Coco Chanel Lisa Chaney Viking Adult (2011) Rating: ★★★★☆ The controversial story of Chanel, the twentieth century's foremost fashion icon Revolutionizing women's dress, Gabrielle "Coco'' Chanel was the twentieth century's most influential designer Her extraordinary and unconventional journey-from abject poverty to a new kind of glamour- helped forge the idea of modern woman Unearthing an astonishing life, this remarkable biography shows how, more than any previous designer, Chanel became synonymous with a rebellious and progressive style Her numerous liaisons, whose poignant and tragic details have eluded all previous biographers, were the very stuff of legend Witty and mesmerizing, she became muse, patron, or mistress to the century's most celebrated artists, including Picasso, Dalí, and Stravinsky Drawing on newly discovered love letters and other records, Chaney's controversial book reveals the truth about Chanel's drug habit and lesbian affairs And the question about Chanel's German lover during World War II (was he a spy for the Nazis?) is definitively answered While uniquely highlighting the designer's far-reaching influence on the modern arts, Chaney's fascinating biography paints a deeper and darker picture of Coco Chanel than any so far Movingly, it explores the origins, the creative power, and the secret suffering of this exceptional and often misread woman Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Introduction Chapter 1 - Forebears Chapter 2 - The Bad One Chapter 3 - The Lost Years Chapter 4 - Things That I Should Be and Which I Am Not Chapter 5 - A Rich Man’s Game Chapter 6 - Captive Mistress Chapter 7 - Arthur Capel Chapter 8 - Refashioning Paris Chapter 9 - The Rite of Spring Chapter 10 - The End of an Epoque Chapter 11 - Master of Her Art Chapter 12 - The War Bans the Bizarre Chapter 13 - Remember That You’re a Woman Chapter 14 - Alone Chapter 15 - Beginning Again Chapter 16 - The Strangest and Most Brilliant Years Chapter 17 - Dmitri Pavlovich Chapter 18 - The Lucky N° 5 Chapter 19 - Entirely in White and Covered in Pearls Chapter 20 - Reverdy Chapter 21 - At the Center Chapter 22 - Bend’Or Chapter 23 - The Crash Chapter 24 - Schiap Had Lots of It but It Was Bad Chapter 25 - War Chapter 26 - Survival Chapter 27 - Von Dincklage Chapter 28 - Exile Chapter 29 - Return: 1954 Chapter 30 - I Prefer Disaster to Nothingness Chapter 31 - I Only Hear My Heart on the Stairs AFTERWORD Acknowledgements NOTES SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ILLUSTRATION CREDITS INDEX VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) 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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chaney, Lisa Coco Chanel : an intimate life / Lisa Chaney p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN : 978-1-101-54586-7 Chanel, Coco, 1883-1971 Fashion designers—France—Biography... change out of all recognition The gradual and sporadic nature of change would be swept away by an avalanche of modernization as France was catapulted into the machine age Henri-Adrien and Angélina... cavalry regiment and the famed school of horsemanship, the Cadre Noir Saumur was devoted to its permanent “visitors” and the tailors, blacksmiths and farriers; the smart cafés, elegant restaurants, and pretty “working girls” all catered to the