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Novitates Zoologicae V19

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NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE H IN Journal of ZooloQ^ CONNECTION WITH THE TRING MUSEUM EDITED BY The Hon Dk WALTER ROTHSCHILD, ERNST HARTERT, and F.R.S., Ph.D., Dr K JORDAN Vol XIX., 1912 (WITH FOURTEEN PLATES.) Issued at the Zoological Museum, Thing PRINTED BY HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, 1912—1913 I,D., LONDON AND AYI.ESBURV ^t CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIX (1912) GENEUAL SUBJECT PAGES On Term "Subspecies" the EoTnsciiiLD used as in Systematic Zoolog)' Wai.teu — 136 13a MAMMALIA Descriptions of Two Giant Rats from New Guinea, pre.sented to the British Museum by tlie Hon Walter Rothschild, F.R.S Oldfield Thomas 91—92 AVES Note on Conurus asruyinosus and the List of a Collection of Birds of Mr A Birds collected by Bay, in North-Eastern British Two New Hellmayr C E .") The Birds Binls of Description of Yunnan Ornithologlsche On some 84 — 85 made by Mr Albert Meek on the Kumusi New Guinea Walter Rothschild and Ernst Hartert British and Ernst Hartert List T Salvadori River, North-Eastern allied species S Meek New from at Haidana, CoUingwood Guinea Walter Rothschild tlie Collingwood Ingram Miszellen aus Timor Group of Gebiet 206 i.'U7 — 2iJ9 21U — 211 269 — 310 Islands dem Imlo-Australischen 187 EitwiN Stresemann — 35] 373 — 374 311 unfigured Birds (Plates I and Ernst Hartert II.) COLEOPTERA Congo Museum at Tervueren List of the Anthi-ibidae in the New A nthribidae in the Collection of Neue des Apionen (Illustriert.) Nord- und Hans Waoner H E Andrewes De.scriptions Museum Esp^ces et Siid-Amerikanisi-hen Formo.san Anthrihiilae collected by H Sauter d' K Jordan K .Jordan 63 67 87 90 F.iunengebietes K Jordan 97 118 137 II.") 247 268 Varietes Nouvelles de Coecinellides du British DocTEUR Sicard ( vi ) LEPIDOPTERA PAGES New Nocliddae in \V Region tln' Tring Museum, mainly from Wahren Museum from New New Caligida Hybr salmoni, a new Hybi'id of Geomelridae in the Tring J W Warren Synonymic Catalogue of Descriptions of New New Some New Some New 11 New New 12 Some 10 — 57 68 — 83 (Illustrated.) New from Lambessa of Algeria Walter 118 the Syntomid Genus Balacra Walk., with XIV.)* WAi/rER Species (Plates XIII — 119 EoTiiscHii,D G 86—87 On an apparently New Form A Guinea .Satiirniidae Tnclo-Orieutal Henry Watson RoTILSCniLD tlio Walter Rothschild Bornean Aegeriidae and Syntomidae Mauretanian Moth.s Sphiit/jid(ie — Walter Rothschild (Illustrated.) Oriental Zygaenidae Walter Rothschild and K Jordan K Jordan Syntomidae Walter Rothschild Lithosianae Walter Rothschild \miig\ive({ Sipilomklae, Aeijerladae nni\ Arctianae (Plates III 122 — 127 — 135 128 146 — 150 151 — 186 212 — 246 125 V.) Walter Rothschild — 122 — 124 375 — 377 SIPHONAPTERA List of Siphonaptera collected in Eastern K Jordan and N C Rothschild On Siphonaptera and N collected in Algeria Hungary (Illustrated.) 58 — XII.) (Plales VI — 62 Karl Jordan Rothschild 357 — 372 RHYNCHOTA Notes on the structure of the sexually modified segments of the Cimlcidne = C'linocoridae), with special i-ef erence to Cliiiocoris columharius ( Notes on C'linocoridae, a family of Rhynchota, with the descriptions of a New Genus and Karl Jordan and N Charles Species (Jenyns) (Illustrated.) N Charles Rothschild ' Rothschild INDEX 9:1— U6 352—356 379-403 • N'ot Plates I and II .is given in the text OF PLATES IN VOLUME XIX LIST I II Leucopsar rothschildi III Si/Htomidae IV Si/iitoniidae V VI Manias henschi Oust, ami — XII ;iuil G'l'.andid, By II By H Grouvold (rmcujjic/c tertia By Horace Knight and S ijntomidae and By Horace Knight Aeijeriadae By Horace Arclianue Algerian Siphonaptera By K Kniglit .Jordan By Horace XIII SijntomidcK (Genus Balacra) XIV Si/ntomidae (Genera Balacra and Metarclia), The Parts of this Volume were — No 1, containing pages No 2, containing page.s 151 No 3, containing pages 1913 Gronvold 1.50, issueil — 377 379—403 issued as follows Kniglit By Horace Knight : April 30th, 1912 — XII., issued December 1912 — V and XIII — XIV., issued April and Plates VI .and Plates I 21st, l-lth, ERRATA Page from bottom, and 02, line 10 from " " " instead of be Keyser." KeyssBv 91, line I) 11!)— 122, the Plate.s 121, No This species „ line 10 t, for after "fig this article are is 40,'' 185, No 1G7, the specific read name , 31(), liiK- from bottom read and ? XIV fig (ig I and 38 39." : name should read nicht mehr " liorics," not " Lori»is." instead of uielir nicht ,, ,, iiudayensis „ , malai/aims ., , malat/eiisis ,, , malayanus Syphia top „ Siphia Iiottom ,, „ „ slioii should read roscipemiis not roseipeunis 194, No< 49 and 50: the generic 312, XIII and XIV., and not " figured on Plate '^ name bottom, collector's cJ Sangir : S 1C3 „ ,, ,, ,, ? Sangir : 1G3 junge Vogel „ „ Jungevogel 1892 „ , 1S22 Mundspalto , ,, Mnndspilte II ,JL NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE V^ H Journal oX Zoolotj^ EDITED BY The Hon Dr WALTER ROTHSCHILD, ERNST HARTERT, F.R.S., Ph.D., and Dk K -JORDAN Vol XIX No Pages 1—150 Issued April 30th, at the Zoological Museum, Thing PRINTED BY HAZELL WATHON & VINEV 1912 Ld LONDON AND AYLESBURV XIX Vol NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE EDITED BY WALTER ROTHSCHILD ERNST HARTERT, and CONTENTS OF NO KARL JORDAN I NEW XOCTVIDAE IN THE TPJNG MUSEUM, MAINLY FROM THE INDO-ORIENTAL REGION LIST OF SIPHONAPTERA CiOLLECTED IN EASTERN HirNGARY (IlluslraUd) W Wa 1—57 K Jordan and X Rothschild (' OF THE AXTHRIBIDAE IN THE CONGO MUSEUM AT TERVUEREN NEW (iKOMETKIDAE IN THE TRING MUSEUM FROM NEW GUINEA NOTE ON CONURUS AERUGIXOSUS AND THE ALLIED SPECIES CALIGULA iiYUR SALMONI, A NEW HYBRID OF SATURXIIDAE (Illustrated) NEW AXTHRIIilDAE IN THE COLLECTION OF H E ANDREWES DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO GIANT RATS FROM NEW GUINEA PRESENTED TO lAHi: THE BRITISH MUSEUM BY THE HON WALTER ROTHSCHILD, F.R.S NOTES ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE SEXUALLY MODIFIED SEGMENTS OF THE CIMICIDAE (= CLIXOCORIDAE) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO GLINOCORIS COLUMIiARJUS (JENYNS) (Ilhis- tra(ed) 10 NEUE APIONEN DES NORD- UND SUDAMERIKANISCHEN FAUNENGEBIETES (Illm(rie>-t) 12 ON AN APPARENTLY NEW FORM OF LAMUESSA FROM ALGERIA A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE OF THE SYNroitll) (3ENUS BALACRA Walk., WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES 13 NEW BORNEAN AEGERJIOAE AND 11 (Plates I and II.) TO illDAE 15 16 ON THE TERM "SUBSPECIES" AS USED Walter Rothschild Walter Rothschild Walter Rothschild Waller Rothschild Waller Rothsch ild and A' IN SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY' 17 18 SYK- NEW MAURETANIAN MOTHS SOME NEW Sl'llIXGIDAE {Illustrated) U Have Wayner FORMOSAN AXTHRIIilDAE COIXECTED BY H SAUTER SOME NEW ORIENTAL ZYGAEXIDAE Jordan Walter Rothschild ,d^^

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2018, 17:59


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