06 friend and how to make friend

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06 friend and how to make friend

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FRIEND AND HOW TO MAKE FRIEND Friend a Meaning - a person you know well and like, and who is not usually a member of your family - a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself, and who will help and support you b Some kinds of freinds - Close childhood friend - Best friend - New friend - Family friend - Classmate, Teammate - Colleague or co-worker - Girlfriend or boyfriend Friendship You know the word "friendship" (Friendship) in English means what? In each of these letters contain meaning to create a beautiful friendship Fun: Is that so much of fun and friends will bring you in this life Respect: Always respect each friendships First on mutual respect and understanding that you respect their jhi also the respect you are yourself Interest: What happiness if you are interested friends Inquire cordial words, the lines short mail, full of the letters or just a phone call alone is enough to make a friendship Whether you both stay away from each other Because both know they're thinking about each other Eagerness: Warm, willing to help each other no matter what circumstances in life What a good life instead! Nicethings: Are all the good things we for each other Because there is such a new friendship can survive Dependability: Reliability, trust in creating a sustainable friendship Because friendship is no room for doubt where Share: Of course there is a shared joy and sadness in life Only by sharing new red thread is tied up this relationship Honest: The truth you need to There are honest with each other, understand each other, understanding each other is another new friend, okay Important: No one wants you lonely, you just watch j fin who your friends are an important part of life Present: Each of you is a gift that life has given you So why hesitate any longer, but not open heart to receive the gift! There are countless wonderful things and wonderful friendship that brings us "True friendship is beautiful, nothing great can define, describe, let us know how to respect and preserve the love sisters!" In Geoffrey Greif’s book Buddy System: Understanding Male Friendships, he identifies four categories of friendships: Must friend: a best friend, a member of your inner circle, a person you count on when something big happens in your life Trust friend: a friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you’re always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle; perhaps someone you’d like to be closer to, if you had the time or opportunity Rust friend: a person you’ve known for a long, long time; you’re probably not going to get any closer to that person, unless something changes, but a part of your life Just friends: a person you see — at a weekly poker game, at your child’s school — who is enjoyable company, but you have no desire to socialize outside a specific context or to get to know that person better I think it’s helpful to think about the different types of friends Even if you wouldn’t invite some people to your wedding, they can still add a sense of warmth and richness to your life Making friends in the US For the newcomer, America can be a lonely place at first This is partly due to the careerdriven and transitory nature of our society One's career may force one's family to move many times to many different locales Unlike more traditional cultures with strong extended family and longterm relationships, friendships are made and lost readily here Some might find Americans superficial and even selfish However, it is possible to make close friendships - it is just more difficult, depending on where you live Social relationships in the U.S., by and large, revolve around one's career and hobbies, one's religion and one's cultural background In the large cities and towns there are many opportunities to get involved in social and cultural activities, with a multitude of hobbyist clubs and associations catering to almost every interest: travelling, cooking, writing, dining out, sailing and watersports, etc If you love to read books or watch films, for example, there are a number of clubs in large cities catering to these interests If you like nature, you can join hiking clubs or environmental organizations Good ways to meet Americans include sports and athletic clubs, i.e tennis clubs, children's sports like Little League, joining the PTA at your children's school or volunteering at your children's school or church Learn the basic rules of these games Learning a sport like golf, tennis or even frisbee can be an excellent way to meet friends and strengthen relationships with business colleagues and clients Some ways international student can make frieds with Americans a It’s fine to be different You’re from a different country with a different culture Your habits may sometimes appear strange or weird to Americans, but don’t be embarrassed about being different Instead, talk about yourself and help others understand why you certain things and in ways you People will love you for who you are b Ask people to speak slowly and repeat If English is your second language, it can make finding and connecting with friends just a tad harder But no worries, the more you speak and engage, the quicker you will learn When you speak, make sure you speak slowly and distinct in your pronunciation so that others can understand you better Also, when you don’t understand something or if people are speaking to fast, make sure to let them know and ask questions c Don’t talk to home too much We get it, you’re homesick and want to share all new experiences with your family and friends from home But spending too much time on the phone or email with home will not only make your homesickness worse, you will also miss the chance to interact with fellow American students more Get busy and don’t miss out on your American college experience! d Pursue your hobbies and interests The best and most efficient way to bond with people is through group activities Check out your school’s clubs and organizations and get involved at your institution What you love doing?, what are your hobbies?, you play a certain sport?, you like singing, acting, or has it always been your dream to join a sorority or fraternity? Do it Sign up for what you enjoy doing or try something new You will be surrounded by like-minded people which will make it easier to bond e Be open minded Get out of your comfort zone International students tend to stick together and what they know and what they’re used to Try to something different, watch what American Students do, ask them if you can join them Meet them out for meals and try new foods Let them teach you about the culture and customs You’ll have a great time broadening your horizon while improving your English at the same time ... let them know and ask questions c Don’t talk to home too much We get it, you’re homesick and want to share all new experiences with your family and friends from home But spending too much time... make sure you speak slowly and distinct in your pronunciation so that others can understand you better Also, when you don’t understand something or if people are speaking to fast, make sure to. .. students tend to stick together and what they know and what they’re used to Try to something different, watch what American Students do, ask them if you can join them Meet them out for meals and try

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2018, 08:33

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