, 173 Culicidas, New North American, 43 Canadian Hymenoptera, Culex pungens, 43 meliloti, n sp perhcvis, n sp ti t 11 158 160 , , Cambridge Natural History, the, 29 75Caiitharis, table of species, 34 Centrodera bicolor, 245 Cephus pygmaius, Ceutorhynchus napi or 11 of, 81, 103 Dendroctonus frontalis, 246, 250 Denton, John M., 115 Diachus auratus, 154- To7V)isendi, n sp., 94 Chittenden, F H., article by, 197 plicata, 68, 153 Chrysis nitidula 79 parvula, 80 Dismodiscus alpiiiits, n sp., 63 Donacia, table of species, 70 Donaciini, table of genera, 69 Doryphora 151, 171, 199Chrysomelini, table of genera, 199 Chrysotoxum derivatum, 89 Dyar, H G., pubescens, 91 103, Dylita II Clythrini, table of genera, 151 Coccid, a new, from Texas, 83 It new, from Massachusetts and New Mexico, 222 Cockerell, T D A., articles by, 25, 42, Coccidas, 83, 127, 158, 168, 179, 191, 221, 222, 284, 302 Colaspis brunnea, 173 II flavida, 174 privtexta, 174 ]'"letcherella, 199 128 151, 109, 3031 307 7niral>ilis,n sp., 285 Cigar case-bearer, 128 Cladius pectinicornis, 239 Coleoptera, notes on, 261 Coleoptera of Canada, 31, 67, clivicoUis, 200 decemlineata, 200 Dunning, S N., article by, 203 II Chyphotes, the Mutillid genus, 168 M 63 , trilobatiis, n sp., 64 It Chrysomela, table of species, 200 Chrysomelid;\j of Ontario and (^)uebec, 67, Coleophora catarius, 1-54 bilobalus, n sp 1, Dicyphns Chlamys II parasitic, Dactylopins prosopidis, n sp., 224 Dasychira pudibunda, 81, 103 Demas, structural affinities of the genus, ti II North American 307 rap^-e, 59 11 II New Cynipida?, 131 Ckilosia Aldrichi, n sp , 229 II cyanca, n, sp., 228 II prima, n sp , 92 sigiiatisela, n sp , 227 table of species, 229 II s/gnifei; n sp., 43 tarsalis, n sp., 43 II 75 Ceropales fraterna, 80 Cerura occidentalis, life-history Coquillett, D W., article by, 43 Corrections, 107, 109 Corymbites elongaticollis, 262 Coscinoptera dominicana, 151Cranibidiv of North America Caliroa obsoleta, 237 Callicera Johnsoni, n tions of, 305 Feltia, Man., 300 at Orillia, 271 at Winnipeg, 241, Cabbage Curculio, 218,294 interior, 145, 147 ;o I Butterflies, rare, 190, 21S, 294 H taken at Brandon, II \x\'iil 171, > articles by, 112, 175, 2, 189, 27, 45, 86, 235, 270, 312 ajiin's, n sp., 132 bicolor, n sp., 132 Coloradensis, n sp , 133 II rufueps, n sp., 132 It similis, n sp., 133 Economic Entomologists, Association 188, 258, of, 279 Economic Entomology Edwards, William H., : J B .Smith, 308 I EntomologicalSociety of Ontario, 26, 291 Entomoscelis adonidis, 199 Ephestia Kuehniella, 13, 61 Epicauta, table of species, 33 Erebia epipsodea, preparatory stages 274 of, INDEX TO VOLUME XXVI U Erigonoplus gigas, Gypsy Moth, n sp., 65 317 parasites of, 282 Eristalis Brousi, 9S M H;\imonia nigricornis, flavipes, 99 hirtus, 99 II M Handbook latifrons, 97 monlanus, 98 Eumolpini, table of genera, 171 Eupsalis minuta, 247 122, 184, 261 Lupidoptera : der palaarktischen GrossStandfuss, 112 Schmetterlinge Hanham, A W., articles by, 241, 299 Harpiphorus maculatus, 236 Harrington, W H., articles by, 75, 107, : 108, 109, 114 F , article by, 215 dispar, 153 Exomalopsis, a neotropical genus of bees in the United States, 25 Exomalopsis pulchella, 25 solaiii, n sp., 25 II British Handbuch Euptoieta claudia, 294, 300 Eutolype electilis, 216 Evans, J D., article by, Farms of the Dominion, Experimental of Meyrick, 27 M Exema "jx J., articles by, Hamilton, 206 Heath, E Hemichroa laricis, n sp., 257 Hemiteles Oltawaensis, n sp., 78 Hepialus argenteo-maculatus, variety 215 Hepialus confusus, 176 hyperboreus, 175 of, 11 Matthewi, 176 Hesperidw of New Hampshire, 162 Hopkins, A D., article by, 243 Feltia ducens, 7, 298 11 herilis, 299 II jaculifera, 299 II L O., article by, 165 D., articles by, 87, 227 subgothica, 4, 17, 295, 301 Fiske, W F., article by, 162 Fletcher, J., articles by, 12S, 267, 308, 309 Folsom, J \V., article by, 119 Fyles, T W., article by, 148 Howard, Ciastroidea, table of species, 202 Cieddes, Captain J Gamble, 117 Cienitalic classification, In reply to criticism, 45 II Geometrina of North America, classifica- 11 II var /faz'/Zi, n var., 38 , 41 I I, 35- Gomphus externus, 288 M fraternus, 2S8 M Gonatista grisea, 211, 265 11 Gonioctena pallida, 203 Grain-beetle, a new, 197 p II Grant, C E., article by, 271 11 Graphops curtipennis, 173 II pubescens, 173 Grote, A R., articles by, 65, 293, 294, 301, 310Gymnosetis Americanus, 246 Gypsy Moth II II /' 42 punctatus, 41 Gnathodus, the North American species II hrevipenna, n sp., 53 ,, I of, American species ,, 11 , ti : Mexico M M II II 75 Arizona, iio 138 Hymenoptera taken at Sudbury, 11 11 I.ivingstonii, n sp manitou, 39 occidentalis, n sp Hymenoptera, Canadian, Hymenoptera of New : Hulst, 312 Gibson, A., article l;y, 294 Cilyptoscelis pubescens, 172, Gnathodus abdominalis, 36 confusus, 40 impictus, 37 II W Insect Life Theobald, 313 Isotoma icqualis, n sp., 49 tion of: II Hunter, ,1 hntmiea, of, 47 n sp , 52 capitola, n sp,, 56 n comiiinna, sp., 50 deterniiiiata, n sp., 54 dilatata, n sp., 53 elongata, n sp., 49 i)idinatd, n sp , 55lateraria, n sp,, 56 loiigipeniia,Xi sp , 57 inaimhriata, n sp., 49 nigra, n sp , 56 obsoleta, n, sp., 54 parva, n sp., 50 speciosa, n sp., 55- synouyinica, n sp 52 tenn/nafa, n, sp., 56 , tridentata, n, sp., 51 trispiiiata, n sp , 51itnica, n sp,, 50 Ithycerus noveboracencis, 109 198, 216, Johnson, W Forbush and Fernald, 267 Kellicott, D in Kirkland, A Massachusetts, 279 G., article by, 13 S., article by, 286 H., article by, 279, and INDEX TO \'OI.UME XXVIII 818 Lachnosttrna fusca, Lema Noinada 4, gutierreziis, n sp , 284 trilineata, 74 Lembert, John B., 217 LcpidocytiHS Americaiins, n sp 219 Lepidoptera, classification of 27, 45, 190, 303 312 Leptura emarginata, 246 , capucinus, 125, 184 the species of, 122, 184 11 Liparocephahis brevipennis, 261 , pacifica, n sp., 2io 290 , , Papilio Ajax, 190, 294 Philenor, 266 Turnus, 271 11 — , E II Lixus fossus, 185 Luna eggs a correction, 107 Lyctus striatus, 244 H Ormerod, Miss G 11 cordicollis, 261 Litaucitiria obsciira, n sp 210 n Lyman, IL M Pachybrachys, table of species, 156 Pachyneritatiis gregariits, n sp., 256 257 pubescens, n sp Patnphila Howardi, n, sp., 187 n 188 stigma, sp., Libythea Bachmani, 218, 266, 294 Lina lapponica, 249 M Scudderi, 212 Uhleri, 212 II Orsodachna, table of species, 72 Oyster-shell bark-louse on maple, 248 Lepyrus allernans, 125, 1S4 11 Odontota dorsalis, 248 Oligonyx bollianus, 212 II Papiritts opalimis, n sp 7)ittat7is,' n sp., articles by, 143, 274 II 120 , 19 Personal notes, 157, 167, 19S, 250, 313 Macgillivray A D., article by, 47 Macrobasis unicoior, 31, 33 Pezoiuaclius Ottawaeiisis, n sp Macrophya tibiator, 235 Macriirocaiiipa Dorothea, n, sp., 176 Mallota cimbiciformis, 99 facialis, n sp., 100 P/iaeiioglyp/iis „ 198, 240, 301 II Mediterranean Flour Moth, 13, 61 Megalostomis subfasciata, 152 Meloe, table of species, 33 Meloidce of Ontario and Quebec, 31 Mesogramma II Metachroma II Micaria Microdon Monachus 7th n sp., 253 teri/iinalis, n sp., 253 Porthetria dispar, 267, 282 Prasocuris, table of species, 200 Pristiphora grossulariae, 238 tibialis, 238 Prosopis affinis, 136 Illinoisensis, n sp., 138 Mesillir, n nom., 42 annual II 11 l)y, 74, 109, 169 ater, 154 the male 127 of, modesta, 136 Prosopis, notes on the bees of the genus, 42, 136 Prosopis pygmrea, 137 M sanicidtc, n sp , 137- subtilis, 42 Protandrena, n gen., 184 II out of place, 169 Nematids, some new, 251 Nemalus Sayi, 34 II Garden, Monodontomefus montivagus, Moth cleomis, n sp., 193 vallorjtm, n sp., 195 Polypleurus nitidus, 186 11 62 sapcnatus, 154 II viridis, 202 II 11 fulgens, 89 report, 309 Moffat, J A., articles 11 Podalirins ala)nosaniis, n sp., 195 Pomphopoea marginata, 96 Missouri Botanical rapie, 102 II Plagiodera cochleariae, 202 Pontania populi, parvula, 95 dubiosum, 173 quercatum, 173 , , II rittila, n sp., 44 genii lis, n sp Americana, n sp 131 I'hotographs without shadows, 84 Phyllodecta interstitialis, 264 viteliinie, 263 vulgatissima, 203, 263 Phylloxera, Hickory- nut, 247 Pieris oleracea,, 294 II comis, 198, 240, 301 olivacea, 19S, 240, 301 Mantida; of North America, index to, 207 Marlatt, C L., articles by, 18S, 219, 251, 258 Maskell, W M., article by, 14 Mastocharis Wilderi, 78 II Mergarliiiius 77- II ir Mamestra circumcincta, , Pettitii, 75 dorsivittatus, 239 Noctua, the generic title, 8, 65 Nodonota, table of species, 174 Psilota buccata, 91 Pteroniis ostryff, n sp., 252 Pteroptila cincta, 99 Piilex A'eeni, n sp 234 , Pulvinaria aniygdali, n sp., 225 INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill Tutt, 113 Rare butterflies, 190 218, 294 Taxonomic value of the Antennas of Lepidoptera : Red pepper, insects affecting 177 Remarkable work of insects, 61 Reply concerning Noctua and Agrotis, 65 to Prof Smith, 301 Report of observations on injurious insects ,1 : Ormerod, 14 Khabdopterus picipes, 174 Ripcrsiaflaveola, n, sp., 224 Kiugii, n sp., 222 lasii, n sp., 223 Robertson, C, article by, 136 Rumsey, \V E , article by, 85 11 : North America, 79 Theoclytes chlorophwa 213 Thesprotia graminis, 213 Townsend, C H T , articles by, no, 138 Trees, insect enemies of, 243 Trelease, W., articles by, 61, 306 Tribolium ferrugineum, 177, Trichiosoma triangulum, 235 Trichopepla senrt-ivittala, 26b tarsale, 262 Trychosis Umicitla rubra, n sp., 148 Tult, J W., articles by, 17, 81 Tymnes tricolor, 172 Typhlopsylla, a new, from Mexico, 85 Mcxicana, II Typophorus critical review Beutenmuller, 293 .Silvanus bicornis, 19S II mercator, 197, Surinamensis, 197 Skinner, H., article by, 187 Slingerland, M V., article by, 295 Smith, J, B., articles by, 4, 239 Snyder, A J., article by, 105 -Sphecomyia vittala, loi Spiders, a few new, 62 n sp., 85 canellus, 172 Webster, F M Wickham, H Scudder, S H., article by, 207 : Bodine, 170 Trogoderma Saturnians, Phylogeny of the, 303 Grote, 270, 294, 303 Saturniiden, die Satyrus alope, 294 .Saw-fly larva;, 235 Scale-insect parasites, two new genera, 165 Schwarz, E A., article by, 177 Sc/us inonlaniis, n sp., 62 of ; Telenonomus n sp ?, Thecla Sheridani, 218 Trigonalys Canadensis, n sp., 108 Trigonogenius farctus, 177, II Sesiidce of HIU article by, sg F., articles by, 30, 31, 67, 151, 171 A article F Winn, by, 27S Winnipeg, list of Butterflies from, 241, 299 aiticle W G., Wright, by, 102 11 Spilomyia quadrifasciata, loi .S[ning-tail, a house-infesting, 219 Stagmomantis Carolina, 210, 265 11 limbata, 210 Xanthonia decemnotata, II Xenoi^lossa cticurbilantni, n sp., 192 M patricia, n sp., 19 table of species, 192 ti Xyleborus celsus, 249 Xylota analis, ico angustiventris, 101 II flavitibia, loi :i fraudulosa, loi obscura, 101 II Louis Academy of Science, 306 Strongylogaster marginata, 75 Syneta ferruginea, 73 .Syrphida;, a contribution to the knowledge of North American, 87 .St II Yersinia Mexicana, 209 solitaria, n sp,, 2C9 II Zeugophora abnormis, Tachinus Schwartzi, 261 T;eniocampa vegeta, 169 Erratum read " — Page 27S, last line no trace of other spots." 173 villosula 173 73 11 puberula, 73 II varians, 73 but one, for "no trace of the spots" o0'^ d5^ r n 'X /^^ /' -,^ '^^^;i3S^""^ ^'>b\ ... began the the study of the life-histories of a in the state The number of species previously known only results of these studies are admirably set forth in the letterpress as well as in the plates... classification of the Bombyces," including group all the families formerly included, but Following the arrangement of suborders pro- in the altering their sequence THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST posed... the trouble to look into the the forms, How *The subgenera italics are mine Note the plural Mr, Grote uses all my divisions »s THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST literature of the subject, I think he will