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1253 programmers guide to java SCJP certification, 3rd edition

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  • Contents

  • List of Figures

  • List of Tables

  • List of Examples

  • Foreword

  • Preface

  • 1 Basics of Java Programming

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1.2 Classes

      • Declaring Members: Fields and Methods

    • 1.3 Objects

      • Class Instantiation, Reference Values, and References

      • Object Aliases

    • 1.4 Instance Members

      • Invoking Methods

    • 1.5 Static Members

    • 1.6 Inheritance

    • 1.7 Aggregation

    • 1.8 Tenets of Java

    • Review Questions

    • 1.9 Java Programs

    • 1.10 Sample Java Application

      • Essential Elements of a Java Application

      • Compiling and Running an Application

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 2 Language Fundamentals

    • 2.1 Basic Language Elements

      • Lexical Tokens

      • Identifiers

      • Keywords

      • Literals

      • Integer Literals

      • Floating-Point Literals

      • Boolean Literals

      • Character Literals

      • String Literals

      • White Spaces

      • Comments

    • Review Questions

    • 2.2 Primitive Data Types

      • Integer Types

      • The char Type

      • The Floating-Point Types

      • The boolean Type

    • Review Questions

    • 2.3 Variable Declarations

      • Declaring and Initializing Variables

      • Reference Variables

    • 2.4 Initial Values for Variables

      • Default Values for Fields

      • Initializing Local Variables of Primitive Data Types

      • Initializing Local Reference Variables

      • Lifetime of Variables

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 3 Declarations

    • 3.1 Class Declarations

    • 3.2 JavaBeans Standard

      • Naming Patterns for Properties

      • Naming Patterns for the Event Model

    • 3.3 Method Declarations

      • Statements

      • Instance Methods and the Object Reference this

      • Method Overloading

    • 3.4 Constructors

      • The Default Constructor

      • Overloaded Constructors

    • Review Questions

    • 3.5 Enumerated Types

      • Declaring Typesafe Enums

      • Using Typesafe Enums

      • Declaring Enum Constructors and Members

      • Implicit Static Methods for Enum Types

      • Inherited Methods from the Enum Class

      • Extending Enum Types: Constant-Specific Class Bodies

      • Declaring Typesafe Enums Revisited

    • Review Questions

    • 3.6 Arrays

      • Declaring Array Variables

      • Constructing an Array

      • Initializing an Array

      • Using an Array

      • Anonymous Arrays

      • Multidimensional Arrays

    • Review Questions

    • 3.7 Parameter Passing

      • Passing Primitive Data Values

      • Passing Reference Values

      • Passing Arrays

      • Array Elements as Actual Parameters

      • final Parameters

    • 3.8 Variable Arity Methods

      • Calling a Varargs Method

      • Varargs and Non-Varargs Method Calls

    • 3.9 The main() Method

      • Program Arguments

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 4 Access Control

    • 4.1 Java Source File Structure

    • 4.2 Packages

      • Defining Packages

      • Using Packages

      • Compiling Code into Packages

      • Running Code from Packages

    • 4.3 Searching for Classes

    • 4.4 The JAR Utility

    • 4.5 System Properties

    • Review Questions

    • 4.6 Scope Rules

      • Class Scope for Members

      • Block Scope for Local Variables

    • 4.7 Accessibility Modifiers for Top-Level Type Declarations

    • 4.8 Other Modifiers for Classes

      • abstract Classes

      • final Classes

    • Review Questions

    • 4.9 Member Accessibility Modifiers

      • public Members

      • protected Members

      • Default Accessibility for Members

      • private Members

    • Review Questions

    • 4.10 Other Modifiers for Members

      • static Members

      • final Members

      • abstract Methods

      • synchronized Methods

      • native Methods

      • transient Fields

      • volatile Fields

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 5 Operators and Expressions

    • 5.1 Conversions

      • Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversions

      • Widening and Narrowing Reference Conversions

      • Boxing and Unboxing Conversions

      • Other Conversions

    • 5.2 Type Conversion Contexts

      • Assignment Context

      • Method Invocation Context

      • Casting Context of the Unary Type Cast Operator: (type)

      • Numeric Promotion Context

    • 5.3 Precedence and Associativity Rules for Operators

    • 5.4 Evaluation Order of Operands

      • Left-Hand Operand Evaluation First

      • Operand Evaluation before Operation Execution

      • Left to Right Evaluation of Argument Lists

    • 5.5 The Simple Assignment Operator =

      • Assigning Primitive Values

      • Assigning References

      • Multiple Assignments

      • Type Conversions in Assignment Context

    • Review Questions

    • 5.6 Arithmetic Operators: *, /, %, +, -

      • Arithmetic Operator Precedence and Associativity

      • Evaluation Order in Arithmetic Expressions

      • Range of Numeric Values

      • Unary Arithmetic Operators: -, +

      • Multiplicative Binary Operators: *, /, %

      • Additive Binary Operators: +, -

      • Numeric Promotions in Arithmetic Expressions

      • Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators: *=, /=, %=, +=, -=

    • Review Questions

    • 5.7 The Binary String Concatenation Operator +

    • 5.8 Variable Increment and Decrement Operators: ++, --

      • The Increment Operator ++

      • The Decrement Operator --

    • Review Questions

    • 5.9 Boolean Expressions

    • 5.10 Relational Operators: <, <=, >, >=

    • 5.11 Equality

      • Primitive Data Value Equality: ==, !=

      • Object Reference Equality: ==, !=

      • Object Value Equality

    • 5.12 Boolean Logical Operators: !, ^, &, |

      • Operand Evaluation for Boolean Logical Operators

      • Boolean Logical Compound Assignment Operators: &=, ^=, |=

    • 5.13 Conditional Operators: &&, ||

      • Short-Circuit Evaluation

    • Review Questions

    • 5.14 The Conditional Operator: ?:

    • 5.15 Other Operators: new, [], instanceof

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 6 Control Flow

    • 6.1 Overview of Control Flow Statements

    • 6.2 Selection Statements

      • The Simple if Statement

      • The if-else Statement

      • The switch Statement

    • Review Questions

    • 6.3 Iteration Statements

      • The while Statement

      • The do-while Statement

      • The for(;;) Statement

      • The for(:) Statement

    • 6.4 Transfer Statements

      • Labeled Statements

      • The break Statement

      • The continue Statement

      • The return Statement

    • Review Questions

    • 6.5 Stack-Based Execution and Exception Propagation

    • 6.6 Exception Types

      • The Exception Class

      • The RuntimeException Class

      • The Error Class

      • Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

      • Defining New Exceptions

    • 6.7 Exception Handling: try, catch, and finally

      • The try Block

      • The catch Block

      • The finally Block

    • 6.8 The throw Statement

    • 6.9 The throws Clause

    • Review Questions

    • 6.10 Assertions

      • The assert Statement and the AssertionError Class

      • Compiling Assertions

      • Runtime Enabling and Disabling of Assertions

      • Using Assertions

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 7 Object-Oriented Programming

    • 7.1 Single Implementation Inheritance

      • Inheritance Hierarchy

      • Relationships: is-a and has-a

      • The Supertype-Subtype Relationship

    • 7.2 Overriding Methods

      • Instance Method Overriding

      • Covariant return in Overriding Methods

      • Overriding vs. Overloading

    • 7.3 Hiding Members

      • Field Hiding

      • Static Method Hiding

    • 7.4 The Object Reference super

    • Review Questions

    • 7.5 Chaining Constructors Using this() and super()

      • The this() Constructor Call

      • The super() Constructor Call

    • Review Questions

    • 7.6 Interfaces

      • Defining Interfaces

      • Abstract Method Declarations

      • Implementing Interfaces

      • Extending Interfaces

      • Interface References

      • Constants in Interfaces

    • Review Questions

    • 7.7 Arrays and Subtyping

      • Arrays and Subtype Covariance

      • Array Store Check

    • 7.8 Reference Values and Conversions

    • 7.9 Reference Value Assignment Conversions

    • 7.10 Method Invocation Conversions Involving References

      • Overloaded Method Resolution

    • 7.11 Reference Casting and the instanceof Operator

      • The Cast Operator

      • The instanceof Operator

    • Review Questions

    • 7.12 Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Lookup

    • 7.13 Inheritance Versus Aggregation

    • 7.14 Basic Concepts in Object-Oriented Design

      • Encapsulation

      • Cohesion

      • Coupling

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 8 Nested Type Declarations

    • 8.1 Overview of Nested Type Declarations

    • 8.2 Static Member Types

      • Declaring and Using Static Member Types

      • Accessing Members in Enclosing Context

    • 8.3 Non-Static Member Classes

      • Instantiating Non-Static Member Classes

      • Accessing Members in Enclosing Context

    • Review Questions

    • 8.4 Local Classes

      • Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context

      • Instantiating Local Classes

    • 8.5 Anonymous Classes

      • Extending an Existing Class

      • Implementing an Interface

      • Instantiating Anonymous Classes

      • Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 9 Object Lifetime

    • 9.1 Garbage Collection

    • 9.2 Reachable Objects

    • 9.3 Facilitating Garbage Collection

    • 9.4 Object Finalization

    • 9.5 Finalizer Chaining

    • 9.6 Invoking Garbage Collection Programmatically

    • Review Questions

    • 9.7 Initializers

    • 9.8 Field Initializer Expressions

    • 9.9 Static Initializer Blocks

    • 9.10 Instance Initializer Blocks

    • 9.11 Constructing Initial Object State

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

  • 10 Fundamental Classes

    • 10.1 Overview of the java.lang Package

    • 10.2 The Object Class

    • Review Questions

    • 10.3 The Wrapper Classes

      • Common Wrapper Class Constructors

      • Common Wrapper Class Utility Methods

      • Numeric Wrapper Classes

      • The Character Class

      • The Boolean Class

    • Review Questions

    • 10.4 The String Class

      • Immutability

      • Creating and Initializing Strings

      • The CharSequence Interface

      • Reading Characters from a String

      • Comparing Strings

      • Character Case in a String

      • Concatenation of Strings

      • Searching for Characters and Substrings

      • Extracting Substrings

      • Converting Primitive Values and Objects to Strings

      • Formatting Values

      • Pattern Matching

    • Review Questions

    • 10.5 The StringBuilder and the StringBuffer Classes

      • Thread-Safety

      • Mutability

      • Constructing String Builders

      • Reading and Changing Characters in String Builders

      • Constructing Strings from String Builders

      • Appending, Inserting, and Deleting Characters in String Builders

      • Controlling String Builder Capacity

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 11 Files and Streams

    • 11.1 Input and Output

    • 11.2 The File Class

      • Querying the File System

      • File or Directory Existence

      • File and Directory Permissions

      • Listing Directory Entries

      • Creating New Files and Directories

      • Renaming Files and Directories

      • Deleting Files and Directories

    • 11.3 Byte Streams: Input Streams and Output Streams

      • File Streams

      • Filter Streams

      • Reading and Writing Binary Values

    • Review Questions

    • 11.4 Character Streams: Readers and Writers

      • Print Writers

      • Writing Text Files

      • Reading Text Files

      • Using Buffered Writers

      • Using Buffered Readers

      • The Standard Input, Output, and Error Streams

      • Comparison of Byte Streams and Character Streams

    • 11.5 The Console class

    • Review Questions

    • 11.6 Object Serialization

      • The ObjectOutputStream Class

      • The ObjectInputStream Class

      • Customizing Object Serialization

      • Serialization and Inheritance

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 12 Localization, Pattern Matching, and Formatting

    • 12.1 The java.util.Locale Class

    • 12.2 The java.util.Date Class

    • 12.3 The java.util.Calendar Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Calendar

      • Interoperability with the Date Class

      • Selected get and set Methods

      • Manipulating a Calendar

      • Comparing Calendars

    • 12.4 The java.text.DateFormat Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Date/Time Formatter

      • Formatting Dates

      • Parsing Strings to Date/Time

      • Managing the Calendar and the Number Formatter

    • 12.5 The java.text.NumberFormat Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Number Formatter

      • Formatting Numbers and Currency

      • Parsing Strings to Numbers

      • Specifying the Number of Digits

    • Review Questions

    • 12.6 String Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions

      • Regular Expression Fundamentals

      • Escaping Metacharacters

      • The java.util.regex.Pattern Class

      • The java.util.regex.Matcher Class

      • The java.util.Scanner Class

    • Review Questions

    • 12.7 Formatting Values

      • Overview

      • Defining Format Specifiers

      • Conversion Categories and Formatting Conversions

      • Selected Format Exceptions

      • Using the format() Method

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 13 Threads

    • 13.1 Multitasking

    • 13.2 Overview of Threads

    • 13.3 The Main Thread

    • 13.4 Thread Creation

      • Implementing the Runnable Interface

      • Extending the Thread Class

    • Review Questions

    • 13.5 Synchronization

      • Locks

      • Synchronized Methods

      • Synchronized Blocks

    • Review Questions

    • 13.6 Thread Transitions

      • Thread States

      • Thread Priorities

      • Thread Scheduler

      • Running and Yielding

      • Sleeping and Waking Up

      • Waiting and Notifying

      • Joining

      • Blocking for I/O

      • Thread Termination

      • Deadlocks

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 14 Generics

    • 14.1 Introducing Generics

    • 14.2 Generic Types and Parameterized Types

      • Generic Types

      • Parameterized Types

      • Generic Interfaces

      • Extending Generic Types

      • Raw Types and Unchecked Warnings

    • 14.3 Collections and Generics

    • 14.4 Wildcards

      • The Subtype Covariance Problem with Parameterized Types

      • Wildcard Types

      • Subtype Covariance: ? extends Type

      • Subtype Contravariance: ? super Type

      • Subtype Bivariance: ?

      • Subtype Invariance: Type

      • Some Restrictions on Wildcard Types

    • 14.5 Using References of Wildcard Parameterized Types

      • Generic Reference Assignment

      • Using Parameterized References to Call Set and Get Methods

    • 14.6 Bounded Type Parameters

      • Multiple Bounds

    • Review Questions

    • 14.7 Implementing a Simplified Generic Stack

    • 14.8 Generic Methods and Constructors

      • Generic Method Declaration

      • Calling Generic Methods

    • 14.9 Wildcard Capture

      • Capture Conversion

    • 14.10 Flexibility with Wildcard Parameterized Types

      • Nested Wildcards

      • Wildcard Parameterized Types as Formal Parameters

      • Flexible Comparisons with Wildcards

      • Recursive Bounds

    • 14.11 Type Erasure

      • Bridge Methods

    • 14.12 Implications for Overloading and Overriding

      • Method Signature

      • Implications for Overloading

      • Implications for Overriding

    • 14.13 Limitations and Restrictions on Generic Types

      • Reifiable Types

      • Implications for instanceof operator

      • Implications for Casting

      • Implications for Arrays

      • Implications for Varargs

      • Implications for Exception Handling

      • Implications for Nested Classes

      • Other Implications

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 15 Collections and Maps

    • 15.1 Comparing Objects

      • The equals() Method

      • The hashCode() Method

      • The Comparable<E> Interface

      • The Comparator<E> Interface

    • Review Questions

    • 15.2 The Java Collections Framework

      • Core Interfaces

      • Implementations

    • 15.3 Collections

      • Basic Operations

      • Bulk Operations

      • Iterators

      • Array Operations

    • Review Questions

    • 15.4 Sets

      • The HashSet<E> and LinkedHashSet<E> Classes

    • 15.5 The SortedSet<E> and NavigableSet<E> Interfaces

      • The SortedSet<E> Interface

      • The NavigableSet<E> Interface

      • The TreeSet<E> Class

    • 15.6 Lists

      • The ArrayList<E>, LinkedList<E>, and Vector<E> Classes

    • 15.7 Queues

      • The Queue<E> Interface

      • The PriorityQueue<E> and LinkedList<E> Classes

      • The Deque<E> Interface

      • The ArrayDeque<E> and LinkedList<E> Class

    • Review Questions

    • 15.8 Maps

      • Basic Operations

      • Bulk Operations

      • Collection Views

    • 15.9 Map Implementations

      • The HashMap<K,V>, LinkedHashMap<K,V>, and Hashtable<K,V> Classes

    • 15.10 The SortedMap<K,V> and NavigableMap<K,V> Interfaces

      • The SortedMap<K,V> Interface

      • The NavigableMap<K,V> Interface

      • The TreeMap<K,V> Class

    • Review Questions

    • 15.11 Working with Collections

      • Ordering Elements in Lists

      • Searching in Collections

      • Changing Elements in Collections

      • Sorting Arrays

      • Searching in Arrays

      • Creating List Views of Arrays

      • Miscellaneous Utility Methods in the Arrays Class

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • A: Taking the SCJP 1.6 Exam

    • A.1 Preparing for the Programmer Exam

    • A.2 Registering for the Exam

      • Obtaining an Exam Voucher

      • Signing Up for the Test

      • Contact Information

      • After Taking the Exam

    • A.3 How the Examination Is Conducted

      • The Testing Locations

      • Utilizing the Allotted Time

      • The Exam Program

    • A.4 The Questions

      • Types of Questions Asked

      • Types of Answers Expected

      • Topics Covered by the Questions

    • A.5 Moving on to Other Java Technology Exams

  • B: Objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Exam

  • C: Objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Upgrade Exam

  • D: Annotated Answers to Review Questions

  • E: Solutions to Programming Exercises

  • F: Mock Exam

  • G: Number Systems and Number Representation

    • G.1 Number Systems

      • Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Number System

      • Converting Binary Numbers to Decimals

      • Converting Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers to Decimals

    • G.2 Relationship between Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Numbers

    • G.3 Converting Decimals

      • Converting Decimals to Binary Numbers

      • Converting Decimals to Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers

    • G.4 Representing Integers

      • Calculating 2’s Complement

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Y

    • Z

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Ngày đăng: 11/07/2018, 16:16