HANDBOOK OF ULTRAVIOLET METHODS by Robert G White National Aniline Division Allied Chemical Corporation Buffalo, New York PLENUM PRESS NEW YORK 1965 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 64-23240 ©1965 Plenum Press A Division of Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc 227 West 17th Street • New York, N Y 10011 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher Printed in the United States of America "I know very well how little reputation is to be got by writings which require neither genius nor learning, nor indeed any other talent, except a good memory or an exact journal." Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, Part IV, A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms, Chapter XII Contents Introduction Key to CODEN Nonstandard and Specialized Abbreviations 11 Abstracts to 204 15 Abstracts 205 to 405 51 Abstracts 436 to 602 89 Abstracts 663 to 875 129 Abstracts 876 to 1093 169 Abstracts 1094 to 1309 208 Abstracts 1310 to 1517 246 Abstracts 1518 to 1632 282 Index 305 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation vii Introduction This is a book that I wrote for myself It was started 16 years ago when my duties began to include the origination of ultraviolet spectrophotometric testing methods for products of interest to my company Painful and wasteful experiences of rediscovering someone else's analytical procedures soon led to my keeping notebooks and card files of published UV methods Many times since, these files have enabled me to avoid conducting lengthy experiments or making tedious literature searches When I decided to share them with others, I greatly expanded their scope to include clinical, biochemical, and pharmacological analysis, as well as other topics not normally part of either my responsibility or my interests This volume consists of more than 1600 references to analyses accomplished using UV absorption measurements, arranged alphabetically by senior author The book is compound-oriented; that is, it deals with materials, and most papers dealing primarily with instrumentation and techniques have been excluded Some of these items merely mention the subject treated Others are abstracts containing enough detail to permit use of the method without consulting the original article This book is intended, however, not merely to inform the reader and to grant him rapid access to the available literature, but to stimulate creativity by a quick review of the approaches others have taken to a problem similar to his own In this work, "UV" refers to the region 180-380 nm; occasional excursions outside these limits in either direction will be made without explanation or apology Fluorescence measurements are not included With but few exceptions, neither are photometric titrations or measurements made with nondispersive photometers The index is arranged by substance analyzed and substance determined Its lavish use of cross-referencing to trivial or generic names should help analysts having limited knowledge of organic chemical nomenclature Although a great debt is owed to the various abstract journals (particularly for many of the foreign language references), to save space only the pri- mary journal citations are given In general, these cover the period from 1940 through 1964 Although more than 265 different sources were used, coverage is neither comprehensive nor uniform Emphasis was placed on readily available English-language journals Two conventions are followed which will be new to some readers: The abbreviation nm (nanometer) is used instead of niM (millimicron) This is not a radical innovation Certain British and European journals have adopted it and it has been used in some recent publications by the U S National Bureau of Standards My intent is, obviously, to promote the elimination of a frequently used Greek letter which annoys thousands of technical typists and which has led to the use of such abominations as mu and mmu To save space, the ASTM CODEN are used for journal citations The CODEN are four-letter abbreviations for titles Originally proposed by Dr Charles Bishop, they were finally implemented by Dr L E Kuentzel and the Wyandotte-ASTM Punched Card Project Each CODEN citation is followed by volume number, initial page number, and the final two digits of the year of publication Hence, Appl Spectry , 18, 158 (1964) becomes APSP-18-158-64 When the year of publication is the only appropriate temporal citation, it appears first, e.g , CHIN-1962-1501 Should a single item cover separate papers by the same author (s) in the same volume of the same journal, the two page citations are separated by a comma, as ARKE-11-129, 151-57 If the number of the journal is thought to be needed, it is placed in parentheses after the volume (or year) listing KTTM-1959(12)-46 The key to the CODEN used follows this introduction and is presented with the kind permission of the American Society for Testing and Materials Others have also been kind and particular thanks are due my employer, National Aniline Division of Allied Chemical Corp., whose library at Buffalo was my mainstay, and my wife, Ann, who did some of the tedious chores that the writing of this sort of book engenders R G W Orchard Park, N Y ,February, 1965 Key to CODEN The following CODEN are taken from the ASTM CODEN FOR PERIODICAL TITLES, STP 329, * and are reprinted with permission of the American Society for Testing and Materials AAQA ABBI ABCL ACAC ACAS ACJL ACSA ACVI ADCS ADRE AEPP AERR AFEC AFEF AHBA AIHO AJAC AJCP AMBR AMIH AMJP ANAL ANBC ANCE ANCH ANCR ANTB ANTC APCH APFR APHG APIN APJU APPH Anales de Ia Asociacion Quimica Argentina Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Annales de Biologie Clinique (Paris) Analytica Chimica Acta Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Annalen der Chemie, Justus Liebigs Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Vitaminologica Advances in Chemistry Series American Dyestuff Reporter Archiv fur Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, Naunyn-Schmiedebergf s Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Great Britain), Reports Annales des Falsifications et de !'Expertise Chimique Annales des Falsifications et des Fraudes Archiv fiir Hygiene und Bakteriologie Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine Australian Journal of Applied Science American Journal of Clinical Pathology American Brewer A M A Archives of Industrial Health American Journal of Pharmacy Analyst, The Analytical Biochemistry Angewandte Chemie Analytical Chemistry Annali di Chimica (Rome) Antibiotiki Antibiotics & Chemotherapy Advances in Protein Chemistry Annales Pharmaceutiques Frangaises Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Acta Pharmaceutica Internationalia Acta Pharmaceutica Jugoslavica Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica * Available from American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at $20.00 list, $16.00 to ASTM Members APSP APTO ARBI ARKE ARPM ARSQ Applied Spectroscopy Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica Archives of Biochemistry Arkiv for Kemi Archiv der Pharmazie Anales de Ia Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica (Madrid), Serie B-Quimica ARTL Annual Report of Takamine Laboratory (Takamine Kenkyusho Nempo) ARZN Arzneimittel-Forschung: Drug Research ASAG Annali della Sperimentazione Agraria (Rome) ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists Proceedings, Annual Meeting ASTB ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) Bulletin ATFW Archiv fiir Toxikologie, Fuehner-Wieland's Sammlung von Vergiftungsfallen BBAC Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BCFA Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico BCSJ Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan BESW Bulletin du Centre Beige d'fitude et de Documentation des Eaux (Liege) BIAL Biochimica Applicata BICR Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University BIJO Biochemical Journal BIOH Biokhimiya BIZE Biochemische Zeitschrift BNFC Bulletin of the National Formulary Committee BNSK Bunseki Kagaku (Japan Analyst) BNUN Bulletin of Narcotics, United Nations, Department of Social Affairs BOLA Bollettino dei Laboratori Chimici Provinciali (Bologna) BOQP Boletui del Colegio de Quimicos de Puerto Rico BRUW Brauwelt Zeitschrift fiir das Gesamte Brauwesen, Ausgabe B BRWS Brauwissenschaft Monatliche Beilage zur Ausgabe B der Zeitschrift, MDie Brauwelt" BSCF Bulletin de Ia Societe Chimique de France BSCI Bulletin de Ia SocietS de Chimie Biologique BSIB Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale CANW Chemia Analityczna (Warsaw) CCAC Croatica Chemica Acta CCAT Clinica Chimica Acta CCCC Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications CCRN Chimica Chronika (Athens, Greece) CDAP Conserve e Derivati Agrumari (Palermo) CHAL Chimie Analytique CHAN Chemist-Analyst CHIM Chimia (Switzerland) CHIN CHLS CHPU CHTE CHWE CHZV CINM CJBP CJCH CKFR CLCE CLCH CNJN CORE CRAB CRAF DAZE DFSO DIAS DIPH DLRU DRST DTFA EBCP ESKH EXPE FMCA FORE FRPP FRPS FSAS GHDB GIBI GRAC HCAC HOLZ HUAC IANF IENA INST IJPA IVFA Chemistry & Industry (London) Chemicke Listy Chemick^ Prumysl Chemische Technik, Die (Berlin) Chemisch Weekblad Chemicke Zvesti Chimica e 1'Industria, La (Milan) Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology Canadian Journal of Chemistry Ceskoslovenska Farmacie Casopis L^kdru Ceskych Clinical Chemistry Canadian Journal of Animal Science Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de lTAcademie des Sciences Comptes Rendus de l f Academic Bulgare des Sciences Comptes Rendus des Seances de I'Academie d!Agriculture de France Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Discussions of the Faraday Society Dissertation Abstracts Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau Drug Standards Dansk Tidsskrift for Farmaci European Brewery Convention, Proceedings of the Congress Eisei Shikensho Hokoku (Bulletin of the National Institute of Hygienic Sciences) Experientia Farm&cia Food Research Farmaco, Il (Pavia), Edizione Pratica Farmaco, Il (Pavia), Edizione Scientifica Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel Glasnik Hemiskog Drustva, Beograd: Bulletin de Ia Societe Chimique Belgrade Giornale di Biochimica Grasas y Aceites (Seville, Spain) Helvetica Chimica Acta Holzforschung Hungarica Acta Chimica Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), Seriya Fizicheskaya (Physical Series) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition Instruments Indian Journal of Pharmacy Izvestiya Vostochniykh Filialov Akademii Nauk SSSR (Bulletin of the Eastern Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) IVUP JACH JACS JACU JAFC JALC JAOC JAPM JAPN JAWW JBCH JCEM JCPS JCSC JCSJ JCSO JDSC JEEN JEAC JFDS JFSC JINB JLCM JOAC JOCR JPCC JPET JPIC JPMS JPPM JPPS JSCI JSDC JSIB JSIC JSID JSIR JSLT JSRT JWPF KGKY Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii (Bulletin of the Institutions of Higher Education), Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya (Food Technology) Journal of Applied Chemistry (London) Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of Analytical Chemistry of the USSR (English translation of Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of the American Leather Chemists1 Association Journal of the American Oil Chemists1 Society Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition Journal of Applied Polymer Science Journal of the American Water Works Association Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Journal of Chemical Physics Journal of Colloid Science Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan, Pure Chemistry Section (Nippon Kagaku Zasshi) Journal of the Chemical Society Journal of Dairy Science Journal of Economic Entomology Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Journal of Food Science Journal of Forensic Sciences Journal of the Institute of Brewing Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists Journal of Chromatography Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Journal and Proceedings of the Institution of Chemists (India) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Supplement Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (London) Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), Section B Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), Section C Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), Section D Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India) Journal of the Society of Leather Trades1 Chemists Journal of the Scientific Research Institute (Tokyo) Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Koatsu Gasu Kyokaishi (Journal of the Society of High Pressure Gas Industry) 417 Index terms Links Theobromine, detn (Continued) in presence of caffeine 429 in chocolate cake 260 in cocoa 260 429 in drug mixt 926 930 1313 1313 1403 79 80 224 238 686 484 931 677 1268 Theobromine calcium salicylate, detn 1007 1267 121 Theophylline, detn in capsules, powders, etc 293 in drug mixt 635 in presence of mersalyl acid 928 Thiamine (vitamin B1), detn in mixt using pH shift 380 Thiamine disulfide, detn 686 Thiamine-2-hydroxyethylsulfide, detn 686 Thiamine thiazolone, detn 1617 Thiazinamium methyl sulfate, identfn 405 Thiazoles, aliphatic and aromatic, in rubber 834 Thiazoline-2-thiol, see: 2-Mercapto thiazoline N’-2-Thiazolylsulfanilamide, see: Sulfathiazole Thiazomide, see: Sulfathiazole 4,4’-Thio-bis-(6-tert-butyl-m-cresol), detn 1356 1373 1558 2,2’-Thio-bis-(4,6-dichlorophenol), detn 284 1176 964 1175 Thiobarbiturates, detn 132 Thiocarbonate, ref to spectra 799 Thiochrome, detn Thiodan, detn 1617 156 Thiodiphenylamine, see: Phenothiazine Thiofide, see: Benzothiazyldisulfide Thiol compounds, detn 54 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 55 418 Index terms Links Thiol ester, detn 1093 Thiol groups, detn 1228 Thiol-lactones, anal 217 Thiolignins, phenols in 435 Thionex, see: Tetramethylthiuramsulfide Thiopental, detn 1123 Thiophenes, detn 1344 Thiophenol, see: Benzenethiol Thiophenols, estimation 1063 Thiopropazate, detn 649 Thioridazine hydrochloride, identfn 405 Thiosulfate, ref to spectrum 218 Thiotax, see: Mercaptobenzothiazole Thiothiamine, detn 1617 Thiurad, see: Tetramethylthiuram disulfide Thiuram disulfides, detn in rubber 655 830 Thiuram M, see: Tetramethylthiuram disulfide Thorium, detn 343 Threonine, detn 472 Thrombin, detn 697 Thulium, ref to spectrum 1027 Thymine, detn 1293 Thymol-p-phenylbenzoate, std for vitamin A 1514 Thyroxine, detn 1034 Tibione, see: p-Acetylaminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone Tin, detn 718 Tissue, animal, anal 175 364 506 683 1192 1535 121 255 455 540 917 1405 1548 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 172 274 473 549 1059 1483 419 Index terms Titanium, detn Links 667 819 1276 441 1534 487 864 1534 1115 224 856 895 1058 1204 1397 Titanium dioxide, crystal form 820 Tobacco detection Cannabis sativa resin in 142 detn chlorogenic acid in 1109 detn nicotine in 82 1042 detn nornicotine in 535 detn scopoletin in 1605 Tobacco mosaic virus, detn purines in 1505 Tobacco mosaic virus nucleoprotein 1429 Tobacco smoke nicotine in 441 1170 phenols in 298 polycyclic hydrocarbons in 237 scopoletin in 1605 Tobias acid, see: 2-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid α-Tocopherol detn interference from 470 D-γ-Tocopherol, detn 1179 Tofranil, detn 364 Tolbutamide, detn in serum 149 Tollens distillates, anal 131 3-o-Toloxy-1,2-propanediol, detn 924 1363 Toluene detn 747 922 detn in air 176 475 detn in xylene 647 1477 Toluenedisulfonic acids, detn 254 Toluenesulfonamide isomers, anal 762 1390 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 1091 420 Index terms Links Toluenesulfonate detn in detergents spectral data Toluenesulfonic acids, detn 634 688 907 254 1165 1232 1544 40 Toluylene, see: Stilbene Torulin, see: Vitamin B1 Totaquine, anal 1393 Tranquilizers, see individual compounds 2,4,6-Triamino-s-triazine, see: Melamine Triazolopyrimidines, ref to spectra 253 Tribolium castaneum, detection of infestation by 448 Tributyl phosphite, detn Trichloroacetic acid, ref to spectrum 93 1008 Trichloroamine, detn 335 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, detn 344 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane, detn 646 993 Trichloroethylene, detn 128 171 Trichlorophenols 851 903 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, detn 555 1008 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic esters 1011 Triene, conjugated, detn, see: Fats and oils O,O,O-Triethylthiophosphate, detn Trifluralin, detn Trigonelline, detn 1349 684 1040 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoic acid, see: Gallic acid Trihydroxycholanic acids, see: Cholic acid Trihydroxyestrin, see: Estriol 5,7,4’-Trihydroxyisoflavone, detn 327 1,3,8-Trihydroxy-6-methylanthraquinone, see: Emodin Triiodide, detn 2,4,6-Triiodoresorcinol, ref to spectrum Triketocholanic acid 940 1196 1129 1587 892 1191 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 1130 421 Index terms Links Trimellitic acid interference from 467 ref to spectrum 122 Trimesic acid ref to spectrum 122 detn terephthalic acid in presence of 467 Trimethoxybenzoic acid 3,4,5-Trimethoxycinnamic acid, identfn 73 983 250 371 73 Trimethoxysalicylic acid, detn 250 Trimethylbenzenes 792 3,3,5-Trimethylcylclohexylmandelate, anal 1220 3,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexylphenylglyoxylate, detn 1220 Trimethylphosphine, ref to spectrum 601 Trimethylphoshpite, ref to spectrum 601 1098 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, see: Caffeine 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol, detn 721 See also: Picrates 2,4,6-Trinitroresorcinol, see: Styphnate 2,6,8-Trioxypurine, see: Uric acid Tripelennamine hydrochloride 185 Triphenylene, detn 779 Triphenylmethyl, detn 939 Triphenylphosphite, detn 93 Triphosphopyridine nucleotides, detn 1053 Tris(nonylated phenyl)phosphite, detn 186 Tritolyl phoshpate 1068 1076 Triton X-100 578 Trityl, detn 939 Tromexan, detn 804 1558 1225 Tropic acid tropine ester, see: Atropine Trypsin, detn 697 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 1160 422 Index terms Links Tryptophan detn 114 1497 interference from 506 ref to spectrum 106 Tryptophan metabolites, detn 181 Tubercidin, assay 203 Tubocurarine chloride, detn 194 553 509 1552 Tuex, see: Tetramethylthiuramdisulfide Tuinal, assay 782 Tung oil, anal 642 Tung oil varnish, salicylanilide in 1420 Tungsten, detn 135 Turkey red oil, interference by 528 Tyramine, estimation 112 862 1482 Tyrosine detn in cheese 1497 detn in presence of DOPA 1236 detn in presence of tryptophan estimation ref to spectrum 114 553 1482 106 509 U Unconjugated bile acids, detn 437 Unsaturation α, β-unsatd acids detn in polyethylene alcohols detn in terpenes 1334 269 1092 1111 See also: Fats and oils, Olefins, ets Uracil, detn 1293 Uranium, detn as azide complex as carbonate complex 456 1553 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 113 423 Index terms Links Uranium, detn (Continued) using cerium as chloride complex 947 1195 in cone HCl 231 in leach soln 815 in monazite 815 as sulfate complex 1553 as thiocyanate 285 1088 using tiron 1261 using tributylphosphate 1134 457 815 Urate: O2 oxidoreductase, see: Uricase Urea biuret in detn in urine ref to spectrum 1418 415 1427 Ureidoformamide, see: Biuret Urethane, detn in urine 415 Uric acid detn 454 751 1190 detn in biological fluids 119 1189 1306 415 1525 1562 detn in flour detn in fruit products detn in mixt 448 1458 34 detn in poultry excreta 228 detn in urine and/or serum 389 detn in water 454 prepn pfd uricase for ref in detn nucleic acids Uricase, pfd, preparation 1060 35 1060 Uridine, spectral data 159 Uridine phosphate, spectral data 159 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 424 Index terms Uridylic acid, detn Links 369 1620 1627 Urine acetanilide in 415 acetylisoniazid in 110 D, L-alanine in 415 p-aminobenzoic acid in 415 β-aminoisobutyric acid in 521 3-amino-2-methylpropionic acid in 521 4-aminosalicylic acid in 558 anthranilic acid in 181 N’,N’-anhydrobis-( β-hydroxyethyl)guanidine 471 barbiturates in 132 596 695 973 1223 1396 benemid in 1459 caffeine in 469 chlorpromazine in 649 corticosteroids in 225 creatine in 415 creatinine in p-di-n-propylsulf amylbenzoic acid in 1459 ethionamide in 138 guanidine in 415 N-(guanidinoformimidoylmorpholine) in 471 guinea pig, corticosteroids in 225 hippuric acid in 413 homogentisic acid in 3-hydroxykynurenine in 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymandelic acid in hypoxanthine in iminoethanophenanthrofurans in 1289 752 1253 752 1059 iodide in 636 isoniazid in 110 ketosteroids in 265 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 425 Index terms Links Urine (Continued) kynurenine in 181 1355 lysine in 372 415 mephenesin in 924 meprobamate in 415 metanephrine in 1167 3-methoxyadrenalin in 1167 3-methoxynoradrenalin in 1167 N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxyamide in 1194 morphine in 452 narcotic analgesics 1059 nitroquinoxalinols in 1444 norephedrine in nor metanephrine in 630 1167 perphenazine in 649 p-phenetidine in 1355 phenothiazine derivatives in 649 phenylpropanolamine in 630 probenecid in 1459 prochloroperazine in 649 promazine in 649 promethazine in in 649 sulfanilamide in 415 taurine in 1150 thalidomide in 569 thiopropazate in 649 tryptophan metabolites in 181 urea in 415 urethane in 415 uric acid in 389 xanthine in 752 Urocanic acid, detn Uronic acids, detn 1253 415 1570 99 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 501 1525 426 Index terms Links V Vanadate, ref to spectrum 218 Vanadium, detn in N HCl at 222 nm 1613 as molybdovanadic acid 1533 in ores 1536 as orthovanadate 562 as peroxyvanadic complex 1446 in steel 1536 of traces 561 1536 Vanillaldehyde, see: Vanillin Vannillic acid 428 Vanillil, interference by 1211 Vanillin, detection of adulterants in 1229 detn in presence of coumarin 427 detn in presence of ethylvanillin 436 detn in flavoring extracts 427 873 detn effect pH on 432 detn from 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymandelic acid detn in lignin oxidation products 873 436 453 1253 150 detn from 3-methoxyadrenalin 1167 detn from 3-methoxynoradrenalin 1167 detn effect of oxidation on 428 detn in presence of propenylguaethol 433 detn in presence of syringaldehyde 873 detn in presence of vanitrope 433 interference by coumarin, detection of 453 Vanitrope, detn 433 Vapor pressure, detn 668 Varnish, detn salicylanilide in 436 1253 1593 1593 1420 Vegetable oils, see: Fats and oils; also, individual names Veratridine, detn 1022 Veratrine, detn 1022 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 427 Index terms Links Veronal, see: Barbital Vinegar, detn glycerol in Vinyl acetate, detn impurities in 431 241 1090 242 1091 755 622 1151 1374 Vinylbenzene, see: Styrene Vinyl cyanide Vinylidene cyanide, detn 1481 Vinylon, ref to reflectance spectrum 1455 L-5-Vinyl-2-oxazolidinethione, detn 835 N-Vinylpyrrolidine, detn in polymer 1127 L-5-Vinyl-2-thiooxazolidone, detn 835 Vinyon, ref to reflectance spectrum 1455 Virus diseases, diagnosis 890 Viscose ref to spectra 799 xanthate S in 394 1163 Vitamin A assay 1281 correction formula for 214 974 1202 1573 detn in animal tissue 899 bias in, discussion of 485 in butter 354 in cheese 354 in cod-liver oil 313 criticism of Tardif’s method 577 destruction-by-irradiation method 1070 discussion of 1051 in fish-liver oil 65 313 899 1126 1626 1282 1440 1441 1440 1441 66 314 446 1348 272 604 1125 1440 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 428 Index terms Links Vitamin A (Continued) interference by vitamin E 470 irrelevant absorption in, reduction of 385 in Indian marine-fish liver oils 65 in margarine 498 989 in milk fat 354 in nutritious drinks 801 in oily soln in polyvitamin prepara- tions 910 1070 918 1245 1440 1441 61 62 576 1052 1281 1064 1124 271 1049 1210 264 855 582 1499 829 1137 1233 1575 422 582 1367 224 review of 1574 thymol-p-phenylbenzoate as std for 1514 Morton-Stubbs correction for solvent effect 1625 spectral data spectrophotometric neutralization anal stability Vitamin A1, detn 233 Vitamin A2, detn 233 Vitamin B1, see: Thiamine Vitamin B2, see: Riboflavin Vitamin B6, see: Pyridoxine Vitamin B12, see: Cyanocobalamine Vitamin B12a, see: Hydroxocobalamine Vitamin Bc, see: Folic acid Vitamin C, see: Ascorbic acid Vitamin D, detn 224 See also: Calciferol, Ergosterol Vitamin E detn This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 444 445 429 Index terms Links Vitamin E (Continued) in foods 1204 (α-tocopherol) in presence of gums and coatings 1058 (α-tocopherol) interference from oxidized fats nitrosation method for D-γ-tocopherol 895 1179 in polyvitamine preparations 224 (α-tocopherol) in unsaponifiable from oil 856 effect on vitamin A assay Vitamin F, detn 470 1141 “Vitamin G,” see: Vitamin B2 Vitamin K, detn 224 W Warburg’s test, ref to review Warfarin, detn 575 43 1535 304 beryllium in 994 1312 detn in acetic acid 210 868 Water 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in 25 fulvic acids in 1584 iodide in 1166 nitrate in 42 oxygen in 1130 phenolic-type compounds in 1028 polycyclic aromatics in 1546 sea-, beryllium in 994 uric acid in 841 waste, polycyclic aromatics in Wattle and wattle tannins 546 1269 1546 556 1248 Wax, paraffin, see: Paraffin wax Wax, wool, see: Lanolin Weed killers, see individual compounds Whale oil, detection of 1039 342 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 1249 430 Index terms Whiskey, detn cerium in Links 1199 See also: Spirits White coil, see: Mineral oil Wilfordine, anal 124 Wine antifermentatives in 6-butyl-3-propionylpyran-2,4-dione in 352 1181 glycerol in 972 malic acid in 971 persedon in 1192 phenethyl alcohol in sorbic acid in 732 58 965 Wine spirit, fusel oil in 370 Wood hydrolyzates, furfural in 889 Wood, lignin in 738 1415 Wood pulp lignin number of pentosans in 88 746 Woods, ligninsulfonates, from 1559 Wood smoke, detn phenols in 297 Wool, cysteine in 1629 Wool Violet 5BN, see: C.L Food Violet Wool-wax, see: Lanolin X Xanthate sulfur, detn 394 968 1163 Xanthine, detn 34 751 752 Xanthine spectrum as “optical filter” 36 647 1477 744 1508 m-Xylene, detn in methylbixin degradation products 979 p-Xylene, detn in m-xylene 486 Xylene isomers, detn 503 1157 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation 431 Index terms Links Xylenes absorption data 792 detn in air 129 176 475 634 688 907 Xylenesulfonate, detn in detergents Xylenesulfonic acid, detn 40 Xylenols 96 m-Xylidine-6-sulfonic acid, detn Xylose, detn Xylulose, stereospecific assay 1558 892 99 116 652 Y Yeast anal ribonulcleic acid from 369 ergosterol in 189 Yellows AB and OB, 2-naphthylamine in 302 Yohimbine, separation 592 Ytterbium, ref to spectrum 698 1307 597 598 1027 Z Zinc, detn using diethyldithiocarbamate 833 using EDTA 393 using 8-quinolinol Zinc-aluminum alloy, detn Cu in Zinc sulfate, detn Cu, Fe, Pb in 1014 1327 970 Zirconium detn 192 599 Fe in 1324 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation ... Science Journal of Economic Entomology Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Journal of Food Science Journal of Forensic Sciences Journal of the Institute of Brewing Journal of Laboratory and... Proceedings of the Institution of Chemists (India) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Supplement Journal of the Society of Chemical... Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists Journal of Chromatography Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental