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Date: Week: 24/8/2018 Period: 20/8 - THEME 1: NUMBERS Lesson (Part A, B) A Objective - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + remember number from zero to nine + ask and answer for someone’s phone number B Language content: Vocabulary: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Sentence pattern: What’s your phone number? It’s _ C Aids: -CD track 02- 05, flashcards, posters and power point D Techniques: PPP (Look, listen and repeat (Presentation); Point and say + Talk (Practice); Drills (Production)) E Procedure: Teacher’s activities I Warm-up: (5 mins) - Greet students and encourage them to introduce themselves - throw the ball and ask students to introduce * Classroom rules: - Show the English class rules on the screen and go over the rules Rules: Come to class on time Speak English in class Listen to teacher and others Raise your hand to talk No food and drink Don’t walk around without permission II New lesson Presentation (15 mins) * Set context: - hold the puppet (stick number on it) and A Students’ activities - Introduce themselves - Read the rules and give the teacher questions (if any) say: this is my friend, his name is Peter, Today is his birthday Can you guest how old he is? - Say: today we will study numbers * Teaching vocabulary - Arrange the flashcards on the board - Play audio and have students listen, repeat several times and point to the pictures in their books - Change the order of the flashcards, point them individually and have students say the words - correct pronunciation when needed Activity1 : “Heads up What’s missing?” - Show numbers on the board - Remove one by one picture and ask Ss “What’s missing?” One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard Activity 2: “Guessing” - T shows each picture with a number on TV but it is covered a part of picture - Ask Ss guess the number behind if they are right, get one point - T shows the others and ask other students to guess The team, which is a winner, has got more points * Set context - T shows the picture ( a teacher is holding a phone ) and ask Ss guess “What is in her hand?” Set context: Today is the first day of school I want to introduce my friend to you She is an English teacher Let’s listen to know what she will teach our class - Play the audio the 1st time for Ss to listen - Ask Ss to listen: “Now Let’s listen and follow what T says.” - Play the audio the 2st time for Ss to listen and read Activity 3: -Play audio again, demonstrate the activity using the example - Play audio for Ss listen and choose the answer - Play audio last one to check answer Listen, point and say - Look, guest and answer the question - Look at the board - Listen, repeat and point - Look and answer - Look at the TV - Raise their hands and answer., - Look and listen to the T Listen and read - Look at the picture and answer the questions - Listen to the audio - Listen to the T - Listen and read to the audio for the second time Listen and circle - Listen and look - Listen and circle - T shows the answer on the slide - Listen to the audio and check - Look and correct B Practice( 10 mins) - Show the picture on the TV and elicit structure from Ss - Show the structure on the TV What’s your phone number? It’s _ Activity 4: Practice the structure - Ask Ss to listen and repeat the structure - Ask Ss ask and answer each other - Ask Ss to practice with missing words - Call some closed pairs and opened pairs to practice Practice the structure - Listen to T C Production: (5 mins) Activity 5: Game “Who is faster?” - Divide the class into teams, pick up one S for each team coming to the front - Ask the class to read the sentence “What ‘s your phone number?” - T says “It’s ” ( about numbers) - T gives a star for the first right answer - Do it again *Living skill: tell sts that it is important to remember parent’s phone numbers If they get lost they will ask police or someone to call their parents Week: 24/8/2018 Period: 2+3 - Look at the TV - Listen and repeat - Practice in pair - Do the task - Practice - Listen to the teacher - Read the sentence aloud - Write answers on the board - Play the game Date: 20/8 - THEME 1: NUMBERS Lesson (Part C, D, E) + workbook A Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + sing a song + ask and answer for someone’s phone number B Language content: Vocabulary: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Sentence pattern: What’s your phone number? It’s _ C Aids: Flashcards, CD tracks 6-8, PowerPoint, workbook P 2-3 D Techniques: PPP (Look, listen and repeat (Presentation); Point and say + Talk (Practice); Drills (Production) E Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm up (5mins) Play the game: Snap the butterflies • Set the rule of the game T draws ten butterflies on the board and numbers (0-9) in each Divide class into teams and call one S from each team T says any number, S will snap one butterflies which has the correct number The S, who snaps the correct numbers first, gets point II New lesson (10mins) A Presentation Activity 1: Sing song - Tell Ss that they are going to sing a new song - Play the audio the 1st time for Ss to listen - Help Ss to practice the lyrics - Ask Ss to listen: “Now Let’s listen and sing together” - Play the audio the 2st time for Ss to sing along - Have Ss sing song in teams - Call some volunteer S to come to the front of the board and sing aloud - Give feedback B Practice( 10mins) *Activity 2: Pronunciation tip - Play the game Listen Sing along - Listen to T - Listen to the audio - Practice following T - Listen to T - Sing along - Practice in teams - Volunteer - Listen to the audio and repeat - Play the audio and focus on the pronunciation feature “ YOUR” * Practice: - T writes and says the sentences “What’s your phone number? It’s ” on the board - Ask Ss to open their book and introduce some people in part D: Nick, Lucy, Dan, Tony, Jill, Tom, Jane, Sam Then, shows their phone numbers - Work in pairs - Call one by one pair and ask Ask student A to point and ask and student B to answer - Swap roles and repeat - Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class - Give feedback C Production (10mins) Acticity 3: “Magic finger” - Divide class into pairs Have student A write ten numbers (0-9_ on student B’s back using their finger Student B writes the numbers down Then have the pair practice asking “What’s your phone number?” and answering “It’s _.” - - Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class Acticity 4: “Role play” -Ask sts to ask and answer about their parent’s phone number III Homework (1min) - Sing the song at home - Do workbook page Point, ask and answer - Look, listen and repeat - Point and listen - Point, ask and answer - Ask and answer - Listen to T Play the Magic finger” game - Work in pairs - Act - Write, ask and answer - role play work in pairs Date: 20/8 - Week: 24/8/2018 Period: THEME 1: NUMBERS Lesson (Part A, B) A Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask how old someone is B Language content: Vocabulary: ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty Sentence pattern: How old (is) (she)? (She’s) ten) years old C Aids: Flashcards, CD tracks 9-12, PowerPoint D Techniques: PPP (Look, listen and repeat (Presentation); Point and say + Talk (Practice); Drills (Production) E Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up (5mins) - Play the song “ How many” - Play “Who is faster” game? T prepares some phone numbers and shows on the TV T asks “What’s your phone number?” The Ss raise the hand and answer “It’s _” If they have correct answer they will get one star II New lesson A Presentation (12mins) * Teaching vocabulary - Show numbers from 10 to 20 on the TV one by one, click to the number with sound several times - Ask Ss to open their books, point to the pictures and repeat Activity 1: Game “ Who is right?” - Divide class into teams: teacher and class T writes numbers on the board Ask Ss repeat to the T if T says a true number which on the board And Ss keep silent if T says a wrong number If T or class says wrong number, it will be lost point - By the end, the team which loses all the point is loser * Set context - Show the picture on slide and ask Ss + How many people are there in the picture? + What is the T teaching? Set context: Today the T will teach the children the age But what, let’s look at the fourth pictutre What happened? Let’s listen to know more - Play the audio the 1st time for Ss to listen - Ask Ss to listen: “Now Let’s listen and circle the letter - Listen and sing follow - Look and answer Listen, point and say - Look, listen and repeat - Play game Listen and read: - Answer - Listen to the audio - Listen to the T - Listen to the audio for the second - Play the audio the 2st time for Ss to listen - Show the picture on the TV and elicit structure from Ss - Show the structure on the board How old (is) (she)? (She) (is) year(s) old -Play audio, demonstrate the activity using the example - Ask students listen and write the numbers - Afterwards, check answers as a whole class B Practice( 12mins) - Come back to the structure - Write the structure on the board How old (is) (she)? (She) (is) year(s) old Activity 2: Practice the structure - Ask Ss to listen and repeat the structure - Ask Ss to practice in teams - Ask Ss to practice with missing words - Call some closed pairs and opened pairs to practice Activity 3: Game “Get stars?” - Show the picture of a birthday cake on TV but this picture is covered a part of candle And T asks “How old (is) (she)?” - A student from each team has to guess (She) (is) _ years old - T shows all parts of birthday cake, the team which has the correct answer will have a star - Finally, the team which has more stars is winner C Production (5mins) Activity 4: Role play - Ask sts to draw a picture about their family member quickly, and write the numbers of their age on it - Ask Ss to work in pairs, one is Teacher and another is Student The teacher can point to each person and ask Student: + How old is your mum(she)? T ask + (She) (is) _ years old Sts answer time - Look , listen and repeat Listen and write the numbers - Listen to the audio - Listen and write - Check their answer 4.Practice the structure - Listen and repeat - Practice in teams - Practice - Volunteer Play game - Listen to T - Practice - Listen to T - Work in pairs - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class - Give comment V Homework (1min) - Learn the alphabet by heart - Practice the sentence patterns - Do workbook page ... numbers first, gets point II New lesson (10 mins) A Presentation Activity 1: Sing song - Tell Ss that they are going to sing a new song - Play the audio the 1st time for Ss to listen - Help Ss to... pairs - Act - Write, ask and answer - role play work in pairs Date: 20/8 - Week: 24/8/2 018 Period: THEME 1: NUMBERS Lesson (Part A, B) A Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able... have correct answer they will get one star II New lesson A Presentation (12 mins) * Teaching vocabulary - Show numbers from 10 to 20 on the TV one by one, click to the number with sound several times

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2018, 12:52



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