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Wudhu and Gushul and its related matters by Shaykh Fawzan

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CHAPTER Ablution Anah, Exalted be He, says: "0)"''' who haw Iulieved, when you rise'" {pert".m ) wash your factJ and your jonarnu 10 Ihe dbows and wipe over )'(IlIr /lead$ and wash , ,UT feM III the ankles H This AI·M;l'idah: 6) states that performing ablution whenever rising to prayer is obligatory, and tells us which Dcgan should band tile and Allah Exalt :! be He say (regarding •• Wa.h Jam;, •" AI ·Ma'id ah: 6) Thus, Al lah commands washing the face du ri ng ablution '" who.:ver dis regards wa,hing any pan of the face is considered 10 be disobedi ent to the Command o f Allah Exalted bc He lhe l'ropht1 (PB UH) used to hismoulh and nose " ';Ih water " 'hile ablution 2-Washing Ih e forur ms incl uding th e d bows: Allah, Exahed be He, says • A"d Yrelated by Muslim Ihat Ihe: Prophet (P8UH) says: ·Wilell allyotle sits amidst fOljr PMts (of the woman) and t/" circum· (istd parts (of tht genilals) touch Mcli otiltr a ritual btltil wcomes obligatory (for !>oth).""' Thus, sex ual intercourse cven if without cjaculation obligates ritual balhing for ooth the man nod the woman according 10 the afores;;oid hndilli as well as Ihe conSl:nsus of Muslim ""OOlal1 Embracing Isla m; whcn a di sbelicver embraces Islam forthe Prophet (PBUH) commanded !lOme oftht "",w convnts to Islam to rc:rform ritual bathing following drdaring Ihnf Islam' HWr\TI", many sttS Moreover if one wears a ring, a wrmwatch, o r the like oM ha, 10 move it 10 lel water underneath Thus, one has to perform rituallnthing so perfedly w rifyi ng Ihal there is not a single body parI bUI water has reached, for Ihe Prophet (PBUH ) said in a hlOdilh ITlat d by Abil O iwUd nd AI - Tirm idhi: • -The", i jIlndooll under every ingle hair, deanu th • • kin $I) wash 'lit hair well and • I: rURIFlO'I1 QN MOretlVC r, onc should by no use water wastefully taking a ritual lNth Rather, 0"'" should use wata provided lNt hing is JX'rfonntd Pl"OJX'rtr lnd JX'rf«t1y as prescrikd in Muslims should fOllow the example of the Prophet (pIIUH) ,nd r.ltionalize their use of water during purificatiull, for he (PBUH) u ,d to perform ablu tion with one mudd and to take a bath with one AI$ it is for a MUSlim to sc rte su" by others)." (Related by Abtl O)wUd and An·NaHl).• Taking a ritual b.ath to purify onesdffrom the Slale of major ritual impurity is one of the trmt, klw('('n I servanl and his lord, 5(l one should k ktt'Tl on fulfilling Ihis obligation properly and observ ing its rulings carefully, 5(l as 10 perform il legally anand to grant us sincerity in ou r ords and deeds Endotes /a>l you , urgently to consu lt men of religiO\lll kflQWlw ge: you should !leglect any migious issues, np«ially those related to the pillar of Islam, for the i$s ue is really !erinus May Allah guide us 11 to felicit y and rightwusneSf regMding our words a nd deeds, making our righteous deed$ $incerdy done for His Sake, and in devotion to His Honorablc Fa(ct May Allah grant our invocation, for He is ,rily the Hearingand Responsivtt EndnOles Ta"""mum: one nno( Uot it) dry blut;"n with earth (.m.n t is u .U.bk or Al.!lukhl r! (335) !1/56Sj nd Must im (t 163) [3161 Muolim (t t 65) 1317] At·Bukhlr! (J.l8)ll /S74j.nd MUllIm (818) [21284) Al·Bukhlrl (72&8) [1)/3081 and Mwlim (6066) [SJ t()8l CHAPTER Removal of Impurity Ai a Mu$lim is required 10 rmm minor and major ritual impurities in order 10 perform prayer, he is also commanded to pur ify his body doth es and remove any spot of impurity Allah says: -A"d ytJur d oth'''g p (Qur';!.n: AJ·Muddaththir: 4) The Prophet (PBUH) commandrd a woman to >nm the menstrual blood from her g.1rment ' With thi s in mind, it is our duty to ,hed more light on thi S i ue, namely the removal of impurity, illustrati ng the m05t important related rulings hopinglha\ it may benefit Muslims Fllqfhs (may Allah have mercy on IMm) uKO! to 5pand (25/239) SH 1$0 -\I.IJJu(y.!"" M-"IIm,)')\lh p.4! Ab

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2018, 22:29

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