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How to speak english well

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WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM D ó iìg g ù p P D F b ô i G V N g u y e n WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON T h a n h T ú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON PREFACE The book "H o w To Speak English W e ll" is designed to provide you English learners of pre-intermediate and intermediate levels with 50 hot topics related to daily life Each topic helps you enrich you r vocabulary - - - - - - as well as get more ideas about the topic you are involved in In addition, questions in each topic facilitate you to practice your speaking skills Practicing speaking is not only speaking Besides, the learners have to improve their reading and listening skills, grammar and vocabulary One of the most important factors that can help you get the good result in speaking English is the self- Do you believe that houses can be haunted? Have you ever been to one? Do you believe that houses have ghosts in them sometimes? t Were you ever touched or physically harmed by a ghost or "spirit”? If so, how? Have you ever felt that you knew a ghost that you saw? How you know if a ghost is near you? If you don’t believe in ghosts, then what have you heard other people say? ỵ If you donl believe in ghost, tell w hy? If you don't believe in ghost, and you actually have seen one, what were your reactions? Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions? W hat are some superstitions in your country? W hat are some things that are considered unlucky? W hat are some things that are considered lucky? 10 What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in your country? Do you have a lucky number? 11 Have you ever gone to a psychic? If so, what were you told? Did you believe it? W h y some people consult psychics bef' 'toing out To S p e a k E nglish W ell 226 important things? Do you know anyone that has ever been to * psychic? 12 W hy some people need fortunetellers? H ow people predi the future in your country? 13 Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you read your horoscope? If s you believe it? 14 Do you think that dreams come true? Do you think that dreams can help us solve our problems? Have you ever had a dream Come true? / Have you ever had a dream that later cam e true? 15 Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain? Do you believe that there are m any things in our universe that cannot be explained? Give examples 16 Do you believe that you are from another planet? Do you believe you have supernatural powers there? Have ydu ever tried to contact another planet? Did you succeed? 17 Do you believe in reincarnation? Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them? 18 Have you ever looked in the mirror and ’seen’ a different face?.Do you think heaven exist? Do you think hell exist? 19.1s the belief in U F O s , aliens, physic powers, etc, growing because the belief in religion is dying? 20 Do you believe in witches? W h y or why not? Do you believe in coincidences? W h y or w hy not? Do you believe in G o d ? W h y or why not? 21 W hat is the most frightening things that has ever happened to you? Do you believe that people who were bad alive pay their bad behavior by staying here? H ow To S p e a k E nglish W eil 227 JL uLLU ff you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? tf you could be an animal, any animal, what animal would you be and w hy? If you could be another m an or w om an for a day, who would you choose? If you could change one tiling about yourself, what would it be? if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? If you could choose how you were going to die, what' would you choose your death to be? If you could choose to live on a different planet, which one would you choose? If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and w hy? If you could speak any other language (besides English) which language would you like to speak? If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world for any length of time, where would you g o ? If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, w here would you go? If you could travel back in time, w here would you go? If you found a suitcase full of $1,000,000, what would you do? If you had 25-hour days (while everyone else continued to have 24 hour days), what would you with the extra time? If you had to choose between love and no m oney or m oney and no love for the rest of your life, which would you choose? If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for? If you were going to a deserted island and could only take three things with you w hat would you take? W h y? If you w ere the President, what problem or concern would you work on first? If you woke dp suddenly because your house was on fire, which three things would you save as you ran outside? i If you could live perfectly well without sleeping, if you had no need to sleep at all, how would you spend all your nights? U f you could be marned with a foreign (m an/wom an), who you think you would choose? T\» C _ , L T T '„ M 228 M T : CLO TH ES & FASHION Do you tike shopping for new clothes? Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? W h y? H o w much m oney you spend on clothes a year? W h at piece of clothing you spend your money on the most? W h y? W here you usually buy clothes? W hat kind of clothes you usually wear? Do you think it is important to w ear fashionable clothes? Do you wear jewelry? If so, what kind of jewelry you wear? H ow often you w ear jewelry? W hat you think of body piercing? Do you have pierced ears? Do you know anyone with a pierced nose? W ould.you ever pierce your tongue? W hat you think of people with body piercing? W hat colors you think look good on you? W hat colors you think look good on your girlfriend or boyfriend? J p r W hat kind of clothes are in fashion now? W ould you like to be a fashion m odel? W h a fs the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought? W hat are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? W hat would you think of a wom an who cut off all her hair and went around bald as a fashion statement? What you think of women who w ear short mini-skirts? Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what Is inside us? W hat you think of people with tattoos? Do you have a tattoo? Do you know som eone with a tattoo? What type of clothing you w ear when you are angry and you want to express yourself? W hat colors you choose to w ear when you are happy? In what w ays does your Grandmother dress differently than you? W hen you get old you think you will dress like your grandmother or grandfather? 10 W ould you ever w ear contacts to change your eye color? W hat is the difference in the people who choose to w ear contacts and the people w ho choose to were glasses? 11 W hat you think about wom en who don’t w ear earrings? W hat you think ab out m e n w h o w e a r earrin gs? 12.1s it possible for wom en to wear too m uch m ake-up? W hen is a person wearing to m uch m ake-up? W hat you think of men who wear m ake-up? Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or other accessories? 13 Do you think people feel different when they w ear different clothes? Do fashionable clothes really change the w ay a person looks? What you think of people who dye their hair? Bow To Speak EngUsk Well 229 .W h a t you think about secondhand clpthes? W h y d o you think people buy secondhand clothes? H ave you ever been to a store that sells secondhand clothes? Have you ever bought secondhand clothes? W ould you buy secondhand dothes? U M T : D IS A S T E R S H o w can you help after a natural disaster? If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what could you do? H ave you ever volunteered to help in a disaster? W hat did you do? Did you enjoy »t? > ? Have you ever given m oney to a charity? How you decide what charity to give to? Are you willing to donate m oney fo help victims of a natural disaster in other countries? H ow m uch? How much m oney should your government give to help victims of natural disasters in your country and how m uch to help people living in other countries? W hat is a disaster? W hat is the Japanese word for disaster? Have you ever been in a disaster? W hat are som e different kinds of disasters? W hat kinds of disasters are com m on in your country? W hat is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane? W h at is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane? Are there w ays w e can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters? H o w are businesses affected by disasters? H o w are families affected by disasters? H o w are the problems solved after a disaster? Do som e natural disasters occur repeatedly in the sam e area? Do m any people live in these areas? If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which would you choose? W h y ? W hat is the difference between natural disasters and m an-m ade disasters? C a n you nam e a few of each type? W here these usually often occur? Are you prepared for a disaster? W hat can you to prepare for a disaster? H o w you think you would react in a disaster? Does your family have a plan for what to in the event of an earthquake? you ever been injured ? H ave you ever had a broken leg? W hat would you rf you knew there would soon be a serious natural disaster and this could be your last day on earth? ? To Speak English VP'oU 230 L A IT 4: IM M IGRATION W hy people immigrate to other countries? Is immigration from one country to another a problem? In what ways you see it as a problem? Do you think that immigrants are treated well in most countries? vO ' Do you think there is a relation between immigration and crime? Should any government limit the number of immigrants entering the country? W hat would be a good number? should Is local culture threatened by immigration? H o w immigrants retain their culture? Should immigrants have the same rights as native citizens? Is there a difference between political and economic immigration? Should immigrants have the right to vote? In which elections? What should be done with the illegal immigrants entering a country? Should the country of origin of illegal immigrants be held responsible? Do immigrants have a good or bad reputation in your part of the country? Should students be allowed to wear clothes with cultural or religious symbolism at school? Are there a lot of immigrants in your community? Would you ever think of emigrating? W h y would you think of emigrating? Should immigrants be required to learn the local language? How would you help an immigrant learn the local language? T o what extent has the culture; of your community become richer by immigrants? UNIT : L IK E S AAD D IS L IK E S Tf4 v ^ What kind of music you like? W ho are your favorite performers or bands? Do you like music or musicians from other countries as well? If so, who or what kind? What kinds of music don't you like? Nam e some singers or groups that you dislike Do you like to watch T V ? Do you like movies? Do you like to watch T V ? W hat are your favorite kinds of programs or shows? What are your all-time favorite T V programs? Do you like programs or shows from other countries as well? If so, what kind? Do you like actors from other countries as well? If so, who? W hat kinds of programs or which actors don't you like? Do you like movies? What are your favorite kinds of movies? What are your all-time favorite movies? Who are your favorite B o w To S p e a k English W ell 231 actors? D o you like m ovies from other countries as well? ff so, what kind? D o you like sports? W hat are your favorite kinds of sports? W ho are your favorite athletes? D o you like sports from other countries as w ell? If so, what kind? D o you like athletes from other countries as well? If so, w ho? W hich athletes don't you like? Do you like books? W hat are your favorite kinds of books? W hat are your favorite titles? W h o are your favorite authors? l Most presentations are divided into main parts (+ questions): introduction, body, conclusion, and questions IN T R O D U C T IO N G o o d morning, ladies and gentlemen G o o d afternoon, everybody ^ Hi, everybody Introduce y o u r subject I am going to talk today about T h e purpose of m y presentation is to introduce our new range of Outline the structure In m y presentation, I have two points to tell you Fist, I would like to talk a b o u t Th e n , I will m ove on to Give instructions about questions D o feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions If you have any questions, please wait u n til! finish my speech P R E S E N T A T IO N V E R B S p To S p e a k E n glish W eil 232 , - to take a took at - to give an overview of - to show - to report on - to discuss - to tell about - to outline - to talk Ex: G o o d m orning ladies an d gentlem en! Today, ! am going to talk about ch an ge s in Vietnam ese families in m o de m society First o f ailI, I'll talk about the size of the family T h e n Til m ention the w om an's role in the m o d e m family A fte r that HI give y o u an ove rview o f children's freedom If y o u have a n y questions, don't hesitate to interrupt me III S IG N -P O S T IN G Introducing the first subject I'd like to start by Let's begin by First of all, I'll Starting with I'll begin b y Finishing one subject ^ ‘y> • W ell, I've told you about • • Th a t’s all I have to sa y about S o m uch for .and starting another • N ow we'll m ove on to • Let m e turn now to • Next • T u rn in g to • ^ 'd like now to discuss • Let's look now at G iving an example For e x a m p le A good exam ple of this is H otc To S p e a k E n g lish W ell 233 T o give you an example, T o illustrate this point Note: Ordering Firstly secondly thirdly lastly First of alL.then next after that finaily T o start w ith.Jater to finish up / C O N C L U S IO N Use the conclusion to: • Sum up; - Give recommendations if appropriate; - Thank your audience; Invite questions ■vV Sum m ing up T o conclude, In conclusion, in summary, Now, to sum up S o let me summarize/recap what I've said Finally, m ay I remind you of ¿om e of the main points we've considered J v Thanking your audience Many thanks for your attention M ay l thank you all for being such an attentive audience, k Inviting questions > N ow I’ll try to answer any questions you m ay have * Are there any questions? ►Do you have any questions? To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ó n g g ì^ P D F b ò i GV Ngun Thanh Tü ok 234 - Nguyen Hong Anh M A in TESOL IN D E X 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 ' M y s e lf I n tr o d u c tio n T h e F ir s t D a y W en t T o S c h o o l M y F a m ily M y C h ild h o o d A D a y I n M y L ife T h e S u b je c t I L ik e dt* « ; W h at H a te D o in g T h in k in g O f Y o u r L ife ? A n U n fo r g e tta b le M e m o ry K«t ntw»? M y H o b b ie s c7o M a k in g F r ie n d s G o in g C a m p in g S u p e r m a r k e ts A B ig C ity O r T h e C o u n tr y sid e ? T h e Im p o r ta n c e O f B r e a k fa s t F a st F o o d E n v ir o n m e n ta l P o llu tio n Q fj « V a c a tio n P la n s i i **» Your Biggest F e u s Xu life l L Jo I JP 5- O p tim is m /W

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2018, 13:10



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